Diana's Last Love (2023) #documentary #royalty #royalfamily #watchnow

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foreign [Music] 1981 The Waiting was over Buckingham Palace announced that Prince Charles and Lady Diana were engaged the ring was a sapphire surrounded by diamonds the couple looked happy and relaxed delighted like everyone else that a wedding would take place [Music] personally think that Diana fell in love with Prince Charles it's obvious to me that she was a young naive girl and she fell in love with the prince now if you watch that piece of footage when Prince Charles is asked are you in love sir Princess Diana's be me and I suppose in love [Music] me yes obviously means to very happy people from us congratulations and she looks at him as if to say what are you talking about don't you know what love is that was the problem from the beginning Charles didn't really know what love was [Applause] my Diana Francis take the Charles Philip Arthur George to my wedded husband from this day forward This Day Forward according to God's holy law according to God's very law I'm there too I give thee my trust [Music] put on I think after Harry was born the relationship seriously broke down it just hadn't worked out like both of them expected and even before the wedding Diana had serious doubts and so did Charles 's friends his close close friends warned him this is not going to work Charles this is she's too young she's too naive and you know you're an imaginary Prince she doesn't know you at all [Music] foreign [Music] you must remember that the princess lived within the British royal family for 15 years she knew exactly what went on within it she knew how things were done she was at times extraordinarily unhappy and her husband did nothing she felt very wretched much of the time but at the same time she was a mother and she had to maintain a brave face for her children she didn't want them to affect it by her evident distress at finding herself in a Loveless marriage with a husband who was carrying on an affair and not even bothering to hide it from her about her adulterous affair with Charles in 1989 while they were both attending a birthday celebration for Camilla's sister Annabelle Elliott foreign [Music] I think Diana was terrified it was a big party on on probably on three or four floors and she looked around where's Charles where's Charles and then she realized that he must be downstairs on the on the lower level in the sort of basement area and she went down there and there they were she just confronted Camilla and said you know don't I'm not stupid I know what's going on Diana was shaking fear and rage on the way back in the car she was just in hysterical tears and her Protection Officer Ken wolf was with her and said and he he confirms all this that she just sold all the way home and I don't think Charles said a word but I think that was the Turning Point really of the relationship because you know soon thereafter I think Dinah had then given up any hope of a reconciliation but I suppose you know Donna wasn't stupid and um she thought well look you know I just I'll go and see what this is like because they would be people that that she was completely unassociated with these weren't her friends these were all friends of Camilla's so you know if you try and put yourself in that position would you go to a party when you didn't like any of them so there had to be a resonantra here I guess and I think Dinah wanted to see for herself [Music] she spoke candidly about her divorce and hardships on television especially her battles with bulimia and depression something the Royals had never done before you inflicted upon yourself because your self-esteem was still low up and you don't think you're worthy or valuable you fill your stomach up four or five times a day some some do it more and it gives you a feeling of comfort it's like having a pair of arms around you but it's temporarily temporary then you you were discussed it at the bloatedness of your stomach and then you bring it all up again the only secret Diana ever kept from me was the Martin beshear interview for Panorama I was sent home on a Sunday afternoon strange I thought why would she be sending me home go and spend some time with your family I'm doing nothing this afternoon don't worry about me the next morning I came to work I noticed all the furniture had been moved why have you moved the furniture is not in the same place um I had a dance class I had to move the furniture out of the way just so that we could exercise strange very strange she avoided me for the next two days never spoke to me and then she told me that she made a recording with Martin beshear for panorama what have you said well I just put the record straight she said I think every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path and I think it's the strength that causes the confusion and the fear why is she strong where does she get it from where is she taking it where is she going to use it something like 31 million people stopped in their tracks on that Monday night and couldn't believe what they were seeing the Princess of Wales bearing her heart on National Television we couldn't take our eyes away from it we couldn't believe what we were hearing do you think Mrs Parker Bowles was a factor in the breakdown of your marriage well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded although this kind of criticism was unheard of the public embraced it as a breath of fresh air [Music] there was much speculation that Princess Diana had been murdered when she passed away on August 31st 1997 in a somewhat unusual manner conspiracy theorists said she had been permanently silenced [Music] in the summer of 92 a recording of Diana speaking to one of her friends who actually was Her Lover James gilby appeared in one of the newspapers the transcript of this recording was unbelievable crossword [Music] [Music] she absolutely it was an extraordinary extraordinary explosive moment and really there was very little that the queen could do after that [Music] the queen realized that this this couldn't go on because it was actually it was taking up all the news and there were important things happening the monarchy has no power they only have influence and and at this moment it was their shenanigans that were making the news which is completely wrong and she was actually she was very concerned about the institution of the monarchy with all the scandal going on she thought there's only one thing to do and the queen is head of the church and the last thing she wants is a divorce and so she she must have thought about it very very carefully and and decided that that was the only way forward so she basically ordered them to divorce after her divorce Diana retained the double apartment on the north side of Kensington Palace that she had shared with Charles she also moved her offices to Kensington Palace but was permitted to use the state apartments at St James's Palace Diana was also offered security by the Metropolitan police's royalty protection Group which she benefited from while traveling with her sons however she refused it in the final years of her life to distance herself from the Royal Family yeah so in this discussion you know I I said look there's only one piece of advice that I could give and um and that's look whilst our security and was having us around you has sometimes being invasive and I accept that we we've allowed you some privacy and you know we've had fun at the same time and you know that's how it is so I don't know what you're going to do but look whatever you do what do you you know you work anywhere in the world another country you will always be Diana [Music] that's sadly she she didn't listen and I think that that that decision on her part ultimately led to her tragic death in Paris in 1997. and there's only one person that in my view that that could have changed those course of events you know how to imagine the queen insisted that Diana retained that security then I'm convinced that her death would never Diana had gone to see a friend's spouse who was being treated for surgery problems at the Royal Brompton Hospital in September 1995. when she was there she met haznat Khan a cardiac surgeon and immediately fell in love with him towards the end of her life of course she found her soulmate her soul mate was hasnat Khan hasnat Khan had been the princess's companion for over two years nobody knew about hasna Khan that was not played out on the world stage I was the one that went out with my car brought people back to Kingston Palace in the back seat of my car underneath a blanket just to give the princess some love all she was ever looking for was to be loved she used to say to me all I ever want for is to someone a man to put their arms around me and say I love you that's not too much to ask is it and that's what she was searching for Diana when she came to Pakistan this was a country that she had fond memories of wasn't it yes I think he enjoyed it her time here um she really liked the day she spent here I think and in fact Diana introduced William and Harry to hasnat Khan because in the princess's eyes haznop was the man she was going to marry so better the boys get used to him but he was very very worried that the the Press would get hold of it and he couldn't deal with that Diana and Dodie met long before 1997. they met at various events film premiers at the polo at the horse show the sort of places that people of their kind would meet at when they actually fell in love in the summer of 1997. they were already friends and then of course they were together in the south of France and a relationship which was already established became a deeper and closer relationship and when they came back to London they'd already made arrangements to get in touch with each other they met and they started seeing each other and it all went on from there conspiracy theory white theater of Muhammad Al fired himself but al-fayed attempted to preserve a lasting impression of his version of the relationship between his late son and Diana in the aftermath of the crash Muhammad created a shrine for the couple in the basement of Harrod's Department Store the engagement ring Dodie supposedly gave Diana the day before their deaths was displayed in an acrylic pyramid in front of the pictures Muhammad has insisted that the British secret service killed Dodie and Diana Dodie was Muslim and going to Wed the mother of a future king of England the implication being that Muhammad was confident that Diana was carrying his son's child at the time of her death Diana's closest confidants in her last years did not need an inquest to know the absurdity of our fired's claims she was neither pregnant nor planning to marry al-fayed she was in fact still madly in love with haznat oh she was still adored and a lucrative subject for editors Diana had overstayed her welcome in the British media she could do no wrong when she was married to Charles and afterwards when he was held responsible for the dissolution of the marriage in the Years following Diana was accused of twisting the story too much in her favor and lying on several counts [Music] foreign scrutiny and ridicule were a small price to divert attention away from her romance with haznat however his schedule began to frustrate Diana who would call multiple times when Khan was in surgery leaving messages under false names such as Dr Armani her late night visits made Hospital administrators worry about press intrusion the best thing that I thought we could do is stop reading about it and if I would read something and that would be contradictory to the events or the reality then obviously you get upset has not realized he could not facilitate such relations he said that the hospital had started getting a bit upset by the disruption caused by Diana's visits it was becoming a security issue Diana had never experienced a normal life before her engagement to Charles she was a member of One of England's most fabled aristocratic families well Princess Diana was the daughter of an Earl her father was Lord Spencer and he was later by count all throughout they had a house on the Sandringham estate and then when Diana's grandfather died they moved to the family stately home althrop and the Spencer family were quite an ancient aristocratic family and Diana was very proud of her heritage I mean they were actually probably grander than the Royal Family well Diana Spencer as she was probably one of the most insecure people I'd ever met she was also a real mixture being completely naive and yet worldly wise she was always different so she was always fascinating Diana discussed marriage with haznat she told him she wanted to have a daughter with him she went as far as to ask her Butler pool to find someone who could discreetly marry them when hasnat found out he said do you honestly think you can just bring a priest here and get married he thought the idea was ridiculous this was his Breaking Point [Music] I knew Dodie and he was probably one of the most Charming people you could ever meet and it's also rather cool an American accent beautifully dressed and he treated Diana like the princess she was nobody else had treated her like that with Hazmat Khan she was had to sort of hide him at the back of her car and they had to you know they basically ate in or if they went out she was indescribe but with dirty she she could show herself off I think she she liked him very much I don't know if she was in love with him but she was in love with the idea of him I think Diana wanted to get married again and she wanted to have another child again I think getting married again probably was a bit of a fantasy certainly getting married to the doctor that she was in love with was a fantasy because it would never have worked out it couldn't have worked for him but she did want to get married again very much so in a way I think she wanted to find someone that could work with her in a way that it was what she'd hoped for when she married Prince Charles on July 10 1997 the night before she went to Santa pay haznat stayed with her at Kensington Palace [Music] when Diana went to San Trope with Mr al-fired everything was fine between us hasnat told police investigating her death after a few days I felt something was wrong her mobile kept going on to answer phone when she returned home Diana met haznat in Battersea Park he recalled how she was not her usual self he told her he thought she had met someone else and it must be someone with a connection to Alpha Ed she denied there was anyone else they arranged to meet the following day at Kensington Palace it was during this meeting that Diana told hasnat it was over he recalls saying to her you are dead meaning her reputation was dead he said this because he was sure thatch was involved with Muhammad al-fayed's group and that was how he felt about anyone involved with them Diana and her companion Rosa Moncton took a cruise when they returned from Bosnia between August 15 and August 20 they traveled around the Greek Islands on moncton's Yacht for five days since it was such a small boat and nobody knew the Princess of Wales was on board Rosa claims that the media did not follow them while they were on their trip during the trip Diana told her friend that the relationship with haznat was over Dodie was going to give her a ring but she said it was going firmly on her right hand Diana's friend said that the relationship had broken down because of Diana's frustration with haznat he wouldn't agree to marry her or even take the relationship public Dodie was designed to make him jealous on 20th of August Diana arrives in the French Riviera it is here where the photographs that were shown across the world were taken the clear message Diana was in love and this time for real she spent nine days with Dodie on his father's yacht foreign [Music] the couple land in Paris from his window fired immediately spotted the paparazzi as soon as the doors opened cameras began clicking the number of photographers and their aggressiveness would increase as the day progressed [Music] they arrived at the Ritz hotel and shortly after Dodie ventured to riposi Jewelers where he picked out two rings that would be delivered to the Imperial Suite [Music] they exited the hotel around 7pm and were driven to the fire at residence near the Arc de Triomphe photographers were waiting at the building's front door when they arrived fired fumed there was an ugly shoving match as soon as he was inside fired announced his plan to propose to his Butler the ring was placed on the nightstand in his bedroom he ensured they had several bottles of Dom Perignon on ice for the big event photographers swarmed into Shea Benoit the first restaurant they visited that evening [Music] the hotel's front entrance they headed to its lesbadour restaurant at 9 50 pm [Music] Trevor Reese Jones Diana's bodyguard and fired attempt to evade photographers by escaping the hotel through the rear entrance and returning to Fire's apartment close to the Arc de Triomphe Henry Paul a writ Security employee drives them in a black Mercedes s280 [Music] Paul had already consumed a scotch and a Beer by this time his blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit in France by more than three times during a September 1997 analysis of Paul's blood hair and spinal cord the antidepressant Prozac and the alcohol withdrawal medication teapradal were found after leaving The Rook on Bon and crossing the plaster of Concord they drove along call Loren and core Albert the embankment Rose along the right Bank of the river sen into the place de laoma underpass [Music] at 12 23 Paul lost control of the vehicle at the pontalama tunnel entrance the car struck the right-hand wall and swerved to the left at the two-lane carriageway before colliding head-on with the 13th pillar that supported the roof the vehicle was traveling at an estimated speed of 105 kilometers an hour this was over twice the tunnels 50 kilometer an hour limits it then spun and hit the stone wall of the tunnel backwards finally coming to a stop [Applause] Witnesses arriving shortly after the crash reported smoke they also said that motorcycle photographers had swarmed a Mercedes sedan before it entered the tunnel despite attempts to say hello Anna's injuries were too extensive and resuscitation attempts including internal cardiac massage were unsuccessful her heart had been displaced to the right side of the chest which tore the pulmonary vein and the pericardium Diana died at the hospital at approximately 4 AM Diana Princess of Wales has been seriously injured in a car accident in Paris we are getting one report from a news agency that the princess is suffering from concussion French radio is saying that the accident happened in Western Paris when the car she was traveling in collided with another vehicle in a tunnel the princess is reported to have been taken to hospital there is no news of her condition and as yet the report is unconfirmed but uh one wonders if one is being told the whole Stephen I have to interrupt there because within the last few moments the Press Association in Britain citing unnamed British sources has reported that Diana Princess of Wales has died this is not yet confirmed by any official source following external medical examinations by a French court-appointed medical expert the bodies of the Princess of Wales and Dodie al-fired were repatriated to England later that day the Princess of Wales body had been embalmed in Paris post-mortem examinations were carried out on the Princess of Wales and dodial fired at Hammersmith and Fulham mortuary on Sunday August 31st 1997. the cause of death for both was attributed to the catastrophic injuries sustained in the crash [Music] Mohammed al-fayed has claimed that the Princess of Wales could have been saved if she had been taken immediately to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment he contended that on route to pittier hospital the ambulance passed a hospital with adequate facilities and could have rendered emergency treatments the ambulance took almost two hours to arrive at the hospital therefore her chances of survival were minimal the first report said that she was not badly injured that one of the chasing Paparazzi a man called Roman rat opened the car door he actually put his hand on her neck to feel her pulse and spoke to her and said help is coming it's on its way he wouldn't have been talking to her unless she had been composed mentors as long as she'd been aware of what was going on [Music] thank you [Music] in this country in America scoop and shoot you scoop up the patient from the scene of the crash and you take them as fast as you can to the best equipped nearby emergency room in this case that did not happen it took an amazing hour and 40 minutes to get to a hospital four miles away and on the way there they drove past two other hospitals which could quite easily have treated her now any accident specialist trauma specialist will say the best place for a patient to be is in a hospital because only there would they have been able to detect fully the extent of her internal injuries why that wasn't done I mean even at the gates of the hospital they stopped for a number of minutes before taking her inside none of this makes sense [Music] said that Henry Paul the driver had drunk a scotch and one beer but the findings from the blood test said he was three times over the legal limit he was also on Prozac anti-apradol was the crash his fault [Music] when I first heard there'd been this appalling tragedy in Paris I naturally assumed that it had been a terrible accident but subsequently everything that happened made me believe that it wasn't an accident and that it was a conspiracy it's very hard to say that I didn't want to believe it but circumstances many many circumstances have persuaded me to that conclusion [Music] the London evening paper on Monday which was published at about 10 o'clock in the morning had a headline drunk as a skunk and claimed that the car was traveling at 120 miles an hour 180 kilometers an hour claimed that the speedometer was stuck at that speed claimed that the driver was three times over the legal limit at that stage on that Monday they hadn't even analyzed the blood samples allegedly taken from Henry Paul it was established at the British inquest that the car was only going 60 miles an hour of course that's fast but it's not 120 miles now and from then on everything that happened led me to believe that it was as the English jury eventually concluded unlawful killing and everything I saw during the years it took 10 years 10 years before there was an inquest in this country in Britain and everything I saw and everything I heard pointed to a cover-up and you only have to look at all the evidence the fact that all the cameras on the route to the crash were Switched Off unbelievable truly unbelievable the fact that the Fiat Uno which allegedly collided with the Mercedes sedan has never been found the fact that the man who could have been driving it a photographer called Anderson he was found dead inside his car allegedly he'd committed suicide but he had two holes in his head two shots well when you're committing suicide you don't need the second shot one is quite enough the French investigation carried out a major search for the Fiat Uno but they couldn't locate the car and after this length of time it's very unlikely that we shall do so the princess had written me a letter and in that letter she said the next few months are the most difficult in my life I fear that my husband is planning an accident in my car Dash head injuries in order that he can remarry now when you read those words a prophecy the princess made 10 months before she died that came true it's rather eerie so I have no idea whether people were listening people were following people were watching all I can believe is that no one would sign an order to murder the mother of the Future King of England it would have been most unwelcome to the British royal family and the British establishment for Diana the mother of the Future King to have married a Muslim had they had two beautiful children the newspapers would have been writing about Diana and Dodie and their children you would have had in effect in Britain an alternative royal family now that could not have been allowed it would not have been allowed because it would have taken the focus away from the house of Windsor they didn't know one whether she was pregnant two whether they were coming back to London on the Monday to announce an engagement then it would have been too late Diana rang one journalist who she trusted Richard Kay to say that she wanted to tell him something important well we don't know what that was it's very convenient for a lot of people that die in a Princess of Wales is no longer here had she lived she would have been playing a major part in the bringing up of her sons Prince William and Prince Harry when of course she was killed there was no question of that the princes were brought up within the royal family there was no dispute about it there couldn't be although in his eulogy at Westminster Abbey her brother Charles Spencer Earl Spencer made a very brilliant speech in which he referred and not obliquely quite openly to that problem she would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here Diana on your behalf we will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair and beyond that on behalf of your mother and sisters I pledge that we your blood family will do all we can to continue the imaginative and loving way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by Duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned his torch will always [Music] even though we try [Applause] the truth brings us to tears all our words cannot express the joy you've bought us through the years and it seems to me you've lived your life like a candle underwear never fading with the sunset when the rain set in footsteps will always follow you longing greenest here handles burned out did you know before that the romance of The Princess and Dodie are fired it was 30 days for beginning to end I spoke to her regularly when she was away have you seen haznet I said yes I went for a drink with him last night what does he think of me being here in the south of France with dode alfad well he's not too pleased has he seen the pictures in the papers yes he has because you know his routine you know every morning he goes to the corner shop and sees the Press you know that and I know that's what you're doing you're manipulating the world's media by having these pictures taken to show hasn't it who you're with that's what Diana was saying to hasnat Khan Through those pictures in the world's media and of course hasn't it was bothered and I didn't find out until recently that he called her the day before she died on her mobile phone he called her to try and patch up their relationship had she returned to London for I truly believe the romance between hasnat Khan and the princess would have been rekindled it was too strong it was too deep they were true soul mates [Music] this fresh controversy surrounding Princess Diana this lunchtime after newspaper reports linking her with Dodie fired the son of the Harrods boss Muhammad al-fayed she's said to have joined the 40 year old millionaire and a group of friends for a Mediterranean Cruise last weekend once again her judgments under scrutiny a day before she leaves for a controversial trip to Bosnia to campaign against landmines Caroline Kerr reports [Music] when are you coming home I'm coming home on Sunday Paul I'm just bored I'm on this boat it's freezing cold downstairs it's boiling hot on Deck [Music] I'm sending these pictures out and nobody's coming back to me the only way I can get home is via Paris because Tony has to go to Paris to do some business for his father foreign oh he's very spoiling he's given me a necklace some earrings he's given me a watch I said you know what's coming next don't you he's gonna give you a ring [Music] I didn't question Dodie about it but he did come to my office which was two doors away from his father's office in Harrods and he did Express to me the depth of his love for the princess he said to me Michael they'll never ever be another woman for me never [Music] that she was looking for a new Direction in her life at this time she talked endlessly of getting away from England mainly because of the treatment that she received with the hands of the newspapers [Music] conspiracy theory the Mercedes approached this town with Muhammad Al fired himself foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Royalty TV
Views: 2,345,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess diana, princess diana's last love, diana's last love, royal family, princess of wales, britsh monarchy, Dodi Fayed, princess diana's boyfriend, princess diana boyfriend at death, princess diana boyfriend dodi al fayed, princess diana's death, diana's death, charles and diana
Id: ayCcBWI910M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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