8 Strangest Playstation Controllers That Are Worse Than A Potato

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the various PlayStation controllers are absolute classics no matter which of the four PlayStation consoles you've got it'll have come with a great controller however some people can't resist messing with magic and today we're gonna tell you about some of the strangest controllers for the PlayStation let's face it it's probably not the strangest thing you've ever had in your hand if it's your first time visiting us be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with the gamer and ring that bell to become part of our notification squad so you never miss a video but before we get into some of these strange PlayStation controllers have you ever seen our friends at crafty hackers they could probably craft a controller of their very own using a variety of materials so check them out without further ado here are some of the strangest PlayStation controllers blue slime when the PlayStation 4 hits store shelves all the way back in 2013 gamers went wild they absolutely loved it too Dual Shock 4 controllers they were the latest in a line of great well-made and easy to use game pads which meant gamers love the feel of playing on their Sony devices if for some reason you didn't like the controller that came with the console it was ok you could get one of the many other officially licensed controllers however one company decided it was going to do something which while it looked kind of strange actually had some history Japanese peripheral maker Hori came up with something and on first glance it's the absolute weirdest thing Corey gave the world of gaming a blue slime shaped ps4 controller yes way back in November 2017 the company announced it was releasing this thing as well as being a very distinctive shade of blue it's got a face complete with a smiling red mouth you turn it upside down to play and it looks bulbous and weird it also costs the equivalent of $90 which seems like a lot but it turns out somebody must be a fan because it's actually the follow-up to a slime controller for the ps2 - about it presumably fans of the Dragon Quest franchise because the slime is a character from that game but it's only available in Japan however if you really dig the series then this is almost an essential purchase it's pretty uncomfortable to use though rez trance vibrator there are some games which are great but don't do anything that hasn't been done before there are other games which are pretty unique but end up with a whole bunch of games that rip them off then there are games that do something no other game does and are impossible the rip off one of those games is res a game which came with a bizarre controller this one is a little not safe for work so a fear of a sensitive disposition well you've been warned earmuffs kids this is a special controller designed to go with the game that's a musical rail shooter it's a pretty unusual game when you think about it it only does one thing vibrate in time with the music which makes up for as this soundtrack well sort of the idea behind res is that every shot you make adds to the games overall soundtrack so if you play it right you'll end up with a buildup of sound in music culminating in a massive crescendo you know it sounded awesome and it's never really been replicated this worked well with the ps2 s Rumble function but where it came into its own was when you factored in the vibrating controller you placed it on or near to you and it would Paulson buzz building up the energy tension and excitement however rumor has it it was use for other more adults purposes ones which it really wasn't meant for or was it you can't help but think that UGA and Sega could have come up with a better name for their peripheral Namco jog on a lot of the controllers we'll be looking at today look a heck of a lot different from the regular controllers you'll get out from the box when you buy your new Sony Playstation however there are some unusual weird and rare controllers that you might think we're the same as the ones you'd already own the next one definitely falls into this category at first glance the Namco jog con doesn't seem too different from a regular ps1 controller only it's black however look again and you'll see a weird round thing in the middle of it now when we first saw it we wondered what it was and why it was there it turns out it's something that'll end up giving your gaming a bit of speed and not a little boost back in 1998 when this controller was released Namco's big PlayStation 1 game was r4 Ridge Racer type 4 now as with all driving games are at least with driving games back then the question was always about how to recreate the experience of driving using an average joypad the jog con attempted to do that by literally putting a little wheel in the middle of their controller it looked pretty bad but the weirdest thing was it actually work well it wasn't perfect but it was good enough that there was a follow-up for the PS duel of sorts it turned out Namco's orig racer 5 was also compatible with this weird controller so people who had bought it for the ps1 and it of getting their money's worth wu-tang clan w gaming is a big business and it has been for many years bearing this in mind it makes a of sense that a whole range of people organizations and brands have tried to muscle in and grab their slice of the pie one of the weirdest crossovers between gaming and entertainment came back in the 1990s and involved one of the most iconic hip-hop collectives of all time yes wu-tang clan may not be anything to mess with censored for YouTube we think that's what they said but in 1999 they moved on from the world of rap to the world of gaming while the likes have entered the wu-tang and wu-tang forever may have been albums which put the likes of Method Man RZA jizz a Ghostface Killah and the rest up there in hip hop an thean wu-tang Shaolin style didn't quite do the same for fighting games in fact we don't wish to cast aspersions on everyone's favorite Staten Islanders but as far as gamers went it had a really cool soundtrack but not much else to be honest asking whoo tang to make a fighting game is like asking Capcom to spit some bars throw down a Resident Evil rap yo however what it did lead gamers with was this cool W controller oh it's actually really uncomfortable to use despite looking so awesome can it all be so simple well yes this was too simple lacking a vibration function and an analogue stick it ended up looking futuristic while being primitive and not in a good way Namco neg con after since the days of pac-man the idea of converting an arcade game into something you can play in the comfort of your own home has been the dream of video game makers some arcade boards have worked well and others worked not so well however the challenge has largely remained the same how do you take a game which quite often has its own set of specially designed controllers and make it playable using a regular controller enjoy bad it is a conundrum well you think Namco the people who gave us pac-man would be the absolute experts in this after all they were one of the first companies to hit big with their coin ups meaning they've got a big head start on most other firms the company also gave gamers a theoretical head start with a number of specially made peripherals so people can get the best out of their games one example is the Namco neg gone while at first glance it looks like a normal controller with some weird sense of capitalization it's not that simple you see inside this boxy handheld is an odd unique feature we can't think of anything else quite like it you see this controller has motion controls yes back in 1998 if you wanted to play the PlayStation port of cyber sled this was the way to go while it initially felt like you were wringing out a wet cloth into you'd end up getting used to the way twisting the controller would actually replicate steering a vehicle it looked a bit clunky but once you master it it really was the only way to play palmtop controller dancing games are a massive deal they're the sort of thing which can attract new gamers and even get people who otherwise wouldn't play video games to give them a go it's this sort of crossover which is absolute gold for developers if the games are made properly they can become a smash hit that only few other games could even come close to matching them however we have a question for you what if you really like dancing games but for some reason maybe you have a disability which prevents you from doing so or maybe you just really hate panting what have you just hate dancing or are terrible at it well someone came up with something which might quite literally change the game for you yes if you want your on-screen avatar to get down and funky without having to actually get down and funky yourself then these palmtop controllers are just the thing for a not so hardcore session of Dance Dance Revolution back in the late 90s this was the game that got people moving and grooving and you can do without having to get up from your seat and get onto the dance floor these little square things are designed to go on top of the palm of your hand hence the name and allow you to press the buttons which match up with the areas on the dance mat actually here's the thing this is basically a miniaturized version of a dance mat however the big ones made sense whereas these tiny ones are just a little bit weird we aren't saying it's a bad thing there's just something we wouldn't have thought about skateboard in some respects gaming is a funny thing while movie sequels are seldom better than the originals and music artists usually reach their peak at some point in their first five albums if there are out for that long gaming franchises usually get better and better part of this is down to an improvement in technology as with a bigger and better consoles come bigger and better games and part of it developers and designers honing in on what works and what could work however there are sadly some exceptions that prove the rule one of these is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series it was much better in the early years when the idea of a totally immersive skating game was fresh and pop punk was the hottest sound around you guys remember Goldfinger oh yeah actually does anyone remember skater die die die die die die anyway the games became gradually less popular and they started getting worse now desperate times call for desperate measures and in 2009 game makers Activision had a great idea inspired by the various we peripherals they decided PlayStation 3 gamers could become just like Tony Hawk by packaging the latest in the series Tony Hawk ride with their very own skateboard well well sort of it just didn't have any wheels but it was shaped just like a skateboard unfortunately that's where the comparison ended it was very hard to use broke with alarming regularity and make gamers furious about a franchise which at least had a lot of residual nostalgia going for it worst of all no one went around Ireland with a fridge or to beat the Moldovian soccer team at tennis oops our mistake that was Tony Hawk remember Tony Hawk is he still alive chainsaw survival-horror is a genre which has become one of the biggest in gaming over the last 20 years or so cynical as it may seem it sometimes feel like you can't move for gamers which take the player into a world of horror where there are limited resources and even fewer options despite a crowded market one series of games remains the king of this it's launched a series of films both live-action and animated but it's the Resident Evil franchise that has become iconic across the world and maintained a cap cons position as one of the great game developers while there is always going to be some debate on the matter we reckon that if you were to poll Resident Evil fans about their favorite game in the series number four would be mentioned the most out of all of them the ps2 era game from 2005 is a genuine classic and the opening level alone is enough to elevate it however while it was fun to try to rescue Ashley Graham from the clutches of loss illuminatus and they're sort of undead cronies lost ganado so using a regular controller peripheral maker's newbie tech really came into their own with the controllers they designed for the game it was shaped like a chainsaw but not just any chainsaw no it was shaped like the frightening weapon chainsaw man attacked you within the game totally gory but almost kind of cool well it was until you realize the controller was big uncomfortable and unwieldy so you ended up putting it back on the shelf and playing Resident Evil 4 with a normal controller instead and then just maybe scaring the hell out of your sister with it late at night you know whatever those were some really interesting controllers unlike anything we've ever seen which reminds us of our friends over a crafty hackers they're so crafty if you like crafts and DIY you should definitely check them out they have an amazing video where they show us some incredible hacks you could make with recycled objects they're making planet Earth happy - how about that make sure you check them out and leave them alike clicking corner to watch there you have it what's your favorite weird PlayStation controller did we leave any good ones out let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe to the gamer for more videos like this one thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 469,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0918, TheGamer, Sony, PlayStation, PS4, PS3, PS2, PS, sony playstation, playstation controller, ps4 controller, strangest console controllers, weirdest gaming facts, strangest gaming controller, playstation dualshock, dualshock, playstation facts you didnt know, playstation things you dont know, Strangest Playstation Controllers, worst controllers ever
Id: 8xO0zHxpawQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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