When You Don't Go Pro | Scott Gurosky | Ep 92

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[Music] welcome in to another edition of rick and bubba university the podcast uh this week we go back to kind of an expose format uh we go into the the life of somebody who's a part of the wrecking above a family uh today bubba we will dare to unpack uh the the person of scott the rock garage we have scott gorowski with us he's a friend of the show uh recently has done a a segment for us called what's eating scott grosski yes uh so scott welcome to wrecking ball university the podcast thank you glad to be here yeah this is uh you know a little standalone action a little long form uh we we we go and talk with someone kind of delve in anything that uh you know you don't want to talk about you just simply say i don't want to talk about that and we continue to ask you about it anyway sure so just be uh so let's rick we want to remind scott to try to because scott has such a deep voice yes i don't know that it'll clear the band pass of the uh the podcast is trying to reproduce our voice so scott has an extremely deep voice so if you're not hearing part of it you know it's probably on your end right you just need to pump the base up right and uh and that's the reason why those of you that watching on youtube we actually have uh what's scott saying come across closed captioning so you know i don't even know that bob i don't even know that bubba knows this i know we've talked about it i can't remember but you actually were listening to the show long before we knew each other i'm talking you're one of those and those of you that they're not from the part of the world where we all grew up or or spent time or the show started in alabama that we started in a smaller town that was about an hour north of birmingham and so in the early days if you were listening to the show you were you're part of a very small group of people it's almost like a little cult that we had somebody you know like you're almost got to say have you heard this show and and you discovered the show how so yeah i was back in the days of sand mountain sam oh yeah oh yeah emma sampson oh yeah okay a good friend of mine is driving down the road and he calls me and says hey he said there's these guys that have a radio show and he said they literally talk exactly like you do they say the same things they have the same quirks they're really funny guys i think you'll like like listen to them i said yeah man great you know how to get to them and that's how i tuned in so i mean i was way way way back you guys were really i mean honestly just getting started so for a long time i was just a listener you know yeah i see i didn't know that until you and i kind of became friends i actually called the show one time what yes i called the show back when don juan was on the show he actually answered the phone yeah i can't remember what the subject was but i did i mean i was oh my gosh 15 20 years did you get on i did and and because we were up the road for a ways the the reception in birmingham was very limited to the extreme northeast part of town it was sketchy yeah you just you had to catch a good morning to even be able to hear this that's right that's right so you you started listening then and then the show comes to birmingham and um and uh and i'm just going through your association with the show we'll get into kind of your story a little bit too but but so you and i if i remember right we were introduced to each other and our wives were introduced through michael adler is that accurate that's right but but i was the big love whisperer that's right chase mountain that's that that when i worked the nursery i was worried about that i was one of three people in the entire church of four thousand that could keep him from going crazy on sunday mornings i forgot all about i was always brought in to handle big love yeah oh no sunday mornings and yeah it must have been your deep tone i don't know or me squeezies alexa you're a pretty big guy so you're probably intimidating to a little bitty tight like well yeah i think he you know like a lot of kids bizarrely when when somebody actually acts authoritative it means business they usually do better oh he was a young he was i mean right yeah he's taller we we but yeah it was funny some kids just took two and i took to him so kind of started that with that but yeah adler had us overall for dinner one night and made that connection and that's how uh you and i met and then obviously you introduced me to bubba yeah so here's what's weird about that it's very similar to what the guy told you about the show so michael adler who is uh our very own eddie van adler's dad who's been on the show many times so we all went to the same church and he's the worship leader and we're sitting there one night i don't remember where it was we were having dinner or whatever and he said i have to introduce you to scott gorowski and i'm like okay why why so animate about that he said you two it's it's a crime that y'all are not friends he said i'm telling you he goes he goes out there there's people around both of you that really probably don't know what to do with you but you guys if i introduce you all for 10 minutes he goes y'all instantly click and shut everybody out and then he did it he was right yeah yes and you know how i think rick told me that he had met you and i don't remember exactly which quarterback you used the analogy of rick but you you said i think i think it was uh and you may correct me scott he said i met the guy who backs up reggie slack at auburn and i said uh is it the guy with a strange name that starts with a v or a g and you said it's the g one yeah that's right it wasn't that right i have the error right yeah that's the right arrow yeah yeah so so you you played uh every sport in the world i guess if you go back to your childhood yeah growing up i did sure did and was in the band at one time we learned i was and you talked about that on the show and played piano didn't have a choice but right yeah so so well i called these were my decisions i did participate yeah did you did you once you got to where you could make the piano decision on your own i noticed you didn't stick with it oh i was done the next day okay once it was your call yes but scott that's quite a transition going from band to quarterback at a at a fairly big school in birmingham alabama well it was a bizarre story how you end up having to march with the band briefly yes so we moved from i grew up in the western part of birmingham in hueytown the alabama game that's right folks very fortunate lived out there until i was 15. and so we had a junior high school 7 through 9. well in october november that year we moved to vestavia high school so now i go from the oldest grade ninth grade to now i'm the youngest freshman in a big school and my mom and dad were like yeah would certainly just transition you out of the band because that's what we did when we got there and the the guidance council was like no i mean that's a that's credit i mean we can't just stop doing it i'm like oh no oh no i mean so this is true i mean i was in i was terrible because i never planned on playing beyond ninth grade it was just something we did yeah so they had they had a band with what they call that what junior high yeah yeah so now i'm throwing them with real musicians or people who aspire to be real musicians and i'm the guy over there and what instrument was it it was drums but i mean i i was demoted to cowbell very soon right here's i mean they were really good players well i i it's just a different group okay and i'm playing three sports and they overlap football season's over praise god so we're in basketball but but i keep shop classes right across from the band room yeah so i have this really good friend of mine about foreign to vestavia he always wanted to walk me to class because i didn't know where i was going i'm like no i'm going there oh you go to shop i thought that's exactly where i'm going so i pulled it off to the extent i even missed the final exam for a baseball game okay we had a baseball game now you know i coach oh buddy so i tell my dad as we call him iron mike i said hey i said we've got a conflict here i've got my final exam which is a concert for the band and i've got a baseball game i need you to call school and he says that's not my problem that's your problem you just figure it out so i just lied so i just told the band director i said hey my brother's getting a scholarship to stanford which was true okay they're having a dinner for him which is not true right and i've got to go to that dinner and it was supposed to be an f so i go to the baseball game and the next morning announcements i don't know if i struck out five times whatever i made the announcements from the baseball game oh yeah oh boy and the guy at the band was like he was the vietcon of band guys he was just he was he was terrific he was he was very serious he was awesome but he was he was very serious i thought well i just failed him to him i felt bad right so he never said a word to me about that never ever he knew exactly was going on but i think this is why i didn't realize we had to play for graduation in our in in marching uniforms okay so if we get past the boots that i could barely get on right okay and the pants you've got this cowboy hat with tassels hanging off gosh we come rolling out and that's back when you graduated in football stadium oh yeah so i'm thinking well i i just kind of tilted cowboy head down down to the right because i thought from that distance none of the seniors you see me i knew some of the seniors i played ball with some of them right i didn't anticipate them marching past us to go up there and i hear this mumbling and i hear people saying girls keep on going and somebody goes that's gross and i look up and they just went nuts i bet you so the entire graduation nobody's paying attention they're all pointing me and i'm just tipping the hat long down there hitting that snare drum you know yeah and i walked it out and that's the last i uh that's the last of my of my band-aids so what grade was that that was ninth grade oh gosh at that time you were playing baseball yeah did you did you play in the paint did you play basketball i did i played i was a i was a pretty decent player yeah i played i played the played the four spot in basketball and um really really really enjoyed basketball i really did so but but it was football you know when i think about you know now that we've gotten to know each other and we've been you know the guys to me even though you definitely have the football mentality but you have that same mentality in the way you approach baseball and now you're telling me how much you love love basketball so we'll we'll come back we'll talk more about it but it was actually football that you took the next step in and i know i mean you know saying it on your behalf that you probably had the opportunity to play other sports in college as well but you made the choice for football which honestly and we all talk about this let's just be real that's the hardest road as far as i'm not talking about skill of game or even like i'm talking about just what what college football demands from you physically right versus basketball and baseball and and you you took football and and said that's where i'm going to the next level so i want to unpack that and we'll talk about that a little bit when we come back when ricky and bubba university the podcast continues all right we're back we're doing a little expose on rick and bubba university the podcast scott gorowski uh who has as you said bubba has a very exciting new segment on the big show during the week and what's eating scott gorowski um scott struggles to be straightforward and tell you how he really feels about things right but he's breaking through his shell yeah so we were talking about you you played sports you know as a kid like a lot of us did and you you you really were gifted at all three uh sports but then it came time for college and you were playing quarterback right at the high school uh you were i assume in the pitching rotation on baseball did you pitch or did you play position in baseball well i actually tore my arm up as a kid shockingly back in those days oh yeah we threw 200 pits a week and um you know so about by 13 i had about ran that thing out it didn't really hurt through a football but i really couldn't pitch so i played actually played middle infield in high school did you really yeah i would have put you over to one back well i was there until we needed a little help in the middle and i was the best option i wasn't probably a shortstop but that's what i ended up having to play my senior year and you played in uh one of the best baseball programs that our state has ever known uh and for a legend uh who also helped with the football team so you got to experience him in two places sammy dunn and uh and i know that that that program uh and and his legacy in your life has been uh profound so and and then you played basketball as well why football what made you click there well honestly my goal in life i i i didn't have a lot of academic goals but athletically my goal was i wanted to have a scholarship offer in all three sports that was my goal as a child i wanted to be able to have an option to play any sport i wanted to play in college i that that happened in football and baseball i had lots of opportunities more than i've ever than i would have ever dreamed honestly in football and baseball basketball i could have played college basketball at a small level i was not a division one college basketball player i got you okay um so who did you get offers from in football well i got offers from um i mean you know not to be uncle rico i mean i probably had 20. i mean i ended up narrowing it down because i because i played basketball yeah these official visits get complicated complicated and long yeah yeah and i didn't want to miss a lot of basketball so i narrowed it down to alabama auburn and florida state those are the three schools there's three pretty pretty big schools to get offers from yeah they were they were and you were the scrap book with all that i do actually it's pretty cool look at that yeah cause those coaches come to your house and my my brother loved that you know you got all those guys there but uh florida state you know dion was a sophomore at that time they were on the rise and um alabama's obviously alabama auburn which is where i ended up going i tell everybody i said you know they they were not far transitioned out of the wishbone right and i was the furthest thing from a wishbone quarterback i was just a chunker i told people when they told me they were going through 40 times a game i didn't know they were including warm-ups [Laughter] they never really they never really made that west coast transition right uh so the high school you played that didn't do a lot of that no we didn't throw around a lot of high school either we uh there was one game in high school my junior year i think i was i was two for three for 110 yards two touchdowns so you made it count exactly so so i mean you know i could not have asked for more opportunities i mean honestly uh i had every opportunity in the world i could whatever one and back then they at least sold the fact you could play both i mean florida state was an independent school and back then dion if you remember played football i also played for the new york yankees yeah he was so you could do that the problem that nobody really wanted to let you in on though is if you're a quarterback spring training is pretty important yeah yeah it's hard to break out of that so i was able to play both but not at the same time so how does the baseball coach work around that well that's what i'm saying was only after i left football that i went in oh i see what you're saying play baseball and yeah i got you ride to play you couldn't do them both at the same time no not if not so when did you decide to hang up the football cleats did you just did you see that you were not going to get the playing time you wanted and yeah i mean it kind of hung up on me the sport's a lot different day than it was then um you know if you remember tommy hotson from lsu right he was kind of he was the example everybody used the quintessential example of why you don't play freshman quarterbacks it's a big step from high school to the sec and so all all quarterbacks were redshirted tommy wasn't and by the time he was a senior he had kind of digressed people thought so he was kind of the poster child for why you read your quarterbacks i had i had not ever had failure in my life on the athletic field i'd had bad games but i just kept moving i succeeded in what i did well all of a sudden you go down to school and you're out playing for one year you don't play at all and i didn't handle it well i just was immature i didn't handle well i really believed that i was letting people down by not being on the field so the pressure i started putting on myself being on the team didn't mean a whole lot to me i wasn't there to get a jersey i was there to play and i was there to play the next level in my mind it was it was just a stepping stone and so as um there were lots of things that worked out that god worked through now in my life i can see to help orchestrate me not moving that forward not the least but i think they felt like they had a better quarterback to me um you always want to leave sports on your terms i didn't have that chance and that really bothered me for a lot of my life that i really wanted to say this or that i had injuries and that was a convenient excuse for but that's not the fact i did enter baseball beat up and banged up and what got me out of baseball was some decision that needed to be made where i needed to have multiple surgeries right now to continue and honestly my uh attitude and work ethic were not where they needed to be in my mind i was like it's just time to to get a degree and move on but i i really it's the hardest and worst transition i've ever made in my life getting out of sports yeah you know i think people don't full who haven't done that don't realize and and we've all been through it on some different level obviously you guys were a lot further than i were that i went but um it's kind of tough when you get in that habit of being on a team and playing and competing and and then all of a sudden you don't it it's really a tough transition and peyton manning said this the last year he's with the broncos you know he was he was in the bench and he came in because to make it hurt and he said the thing i learned this year is how to be a teammate which he said was very difficult i was not a good teammate i loved teammates i just didn't want to be one i wanted to be the guy and uh i had to learn a lot from that i just didn't handle it very well honestly i didn't do things well and as i found out later i'm not sure my body was ever built for it i mean i've had lots of problems physically yeah still but i mean i don't think i would have ever made it very far because i just don't think i would have ever sustained it but it was a very tough difficult time in my life for sure a lot of growing up and it really took decades literally after that to really kind of work myself through it because i felt like i'd let so many people down by not being a lot of people show up down at these schools especially as you see and you can see in their eyes first day the pads on they don't need to be there right it's just it's just over their heads right i never felt that way i felt very relaxed i felt like i could compete i did compete um it felt comfortable to me both baseball and football both those sports i felt like this is not not to be a step accepted so for not to happen the way you dream it as a kid right but i never had to face uh adversity like that i'd always um i think playing through some stuff had probably hurt me too i wasn't completely well but well enough to compete for sure and so i learned a lot and and things have changed a lot today and um i wouldn't be where i am and that's really not my story anymore that that used to be my story but just in my identity really and it's not that nice i had i had to learn that as well well how's that don't you think that was one of the things you were being taught this is not your identity yeah that's a tough lesson though when it's only been yours no that's it no it's a tough lesson i completely understand and they were there there were moments you know i've talked about this where you thought too well this is it this is this because you you touched on it and i tell this all the time i even having son who played and all this the biggest thing is you just nailed it when you get here you're going to know pretty quick whether you can compete or not and if it's if you know this is you hey just because i was really good at high school doesn't mean i can compete at this level because everybody out here was good in high school right you know and you'll know pretty quick so you had kind of overcome which i agree with you is the biggest step can i play with these people right so you kind of overcame that didn't didn't see that and now you think well then it's just like everything i've ever done exactly but now i'll just walk through the steps i always walk through and and and you really got close to where they were saying garagey this is going to be your opportunity and and then talk about what happened well i mean it's an interesting story uh we had about my true freshman year we had a quarterback getting some trouble and had to sit and i was already registered but i got called in i was actually out uh not not i was on campus but i wasn't at the um where i was with the players because i wasn't going to dress if we were playing uh it was mississippi state so i had called into a meeting with two other quarterbacks none of us are none of us have played well reggie had i guess the year before that there's me another another guy older than me and we get this game plan of hey our starting quarterback's going to be out and here's the game plan who was that dancing it was jeff berger oh yeah yeah i had to see it because of the hunting trip yeah there were lots of burger stores i'm not sure which one setting off this time but uh jeff and jeff helped me a lot down there as a quarterback but yeah so anyway i go from a week of preparation where i'm not i'm not preparing because i'm registered to a conversation of there's a chance um that you're gonna be playing tomorrow okay if things don't go the way we wanted to go early and i wa i i honestly don't know that that that reggie was on their radar or not for the future but he had a fantastic football game and i think that kind of set the table for him and gave them a lot of confidence in him um moving forward and so that began to kind of begin this journey that i went on got you know got knocked out a few times just had some bad breaks but you start looking back and you realize there really weren't breaks it was just it was just what was being done i remember going to speak at a church and i left that church humiliated because oh god how in the world can you work through a backup quarterback right it would always be an alabama and auburn thing they had sent this player albertson a player and i just remember saying you know god you need to just do whatever you need to do in my life to give me where i need to be and buddy that was kind of the beginning of the end as far as athletics because it was a sure enough god an idol and an identifier to me i look back in my life now and no one knows that i played sports or cares and it's not ever really been my identifier it's just what i identified with at that time my life all right we'll come back we'll talk more about that we'll kind of i want to i want to walk into the the story of where things change for you spiritually uh and then talk about what you do uh for a living and some of the things that you you've been through with that too when we come back more with scott gorowski when rick and bubba university the podcast continues all right so let's talk a little bit about uh you know small businesses we we run a business here and a lot of times hr issues can we well they can really be a handful and and if you're out there right now and you're saying all right wrongful termination suits around every corner minimum wage requirements labor regulations oh my goodness we need an hr manager well let me go ahead and say that right up front hr managers not come cheap no we're not good if you ain't got 70 000 to get started uh you're not ready but you're thinking but i still need it i got it that's where bambi comes in b-a-m-b-e-e created specifically for small businesses this is gonna for some of you this is gonna be the turnaround 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and bubba and they'll get you all the information that you need all right back on rick and bubba university the podcast scott gorowski so we're talking about your story and you've heard scott on the show he's been appearing on and off for years uh and um and has been a friend of the show for a long time so the athletic career and like a lot of us as kids we think uh i remember being a kid all right there's three things i care about i care about uh football i care about being on the radio and i care about music anything else i'm really not interested and and those are that's the path you'll work and you always start for some reason thinking it's gonna be athletic because we dream of that as we're kids and i went through that too and that moment when you realize all right this is not the path um so you're done with sports um and and here you are you're a young man i assume at this time like a lot of us you would have called yourself a christian right i mean there's sure there's no doubt i mean that's right it was part of the culture your parents got you to church and and all this and um so tell us what happens with your life next well i would be i would be remiss not to back up a little bit yeah so the most impactful thing that's ever happened in my life yes is my father was in a car accident when i was 11 and um he was paralyzed from his chest down complete spinal cord break that'll be 42 years in october that's been 42 years in october will be and to say that that doesn't impact every part of your life spiritually emotionally and everything else would be a fallacy so while i'm doing these sports that also becomes kind of this refuge for me okay i just needed i just needed to be over here doing these things because i was seeing an unbelievable struggle with with my our family and so um also too having an understanding of who god really is at that age seeing that was uh difficult yeah because we were surrounded by incredibly incredibly well-intended people who loved jesus but gave some really terrible advice you know about uh not really recognizing god's sovereignty not really recognizing what god planned being much larger than than us right and i was actually actually about a week or ago i was writing a letter to a couple that's having a really difficult time and i was talking about this and i said you know i said god did not make an example out of our family i had to learn that god made us to be an example there you go and that's not always a good example and it's okay it's okay for christians to be a bad example because people are going to learn from this all the time there's there's no perfect way to do this it's just day by day so i'm watching my family my mother and dad especially just grind through life i mean really grind through it and suffer not not mean suffer and there's a difference in in my view of trials and suffering i think it's different in the bible and i think it's different in real life so i learned a lot and so as i got transitioning or as i transitioned out of out of college and got married um i want them i still had a tremendous uh i felt like i did anyway work ethic i'd seen my parents endure and excel i wanted to have that kind of family that kind of marriage which which god has blessed me with and i had but i was fortunate enough to at that time to run across another guy in my life wayne myrick who was the first person i had met other than coaches that just called me for what i was yeah you know i was the guy who sit in the room and convince you lots of things he just says no you're really not very good yet and i i remember turning down he had hired me and i not not long before i got married i mean i'm 23 four years 23 years old i got offered me double what he was paying me to do something else i just remember thinking now this is the guy that i'm gonna hitch my wagon to because i believed in who he was he was a very godly man and a hard worker and he knew who i was he knew that i was just green and ignorant and we became business partners and started the company in 1993 that's uh you know still here today and tell them what the company does so we are a manager of design and construction commercial design construction and we specialize in in churches throughout the country and we do that in both design construction and consulting all throughout the country from california to west palm beach uh and most places in between there so it's been an unbelievable thing to go to work every day and and know that we're doing things that have impact beyond my life uh so it's been an incredible blessing and something that i was my partner was 17 years my senior we just lost him this past year um the illness and um incredible to be around men like him and sammy dunn the people that god put in my life you know three the three men that have influenced me the most in my life had been my father sammy dunn and and wayne meyer and i've lost two of those so um so i've been the benefactor of those relationships for sure so then there was 2008 uh so we we you know 2008 is is a marker for a lot of people it is for our family too but when you're in the construction business and and we have this this thing bottom out you guys have been very successful in what you were doing you did a good job i mean right that's going around and doing things with the man church and stuff right now and stuff that we do to go out and get to go out and speak my new thing is don't tell me uh myrick and gorowski built this a lot of times they'll go yeah absolutely or they did this add-on or whatever and so uh your work is very good and it's well respected but when the whole economy crashes and there's no work uh you know you went through the uh the difficulty of your dad's situation individual difficulties uh i mean none of us are exempt from difficulty uh and uh but but here we are again and you're facing really uh the way you make a living is over uh i mean you went you went from we got more work than we can do i remember talking to you to well i'm at the office today and there's nothing yeah we were at our peak i guess as a business we had a hundred million dollars in contracts leaving 90 days and so um you know for us that was a lot and worse than that we had a we employed over 100 people and i i in my in my heart i felt like this was going to be a lot deeper and longer than people were projecting and so we went in we went in really hard and made some uh significant cuts and a lot of really really great people for no fault of their own right or without without jobs you know and that really hurt me i really it's something really i've really never recovered from wayne never did either this guy's kind of like i never want to go back there i'm willing to be a smaller business and do different things because i don't want to have those those conversations anymore at that level uh for people that just have worked and worked for you that you have to go in there and say hey you know we don't do this so we were very we were very fortunate a lot of people in our industry did not survive this and we we survived it by god's grace and it doesn't mean he wouldn't have been graceful he wouldn't have survived it right but he chose to and um but it's scarred the scar tissue doesn't go away from that it's not anything i'm going to ever uh forget or ever want to relive do you are you like us because we were talking about even on the show this week i mean i don't wish bad things on anybody but i do know that because of what all of us in here have been through and what you've been through you are able to persevere you are able to cope i mean i'm not saying we've never had bad days are you concerned like we are that we're trying to exempt an entire generation of people from ever being uncomfortable forever having something difficult don't even have a certain we'll make sure that the tone isn't something you don't like what are we doing to people and i'm not wishing bad things on people but that world out there does not create a safe zone for anybody no and i mean i speak for me personally uh i will say this the one thing i never had to worry about was going home with my wife or running me down for not being being successful the day we got married she was in and she supported me through thick and thin through good and bad we've never sat down i've never had to explain my my terrible business decisions or great decisions to her she's just been supportive and to not have that would be really really hard yeah um but i just don't think we're very good parents i don't think we're as good we're just not as tough as our parents were right i mean my dad said no it meant no that's right it wasn't there was no gray area it was just no i mean it is hey it's no if i was grounded for eight weeks it wasn't four weeks or four days it wasn't after you got mad it was eight weeks and then that's hard to do it's difficult to do and today kids leave the house with so many more uh expenses i mean you know just to have cell phone and and car insurance all these things that when we left we left if you didn't have them then you wouldn't call anybody that's just not the way the modern day parents are and they want their kids to get there faster than they need to get there and most great businesses take a lot of time and i think this hurry up to get there i've got a friend of my oldest son who's 24 years old he was in my den last week talked to me about a company that offered him a mountain of money to run a company he looks at me goes i have no idea what to do and i said that's because you wouldn't have any idea 24 what to do and the kid was smart to go i can't do this if it's too good to be true it's too good to be true but we don't we don't appreciate the struggle we don't appreciate the pain we act like for some reason we're doing our kids a favor by not letting them go through those things and i can be guilty of that it's like anybody can shall we well if you don't if you don't learn the little things about how to deal with a bully on the playground or you're not picked first in dodgeball or whatever if you can't deal with those things you can't deal with bigger things in high school in relationships and then things in college and and things in life and in relationships i mean you have to learn the little battles to know how to cope with the big battles and we've taken the little battles away and then how what do you how do i go about losing my job how do i go about my spouse wanting to walk out the door i don't know and they freak out and people look at my wife and i'm like well like crazy because i mean when i when our son graduated from college i said you can move back home for four months but it's five hours a month and people just laugh like that's a joke i'm like no it's that's rent i mean that's just the way it's gonna best just the way that it is it's going to have to do that and i know that we sound like i mean we sound like communists i mean it's like but back in the day that's i that's why it's a pretty good deal you got food laundry i mean it's nothing that's not a bad gig but the whole point is it's not the money it's the idea of and listen no one wants to get out faster than my kid either one of my children did but it was a point of you're a grown man now and you've got to make grown grown man decisions that's just the way it's got to be and i do that because i love you not because i don't love you exactly and that's the difficult part is that i think in extending these graces and mercies we think we're doing our kids a favor and we're just not preparing them for for what's out there it's brutal and but yeah the last part is what you're saying is i don't think people understand that's not how it's going to be right i mean or do you plan on them staying with you the rest of their lives i mean they uh that's not doing themselves well we were this is going to sound very very local you may not know this area if you're watching this or listen to it but bubba and i were talking about it he saw a meteor on the same mountain today on the way into work but we have this this large over the mountain thing and where we live we call this a mountain it's a hill you you go over this hill to get down to the other side of part of where we live and when the boys first started driving sherry's first reaction was oh don't let them go over there and i said what are you talking about and she said i don't want them to drive over that that that mountain uh it doesn't have a shoulder and it's in the and i said so for the rest of their lives they can't get to chelsea i mean i mean you know i mean and she's pretty hard-nosed i mean she's not soft by any stretch but her first reaction was i want i just don't feel good about them what it might take to maneuver through that right uh but if if we're afraid of that it's we haven't done them any service because i don't think anybody would want to be married to or be under the care of a guy who can't drive over a hill do you no no and i mean and i'm concerned that i keep being considered hard and difficult or whatever because i really don't feel that it's that way at all i mean i i want my my children who are boys i want my men i mean i'm trying to equip them i never i never raised them early in their life i wanted to be their friend but that was not my top priority my top priority was to raise them to be [Music] men who loved the lord who respected uh their mother who respected me and respected others and i and i believed in my heart that eventually we would be really good friends and we are but i think people work it backwards they start trying to become buddies with their five-year-olds and it's just not the way in my view that it's made to be and i don't consider myself hard i just consider that to be um the biblical view of how how how i've been taught and what i've seen work with other people too this should be let's be confident well that worked let's try that but i love what you said if you if you'll not try to do the friend thing when they're children because they have friends they're their own age you need to be a parent if you'll do that you'll get to experience what really is i enjoy when they are adults and now you're kind of talking wisdom but then you can be more of a friend because we're not trying to i don't know who said this but it was great you're not trying to just raise well-behaved children you're trying to raise adults right they can be responsible all right we'll come back we'll finish up when rick and bubba university the podcast continues scott gorowski is our guest on rick above university the podcast um so we've talked a little bit about your life and and there's so much more we could get into uh but uh and and the fact what you you do for a living uh but um you're you're you're part of the show this what's eating scott gorowski um this has started out to be a blast is it therapeutic for you oh i love it yeah the preparation for me is great because i mean my list is so long and i want to just go through all of them so i'm trying to i really am trying to hook you guys on a couple of time topics to get you in there because i've just got to burn i want to get off my chest so is it kind of cool being friends to a show if something's happening you're going tell you what if i played my cards right i might get a chance to really unload on this talked about it last night dinner was the friends i was in atlanta and i said you think it's bothering me now i said tune in next week you get to hear the whole of the whole thing you have actually talked about and maybe it's in the list i think you did have it in the list so maybe i shouldn't ask you but you having talking about your story and your dad's story you have for the longest really had a passion obviously for the people with handicap parking uh the way people i mean there's been times you've literally how many different altercations have you had with people over at handicap parking oh between my dad and i i mean i've backed my dad on i mean my dad's got some great ones so i mean my goodness yeah yeah he's uh but there's people that will just take them up like people don't understand why they're there right okay and the importance of them i mean i promise you if anybody wouldn't park in a handicapped spot it would be my dad no no doubt about that okay he worked for me for for a while for a long time actually and he's just he would travel the job to stay there for during the week he's down in mobile and uh someone had blocked the handicap ramp to the hotel after he flattens all four tires okay he's sitting there in tuition i say this is when i hear about it because what happened was before the person came out uh someone helped him get around to he couldn't get to the ramp he couldn't get up the curb right so i say to him what were you going to do when the person came out and he said well i was going to whip his right eye right yeah i said do i need to remind you okay you're 65 years old a pair locked in waist down in a wheelchair and he looked at me like i was like what difference does that make why would that even play in this equation you know but uh yeah i mean he he's uh he i've learned to have a burn for handicapped parking because it's uh it's so abused like everything else in life it's just overrun and i've got a whole spill on it not doing the show but it is it is burned so we'll have that as well we got that we covered there well i think the point that is is when you think about the the understanding of it what i guess bothers me we talk about all the time we're we're dealing with this right now about people who can mentally and physically work that won't it's different if if there's really something that makes it impossible or you're going through a time you need some help transitioning too young too old physically or mentally unable or temporarily down on your luck but i think well i think that also is a burn not just because you've seen it in your personal life is we thought we lived in a society we know it's depraved but that people would feel kind of bad right about doing that you wouldn't want to be a person who did that because you would feel there'd be just be some decency in you that would say don't do this yeah you know there'd be a decency and you'd say i'm taking taxpayers money to sit at home when people are begging people to work right right i think sometimes we underestimate the depravity of humankind yeah i don't understand i watched a guy work until retirement age that could not move anything below his chest okay it took a lot to get up to go to work every day just to go to work every day yeah he could have said at home and said i'm disabled and i'm this i'm that and he didn't live that life at all so i have so uh people say about us goroskis yes uh you you know you guys don't have a lot of sympathy and i'm like no we do we just don't find people who need a lot of it [Laughter] let me write that down i mean we are sympathetic you just got to show us where you need something most people just don't need it you're just saying the the standard for sympathy is very high exactly i mean exactly you know when it kind of hit home to me i guess it's when the coved 19 thing first hit and we didn't know what we're up against vaccines no hope wasn't even on the horizon and the toilet paper shortage you know i just didn't think americans could act as crazy as they were about toilet paper you know the way they were hoarding it and all that sure i mean people had trucks full of it and there were nothing on the shelves yeah and all the things you're going to hoard yeah i mean yeah yeah and really if we had just not done that we wouldn't have a shortage yeah yeah if everybody just bought the regular amount they need we'd have been fine by the way where where in the pandemic did we have any anything that anybody said about this new virus and i'll tell you one thing it's going to cause you to run out of toilet paper i never saw that either that wasn't even part of the virus really well we didn't i mean at the time we didn't know if it was going to be the black plague we thought we might be locked in our house for six months i guess i don't know well it's uh thank goodness it wasn't that bad bad as it was it wasn't that bad yeah you you take a you take a pandemic and a generation of people that haven't been taught to cope and you got yourself a weirdo yeah boy don't you well and and it he trans transitions into uh all these years we've heard from our churches and i'll go there but oh here he goes about how you know boy if i was daniel i'd go online we get shut down by a pandemic i mean you never heard paul say i was going to get in the boat you know we were gonna go sailing for six weeks and i was gonna be shipwrecked and broke but the pandemic broke out so i had to stay in my hut for nine nine months to get past that you know we get shut down quick yeah and we've been placed in the country and across where we all have and they don't view it the same way we do no they don't they viewed a lot a lot more there's a lot more intensity to the gospel than we give it here in the u.s and we forget that jesus was an american right you know i've said that quite a few times he did not die to give me the right to vote okay and we confuse that a lot okay a lot and uh it frustrates me because we get we get pushed down too easily i think well there's no question about that and and i think that i don't get over theological but there's probably you remember when you said that you were you you had to be taught that that something wasn't your identity and god loved you enough to teach you that right i went through that we all been through that yeah i think he loves maybe the western church enough to teach us a little something right now too well if we pay attention to it i mean i just hope we're paying attention because it's uh we're not the only church out there we're not the only people out there we've been to countries where we see people that have been struggling and the countries that seem to be doing it the best and what i've seen and what our we've been a part of the ones that struggle the most from a westerner's point of view right the ones that are the most impoverished the ones that are most impressed the one where the governments are most uh hostile yeah a house full of agitated at those people where the church and seems to be doing his most powerful work scott gorowski thanks for being with us and thanks to all of you who joined us for this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast [Music] you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 5,606
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, auburn, auburn football, tua injury, prothro injury, football injury, broke, broke athletes, broke nfl players, broke nba players, broke baseball players, football players go broke, nfl, not for long
Id: 3W9ebr3DMUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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