The Unspeakable Horrors of the Deep Sea (ft. LindsayNikole)

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you've probably heard me say that I'd rather eat 10 pounds of Popeye's biscuits with no drink than ever go out into the ocean well I'd rather ride cross country on a bike with a hot grill for a seat then spend half a second in a deep sea there's a lot of living nightmares and paralysis demons come to life if you sink deep enough and the Megalodon is not one of them you'll often hear this thing about how the prehistoric apex predator never got discontinued it's just chilling A Step Above hell in the abyss this is cap for two well actually three good reasons one there just isn't enough food to stay in a 60-foot queue to the Natural order two if nature did keep the same jumbo Jaws that peaked in the plow scene we at least would have seen a body by now and number three why do y'all want this to be alive so bad I promise you there's way worse things down there like I would evacuate my bowels if I ever saw a gig a great white shark but put me in front of a t-posing squid and I'm taking more bricks in the entire city of Newark the big fin squid is easily one of the most disturbing things alive as I'm saying this it's a t-posing predator with arms estimated to max out at just under 30 feet scientists believe the big fin catches bodies by dragging those arms which can be easily 20 times its own body length along the ocean floor like trawling nuts and feeding on whatever poor soul accidentally bumps into them you're gonna hear me say believe or we think a lot and that's because we don't know a whole lot about them almost every sighting in virtually every specimen studied were either juveniles or paralarva we have no way of knowing exactly what their final form could look like for all we know this could be junior and we just haven't seen mama big fin yet who would have thought that just putting elbows on a squid would instantly turn it into the spot of Satan oh and if you thought the big fin was just this slow passive floating Predator then you're seriously underestimating the ocean's ability to Massacre your mental health and if you're curious this video was taking about seven thousand feet down in the Gulf of Mexico but considering they're believed to be the deepest living squids at about twenty thousand feet I have a theory this is a juvenile and the big boys are the ones shacking It Up Down in the crotch of the ocean but good news the big fin probably only feeds on small fish and Crustaceans bad news there are squids big enough to beef with the biggest predators on the planet and the biggest predator on the planet that isn't a disgraced former YouTuber is the sperm whale which on its own would have to be one of the most traumatizing things to witness during their two-hour Hunting Expeditions down in the deep sea well the tankiest carnivore on Earth regularly runs Fades with the giant squid and by giant we're talking about calamari growing to an estimated 40 feet long not only are they themselves predators that hunt using 20-foot tentacles they're opportunistic animals that would 100 mark their entire family reunion for some calories now nature High key screwed up their character design they have a donut shaped brain and an esophagus running through it meaning if they swallow something big enough not only do they run the risk of choking to a flat line they can also Factory set their entire personality through severe brain damage which is why they mitigate this by shredding their victims with a razor sharp beak and what is essentially a tongue with teeth the radula that beak is such a weapon that you'll rarely see a sperm well that hasn't been tattooed during a struggle with a giant squid and while the plus size cephalopod usually loses in a war with the whale they do not make it easy but the most disturbing thing about them is that I giant squids have the most physically imposing eye in nature with it being roughly the size of a soccer ball contrary to popular belief huge eyes don't exactly help but see further but it does mean they're terrifyingly good at noticing objects giving off their own light which is a lifesaver since when their biggest optosper sperm whale is on the hunt modern day Leviathan disturbs glowing creatures like jellyfish and Crustaceans who Flash in response having eyes as big as their heads means the giant squid can detect and use those flashes to avoid becoming a coarse but that also means that if you ever go swimming in the Giga squids area code the flashes you'd create mean that while you might not see it the same animal that does its own kind dirty would know exactly where you are and honestly there's only one thing that could be worse than getting stalked by a school bus sized head foot there's another squid with hunting tactics so spiritually upsetting I'm not even gonna talk about it I'm gonna go ahead and use a Lifeline the Humboldt squid also known as the Red Devil I'm Lindsay by the way hi Humboldt Squad are found in the Eastern Pacific Ocean typically between 600 to 2300 feet below the surface of the ocean and their nickname comes from the way they use their pigment cells called chromatophores to communicate you're probably familiar with chromatophores through videos of different cephalopods using them to change color blending into their surroundings and even dreaming and on both squid notably use them to turn bright red when they're aggravated hits the nickname Red Devil it's very umbrella they're also extremely predatory and have been known to act aggressively towards scuba divers on a rare occasion which becomes a bit more terrifying when I tell you that they can get to eight feet long in 100 pounds now you might be thinking Lindsay that is not that big what about the giant squid and the colossal squid that can both get to like 40 feet long what I haven't told you the best part yet the Humboldt squid is known to live and hunt in groups of up to ten not to 100 a thousand yes in groups of over a thousand one thousand squid that's about 992 many of you ask me while hunting in these groups they use their chromatophores to communicate with each other coordinating movements and attacks allowing them to take down the larger pret dragging them into the depths until they go unconscious scientists have identified some of these communication patterns as you can see in this little chart but still don't know exactly what any of them mean but regardless that sounds like one of the worst ways to be unalived in the ocean oh wait this isn't a tick tock collaboration that sounds like one of the worst ways to die in the ocean so as you can see whether it's being confronted by a Humboldt block party or squaring up with a live-action Kraken there are many aspects of the deepsea that end up with you putting your therapist up a tax bracket and a lot of that's because of this cute little thing known as deep sea gigantism the idea that the cold temperature the dissolved oxygen and the lack of pressure from predators allow some animals to escalate to the biggest and most terrifying versions of themselves exhibit a the Japanese spider crab which can measure 12 feet across from Claude a claw and weigh as much as a human toddler only thing worse than a giant spider crab is a giant crab spider this is an Antarctic sea spider a dinner plate-sized demon spawn that hunts by sucking the life out of its prey through its proboscis now technically they're not actual spiders but also I imagine most people watching technically don't give up especially since this one looks like it identifies as a face hugger then there's a giant isopod which is essentially an aquatic cockroach big enough to be cradled like a baby no clue why you would though and if you're looking for a truly super sized animal crossing the orifice should be on your list the giant oarfish can grow to well over 30 feet long and there have even been claims of those in the neighborhood of 50 feet proof that back in the day when we had stories about sea monsters they weren't lying they just didn't have all the names yet also if you caught that pun earlier we're friends now but with deep sea gigantism and the endless expanse of ocean acting as a canvas for shaytan to practice his art if you dive deep enough there be monsters for example this this isn't an animal it's a group of animals joined together in something like a hive mind so we're not talking about it we're talking about them and sophonophores like this come in many forms like the Portuguese man of war armed with Venom to ensure that the excruciating experience of meeting one is permanently etched into your brain and there's a prior dubia a giant stefanophor that can Flex the total length of up to 160 feet and even though it's a collective group of tiny animals its length could humble a blue whale making it technically the longest creature on the planet or at best a modest second since the bootle's ribbon worm has been reported to reach 180 feet in length and it's toxic because the ocean and of course it is with nasty smelling mucus potent enough to life deprive the crabs it likes to eat like I said whether it's Lucifer's tapeworm or a flying spaghetti creature there be monsters and it gets so much worse than a giant worm because as terrifying as a deep sea is it's also nasty and there might not be anything more repulsive than the hagfish this loogie linguine any feeds on the rod and corpses and carcasses that sink down into its domain and since they don't have any actual teeth the graveyard guppy feeds by sliding into an opening and eating the decomposing body from the inside out and you would think that something that eats like a casket wouldn't have to worry about getting put on a plate itself again you're giving the ocean too much credit as self-defense the hagfish will sweat buckets of slime a phlegm jacket that's thick enough to clog the gills of anything hungry enough to F around and unlucky enough to find out to the point where this is the end game of a truck transporting hagfish on the highway crashing you've definitely seen this picture before but have you ever stopped and asked yourself what they were doing there in the first place you remember how I said nothing that eats like a hagfish should ever have to worry about getting eaten well simple for these hagfish their final destination were dinner plates in Asian countries such as South Korea where they're considered a delicacy now I'm not one to judge other cultures but we seem to have a habit of constantly trying to eat all the things nature went out of its way to tell us not to but one thing you won't see as a main course is something ironically named after a fruit the sea cucumber is like the in that it's meal prep consists of all the things we normally flush burner Berry all the soul evacuated bodies that sink down to the ocean floor instantly get put on the cucumber's grocery list it's a literal bottom feeder and I mean that since I'll also make a meal at a feces but like with vultures if Thanos said beef would see cucumbers the world would become an infinitely more disgusting place that's not the only way to see cucumbers contribute to society they're also often used as a protective bunker for fishing well let's just say they break into the back door oh yeah it's a violation of the highest natural order it gets worse when a pearl fish decides to have a play date right next to its prostate I don't even know if they have a prostate but you get what I mean and if that makes you uncomfortable here's an ad to give you time to mentally prepare for what's next this adorable little guy is known as a basket star it's a type of brutal star and an echinoderm which actually makes it a close cousin of the sea cucumber if you ever learned about fractals and geometry then that's why the repeating pattern of branching arms might look familiar it's also why the US is really wasting 20 billion dollars a year looking into space because the real E.T is happening right here because of the unsightly way basket stars get from A to B they've also earned the nickname sea snakes I feel itchy all of a sudden however even though it looks like something Lucifer would use to pleasure himself they eat mostly zooplankton they're pretty much harmless for the most part and honestly that pretty much describes 80 of the nonsense in the deep sea only really harmful to your peace of mind like take the frilled shark having been around for 80 something million years not only is the frill shark a living fossil it's likely Nature's rough shot F beta version of sharks today also don't let this video fool you they can grow to a respectable six feet long also they can be pregnant for three and a half years which honestly makes about as much sense as everything else down there and in terms of your mental health the frill shark is pretty harmless until you look them in the mouth the devil's flashlight has hundreds of needle-like teeth to ensure that anything that gets caught in there doesn't get a second chance to pursue happiness and for a shark that's been around long enough to have attended Saturn's wedding I don't know why but every picture of them looks like they're struggling with their own existence like I said though they're not a threat to humans but like I also said therapy ain't cheap so if you don't want to end up on a couch don't look a frill truck in the mouth but yeah you'd be surprised at just how many types of sharks you'll find in the same neighborhood SpongeBob got stranded in that one time you have 20-foot sleeper sharks that are somehow able to use stealth to just spawn and inhale sustenance like a water Kirby speaking of sleepers in 2015 a Pacific sleeper was recorded in the Solomon's Island why is that important well its home address was right under an active volcano proving that if any animal had plot armor it'd be sharks then you have a ghost shark which okay yep you got me is it an actual shark it's a close cousin known as a chimera the Ghost part though that's on brand they kind of remind me of the dry bones fish from Mario the ghost not a shark doesn't even have the teeth you'd expect it to have but instead they have place that they used to grind up food but since Nature's constantly overcompensating chimeras do have venomous spines that are harmful to more than just your mental well-being but by far the weirdest thing about them chimeras have a tenaculum on their forehead tenaculum is a reproductive organ me and this fish has a foreign yeah on his forehead Venom and that aside this fish fresh out of Tim Burton's wet dream is actually pretty cool looking and I'm just gonna say I think they're cute and I'm perfectly fine with standing on the hill alone however I don't think you'll find a single soul on this next shark's Hill Feast your eyes on the goblin shark a demon dog looking fish with a mouth that snaps like nobody's business they're rarely seen but are known to live in oceans all around the world at depths of up to 4 200 feet below the surface of the ocean and are estimated to get to 18 feet long which is really big for a deep sea shark you might have seen videos online of their jaws just fully ejecting from their brain case in a process called slingshot feeding it's kind of what they're known for they're upper and lower Jaws lunge forward away from the skull engulfing their prep I know it probably seems ridiculous and almost alien but it's actually not uncommon most fishes have Jaws that aren't entirely attached one might argue that the goblin shark is the most extreme example of this look until you see a video of the sling jaw rest who use suction feeding to snatch up their prey they look like they have a trombone stuck in their mouth goblin sharks have a particularly long snap and it's not for nothing they have sensory structures pores all over it that help them locate their pre like squid fish and Crustaceans and I am personally grateful I am not a squid fish or crustacean yeah Goblin's the right word for the only shark in the world with a receding gum line but you gotta admit eating your own jaw to catch calories is pretty metal and you're gonna find that a lot of the creatures Rolling in the Deep have evolved some of the most creative ways of bagging groceries probably the most popular is the fish that nearly turned Nemo into an orphan the anglerfish has two defining personality traits and one of them is that fishing lore hanging right in front of those life-canceling jaws that light actually comes from bioluminescent bacteria shacking up inside a modified fin so when a bite-sized light work swims up to the light thing and it just cops some easy protein the angler ensures that some fish out there never sees his father again the other thing anglerfish got Cloud for is their mating habits I'm not gonna get into it just know that if your marriage looks anything like theirs you're gonna need both a divorce and a restraining order and you know what intensive therapy on top of that expenditiously Nemo's paralysis demon isn't the only deep sea creature to weaponize light this distinguished gentleman is known as a stoplight loose jaw and is defining trait is that it uses a red light to hunt which turns out to be a massive Chico since the longer the wavelength of a color the less energy that wavelength has and the faster it gets absorbed by water and since the color red has the longest wavelength out of all of them it's the first one to get absorbed this is why red light can't reach the deep sea and the animals live in the abyss that are red actually appear black which makes it easier for them to hide from predatory smoke but with a stoplight using red as a Searchlight it's pretty much cracked at this version of hide and seek not to mention since most of the life down there can't even see red it's able to catch bodies while also not giving up its location of predators or the prey it packs up this fish really evolved the whole wall hack and a real-life invisibility cloak tell me that ain't crazy and that freakish over by ensures that once prey is found it's lost forever but why hunt prey when you could just sit and wait for it to come to you that's the entire playbook for the deep sea lizard fish just look at that smile you know he's on the Furious timing and at over two feet long they earned the title of being one of the Premier apex predators of the deep sea as a habitual camper they lie weight for life to pass them by before they launch and use hypodermic needles for teeth to cancel it now with Apex standing for anyone providing Smoke Gets extinguished lizard fish don't hesitate to turn their own kind into coffin fodder and with the whole point of those teeth being to hold struggling panicking prey in place they make sure they don't live long enough to learn from their mistake but as much of a therapy build as gecko guppy's mug shot might be it might not even be the worst headshot in the ocean not as long as this is still a factor I don't know anyone who would waste the oxygen trying to defend this I would many say this is a face only a mother could love well then maybe he is my son this is the deep sea telescope fish one of the most stunning creatures of the deep tropical oceans they're found a depth of about 1600 to 6600 feet below the surface of the I can't say that normally circus of the ocean and like you'll see if you look up photos of them online they are often photographed at unfortunate angles that don't do them any justice they Orient themselves upwards singing out vertically in the water column as they use their specially adapted eyes to hunt for the Silhouettes of their prey there are two species of telescope fish dragon answer at indica and gigantorach uni don't be fooled by their genus snake which makes them sound like they're gigantic that is not the case at all Indica only gets to about 8 inches long and chuni a measly six they are just little guts gigantora actually translates to big tail specifically they are about half tip but if they happen to latch onto a snack that's a bit bigger than their own size that's no problem at all they underwent a series of skeletal Productions that allow for more room to just fold it in half that's right they are expert folders in 1925 science has found a five and a half inch long viper fish inside the stomach of a three inch long telescope fish they described it as neatly folded an incredible quality possessed by the lovely telescope fish yeah I'm sure if we gave it Blistex and a hairline restoration surgery he'd be cute but that's just me that being said there's a lot of pretty dope things just chilling in the Deep take the barreled eyed fish the fish with a transparent head that means it can spot Ops or prey directly above it thanks to those two green gummy looking orbs that are actually its eyes or the ultra rare giant Phantom jellyfish equipped with 30-foot arms that makes this ET understudy the length of a whale shark and when I say rare I mean this Jelly's only been seen like a hundred times in the history of mankind so the fact that you're watching this right now is kind of wild then you have the deep sea Dumbo octopus that copes with stress by turning itself into a ball to discourage Predators from eating it and if this right here looks familiar yeah right to his thighs the vampire squid does the inverse as they'll turn themselves inside out and into their own personal Panic Room whenever they're pressed by a possible predator and how about a sea pig for you take everything I said about sea cucumbers and forget it for a second because honestly they're just really cute in a way I can't fully explain but it's not hard to see what makes this squid instant serotonin Rosia Pacifica or the stubby squid is actually more like a cuttlefish it's also a cuddly fish and it's Nature's apology letter for the sheer trauma is saturated the ocean with it's actually real and those arts and crafts looking eyes helping catch prey on a nocturnal schedule it's also important as an environmental indicator since scientists will often study their responses to changes in water PH and use that to determine how polluted the water is around them which you would think would earn this anime octopus to respect of the scientific Community well you'd be wrong there's a video where some scientists found one and let me just say not even Hiroshima got roasted that hard but that's gonna do it for this video make sure you go ahead and drink water hug your moms go subscribe to Lindsay's Channel link will be in the description shout out to Lindsay for being in this video and imma see y'all in the next one it's like this looks fake like Davey Jones [Laughter] just came before and just left it here it's like some little kid dropped their toy trash [Music] he is awesome that's a good Focus right there great Focus Justin it's freaking me out out I want to see a movie foreign
Channel: Casual Geographic
Views: 6,890,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: MCf4zwOfRas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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