When Animals Become Serial Killers

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the following video contains graphic descriptions of some of the most brutal animal attacks in human history viewer discretion and a fresh change of clothes are strongly advised oh and Happy Halloween the African Wilderness houses some of the most dangerous wildlife found on Earth but what happens when one of its most feared Predators starts hunting humans in 1898 the British government decided to build a railway spanning from a port in Mombasa to Lake Victoria the project was nicknamed The Lunatic express since many saw it as a massive waste of time and resources along with being unnecessarily dangerous so dangerous that most African natives refused to be involved in construction so the British imported thousands of laborers from India to work on the bridge these workers are both unfamiliar with the African brush along with all the lethal animals in it it wouldn't be long until several workers would go missing but at first the British government brushed them off as deserters but as the number of missing men grew larger soon the horrific truth would come out a pair of manless male lions had been attacking the unsuspecting workers and eating them Lions don't typically view humans as viable prey and adult lines are actually naturally wary of humans but lions are also incredibly adaptable and these lines were hunted the workers like Daryl Gazelle while the men were working on the bridge during the day the two lines were nowhere to be seen it wasn't until they turned into their campsites for the night that the Lions showed up these lines would slip into the campsites undetected and drag helpless workers out of their tents to their death [Music] thank you in one gruesome attack one of the Lions had grabbed a well-respected and Powerful sick worker and ragged all them out of his tent while the other workers could only listen to his bone-chilling screams of Agony the next day his fellow workers found him and from the position he was sitting in it appeared as though he had survived but as the men Drew closer they realized Not only was he completely lifeless but the Lions had licked the skin completely off his cheeks which formed a grisly smile the men tried building Thorn fences called boneless to keep the Lions out unfortunately nobody told the men that Lions can leap well over 10 feet and easily clear a Bulma and as the attacks and the missing men piled up the Lions started getting more confident at first weeks would go by between attacks but soon fatal Marlins would happen almost daily and while early on only one of the Rogue males would enter the campsite at a time soon they'd start slaughtering workers together in one chilling incident they had moved the site of a hospital which the Lions had began targeting they moved the hospital over a mile away and set up the new hospital as a trap for the Lions only a day later the Lions found the new hospital and continued their Carnage the Lions even appeared to have plot armor at one point they had succeeded in trapping one of the male lions but when the enraged Predator started tearing the Trap apart panic and sepoys opened fire and missed every shot one shot managed to Spring open the trap door allowing the line to slip away and as the attacks persisted it appeared as though the Lions had gone from killing to eat to just killing we don't know just how many lives were taken but according to lieutenant John Patterson up to 135 men were lost by the time the construction and the lines were finished and we don't know for sure what led these lines to go on a human hunting spree one of the lines was found to have an abscess in his teeth causing a painful infection that may have been too debilitating to hunt his usual prey forcing him to seek out easier targets one theory is that in the past Arab slave trade Caravans would run through Savo and men that would have made no money on the market like the old injured sick or dying would just be tossed down into the brush it's possible that these lines of Salve were fed by these crimes against humanity and learned that humans as a food option is never completely off the table [Music] in July 1945 a U.S Navy Heavy Cruiser delivered uranium to the island of tinian for what would end up being the world's first nuclear weapon used in war which would be dropped in Hiroshima Japan Japan would get its revenge when a torpedo struck the USS Indianapolis as it was on route to the Philippines in only 12 minutes the imposing military Cruiser was underwater along with anyone unlucky enough to escape in time although considering what would happen maybe they were the lucky ones because as the stranded crew floated adrift in the Philippine Gulf they quickly realized they had a major problem sharks likely oceanic white tips were stalking to haveless Sailors at first the Sharks simply cleaned up the casualties feeding on the bodies of the deceased but soon they turned their attention to the survivors as much as the sailors tried to float together invariably someone would drift away from the group and that's when the patient sharks would move in according to survivors the men would thrash around and scream hysterically before being pulled under and only a a while later a life jacket would resurface and nothing else and as a dehydration intense exposure and salt water poisoning took its toll some men would hallucinate that they were being rescued and would swim away from the group towards a ship that wasn't there not realizing they were paddling towards their own death even worse some of the men would become delirious and start attacking their fellow Shipmates forcing them to literally cast them off towards the Sharks this living nightmare lasted five days and when salvation finally came only 317 out of the 1196 men could be accounted for but the psychological torture didn't end there for some of them Captain Charles B McVeigh would become the first Captain to ever be court-martialed for losing his ship and the reasoning was because he didn't zigzag even Commander Hashimoto the guy that sunk his ship testified that there was nothing McVay could have done but it didn't matter America had its scapegoat and it was him McVeigh regularly received hate mail and threats of violence from the family of the fallen in 2000 he would be exonerated and found to have committed no wrongdoing but not before the harassment and crippling survivor's guilt would break him on November 6 1968 the captain that had survived War man-eating sharks and dehydration took his own life while holding a toy sailor he had been given as a boy for good luck the true Monsters of this story weren't the sharks the most dangerous bear in the world isn't the grizzly bear or even the polar bear but it's widely considered to be the sloth bear because we're adult Grizzlies and polar bears have no natural Predators sloth bears regularly run Fades with tigers and leopards that generational trauma means you have an animal that has all the tools of a predator but the mindset of prey and that makes them terrifyingly unpredictable the fact that habitat loss and encroachment causes them to come into constant contact with humans only makes it 10 times worse the sloth bear of Mysore was Infamous for unaliving 12 people and severely injuring another 24. armed with Wolverine claws and a devastating bite sloth bears have a nasty habit of attacking the faces of their victims those that survived often lost an eye or a nose or had a chunk of their cheek ripped off those that didn't survive often had their faces torn off completely and in some cases the bear ate the bodies of its victims a far cry from the insects and fruits below the jungle usually eats other bodies recovered had hands missing in some cases is their entire chest cavity ripped open some describe the horrific injuries as being the work of an animal with the intent but not necessarily the knowledge to kill Kenneth Anderson had attempted to hunt the bear while also saving a man who had been mauled to the point of shearing capacitation as Anderson tried carrying the man to safety it got dark fast which was probably why you didn't see the rock that tripped him and caused him to break his ankle the immobilized Anderson survived the night but the man he tried to save didn't Anderson would be the one to put the murderous bear out of commission but we still don't know what made this usually termite eating bear Go full Jeff Dahmer maybe it was revenge for a previous attack or a lost Cub maybe everyone has a limit and that bear hit his the next story takes place on ramri island off the coast of Myanmar which borders China Bangladesh and India in 1945 the British pulled up with the intention of establishing a new Air Base but first had to contend with the Japanese Imperial Army which had already captured the island the British flanked the Japanese who rather than surrender opted to try to escape by cutting through miles of dense boggy Uncharted mangroves as they did the British circled The Mangrove swamp essentially straining the men to unforgiving terrain venomous snakes spiders and disease-carrying mosquitoes are almost an afterthought after the men realized they had waded directly into saltwater crocodile territory the details of what happened next have been debated for years many say that the up to 20-foot long cross converged on the defenseless soldiers first picking off the ones that had already passed tents before moving on to the struggling and infirm one British soldier described hearing three distinct sounds the incessant firing of rifles overhead the erratic splashing of excited crocodiles and the blood curdling cries of the men being dismembered and devoured alive according to him the sounds were deafening some men sought to take cover in the trees only a couple feet above the morotic reptiles when they made a horrific Discovery Crocs can easily launch themselves several feet out of the water and the men that hadn't climbed high enough were caught in those snare trap jaws and torn the shreds another chilling realization was the intelligence of the cold-blooded Predator according to multiple sources the Crocs would use their tails as battering rams to Slam against the base of the trees hoping to knock loose surprise like a twisted human pinata like African crocodiles camping in rivers during great migrations these crocodiles seem perfectly content to buy their time we have no way of knowing exactly how many lies were lost in that island but we do know it was very likely in the several hundreds we also have no way to confirm just how many were taken by the crocodiles and how many simply flatlined to dehydration sickness other Wildlife or simply casualties of War however this is widely considered to be the most lethal crocodile attack in human history and since saltwater crocodiles are capable of living 70 plus years the chances that at least one of those same crocodiles are still there are low but they're not zero crocodiles are one of the most stubbornly resilient things on earth they've been around for about 200 million years and have barely changed and with a wide-ranging diet and few if any natural Predators Crocs can live virtually anywhere there's warmth and water so it makes sense that one of the most infamous animal serial killers of all time was a crocodile staff was an 18-foot reptilian Ted Bundy rumored to have been responsible for up to 300 names missing from the Census according to Legend the massive Nile Predator was too bulky to hunt the typical fish Antelope and zebra leading him to go after bigger tougher game like hippos Buffalo and even humans the Burundi butcher would allegedly hunt anything that came into its line of sight without prejudice and like all Crocs his favorite method of hunting would have likely been lying in weight in the water before exploding and unleashing a three thousand pound bite force to crush whatever was unlucky enough to get caught in his Jaws before using the infamous death roll to shred their victim into bite-sized chunks it's likely most human casualties were adults collecting water and children playing in the shallow end not realizing the disturbance was basically ringing the dinner bell Gustav was also disturbingly Indestructible with several eyewitnesses describing what they swore were bullet wounds tattooed across its armored skin but the eeriest part was that for a monster nearly the length of a bus Gustav was unexplainably never caught in one attempt researchers placed a live goat in a cage as bait to lure the Beast out after a storm the next morning the cage was empty but Gustav was nowhere to be found we don't know how old he is how long he had been hunting humans just how many people had been lost to him or even if he's still alive there were some reports of Gustav having been shot by a hunter in 2019 but with no photographic evidence there's still a chance that he's out there prowling the rivers of Burundi the way I see it there's only three possible options one he's dead two he's still out there serving as unethical population control or three he has nordvpn because nordvpn creates an encrypted tunnel for you and your data and protects your identity by hiding your IP address allowing you to go off the grid untrackable and untraceable just like Gustav and like Crocs who can be found almost anywhere nor VPN gives you the option to connect to thousands of different servers across countries all over if you want to enjoy the perks of Australian entertainment without also entertaining the wildlife Australian servers are just a click away and unlike the allegedly 2000 Gustav with fast reliable servers you never have to feel like you sold your speed for security with nordvpn's threat protection you can enjoy your internet experience without also being played by ads trackers and malware so to get the most out of your streaming service go to nordvpn.com Casual Geographic for a huge discount on a two-year plan with an additional four months free with nord's money back guarantee it's virtually risk-free nothing about Gustav was risk-free and with Salty's having the strongest recorded bite force of any animal the only guarantee was that anything caught in those vice grip jobs was something you're not getting back foreign [Music] locals in Malawi were so terrified of one animal that it drove 4 000 of them to completely abandon their villages to seek Refuge the marauding beasts had mauled three people into chalk outlines and severely disfigured another 16. those that survived were essentially crippled for life with some missing both hands and legs with others missing eyes and ears and one gruesome attack a woman had gotten her jaw completely detached the mysterious assailant was so feared and avoided capture for so long that some believe that the attacks were the work of a supernatural creature in truth these people were being stalked and hunted by a rabid hyena although they're armed with arguably the most devastating bite of any land mammal hyenas are actually wary of humans but as many will tell you anything that gets rabies quickly becomes a different kind of animal especially when that animal has Jaws strong enough to amputate an elephant the rabbit hyena terrorized the people of Malawi for weeks but whether the actual animal responsible for the maimings was caught and killed was never confirmed foreign [Music] the most infamous animal mass murderer of all time lived in Nepal in the kamawan district of India the Bengal tiger of champawat was believed to be responsible for 436 less people on Earth according to research the Carnage started in Nepal but when Hunters were called in the tiger successfully evaded all of them eventually she was driven out of the area and swam across a river and invaded India where the attacks only got worse the homicidal big cat would typically Target young women and children and would often travel up to 20 miles following a kill making it that much harder to capture her and unlike most Tigers who typically hunt during dusk or Dawn the man-eater at champawat almost exclusively caught bodies during broad daylight she became so reviled that locals no longer referred to her as a cat but as the devil of India [Music] the Tiger's reverberating Roar paralyzed entire villages with grown men refusing to leave their Huts to go to work lesta rampaging Predator turned them into a statistic it was believed that the Tigers had been shot by an especially cruel Hunter which broke several of her canine teeth leaving her mortally wounded it's likely that this injury along with the fact that tigers are one of the few animals that'll actively seek revenge that drove the tiger to eventually start seeking out easier prey people and as a highly intelligent Predator she was constantly adapting and able to consistently avoid capture when she was finally taken down it was clear from the nasty injuries a tiger had sustained that she was not the villain of this story that doesn't change the fact that she went out as the most prolific man murker in nature and if you think you're safe because you don't live in Asia just keep in mind that there are more tigers in the United States than in the rest of the world combined
Channel: Casual Geographic
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Keywords: Video, Sharing, Video phone, camera phone, free, upload
Id: k3fCWgNhPHQ
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Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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