The Unrecorded Years - Chuck Missler

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if we look at a time line after Abraham and all of that we finally get to Moses and the Exodus and then after the exodus ultimately they'll come back and settle the land and go through and the monarchy will emerge and under David and then eventually they will get captured by Babylon I want to look a little more closely at the period of time that this this Psalm is really echoing if you will and after the monarchy they go into Babylonian captivity for 70 years they come out out of that and the period after that is called the post exile period and we we have Haggai and Zechariah as the post exile prophets and we have the history of Ezra Nehemiah Esther and all of that before we get to the New Testament but it's interesting that the Babylonian captivity itself doesn't have any record of what's going on inside it we know they were taken slaves we know when Cyrus conquers Babel and he frees them but there's a 70 year time where we have a little insight and Babylon conquered the region the first siege of Nebuchadnezzar he took the captives that included Daniel and his friends the the they were they were Ezekiel in Babylon and Jeremiah in Jerusalem preached the people to yield to Nebuchadnezzar is the instrument of God and God is using it as his judgment and the false prophets convinced the king that no they're God's chosen people we should repel and they finally they did Nebuchadnezzar puts them down again and changes puts a different King in charge subject to him of course the second siege take some more captives Jeremiah in Jerusalem and Ezekiel in Babylon preach along the lines that the yield and Nebuchadnezzar if you rebelled again he'll destroy Jerusalem right now Jerusalem's run by them there's enslaved but there they still had their city well again the false prophets talked them into rebelling again by the time they do that again Nebuchadnezzar has had a belly full of the whole operation he levels the place takes them all their slaves the third siege of Nebuchadnezzar II important and understand there are three sieges many people miss on this the servitude of the nation begins with the first sea just so the nation became captive as a nation Jerusalem was still subject to them but in existence the decree of Cyrus Cyrus the Persian conquers Babylon and disc Daniel greets him and shows him the letter that God wrote to him 150 years earlier that's in our book of Isaiah and he's so impressed because his name he has his career his name all mentioned to him written 150 years early he's impressed with that he releases them to go home and gives them financial incentives to go home under the decree of Cyrus so a group about fifty thousand go home to we go back to Jerusalem to to rebuild that is it's all in rubbles but they go to rebuild their temple thus the degree of Cyrus starts the is in effect the rule of the Persian Empire as far as Israel is concerned the desolations of Jerusalem started with the third siege of Nebuchadnezzar and it isn't until Nehemiah when they return after Cyrus under Ezra they try to rebuild the temple but for harass because of all the not a position to defend themselves and it's it's a it's a meager effort until Nehemiah who is cupbearer to the King Artaxerxes a successor then to in in the Greek scheme of things gives Nehemiah the authority to rebuild the city in tufa city walls and so it's under Nehemiah he under his term they're allowed to rebuild the city of Jerusalem now the reason that's so important the decree of artaxerxes is the trigger if you will to the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy it's very important it turns out to be very precise very very thrilling piece of work but what's interesting the servitude of the nation was to be 70 years that the desolations of Jerusalem were also predicted to be 70 years but they're not coterminous the desolations start later and they are relieved but each one is fulfilled to the day prophetically but the real point I'm getting at is just by way of review for most of you is that what really occurred in Babylon during the servitude of the nation is it recorded we know there were slaves but there isn't a lot of visibility the psalm we're going to see gives us a glimpse of some of that that's why I'm going through some of this okay second chronicles carries us up to about the cyrus and then ezra and nehemiah follow as i indicated and of course the book of esther occurs probably at about the days of Ezra in which it's pretty important because if she made possible the situation for Nehemiah to follow later and if it ended for her Jerusalem would not have been rebuilt there would be a whole different history the Hebrew nation would probably have been wiped out some 500 years before Christ was born and it would have changed the destiny of mankind so the whole saga of Esther is much deeper than most people have any idea but Daniel of course and Ezekiel are the prophets in the in during the captivity period and Haggai and Zechariah are known as the post exile prophets going to be just a historical perspective and Malachi even later
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 41,053
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Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: Z_eIy3B4bzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2014
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