The Romance of Redemption - Session 2 - Chuck Missler - Body Builders #4

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[Music] [Music] well welcome to our study of the Book of Ruth and whenever we enter the Word of God we should do it with prayer so let's bow our hearts Father we thank you for this opportunity we thank you for your word and we solicit the involvement and participation of the Holy Spirit to open our lives to what you have here for us we acknowledge father that your kingdom to no accidents no coincidences that we're all here by your divine appointment so we seek your purpose in this time as we commit this hour and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our precious Lord indeed amen we're exploring the second session of four of the Book of Ruth and as we anticipate there's typically a week between these sessions we have a little bit of review why this book and one of the most dramatic books of prophecy in the Bible strangely enough the ancient jewish scriptures often included ruth with the book of the prophets interestingly enough and we regard this book as an essential prerequisite of the study of the book of revelation and ruth every detail can only carries the romance along of Boaz and all of that it also carries along the romance of redemption it gives us a perspective about God's plan for you and me will be evident here and that's what we're anxious to understand what do we mean by the Goyle the kinsman redeemer and will also be should develop a distinction between Israel in the church it's amazing how fundamental that is in the Old and New Testament so we'll move on and of course we are interested in the hermeneutics the theory of interpretation and we take note of the fact that God says he's spoken by the prophets and multiplied visions and use similitudes by the Ministry of the prophets there's over 200 different rhetorical devices in the Bible they're all cataloged for our instruction and remember we you and I tend to fall into what we call the Greek model we think prophecy is a prediction and its fulfillment that's our mindset a prophecy and it's prediction than its fulfillment the Hebrew model is quite different the Hebrew mind looks for patterns they see prophecy as a pattern they see patterns in the nation which is a indication of the life of the Messiah and vice versa and other examples and so the Book of Ruth it occurs in the days the judges ruled and it's the ultimate love story at the literary level and it's so studied in colleges but also at the prophetic and personal levels and it's one of the most significant books strangely enough it's an Old Testament book about the church and one of the strange manifestations of that is that it is always read at the Feast of Shevat or what we call the feast of Pentecost and its role with Acts chapter 2 the whole thing starts to tie together because it profiles the role of the kinsman redeemer and as I like to emphasize it's an essential prerequisite to understanding chapter 5 of the book of Revelation I don't believe you really can grasp that chapter unless you understand the Book of Ruth and so and by way of review in the last session after the husband Elimelech dies and the two sons get married but they'd have also died and the O'Meara turns to Bethlehem and Ruth insists upon staying with Naomi strangely enough and Ruth said entreat me not to leave the in order we turn from following after thee for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will Lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my god and she was a idol-worshipping Gentile but she is abandoning everything to embrace this new life she says to Manila me where thou Dyess twill I die and there will I be buried the Lord do so to me and more also if aught but death Part V and me and when she says the Lord there she said yo hava a father the the unpronounceable name of God not the Moabite God of shamash but the the God of the Old Testament you would heave up here a sevenfold decision whether thou goest I will go where thou lodgest I will Lodge by people show up with my people thy God my God where thou die I will die and there will I be buried and the Lord do so to me and more also if aught but death a Sevenfold profile interestingly enough and so so we get to the wrap-up of last time when Naomi returned and ruth the moabite us her daughter-in-law with her which we turned out of the country Moab and they came to Bethlehem the house of bread interesting enough in the beginning of the barley harvest and it is this book that links Beth for him to the house of David strangely enough and the barley harvest that's where we closed last time and so that's generally early March maybe April and it's the first hint of a pickup we also previewed last time something that you should keep in mind the agricultural calendar and the first month being the Sun which is the latter rains the barley harvest the flax harvest the special days in that month is course Passover the feast of unleavened bread and the feast of firstfruits always geared to be on a Sunday those collectively are caught or alluded to as Passover use it using that term generically and then in the second month we have a er we have the dry season begins and then in the third month we have Sivan the early figs ripen the Defiant ending and that's when we have the Feast of Shevat 50 days after the feast of firstfruits also called in the Greek the Feast of Pentecost prophetically it speaks of penticoff ex chapter 2 and that's what's so provocative is that it's at that holiday that the Jews all read the Book of Ruth and there's a spiritual reason for doing that that they wouldn't would not likely to be sensitive to and so for what it's worth and moving on then we get to the fourth month Tammis that's the wheat harvest and the first ripe grapes show up and then we get to the fifth month of July or August and our calendar that's the grape harvest and I want you to notice when is the grapes harvest in the fall and special days the 9th of AAB is the day that almost throughout history the bad things always happen on the 9th of Avila and but it's interesting to realize that the only if grapes are harvested in the fall there's no way you can get grape juice in the spring people insist that they use grape juice at communion that's doesn't not without refrigeration by the way so I'll let you chew on that one we'll move on and we have then the sixth month that's the dates and summer figs and all of that and the final month of the month of Tishri which is the beginning of the Genesis calendar but the seventh month on the Exodus calendar and that's the early rains and the special days there are of course the fall feasts Feast of Trumpets Yom Kippur sue cot and Feast of Tabernacles as we call it so the Book of Ruth chapter one was love's resolved that was Ruth cleaving to Naomi this time we're going to take a look at love's response Ruth gleaning will talk about what all that's about and then next session will be loves requests and then the love's reward as the final redemption so we're gonna move in to chapter 2 that was all by way of a quick review chapter 2 verse 1 they only had a kinsman of her husband's a mighty man of wealth of the family of Elimelech and his name was Boaz the word Boaz means in Hemet strength but this name is not only important it's the name given to one of the two pillars of Solomon's Temple and there's a whole study behind that will forgo for now but just be sensitive to that that in Hemet there is strength and so this is where the plot starts to thicken because Boaz is a kinsman of alumalite and we get the glimmer of a plot coming here a man of wealth of the family of a little egg and it implies a history of valor and strong and strength and so forth and that's what the word Boaz should come out to you he's the hero of the piece obviously and so the blood relationship I'm elect not was in the ohmy incidentally so with the guy and so we to just as he was Atkins ahead Akins Minh we also have a King's a kinsman one who is made like we are but sinless holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners Gordon Hebrew seven he's the one who is able to save us to the uttermost so we're gonna take a special interest in the role and the achievement of Boaz in the plot of this story here and the named Boaz of course means strength mighty man of wealth and so on and so a mighty man of the war and mighty man of the law and he so he's the hero of the piece okay verse two and ruth the moabite is said unto Naomi let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace and she said unto her go my daughter now this gets into a practice that may sound strange to us what they called gleaning if you owned land you could farm it in one pass what you didn't pick up in one pass was left for the destitute poor friends widows that was what they there was laws on that that reserve that for the disadvantaged and so whatever was spilled was left for them and that's what she's going to take she is the caretaker so to speak of Naomi so she's going to go and glean to provide for the two of them by gleaning that was the welfare system that they had in those days the law of gleaning we find this profile for you in Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 24 in 19 when you eat the harvest of your land thou shall not wholly reap the corners of thy field neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of the harvest thou shalt not glean thy vineyard neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger I am the Lord your God and in ministry 3 and when you reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not make clean riddens of the corners of thy field with my rapist neither shalt thou gather any cleaning of the harvest thou shalt leave them unto the poor and to the stranger you're going in Deuteronomy a civil or a similar passage when I cut us down by harvest and I feel the and has forgot is she from the field thou shall not go again to fetch it it shall be for the stranger for the father's for the widow and the LORD thy God may bless thee and all they work about hands when thou beatest an olive tree thou shalt not go over the boughs again it shall be for the stranger for the father's for the widow and when I gather there's grapes if their vineyard thou shalt not glean it afterward it shall be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow and thou shalt remember that thou West a bondman in the land of Egypt therefore our command thee to do this thing so this was God's Way of providing for the poor now interesting enough they had to work for it there are no handouts they had to go gather it so there's a there's a side a see additional aspect to this so in the third verse in chapter 2 and speaking of Ruth she came she went and came and gleaned in the field after the Reapers and her HAP was to light on a part of the field belonging to Boaz who was of the kindred of Elimelech do you think that she knew that do you think she had a family three no she happened on that field now that there's an expression among the rabbis that coincidence is not a kosher word or the way we often say there are no accidents in God's kingdom so I love the way the Holy Spirit is phrasing is here her HAP was slight on a part of the field and as some people say coincidences when God is working undercover see and so so now we begin to see the plot thickened because she happens on a field that happens to be owned by a very powerful man that is a relative of Elimelech and the word actually is McGregor which means unforeseen meeting or event accident happening chance fate her hap was too and happenstance is another way we might express that and he was a kindred of Elimelech now it's interesting by the way something you may not realize there is a new field of mathematics relatively new field of mathematics called chaos theory there are two concepts that we have in mathematics that we cannot find in the universe one of those is infinity we know we think we understand it but we can't find any examples of that we're not in an infinite the universe is fine on that instrument but the other concept is randomness it may surprise you to discover that true randomness is elusive a proper mathematician will speak of a pseudo-random number a number of their approximate speer and if any procedure to get that number means it's not random and so it's a very strange thing and one of the latest studies is this so-called chaos theory and it's based basically on the elusiveness of randomness that our inability to find it it describes behavior of certain dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions the butterfly effect and that sort of thing in the information sciences it's interesting if you study son ants whether it's physics or by all you name the science the cutting edge of all our sciences is in a field called information theory the real issues in biology are now switching Theory issues coding issues and so the information Sciences and lambda menace is a very very elusive that they synonym for randomness is entropy and many that's a term that you might not be comfortable with but just remember entropy is randomness and it shocks me to discover there are many of our most conspicuous mathematicians Stephen Hawking and others that muck that up they confuse entropy from information no they're opposites entropy is the absence of information information is some property calls negative entropy entropy is randomness there are two kinds of processes and math most of us have been trained in what's called deterministic processes two plus two is four always right you see it's determined it's it's precise there's another field of processes that are called stochastic processes in which there's an element of randomness how tall is the average person see that suddenly starts to make some other questions and the study of stochastic processes is study of advanced statistics not just descriptive statistics but advanced statistics and it's one of the most sophisticated fields that you can get into strangely enough and so but that also is a pursuit of pseudo-random numbers one of the things that you discover is very hard to get your hands on is it back when I was in the RAND Corporation in 1955 the RAND Corporation published a book called 1 million rounded digits with a hundred thousand normal deviance and when you picked up that book I have one in my office pick up that book and open it you think it's a joke it's groups of five and groups of five numbers that are random here's a book of read the layman picks it up and thinks this is a put on a joke a book of random numbers and that's meaningless we hope so see the problem what made it a milestone at the time is the RAND Corporation had access to the supercomputers of the Department of Defense and they studied those numbers to make sure there was no symmetry no patterning no predictability they used advanced computer techniques to make sure there was no predictability it was absolutely they used computers to make sure there was no design it was truly randomness is the opposite of design you follow me OK and if you saw this book I'd rather carry it around I just put it in the PowerPoint simpler that's what it looks like it's just groups of numbers and the layman who looks at that and laughs and said that must be a joke no it's not it was an achievement at the time it's not as trivial as it sounds it's defining characteristic is the total absence of design I mentioned that because did in today's world there's the most bizarre inversion of truth we teach our kids that when we encounter design in fact the most elegant design we encounter being a leaf on a tree or a bird's feather it evidences design that is fantastic and we attribute that to randomness that is map that is definitively mathematically absurd the more elegant the design the more is on the opposite end of the scale and so for what it's worth so randomness or true randomness or entropy is defined as the absence of design and yet we teach our kids that they're the results of a random accident a cosmic accident and that what that does that demonstrates a complete void of understanding of what the very terms mean when somebody argues about petra Briand design they demonstrate they have no grass or what either word means what entropy means or what design means and so the fortunately the most advanced Sciences we have the information sciences have obliterated the very foundations of evolutionary thought it still remains as the politically correct perspective and that's why we have science and technology how are they different technology produces products so it's self validating science is a priesthood with a creed that if you deviate from you jeopardize your career which came first the DNA of the proteins they had to be designed together had to be designed together anyway and if you go down this path you want to be aware of a book called the privileged planet most of us you most of you have studied this are familiar with the anthropic principle it's as if the entire universe was designed for a man and that's an interesting study in its own right but it's a book has come out called the privileged planet in which the universe turns out to be uniquely positioned not just for life but for being discovered it's amazing as we discover more about the universe it's not only designed for a man to live it's designed for a man to discover his surroundings and that discovery is really a sty in the galaxy are positioned because we can get total eclipses introduces the spectroscopy and the visible spectrum and so forth so that implies teleology not only designed but designed with a purpose and that's staggering and Giulio Gonzalez and Jay Richards came out with a book called the privileged planet and is on a DVD on that all so that not only are we designed it was a purposeful design and that goes the next step it's really quite breathtaking to get into that I'll leave that with you but in proverbs 16 33 the last verse of proverbs 16 it says the lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing there I was the Lord okay and so as Einstein pointed out God does not play dice do you know why if he did he'd win okay anyway moving on so there's two imputed concepts that are elusive physical randomness and infinity and so in our macrocosm we know that we're in a finite universe in the microcosm we discover in other words in terms of largest we know the universe may be expanding but it's finite not infinite that's the great discovery of 20th century science at the other end in terms the microcosm things smaller than we are we discover that in smallness there's a limit to smallness that whether you're talking about length mass energy or time it's made up of indivisible units and that that discovery is staggering in its implications and so I'm delighted with Scientific American in June of 2005 they had an article this and they pointed out that if our universe constants are changing it means that our reality is but a shadow of a larger reality and when I saw that I just blew me away because that's exactly what the Bible has been saying from the beginning but let's get back to Ruth here so she happens by the design of God to stumble on the field of Boaz so and behold Boaz came from Bethlehem and said unto his Reapers the Lord be with you and they answered him the law bless thee so the name Boaz the Lord of the harvest if you will then said Boaz to his servant that was set over the Reapers whose damsel is this now here's where I stumble over an observation I think is fascinating every place in the Bible where the Holy Spirit is typifies by a person it's always an unnamed servant who introduces Ruth to Boaz an unnamed servant we don't know his name there are other places like in the Aikido injustice 22 and 24 where Abrams at four is the model of the father and Isaac his son and the eldest servant is his elder servant but there you can't find out his name by going back to Genesis 15 we know his the name of Abrams Ellis servant was Eliezer which means comforter so it's fascinating to me that even here in this little model Boas introduced to the Rams will buy an unnamed servant and you may think I'm making something out of nothing but let's hold your judgment until you have the whole story coming out here any boy whose damsel is this and so she's introduced by an unnamed servant and we know that in Genesis 24 was eliezer abraham's servant and why is the Holy Spirit always modeled or typify diffe you will buy an unnamed servant and Jesus explains that to us in John 16 verse 13 howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself and it fascinates me to see how literally that's applied that the Holy Spirit always portrays himself as an unnamed servant even when he has a name it's absent from that particular part of the record I think that's fascinating I think that's why I'm saying now by the way this sermon is responsible to supervise the workers supply provisions for the Reapers and pay them at the end of the day and that's that's the procedure here and the servant that was set over the reapers answered and said it is the Moabite us damsel that came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab so she obviously has developed a reputation for herself already and so the so the servant is the nara he was the foreman obviously and he's responsible for the supervision and all that and she said I pray you let me glean and gather after the Reapers among the sheaves so she came and have continued even from the morning until now that she tarried a little in the house then said Boaz unto Ruth here is thou not my daughter go not to glean in another field neither go from hence but abide here fast by my maidens this is what we would say the fix is in he obviously Boaz you know likes what he sees go not to glean in another field so in other words the invitation that was extended to continue gleaning in his fields permanently that's what he's arguing for she's free to continue throughout the barley harvest which included March and April she's also free to continue through the wheat harvest which is forthcoming which includes May and June you with me so far okay the boss contains let thine eyes be on the field that they do reap and go thou after them have I not charged the young men that they shall not touch thee and when thou art a first go into the vessels and drink of that which the young men have drawn in other words she's supposed to stay in his field she is free to follow immediately after the servant girls where would be the most numerous and so forth and his intervention and provision on her path is Norton so you beginning to get the picture here she's not only favored here she's caught the eye of this guy okay alright then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said unto him why have I found grace in thine eyes that thou should us take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger and certainly there's a Hebrew play on words that you have noticed the unnoticed is sort of the flavor what is saying there with grace of course is the basis that's going to be very important as we go here and Boas answered and senator it have fully been showed me all that thou has done unto thy mother in losses the death of mine husband and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother and the land of thy Nativity and art come into a people which thou knewest not heretofore the Lord recompense ty work and a full reward be given me of the Lord God of Israel under whose wings thou art come to trust in that eloquent that's just great then she said let me find favor in thy sight my lord for that thou has comforted me and for that thou has spoken friendly unto thine handmaid though I be not like unto one of thine hand maidens and Bowa said unto her at mealtime come bow hither and eat of the bread and dip the morsel in the vinegar and she sat beside the Reapers and he reached her parched corn and she did eat and was suffice to and lift and now the Hebrew word for reached here it's about which means to cease with the hand the word is only used here and nowhere else in the Hebrew Bible in the Hebrew it's singular which means that Boaz personally served here with his hands is what's implied in the grammar for what it's worth just an insight here and of course the vinegar thing is really a drink made from sour grapes that they're talking about there and when she was risen up to clean Boaz commanded his young man saying let her glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not in other words the Hebrew says even between the sheaves she may glean so the fix is in is what we're saying here okay and it's unusual for a cleaner to be allowed to pick up green this close to the harvesters they're normally permitted to glean only after the harvesters had completed all their work and and notice this I love this verse sixth is it and let fall also some of the handfuls on purpose for her and leave them that she may glean them and rebuke her not and it was some years ago in my ministry I remember getting a letter of encouragement from one of our subscribers this Chuck what we like about you is that you leave handfuls purpose and did they use that phrase obviously from the study but I thought that was that was charming handfuls on purpose handfuls of ears and it's used only here in the Hebrew Bible by the way and see if they were to pull out a handful of stocks this is the amount of green that we grasp with the left hand as the Sickler cuts with his right so the fix is in basically so she gleaned in the field until even and beat out that she had gleaned and it was an ephah of barley now Tarrant Lee 10 Eve I was about 90 gallons if you get a feeling for this or putting another way it's about 9 gallon consumption and if Josephus computation of a bath or if I was right 9 gallons is about right for this and that's it that's we draw on Josephus for that perspective it seems about right here a dry measure of one bushel capacity it corresponds to the bath and liquid measure and was the standard for measuring grain and similar articles if you will and she took it up and went into the city and her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned and she brought forth and gave to her that she had reserved after she was suffice and so it's interesting it's about 30 pounds of barley that's enough for five days for the both of them so she came home pretty well thinking and plus her own leftover provisions and her mother-in-law Naomi said unto her where hast thou gleaned today she smells a fix here Dungey the mother yeah see Ruth might be oblivious to the the organization of the community but then the OMA is a good Jewish mother okay where a star gleaned that where hast thou gleaned today and where rawness thou blessed be he that a date knowledge of thee and she showed her mother-in-law with whom she was wrought and said the man's name with whom I brought today is Boaz so this turns the light on Naomi immediately realizes the implications of what's going on here okay and they only said unto her daughter-in-law blessed be he of the Lord who have not left off his kindness to the living or to the dead and the only senator the man is near of kin unto us one of our next kinsmen so this is where the pulse quickens this is where you realize the plots unfolding this is a ray of sunshine and they're very very dark period in their lives one of our next kinsmen now the go L is is Boaz connected with a concept of the kinsman redeemer so that concept here is going to be typify for us will under get a grasp of what a goal is all about and the reason we're interested in that is because we have a goal L none other than the Lord Jesus and we'll understand his role by understanding what's really going on here which is why this is so rich and and ruth the moabite us said he said unto me also thou shalt keep fast by my young men until they have ended all my harvest so in the only now realizes the fixes in says she's caught his eye here somehow okay and the only said under Ruth her daughter-in-law it is good my daughter that thou will go out with his maidens and that they meet they not in any other field so see Naomi is starting to coach her and she's going to coach her for the scene that's going to come up in the next session a scene which nine out of ten people misunderstand because they don't have the background okay and so making sure they meet thee not in another field so she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the end of the barley harvest and of the wheat harvest and dwelt with her mother-in-law so it came in two stages first the barley harvest which began with a feast of firstfruits around the end of March or the beginning of April and ended with a feast of weeks and the second the wheat harvest which began in the feast of weeks around the end of May or the beginning of June continue the end of June the first part of July get the picture so far okay and so to the end of the barley harvest and of the wheat harvest so we talking several months here obviously ok the wheat harvest about 50 days after the barley harvest and it's about time if Shevat what we call the Feast of Pentecost because of the 50-day Issy now the Jewish liturgy requires the reading of the Book of Ruth at Shevat which is hard to explain from a Jewish perspective it's very conspicuously obvious from a New Testament perspective because she vote is where acts 2 happens it's really the birth of the church and that's why it's the use of leavened bread and Shabbat is so peculiar okay so to summarize chapter 2 Ruth happens on the field of Boaz and she's introduced to him by the unnamed servant these are the highlights here she finds favor in his field Boaz is a kinsman of Elimelech okay therefore he's potentially eligible to serve as the kinsman redeemer okay now we're going to discover in chapter 3 that there is one kinsman still closer than he is so we're gonna look at the law of redemption in preparation for chapter 3 and the law of what's called the lever right marriage now the law of redemption has to do with the land and you need that you'll understand that if I just point out the land was not sold in what we call fee-simple you know in the Western culture you didn't get titled to the land you got its use and so you could sell its use for a number of years but it was redeemed ballif there were years left and a relative could step into to redeem it and so forth that's what we're gonna talk about so let's just take a look at this Israel you see belongs to God not they can't take title there when Joshua entered the land it was granted to the twelve tribes the land was to stay in that tribe is the concept you could sell the land which was really more of what we'd consider lease you sold the rights to use the land for a while okay in the year of Jubilee that's 49 Sabbath years plus one the land would return to its original owners and that's a strange time when you sold your land the title deed would also include rules for title the redemption the law required a procedure so if your next of kin would show up there was some procedure where he could purchase back the unused years and that was called redeeming the land okay now it's interesting when you study Jeremiah 25 a very strange event curves in the history of Jarrah that most people are puzzled by Jeremiah was instructed to buy land right before he they knew the 70 year captivity was going to start but God tells him to go buy some property which is weird because he won't survive the return and after the captivity why would he buy property because God told him to so he went after that after that captivity Jeremiah's descendants will come back and claim the land by redeeming that's what it sets up that part isn't explained you have to infer that but that's why it's there to teach us about title deeds why does it want to teach us about title deeds because that's what's going on in Revelation chapter 5 without that background with the role that's written within and on the backside that's a title deed and a sealed with seven seals and those seals have to be broken to redeem the land it had to be a kinsman that all that but all that comes to play in Revelation chapter five if you have the background here okay the title deed will be a scroll on the back of which would detail the procedure for the redemption okay now there's another law that's protect pretty little pretty strange and that's the law of levirate marriage the word levere is Latin for a husband's brother and it dealt with a situation where a widow had no issue her husband passed away with no children she could go to the next of kin and put a claim on him to take her to wife to raise up children for the family that was called a lever at marriage no he had to meet three conditions to make this work if he go she goes to the next of kin first he had to be a near kinsman obviously secondly he had to be able to form and thirdly he had to be willing in other words it was voluntary he didn't have to do it he had a choice those are the the three conditions had to be a kinsman had to be able to perform had to be whether you perform that's going to come up in in but when you get to chapter four if he chose not to he had to give her his shoe which was in that situation a symbol of shame if she put the bite on him to do the kinsman's part and he refused he took off a shoe and gave the shoe to her as an evidence of shame he's admitting that he's shamed by not stepping up to that so it was a symbol of shame okay because he had failed to do the kinsman part that's going to come up in Chapter four okay so the laws of ancient Israel the law of gleaning we experienced in Chapter two we've just been through that one but the law of levirate marriage will come up in Chapter three and the law of redemption will occur in chapter four one reason most people don't really understand the Book of Ruth is they don't have the benefit of understanding those three ancient laws of age the laws of ancient Israel but they're all there for you and as part of your background you can double back on that and get a feeling for what those things really talk about so in our next session I'd like you to review the law of redemption in Leviticus 25 the law of levirate marriage and Deuteronomy 25 and then study Ruth chapter 3 and which is widely misunderstood by the uninformed so as you read ahead in chapter 3 you need to understand that when she approaches Boaz at night she is not soliciting like a prostitute it's worse than that she's asking her as she's asking him to be there to marry her to put his authority over her to put his skirt over her and so I'm just letting you know in advance as you read chapter 3 don't fall in the trap of misunderstanding that as most people would without the background what she's actually asking for is more profile and then most people realize it gets even more complicated than that because she has two choices she could be married to him to her benefit rather than Naomi's but she does it in such a way that it's - Naomi's benefit and so there's subtleties to the plot here that most people wouldn't unravel and we'll be dealing with that as we go forward in the third session in Chapter three and so I encourage you to do a little homework and realize that in Chapter three comes the big event what's known as the thrashing floor scene and you want to really understand what's going on there by the subtleties involved and that sets the stage for the big climax in Chapter four and I'll just warn you in advance that Chapter four will have some very unusual surprises hidden away inside it and with that let's close with a word of Prayer father we thank you for the joy of your word we thank you Father that you have treated us with this this this charming illuminating narrative and we thank you Father for the narrative we thank you for the reality of it that this all really happened but more father we thank you for the lessons that teaches us and we pray father through your Holy Spirit you would illuminate the nuances and the subtleties here to our benefit that we might more fully understand that your role as our kinsman redeemer that we indeed have a man of war a man of the lord of the harvest that is so looking out for us and so willing to put his skirt over us to put his authority over us and to protect us provide us and shield as from that which would attempt to injure we thank you Father that we have such a goal on our behalf our kinsman redeemer indeed yeshuaa the Lord Jesus Christ indeed amen [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 29,617
Rating: 4.8698483 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: suep1CrjwLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 8sec (2588 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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