The History of Draenei Racials in World of Warcraft

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the burning crusade added the first new races to the game the blood elves and the draenei this was the first time the alliance could be shamans in the horde paladins and in this video we'll be talking about the history of racials for the draenei the draenei have four racials while each of these racials have seen some changes unlike most other racials they still have all of the same racials they did when they were first added to the game first up is gift of the naru this was a little hot on a 3 minute cooldown that had a one and a half second cast time and a 40 yard range it wasn't the biggest heal at level 70 was only about a thousand health over 15 seconds but the thing is it didn't cost any mana to cast and if you were a healer using it with a whole bunch of plus healing gear on it's scaled like any other heal making it a phenomenal heal especially for healers as again required zero mana and mana free abilities are very valuable for healers for all of you non-healers out there the next ratio we'll talk about is gem cutting this is as simple as any racial can be it gave the draenei a plus 5 skill if they decided to take the new jewelcrafting profession that came out with the burning crusade shadow resistance is up next the draenei's shadow resistance followed the exact same set of changes as the shadow resistance of the undead so if you see my video of the history of undead racials you'll know that it fades as time goes on but if you haven't seen the video be sure to check it out if you're finished watching this one i'll leave a link at the end anyways what shadow resistance did was give the draenei a plus 10 to their shadow resistance stat now last but not least we have the draenei's heroic presence or inspiring presents they're both basically the same thing so i'm only gonna be showing heroic presence on screen this racial alone was the reason why you wanted at least one draenei per party in your raid what it did was give all of your party members either one percent hit or one percent spell hit draenei warriors hunters and paladins had heroic presence giving one percent hit to all party members within 30 yards while mages shamans and priests had inspiring presence which gave party members 1 spell hit if they were within 30 yards of you as with most things early on in wow this ability was party wide and not raid wide this meant that you wanted one draenei per party to give the boost a hit which was incredibly impactful wrath of the lich king brought a few changes to the draenei's racials inspiring presence was removed and its effect was rolled into heroic presence which now gave both one percent hit and spell hit it still remained only party-wide however even with these limitations this puts heroic presence in the running for one of the most overpowered racials in the game's history this meant alliance players could just straight up plan their gear around needing one less hit chance which was a pretty significant amount for some classes like hunters who only needed eight percent chance to hit total so that one percent was actually about 13 of their total hit chance needed and if you read guys from this time period online you'll see them give stat weight suggestions for horde players and then different ones if you know you're going to have a draenei in your party shadow resistance was changed as all other resistance ratios were to give a flat 2 percent reduced chance to be hit by shadow spells gem cutting remained the same but gift of the naaru had the mounted heel changed to now be increased by either your attack or spell power whichever is higher and made its attack bar immune to pushback push back for anyone who isn't aware is when a caster is casting a spell but they get hit by something in the cast as well pushed back so having a heel that now scales the spell power costs no mana and now is immune to pushback is still really nice this didn't last too long however as with patch 3.1 it was changed to be instant cast and you can't push back an instant cast spell as deathwing grows and brought about the cataclysm new abilities were granted to the races of azeroth that some may deem unnatural heroic presence was nerfed so now instead of providing your heroic presence to others in your party it only affected yourself it was still a fantastic racial just no longer bonkers like it was previously gem cutting was buffed by a whole 50 percent so now it has a fantastic plus 10 jewelcrafting skill so while it was changed it didn't really change anything and was still as incredibly minor as it always had been then the resistance ratios were changed again to now increase your resistance stat by one per level so plus one shadow resistance at level one and a plus 85 shadow resistance at max level then in one of the minor patches early on gift of the narrow was also changed to now heal a flat 20 of the target's health over 15 seconds rather than a scaling value this is the first and only expansion where all of the draenei's ratios were changed as gem cutting has only ever been changed once since the draenei were added to the game mr pandaria only brought two changes the first was to shadow resistance and that was because all the resistance racials were changed into their final form so far which made them reduce all damage taking from that school of magic by one percent so for draenei which channel resistance that means one percent less shadow damage second was a gift of the naru nerf to make it so it only killed the target for 20 to the caster's maximum health instead of the targets so it no longer got huge benefits to casting on the tank who would always have the highest hp of the raid and are always priority heal targets warlords of draenor also brought a couple of changes to the dreadnai as they've returned to one of their many homes in their 10 000 year journey from hiding from the legion even if it was in an alternative timeline firstly gift of the narrow was changed to essentially heal faster the duration of the hot was reduced from 15 seconds down to just 5 seconds while still healing the same amount the second change was to heroic presence it was now redesigned to no longer increase hit and spell hit by one percent but instead just give a flat amount of strength agility and intellect although whatever class you are two of those three stats do pretty much nothing for you this change was done because they basically removed the hit chance stat from the game ending the reign of draenei having one of the most powerful stat boosting racials in the game to date this is the last time the draenei's racials have changed but in legion the light forged draenei were added to the game with patch 7.3.5 in legion the lightforged draenei become a playable race that have five racials first they have lights judgment which on a two and a half minute cooldown lets you call down a holy energy to deal damaged enemies within five yards after three seconds it's a little confusing because while casting it is instant there is a delay before the damage is dealt but according to some of the mid maxing websites like hero damage or blood mallet this ability makes the light forge really good in mythic plus this ability seems to be the equivalent of the normal draenei's give to the naaru but it deals damage instead of healing next they have forge of light which on a 15 minute cooldown lets you summon an anvil and gives you a plus 10 to blacksmithing of the profession racials this is actually one of the better ones due to the anvil summoning so that you can actually do your smithing on the go but still overall isn't impactful and is pure flavor next is demon bane which increases the experience gained from killing demons by 20 percent this was the second ever xp increasing ratio the other being the trolls beast slain racial which was changed from dealing an extra five percent damage to beast normally draenor to instead grant an extra 20 experience from killing them their third racials lights reckoning which causes you to erupt when you die and deal holy damaged enemies within 8 yards as well as healing allies in range as well very reminiscent of tyrial's death ability and heroes of the storm and interestingly on the ptr this racial was originally called final verdict but likely changed to its final name light's reckoning as the final verdict already existed as one of the paladin's main abilities and this could have become even more confusing as for flavor reasons many people would probably be making light for the draenei paladins anyway and lastly the light for to draenei's fifth racial is a holy resistance which is with all other resistance racials reduces holy damage taken by one percent so while there has never been a holy resistance stat in the game lightforge got a form of holy protection with its ironically named racial so far their racials have not seen any revisions but they are still a very new race in the grand scheme of the game so there is time and that's it since warlords of draenor the original draenei racials haven't changed aside from specific number scalings on heroic presence with the stat level squishes and when professions were broken up by expansions so the plus tended jewelcrafting from gem cutting was added each expansion jewelcrafting individually the same happened with the light forge and their blacksmithing skill instead they just added an entirely new draenei race through the new allied race system but who knows with blizzard saying we'll be going out and exploring the cosmos maybe we'll find more draenei out there and their racials will get an update then now if you liked this video and have ideas for future ones just like it i'd love to hear in the comments down below also be a playlist on all the other history videos go watch it you
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 56,955
Rating: 4.9546156 out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: kWM_0g2u0TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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