The Unholy Trinity Tour: Part 2 of 3- Seth Andrews

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[Music] this it's funny uh when we named the Unholy Trinity I contacted the guys and I said do you think people would get the joke right or will they think that this was our three Horsemen attempt right and we none of us have any elevated opinion of ourselves in that way it wasn't about that uh it was about taking what used to frighten us you know the spiritual plane the spiritual realm the devil in the dark the Unholy and sort of turning it on its ear and having some fun with it and so most everybody I mean with a few exceptions everybody's kind of gotten it hey it's just three buddies who were out there doing a tour together they called it the Unholy Trinity and I'm uh honored that we have a standing room on the crowd I've already put some pictures up on Facebook and everybody's like when's the video releasing and I'm like one thing at a time people by the way thank you to all of you whove asked about uh Henry I don't know if you've been following the story of the little rescue dog that uh that's little Henry uh he was we just rescued him from a puppy mill they had 103 dogs in a mobile home and Natalie and I went and grabbed him and we cleaned him up and he's become one of the joys of our life and and he also gives me a chance to endear myself to a a packed Audience by showing animal photographs at the beginning of my speech here's a picture that U endear you that's me 20 years ago at KX OJ 100.9 FM radio that is not a mullet it is a by Lev quick biography I'm the product of a Christian home my parents are both Theologian level Believers my mother wrote a Greek New Testament study guide used at the college level I was in Christian School from fourth grade through my senior year an absolute True Believer a spokesperson for Youth for Christ at 9th grade before I could drive I was speaking audiences about the truth right I couldn't drive but I had Enlightenment for the masses go figure I started in radio in 1990 at kxoj I spent 12 years segwayed out of radio uh Christian radio into pop and rock and then eventually into video production and that is what I do today here's a shot of me with a band called The Imperials anybody here old enough to remember the Imperials I'm forgiven I'm not doing the rest of the song there's me with Amy Grant about 1997 I think now when I was young I was fitted with God glasses now I bring these up in my talks all the time because they are relevant to me they do two specific things first of all they filter out incoming rays of light the things that make you squint because they are uncomfortable the second thing they have are blinders they keep you from looking around too much and that comes from the pages of scriptures in Colossians set your mind on things that are above not on things that are on the earth doubt was a problem right how many of you came from a religious or Christian family or environment okay so this is like a self-help meeting then I am Seth ex Christian I've been sober for 6 years I hi sir yeah I doubts to be uncertain about something to believe that something may not be true or is unlikely to have no confidence in when I was a Believer doubt was a problem James told us if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault it will be given but when you ask you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea SE blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do if you doubt you're shaky you're a feather in the wind you're unreliable Proverbs said trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding when I was in Christian School and in Sunday school and in vacation bible school they would often say you should be like one of these disciples and their faith be more like them be Godly who's the disciple that they never said be like that guy Thomas doubting Thomas after Christ rose from the dead it was Thomas who refused to believe until he could see Jesus's wounds John 20:25 the other disciples therefore said unto him we've seen the Lord but said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe and what was Jesus's response Jesus said because you've seen me you believe blessed are those who have not seen and believed I'm reminded of the um uh this guy is a senior Apostle in the Mormon Church his name is deer uorf he did a a presentation last year at a big Mormon convention latterday States convention it was called doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith FF Bosworth the famous American evangelist said believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts and doubt was a problem I talked about this in my book deconverted right doubt is that pinging in the back of your head and you brush it away and you think you try to get used to it you try to get used to it it's a problem I looked at even the first chapter of the book of the Bible and when I examined it without making it a love letter without my God glasses when I decided I was going to take an honest look I saw lots of opportunities for doubt God created the light and the Darkness and he separated them on the first day Genesis 1 but in verses 16-9 God made two great light the greater light to govern the day the Lesser light to govern the night that was the fourth day now a day is a period of 24 hours is a unit of time reckoned from one midnight to the next corresponding to the rotation of the Earth on its axis as it rotates around the Sun if God didn't create the sun till the fourth day how would four days already passed I I i' I'd miss that when in Sunday school and Vacation Bible School Genesis 1 God called the light day the darkness he called night on the first day without a son the creation of the sun chapter 14 and he also made the stars but the sun is a star so if he'd already made the Sun how could he have then created the Stars he created two great lights but wait a minute the Moon is not a light it is a reflector of light it doesn't generate any light that's not a creation of light in Genesis chap 1 he created the heavens and the Earth verse one verse 14 the sun moon and stars were created well wait a minute between those 14 verses what constituted the heavens that's odd I kind of doubt that makes sense and then you feel guilt anyone here know the guilt that comes when you start to doubt right it's a lack of faith it's a lack of faith it's an attack it's an attack I need to be a better Christian I should pray more I should read the Bible more the problem is me Genesis 1:26 God created male and female Adam and Eve he created them at the same time but hang on just a second Genesis chapter 2 the Lord said it's not good for the man already created to be alone so he formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky and he brought them to the man to see what he would name them whatever the man called each living creature that was its name so we named them them all livestock birds all the wild animals but for Adam no suitable helper was found so then the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and while he was sleeping he took his rib and he made the woman and presented her now Adam was alone in Chapter 2 where in Chapter one they were created together God said I will make a suitable helper for him and then he started with the animals and said well [ __ ] that didn't work out wouldn't an omniscient deity have known in advance that there was no suitable helper I shall create perfectly matched pairs of everything else and Adam gave names to all the cattle and the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field wait a minute there's an estimated 8.7 million species on the earth to date all of modern science has only named or categorized 1.2 million of them and Adam named him in a day I kind of doubt that's [Music] viable who named this guy this is the giant spider crab he lives at 300 M almost 1,000 ft Adam held his breath and swam his ass down there and said spider crab I doubt that makes sense what about the disorder of creation take a look at Genesis 1 and 2 now this is rudimentary for many of you but bear with me because I understand that many are hearing some of this information or seeing it in context for the first time right in chapter one it's the water then the plants but in chapter two he creates the plants then the water chapter one animals then birds and then Adam and Eve together chapter 2 it's Adam animals then Eve Genesis 2:7 said God made Adam from the dust of the ground but if the previous verse said the entire Earth was covered in water where was there dust coming from what the flip is up with the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil right why place it in the path of two naive children why allow the serpent into the garden why didn't God intervene when the serpent began to tempt Eve why wouldn't God want his kids to have the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil when they were busted why was the first reaction to cover up their genitals and is it justice that original sin punishes Generations who hadn't yet been born now God is omniscient knowing everything meaning before he ever breathed the cosmos into existence he saw the fail of the Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden the Genesis account I kind of doubt that makes sense if we're talking about omnicient and omnipotence what about the snake who created that the serpent was more crafty than any of the animals the Lord God had made God created the mechanism that led to the fall of Eve and Adam who created evil Colossians 1 for in him all things were created things in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him if you go to Isaiah I form the light and create Darkness I make peace and create evil why would God who is the ultimate good create evil I doubt that makes sense even Francis Collins who's been involved with the Human Genome Project and is still a Bible believing Christian said this they said that an anatomically modern humans emerged from primate ancestors perhaps a 100,000 years ago long before the Genesis time frame and originated with a population that numbered something like 10,000 not two individuals a scientist who believes in the Christian God has said that the Genesis account canot cannot account for the origins of humankind the concepts of Adam and Eve as the literal first couple and the ancestors of all humans simply quote do not fit the evidence and yet he is still a Bible believing Christian how does this happen well he's wearing God glasses how about another story in the Book of Genesis that just makes your left eyebrow raise about this high and it's one of the ones I like to lead with in a conversation about doubt hey how did someone live to be 600 years old in a time period when most people live to be maybe 50 hey wait a minute why uh did God have to drown everybody The Unborn I'm sorry The Unborn brand new babies the deaf mute the mentally ill how do they get their heads around Concepts like like fall like the uh a sin nature corruption all of those types of things what did the animals do to piss God off that doesn't make any sense why would he do that and again if he's omniscient why did he not see that he would have to drown everybody horribly and come up with a better plan he's God he can do whatever he wants hey how did eight people uh hundreds of years in age create a football field-sized boat using only trees and pitch that housed animals that walked up to 8,000 MI from all over the world so that they could live for a year right how did this happen where were the food stores kept what about the specialized diets for the specific animals you know meat for the carnivores what about plant life for the herbivores how was that kept fresh how was it kept from spoiling how did eight people shovel thousands of tons of animal waste out of a a 450t Long Boat with one window in it one window can you imagine the smell right why did Noah have to send a Dove out to find land when he and God were talking in earlier verses they were on speaking terms right he had to send a dove out to go look to do some Recon it makes no sense hey why did he bother to send the dove out to find land the ark doesn't have a sail a motor or a Rudder it can't be steered so they could have been 50 ft from land and it wouldn't have made a lick a difference they just sailed right on by how did eight people commit incest to create over 5,000 ethnic groups in 4,000 years yeah these types of questions might I don't know lead to doubt H we have to talk about the morality of God I doubt it's moral to drown the planet and why the elaborate ruse of the flood he could have vaporized everybody and simply started over why this rude Goldberg mechanism right where the fresh waters come down and mix with the salt Waters and those brackish Waters it it doesn't kill all the ocean and Lake life I don't get any of that and the morality of doing it to begin with here's a great example this is Jeffrey dmer he killed 17 people he's a monster in society's eyes especially the Christian culture God kills the entire planet we call him Lord Jeffrey dmer accepted Jesus before he was killed in prison according to that he is in heaven today the lady on your right is aan her Ali who is escaped oppressive Islamic cultures she escaped Islamic oppression and now fights for human rights specifically women's rights all around the world and she goes to hell I doubt that's moral what do you think I doubt it makes sense for you to be horribly injured on God's watch in a car wreck you call 911 the paramedics conun you have an invasive operation you get round the-clock care prescription medications developed by scientists you take weeks months or years to recover and then thank God for saving your life here's a great cartoon it says I swear if anyone thanks God after this I'm putting the tumor back in is there anybody here who works in the medical or Health Care profession everybody else would you applaud These Fine people thank you thank you look if if I was there at at their bedside and we had done all of this stuff all of this stuff 24/7 round the clock and you had a much better day healthwise and they rubbed the crucifix around their neck and thank God I would probably say something like nurse we need a prescription laxative here because our patient is completely full of [ __ ] I think it doesn't make any sense that on I can't even say the word because I'm not omnipotent an omnipotent God wouldn't Point his finger to help us find a missing Malaysian Airline right think about all the grieving families think of the terror and the and the the tremendous heartache they're feeling why wouldn't a benevolent God point it out and say what happened or even prevent it I'm from Oklahoma last year on May the 20th we had an EFI twister go through Moore Oklahoma it was 200 plus M hour winds and a town devastated they've been hit three times in the last 15 years here is a story about a woman who was driving ding with her infant Child In Her Arms trying to escape the Twister she didn't make it her vehicle was flipped over the driver side window burst she and her child were sucked out and killed in full view of the rest of the family in a car behind her now we see this headline and then we see things like this a guy named Danny Moody Goes on Twitter and he posts a picture of Bible Pages and says this landed on my truck in the midst of a chaotic tornado my God still delivers now I am not trying to trod upon the grief of The Grieving and I always try to say that when I bring this example up but somebody's got to say it I doubt that makes sense God ignored seven screaming children there were actually many many more seven drowned in Plaza Towers Elementary School as the Twister hit them at the end of the school day seven children drowned and were horribly killed but God saved a few pieces of paper reminded to this meme from the Betty Bowers site thanking God for sparing you at a natural disaster is a bit like sending a thank you note to a serial killer for stabbing the family next door think of it people next to you are killed and you thank God you survived thank you God for caring enough to save me what are you communicating to those who did not make it I doubt God would create a 100 billion galaxies so that you and I could be the center of the universe I kind of doubt that Matt and I will steal from Matt wherever he is he said he doubts God's master plan a master plan that would create a 100 billion galaxies so he could place his beloved children on a tiny rock in a remote corner of it and send most of them to hell I kind of doubt that I kind of doubt that the Bible would would ever have to be voted on the canonization of scripture the canonization of Bi Bible books which ones were CH chosen which ones were voted on why would God's definitive word ever have to be voted on by us right I doubt that makes sense I doubt there's a conspiracy of scientists in this world who are all sort of colluding together to kill God scientists get famous by proving other scientists wrong scientists challenge it they're the hardest on each other I kind of doubt that it's normal to take part in the act of communion we did this once a month in the church when I was growing up don't forget next Sunday is communion Sunday everybody so pray and get your heart right with Jesus bring the kids out we're going to ritualistically drink our father's blood and eat his flesh what the [ __ ] right but it was normal what about the Catholics who believe in transubstantiation right the miracle occurs and it actually becomes its flesh I doubt the morality of Jesus who said I have not come to bring peace but a sword I've come to turn a man against his father a daughter against her mother a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a Man's enemies will be the members of his own household you must love me more than them even if it makes them your enemy is that benevolence here's a great verse that shows you the true nature of God not the cherry-picked cafeteria plan verses we hear about in vacation bible school but the true nature of God out of Leviticus these people are not qualified to approach god with their offerings you can't have a blemish you can't be blind or lame no no you can't have a flat nose or have anything Superfluous or be broken footed or broken handed or have a crooked back or be a dwarf small people not allowed you can't have a blemish in your eye or be scurvy or scabbed or have your Stones broken no no no in order to approach Yahweh to be worthy you must be one of people Magazine's 100 beautiful I doubt the morality of the story of Abraham in a sacrifice of his son or almost sacrifice I use this story as a test when I'm talking to people in the faith and I say do you admire Abraham as God's servant absolutely we should all follow his example if God appeared to you and he said take one of your children and I'll often will ask them one of their children's names give me your one of your children's first name Timmy all right God told you to take Timmy out into the backyard and lay him out on the picnic table and take a kitchen knife and drive it into his chest and execute him to prove yourself to him prove your faith would you do it and believe it or not I have had a few people say yes the email I received was it is not wise to anger God these people scare me but to their credit the vast majority of even hardcore Bible believing Christians said forget it I won't ever harm my child I would rather receive judgment from God than lay a hand of harm to my child and I stopped them and I said congratulations You just prove two things first of all you do not gain your morality from God right you just made a moral decision outside of him and his book completely separate the second thing is you are more moral than God I doubt the validity of the Passover which we just went through the Passover dinners in the past years the president's Passover dinner have you guys seen that poster that says the story of Passover God kills a bunch of babies except for the Jewish ones right that's what Passover is God hardens Pharaoh's heart so Pharaoh couldn't change his mind if he wanted to which makes no sense and instead of punishing pharoh he executes innocent children I doubt that's moral I doubt intelligent design where 9 99.9% of all the species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct how hugely wasteful is that I hear people talking about design design design design really I want to know why God made me with nipples what's that about what's that for is that part of his design I doubt the story of a guy who was born 2,000 years ago in the Middle East who is somehow a white guy you guys seen those totally Caucasian oil paintings of Jesus in everybody's house I doubt that God has picked out your soulmate the person you are destined to spend your life with the person you are designed to share life with and his master plan is to send you to the website what did we ever do before the internet all of those people must have found somebody wrong right I doubt a benevolent God would allow 14,000 children to starve to death so he could instead use his power to make Matthew MCC pretty and talented now I like Matthew mccc's movies but when I saw him at the Oscar talking about a scientific fact you know I just felt that chill come up right talking about God now he's from Texas I'm guessing it's the Christian God and I have to say hey wait a minute Matt you won the Oscar playing somebody who befriended a transvesti have you read the Bible's take on sexuality huge contradiction I doubt that makes sense I doubt God wants Pastor Joel ostein in Houston Texas to have a personal net worth of4 million did you guys read about the break into his church one day's take they stole $600,000 I doubt the benevolent God would allow the death of young innocent children and it happens every day I doubt a God who would create and be the architect of a place called hell have anybody else been in a debate or discussion and when reasons not working they go well when you're in hell I'll be laughing at you right well that's not an argument it's a threat it's it's an attempt to play on a fear mechanism and uh I was normally I play the video but I'll just let you if you don't watch it online I did a video called burn victims where we actually look most people talk about hell but they have no idea what the actual connotation of Hell really is what's it really about uh let's let's explore the architect of hell and what it would mean to be tormented in the fires of Hell eternally what kind of monster would ever invent something like that let me get past that I doubt stories of giants the undead marching through cities Supermen who gain Powers based on the length of their hair talking donkeys people living 969 years flying Chariots of Fire levitation into clouds curses floating zoos and people who can live inside the stomach of a fish for 3 days have you guys had that discussion and you say whale and they go it wasn't a whale it was a big fish Bill Maher mentioned something about that and of course Ain brought this up if it contradicts the Bible they have to discount it so science can disprove all of this and it doesn't make a lick of difference here is a great example of the celebration of ignorance and the fear of science that's prevalent in religious cultures but this one has to do specifically with Christianity anybody know who Joyce Meyer is she's an author and evangelist and she speaks all around the world well she wrote a book called Battlefield of the Mind for teens which targets teenagers and the parents of teens how to be a Godly teenager how to raise a Godly teenager and she said in her book and I quote Satan will look for your child's weakest area and attack at that point he will attempt to fill your child with worry reasoning fear depression and discouraging negative thoughts she lumped reasoning in with worry and fear and negativity and depression it gets better same book I once asked the Lord why so many people are confused and he said to me tell them to stop trying to figure everything out and they will stop being confused I found it to be absolutely true reasoning and confusion go together and I have to resist the urge to remind Joyce Meyer that if she is preaching a literal Bible she is not qualified to instruct me in any way whatsoever how does any woman Champion that book right the woman that says go home tell your husband you're not qualified to speak you tell him he must speak on your behalf hell even in the Bible uh female slaves are worth half of the male slaves all over the Old Testament the females are the The Spoils of War H take them take him along with the other possessions how does any woman defend this book well they're wearing God glasses right they picked out the Cherry Picked verses husbands loved your wives as Christ loved the church and the love chapter in Corinthians and all that stuff you know bertron Russell said the fundamental cause of trouble in this world is that the modern world the stupid are [ __ ] sh while the intelligent are full of doubt we have to change how we frame the idea of doubting you know not that it's a sin and it's a problem and it's an attack and I'm ashamed I'm not worthy doubt becomes our mechanism for determining what is true and what is not doubt is an amazing tool for allowing ourselves to live truthful honest lives doubt allows us to sort of Kick the tires and say is this vehicle roadworthy and from that perspective doubting Thomas is one of my favorite characters in the Christian Bible show me show me the nail holes man give me the proof bring the evidence Carl San was right extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence in other words it is better to be slapped with the truth and kissed with a lie I'm reminded of the famous quote by Renee dayart spoke about doubt and he said this if you would be a real Seeker after truth it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt as far as possible all things my friends I think we need to continue to have discussions with people who are programmed to be afraid of doubt they think doubt is the devil in the darkness tapping them on the shoulder whispering in their ear doubt is a lack of faith doubt speaks to a lack of worth a lack of strength I think we need to help people reframe the word doubt doubt is freeing doubt is liberating my friends in this context I'm convinced that in our lives doubt is a very very beautiful thing thank you very much for for coming out today [Applause] thank [Applause] you
Channel: TheThinkingAtheist
Views: 144,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atheist, atheism, The Thinking Atheist, Seth Andrews, Matt Dillahunty, AronRa, Unholy Trinity, The Unholy Trinity tour, religion, God, faith, science
Id: 8tVBtyDqD90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 19sec (1999 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 06 2014
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