I Can't Stop Falling Asleep | Living Differently

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I mean that our days I do give up and those days make me super sad I call my mom crying like I don't want to do anything apart from sleep narcolepsy has changed my whole life [Music] excessive daytime sleepiness is what I think it defines us they say that people with narcolepsy it feel like if a normal person was not to sleep for 48 hours and then just be put in a working day that's how I feel every single day if four years ago you had to put me in this position now and tell me by the way in four years you have to sleep eight times a day you won't really be able to sit down have lunch dinner or breakfast without falling asleep I'd be like there's no point in living I don't want [Music] [Music] the narcolepsy has has changed my life I don't really go out and socialize that much in the evening I get very paranoid or I suppose it I get very panicky if friends invite me out because I want to go and I want to go and experience that's all stuff with them but I'm so scared that I'm gonna fall asleep I can't get an office job I wanted to do interior design at university I couldn't even finish school I can't even sit and have a meal without without struggling I've had boyfriends I'm out for dinner with and I was start doing something weird and he really was like what the hell are you doing like made me feel so small I've had boyfriends in the past actually broken up with me because of it I would say Michael's one of a kind in the way that he deals with why I've caught [Music] I first met Annabelle when I was on a skiing holiday in 2014 we went out for some pizza that evening with a big group and came home and then my brother Nick said did you notice that Blanca was just falling asleep all the time and we were like she must have been so wasted and Jesus that's weird the day after I saw her in the ski bar again and I was like how drunk were you last night like he just kept falling asleep and it's just like well actually that's not just the alcohol and then that when you said that you googled it and it was like such old bad videos and everything and then I just said just get to know me and I'd trust it just me it's not like that good at one time we were in Paris and people were just staring kind of hue or some circus act yeah that was one moment I was really close to step in so when Bell's drifting into an episode I can kind of notice that straightaway because one moment we're talking about something else he's quite Lively and then the other moment he's just kind of gone and she'd be talking about the complete new subject and doesn't really know what he's saying we used to watch films together and sometimes in series but it's not really fun because he's just asleep most of the time so now I'd never watch a series with her anymore so if she doesn't have this sleep she'll stay she'll keep fighting and fighting and fighting with you she won't snap out of it so it's good for her to yeah to be safe and have a sleep I think she's always quite sharp when she wakes up it's like just wakes up and how long was I gone for it's always the first question once I need you guys need to go time do you guys need to go make your time it's five plus four don't say me want to go 20 past nice little power nap - how long did I sleep for mmm then oh yes I needed just that little and just ten minutes and then just back back now [Music] so I'm just packing my stuff now actually going back to the UK I'm really excited I'm going to see my mom [Music] I discovered ad narcolepsy when I was 17 I said to my mum like I sleep really well at night and I'm still falling asleep in the day can I go to the doctors this one I look like um Jeannie yes I remember we were like what is narcolepsy I member saying is there a cure and the doctor was like it will only if it actually just get worse at school there were a few people in lessons they would tap each other they would be like they would film me my friends have drawn on my face like countless times actually the teachers were the worst because the amount of times they've been like Belt what were you doing last night well maybe don't go out so late actually teacher threw a pen at me once and they were like don't fall asleep in my class am i that boring so that's actually why I left school my biggest concern was leaving you alone are you going to fall asleep in a sort of dangerous situation one time when you're in France and I had to that really about hallucination and I called you crying my eyes out the biggest scare is the hallucinations thinking that there's somebody stood outside her bedroom there's somebody coming in and her bedroom is somebody holding her down and when you're not there it's very scary because it's there somebody actually in the house is there somebody going into her bedroom because she really does believe that there you know there is somebody there everyone worries about their children it's quite a natural thing less so now because Michael is an absolute huge support when I'm in the gym and I'm doing running or or high intensity stuff that's when I feel most amazing and I thought I'd want to be a passive trainer after I've always done excess class I literally feel it might sound a little bit cliche but I just feel like over the world and I think that's because I know the extreme other end I understand like some people are like yeah you feel good object size but I'm like you don't understand how great I feel after I've done a class and instead of driving straight home I normally just just come in here and take a quick nap and these are really convenient I don't actually know what they use for exercise wise but I use them as a pillow and then I grab one of these blankets I suppose they knew I was coming when they built the gym it's maybe only like like 10 or 15 minutes but everyone here completely understands and knows and they're like just bells and yogur and sleeping and it's completely normal I don't think I could have got to I am today without my mom and Michael I think those two are the two that really stand out I will do everything I can to overcome every aspect that hits me of of narcolepsy because I've got it but it doesn't have me you
Channel: BBC Three
Views: 6,721,031
Rating: 4.951437 out of 5
Keywords: disease, documentary, body, living differently, bbc3, bbc 3, bbc three, born different, narcolepsy, amsterdam, netherlands, holland, sleep, sleepy, britain, exercise, energetic, narcoleptic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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