Girl who loses consciousness when she runs - BBC Stories

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I don't like to lose the amount of times where I've come close to beating pb's or winning in competitions or winning a race I've had a seizure and it is the most infuriating thing so what do you do if you're a runner with epilepsy they were carrying me towards an ambulance I just hopped off like running away from paramedics like crawling on through people's legs running the other direction when people weren't looking it's like the most commonplace 19 year old Katie has around 16 seizures a day she recovers from most of them straight away like this is why we have carpet in our kitchen it's Yugi child I have so many seizures sometimes she goes to a really happy place you know the eyes are gone and she's like [Music] and we find it so cute but the other times it is really scary when you see her like she's been ejected into a Hell my bra of course when you're a teenager you think when I have to take all these risks because that's what's in your teenage brain I'm gonna go on record saying teenage brain plus chronic epilepsies okay doing marathons for example you know I mean what the actual hell Katie are you trying to put me through in 2015 Katie entered her first marathon she didn't run alone I thought to myself if I wanted to do well I I needed a partner so that's where Collin came into things my role is to look good no I mean I generally Roma KD and it you know help if she has a senior that she's not carted off people are really nice but it's amazing many people will stop and you know when they want to help so I'm really encouraging but then we just tell them look we're fine when they Diggle on her running has given her focus confidence I mean overall you couldn't possibly say that the meter running has done or anything but good running has given me like this new find energy where it's helped me mentally and physically like in ways I will never be able to put into work you should always seek medical guidance before running a marathon
Channel: BBC Stories
Views: 3,749,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Girl who loses consciousness when she runs, katie cooke epilepsy, katie cooke, katie cooke running, bbc stories, bbc news, epilepsy, ahtlete, running, sport, sports, exercise, bbc, news, youtube, Dublin, neurologist, brain, amazing, seisure, seisures, seizure, seizures
Id: MNNUi7R2lck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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