The Ultimatum Take It OR Leave It | Chris Voss

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hey it's chris voss ceo of the black swan group today we're going to discuss how to get the upper hand in any ticket or leave it offer and how you can use these skills in order to get the upper hand in any kind of negotiation stay tuned until the end of the video and be sure to like comment and subscribe now let's get started let me start out by reminding you one of the black swan group's great rules the secret to gaining the upper hand in any negotiation is giving the other side the illusion of control if somebody gives you a take it or leave it offer in negotiations there's kind of only three possibilities number one they're either highly insecure number two they're under a lot of pressure number three they're testing you i recently spoke to mark cuban about this i did an interview with him on fireside new social media app and i noticed before he likes to do the take it or leave it offers a lot on shark tank so i told him you know i think you're testing people to see how they handle the pressure to see how they can represent you because one time on shark tank he said look you got to take this offer for me you can't talk to anybody else take it or leave it right now before you speak to anybody else and the entrepreneur looked back at him and said if i was representing you you wouldn't want me to get pushed around like that would you subtle side hit that's a no oriented question and he stopped and he relaxed for a second and he said now you go ahead and talk to them he likes to test people he likes to see how they bear up under pressure so let's go back to how we started they're highly insecure or they're under a lot of pressure or even they're testing you i've got four approaches for you for dealing with this number one the no oriented question which was pretty much the one that i just gave you a few moments ago you wouldn't want me to get pushed around if i was representing you would you it's an obvious no here's another one that can help with the other two types is it disrespectful if i ask to clarify a few points if they're insecure or they're under a lot of pressure of course getting somebody to say no makes them feel safe and secure and they're happy to proceed and what you want someone who's either insecure or under a lot of pressure to feel is safe and secure so this is a great way for our first response the next response use a mirror repeat the last three words of what they just said to take it or leave it offer your mirror would be take it or leave it with that upward inflection boy that upward inflection is great for making sure something lands gently even something you're afraid may sound harsh so again i'll do it for you take it or leave it that's gentle and it's inquiring mirrors are great for keeping people talking number three a gentle label here's a good label to use it sounds like there's no movement on any of these points notice the downward deflection or you could hit them with the upward inflection it sounds like there's no movement on any of these points way a gentle label gets people talking if there's no movement they're going to tell you that most likely they'll soften someplace read what they say read the look in the moment gather data with your eyes if you're on the phone listen to how long the silence is before they answer and what their tone of voice is when they do answer number four use generosity to your advantage in your label say you've been very generous it sounds like there's nothing more you can do now you want to get generosity out of people even when they're seeming stingy and pushy and especially when they're seeming stingy and pushy while you feel they're being stingy and pushy they probably feel they're being generous i know it sounds ridiculous but that's what empathy is all about so if you need more generosity from the other side label it to see if you can nurture it and get some more that's a great thing about saying you've been very generous with someone who doesn't seem particularly generous to you but understand it's not about you chances are if they're being backed into a corner or they feel insecure they actually feel they're being generous so you want more of it label it and then the last part it sounds like there's nothing more you can do well it's very difficult to say yes ever even to a label so even if they do say yes they're going to want to say more they're going to want to keep talking be prepared to mirror and label what they say in response to this label or any of the things that you say and read their tone of voice and look on their face remember one of the cardinal rules of negotiation in the black swan group and the black swan method is never be mean to someone who could hurt you by doing nothing the flip side of it is if they feel like it they could probably do a lot so this is the way to get them to do as much as they can do and to make them feel good about the process remember it's all about getting your repetitions in so practice with a friend family member or co-worker before your next high-stakes negotiation to be fully prepared if this video helped you in leveling up your black swan method skills write tactical empathy in the comments below be sure to hit the like button and subscribe and watch the related playlists showing up on your screen right now practice daily and never split the difference
Channel: NegotiationMastery
Views: 407,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best practice in negotiation, business negotiations, effective negotiating, how to negotiate price as a seller, how to respond to price negotiation, negotiate price, negotiation skills, price negotiation conversation, price negotiation strategies, price negotiation tactics, price negotiation training, price negotiation with customer, price negotiation with supplier, take it or leave it tactics, target price negotiation, How To Respond to a Take It or Leave It Offer
Id: pa76gqqSMig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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