Negotiation Skills: Chris Voss Teaches The Ultimate Negotiation Skill

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[Music] hello black swans a little negotiators this videos about labels the ultimate negotiation tools sometimes we think of it as the ultimate MacGyver tool what makes it a MacGyver tool well a MacGyver tool is really simple and incredibly effective ridiculously effective to do your labels right you got to keep them simple stick to the format it seems like it sounds like it looks like you've seen you sound you look we have great negotiator loves to say it feels like stick to that simple format we're intentionally leaving the word out I is a thought interrupter a pattern interrupter when you use the word I it draws attention to yourself it interrupts the other side's thinking and you're using labels to gather information we know from negotiation that you add this to gather information a crazy thing is asking questions is not always the best way to gather information labels work well more of the time than asking questions due labels trigger stream-of-consciousness reactions you might say to somebody what are you thinking about this you might label them instead and say seems like you're giving this a lot of thought or it seems like you're thinking about something here or it seems like you saw some things you like either one of those is going to trigger a much more unvarnished flow of thoughts from the other side one of the people who's really learned this stuff and is doing a great job of applying this in a real estate area calls it unlocking the floodgates of truth talk happens to be a woman that's applying this and seeing the insights and not the least bit surprising because women have a tendency to pick this stuff up faster than men do that doesn't mean men can't be great at it also it's just that for whatever reason women seem to get a head start on understanding this and applying it really quickly this is emotional intelligence based negotiation well the crazy things about this is that when Brandon and I brought these hostage negotiation techniques out of hostage negotiation into the business world we didn't think labels with that big of a deal I can tell you now that we both use them so much that we can work our way entirely through a negotiation only using labels when you get good at them you respect their simplicity and you apply them you can use them all over the place one of the main things that makes labels incredibly versatile is the fact that all three types liked them a lot we've done a lot of polling we've got a lot of reason to believe that the world pretty much breaks up into three types assertive analysts and accommodators across the board regardless of gender or ethnicity we probably pulled at least 2,000 people in this regard we got a fair amount of data and in polling all these people and in different classes we talked we frequently run exercises where we ask them of the nine negotiation skills would skills would you most prefer your counterpart use with you in order to make a great deal with you all three types pick labels as number one or number two so what you're still trying to get a feel for the other side and draw a bead on what type they are labels will always be your highest percentage shot at the very beginning when you're proceeding and then if you find out that they resonate really well with labels you just simply stick to them just safest bet and the way you go from being barely good enough to get by to being a superstar it's just by increasing your odds a little bit at a time labels increase your odds get good at them practice them simply practice every day get your reps in and they will serve you well how much practice should you get in an hour a day making our label our label at noon label over lunch label from 7 to 8 every day whatever time it is get your practice in make a cheat sheet of labels keep it by your phone your cheat sheet said especially include labels of negative dynamics fill in a blank it seems like you hate X it seems like you dislike X it seems like X is a problem for you have those fill in a blank labels by your phone have them ready they will serve you well [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NegotiationMastery
Views: 136,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Voss, The Black Swan Group, Never Split The Difference, negotiation skills, The Art of The Deal, Getting To Yes, Start With No, Crucial Conversations, The Way of The Wolf, sales training, negotiation training, tactical empathy, fbi hostage negotiator, negotiation tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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