Season of Discovery Phase 2 Warlock Tank Guide | Talents, Gear, Runes for Tanking Warlocks | SoD WoW

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what's going on everybody hope you're having a good day today and today is actually going to be my third time recording a video like this I actually took the previous two videos and like unlisted them because I just I wasn't proud of them they had like some things that were off after going back and watching them I probably should know that before uploading however this right here is like this is the final time I'm doing this I'm going to briefly go over the gear briefly go over the talent build and then show the stats at the end this is in my opinion the best in slot gear for tanking as a warlock as well as the talent build that I personally think is going to be quote unquote like the best build if you care about you know mid maxing your damage and being a tank so for like disclaimer for those you know comments on the previous video that were kind of like not constructive at all you need to be aware that tanking in classic is not how you think it is if you want to tank properly you need you need to maintain threat and how do you maintain threat the easiest way that's doing more damage metamorphosis Rune alone makes you tanky enough to where you don't need to go into the tanky talents in your talent trade okay you need to understand that the best way to tank better as a warlock is to just take more DPS based talents if you don't trust me join the Warlock Discord and you you can see it for your yourself okay sure you can play other builds however you want but if you care about Min maxing and all that stuff then doing this build right here is what I think is going to be the best because it was already the best in phase one phase one metamorphosis locks were already going deep Destro okay and those that didn't go deep Destro went heavy into Affliction it's going to be the same thing in Phase 2 the runes that we've seen if the data mind runes aren't going to be in phase two we already know but even if they are in phase two this this point still stands okay you either go deep Destro or you go Affliction and you just you don't perform as well you can still get the job done tanking because all you need to do is slap on metamorphosis and you're good to go they made it really easy for locks to tank by just using the Rune the talents don't add any more tankiness other than some extra health and stuff like I'm say like just trust me so I'm going to go over the gear first the gear you can use for the helmet the neurolink arcano filament monocle it gives 10 Stam 11 intellect and then increase damage and healing done by 22 also restores four Mana per 5 Seconds has an own use effect of just reducing Mana cost of your spells by 50% and increasing the damage and healing done by 50 for 12 seconds you can't get any better than that for the neck you're using piston pendant it's a four Stam 8 in nine Spirit uh and increases your damage to Healing done by nine the shoulders using synthetic mantle 99 armor eight Stam 9 int increase damage of healing done by 12 Blood rock cloak 32 armor seven Stam six intellect and I Enchanted it with 30 armor because to be fair if you want to you know increase your tankiness by just using your enchants that's what I personally I'm going to do but you could use some you know some DPS oriented enchants I'm personally just going to be inreasing armor as much as possible cuz that's how we tank is just having a ton of armor so uh it also has a ability of increase in damage of healing done by 11 and here's the some of the the new set bonuses so you have hyperconductive robe this is more uh tank oriented rather than the irradiated robe this is more DPS focused however the hyperconductive robe gives 145 armor 10 Stam 11 in I enchanted with 24 armor and and then increase the damage and heal by 18 now the I'm personally using the three set bonus you can use the two set and be just fine uh if you had to trade out any of the pieces I would probably do the boots but I'm using the three set just because why not but the set bonuses are as follows improves your chance to hit with spells and with melee and range attacks by 1% gives you 100 armor and a chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing by up to 40 for 10 seconds so because we spam searing pains uh I feel like this is going to have a lot of uptime unless the internal cool down is very you know like an obstructive thing so wrist dryads wrist bindings 31 armor six Inlet five Spirit six Stam I Enchanted it with stamina increase damage and healing done by magical spells Effects by 16 I'll go over weapons last so gloves we have dream weave gloves 41 armor seven Spirit four in I enchant it with armor again increases damage to Healing done by 18 the belt uh is an engineering belt you could go with you know one of these other ones if you if you don't want to go engineering uh but uh like you're likely going engineering if you're mid maxing because of bombs but it has 40 armor nine Stam I have the Shadow and the new Shadow and Flame Rune attached to it but it says uh on use pull a hyperconductive coin from your belt flip it on a roll of head you gain 3% increase chance to crit with spells and melee attacks for next 30 seconds on wall of tailor you just gain 10% movement speed on a 15minute cool down uh but it also increases your chance to get a Critical Strike with melee range attacks and spells by 1% and it improves your chance to hit with spells with melee rage attacks by 1% uh I don't really see an alternative to this uh so maybe you can get this from another engineer maybe you don't need engineering to get it but uh likely it doesn't matter because you're just engineering anyway here's where we have the next hyperconductive set bonus uh 57 armor 9 Stam 12 in 11 spirit I Enchanted it with armor again increases damage of healing done by magical spells by 13 and we already went over the set bonuses the boots hyperconductive Walkers 45 armor nine Stam 12 intellect enchant with armor yet again increase the damage of healing done by nine now if you didn't want to use this you can really trade these out for like the the phase one epics you can use that you can use acidic walkers but to be fair you you're losing on a lot of stats if you don't use this it's just overall in my opinion better uh Rings we're using the new PVP event infernal blood coil band eight Stam 8 intellect it's a warlock exclusive ring uh I'm sure you just get this from the vender but it increases your damage by fire spells by 14 there is a shadow version of this if you're you know if you're more Affliction based and then underworld ban is a world drop increases Damage Done by Shadow spells by 14 not really any other ones here besides maybe the hypercharged gear of conf flager uh you could use this instead if you don't want to like buy the world drop or get lucky you can use this as an alternative trinkets we're still using invus void Pearl which just too good compared to other Trinkets and then uh the other one is miniaturized combustion chamber it is six intellect 10 fire resistance on use randomly channels between 1 to 150 Health into one and 150 Mana it's basically just a passive life tap that you can use every 30 minutes and it also increases damage of healing done by magical spells by 12 uh alternative trinkets really like they're just too much to ask for and they don't really provide anything useful trinkets at low level are already kind of like just weird in their Niche so the fact that this gives like an outright kind of you know as a warlock you you know extra Mana because you're whatever it's it's just good so uh wands meano Strider gear shifters The New Wand increases damage of healing done by nine uh you know Phoenix ignition was our phase one B you can still use it I guess but you're just you're losing out on five in if you replace it that's kind of it um now weapons here's where you know there's going to be a little bit of a discussion here because you can either use main hand off hand or you can use two different staffs I'm personally going with main hand off hand uh you know hopefully luck is on my side but the new main hand that you're going to be using is glimmering Gizmo blade 70 armor seven Stam 4 in and increases damage of healing done by 19 uh to compare we were using dagger willing sacrifice look at all that red right there uh and that's honestly like the only main hand that you're going to be upgrading to now as far as the off hand goes yes warlocks do get another offhand that uh at a later level but it doesn't really Pro I mean you gained you gain two intellect but you're also losing four stamina and the extra Shadow resistance which is whatever but uh it also increases Damage Done by Shadow spells by 14 it has on use of restoring 40 Health every 3 seconds for 30 seconds so if you want to use this it you know it could be numbers different in my opinion but uh the off hand that I prefer to be using still is to of Shadow warding umbrell crystal is just it's kind of like in the same boat as this just has it doesn't have an on use effect uh and it doesn't really provide any it provides Stam whereas this one we'd be losing one stamina but we're also losing the int uh and then this we are losing the int but or we're losing everything but the int but we're still losing two intellect so I don't really know how much these equip effects are going to play into uh like the actual numbers at the end of the day and for one they Shadow damage like we're the one Shadow damage we're probably going to be doing is Agony and that's probably about it especially with the build I'm about to show you so main hand glimmering Gizmo blade off hand to of the Shadow warning uh so as far as these staffs go if you have Ro of the ancient Sleepwalker GG you're probably not up upgrading any time soon you could use staff of the Evil Genius I'll equip the rod just to show you the difference look at that if you replace it you're losing int Shadow resistance spell damage and spirit so you can use the staff of Evil Genius if you really want to uh but I mean you can compare to staff of Jordan like staff of Jordan is still not as good as R ancient Sleepwalker so but me personally I really want to do main hand off hand so I hopefully like that works out for me and I think it's just overall better anyway it gives us the most amount of uh armor and stuff like that and I feel like using our gear to uh make up the the talents is you know in my opinion better so now let's go to the talents this is personally the build that I'm going to be running at max level in phase two it's deep deathro I mentioned this at the beginning of the video if you want to do damage or if you want to tank properly in Classic this is a classic thing you need to do damage gone are the days of taking tank talents to survive okay because metamorphosis and the new gear gives us enough tankiness theoretically to not need tanky talents now if the day comes no comes out and warlock tanks are getting absolutely slapped because they're doing pure DPS builds then fine I'll go back and I'll read do this video for the fourth time however in phase one even without prebis gear warlocks were tanking just fine doing purely DPS builds now are you just playing a Destro build using a metamorphosis Rune yes but that's just how the game works okay you're you're like you're not going to fulfill this tank fantasy just by taking demonic Embrace fa intellect fa St St and then using demonic knowledge and being like yes I'm a tank now no all you need is metamorphosis this does enough this does all you need to be a tank it's so this is the build any anyway this is the build five out of five cataclysm for reduced Mana cost for Destruction spells five out of five Bane for reduced casting time for emulate two like they don't really feel good tanking them but we need to get those CU they're better than improved Shadow Bol and aftermath aftermath is a PVP thing in my opinion 5 out of five Devastation for increased crit chance for your destruction spells 5 out of five improve searing pain for increased Critical Strike chance of your searing pain which is our main filler spell one out of one ruin for increased Critical Strike damage bonus by destruction spells by 100% five out of five Ember storm increases the Damage Done by your fire spells by 10% two out of two intensity okay hear me out two out of two intensity gives me a 70% chance to resist Interruption caused by damage while channeling rain of fire Hell Fire or Soul fire now two things can happen here one emulate replaces Hellfire and we don't need this spell this Talent anymore two emulate is just another spell to apply and we still cast Hellfire or rain of fire well in AOE we're doing Hellfire so either one we don't take this or two we do take this now if emulate aura is you know not a thing in phasee 2 then we're still going to be using this for Hellfire okay combine this with concentration Ora and we have 100% chance to not have our be decreased when we get hit I just think this is the best build and you know maybe it'll be the improved imp one you never know but either way you're going deep Destro because tanking in classic is just doing as much damage as possible to maintain threat and then you worry about living afterwards that's it's like your priorities as a tank is can you hold threat and then can you survive because there's no point in you even being a tank if you can't keep the mobs on you so anyway with all the Buffs and stuff which are typical you know Buffs and consumables that you're going to have during a raid you are sitting at 2300 armor but when you're in meta you're sitting at 5600 armor which is almost 60% damage reduction which is insane you're also sitting at 253 of both five fire and Shadow damage 179 healing 2% hit which you know could be higher depending on some new uh like weapon uh consumable stuff like that like in in phase one we had the BFD oil uh so we'll have to see about that but 11% chance to crit now what runes am I using for one the chest I'm using Master Channeler you could use like a fire uh to improve the Destro stuff even more uh but I'm using Master Channeler just for the drain life quality of life but most people go Lake of Fire if I'm being honest like if you're if you're doing damage you're you're taking Lake of Fire but I prefer Master Channeler so that's just my own thing legs I'm using incinerate because this is kind of like what you pull with like when you're pulling the balls you're using incinerate I used to be a demonic Grace person but I incinerates just better hands it's obviously metamorphosis waist the new waist one I am using Shadow and Flame cuz your critical strikes with fire and Shadow spells increase your fire and Shadow Damage Done by 10% which is what we're using and then for the feat I'm using demonic knowledge increases your spell damage and healing by a value equal to 10% of your demon pets total stamina plus intellect you could honestly any of these are useful if you want to use the wicked you and your demon pet gain Dodge chance equal to your spell Critical Strike chance each time you deal a Critical Strike to an enemy you also both gain 2% Max Mana I mean you can use this this is like I feel like all three of these are solid and you can also use Shadow flame which is just a cone cast ability that does Shadow damage and then applies a fire dot so yeah I'm using demonic knowledge but you can make an argument for any of these being as useful as the other ones so that being said that's the build uh this is the final version of this video that I'm making because I've I've kind of just I've I've exhausted the topic and uh I just wasn't proud of the other two because there was like a gear piece missing here and there because I was messing around with other stuff so yeah anyway hope you like this leave a like subscribe all that good stuff and I'll see youall next time
Channel: LeTempy
Views: 15,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 sod tips, classic wow, metagoblin, sarthe, sarthe wow, scottejaye, season, season of discovery, season of discovery gold farm, season of discovery gold guide, season of discovery leveling guide, season of discovery new runes, season of discovery prep, season of discovery tips, season of discovery tips & tricks, season of discovery tips and tricks, season of discovery wow, sod best gold farm, wille, wow classic season of discovery, wow classic tips & tricks, wow hardcore tips
Id: T0qazRibAO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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