The Winkle Twinkle! | Claudia Winkleman on Would I Lie to You? | Would I Lie to You?

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for several months I had to sleep on the floor because I'd given up my bed for a sunbed when was this Claudia yes um I think it was in the 90s why did you give it up as opposed to just getting a sunbed yeah oh yes because have a little read of it again if you need to no no no I'm absolutely fine who needs a bed I'll sleep on the floor more important to be orange was it sounds like someone speed dating with a Lumpa Lumpa right talk us through the process of how you got a sunbed yeah I well I didn't purchase one I borrowed one for some money for what she's trying to say she rented I rented it hello viewers I'll give you some money yeah and then for a couple of months yeah for several months which was a sunbed in the 1990s well it was about 40 pounds a month 40 quid a month to rent a sunburn and they were called Sun beds for rental wow what a great name where are you living have you set out into the world I'm at University oh where are you at University Cambridge no no it's a lie it's a lie what did you study history of art we could test her on that come on Ed when uh when was when was the first painting so where was this room was it in a campus block no it was in I was in a road just a room in the road was it surrounded At All by a house did you sleep on the floor next to the summer hold up like a mushroom that's how I sleep well you're probably under the lamp too long did you ever bring anyone back after a night out I had quite an unsuccessful love life at University were there just men leaving more towns than when they came in Kate what do you think well It's Tricky isn't it because the way she's stumbling and hesitating could be a complete you know red herring orange Herring um I'm gonna go lie the thing is Claudia has been on the show many times before and sometimes she tells the truth sometimes she lies but what I've learned about her is she doesn't know what's going on in her own life have you got one now at home no because I found a new way what's the new way being spray painted once a week twice a week during strictly I had a spray tan once you had a Sprite up yeah when we did the trip to Greece they wanted us to look a little bit tan before we went so a girl came around to my house set up what looked like a crime scene tent in the yeah there you go in the living room put paper pants on me and when she she actually put them on you let me get them on dear come on lift your leg up oh he's just telling the truth or telling a lie I think we go true you think it's a lie though I think it's a lie I think it is true you're gonna say true okay Claudia was it the truth or was it a lie it is true yes it's true Claudia really did sleep on the floor to make space for a sunbed it's Claudia possession ah under the desk there is a box could you uh pop the Box onto the desk and before you show us what's in there read the card out the object box is on display in my bathroom but I'm too scared to touch it David will now reveal it David could you take out what's in the box oh okay [Music] tarantula yeah I got it when I went on a course what course if you don't like spiders and then that is your like party bags like party bags a phobia course yeah you can put it down if you like we've seen a lot of it and we don't have to scare people so of course was about a week long two weeks no it was like a full day and how did you find out about this course where was it I don't say on the web I'm not exactly about it the word on the street are you scared are you nervous yeah so you go for this course you go for this course and then at the end what they say I'm on the end what's the how does it start okay welcome that's happening I'm not literally how does it stop every bit of detail just tell us the first thing they do to overcome the fears so they come in um coming in because now you've gone further back than the hello thank you for coming what's quite nice is that you're with other people who are scared of these little creatures so you're all fine bonding like hi I'm Claudia I'm scared big ones or little ones or furry ones or black Archy ones you know there are all kinds of different spiders yes and what do they do and I'm only gonna ask you one more time Claudia know what they do okay good I tell you what they said on the course which was absolutely compelling which was You are not alone you're not alone there are spiders everywhere did they do sort of aversion therapy perhaps where you were confronted with spices we had to meet spiders right correct and they use that you've you've just been fed that information and that's the first after you've answered every question so far you've said they said hello on this course they say hello 13 times to the aversion therapy is still a former fellow because you get to meet some spiders can you tell us one thing they did on the court oh we all had the most we had a lovely lunch what did they do all the technique that they did anything is that where we met them we met them and we made did you get to hold them and they were crawling on us and like being all cuddly and soft but you're not saying the colors are because you're still scared of them yeah I am still scared I mean this has got to be the worst lie in the history of this program so what what do you think it is um is Claudia telling the truth I think that she's lying and if she's telling the truth I'm not having it because if she's telling the truth she is contractually obliged to tell us something as opposed to every question being answered hello I just and then you in the you know I'm cuddly warm all over and I just was a thing and I can't because it is that doesn't constitute an answer definitely a lie goodbye okay so Claudia winkelmann were you telling the truth or were you telling a lie it is totally true it once took four people to rescue me after I got stuck in a baby's cot please team right what first of all how old were you uh I was a grown-up why were you in a cot well because I was trying it out just to see how it felt did you not have a when you were a baby I did but I couldn't remember what that felt like it was in someone's house wait a second no it was in a cot showroom showroom yes it was in a show thank you were you thinking of having a I was very I was pregnant you were very pregnant and I so I was there and I thought I can't buy cot without trying it like you know if you need a test drive of beds you know I'm glad you weren't buying a potty how did you get in the clot if you were so heavily pregnant yes good excellent well there were ridges you know bars yeah on the side of the car and I sort of just wheeled myself in and then it was embarrassing themselves yes like a dive like a swallow dive but even those things usually come down don't they decide a bit you can sort of move them down that's what I did what I did on the side of the Cod I don't know whether you're aware they have a little shops I just told you yes good and I just got it done I got in the cot just to see how it feels and then did you put the bars back up again I don't like this I can't remember exactly you were there and then how did you get out then did somebody help you the people had to help me four people in the cot import exactly who were these people well they were just the people who worked in the in John Lewis four peoples a lot or maybe it's just a good service at John Lewis it's a good chance you've got two fragile things you have uh you don't want to hurt the woman who's pregnant yes and maybe mentally ill and then and then you have the other side of it which is you've got um a product that's honestly yeah it's for sale you don't want it to be the unborn baby so what do you think Lee what do you think Steve I've got a feeling it's true if you'd have been stuck in the car how many people would have come and helped you uh uh well it would have been length problems more than anything else it would have been it would be an odd shaped cot that you could fit coffin only head would have been pretty sharp would you try that out to see it you know because you're in there a lot longer aren't you yeah okay so what are you gonna say I'm gonna say it's true all right Claudia truth or lie it is true uh when I meet someone for the very first time I automatically make a mental note of what animal I think they are once it's in I never forget it please do I raise my I don't raise my hand Jamie just to be clear you may be dressed like a seven-year-old but you don't have to behave like that so yeah so we met for the first time yes what animal did you choose music ferret a ferret small friendly could pet not in a weird way uh immediately ferret and would you always see him as a ferret now finished I mean you might have another name well done but in my mind ferret can you do all of us with that assistant of course beaver [Applause] you're a cat I'd love to know oh I'm sorry Beaver yes I mean a bit okay and your point is no your total total people [Applause] normally I don't think about it common cuckoo owl puppy end off [Applause] that'll be a bridge all right if I'm pushed red setter yes happy with that with the beaver I'm pleased with owl I can't be honest I'm happy with that I would love owl I would have loved that you're nowhere close to her now yeah so Claudia I'll say Claudia I mean Mia Cat you have to have a bit of me a cat about you okay if I was going to do it to myself camel why camel I'm pure camel I'm 100 camel maybe three percent Mouse three percent Mouse 97 camel that was a hell of a mum and dad relationship you wouldn't like to be the mouse in that relationship would you why do you do it though does it help you remember the person's name or something I've just done it forever I think we might have started when we were young and we had a teacher who was a little bit human but mainly cow well she's certainly given an encyclopedia she has done very well in fact I would say it's instant with you you I can tell you yeah name anybody so without pausing or hesitating tell us all again what we are okay easy cat Beaver ferret common cuckoo owl baby red setter I just do it I can't help it so what are you thinking Lee uh so do you think it's true yeah I yeah I think it's true genuinely I think it's not true but there's one bit in it that makes it feel true the word Claudia you're saying it's true it's true okay Claudia truth or lie it is a lie yes it's a life Claudia doesn't seem to have an animal every time she meets someone it's Claudia possession okay now there's a box on the floor clawed next to you first of all bring the box up onto the desk and then read the card before you open the box okay there we go so first of all read the cards okay this is Yoshi Yoshi I recently took him to the vet because I thought he was depressed all right one now open the box please I'm not opening it what is it well let's find out oh yes can you can you take him out of the box and just pop him on the stunningly realistic grassy surface we've put in for you there he is oh I love rabbits he told me to touch it no it's it's that it's mine is it like a sort of a tortoise it's a tortoise a little tortoise surely you would kiss him wouldn't you Claudia you would give him a little kiss I don't kiss anyone oh you would kiss him though if he's your little Yoshi yeah give him a kiss like that I don't want to bother him a proper one with your lips kiss his little face that's what mad people do with animals so how did you pick him up and take him to the vet because you're obviously very attached to him oh well no I guess well I'll tell you this is what happened this is ours and this is all of us well it's not mine it's my family's and I took him to the vet because I was worried because he was not really bouncing wasn't tearing what was he carrying around like you'd expect you're an intelligent woman you know that tortoise is no tortoise is bound around the place licking people's faces like a spaniel yes what was the change in the tortoise's behavior that you thought meant it was depressed this is a very good point it was just a little bit stationary when he first got him he was sort of scampery do you want to have a minute to think about this story come through the daughters not like that anyway so essentially you bought a tortoise that was having a fit and it recovered and you were stuck that's very recovery for depression and what did the vet say the vet said he's fine money WellSpan what a relief yeah did you get charged for that yes and I'll say this out loud it's about the only way to say it yeah otherwise you're thinking of the word think and she suggested that maybe we organize like tortoise play dates right now you're pushing it what do you reckon let's be suggesting you organize tortoise play date so what are you gonna say David is that the truth did that happen what do you think Fiona you know I think it might not be true somehow look if this is true this is true Claudia deserves a point yeah they're saying like Okay Claudia Yoshi the tortoise Yoshi the tortoise and that story was true foreign [Applause] good I once put nail polish remover in my fish tank to give my goldfish more energy his team um quiz her relentlessly when was this I was small I was five six when I had goldfish they were lovely sweet things what happened to goldfish they were fine they were they survived yes I didn't put the whole bottle in I just put a tiny just I couldn't too big just to give them a bit more Pizzazz I should say at this point to people who might be watching at home or just in Dixon's window don't encourage interfering with fish in any what do you have I had two two goldfish rabbit and cat called Dog no no no I was remember this okay why do you think it would give him energy because I just thought I thought they were looking a bit sleepy and they were never really doing enough hoo-ha so I put it in Bridge and what you want them to do is play hide and seek hide under the bed and then come up and go weave through the the the the the green the pond life the water the plants yes do you think David attenborough's job is threatened by you the point is when you put when you buy freshly cut flowers they often say put in an aspirin or some nail polish remover and it will just make them for longer whoa whoa I've never heard that I've heard aspirin but not even why would you give aspirin flowers it doesn't get a headache is the feet that are urging surely so that you see a bunch of flowers you think they're silently going my feet [Applause] is as you'd know if you're an amputee you can still get an itch in the bit of you that's been cut off you could have to work on your catchphrases David you've heard the story um I know what I think I can't share that with you because I have to remain impartial do you know we've never we've never asked Rob this what do you think Rob I think Claudia needs 24-hour care foreign what do you think it's a lie I will I'll go with my tune and say that it's a lie saying it's a lie okay Claudia winkelmann yes true or false it is in fact no yes yes true all along I thought you did once put nail polish remover in her fish tank to give her goldfish more energy that was the last time in her life that Claudia wingelmann wasted a single drop of makeup
Channel: Would I Lie To You?
Views: 109,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #wilty, british comedy, british panel show, david mitchell wilty, david mitchell would i lie to you, lee mack wilty, lee mack would i lie to you, rob brydon wilty, rob brydon would i lie to you, wilty, wilty nope, would i lie to you, would i lie to you bbc, would i lie to you nope, claudia winkleman, claudia winkleman would i lie to you, claudia winkleman wilty, would i lie to you claudia winkleman, best of claudia winkleman, would i lie to you best of claudia winkleman
Id: E7Ayzpry0LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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