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wakey-wakey rise and shine what would be putting in our mouths today shut up then I would love to be able to give you an explanation as to why Benny stresses Mickey Mouse from Fantasia but I don't have one no one told him to do it Valentine outfit hey guys it's Valentine's Day we've got a lovely girl a slobberknocker belfast three contenders go head to head to head to the Valentine's Day dinner for a mystery day let's get it on let me talk to you about my dish good chicken buffalo mozzarella inside then wrapped in Parma ham with crispy bread crumbs on the top on top of tomato sauce and spaghetti here I have some marinated chicken that's been in buttermilk for 24 hours gonna take that butterfly it cut it into strips I'm going to be making a bouquet of roses out of champagne cupcakes yes I know and it's really really easy too to start with we're gonna make a cupcake base cream your butter and your sugar together make sure you get lots of air in there are you the little girl that Mike's making chicken nuggets no right chicky nuggie my dad always taught me that you should impress women with the size of your meat so I am going for Philips take wrapped in puff pastry with a mushroom pate pancakes is a classic beef wellington and it starts by searing off our beef in a searingly hot pan yeah a butterfly my chicken breast I've now partitioned them into sections I'm gonna whack em with a rolling pin tenderize them and also flatten them out to make them a little bit thinner Sam come see what I got crammed in my hand that was a cry for help was it that was a crack the solution of your recipe already now add your eggs feed those in and just tuck in your flour to finish off your batter add some vanilla and some milk stir that up add the inter padding back and it squeeze that into your tribe now my steak is nicely sealed off I'm going to let it rest I'm going to put it in the fridge to chill out for a few minutes so it can be nice and cold when I put it into our pastry in a few minutes so I've got my chicken strips here now I'm taking buffalo mozzarella putting quite a decent amount about 1/3 down and then rolling the chicken over the top of it like that once you've done all of your strips that thing gets wrapped in Parma ham and covered in breadcrumbs whilst the beef is in the fridge I've peeled and chopped my potatoes put them in cold water ready to make mash later on I'm now getting ready to do the rest of the beef Weddington um but actually why would you do that I'm going to get changed and then into the oven at 160 20 minutes is so disturbing that is them one of the worst feeling everything oh oh I hate it when that happens now we're nice and comfortable I can actually get on with making the rest of the beef wellington I'm using ready-made pancakes pre-made pate and also pre-made pastry there was a lot of pre-made mention there spread your pate onto a pancake put the beef on top of the pate and then add another pancake on top and wrap it round then put your steak on to the pastry wrap it around egg wash it and put it in an oven for 200 degrees Celsius at 20 minutes and 20 minutes 200 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes to make your champagne syrup take two glass of champagne or Prosecco with a splash of rosewater and two teaspoons of sugar while that bubbles I think I'm going to get changed now I've got my standard flour eggs and bread crumbs here but I'm going to add a little bit of Parmesan cheese and some italian herb mix into the bread crumbs to bring out some lovely flavor goodvery syrup I need to be fair it's five drops out now we could be really trying to touch down Wow I'm ready I'm stake back take me I see you like an absolute banker Cox crap welcome to the serum whoo turn it up mate oh I do it was fine we did what all good friends were doing notice me you're right right make you syrup again and now it's time to panic so that's flour then into the egg make sure they nice and packed down so that it's completely coated now while my syrup doesn't burn I'm going to make very simple a butter icing to take your butter and your icy sugar can by the toe and keep mixing until it comes together then add a shedload of food coloring no you're like reading this soon why a sit dude coming off I got myself definitely gonna be bug I am don't panic absolutely fine cupcakes a hard work I've gotta help kids to innovate so these now have been planet they go into a preheated oven 180 degrees for 20 minutes if they start to burn don't worry cover them with tinfoil and leave them for the remaining minutes so going to start my spaghetti in about 10 minutes which gives me plenty of time to change Jamie you having steak for a star but yes what about your date will she ever oh you're these day now right that makes no more sense once your champagne syrup has reduced it's now time to put them over your warm cupcakes I've already printed some holes in it so they're going to seep through that soap into the cupcake and hopefully not just just the bottom the beef wellington has come out of the oven it needs a good five minutes or so to rest up that gives me a perfect amount of time to mash my potatoes Blanche my tender stem broccoli and also heat up my shoe or over the top this is infection oh no I just stood on a pate pancake Oh Oh this is Mike's pasta sauce that he's serving but he's dinner whoa whoa whoa pancakes did you make them pate did you make up cow did you make it those things are not elements that add the flavor to the dish that is the whole dish I'm ready we ready so ready definitely ready where do you think our date is well we can tell who it is because she's wearing pink ah okay well we better get the finishing touches ready yummy this is chicken parmigiana nugs with buff mots I don't know if you can really taste blood test the passing the sauce because you didn't make them I make the pasta they didn't I make the pasta a really good dish light impressive Italian and these things Pasha's chicken daggers ever with Uzis cheese and smoky bacon I love that this is the ultimate lovers beef well II you know how I like it nice and rare it's good well-seasoned decent bit of Phillip can't be a bit of patty do you think this the first time Barry's given better clouds well you know it's a good cupcake recipe will it peels away from the paper golden all over its squidgy and I can taste a champagne as ever very complex they look good and sometimes the rest follows there we go three awesome dishes but it's not actually up to me to decide you guys get to do that so either comment down below or head to sorted food and get each one of their recipes on their profiles a big thumbs up one of the most likes wins whose dish do you want to be your Valentine surely you gonna pick my mate I'm so glad you've taken out off it was getting a bit warm and cat me oh so we still don't know who's won that battle we need you guys to either comment down below or whoever sorted food and vote up your favorite and while you're there why not check out the lemon drizzle cake that we did on Tuesday I need some help with that go to the video even if you've already seen it go to the video and about 50 seconds to a minute there's a question I need to help me I need it any the proper answers that question once you've answered Ben's question why not check out the Peach Melba something else sweet freeform rustic and peachy and also if you are a fussy eater we have everything you need to know on sorted food calm I J what you think that fridge cam had almost every for almost everything because it didn't have James and didn't have a comment of the week which we should probably fix but it did have a very peachy recipe it did it also had my really big beef wedding and a lot of Valentine's love until next Sunday 10:00 a.m. another fridge can chow spread the love spam fight
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,076,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valentines, Ultimate battle, sortedfood, dinner dates, cooking on valentines, beef wellington, chicken nuggets, tomato pasta, valentine meal, valentine ideas, valentines recipe, cooking for valentines day, cupcake roses, champagne cupcakes
Id: ZRPO6d20Tdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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