The Ultimate Strategy for LinkedIn Marketing 2021 🔥 LinkedIn Lead Generation Secrets 🔥

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so without further ado just want to welcome Nathanial Bibby to the stage Thank You How are you doing ladies and gentlemen make a bit more noise for me please, How you doing ladies and gentlemen? There we go, I know it's been a long day I'm going to talk to you today about sales and how to use LinkedIn to get more customers everything I teach you today is gonna be results based it's things that I've tried in my own business made me a lot of money and maybe you've successfully my business and made my clients a lot of money as well I won't teach you anything that hasn't got results am i doing it without a deck today go so no worries so would it be helpful if I gave you a little bit of background as to how I got started in business and why I do LinkedIn marketing okay cool right on cue okay so when I started my career in marketing I was selling real estate in Thailand and I was selling real estate to foreigners I started in a low season we hadn't sold a property in six months and there's no foreigners on the island I was sitting there in an office it was raining outside no foreigners on the islands by property so the only way that I could connect with customers were through the incident at a laptop in front of me so I learned how to get a website to the top of Google for key phrases like property investment Thailand and by the time high season came around we were getting 10 leads a day and we managed to sell 93 pool villas out in one high season did for more developments after that and I got recruited by a company in Hong Kong that heard that I can get real estate websites to the top of Google and while I was on the airplane to move to Hong Kong to my new glorious job Google did something that I'd never heard of before called an algorithm update and all of a sudden all the pages of a ranking number one in the search results ended up on page 100 of the search results and so I learned the hard way that you have to have the ability in digital marketing to adapt in order to be successful at the time I learn about Google AdWords I could get real estate related keywords for like 20 cents a click now that $20 and when social media came along I was struggling with how I was going to make money off of posting stuff on Facebook about what I had for breakfast and stuff like that and so when LinkedIn came along I'd quickly decided that it was the platform for me at the time I was I moved back to Melbourne I was targeting well I was an inner online marketing job never worked in online marketing specifically before I was always in real estate and I said to my employer what's the best leads that you can get in online marketing and he said plastic surgeons plastic surgeons they don't know anything about marketing they could eat a constant flow of inbound leads and they've got a lot of money and they don't know much about marketing right so I thought okay I'll go and knock on their door so I go around to all the practices they got this thing call the practice managers basically their job is to stop sales people getting to the to the surgeon so that didn't work so I tried cold calling them all I'm pretty good on the telephone couldn't get past a practice manager so then I thought what I'll try this LinkedIn thing is I contact 10 surgeons I had 6 responses I had four meetings and I made one sale but the cool thing was because it was the in the ideal demographic that sale was it was a website for $23,000 which at the time was quite a lot of money for a website for the company I was working for so I thought okay there's a scalable system right so I've converted 10 surgeons a week what week 1 the second week I contacted 20 surgeons so made two sales and we scale that business extremely quickly so we went from having eight employees to 120 employees within 80 months off the back of LinkedIn marketing lead generation and that's when I decided to start my business and since then we we've grown from strength to strength in the last couple of years LinkedIn's become a Content platform so you know I was making money off of LinkedIn just by direct messaging people now you can post content on there and it's very similar to all of the other social media sites however a lot of the social media speed kids or trainers that you'll come across they'll talk to you about that side of it the contents out of it because they weren't on the platform before when you can private message people so that's where you can get a direct return on investment immediately if you holdin in on target market it doesn't matter if you're targeting surgeons dentists engineers IT companies digital marketers accountants financial advisers you can hone in on exactly the streets that are in the exact job title and set appointments with them so if I connect with somebody on LinkedIn it's very different than following someone on Instagram or following someone on on Facebook or subscribing to someone's YouTube channel you've sent them a connection request they've accepted the connection request that's almost like it's like exchanging business cards right it's implied consent that you can contact them down the track we're gonna go through some of these slides ok we've explained some of the companies I've worked with the main reason I put this slide up there is just to show that it's not always business-to-business that people assume that LinkedIn generally is business-to-business I've worked with a lot of business to consumer type businesses as well I'm going to ask you to do something called crowd participation so when you see this slide I want you to repeat the words that you can see on the screen there so could we do a trial run one two three can achieve the same results good job has anybody been this guy might was quite iving before in the audience okay cool I'm particularly scared of heights I went skydiving in the Gold Coast that's me jumping in over an airplane I was at a Tony Robbins seminar anybody be nursing Tony Robbins before few of you Tony said he said something that really resonated with me he said there's only one thing that Trump's fear and that's massive action but he sort of locked eyes with me and Tony's got a bit of a presence that you kind of like feel it when he looks lies with you so I decided to jump out of an airplane the reason I'm sharing this with you is because I had no idea where we were going to land I had no idea where we're going to pull the chute I had no idea what height to pull the chute at but that dude on the back is basically the reason that I survived and I think a lot of us are going into digital marketing without a plan we don't know where we're gonna pull the shoot we don't know what hype we're gonna pull the shoot we don't know where we're gonna land we don't even know what our objective is would that be fair to say and so what I'm hoping to achieve and we've only got an hour together is that you can leave with a little bit of a plan that you can implement in your business so that you don't end up landing flat on your face so the number one trend in digital marketing right now any guesses to what they might be video any other ideas stories yeah so what we're talking about here are all hacks right the number one trend I believe in digital marketing right now is fear it's trust right because a lot of people can capture attention and you can do that through video and you can do that through stories and you can do that through spending money on clicks but what most people miss out on is they don't hold on to that attention and so they always have to get new attention to get more sales the way that you keep that attention is by building trust and if people trust you they're more likely to buy from you right so fair to say so there's three aspects to what I'm going to talk about today it's getting attention building trust and then how to convert their trust into dollars because at the end of the day we're all here to build revenue for our businesses if you don't have them make money off social media it won't be sustainable and I think that if you are adding value to your community you should be making a lot of money otherwise something's not working properly most people when it comes to social media do what this gentleman is doing right here and they stick their head in the sand because they don't understand it right social media is a very different way of marketing than what a lot of us are used to because you've got to add value as a social meet it's a social environment it's like going to a business networking function you can't just go in and go me me me me meet me expect people to buy from you you can't even give people value and then have the expectation that they're going to do something in return because if you ever given some of the Givens being given a gift but there's an expectation attached to it it kind of loses its value doesn't so it's time to kick traditional concepts of marketing and advertising to the gut curve anybody guess how many members there are on LinkedIn globally any ideas okay cool so so there's 640 million members on LinkedIn in Australia alone there's 10 million members which is pretty much the white collar workforce right just put it in perspective 640 million on LinkedIn there's a billion members on Instagram okay this is a business platform the average income brackets a lot higher than all the other social platforms who oh sorry this is out of date 640 million now who using business-to-business in the room business a consumer okay cool so there's a good balance with business the consumer you're gonna be focused more on distribution channels or business partnership so you got to think about who's also dealing with your market that may be on LinkedIn that you can connect with and benefit from inbound marketing and outbound marketing so the difference between inbound marketing and outbound marketing anyone want to yell out while the difference might be cool so if this is you right outbound marketing is when you run and tell as many people about your business as you can hoping that you find someone that's interested a good example of this would be TV advertising leaflet drops radio correct and so inbound marketing as you can probably imagine is where people are already looking for what you do and you're just showing up in the right spot okay example of this would be Google right Google advertising people are searching for what you do already which ones you think it's more effective okay correct new normal you don't have to explain this to you've all seen how much people are using their mobile devices the average attention span of a purse and is now less than the GALT sorry a goldfish does anybody use cold calling in the room yep a long time ago how effective are you finding in okay so is it so when you say cold calling how cold is it like where you getting these phone numbers from Google okay okay this is what I'm going to suggest to you guys right I may not be right but you test it right the numbers don't lie at the end of the day if you can get numbers better than what I'm talking about on here then you should go do that don't follow my advice if you're getting results the numbers don't lie guys everything should be mapping back to return on investment but what I'm going to suggest is that you'll get better results if you make that if you make that call to people that you've connected with first and found a little bit more information from them because online would a would it be fair to say that you can get more information than than a phone number I connecting with them on LinkedIn do the research and so if you connect with somebody on LinkedIn first find out some information from them then give them a call in my view that's a warm call not a cold call the statistics say that cold calling is effective 1% of the time now so if you call someone out of the blue they don't know you from a bar of soap you can get an appointment with somebody 1% of the time when you call them that's what a statistic say yeah and it and other sort of heat like if it's working for you keep doing it because you know at the end of the day we just needed to to do things that work right social excuse me social media impacts every stage of the customer journey right so we're not just talking about the inspiration or awareness stage we'll talk about research purchase and post purchase as well and it's pretty similar throughout the customer journey you want to stand out from the crowd on social media so people always ask me well how many connections should I have how many followers should I have you look at your competitors and you do more than that right you want to stand out profile optimization on LinkedIn is quite important so ranking at the top of the search results it's a little bit different to some of the other social channels out there because if you go on Instagram for example if you go on someone's profile what do you see you just see a library of historical content right whereas on LinkedIn if you go to somebody's profile generally you see a copy of their CV so I saw linkedin's second business plan when they did a second round of capital raising and it said LinkedIn is a site where you people are going to upload their CVS and recruiters are going to use it to find talent that was it there's no mention of salespeople or marketers so it's basically this database of CVS and then what's happened since then is there's more sales people and more marketers using the platform than recruiters and so link teens had to adapt its model right and so if you're in sales if you give somebody a copy of your CV to somebody that is looking to buy from you I'd argue that could be one of the most boring pieces of content you could possibly give a potential buyer right so if you've got a copy of your CV on your LinkedIn profile and you're using LinkedIn to get more customers you probably need to update your profile does that make sense you want to write it in customer centric language if somebody searches for your name what do they see at the top of search results on google general it's a social media profile generally right if your linkedin profiles optimized it'll be the one that's sitting number one if it's optimized correctly and so if people are looking searching for your name and they're coming across your LinkedIn profile how far up down that customer journey are they they probably quite far down right and so you don't know how many people you're losing by having a copy of your CV up there instead of having something that communicates your value proposition to the potential customer so the way LinkedIn works is you have this network and then you have access to your secondary network so when I was selling real estate in Thailand when somebody used to buy from me I used to say hey do you know anyone else that would be interested in buying a villa in Phuket if so put their name down I'll give them a call and see if they are also interested right whereas these days I can have a look at some one of my clients all of their network on LinkedIn and I can find the ideal customers and I can say can you introduce me to these three people it's a lot more powerful because I can see the whole of my clients referral network so people say to me a lot like are linkedin's crap it's just full of sales letters and recruitment letters that has nothing to do with LinkedIn it's to do with their network right because if they've sat there and accepted or rejected that connection requests from salespeople and recruiters what kind of messages do you expect to get on LinkedIn you're gonna get sales people and you're gonna get recruiters whereas if you're not reactive if you're proactive and you go out and target people in your target demographic and you're the one sending the connection requests you're gonna have a different experience on LinkedIn it's all to do with the quality of your network so who's actually been the one sending out connection requests on their LinkedIn profile see my guess is you'd have a much better network because you're the one who's decided who's gonna be in it and these are the people that are consuming your content you know on Instagram you can't just like go and request people to follow you hey could you follow myself can you follow my stuff could you follow myself because you're in my target market you have to be reactive you just get people who follow you or want to follow you they follow you whereas on LinkedIn you can be more decisive as to who's in your network because I'm pretty active on Instagram as well and all social channels but LinkedIn is where I make the most money and that's because of this reason so how do you optimize your LinkedIn profile well photographs important and we learn a little bit about that from the previous speaker I think you should get a professional headshot it's quite important it's where people are gonna look first right so your LinkedIn web address becomes important as well this is where Google's gonna be looking at things just show you up at the top of the search results it looks at things like you URL and stuff like that sure if it's a the question was if you were a company we're a company partnership yeah building would that be a logo or a picture of both of us so it would be a company okay you're talking about which is a different profile and it would be the logo but you're always gonna get the best results on LinkedIn for a personal profile yeah okay and so you both have one individually as well cool cuz there's a social media site right people want to buy from individuals they don't want to buy from logos I've got the profiles set up for our company which I'm not active on it but I've done it right I've set it up and I've got a picture of the four of us as a family it cuz it's a family business do you think that's okay so did you say it was a company page or a personal profile no a company as in croppers paint and wallpaper so I put there four of us as a family as a photo that's rather than the logo yeah it's fine it's just that you're not going to get good results when you try to connect with people or post content you should have a personal profiles as well so how do you do they link yeah okay I don't know about it clearly but just asking great question can I add to that yeah as I don't I've got both personal and company and I'd put no content on either yeah but if I was to start putting content on about glass cuz I want to attract glass sales do I just do it on my personal like do I just put job stuff on my person or do I replicate that on the business the company one as well how do you differentiate I understand what you're saying about people want to buy from people so you know to have to maintain two pages isn't worth it is it yeah yeah we're gonna pick one to pick your personal profile because there's just not as many people will even see it on the company page you can share it but again if you post it organically from your personal profile you're gonna get more views more people will see it sharing stuff on LinkedIn doesn't have much it doesn't give you much more reach you'll notice like if you share someone else's content it doesn't get that many eyeballs on it yeah all right I'm sure there's gonna be a whole bunch of questions and more than welcome to jump in as we go it was always a lot of questions around this LinkedIn stuff all right so the About section at the top of the profile no you can't read that but it is the most important part if people are gonna look at anything in your profile you'll want to make sure that you have keywords in there that are relevant to your customers so what might your customers be searching for on LinkedIn because people will use it as a search engine if I'm looking for an accountant I could go to Google and I could look for accountant in Sydney and I'll see all the ads and I can you know choose which website I'm gonna look at or I could look at who's in my network already by searching on LinkedIn and so you know if you're in my network and you're an accountant in Sydney you want to make sure you're showing up at the top of search results you do that by through optimizing it with keywords I'm just to give you an idea of the difference you can make this is a profile from a profile we optimized it went from having zero profile views per day to having ninety-one profile views it a day you can imagine if you amplify that through multiple people throughout the team you can very quickly get more traffic on your LinkedIn profiles than you can on a website if they're optimized effectively sweep em good tonight all right social proof so social proof is about building trust so when I used to go on holiday right in um somewhere new and I wanted to find a restaurant to eat out in I would literally walk out of the hotel when I'd walk down the street and I'd see like a restaurant on the left hand side there be empty no people in that see one on the right-hand side it's full of people which one do you think would have better food okay one full of people right and so these days I don't bother walking out on the street I just look on TripAdvisor and I look at how many reviews there are and and what's the average rating out of five stars and people doing the same thing with your brand but LinkedIn is that basically the TripAdvisor for professionals so what this is a good example like what's its line for I don't know but everyone's standing here it must be good you know so like my LinkedIn hero series which Mark mentioned where I interview entrepreneurs making the impact like I've been interviewing these like celebrity entrepreneurs for a while now and people ask me well how do you get like these or interviews with these really famous well-known entrepreneurs and the reality is it's just literally because you get one you get another one you've got certain amount of followers and they go well if they all these people are following him it must be good yes we'll do the interview it's no different with your brand when people buy from you so when you get to a certain level where you have got a lot of followers and you've got a lot of people that want to do business with you you'll find there's less competition you get to a position where you can charge premium pricing because it's a blue ocean there's no competitors you know people want to do business with the perceived expert and that's you then you can charge what you want there's no competitors like I when I started my business five or six years ago so I went stood like a potential client they would be meeting with three or four different LinkedIn trainers and I'd put my proposal in and maybe I win maybe I wouldn't these days that doesn't happen anymore they come to me they come because they believe that I'm the perceived expert and I can charge them what they want and they want to do business with me and that's it it's a start when I was posting Khan to begin with it was very difficult because people say well why are you posting that for wide spending all your time doing content for and I didn't have any results to show for it but now they go oh he's so lucky he's the perceived expert in his industry so who's posting content on social media on his daily basis just have the curiosity keep your hand up if you're doing it on LinkedIn okay it doesn't matter whether you do it on LinkedIn or not whoa I mean it does but it depends on your audience right it doesn't matter if it's on Facebook or Instagram if your audience is there and you're being social with them on a daily basis in a way that adds value either through entertainment inspiration or education you're going to build a social connection with your audience we just got to make sure they're hanging out there I love LinkedIn because it's one of the few places you can get organic reach still you can do it on Instagram as well on Facebook it's pretty much over like you've got to pay to play on Facebook it doesn't matter if you're a hundred thousand followers you can't reach them unless you invest in it sorry we've got a question is the strategy for LinkedIn like what you would do for Instagram or Facebook where your content is designed to enhance your connection desirability is that the point I'm not really that clear on what LinkedIn is for essentially you learn how content on any platform is designed to build a relationship with somebody right so you want to build stronger relationships with people through social media that's it so if you're putting up content what type of content is suitable for LinkedIn imagine be quite different to what you'd put on Instagram or Facebook yeah it is I mean the premise of it is the same it needs to add value and so there's three ways that you can add value for content one is entertainment one is education and one is inspiration on LinkedIn is a lot more educational content because of the business environment you got to think about the context and also like an Instagram right you scroll through the newsfeed what do you see first the picture or the caption picture right so the picture has to draw the attention in and then the caption is where you put the value on LinkedIn what's first the caption of the picture the captions first so if you've got a video that you post on LinkedIn nobody's gonna watch it unless the caption compels them to so the caption becomes more important to capture attention and so you might start with a question that maybe the audience doesn't know the answer to like you know what's your sales process right most businesses don't have one right so draws the attention in if somebody does watch your video on LinkedIn after 10 seconds 50 percent of the people that press play are gone on average after a minute 80% are gone so what are people do generally in the first 10 seconds of their videos they say they put their phone on they go oh hi it's Nathaniel here I'm from Bibby consulting I thought I'd just jump on here and do a video 10 seconds 50% are gone alright so you need to jump in with the value straightaway when I first started creating video content this is I I got really hung up on my introduction video right by these aerial shots of Sydney in Melbourne and there was me walking along with my sunglasses on and like meeting celebrity entrepreneurs speaking on stage no one was interested in any of that crap except me I thought it was really cool I still think it is but none of my audience do alright they're all gone they're there for the content so you've got to get it straight into it I still will do it like if I'm interviewing somebody I'll say hi you know hi this is so-and-so welcomed blah blah blah blah but when I go to publish it I cut all that stuff off he's no one's interested in all that stuff okay I did a um today seminar for Westpac and it was for their youth network and so they're all under the age of 30 150 people in the audience and I said put your hand up if you've got a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile the recommendation is just a testimonial someone has to submit and three people put their hand out all under the age of 30 all computer-savvy probably never licked a postage stamp before and I said keep your hand up if you've got more than one recommendation on your LinkedIn profile one person out of 150 so how easy is it to stand out from the crowd if all you need is two recommendations on your LinkedIn profile and you're one in 150 you guys are good at this okay so what I wanted to achieve today is give you a system for lead generation this is something you can take away and generate leads for immediately I've had people do this during my talks where they've literally generated a lead while I'm speaking but you'll be able to do it go away and generate leads tonight it's a three-step process find connect and engage and so the way the numbers work this is what we do for our clients by the way this is a biggest area of my businesses so if you find let's say you find two hundred people in your target audience let's say your target directors of financial advisory firms just as an example in Sydney so you find two hundred of them you send them all collection requests on LinkedIn on average 50% will accept immediately so got a hundred new connections in your ideal demographic ideal target audience all you've done is ask them to connect you haven't asked them to buy for you was getting a phone call or any of that stuff but then you send them all the message and you say hey thank you for connecting I noticed that you're a financial advisor we work with financial advisors I'm interested in finding out more about your business objective is to see if there's an opportunity for us to work together what's the best number to reach you on not also am I gonna say yes hop on a call but on average between ten to thirty percent of people in contact will so let's just be ultra conservative ten people say yeah this sure let's chat so that's ten leads there's no reason why you couldn't do 400 connection requests and next week and this is free like you're not paying any money to LinkedIn to do any of this stuff they offer you these in males where you can send sales messages people for free they convert about two to three percent where as you can see these convert at 10 percent conservatively so it's a lot cheaper to do it for free and that's just based on the fact that this was a recruitment portal was never designed for sales and marketers so their products don't actually suit you know the market just yet on average 50 percent of those ten will be ready to do something now fifty percent maybe down the track and so you just want to find out which of those fifty percent really quickly and so you can do business with them but you're very quickly like you all be so connected to so many financial advisory firms in Sydney that you'll be either perceived expert in that industry quite quickly so like when you after you've connected with a thousand of them and you send out the next x-men the next connection request you'll see all these mutual connections and they go wow he's connected to all these other people in my industry he must be the expert right that my sense okay so who's seen sales letters in their inbox on LinkedIn like this right what what are some of the things you think that this person has done wrong when they've sent this message yep it aside from the English yeah so it's all about him right it's all about the person sending in they've shown no interest in the person who's receiving the message this is just straight them out of my LinkedIn you box and to be honest I've seen you know I look at my clients inbox I know what sales that is send to people 90 percent of them do this wrong they talk about themselves no one cares about you know you the one thing that you can be guarantee that everybody's interested in in talking about and some selves guaranteed so if you don't talk about yourself at all and show interested the other person it might be much more likely together a favorable response this one's not bad it's shorter I like that the idea is now we're connected hopefully we can time for a face-to-face just to see if maybe my products might be of value to your clients this is one subtle change that would make this a good message because it's not a good message and it would be as if you said just to see if maybe your products might be a value to my clients if you worded it that way it would get a good response rate because it's it's talking about the value to the person you're sending it to you know this could be somebody in the complementary industry that might deal with the same clients as me but you're putting the value in the wording the benefits a person you're sending it to okay this is an actual example of one of the messages we've sent for one of my clients so mentions the connect that we've got connections in common I've taken a look at your profile I'm interested in speaking with you finding about what you do as it seems to me some synergies between yourself and the clients we typically choose to work with so when somebody receives a message like that they're gonna wonder who the hell's Maureen right what does she do and they'll click on her name and read her profile so it's very different to a cold call because when you do a cold call you have to explain who you are why calling first thing you do right whereas on LinkedIn you don't need to do either of those things because they can click on your name and read your profile and it may seem like a very subtle difference but when somebody clicks on your name it's a it's an inbound activity right because they've asked for the information therefore they're more likely to consume it rather than you pushing it on to them which is basically an outbound activity most people don't want to be sold to most people want to be helps generally you'll find that if people have the problem that you solve they want to buy they've got a problem they want to solve it they want to buy they just don't want to be sold to to help them buy don't sell to them on social media if you help people you'll find you get a much better response than if you sell to them people want to do business with people that help them buy how people buy don't sell to them so Maureen I'll just give it to share this story with you she was a she was selling real estate to people in Singapore Australian real estate and she thought I was a shame that LinkedIn is not going to work for me because you know real estate is pretty much b2c it's not B to B therefore you know how's it gonna work for me and what we decided to do was we targeted CEOs that were based in Singapore they went to university in Australia this is good chance that it'll be interested in Australian property invited them to an event about Australian real estate in Singapore and within a few days she almost doubled in network and had 10 qualified leads she still uses this strategy to do that today to sell real estate to funnel people into events and in the last few weeks LinkedIn have introduced an events feature does anybody run events for their business at all okay well if you've run events check out LinkedIn events it's it's a pretty cool way to get a lot of people Twitter then I used it over three days over a weekend and Melbourne Sydney Perth we managed to get 850 people registered for each city by using LinkedIn events all it does is invites people in your network and instead of when you normally get connection requests and it says all you know Maureen wants to be your connection on LinkedIn it says Nathaniel would like to invite you to this event you first accept or not it's pretty powerful way to market to your network if you are running events but you can do that same thing with a private message right invite them to an event it makes them feel like quite special that you've taken the time to send them an individual message because a lot of this stuff's not automated however it can be systemized so one of the reasons that some you know my business has done so well as we've systemized it for businesses to outsource to us to do lead generations because when i was generating leads when i go back to that story when i was sending out ten messages to a surgeon then 20 messages the next week we grew that business so quickly is because i systemized it I gave the scripts to an assistant for her to send out on my behalf nothing was left to initiative you know is it's the same script that's going out but and it's not automated it's systemize and then I thought well why can't we do that for customers so instead of the client sitting sending the messages themselves they outsource to us 95 percent of the people that I've trained on LinkedIn marketing think that it's fantastic and I think what I'm teaching them is very valuable but they don't implement it ninety five percent do not implement it why not well it's time it takes time to do right and also because they're afraid of doing something wrong you know it's interesting like with this private messaging stuff's pretty straightforward but with content like people afraid to post because they're afraid of doing something wrong but you learn how to create engaging content by posting it's actually about making mistakes quicker okay so how did it work with Maureen so getting into a quite a bit of detail here but on the advance people search right you can target exactly these fields so like what's the job title third one down director CEO what school did they go to Monash University what locations Singapore industry finance legal banking interested in property investments groups real estate investment Australia that's how granular you can get with the search results so we sent 500 connection requests for Maureen this is in the first month we ran this campaign we had 277 people accept and they all got the message inviting them to the seminar 42 people said yes confirmed and showed up so the assembler okay yeah we'll do this again cool I want to spend a bit of time now I'm on QA cuz I'm sure you guys have got a lot of questions put your hand up if you've got some questions we'll get the mics running around hi I'm just a question in respect to premium versus just the normal LinkedIn membership is there pros cons is it worthwhile yeah generally like your fight that if you're using the normal LinkedIn that you'll run into some limitations if you're using it to generate leads you don't need a premium account to generate leads though like to actually get a return on investment so if you're starting out on LinkedIn a free accounts absolutely fine it's just when you start to you know reach the point where you're looking at too many profiles in a day or if you specifically want to search by things like the size of a company you need to upgrade to do that but other than that you can use a free account to get the result are there any parameters on the amount of people you can friend requests cuz I know like Instagram they're like slow down stop messaging people yeah totally yeah so what LinkedIn is concerned about is if a lot of people are saying no I don't know this person or this even worse this person is spam and so if you get too many of those then you'll be restricted just to give you an idea so I know where the boundaries are because none of my clients have ever been restricted by LinkedIn but I've been banned eight times I think in that is now so I do know if the boundaries are yeah so the way to manage that if you are sending a lot of connection requests out is once a connection request has been pending for three or four weeks you can withdraw it so I actually go through all my pending connection requests and all the old ones I'll just withdraw them because no one's gonna accept after three or four weeks and that way I'll manage it so that there's not so many as three requests just move along yeah there's so many people out there right to target they'd probably end up getting requested to at some point so I'm trying to build my business as a brand and not myself you know for future sell and that sort of thing and how this this strategy is about me connecting with people can you talk to that a little bit so so again I don't want to build myself as a brand I want to build my business as a brand but I have to use LinkedIn my personal profile to connect with people but I don't want to build myself as a brand how big do it in the space were and we're a good size yeah there are the salespeople or that they transient okay yeah it looks tough one I'll call social media you're always gonna get better results especially as a small business personal brand because this is one thing that the big companies don't have right that they can't compete with is it but you've got a personal brand a small business it's social media platforms you're never gonna get the same result if I approach you as a company you know and say hey hey going will you absolute like no one wants to talk to a company right they won't talk to an individual so you can build up sales people within your organization but then you run the risk that again I like to leave and take their whole network with them and so you know it is a question that comes up a lot but if you're going to be active on social media personal branding is the most effective way to do it yeah thank you so with all the messages that you sent out like invites she rides a bit of a blurb introducing yourself if you're inviting 500 people that's going to take like what a week to write over hundred people no 500 people like it would be a lot of messages you have to you know copy pasting but still 500 people takes my team five hours yeah 100 people an hour how many people are building your team to do that just one person yeah yeah so I mean it's just copy and paste right you just got to put their first name in and the outsource debt like that could be systemized and just ask somebody where yeah yeah yeah outsource it yeah you delegate it yeah delegate to someone in your team to a company like mine you can go offshore if you want to just got to make sure you manage the quality right because you can't afford to make mistakes in this area yeah sorry I'm still having trouble with what we were talking about before because on all social media platforms I'm trying to keep it consistent that we're having the Crockers paint wallpaper social media Instagram Facebook and then obviously the LinkedIn one that's sitting there doing nothing so I would I would like to think that we're showing the same thing across everywhere but the way I'm getting LinkedIn is it has to be slightly different but why can't we speakers the family to our audience because I don't want it to be just me I mean there's Shawn as well like it's the two of us of doing different things to me it doesn't it feels like we're spreading everything out too much do you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah how could what would the strategy be in order to keep the LinkedIn as croppers look so the company page can be the same and it can be generic content what I'm suggesting is you're gonna get more engagement through personal profiles and what suppose broke growing your network on your personal profiles so I think you use that as the foundation and then you amplify that content with your personal profiles and use it as a networking tool so if we have our personal one we're kind of speaking about our business correct yeah thank you yep spot-on it's really benefit in using your first-degree connections to introduce you to connections within their group of people as a prodigy perhaps yep more do you get better results and better numbers from that yeah yeah I mean for me like it's a speed thing so I fuckin said 100 connection requests in the same time I can get one person introduce me up do that because it's the fact that they can see you as mutual connections it's almost it has some of that similar value like it's it's a little bit like if you're in a networking function and you guys know that you both know the same people and you shake hand up very rude to you right if you know you know there's that you've got the same mutual connections so for me it's a speed thing you've got to you've got to weigh up quantity quality you know decide where you sit so walk us through outsourcing them so if I went to your company and said I want to outsource my LinkedIn marketing but I then hand over access to my personal page to one of your staff members yeah you would yeah so your life is awesome man but this is the thing right there's nothing left to initiative like anything we do is gonna be you're gonna just we're gonna show you who the people we're gonna reach out to it what we're gonna say to them and then any replies to come back it's over to you we're not gonna be coming up with replies based on like pretending to be you so it's just like we're an extension of of what you're already doing we come up with a strategy who we're going to target what gonna say to the people we even give you the list of people that you know we're gonna contact and and then we will do it for you yeah so one of the your packages is if I understand this correctly as you work with us through our profile and how we're actually going to market to them yeah and help us design the messages correct and then that would be scripted and your team will go with it yeah that's right cuz I want you guys to get like I want my clients to get the results so it's not enough for me to just teach about it do it because 95% of them don't do it right I've actually got to get in there and do it for them and then they get it they're gonna get the result grow their business and then you've got to learn like how to say these people on the phone so how do you what do you say when you do call up somebody so you say like the purpose of his phone cause to find out a bit more a business to see if there's an opportunity for us to do business together frame the conversation so they know what to expect I know you guys have done a lot to do with Oren and pitch anything today that guys it goes ideal for LinkedIn marketing he knows exactly how to frame a conversation so that people feel comfortable enough to tell you the information that you need to find out if they've got the problem that you solve and you're away to the races because you don't want to do business with people that don't have the problem you solve there's too many people out there that do have the problem you want to solve people into something that they don't want to do you just want to find out who's got a problem quickly so that you can you can meet their needs how much does it cost to do it with you to two grand a month microphone which when I say that I realize how generic it is so there's a lot of strategy involved in that that informs what I then do but I'm just thinking that's just gonna be a hard pitch anywhere on social media surely because it's just saw of a jam everyone needs it right okay people look I'm from the digital marketing industry right and I cannot find a good rabbit of other I need my website redone so if somebody if I was following somebody that had content that was like good positioned themselves as a perceived expert I would naturally want to do business with them SEO is exactly the same thing there's so much rubbish out there you know there's so much crap out there you can differentiate yourself very easily by putting educational content it shows people you actually know what you're talking about yeah how to stand out from the crowd all right off to get your card later yep I just had a question around the type of content so with educational inspirational is it about the work that you do as a company yep so does it have to be you can add value by educating people about all sorts of things doesn't necessarily have to be about your business I found that the winning formula is you educate people by adding value and then you share the results that you've got for your customers rather than selling an image or a video yep or even an article if as introverts in the room articles are great they do really well on LinkedIn but if you share the results your customers got it's about them you know you're begging the customer out look at look at the results they've achieved yes they did it through doing business with me but they've achieved it so it's not about you ranting and raving about yourself is it anybody heard of the mere-exposure effect few view yeah so something I love from guy called Kerwin rain so familiar name so anyone know what's so funny I mentioned his name last night and don't know anew was the seminar I was speaking at but Cohen races the mere-exposure effect basically is a psychological phenomena that basically says the more times that brand you're exposed to a brand and more likely you are to do business with them and trust them and so the old days it was three or four exposures now it's 23 exposures and so if you show so many 23 exposures through social media they're more likely to buy from you because they'll build trust with you however if you show somebody 23 calls to action they're gonna yeah you're gonna piss them off right and so it's going to have a negative effect and so you gotta be careful about talking about yourself too much and appearing like a dickhead right and you want to add value talk about the results that you get for your customers much more effective way to do it then you can do 23 exposures and they'll actually like you at the end of it is there a particular etiquette on LinkedIn like mentioning before not going back to a previous request for connection type of language is their particular sort of yeah I think it comes down to your brand Raeleen like and and your audience like what you're comfortable with if there is an etiquette on LinkedIn I probably don't follow it if I use swear words I do a lot of things I shouldn't do on LinkedIn the reason I don't go at people and can send more than one messages because there's so many other people out there and I find the conversion rates are just as good I don't really want to keep annoying somebody if somebody doesn't want to do business with me that's that that's fine they're probably not the right client for me there's so many other people out there that don't do so it's just the way that I choose to do it from our own brand yeah should we have another question or I yep get me five minutes so with what you were saying about sending the the message to people about what you can do for them so we're in obviously we have a lot of videos that we take a work that we show people how to do things like as in DIY how to paint a deck and just to put you in the picture is that the type of thing that you're because what you said before is about don't talk about you all the time well that is a so that's us doing what we know how to do so other people but is that the kind of thing that LinkedIn likes cuz I know that Facebook likes it yeah they do yeah yeah are we on the same kind of page or should we tweak it too no no that's that's ideal yeah when I say don't talk about you all the time I mean make sure the contents adding value is all I mean not that it's self-serving like look at me I'm awesome like this makes me feel good that's not what not to do you want to like add value so what is how was the benefit to the audience and yeah there's how-to video teaching them I guess exactly okay that's perfect okay yeah I use LinkedIn a bit so just share the strategy I've been using there's a lot of trade businesses here so I own a scaffolding company I'm very specific that I work 42 companies I've gone and added you can look up the companies same Hutchinson builders every trade like myself make we win jobs from project managers contracts administrators we also like to have perform an on board and the workplace Health and Safety Officer so you can literally go to the top 20 companies that you want to work for you can search for contracts administrators McNabb Queensland add them all and you just keep growing in the network from builder to build at the builder and when I post I never post oh I'll post and sort of what you were saying before about Facebook if I went on to LinkedIn and went I just want to thank my guys for doing a great job it sort of is sort of alright but if I go into Facebook I normally go into LinkedIn I tagged the Builder and I'll say and I'll fly my drone around I go this is a job of just done for con dev I've done an excellent job I'll moreso say how great the builders doing because when the builders gonna like it and share it which they do but if I go into Facebook and say builders don't like my Facebook page scaffolders like my Facebook page so if I go on to face what can go the Builder has done an awesome job and I don't mention anything about my guys doing a good job they just gonna think I'm an asshole so the the wording is different on both platforms but to make it simple like it's just work out who your target is or who the companies are and just work out that job right like if it is mine is a project manager just go add every project manager for the builders that you want and it you know how it works yeah amazing yeah it's great value out yep yep there's LinkedIn have any algorithms at all attached to itself like Facebook Instagram oh yeah absolutely yeah I mean they're all these social media sites they want to give their users a good experience right so the algorithms objective is just to show you the content that you want so keep you on the platform and so one of the easiest ways to do that is through engagement so they look at how many likes and comments you get on your content and then people that follow you or connect with you or likely to see your content at the top so it is important if you are posting content to get engagement relatively quickly on your content it should be authentic engagement because what's going to happen is the algorithms only gonna get smarter it's very similar to what I was telling you the story about when I moved to Hong Kong and I went from page 1 on Google to page 100 all that happened is Google got smarter to show people more relevant because I was using techniques which are considered blackhat right I was manipulating the search results and so if you manipulate this the social media newsfeed eventually the algorithm will get smaller and your content won't do as well so you want to be like getting authentic engagement really fast and you'll show up really well than in the newsfeed and so when I talk about organic content doing well on LinkedIn and your being able to get free reach this is what I'm talking about as the algorithm is still showing like people that haven't sponsored ads at the top of the newsfeed whereas on Facebook you know they've tried to monetize it they looked Facebook at the last year's the first time that they've lost market share and what's interesting is that the people that are coming off of Facebook are the younger guys which means the trends likely to continue so make sense well you just got to see what's working for you right I'm always my content there's a lot to do with this it's about the algorithm updates and stuff so follow my content you'll probably get some insights from me but it's about testing and measuring being a practitioner and being there and seeing what works what doesn't you've got to keep on top of it because it's always changing but I think it's a general rule if you align your objectives with the objectives or the platform which is to give its users a good experience you can't really come unstuck because in the long run that there changes the algorithm always going to match that yep you're just going to ask like with our Facebook upset with trying to drive people a bit to our website as well and I'm seeing that you're all about the personal connection maybe less so the company visibility on the LinkedIn or the company page is really all about just creating a face-to-face or a phone call situation or you're trying to drive them to your website to see your stuff as well that's what's the focus there so I want to bring the discussion offline so off off of LinkedIn really you don't wanna be going back and forth having discussions about business on LinkedIn so one strategy is you pull them off onto a telephone call it's the one thing you can do on LinkedIn which you can't do on another platform like on Instagram if you follow some money and say hey we don't follow you I'm really interested in what you do can I have your phone number it's not gonna work right this is a big no-no whereas I think ting it's more appropriate so on Instagram if you want to pull the conversation offline you have what they call as a lead magnet right lead magnet is something that you know go to your website they fit in a form and they've got something free that they can download and that's where you capture their details and pull the conversation offline and that works on LinkedIn as well I'll give you a quick hack because we only got five minutes with the lead magnet stuff when you post offering something like I offer a free LinkedIn prospecting kit for example right and so normally what you would do is you'd have the link to the prospecting kit and anyone who's interested will go to that link what I do now as I say anybody who would like the prospecting kit comment below with yes please and so all of a sudden instead of a hundred people just firing off of LinkedIn to go get the kid they comment first which means the engagement of that post is a lot higher ten times as many people see the content therefore I get about ten times a result and then everyone has commented yes please I send them a private message with the link so they still get the link they still go the you know it's to get their email address but I get ten times the engagement does that make sense that's a really cool hack not many people do that it's a way to get a lot of email addresses really quickly and a lot of eyeballs on your I think we've got time for one more perhaps sir one more question before we wrap up you're saying before you done interviews with like entrepreneurs and stuff is that YouTube they're all on YouTube there's this series is called LinkedIn heroes so I post them on LinkedIn as well that's where they get the most traction I've got biggest audience there but they're long-form content all ends up on YouTube yeah go check them out LinkedIn Heroes is the playlist got some really cool interviews on there and I'm interviewing Sean later on tonight which should be awesome beautiful probably a good place to finish awesome
Channel: Nathanial Bibby
Views: 85,446
Rating: 4.9717646 out of 5
Keywords: linkedin marketing 2021, linkedin strategy, linkedin strategy 2021, linkedin marketing strategy, linkedin marketing, the ultimate linkedin strategy, nathanial bibby, linkedin marketing tips, linkedin content strategy 2021, linkedin viral content 2021, linkedin strategy 2020, linkedin strategy for business, best linkedin strategy, sales navigator, linkedin lead generation, linkedin marketing hacks, linkedin for business, gary vaynerchuk, how to use linkedin
Id: apSCN8J81iI
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Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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