LinkedIn Ads: How-to Build a High-converting B2B Campaign (Working in 2021)

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if you're looking to grow your business and generate higher converting leads with LinkedIn then you are at the right video as I'm gonna take you through the entire process of setting up your LinkedIn ads from start to finish also in this video I'm gonna share with you a few simple to apply tactics to your LinkedIn campaigns I've developed over the last few years of running campaigns with budgets in excess of $80,000 a month that have generated an average daily conversion rate of 18% welcome back to market and hustle my name is Danny Sidhu and on this channel we simplified marketing so that you can grow your digital influence and your business now if this is your first time here you should consider subscribing ads we post weekly videos covering leads and sales generation tactics that will help you drive higher ROI now I am 100% confident that if you truly soak up every bit of detail that I will share with you in this video you will be able to generate more qualified leads into your funnel and ultimately drive more sales for your business now in return I only ask that you watch this video in its entirety as I've seen businesses lose a ton of money just by selecting one wrong setting on the LinkedIn ads platform and I don't want that to be you so please make sure to follow every step so that your first campaign is as successful as I know it can be also remember this is LinkedIn ads it's not Facebook it's a different platform the audience's behave in different ways so some of the hacks you might have learned on Facebook might not necessarily carry over to the social platform without further ado let's jump into it hey guys so Before we jump into it you want to make sure that you have two things already completed at this juncture that number one you have a LinkedIn company page already set up in my UI you can see that I already have one connected here which is M&H digital and then number two you just want to make sure you have a credit card payment already on file so that you're actually able to build out your campaigns so what I'm gonna do is first tour of the UI and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna jump into this brief the scenario I have for you guys so you can see how we can actually go about planning a campaign so when you enter the LinkedIn campaign manager UI this is what it looks like and your campaign group essentially you're already gonna have a default one created but basically it allows you to you know create a campaign and put a total budget that you want to spend you could put a start and end date and you also have the option to just run your campaign ongoingly LinkedIn would love for you to spend all your money there but since they already created a default campaign group we can actually just jump into this and we can actually go to the campaign level where we're gonna do all of our targeting and spend most of our time so I actually have two different campaigns already built but I want to take you through the process of building a fresh one just so we can cover some of the initial features and then we're actually gonna go and use some of these so I'm gonna hit create campaign and they haven't nice and neatly broken out between different types of objectives depending on what your goal is it is actually gonna be different so if you're a brand new business and you're looking to generate leads but you know that no one knows who you really are you might want to do a brand awareness campaign which is basically gonna optimize towards users who tend to consume content on the platform but might not take an action I do not recommend for you to use this I think LinkedIn is a very expensive platform to advertise on compared to Facebook and Instagram where you see the average CPM which stands for the price to reach 1000 users is about $69 on LinkedIn that's around it could be anywhere from like thirty to a hundred dollars depending on the audience and again it's a very different audience you know you have CEOs directors you know this is the b2b network so there's a premium price you pay for that premium audience so I wouldn't really recommend doing around awareness consideration and conversion is probably where you want to spend the most amount of time so this is getting people to go to your website getting people to engage with your post if you have video content that maybe educates consumers about your brand your services this would be you know one objective that you can use and of course there are built-in lead generation feature as well they have more advanced options coming soon that aren't having been rolled out globally such as getting conversions on your website and you know if your HR recruiter getting job applications so for this example we're actually going to use website visits because my goal is to drive people to my website where they can convert now there's a lot of very similar things you can do here to other platforms you have location targeting so I can say I want somebody that lives in the United States and before I actually start just diving through this wormhole of setting up of campaign I want to set this up a little bit for you guys so you have some context of what the goal of this campaign is so here's a brief that really outlines what we're gonna be setting up in this example and the business goal is I to do I'm looking to seed mid to senior level marketers into my content funnel so I can grow my audience so my strategy is I am going to share a cheat sheet of Facebook Ads lead generation cheat sheet that that I've been working on for months it actually started as ebook and then I just got way too comprehensive so I decided to scale it back a little bit from the 30 pages and condense it into a cheat sheet of my strategies that I've built over the last ten years running over 30 million dollars in facebook ads campaigns both on the client side and working at some of the largest agencies in the u.s. well actually globally so my goal here is to generate ebook downloads and my audience is essentially marketers who are experienced so they're not entry-level they have some level of sophistication so managers and directors and above and their ages twenty five five seven let's say fifty four males and females in the US I do have a landing page that I mentioned that I'm going to be driving people to and just some other details on this brief is I I do have an email list but I don't have the 300 contacts the rush hold that LinkedIn requires in order for you to to actually use that audience and I only have a budget of 250 bucks I don't want to spend more than 250 bucks because I this is a test and I want to see how effective I could be with this product if it cost me more than 250 bucks to start seating this audience in it just might not the economics might not be there so my goal is to get at least 10 leads making it a cost per lead of $25 so now that we have that in mind we can jump into the targeting so again looking to reach people in the United States and you have the option of targeting people very much just like Facebook that were recently in the location I want people who actually live in the United States so I'm gonna say permanent location and then now I'm going to go to my next qualifier I'm gonna leave the language as English and I say narrow audience so I want people who probably went to school for this so I'm gonna go to degrees and I'm gonna say bachelor's degree I'm going to say maybe BBA of Business Administration Bachelor of Commerce I'm trying to qualify that audience so it's not I don't want to get just random marketers I want to get people that you know went to school for this that are or service marketers that they have a career of doing this um actually if anybody got masters I definitely want to add that in some master's degree Masters of Business Administration very very relevant I was actually a I did an undergraduate in marketing and management and they both fall under the business school so very common um cool maybe someone that has experience with technology could be a great marketer actually the marketers of the future are really technologists so I'm gonna now further so far I have degrees I want to get some demographic so ages I know it's not an entry-level person that just got out of college so we're gonna do 25 to 34 and 35 to 54 fun fact do you know how LinkedIn figures out your age because you actually don't improve your age when you sign up for LinkedIn for whatever reason they don't ask you this information they actually look at the year that you graduated high school and college and they kind of use this information to directionally take a guess so something you want to keep in mind it's not like other platforms other platforms people are telling the platform with LinkedIn it's kind of guessing a little bit so something to keep in mind um job experience so we want to target job titles and again I'm narrowing all this so you have to have one of these degrees you have to be in this age group and then you have to have one of the following job titles let's say Marketing Manager Marketing Director marketing not an intern not a coordinator so what I'm going to do is actually already built an audience with all this information and just to get ahead of it so I don't just so we can use our time most efficiently I'm actually going to go back to the other campaign I had already pre built with this audience and I'm gonna take you into that so we can go further and save some time now there's two different types of campaigns I've created one is for text these usually come up on the right-hand side of the screen on desktop and tend to be less expensive and the other one is for sponsored content that's kind of like a link ad that you would see in the Facebook or Instagram news feed so I'm gonna take you into the first one for text ads and we are going to as you can see you know we already have a target audience in here so this is using job titles so we have social media strategist director of web marketing digital marketing consultant marketing manager so we have some you know mid to senior level roles global brand director this is basically someone that I think would really benefit from this downloadable which by the way I will make sure to link you guys in the description I know that this is a video about LinkedIn ads but my guess is that a fear running LinkedIn ads at some point you're gonna want to run Facebook ads or you have so these hacks and insights in this cheat sheet are gonna really help you so make sure to look below for that anyways so on top of the job titles what I'm also gonna layer is member interests I want to get into people who are actually not only just working in advertising or in marketing went to school for it but also on LinkedIn their interest what they're engaging with what they're liking what they're commenting on is related to marketing so a few different interests I actually added in here are retargeting targeted advertising search engine marketing performance based marketing there's there's a ton of stuff in here you could really go deep with this one thing to keep in mind is the audience size I want to make sure to have a balance between an audience that's scalable so that I'm not paying insane amount of money to target them because the smaller the audience gets the more expensive it gets so I want to find a balance between the audience size on one hand and also how qualified I'm targeting a user because on the other hand I don't want to just target everyone and have no definitive criteria so you want to have a good balance my rule of thumb is at try to keep things about to 200,000 and above which gives me a good balance at least when I'm advertising in the US market if you're advertising in other markets it could be a little bit larger or a little bit smaller maybe you wanna if for example in Latin America it's a lot cheaper to advertise so I might be willing to go down to $100,000 because even though sorry 100 thousand in the audience size because even though it's gonna cost me more because it's already cheaper in that market it kind of kind of balances out so a little fun fact to keep in mind so I already have my interests in here that I want to layer in and I've already layered in my degrees my age range so now the audience is at a pretty good place you can continue to either exclude audiences or now further like I said I'm at a good point right now with my audience eyes so I'm not gonna do that enable audience audience expansion what this is and it's gonna tell you right here is that if you if LinkedIn can recognize people that are similar to the audience that you've built but for some reason you know they don't work in the same field you know they're not in the same age group they don't have the same job title for some reason they don't fit in this criteria but it thinks it can get them to convert enabling that allows them to go after that user I personally prefer to start my campaigns without using that and later on I like to test that in because you know sometimes you don't know they could be going after someone that's 19 years old and doesn't necessarily fit so I'd rather start clean and then later on I run a test to see if there's actually a difference so a few other things I will mention here before we get into the ad format is that I'm running this campaign for seven days now you might be asking what's the optimal timeframe it really depends on your your your budget and what your goals are I know in seven days there's a hundred ninety thousand people I can spend my budget and by the way I said I had a two hundred fifty dollar budget if you remember so two hundred fifty dollars and splitting that between the two campaigns so between the text ads and between the the sponsored ads the single image ads that having a separate campaign so I know I can spend that at seven days you know some people like to drag on campaigns for 30 days it doesn't make sense let me give you a little advertising 101 there's thing called reach and frequency it's how many people what percentage of the audience eyes do I want to reach and then how many times most people the first time they see your ad they are not gonna take an action on average it takes at least 10 exposures digital exposures meaning social ads meaning on the Internet to get someone to go from I don't know who you are so I'm unaware to I know who you are I know why you're different and now I have purchase intent to potentially buy from me so stretching your ads for 30 days without the right budget doesn't even make sense so in this case I'm only doing it 7 days about 45,000 to 270,000 people are gonna see my hands depending on how many advertisers and how expensive it is and sorry I was just checking my battery and it's gonna tell me to click the rate and how many total clicks now I know that my landing page converts about 75% of the people what that means is that let's just do some basic math here let's say we are somewhere in the middle between you know 9 to 253 clicks let's say I get 25 times 0.8 75 I already have 18 leads submitted my goal was to get 10 leads with 250 bucks so so far we're looking pretty good pretty optimistic let's continue placement do not check this box the LinkedIn audience network is third party platforms I mean your ads won't be shown in LinkedIn it's gonna be shown somewhere else and to give you an idea Facebook also has this it's called their audience Network and it's third party apps that they partner with and your ad can be shown there as well to give you an idea let's say you download a picture crop tool so a free download on the App Store and have you ever seen an ad that as you're trying to you know use this free app it comes up on the screen takes up the full screen and you try to close it and the X is so tiny that you end up clicking on the ad by mistake super annoying right well that is an example of an ad being shown on audience Network and most people that are on on its network are doing something else they're not looking for your product or service they're not expecting it so performance tends to be pretty terrible so I would recommend not using that and if you really really want to use it use it you know maybe in one of your later flights all right moving into budget and schedule the way I got this daily budget was I took my hundred and twenty-five dollars for this campaign and I divided by seven days so that I can get as close to as possible to my total goal of 125 bucks here it says it's gonna spend about 110 so I'm just gonna push this up to 18 bucks just to see if I can get a little closer great and you'll see that link they'll tell you that I'll actually spend maybe up to 20 percent higher so it does fluctuate depending on the day if it thinks it can get you better performance it's gonna push harder if it thinks it's there's a lot of competitors it's not gonna be as aggressive so just keep that in mind and that's why it's really good to set your main budget at the campaign group level that first screen that we walked into so here you can see start and end dates big types this is very important the CPC bid is what you're willing to pay for you know one user to click on your ad now the CPM bid is what you're willing to pay for 1,000 people to see your ad remember I mentioned earlier that LinkedIn is pretty expensive when it comes to advertising Facebook on average would cost between six to nine dollars not 69 six to nine dollars to get 1,000 people to see your ad on LinkedIn it could be anywhere from 25 to 100 so in this case I'm more interested in driving cost-effective Ling clicks because comparable to other platforms like Google or Facebook I know I could be effective there as well maybe not as effective with a b2b audience but that's something that helps me better compare so we're gonna keep it to CPC bid and they're gonna tell us the recommended bid I'm not gonna pay eight dollars and fourteen cents per user at three dollars I know I'll get enough clicks that the economics of this will make sense and now I'll be able to to drive those ten leads that I want to get but if you do see that your ads aren't really spending through you might want to consider optimizing and slowly increasing that bid so that you're finding a good medium between you know cost-effectiveness and your ads being shown now this last section we are not going to use right now conversion tracking it's something that you do you do want to set up and I will actually be setting up for myself but not gonna be doing it at this point in this video I just kind of want to continue moving forward and then we could potentially backtrack to this so here's what we're gonna do now that all this is set up we're just gonna hit next and now we're gonna go into building our actual ads so I have two different text ads um that I have here and if you haven't ever seen a text ad I actually want to show you real quick what that looks like they don't always pop up and they sometimes they pop up different ways but I want to show you how you might see a text ad that's there you go so this up here this is a text ad and it can show up here as just text and sometimes it also shows up in this area with with a text image so that is what this is and this these text ads tend to be a lot less expensive then that you might see in the feed like this this is a sponsored content post there's a lot more expensive so let's just jump back into this and go through building this ad so what you're gonna want to do is upload your image I already have my image this is my first image and I'm gonna be doing an a/b test I'm gonna be testing an ad with my face versus one with the marketing hustle logo and I already have my headline here it's very important when you're doing a/b test for you to only change one variable everything else should stay consistent that way you have a clear really clear understanding and I already have my links UTM tagged here so I'm just gonna copy them just gonna do a quick check just to make sure that steak meets the right page and this is the landing page it's going to land on by the way which again I will link you guys so you can get access to this amazing teaching something that's all set in here and then I'm gonna select my company page great so it gives you an example right there what the text ad will look like when it's displayed on desktop on the right hand column so reads drive to 18 percent better CBR download the Facebook ad hacks cheat sheet for b2c leads and sales generation it might be a little wordy but again this is the first test so we'll see how it performs and we can always optimize later and now this is how it's gonna look at the top of of the banner and then when it's just the actual text how I showed you in the earlier example so we are going to hit create and then we're gonna make the second version of this ad so we're gonna hit create new ad we're gonna upload that secondary image which is the logo market household you know we're gonna add that headlight yeah grab the ad copy I hope you guys are excited as excited as I am I love LinkedIn ads and the power of them when I used to I used to work in-house for a client and they ran a lot of heads in Latin America and actually LinkedIn was our top performing in terms of conversion rate platform they were definitely more expensive our leads were more expensive but the intent which is so much higher because if you think about it people are coming through this platform and they're you know they're not standing in line at Starbucks just mindlessly scrolling it's usually business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs so it's just it's a different focus so that one is done so now we have our core two ads set up here everything looks good so we are gonna go ahead and hit launch campaign now this campaign isn't launching today it's launching in a few days actually it is launching next week just go back and just double check cool so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up the second ad which is the sponsored content and same deal here two different versions of the creatives I know this might be a little hard to see so I'll just so one person is gonna read Facebook ad hacks I'm sorry Facebook Ads cheat sheet and then dump CTA button is gonna read download and then the other version which I believe will perform better is gonna say Facebook advanced ad hacks download free cheat sheet I know it sounds weird when you say it like that but trust me it'll all make sense cool so now we're going to jump into that second campaign and we already have the audience built so we don't have to spend time doing that it's optimized website visits we have all of this all set up so I'm just gonna skip to the ad format it's already selected and I'm just gonna tweet this up tonight bucks so that something to keep in mind too is that you're actually gonna pay more to show your ads on the newsfeed it is gonna be more expensive but you're likely to see a higher click-through rate I don't know if you remember about the click-through rate and the other screen for the text ads was way lower so you pay more but you get a better click-through rate so and as you notice my actual bid was $3 for the text ads on bidding almost double five dollars and seventy five cents for for the sponsored content LinkedIn stung me had been $10.83 totally not going to do that so it definitely is more expensive but again if you can get the right conversions that is on adders okie-dokie so I can't believe I just said okey-dokey so I'm going to rub my creative and I'm just gonna toss it in here now I'm just gonna say again expose one CTA test or I'll sabers okay I'm gonna choose my image I know I'm not doing everything in order bear with me it's been a long Sunday [Music] now what meanwhile I'll go grabbing the ad copy so we're gonna put that in to cure it says dr. text I'm going to grab my UTM link so this is the first one I'm just gonna put it in right here you just test it and if you're not sure what are you Tim link it basically adds additional parameters so that you can go into Google Analytics and see where the user came from so I could see goes from LinkedIn page social says campaign free offer cheat sheet and that helps me optimize and should help you as well optimize your campaigns in the future so Lincoln's UI is relatively newer it's not as robust as Facebook we just recently started getting better they actually did hire some people that used to work for Facebook to work on the ads platform but in the last year let me tell you it has made leaps and bounds I mean it was really bad so it's really good to see that that the platform is is getting better one thing you'll notice in this ad is that there's a CTA button now if you ever ran ads on Facebook and Instagram they actually have the CTA button built into this screen right here oh you could do it learn more shop now link to does not have that for whatever reason so it's a best practice to always put a CTA within the actual creative itself I like to go the extra mile and also call it out in the headline all right this is looking pretty good I'm about to save it so as you notice we have a Facebook logo to help recognition I have my Marketing hustle branding here which is the best practice and have a strong headline saying drive 18% higher converting leads on Facebook and I am going to create that and now I'm just going to get ready for the second one same thing here I just want a real quick test cool looks like it's working so I'm going to do create a new app I'm going to call this the diversion on the score two and get CTA contestant link in here something is gonna grab the image from the landing page but I want to change it because this one is better and because I'm doing a CTA test and again I know this is LinkedIn ads video but I will share with you guys the link to this advanced ad hacks something like I said I'm working on four oh man for 30 days I literally had about 30 pages in this ebook and then I was just like it's just becoming a monster and if I give every piece of information I have up for free I'm never gonna make any money and this channel is very expensive to maintain so I would like to one day make some money ok um oops like this description we're not using ooh fun fact here this description is as you notice when I'm typing something you don't actually see it it doesn't show up for everybody it's very weird LinkedIn actually tells you your ad description provides more info to people who see your ad and it will not be visible in most scenarios where it is visible is an audience network we're not using iron stomach so relax LinkedIn because we're not falling for this true story I once ran a campaign for unnamed telco company and against my recommendation they decided they want to use the audience at work and in one week they lost over $80,000 in ads that were being served in ads Network because people were clicking it by mistake and they were just not converting so if you think I'm a little adamant about this that is the background okay so my second ad is done I think this is actually gonna be my true performer if you notice the word free is bolded and it says free cheat sheet so you know what what you're getting so if you want look at it mobile this is what it looked like in mobile I don't know why it's showing of blue that it's very weird it's very good to check your ads once you create on so weird doesn't happen like that okay and let's see preview beautiful ooh I don't really like that it's showing that fortunately it doesn't let us edit that as it now maybe it will in the future okay there you go not looking weird it's just let me make sure it's leading to the right place so this is actually my landing page and as it reads you'll see it says you see the logo prominently place it says January 18 percent higher converting leads that are advanced Facebook okay I don't have to read everything off the screen for you but something very very important is that your your branding and your messaging on your ad should very well match what people land on and to cheat you so if you notice same background right same color you see the logo it matches I'm saying cheat sheet download the cheat sheet so that consistency is super super important to to really get and generate high converting campaigns so at this point I'm just gonna hit the last switch and hit launch campaign and that is where we're at now I want to take the last few minutes and walk you guys through a few other things within the actual UI so that you feel more familiar with this but at this point you should have a very very good idea of how to set up your LinkedIn ads for success but I want to take you into some of the other things that are gonna really lend themselves to help your your campaigns perform so one of the things we talked about was the inside tag so the inside tag is this little piece of code that gets put onto your website so that you can see what is turning into leads and optimized so the way you could do set up the tag instead of using Google tag manager it's actually pretty easy and we just go into tag manager and there's a pre-selected LinkedIn function you can actually just follow the instructions you can click here to see the instructions and then you can plug in this partner ID now once it starts receiving signals it's gonna need about I believe yeah 300 audience threshold for you to get audience insights so what's gonna happen is here you're gonna be able to see all the people that have LinkedIn profiles that went to your website you're gonna be able to see what kind of jobs they have what kind of industries you're in a lot of rich information that you can use to inform your ads in the future so very very important you could also create block lists here so if you don't want your ads showing up on you can actually download template here well that's really nice too so if you don't want your ads let's say you you were using audience network and you don't want your ads showing up on some random app that has perverts or whatever may be racist content showing up you have block list that you can use but again don't use on each network it's just not worth it let me have your lead gen forms here so when you build out your your forms if you're doing any lead generation campaigns and you're trying to get the information from the users on the actual platform without them leaving and then you have your matched audiences so your match audiences is basically your look-alikes so you can create this from an email list you can create this from website activity as well right now I don't have anything built in here been a little a lot of work to do with this newly created LinkedIn ad account but this is a super important place because you're gonna have access to not just your uploaded to your endless your website retargeting audiences which are gonna be super crucial for you later on and especially because 98% of people that go to your website the first time aren't going to necessarily take an action so you want to be able to keep that communication I'm going also on LinkedIn you've use third party audiences if you're not familiar with this this is a very advanced way to to target and essentially what you could do is you could use data from providers such as axiom or experience so you can get more targeted so you can use household income you know maybe you're looking to get people who make above $250,000 a year those are the kinds of things that third-party audiences help you get one step closer to as well as getting audiences based off off of offline purchase transactions so some of the things that we do for example Facebook another platform but we're able to target people that have purchased within a store using their Visa credit card because there's a Oracle data cloud has a hold on a second that's my Alexa Alexa turn off okay sorry about that so on Facebook we can use third-party audiences as well super effective I'm gonna make another video completely on that we can dive into it but this is where you're gonna want to see all of those things your accounting Act assets conversions this is something we talked about so once you have your account your campaign you know setup before it launches you basically want to put in the the page of where your conversions are happening so that you can tie things back so you can put in your URL let's say for example you have a landing page and then once someone submits there's a confirmation page that pops up so here you can say basically I want you to track when someone lands on Thank You page I want you to sociated to this campaign and then I want you to say that this is worth this lead is worth $200 to make or whatever it is and then you could say it's a lead or someone signing up for your service or downloading something you can name it whatever you want it's not gonna impact the optimization but it's gonna let you record what's happening on your website so you could tie back to your campaign I'm usually a 30-day click one-day view is the standard way to do it so someone that clicked on your ad within 30 days or saw you ahead within one day and then took the action maybe they weren't directly to the website so that is that and in another video we'll get deeper into that for now that is all I have for you guys thanks so much for staying so long I know this is longer than most of the videos I do but I'm gonna start doing a lot more videos on LinkedIn there's over 500 million monthly active users it is the professionals Network it's it's the place you go for b2b lead generation at scale I'm talking about access to see me Oh's directors very very influential people decision-makers that can help really unlock a lot of business growth if you're a consultant if you're an agency of your small business so definitely a strong platform and and like I said I'm gonna continue to do these videos so if you like this make sure to subscribe give it a thumbs up share it with somebody that's you know in your industry share it on LinkedIn help add me on LinkedIn and again make sure to check out that downloadable that I'm gonna link to you guys in this video as always until the next video this is marketing hustle where we simplify marketing so that you can grow your digital influence and your business piece
Channel: Market & Hustle
Views: 70,173
Rating: 4.9168644 out of 5
Keywords: zaryn sidhu, linkedin ads, linkedin advertising, linkedin ads tutorial, linkedin ads guide, how to build a linkedin campaign, how to setup a linkedin ads campaign, linkedin ads strategy, linkedin ads tips, linkedin ads b2b, linkedin ads leads, linkedin ads b2b leads, how to get leads on linkedin, how to generate leads with linkedin ads, linkedin advertising tips, linkedin ads tutorial for beginners 2019
Id: RPHhdlpG0Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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