How To Use LinkedIn In 2020 - The 4 most important things you need to know...

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hey everyone and welcome back to my channel so in this video I'm gonna be speaking about everything you need to know about LinkedIn going into 2020 by the end of this video you'll be armed with all of the knowledge that you need to not only start using LinkedIn effectively but also start using it efficiently when it comes to lead generation for your marketing advertising agency coaching or consulting process for those of you new to my channel my name as you can probably tell is Natasha and I have a marketing agency and a consulting business which is centered around helping people generate leads on LinkedIn so if you haven't already please subscribe to my channel and if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up at the end as it really helps me get this video up to many many more people so let's jump into it at the time of recording this there are over 575 million users on LinkedIn now out of that pool of 575 million there are 60 million users that are in decision making positions now that should be music to your ears if you're in the b2b space you might be using called courting called emailing called video audits if you're not using LinkedIn in that mix or is your only way of generating leads then you should definitely consider integrating this into your outreach strategy because out of all the different platforms LinkedIn is the place with the highest concentration of decision makers and if you are not using LinkedIn as part of your marketing mix when it comes to lead generation outreach finding prospects then I would highly recommend that you do at least listen to the end of this video and make a decision at the end as to whether you should start using our or not why you go through this video I'm gonna be mentioning a couple of different important points that relates to things that might have change in LinkedIn over the course of 2019 and the most common errors that I've seen over the past couple years teaching LinkedIn how you can avoid those common errors and make sure that you're going to LinkedIn with a strong strategies to start generating leads effectively now the first point I want to touch on is what LinkedIn is actually used for now initially when it came out it was a place for people to put an online CV of sorts and get found by recruiters find work find employment etc now you can still use it for those it's an excellent place to get farmed by recruiters find Prentiss ships get an internship I'm not going to be touching on that specific side of LinkedIn in this video that will come at in a different video and later on in the week but for this video I want to mention the fact that although it is an excellent place to get far to get what you should have just be copy and pasting what you have in your CV on your LinkedIn profile LinkedIn is a place where you can showcase what you're good at your specialities what you're an expert in and you can do it in more not with us I guess with a basic storyline unlike you could be a little bit more friendly a little bit more not in third person really important point I actually wanted to touch on later which I'll just mention they'll write your profile in the first person I don't know why it gets to me so much a lot of people will either write in third person or fast it's you like your profile is you what are you speaking about yourself in the third person as if somebody else is writing it about you your profile is a chance for you to stand out to be an individual so please try and use it for that purpose think of something that makes you different it doesn't have to be super impressive something crazy that you've done but just something that makes what you do special to you why you help who you help and why you're in the industry that you are in so that was point number one point number two is all about keywords so this I would say is pretty one of the most important things your polygon home you say about every single point but key words I cannot stress enough how much key words can make or break your success on LinkedIn now keywords are important everywhere they're not just important in your in your About section in your summary they're important in your skill section in your headline everywhere throughout your profile if you have struggled with keywords you don't know what your keywords are I would recommend pausing this video here and making a quick list of ten words don't help five ten words that relate to what you do so it could be the industry that you're in and what you do marketing advertising Facebook ads Google Google ads SEO so many different things right out keywords of the services that you that in the street that your answer could be hospitality retail real estate medical any any any sort of industry no other industries services any specific skills that you have so it could even be specific software's that use it could be Final Cut Pro it could be Adobe After Effects it could be any different skill sets that you have so break it apart into industry services skills and tons of specific software skills that you have similar to what you'd write in a CV I guess but extract those words that people might be searching for when they're looking for someone like you and you want to write down those words and then spread them out throughout your profile now the different parts of the profile that you want to focus your keywords into where you want to have as many keywords as possible without making it sound spammy it has to still make sense you can't just put your keywords everywhere and I hope their profiles gonna write higher because then even if it comes up closer towards the top people are just gonna look at it and be like what is this person talking about so try and break it up in an even way or it makes sense but you want to start from the top of the profile and then work your way down so we start on the top we have your headline so we knew a headline you want to say who you are what you do who you help and have so for example I would have I help agency owners coaches consultants generate leads so it's who I help why I help them do generate leads on what on LinkedIn and then I could say increase your lead flow by 10x per month or get exposed to 10,000 people per month it could be any different thing that sets me apart as a USP so anything specific that I help my clients do which sets me apart from other LinkedIn consultants for example you could do a similar thing for other niche other industry or in so I see a lot of people who maybe do Facebook cards and they say I help chiropractors expose their business to ten thousand people ten thousand new customers per month using Facebook ads and Google Ads it could be anything be I help entrepreneurs scales scalping six or seven figures using funnels any sort of different thing that you do but who you help how you help them and you should happily have keywords throughout that so in my headline I know I've got consultant coach LinkedIn lead generation they're all my main keywords and they want to have them in my headline the reason that this is so important is that people see your headline under everything so they see it when they go on your profile they see it if you request to connect with them they see it when you send them a message when you're in their inbox they see it all the time under every notification so it helps that viewer that prospect create a connection between your name and then your headline so whenever people see Natasha Venus occur I want them to associate my name with LinkedIn lead generation so that's kind of what you want to do in terms of generating top-of-mind awareness but also ranking your profile higher because the more keywords you have that relate to your services that help people find you that are searchable term so people are typing in LinkedIn consultant I want my profile to come up towards the top if it doesn't I'm less likely to get found by new prospects and they're gonna click on somebody else's profile who has more keywords than me so this is like your words are so important so after your headline one we've done into the About section so in the About section I would recommend finding a couple people that excel in your industry see what they've written out do not copy them because there's just there's no point you want to make it your own your story's going to be different to theirs but have a look at the About section have a look at the keywords that they're using throughout their profile have a look at their structure do they have a CTA at the end I would already always recommend having a court action in terms of sending people to book a call with you to message your link turn to send you an email to go to a landing page whatever it is at the end of your summary and also including a breakdown of what you do which helps with keyword so if you are probably just show mine up here I have like a list of services that I help people with so it's a good way of me saying this is what we do but this is also helping my increasing my keyword count because I can put it in a list format and it doesn't have to make sense in terms of forming sentences that's why it helps you kind of bump my profile up in terms of keyword ranking now after the About section we move down towards the experience and then we have skills now in your experience section this is going to be where you have current or previous job roles title so if you are the founder or the CEO of your company if you are managing director marketing manager at any sort of level you're gonna have that attached to a company that you work for if you don't have a company page you do have a business I would highly recommend adding one all you have to do is create a company page to your website and then you can link the icon directly I will show you how to do this all over like this in the video you can link that directly to your experience so that people can click on the company's the description go to the website say any content that you posted to your company page etc etc in that description you want to use keywords heavily describing what your job role was or is at the company what you do what you specialize in etc moving on to the final section we have skills and endorsements and now endorsements are just kind of similar to a like on Facebook so you can add up to 50 skills in this section I would recommend using up as many of those as possible but obviously don't use random keywords don't really like I wouldn't put in mine beauty because I don't want people to find me that are searching for somebody who does beauty so it's nothing to do with my industry so notice add random words to make up the 50 but try and think of as many relevant skills which is so much what we've just in the keywords you'll have all those key words are skills as well try and add as many skills as possible and it gets split into different sections so you've got industry software's interests different sections within the skills so try and think of as many as possible if you need some inspiration again have a look at somebody else who's in a similar industry similar niche to yourself and use that to take inspiration and then add your own that probably different in terms of what skill sets you have what you specialize in the most but this is one of the best areas to put in keywords so make sure you do use that section right so point number three is building a strong Network now by building a strong network I want to speak is because a lot of people think a good Network means I need to go out and connect with as many people as possible which I can tell you from my experience is wrong now there are some people that go on LinkedIn and they connect with everyone they can that's called a liar so LinkedIn open net workers they don't care what industry you're from the care web apps your locator they don't care how big your company is then just connect with everyone that has some benefits but in times of what we want to achieve when it comes to b2b lead generation I would recommend doing the opposite I think it's better to have a smaller network of people which is highly targeted than a huge network of people that probably aren't going to be interested in your services they're not going to engage with your content and they're not going to convert in terms of becoming a potential client of yours so when it comes to networking we need to before we even send a connection request we need to think about who we are looking for so when it comes to identifying your ideal persona I want you to take a quick second buy a quick sucker and I mean about fifteen to twenty minutes to think about what characteristics your ideal persona has so let's have a look at the macro stuff first so you've got places such as geography so whereabouts in the world are they located you looking at places in New York San Diego San Francisco London Belgium France Spain the state like anywhere think about the geography of why your ideal prospects tend to reside second we have the industry so what industry do they belong to you after people in the real estate niche people in health wellness fitness medical space anywhere what industry are they end thirdly we would go for title so what seniority level do they have could it be managing directors partners managers CEO founder marketing executive what kind of top title does your ideal prospect have because we're going to want to use that when it comes to targeting later down the line so we've done geography industry seniority level finally I would say the company size and also we've got language as well so I always have mine set to English but obviously if you're in it working in a different country you're targeting people who are French speakers and you would choose the appropriate language that you need to do feel industry feel target market for me I have English as a language at the profile and then we said company size so are you targeting solo entrepreneurs people who are in startups SME so small to medium enterprises or large fortune 500 companies have a think about the kind of company size that you are looking for so I think we've covered geography industry seniority level company size language those are the five things I would recommend thinking about before breaking down any other aspects of your prospects now the next thing we need to think about is the online habits of these people so do they just hang out in a specific place on LinkedIn are they part of a certain group that they spend most of their time in do they maybe spend a lot of time on Instagram or YouTube or Twitter or another platform that maybe we haven't thought about like for myself link to this point in my primary source of lead generation then I have YouTube then I have leads coming from Instagram know the fact that I know this means that I can spread out the time I spend on all those platforms on LinkedIn the most most of my time I spend directing messaging people creating those relationships sending people in between LinkedIn and YouTube a lot of the time because a lot of my content on YouTube is a big driver of content to me so I have a lot of people that go from my LinkedIn subscribe to my YouTube or people that find me on YouTube that go and connect with me on LinkedIn so it works pretty well for me because I have written social proof and then I have video evidence I actually know I'm talking about so people can go and watch the videos see if I'm a good fit to help them out see if they like the style of how I do things on LinkedIn and then make an educated decision as to whether they want to connect with me or set up a call with me or become a client of mine so have a think about where your potential clients spend that time it could be quorus and online forums certain groups and linkedin take that time to go and find where they mostly hang out and then integrate yourself into that path as well this takes me on to point number four which is LinkedIn groups now a lot of people struggle with LinkedIn groups they think that there are too many members and a lot of them which makes it hard to actually have good quality engagement with people because there's so many posts going out so often I do agree that to the extent and I think it's good to find a happy medium when it comes to the kind of groups that you're looking for no what I would do is when you're joining groups you know we had to fill out a couple of questions when you get accepted within roughly 24 hours it can be different for a certain groups but say for example you identified a group and it was for real estate in the London area so we joined that group your request to join out then once you join the group I would recommend top targeting and identifying the key decision-makers so the people that are the most active in the group or maybe the high sometimes of seniority that will have the most respect or authority within that group having a look at the kind of content that they post having looked at the kind of content that they engage with what their common problems are or what they're teaching and then using that as Intel and insight as to how you are going to interact with them connect with them post content that they would find valuable identify all the key prospects in that group identify potential clients and look at their behaviors within that group and then match your own behavior to bears if that makes sense so say for example if I see somebody in a group and I might they would be an amazing potential client I would see what they do I would interact with some of that content within the group so like comment not just saying great post because that's just not enough like that could be a bot like on Instagram you get so many people using auto commenters or likers and you can just tell when it's not authentic so if you're trying to really show someone that you can really like engage with them and you want them to respect you then I would recommend actually commenting something that is showing that you've read it that you're taking it in that you've taken some kind of value or assert an opinion that you may have you may be adding more to what they've already said to help them out so after you have identified them after you've started engaging with your potential prospects I would recommend following something that I call the ECCC method now I'm not going to go over that now in this video because I've gone over in a couple other videos as well I'll link them down below I'll just say ECCC method and then I'll put the link go and watch the video and then that will help you understand what I mean ECCC method just wait until the part of the video that goes through that and then you can take a screenshot implementor after what i'm saying from the groups because it's one of the best ways I have found for having a higher engagement when it comes to new prospects people in groups anybody that I'm trying to get into your sales pipeline when it comes to getting people on a call now the final point I want to make is about producing and posting creating relevant content if you're not producing content that your network wants to see that they're going to find valuable they're not gonna care a quick tip I have for you is to use trending topic so now this is located on your home screen in the top right hand corner you'll see a list which says today's and news and views this is basically a collection of the most popular topics are trending that people are speaking about now they cover a wide range of different topics from different industries so you want to have a look through them find something that's relevant to you and then use that as inspiration for the kind of content that you want to be posting a lot of people use LinkedIn to stay updated on that industry to stay ahead of the curve be informed of industry updates etc so I think it's a really good way to have content that's gonna be highly engaged with its just by using things that people are searching up so if people are searching out a certain topic trend new update a lot of the time and then you are posting about it it helps people want to actually read it and take note and learn because it's not something that's been spoken about and that seems like a stay on topic now another tip I have is removing the link preview so when you post content it's normally split into two different types you have content creation and content curation so with creation that's when you're creating the content yourself so it's your original content content curation is when you've taken somebody else's work so I could share an article that I read that I farmed super useful and I could say hey like this article is incredible love the section which spoke about this missus assist found this piece of information super useful but I would also say and then add my own opinion but sharing somebody else's content is curation so if I was sharing a link so say I've used the today's news and view section so I've taken topic that has been spoken about a lot I've got a certain article that I want to share to my followers I would then when I put the link in it will come up with a link preview I would remove the link previous you can remove the link preview or keep it there just because people see so many links every single day so they just kind of scroll mindlessly past it if they see another link preview it just seems like the same old piece of content I would recommend adding an image instead so go and select your own image that you think is intriguing that's gonna make people stop scrolling and actually take in that piece of content instead of just link preview which comes sometimes be a little bit boring I would also recommend tagging people so I don't mean tagging random people but I mean tagging people who are relevant who would actually find the post valuable and interesting now it could be even a prospect that you're in a deep conversation with you could tag them in the post and be like hey thought this person this person this person you guys would find this valuable let me know down in the comments below what you think this is going to do two things so two things it's going to increase the chance that people are going to share your post so he tagged certain people in it they find it useful I know people tagged me I'm more likely to share something than if I'm not related to the piece of content at all and then the second thing is that with the LinkedIn algorithm works similar to other algorithms but the LinkedIn one is super super tame super friendly so that's why it's becoming hugely content-based platform one of the best platforms to post content because it's so easy to get a good organic reach the main key is to get as much interaction with the post as soon as it is live so if you're tagging people it's more likely that in the first five to ten minutes you're getting a lot of people liking commenting sharing the post which means that linkedin is going to get feedback which is saying oh people are really interested in this post they want to see it so we're going to show it to more people and that's going to increase your visibility and increase the chance that your post is gonna get Reshard see my more people and do better a matter of better so that is everything that I wanted to cover in this video about how to use linkedin going into 2020 as I said earlier it really really does help my channel out a lot and it helps my video get some more people if you hit the thumbs up button please let me know in the comments below if you found this video useful and also what your two main goals are when it comes to your LinkedIn strategy going into the new year and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Natasha Vilaseca
Views: 87,567
Rating: 4.9290433 out of 5
Keywords: how to use linkedin in 2020, linkedin lead generation, linkedin lead generation 2020, natasha vilaseca, linkedin unleashed, linkedin lead generation tutorial, linkedin lead generation strategies, linkedin lead generation workshop, linkedin marketing, linkedin advertising, linkedin profile, linkedin sales navigator, linkedin learning, marketing on linkedin, marketing on linkedin 2020, marketing automation, marketing trends 2020, smma linkedin, smma clients
Id: Sf9dYPwPRvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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