3 Types Of Content You Should Be Posting On LinkedIn

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hey guys so welcome back to my channel as promised I'm trying to post a lot more frequently I asked you guys on my Instagram about a week ago I think what the common problems were that you're facing when it comes to LinkedIn and mindset in general I tend to get a lot of questions around mindset and obviously it's not my forte but I know I've struggled with it a lot personally so I can kind of give advice from my point of view and hopefully it helps a couple of you people out there so today's video I wanted to speak about the types of content that you can post a LinkedIn I get asked so many times what kind of content do I post why do I find out new ideas how do you keep it original how do you not just regard to what other people are putting out there and I like to split my types of content into three different categories I'm going to run through the three basic Catterick categories that you can write content around and then also where you can go to find sources of content and then how you can validate or qualify that content as to how well it might perform on LinkedIn and how well it might be useful and valuable to your ideal target audience so in terms of the first type of content that you can post is industry updates so for example if you are in the real estate niche what is new in the world of real estate that would potentially be completely valuable information for your prospects if you're in the world of plastic surgery what big updates have have changed in this industry that could be useful information for your prospects to see read listen the hair about speak about on LinkedIn you've got to remember that it's I like to think of it as an online newspaper so a lot of people that commute when they're on the bus if they have Wi-Fi on the tubes they'll be scrolling on LinkedIn and taking a look at anything that they need to know for the day it might be more relevant for people that are doing stock exchange or somebody that that industry is changing every single day but even when it comes to social media these business owners are gonna be checking LinkedIn to see what they can do to make our business grow what they need to know that's gonna be applicable to that day-to-day life in the company so they're gonna be looking at one of the things they want to see is any important updates of the industry the best way to find this out is just to google it or I mean I'll cover this at the end actually intact why you would go to find this type of content but industry updates is number one number two is just relevant value to your industry so for example if you ran a marketing agency and your niche is again real estate what relevant information can you provide to that industry when it comes to marketing so when it comes to your forte it doesn't mean what's changing in general with the real estate industry but it could be how they can increase their click-through rate on and AD by changing X Y Zed variables or top three performing ads that you're using for your clients and how it could apply and be so for other people that are running ads who are in the real estate industry that's the second type of content the third is any sort of personal achievement or growth so obviously LinkedIn it can come across as quite corporate cold-faced but all of the best influences all of the experts all thought leaders are people that have shared their personal experience things that they have gone through which then enables them to talk on a topic and provide value from a pace place of authority so if for example you have it can be struggles it doesn't have to be achievements I think I've spoken about when I've had like a tough week or when I've really slacked in terms of my meditation my morning routine and how I've got the back on track or it could be on the flip side if you have a client and you've got them 10x ROI or within the first three months you've scaled them to six figures it could be anything and it's people want to celebrate it with you and you'll have a lot of positive feedback when you talk about something that you've done that's great a lot of your audience will kind of chime and support you like it's supposed to be a community and it also helps them see you more as an individual person if you're sharing struggles and successes when it comes to a parcel life not just from a business standpoint so there are three different types of content that I like to post in the best way that you can maybe structure this is if for example you front-load all of your content so on a Sunday you sit down and you're like okay I'm going to find something that is relevant to industry day personal achievement and value to my industry right I like content ahead of time and then every Monday Wednesday Friday you want to focus around commuting hours cuz there are the times that people are gonna be checking LinkedIn and obviously because there's such a high engage when it comes to content so many people are using LinkedIn as a content based platform now that if you're posting at the wrong time so you're posting at 11:00 p.m. or at 7:30 p.m. when people are having dinner with their families or they're in bed because they need to be up at 6:00 a.m. the next day you're content unless it gets awesome engagement that is gonna be lost in terms of visibility they're probably not going to see that same with connection requests when you're sending messages you want to do it at the time that people are going to be looking because if you've got a lot of messages coming to their inbox you want to make sure that you are towards the top and that they're going to see that message you'd be more likely to respond to it with content post around walking times or on commuting time so for example in the UK I would post around you could post around 7:30 I could post around 12:00 till 1:00 for lunch may post around 4:00 p.m. on a Friday because people tend to finish a little bit earlier in the corporate world on a Friday or I could post around 5:30 oh and people tend to finish work and they're on their way home before they kind of shut off their social media to hang out with their friends family partners etc whatever so that's that side in terms of where I like to get information from I like to use a lot of salt like a hub spot for example hub spot I'll go to app spot it's there's a whole blog section and you can type in a queue I'll at the top and it'll give you a bunch of results that relate to your industry so for example if you are in the restaurant nice you type in rest like marketing for restaurants or social media marketing restaurants or whatever you're gonna know watching this I what you would search for you can search the app to see a bunch of blog posts and just the titles can give you some ideas or information as to what kind of content you could produce whether it's videos articles posts small updates what you could message to your followers obviously you want two types of content content curation content creation so if you're not creating the content yourself originally you can do content curation where for example you pick you see an article that would be very very useful not direct competition to yourself and you poster and share it to your linkedin network and that also helps your authority and credibility because you're not just saying I know everything I'm the best you're saying oh like this is something that I found from another industry leader they really seem to know that stuff they know what they're talking about I thought this would be relevant to all of my network so I'm sharing their stuff with you guys that helps your credibility because you're also just giving them relevant content whether it's from you or from somebody else who's an industry leader so a cheese HubSpot second one is Quora so I use kora to see whether the type of content I'm posting is going to be well-received in terms of have good engagement be relevant to the questions that people are asking a lot the time when it comes to LinkedIn marketing and how they can best you use a platform for lead generation because it is a platform that is constantly changing growing there they start to do quite a few updates I hear they're rolling out a lot of stuff that's probably similar to what Facebook and Instagram already have in place so LinkedIn is changing quite a lot it's become heavily content-based there's a lot of video instead of text which is why I think post updates smaller pieces of valuable content of performing higher than articles so people are searching this information and there's not as many thought leaders in the LinkedIn space in terms of LinkedIn lead generation as there is when it comes to the other social media platforms in my opinion that know what they're talking about so when you're searching for those stuff I want to know what the main problems our people face when it comes to link to any generation so I'm asking my online community in my online program election unleash I'm asking my like my friends on Facebook I'm asking people on my LinkedIn what they want to learn about a post and say well Rob this is a problem people are currently facing I've gotten a lot of questions would it be useful to you guys if I created a youtube video on this comment yes down below if so and then people comment yes people will engage to me people my youtube channel I also at the end of every video what you guys want me to post up because if I want to post frequently harana post content that's gonna be relevant to you and you should be doing the same thing with your audience because if you're giving out loads of information that they don't need help with they're not gonna resonate with that a new engagement property is gonna be lower which is also going to reduce the visibility of your posts so that's I think that's everything for the foodie actually I hope you guys find it useful as always comment down below if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you want to see more of my content I'm gonna be posting as much as possible and I'm gonna do this video and there were a couple other videos I want to post but if you have any general questions that you want to ask me down below when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation I will do my best to answer that in a video format I think that's a lot more useful to give you like a full video on it because I'm posting like 3 times a week so I might as well but yeah thanks for watching guys and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Natasha Vilaseca
Views: 23,405
Rating: 4.9146514 out of 5
Keywords: natasha vilaseca, linkedin unleashed, content, linkedin, linkedin lead generation, smma, social media marketing, lead generation, linkedin marketing, linkedin tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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