STARTING THE PLASTIC AGE - Oxygen Not Included: Ep. #4 - Building The Ultimate Base

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hello everyone my name is nathan and today it's time for another episode of oxygen not included in our ultimate base in between the episodes i took myself the liberty of continuing what we've already started namely filling up this water pool also digging myself upwards and we now found our first very easily reachable cold biome which is going to be the next most important step still looking at the temperature overlay we have a bunch of issues this is slowly but surely gonna heat up the entirety of my base so we need at least measurements in order to stop that from happening we already did so here in our waste room this is a chili 18 degrees and that's just how we like it so i kind of want to make sure they put priority into this dig also whenever you reveal one of these events you should go ahead and analyze it with your researcher i did that as soon as possible and then just closed it off to forget about it the gases outside of the base look kind of crazy we have a mix of polluted oxygen chlorine and normal oxygen this is just absolutely insane i'm gonna set up one more of these deodorizers ah look at that we swords ah i'm so glad i'm so glad i found you guys apart from the wise warts there is another important material wolvermite this tungsten material has such a high thermal conductivity it is gonna become very useful i'm gonna make my way up here with a little granite ladder and then we just staircase down here in order to grab all the nice wolframite as well as the wiz ward of course beautiful it is a small cold biome but it definitely had to offer something for us we also now have the stone axe in our incubator soon enough i'm gonna fill this up with all incubators all stone hatchlings and we will have a feast i'm so sure we can do this i even removed the upper farm that i placed temporarily in order to help us out finally this was so necessary ah this it's gonna take a while to get back to the normal stage but we will do it especially if we don't utilize the machines for a certain amount of time we can get back to a chilly 20 degree state hold on somewhere we already have a stone hatchling that is great so we want to swap that to granite we want to feed that to them and then we also need to bring the stone hatches here oh check this out we are already exposed to space at this point this is crazy this ice biome is just a snooch away lovely times lovely times i have to say but there's another wheeze wart we can grab in terms of polluted water we are probably done for now so i think what we can do is open this up and continue our endeavors towards the bottom as well this also means i want to open up a little door here in order to gain access to this room and we want to close it off at this point another skill point for ash can he's gonna go into medicine remember we upped his medicine priority since sometimes he's got nothing important to do i might also want to set up a mechanized airlock in this place so we can prevent as many gases from poking through as possible what do we even have in here some polluted oxygen a lot of chlorine i mean eventually we'll have to get rid of it anyways right but the chlorine the green stuff here seems to be gathering at the bottom anyway so we just wait for long enough and we will have all the chlorine at the bottom so we can get rid of it in one go skill point for the cook not master works we need to do improved carrying and maybe even exo exosuit before that she's got enough into decorating already to fulfill all our needs as you can see here there's another cold biome at the bottom minus 31 degrees this is just perfect we're gonna find the rest of the weedswords that we need in order to thermoregulate our base in the beginning and then hopefully eventually we're gonna revamp the entirety of my base to be cooled with a liquid system we'll have to see how it adds up one of the trick to keep your water in check as soon as you've discovered a water biome or a cold bomb i mean you have the possibility to place down temp shift plates within the bodies of water you can build these temp shift plates out of any kind of material including polluted eyes and normal eyes it looks as though at the moment we only have polluted ice available to us but this can just as well be used in order to cool down your polluted water tank actually let's do that just as an example i'm gonna set down two temp shift plates hold on what material yeah polluted ice i made it out of polluted ice and i want to make sure it is touching the water itself if you build it up there it's going to take forever to melt liam the farmer with another skill point he can get his exosuit training now finally gonna feel so much better in these suits now i almost missed it there we go the temp shift plate so let's have a look at the temperature and what is going to change as soon as we get that plate in the joint look at that we get water quickly distributing the coolness towards the other parts of the water so this is a really good early game method in order to cool down your liquids i also would like to get started on a couple of decorations for our bedrooms just you know a plant maybe a painting or so yeah we can actually set up one of these pedestals with granite i think this can go below here and we can put an item on top of it meep the operator i'm happy to promote you to mechatronics engineering the best operator of them all within these wall parts i want to plant myself some earth leaf and i believe this is purely an aesthetic plant so all of this is gonna have the same setting beautiful i'm gonna make my duplicant so happy there's another two four six wheeze wards in this cold bomb we have been lucky and our base is safe we can take our sweet time in order to plan out the next steps this also means i'm not gonna be giving too many new building commands and i'm gonna focus on actually cleaning up the base for once and after that we can go crazy again actually i've been lying one more build command i might give is a mod namely the wallpaper this is also slightly increasing decorations not by a lot mind you but most importantly it is hiding piping that is behind it it is not actually doing it in real it's just a visual thing you don't see the piping the bad decor from the piping is still there so just to get things started we're gonna use some sandstone in order to fill up our bathrooms with a wallpaper also looks like one of our duplicants got in a pickle there and no they're gonna be out of there in no time but dude they're not always acting intelligently well actually now that we're also not so much in a hurry i think it is good to give them another downtime slot like four down time slots should be enough to get from the top and the bottom of the map back in time should be good just one more for you and then in the end in the very end game we're gonna give them one more looks like we found a anti-entropy thermonullifier this alien machine or structure can be fed with hydrogen and it is going to cool the gases around the machine that are freely roaming around it is not my most favorite method of cooling down things because it feels kind of like a cheat engine but so are the wheeze warts what can i say alrighty we're back and i let the game run for a couple of cycles just managed the basics let me tell you maybe the most important points and we have a bunch more guys now with the exosuit training so if we go through the skill points here we can see about three quarters of our guys now have the exosuit training i also continued digging all the way down to the oil biome and i actually dug out a good chunk in order to start set up my oil pumping scenario i found a really good oil pocket right here it had like 3 000 kilograms per tile so this was all spilling out and is now distributing all over the place i'm probably gonna set up my pump right here you can see this spot here is 103 degrees hot sending duplicants without an atmosute in there is gonna be their doom they get scolded at around 75 degrees so we're now ready to dive into the oil age but i also wanted to submit the bioscan for this i just wanted to show you that there are a couple of these points of interest around for instance there are vending machines we can even inspect that and maybe the most interesting point of interest is going to be the neural vacillator this thing allows duplicants to gain extra traits this can be very useful another milestone we achieved we have our first couple of stone hatchlings in the joint that means we are eventually gonna get rid of the normal hatchlings and we're gonna have at least two maybe even three of those farms another thing that happened is i had a lot of polluted oxygen on the top here from actually sealing this off this was just stuff leaking through and i ignored it for too long and this resulted in a whole bunch of slime lung accumulating in the upper portion of my base so what i did is just set up a whole bunch of deodorizers to get rid of that and now slowly but surely these slime lungs should disappear but it's sure gonna take a while another useful piece of information i'm not sure i've already mentioned this but if you leave an egg in a storage it is going to break into an egg that you can cook and it's not going to hatch so maybe that is something noteworthy also i'm sure you've already seen that but we have a whole bunch more incubators my goal is to get four more incubators we can then have one more stable on the top here and then every egg that is additional to these incubators we can cook and of course also every critter that exceeds the limit of eight critters per stable is going to get killed off for meat of course not not just senseless looking at the temperature overlay we can see things are slowly getting better this is already 28 degrees right here we're good anyway so maybe another wii sport on the top here couldn't hurt by the way digging into the oil biome gave us lead which is an already refined material this is extremely handy as you will get a lot of this stuff the only problem about lead is that it usually has a lower overheat temperature so you cannot build too many machines out of lead that are in a rough environment but we could definitely go ahead and build the incubators out of lead therefore gain the copper back from the other ones looks like the polluted oxygen cannot escape quick enough i think i'm gonna add a couple more airflow tiles to help out with that ah looks like we're getting rid of the slime lung finally okay that was a little bit concerning in my base even though you know the diseases aren't what they used to be it used to be much harsher to make mistakes with slime long for instance and we're back just a little bit of time has passed i gave them some more opportunities to clean up the base of course storing is always going to be a lower priority than the main job and that is okay if they take a while to clean things up i even made a little storage so i can get rid of the brine i actually received from the portal and i also added an automatic dispenser for any materials that i don't want to collect in here but that i still want to sweep up i even have this little ration box in here for the mukrut and the nutrient bar so they are out of the way those are only emergency rations should we ever run out of food looks like hassan gained another skill point we could go either into improved strength but i think what is wiser would be to go down the operating path now they are never going to operate a machine however there are certain things they simply cannot build without the operating skill we could also go into improved construction is it too early to do that yeah you know what i think i'm gonna spend at least one point into improved construction should we ever need to build something we can still use meep we can temporarily put his building priority to the highest so he's gonna build the stuff that required the skill just a little annoyance in terms of research i'm going down the automation route so i'm unlocking a couple of gates and what i also did is i unlocked the germ sensor now where was that right here pathogen diagnostics we got the gas pipe sensor the liquid pipe sensor and i would like to use a combination of those and shut offs in order to do my germ purification system we'll see how that works out if not i have another trick up my sleeve that is a little less elegant but it is definitely gonna work oh i just noticed for my plan i'm going to need plastic so maybe that is the next thing we're gonna take care of i already actually started the room for that so i'm gonna use igneous rock in order to insulate this room this is gonna be a very very hot room what we wanna have in this room is something we haven't researched yet the plastic production is simply crazy in terms of how much heat it produces so we want to be a little careful setting this up i want to make sure this is all enclosed and actually i think we're going to utilize the entirety of this room why the heck not the reason i'm not having the insulated tile exposed to the other parts of my bases because of decor research of the automation gates is completed now we need to go into the machines we actually required to do this let me see we are going to need the polymer press in order to produce plastic by researching that we're also researching the oil refinery which is required to get the petroleum to feed the polymer presses so that kind of goes hand in hand you know what even better we're going to specialize otto in operating so he can build the stuff instead of the hard digging we already have ellie and hassan doing the hard digging this is perfect so another two skill points and we will be there however now i slowly need to be careful with the morale requirements i don't want to stress out my duplicants the liquid lock should already be functioning so what i want to do is vent out all the gases the plastic production needs a clean vacuum to get ourselves started we unlocked the oil refinery i want to have this building right here in the beginning because this building will need to be operated on so cutting down on travel time we need to input oil into the refinery it's going to spit out some petroleum but also natural gas in the environment i just love to watch the flow of gases this has been visualized in a great way in this game now for the very last time i'm gonna make one of these temporaries do i still have this battery i should have deconstructed this a long time ago oops this is unnecessarily producing heat in an inefficient way anyways this is gonna be my last temporary battery setup before we start our centralized power system we're gonna need to supply power to the oil refinery as well as two polymer presses as well as gas pumps and sensors it's kind of crazy actually maybe we're gonna need an upgrade in power ah there it is the polymer press let's actually have a look at that power situation we could still unlock low resistance conductors the conductive wire can take two kilowatts instead of just one so yeah let's just unlock that in case we need it polymer presses can i build two of you like so and that still leaves me enough space for a pump i'm not so sure about this setup let's maybe complete the blueprint and then we are gonna decide now we could build everything out of lead and i think i could do that i mean this room is gonna be about 105 degrees shouldn't be much more hopefully however the machines i just remembered i cannot build these out of copper this needs to go go what we need to do and this is very important since we are going above 100 degrees it's actually important going above 75 or so degrees we want to build these out of gold amalgam overheat temperature plus 50 degrees this is extremely extremely important so we need those actually if we put the liquid lock one more block back i would have the space for a sensor or we open up this block this might even be better yeah let me deconstruct this i wanted a atmo dock station with two suits so this is why i left a little bit of space there but if i just take this out this is going to leave me the space for a sensor that is checking for liquids on the floor you can actually see it here in the effects overheat temperature 75 degrees plus 50 degrees so we can go up to 125 which we shouldn't exceed if we do this right it's a different story with cables automation wires bins for instance they don't have an overheat temperature they just have a melting point which is usually much much higher that means last but not least we're gonna need a liquid pump made out of gold amalgam i'm gonna put that right here and we're actually also gonna replace this gas pump this is gonna remain here in order to get rid of the natural gas that's gonna be accumulating but we also need to build the gas pump out of golden magnum next up we're gonna need an atmos sensor in order to check how much natural gas we already have in here let's place that right there obviously we're also gonna need the hydro sensor that i'm gonna place right here just like i announced we have automation wire going all the way over to this pump and then the liquid automation would go into this pump it is now also time to say goodbye to our hatchling population we're gonna commit genocide and we're gonna swap everything up here so as of this point we don't want hatchlings anymore we only want the stone hatch and hatchlings we also wanna copy over the settings for everything else so we're not gonna feed them anymore sedimentary rock we're gonna feed them granite yeah looking at all these numbers i think we are better off actually using the conductive wire so it's a good thing i'm researching that it might also be a good idea to set up another coal generator as one of them only produces 600 watts whoops i totally forgot about uh creating this liquid lock well a couple of mob commands should take care of that we can go ahead and already drag over the gas pipe for the oxygen let's see we're gonna have the station and then two docks for the atmos suits which also means i want to create two more atmos suits checkpoint this time we're gonna build it out of lead then two docks just like that ah there we go research completed just in the nick of time so now we have access to the conductive wire taking 2 kilowatts we can also build that out of our precious lead only has a melting point and not a overheat temperature just in case you're confused the idea is we are pumping in oil we get petroleum in order to feed the polymer presses and later on also store some maybe use petroleum generators we will be getting natural gas into this room that we are gonna pump out using this gas pump we can then use the natural gas to generate some extra power as well it's not going to be much though this is all about the oil refinery next up the polymer presses are going to use the petroleum to generate plastic and they're going to expel carbon dioxide through a pipe and they are also gonna produce some steam the steam hopefully is gonna condense into water helping us cool down these machines the water eventually is gonna accumulate with this sensor we detect when it is time to actually pump the water out so these machines don't count as flooded now there's still a potential problem i can see we might want to use metal tiles in order to help us out with the heat distribution but that means i kind of have to break up my pattern and maybe add another insulation layer here we'll see i guess there's one more thing we need to build the auto sweeper now i want to build this in a way so that it can reach one tile further than the polymer presses but also has the smart storage bin in its range so if i built this right here this is actually absolutely perfect we can reach the plastic that potentially drops over here but we can also reach the storage bin once the storage bin is full it is going to emit a green signal which means we want to shut off the polymer presses so all we need is a knot gate that we are going to build right here and then tell the polymer presses to shut off we don't want to produce any more plastic beyond one storage bin for the time being we're also gonna need an automation bridge right there beautiful looks like our docks are ready to use yeah we now have access again and people can start building that now this is a skill required operation so the auto sweeper is one of the first things that actually requires skill points in operation to be even built i decided to rearrange myself a little bit so we can accommodate this contraption in a4 high room what is gonna happen now we're gonna have a very thin layer of water on top of this this is all we need we need the water in order to help transfer the heat we don't need the water to actually do the cooling the water is gonna dripple down and if we accumulate enough this pump is gonna be activated now you can see i installed these metal tiles i actually first had to research that together with the metal refinery we can build it out of copper and lead for the time being wolframite is even better or tungsten actually checking out the properties of the copper tile we can see this has a thermal conductivity of 60 which is extremely high well it is actually high enough and if we check out the lead tile it is only 35 and there it is the wolframite this has an even higher thermal conductivity let's actually maybe build a couple of these let's do 10 crafts and then we're gonna do a little comparison oh no i just noticed i cannot place the auto sweeper in a reasonable manner this way yeah this is a little bit of a pity but i rather deform the room upwards than downwards i have other plans for the downward section so having the auto sweeper right here is actually gonna be perfect that means i can even tile this off though do i still yeah i still have visibility to the smart storage just to show you you can see here the smart storage isn't full so it's sending a red signal the not signal is changing that into a green signal so the polymer presses will be operational as soon as we provide them with the resources ah look at this tungsten refined material so this should give us at least the possibility to place this down to check the property so this also has a thermal conductivity of 60. the specific heat capacity is the amount of heat it can take before raising in temperature so imagine you can heat up gases much quicker than liquids because liquids usually have a higher heat capacity they can take more until they raise one degree this means copper is totally fine for our purposes now there's one more thing i would like to check out and that is a temp shift plate in a more functional manner than we used to up to this point we can also make these out of wolframite let's check this out let's also check out the copper version there's a led version we can make them out of refined copper or normal copper and we can even make them out of diamond which we find down at the bottom in the oil biome very easy copper with the same stats so it's 60 however the copper ore has only 4.5 so it would be horrible to use copper ore instead of refined ore wolfram y comes with conductivity of 15 we have 35 for the lead and then finally 80 for the diamond so diamond is definitely the best thing we can use right now what i want to do is place the temp shift place in places where we have water gases and the machines coming together so right here would be the best spots for it since diamond material is really easy to get i'm also going to do it for the oil refinery and i think with that out of the way we have everything we need except the oil so that would be oh wait wait wait i don't want you to build that actually obviously what we need now is a pump down here in the oil bomb and we want to make this out of gold amalgam it's 100 degrees down here remember we can then take normal granite pipes it doesn't really matter at this point we go all the way up here and up there and then at this point we are actually entering the cold biome so we could think about cooling down the oil a little bit in order to help us with the procedure naturally this is only a temporary solution but there is a lot of coolness saved in the mass of this bomb and we should take advantage of it the way to take advantage of this is actually the radiant pipes we also get a bunch of other nice tools but this is what i'm after right now in the meantime we're just gonna keep going and i think at this point i wanna filter the liquids at some point we're gonna actually get the polluted water and normal water that we accumulated here maybe there's even gonna be some salt water we wanna make sure we only get the oil up in the place as long as we have some coal we're gonna take advantage of that i'm gonna place in the cold biome my generation setup for the pump all we need is a power cable going all the way down to our pump i'm gonna install a liquid filter in this place we're gonna leave the pipe through here and then everything that is not what we want actually we just let's just dump it on top of the battery this also means we're gonna use the plier mod in order to disconnect this again and then we're gonna come out here so this is perfect assuming at this point we have the oil filtered out we're just gonna bring it all the way along beneath our base and as i enter my base i wanna make sure we use insulated piping i don't wanna distribute the heat from the oil i'm gonna make our way all the way up to here where we're gonna have some oil reservoir so we can actually take advantage of only having a three high room at this place let's make sure we don't forget to select the crude oil i think it is there we go okay i guess this is gonna take a while to get built but it should work eventually and then once we have the radiant pipe researched we're gonna replace a couple of pipes within the cold biome to get the cooling down effect said and done radiant liquid pipe we could also build this out of tungsten let's actually make a comparison here as well tungsten lead or copper copper comes with a hundred and twenty this is crazy 70 for the lead and 120 for the tungsten as well so let's use copper tungsten is way more precious we want to replace a couple of pipes right here let's do eight radian pipes and see what happens you also have to take into consideration at a certain point the oil is gonna halt because we have all our reservoirs filled up we don't use it up at the moment and this is just gonna cool down more and more to the ambient temperature so we might not even need this many radiant pipes also the granite pipes we are using right here they are exchanging heat with the environment so i think what we will be ending up with is a temperature of around 30 to 40 degrees maybe even 50 degrees if we have this area heat up more and more i'm gonna use a liquid reservoir i'm also gonna make this out of gold amalgam just to be sure so this is gonna be oil let's do two oil and then maybe let's also do two petroleum do i want to have these right next to each other it might actually be nifty so we expand this floor a little bit and then we are going to remove these tiles so my oil can go into here and then straight into here we will be able to store 10 tons of oil ready for use by the way we have our vacuum right here which means i can set up the sensor let's say i wanna take away the natural gas as soon as we are above 1500 grams 2000 is the maximum but we also want to make use of the natural gas in terms of transporting the heat helping with the cooling effect the more thermal mass we have in this room the better we don't want it to be a complete vacuum the hydro sensor on the other side can go very low let's say if it is above 10 kilogram let's do 30 kilograms if the water is more than 30 kilograms right here we're gonna start pumping now as mentioned in order to get this auto sweeper built what i have to do with my operator is set the building to the maximum just very briefly let's see this happen aaron's meep yeah there we go it's now his number one task there he comes already get this built thank you very much and now we're gonna lower that again i just noticed the auto sweeper also has to be built out of gold amalgam always check the overheat temperature ah finally we have the oil pumping up what a beautiful sight the plastic h isn't far away now at this point we are filtering it out and it cannot continue because we haven't completed our piping somewhere yeah right there actually because those are quite unreachable nice one ellie she's going nuts okay there we go we got it in place should not be able to continue it is wonderful let's analyze what we managed to do with the radiant pipes it comes in at 54 degrees at this point and then once it leaves the radiant pipes it is at a temperature of 6.2 degrees these pipes are just incredible and if we look at the temperature this is gonna distribute so much heat it is actually quite amazing as a matter of fact this has such a good effect that i'm gonna go with only one two three four let's do three tiles that should be enough to maybe lower it down to 30 degrees great now it's tucking along here and it's going to be filling up our oil reservoir so the next step is going to be to get the oil refinery running and after that the plumber presses our oil is coming in at a nice 45 degree maybe i'm gonna add one more radiant pipe but what we want to do now is hook this up to the oil refinery and i'm gonna go with more insulated pipes we're gonna go down two slots and then straight over into the refinery then we're gonna be coming out and we wanna supply the polymer presses but do i first wanna fill up the reservoirs that might be an idea yeah i think i'm actually gonna do that so we are gonna need to maybe bridge this up let's just see petroleum goes back into this tank and into this tank and then we wanna shoot straight down that's good we to use a bridge into this direction and another bridge into this direction actually one more bridge right here obviously okay there we go now we have the petroleum coming up we want to make our way towards the metal tiles and as of the metal task we want to switch to radiant pipes again the radiant pipes we're going to use in a zigzag pattern like this and it looks as though we might want to do this the other way around so we'll be coming from here and then do this like so so we can go up again and don't run into issues with the oil pipe so all of this section is radiant pipes it's gonna be the petroleum temperature which is around 70 to 80 degrees or so and that is good it is going to help cooling down the presses to around that temperature or at least keep it below 125. hold on i had even a better idea what if we came in from here radiant pipe go all the way through the tiles and then we come back through the polymer presses this way we still cover all of the tiles but we have the end of the line here and we can still distribute the petroleum this way for instance into other locations where it's needed with that out of the way we have closed the loop i just want to keep these two pipes separate so they're first going to build everything and we can create some petroleum before everything goes nuts with the polymer presses i also want some natural gas in there otherwise we have no way to get rid of the heat looks like we have completed the oil line that's great the oil refinery is filling up and therefore meep my operator can come operate it this is gonna become very hot i'm just gonna set up another wheeze wart right here to counteract that but there we go meep is operating the oil refinery and if we have a look at the temperature you can see it is raising extremely quickly oh my gosh it is going up really quick however the natural gas is accumulating that is good now i believe what would be good is having some steam in here actually the water would help out with the overheating process so should we do it oh no i forgot something we still have some carbon dioxide coming out of these polymer presses and it is actually hot carbon dioxide so i don't want that in my base i guess for the time being we're just gonna go straight up and release it somewhere here where we can worry about it another time okay sweet we got everything in place it is time to connect these two pipes and see the polymer presses at work the petroleum is coming in and they should be working automatically this is the cooling down process well right now we don't have anything to cool down but as soon as they start working we will be seeing a extreme race in temperature naturally our cool generators are not being supplied actually let's give this a priority of seven for the time being i can't believe you haven't filled up the cold generators but there we go the temperature is going up it's going above 110 degrees already all we want is one single one freaking single plastic because that is gonna generate the steam and therefore the water and there we have our thermal conductivity actually working with the piping we have just uh no don't go above 125 oh there we go we just got it you see the water now and it is now going down in temperature so we were actually lucky it just was about to take some overheating damage but like this we are absolutely fine now this pipe is blocked let me just quickly see ah okay i cannot do it like so so what we're gonna do is just cut this off and we get our second plastic in the joints the water is distributing that is good i'm actually gonna lower this down to 10 kilograms we really only need a thin layer the last thing we need to do is actually store the plastic in here and we can see the auto sweeper in action now it took the plastic it is storing it in the bin as soon as the bin is full the polymer presses are gonna be shut off that is the basic concept behind it and uh so far it seems to be working out the petroleum at the moment is 74 degrees and since we have a little bit of new petroleum flowing in we can keep this temperature in check pretty nifty i would say i'm actually pretty happy with this contraption so far let's see if we can stand the test of time but with that out of the way i would say we're gonna wrap up today's episode i sure hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching have a great time and see you soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 199,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, oni, oxygen not included tutorial, oni tutorial, oxygen not included review, oni review, oxygen not included mods, oni mods, oxygen not included cooling, oni cooling, oxygen not included guide, oni guide, oxygen not included gameplay, oni gameplay, oxygen not included speedrun, oni speedrun, oxygen not included automation, oni automation, oxygen not included priorities, oni priorities, oxygen not included base setup, oni base setup, oni base design
Id: x7hyM-u6lHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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