The ULTIMATE Ranged Hunter Guide | Season of Discovery Phase 2

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while taking a look at the DPS rankings from Numan the fate of the Range Hunter looks dire with Range Hunter barely beating the worst DPS in the game and with the Mele Hunter being one of the top performing specs it doesn't seem to be much value in ever using a bow and arrow to pump but I'm not sure I totally agree just yet that it's a dead spec here's the thing with melee Hunter being as strong as it is right now pretty much every single person looking to push the limit will be playing that spec right now and as such the ranks of the Range Hunter is filled with proper dad gamers and people who God forbid play the game for fun but I'm here to change that here's how to optimize your damage as a Range Hunter there are a few builds we can run right now and all are viable in their own right mean that you will have no trouble clearing neran with any of these builds that said one of them is a clear outlier right now and the bill that I suspect will be dominating the Range Hunter Paras if more people start playing it let's start with that build and it's the dance build the dance build is the ultimate weaving build we take what makes melee Hunter so good and add it to our rotation we go 31 points deep into Marksmanship picking up true shot Aura and skipping increased range because with this build we'll never really be in a position where the extra range will be utilized we pick up CA shot on gloves part the lion on chest if the buff is not already provided for otherwise we' go Lone Wolf FL strike on legs meta specialist on waist and dual wheel specialization on feet with this build you'll be dropping your two-hander in favor of two one-handers and despite it being a stat loss for most people we want to run protector sword in the main hand and vaner sword in the off hand even over the neram polar or two-handed sword this build will fill the time between each shot with melee attacks but will go more into that during the rotation portion the second build is the Beast Mastery build currently this setup with 31 points into BM that picks up Beast Mastery on gloves hard line on chest flanking strike on legs melee specialist on waist and trap launcher on feet is the spec that's rank one during week two of normalan just like the dance build you'll heavily be relying on weaving in flanking strikes and Raptor strikes into your rotation this build seemed to gain the most value from the wind serpent especially if you have a balanced duid or enhanced Shaman in your raid the major drawback of this build however is that you don't provide true shura the benefit from this buff alone is much greater than people think 50 extra attack power provides about a 20 DPS increase on each member that it affects and thus not using it gimps the overall DPS quite hard unless you not taking it gives you an extra 80 DPS the last build I want to mention is the sniper build this is the spec for those who don't enjoy melee weaving and if you have access to the Epic gun then this build build is actually not half bad it goes 31 points into Marksmanship picks up CA shot on gloves Lone Wolf on chest sniper training on legs exposed weakness on belts and trap launcher on feet this build makes you do big numbers sniper training synergizes nicely with exposed weakness and with triot aura you get about 150 extra attack power for free not many fights are going to allow you to have 100% up time on snip retraining but proper pre-planning will allow you to have a very high uptime it loses value if you're forced to go a heart of the lion instead of Lone Wolf so make sure to drag along another Hunter for the dance build you want to start the fight with aim shot serpent sting Auto shot Chimera shot Auto shot multishot and then the weaving commences between every shot go into melee use flanking strike or Raptor strike and then every time you leave melee use Auto shot and either Chimera shot or moled shot depending on what's off cool down for the BM build our rotation looks the same but we drop Chimera shot and aim shot and incorporate imulation trap for single Target or explosive trap for AOE for this build flanking trike becomes more of a priority than Raptor strike and should be used whenever it's off cool down for the range build we open with aim shot serpent sting Chimera shot multishot and then it becomes a priority system of using Cima shot over multishot over ampot make sure to start casting aim shot right after an auto attack to avoid it clipping too much we have an emulation trap whenever it's about to fall off and everything else is on cool down this is a rather low value spell and should not be prioritized running a 2.0 attack speed cat due to our increased usage of flanking strike with rank six bite rank six claw and rank two dash will be your best bet for the Beast Mastery build wind serpents seem to offer the most value we will still have the same spell rank as from phase one so just go out and level the pet that's already sitting in your stable going over each individual gear piece is beyond the scope of this video but here are some noteworthy items as we get ready to jump in NR if you're running the dance build make sure to grab your pre-bid sword from the war zone Gulch vendor pair it with the vanish sword from the RFD quest which you can pick up from Stormwind or unders City when you're down with the vendor in Ashen Veil pick up the level 38 neck and rim as well as level 28 ring until you can get your iron spine's eye from SM graveyard then head down to ferales and farm the distress Beacon for the chicken escort the shoulder Quest reward are your pre- redbest in slot if you're met weaving while we're at it another best Quest reward can be picked up from the Tremors of the earth quest line in Badland which gives a 23 agility and three St chest running the crafted green gun or the silencer will be your best bet until you get a weapon from ner of course having the bow of searing arrows would be nice despite the proc being utter garbage but the cost cannot be justified at the moment you'll want to be leather working for the helmet and Engineering for the belt keep in mind that if you're running a pure range build you don't benefit from strength and should thus make gearing choices that reflect that getting minor run speed on boots is also vital if you're mow weaving what want to keep quite a few consumables on hand the ones that increase our damage are Dragon bread chili Sage fish delight elixir of agility elixir of ogre strength oil of emulation and solid sharpen Stone on the off hand if you're running the dance build as well as the main hand or your two-hander if you do not have a feral Druid in your group I think the Range Hunter is much more viable than we give it credit for and as bler has been rather generous on buffing specs aren't doing too hot I would not be surprised if a Range Hunter will see tuning in the future and to be frank even without it Range Hunter can still be competing for the Deep s rankings towards the top of the meters there's still a lot that I'm trying to figure out and optimize like the value of flanking strike in the dance build and much more so if You' like to follow along the journey towards finding the best and most optimal Hunter build make sure to subscribe but that's all for now thank you very much for watching until next [Music] time
Channel: Riyani
Views: 24,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunter Season of Discovery, Hunter SOD, Hunter SOD Phase 2, Ranged Hunter SOD Phase 2, Ranged Hunter SOD, Range Hunter SOD, Range Hunter SOD Phase 2, Ranged Hunter Season of Discovery, Hunter Pre-BIS, Hunter Pre-bis SOD, Hunter Pre-BIS SOD Phase 2, Season of Discovery, SOD Phase 2, SOD Phase 2 DPS
Id: r3bpLeka6iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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