Ultimate Melee Hunter PvP Guide! (Season of Discovery)

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melee Hunter's been kind of nuts in Phase 2 of season of Discovery and since the latest round of class changes are completely silent on the topic we can assume it's here to stay at least a little while longer let's start with a quick overview of runes talents and gear there's two main build paths for melee Hunter a pet focused Beast Mastery route and an all-in Lone Wolf Deep Survival route in PVE the Deep Survival option is winning in Sims and on napkin math but BM is actually doing well with current preis gear in PvP however the main issue with Beast Mastery despite pets doing insane damage right now is that you're putting a lot of eggs into a very fragile basket bestial wrath does give your pet CC immunity but whenever it's on cool down you're very vulnerable to just one poly or fear or whatever the stun is nice and it's certainly not bad to have but again it's pet Reliant almost every Talent point in this tree goes to juicing your pet out and I find that's just too unreliable in the current meta especially yes if someone lets you and your pet whail on them they will die but I think we can do better than that survival is chalk full of useful PVP abilities that make you stronger and downplay the importance of your pet significantly raw stamina a defensive cool down like deterrence some hit chance and CC resistance better traps all of it is awesome for PVP in fact survival has so many good things that you have to make some hard personal choices you don't have enough points for all the CC improvements so you could could say add or drop points and improved Wing clip for some combination of entament and clever traps or vice versa it's pretty fluid I personally lean toward valuing Wing clip because of its versatility you can use it to catch flag carriers enemy melee and even sometimes ranged if you can connect on them whereas traps while fantastic need a bit of setup or Fain death to pull off and they usually do their job well enough anyway while unimproved you can Tinker around with this and move Point values around based on your play Style and what you use most in find the most success with but make sure you're always getting your actives deterrence Counterattack and wver and sting are all fantastic as for runes there's not a lot of wiggle room here your entire right side is pretty much spoken for for melee Hunter to really work you need full melee runes dual wield and melee specialist are both mandatory for Max damage and the other spots are just kind of a best of the worst situation only on your chest do you really have to make a choice you can either compromise on the build and run a pet with heart of the lion or you can go all in with Lone Wolf again sacrificing your pet may seem a bit troll in PvP since it can keep Rogues from raling harass healers defend Flags while you're sapped whatever but I kind of think it just doesn't matter right now Phase 2 PVP is pretty much burst or be bursted and Lone Wolf plays into that meta perfectly if you do run a pet despite this then you could potentially take Beast Mastery over carve but otherwise these runes are stock standard finally for gear we pretty much just run whatever good agility strength and attack power pieces we can wear but obviously weapons are worth a mention for preis you should be running your War song or Silver Wing PVP sword in the main hand and your razer fin Downs Quest reward in the off hand both weapons are easy to get and outclass other options until you get no loot specifically the Dual fist weapons because of how dual wield specialization works we have to have the same weapon type in both hands Orcs looking to cat on their racial can consider these axes but with one being a Boe drop it's a bit harder to get and you're fine just running the swords for your bow the STV epic is best since this affect procs on your melee attacks as a ranged weapon it's pretty much a plastic toy but the proc makes it the best glorified stat stick available if you want some sweaty optimization you could also carry around a proper ranged weapon such as the nomer gun or your War song faction rep bow and macros swap to them when rooted or running someone down or kiting whatever ever again not strictly necessary but it's nice to have options okay with all that said let's go over some general gameplay now first and four we have to address the elephant vanilla Hunter sucks at being a real melee class modern retail survival has tons of tools to thrive in full melee but 2004 Hunter was not designed with any of that in mind we have no Gap closer no kick few real defensive cool Downs besides deterrence and all our best CC breaks immediately on damage unlike say kidney shot or intercept despite all of that the spec rips up and not just because of damage numbers Although our core DPS Loop of Smashing Raptor strike and flanking strike and hoping for resets will erase people from the map instead we have a kind of wish.com Rogue play style where we have a lot of burst damage and tools to control a fight and we really thrive in multi-target scenarios because of it but like Rogues we also get absolutely po if we overcommit out in the open so don't be afraid to actually be a hunter now and then and pluck off multi- shots and stings while looking for opportunities to close into melee hunter in general really thrives in defensive positions we're pretty much valerant Sentinels don't feel useless if you're hanging back a bit just look for ways to contribute with utility drop traps and flares for your flag carrier Wing clip melee off your healers drop flares on Rogues so they can't vanish whatever Wyn sting in particular is a phenomenal very versatile ability and another reason I stand survival you can open with it to run up and manually close the gap on a Target sleep a second enemy or a pet or even just take advantage of the pretty decent dot it has by throwing it on a kill Target before you start wailing on them while the thing can't be used in combat you can always pair it with feain death you can do this to control enemy healers or peel your own or just to buy time for yourself in a 1 VX also a note here because we don't have trap launcher in this build we can also Fain for traps like this if finally good use for f is as a sort of interrupt if someone's hard casting Cc or big damage at you f 80 or 90% through the cast and it'll drop their target and interrupt it lastly I really recommend you get comfortable with your good aspects monkey is the default for melee because it provides the only tangible combat benefit but you can micros swap to cheetah to close small gaps if someone is cced or hard casting or otherwise can't da you while pack is great for escorting flag carriers and getting your party through indoor spaces just remember to take it off before a fight starts most of melee Hunter's survivability comes from Dodge and parry and these two things only work if you're facing your target if you're fighting multiple melee enemies do not give them your back shimmying around with strafes to keep enemies in front of you will make you look ridiculous but dramatically improve your odds of survival especially if you have deterrence rolling Viper thing is pretty incredible for PVP and a massive annoyance for classes that can't clear it take VI or pot shots at the backline in a fight even if they can cleanse it it still takes mana and globals Mages are really susceptible to this ability and if a druid isn't good about abolishing poison you can quickly o them and prevent them from Power shifting out of your slows and routs along those lines remember that scare Beast works on not only hunter pets but shape-shifted Druids and ghost wolfed Shaman good players will shift out of this if they see it coming even if they do shift to dodge it it wastes mana and in the case of Shaman a lot of time I also couldn't really make a guide about vanilla PVP without at least mentioning consumables and items with the launch of phase 2 especially we're entering the thick of things items like Nifty stopwatch and skull of impending doom are now available skull especially is a great item more so because it deals damage to you the valleys are a little harsh in Phase 2 but that damage can help us break out of sheeps and blinds and whatever if we see the CC coming and pop skull in time at the very least you should consider investing in first aid for bandages and then engineering ing for tools like stun grenades which can be used as a poor man's kick to stun Casters in your dead zone or to peel melee off yourself this stuff however is kind of a bottomless well of discussion and not strictly related to melee Hunter so we'll leave it here I hope something in this quick guide helped you it's honest work one-shotting mes trying to enjoy the game so have fun out there this Mage has no idea what's about to happen to him stupid class n
Channel: specstre
Views: 14,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery, season of discovery phase 2, season of discovery melee hunter, season of discovery hunter, season of discovery melee hunter phase 2, season of discovery melee hunter pvp, season of discovery hunter pvp, wow classic hunter pvp, wow classic melee hunter, sod phase 2 pvp, sod phase 2 hunter pvp, sod phase 2 melee hunter, season of discovery pvp hunter, melee hunter pvp, melee hunter, wow classic melee hunter pvp, wow sod hunter pvp, wow classic pvp, wow
Id: -wJTyOUj47E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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