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hell hello everybody this is Justin red so since everybody now is doing a lot of PVP for the new blood moon event let's talk about what the best build for warrior is now right now in PvP phase two of season of Discovery let's start with the weapons I must say so there is three weapons that you can use one is ravager second one is war with X which I'm farming right now but it's a bit hard with all the PVP that you have to do for the blood moon event in Strang and to vein ravager not the best good damage but yeah the fact that it just uh get you stuck in place with that war wind effect is not the best try to get warwind ax if not you can go into and into Gomer gun and if you are lucky get the thermop plugs rocket Cleaver this is the best weapon that we can get even better than the maze we get from PvP I would say now let's start with Talent first rent most important thing 35% damage for our rent we are going to use rent always also it's very important that we get deep wounds you have to put three strike three points in heroic strike even though you won't use it yeah that's just how we going to get to the next level tactical Mastery 25 points of rage you retain when you change stances very important in combat in everything you're going to change stances a lot yeah this is definitely a must go anger management also very good since uh you you already know in PvP Str and tve you're not going to fight all the time I mean you are but there are periods of time that yeah you are just out of combat and you have to see what you can do and uh keeping your rage is very important in those uh in those situations also overpower 50% crit on our overpower chance crit or crit chance on our overpower very important every time they Dodge you you can overpower them for like an insane amount of uh damage with almost a 100% crit I must say with all the crit that you have from other things like items and all other talents that we're going to talk about later deep wounds our most important ability I must say a lot of damage we're going to do a lot of crits and we going to do a lot of bleed damage as well impale this gives you basically 20% more damage on your crits in every stance so as we talked before more damage for our crits more damage for our deeps basically more damage for everything 5% uh melee weapon damage with two-handed weapons must go a flat five % damage bonus yes this is a must go as well sweeping strikes you're going to do some sweet things with this I'm going to tell you right now you basically want this 100% let's talk about this combo you do sweeping strikes with warwind you have two Targets like next to each other warwind hits them four times so two times one target two times one target that's a lot of damage if you do crits with then you apply deep wounds you apply everything and yeah that's insane amount of damage X specialization this is the best specialization that we can get because we get 5% more crit our best X is as we talked are the thermop plugs uh rocket Cleaver from Nan ravager or warwind ax but uh before you get that before you get this I would I would get warwind axe since it's it's just much better than ravager and of course mortal strike if you want to make some changes let's say you don't want mortal strike but I mean come on Mortal strike is the best spell we have 50% healing reduction is insane for 10 seconds you can take out one point from Mortal strike one point from heroic strike maybe you take out anger management and you put some points points in cruelty here so you get like 3% more crit which is also very good for our deep wounds and uh yeah this is the best talent feel free to pause and yeah copy this if you want then let's go to our macros the most important macros right from the bat uh Berserker rage yes we can only use this in Berserker stance so you need one of these macros to swap you to swap to Berserker stance before you use Berserker rage charge I use this uh basically when I'm in Berserker rage as you can see I can press charge and I go to Battle Stance like very quick also with warwind the same thing so because you you if you remember we keep 25% or rage point so you're going to open in Battle Stance all the time so we go Battle Stance charge a har string maybe a Rand then maybe sweeping Stripes afterwards but if you don't have the time just do Harring R and then you have to swap fast to St and with one only one button you can do a warwind and yeah that's a lot of damage uh straight from the bat and then you can do Mortal strike mortal strike you should always always always always prioritize molter strike no matter what and then slam other macros very important our interrupt macro as you know we can only use our interrupt in Berserker stance so this button this macro let's say will put you in Berserker stance and use pamel very fast uh overpower macro so if another if one guy Dodges let's let's say and you are in Berserker St because most of the time you want to P the St just for the 3% flat crit which is very important so you let's say you are in Berserker St you have a lot of rage I don't know you're fighting you're doing your mortal strikes your your slams then you all of a sudden they Dodge you with one attack boom you go you go overpower we have 50% chance to crit with overpower that's a guarantee crit guys it it's almost always a crit almost always a crit boom we apply another uh another deep wounds effect on the Target and he is basically dead okay that's it for the most important macros I must say let's see if I missed anything important of course you need to have a defensive stance Macro for when you're dying Rand macro also if the r r let's say if you fight them more than I don't know how much is a rent right these days uh 21 seconds yeah that's not really going to happen but but but if that happens you can always change to bance to apply another one so with this macro you can just do that by the way I'm going to put all these macros in the description so feel free to copy it from there uh and this is PVE macro yeah I think that's it uh as for runes very important the most important thing warbringer we can use charge in uh in Rage we can get out of movement impairing effects I must say warrior very bad Mobility we have no stance uh we have nothing so use warbringer all the time maybe in a world when I don't know you have your your teammates they CC the target they slow the Target and you can use filation this is a very big uh very very very big uh bonus on on your damage but usually flagellation not the not not not not better than warbringer now we go to waste uh waste Rune enchantments precise timing always always always the best Focus rage might be good in some situations maybe if you want to pair it with like consume consumed by rage and filation or something like that but no no I would take precise timing all the time 6 seconds cooldowns on your on your slam so usually slam as you know it's a 1.5 second uh Channel but now you can use it instantly it's not like heroic strike we never going to use heroic strike again if you get this and Mortal strike you will never use that ability again that ability is not good you use your auto attack you lose a lot of DPS you don't want to do that so mortars like slam and warwind inker St of course those are the three abilities the goto three abilities that we we must uh use always always always uh so we talked about precise timing when it comes to legs frit assault 20% attack speed that's huge actually that's very good uh we get more more swings more damage best best best rune for four legs ever uh in Rage regeneration this is our heal that we got in phase two uh must have in PvP you can't you can't PVP without this I mean you can you can you can don't get me wrong you can you can still can but 30% maximum health over 10 seconds that's a huge heal for us and keep in mind we do not have any other heels we don't have anything else so enrange generation is a must have and when it comes to hands there are three options quick strike which I feel that you have all already a lot of instant damage so with Mortal strike slam and warwind you also need rage for sweeping strikes you also need rage for hamstring you also need rage for rent so you are not going to find the rage to use this in my opinion from what I played until now no you will not you don't have enough rage to use Quick strikes so basically this is just two options that are left endless rage 25% more range for more damage you deal which is amazing you can use more spells you can use more instants you can use your shouts even because you know we need rage to use shouts and they only last 2 minutes which is kind of I I I hoped that maybe instead of commanding shout okay we got commanding shout which is great is basically a priest a uh priest um a priest buff even better than the PRI buff I think but it only last 2 minutes I mean come on Blizzer we need 5 minutes on this I I can't I can't I can't be using 10 two gcds and 20 rage every time I want to to use my shouts so endless rage very good victory Rush also also also very very very good that this is basically another heal that we get and another instant damage that we get so you must think before these two I prefer endless rage Victory rush I didn't play that much with Victory rush but um yeah it's definitely it's definitely a good uh a good rune to use so we talked about macros we talked about talents let's see if if we can find a mob to our our rotation so our rotation will look something like this we throw J arm string if you fight a priest change to Berserker stance and do a warwind if not you go back you rent you PL pop a blood rage maybe you pop sweeping strikes go back boom slam boom okay no Dodges no Dodges keep in mind mortal strike our priority and then you can finish him with a uh execute and yeah basically that's it you start in Battle Stance charge harm string always after your charge rent if you fight a warrior or priest after your Harring I I I should advise you that you go to bker stand so you can get out of that fear because they always fear as soon as they see you they always fear um uh yeah if you can stay in Battle Stance more use Rand your sub string use sweeping strikes then you go baby then you go you go you use warwind you use Mortal strike you use slam and finish them with execute no one will survive you one-onone guys we are one of the best classes oneon-one but yeah in group Co in group uh PVP battlegrounds blood blood moon event in Strang Tor it's tougher just because there are so many CCs that can stop us but that's why we take warbringer guys also I forgot to mention with warbringer you can use your charge in every stance in every stance but I prefer using using my charge macro because every time I do a charge I want to Harring you can Harring in B St but I want to apply a Rand as well because I mean we're losing on on our DPS if we don't so yeah that's it for the guide guys if you like the video throw a like and thanks for watching subscribe if you want to see more guides on uh sod Facebook thank you very much bye-bye
Channel: Just1nred
Views: 10,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, warcraft, classic wow, classic wow hardcore, season of discovery, season of discovery wow, warrior classic wow, warrior pvp, warrior pvp sod, wrath of the lich king cinematic, wrath of the lich king, dragonflight, wow wotlk, wotlk classic, wotlk warrior pvp, wow, blizzard, wow classic
Id: 5KRVcdzUCrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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