How to Start a Podcast on a budget (Complete guide) Equipment & Software

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today I'm gonna show you guys how to launch your own podcast on a budget we'll go up the equipment the software and everything else necessary to get you guys up and running on a complete shoestring budget if you stay tuned to the end of this video I also share tips for people who have zero budget that's right this is for a low budget but I also have tips for you guys who have not a dollar to spend and I guarantee you have the tools at home to get started so with that said let's hop into it so I've been getting tons of dm's lately from various people at home wanting to start their own podcast wondering what type of equipment you need yes you can use all types of fancy and different gear to run your podcasts but you can also do it with very limited gear and so let's jump into the gear that I recommend for beginners to launch your first podcasts when starting a podcast it's paramount that you have the right gear starting with your microphone people on the other side are listening to you communicate and if it doesn't sound good people are gonna hashtag too now so make sure that you choose a mic wisely the beginners budget mic that I recommend is the audio-technica ATR 2100 it's a friendly easy to use the USB mic with amazing sound quality that out does some of the more expensive mics on the market it's small easy to travel with takes a USB so all you really need is that in a computer this mic specifically here is the samson co 1u and this is actually the mic that i first started they will be podcast with in the early days this is all i had i have a much better setup now but back in the day this is all i had was this hundred dollar mic a USB cable and a laptop and that's all you really need to get started the next piece of gear that I would recommend is the rode psa1 boom arm the boom arm basically allows you to position the mic in front of you it's especially helpful for cardio a type mics where the sound is specifically coming from the front so you want to make sure that the mic is facing you and it just makes it really easy to adjust the mic when you're speaking with someone if you're and podcasting with two people you could swing this around and send it to them if you'd like like this the next piece of equipment that you guys will want to buy is a shock mount I use the rode PSM one shock mount which you can see here I took it off just for this video so that you could see it in action basically the shock mount allows the mic to move up and down and it absorbs all the vibration coming in from cars driving by AC units you knock in your table whatever it may be your mic is extremely sensitive and picks up a lot of sound and the shock mount absorbs that sound so that the mic continues to pick up the highest quality sound possible the next piece of equipment you're gonna want to purchase is a pop filter the pop filter is this piece right here and it basically allows you to eliminate some of the higher and lower frequencies to give you the highest quality sound it also allows you to not catch as many of the plosives those are those peas and B's and s's that tend to overpower the mic at times and this helps kind of diffuse that sound and so a pop filter is definitely something that you want to be using for your podcast and they come in various forms as you can see here this is a pop filter as well and then this is a another variation of a pop filter the last piece of gear you're gonna want to make sure that you have available is a pair of headphones as you can see here I'm using the Sony XM 3 noise cancelling headphones but you can use pretty much any pair of headphones I mean even the earbuds that come with your iPhone is perfectly capable and so don't worry about getting an expensive pair of headphones if anything put the money towards a higher quality mic but any pair of headphones will work just well enough to hear yourself the reason you need headphones is so that you only hear feedback coming out of your laptop and you're recording if you don't have headphones the audios are gonna come out of your laptop and your mic is gonna pick up that feedback headphones allow you to cancel out the feedback and allow you to hear your guests much better a wise man once said the best camera you have on you is the camera in your pocket I believe that Chase Jarvis well the best podcasting setup you have as well is your phone you can always use the mic on your cell phone to begin I understand that not all cell phones mics are created equally but most newer cell phones have really great mics and they're more than good enough to start your podcast so if you can't afford a mic please do not let that stop you use your cell phone audio if anything it's a lot like photography oftentimes you may not have the best camera so you might have to make up for it in post editing and the same thing is similar with your podcasts if you don't have the best microphone you can still record a podcast using your iPhone or your Android phone you just may need to spend a little bit more time watching YouTube videos on how to edit audio so that you can get crisper clearer sound using different types of equalizers and compressors and things like that so don't ever let that stop you if you have a iPhone you can do a podcast with just your iPhone and so that's my pro tip for anyone at home that says they have zero budget then there's still no excuse to not launch your podcast use your cell phone and let's get it now it's time to hop into how to edit your podcast in GarageBand if you're using a Mac and if you're not using a Mac then you're going to want to use audacity if you're using a windows-based computer I'm also going to show you guys the difference between the mic that I use the mic that I started with and the cell phone that way you guys can kind of hear the three different variations of sound now that we're inside of GarageBand we're gonna start with step 1 which is opening a new blank project choose and then we're going to make sure that we you select the microphone and we're gonna want to select input one step two is going to System Preferences which is in the top left corner you'll see it's a GarageBand click that go down to preferences once you get to preferences you're going to want to make sure that you select the input as whatever mic you're using so I'm using my sure sm7b mic right now on the road podcaster pro so I'm gonna select that and then I'm also running my headphones through my rode podcaster pro so I'm go ahead and select that as well next step you're gonna want to do is add as many tracks as you think you'll need oftentimes if you're recording like an intro to the podcast you'll use two tracks you'll use the audio track for recording the intro say you're introducing the guest or introducing your podcast and the second track is going to be used for say music so we'll hit the plus button and you can go to add new audio track create or you can left-click and do the same thing new audio track I have already recorded a few intro so I'm going to open that project real quick as you can see here I have three separate intros recorded using three separate mics the shure sm7b mic the samson co 1u mic the mic i started out with and the iPhone 11 pro so the $400 mic the hundred dollar mic and the cell phone I've also added a track for music step four is going to be changing the settings from bars to beats oftentimes when you come in a GarageBand it'll be set to beats and you'll see something that looks like that and make sure you select time we're not in the studio making beats for Drake so you definitely don't want to be set to beat so you want to be set to time you a podcaster step 5 is basic editing basic editing basically is very simple and straightforward you're gonna want to zoom in and you're going to want to use command T to cut and so I can see here that there's no the fact that there's no sound waves I can see that this is just empty noise so I'm gonna uncut this right here I can go to edit split regions at playhead or you can do the same thing by using the hotkey command T I prefer to use the hotkey because it saves you a lot more time and the next thing you would do is pick this up and move the playhead down zoom in get rid of that dead zone bring it Chiz and then i'm gonna go ahead and do the same thing here instead of cutting it this time now I'm just gonna grab the playhead and I'm just gonna drag this back and we're gonna drag this back and then I'm gonna bring these two together and that's basically how zooming in using command T to cut and then using the cursor to drag things back and forth and then moving the clip on either side that's basically all there is to editing a podcast there's a whole lot of that basically going through cutting out things putting things together and reorganizing similar to actually chopping a video the next thing want to do is come down to your music track you'll notice that the volume just by looking at the levels is much louder than your audio levels so what we're gonna want to do is a fade this in and we're also going to bring this down to do that we're gonna have to activate the tracks automation mode and we'll do that by using the keyboard and just literally tapping a on the keyboard a for automation and then we're gonna go ahead and click on the track and you can see that we have the automation bar I'm gonna bring this all the way down I'm gonna click every time I click it's gonna basically give me a point that I can control kind of like keyframing and Final Cut and I'm gonna bring this down to about 20 decibels and that will allowed me to fade in my music and then I'm going to go to the end and I'm gonna do a nice little fade out so I'm gonna select three dots so I can have a nice rolled out row I have a nice clean fade drop this down and then drop this all the way down go ahead and select a and it'll turn off your automation mode hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the art of visuals podcast my name is Prince McClinton and I am your host and today's guest is none other than mr. Garrett King aka shorts - hey there everyone and welcome to another episode of the art of the Jools podcasts my name is Prince McClinton and today's guest is none other than Garret King aka shorts - hey there everyone and welcome to another episode of the art of visuals podcast my name is Prince and today's guest is Garret King aka shorts - there you have it the next step is noise gate and EQ you're gonna want to go up here and click this icon right here that says smart controls once you select that I'm gonna go back to my audio track and as you can see here I have plugins what you're gonna want to do is make sure your track is selected then go down to EQ I normally have equalizer on for a voiceover EQ and then I'll run a compressor for a narration vocal and that just kind of gives you a little bit crisper sound and then the last thing you want to play with is the noise gate the noise gate will basically eliminate frequencies when the mics not in use if it's really high it's really sensitive if it's really low it doesn't really do much so I tend to keep it right in the middle it just helps get rid of some of that background noise when you're not speaking into the mic and then have fun with it I mean guys this is like editing photos you can definitely overdo it or you can just give it a nice light touch but the nicer the mic you have I can tell you the less work you'll have to put in to editing but if you don't have the means for a nice mic then you can totally make up with it for you know getting really good at editing with that said there's one last thing I want to talk about and that's peaking you want to make sure that during recording if you ever seen anything red that means that you either speaking too loud or your microphone sensitivity is too high and so you want to make sure that you're never peeking everything should always be green and maybe a little bit of yellow but you never want to be in the red range now that you're all familiar with how to start a podcast and how to edit your podcast you're gonna need to publish your podcast before you hit publish there's three major things that you're gonna have to do first you need a podcast name you can either go with your personal name like the prints McClinton podcast you could go with your brand name like the art of visuals podcast or you can come up with something completely off the cuff like then Knight Rider podcasts so get creative and do whatever feels right the second thing that you're gonna need to do before you hit publish is to make sure that you have a podcast description your podcast description is basically your sales pitch on what the podcast is about and why people should listen to it make sure you do use keywords that are on topic with your podcast because this is your description that's gonna live in the iTunes Store and the iTunes Store is most definitely a search engine and you want to make sure that when people are searching for specific podcasts like photography podcasts that you have that in the description of your podcast so that they can find you the third thing you're gonna need is your podcast album art and so for you creatives this is where things get really fun right you get to design a 3000 pixel by 3000 pixel image that will live on all the different podcasting sites and that'll be your album art for your podcast so have fun but make sure it's something that pop stands out represent your brand and something that you feel good about this is also gonna be something that draws people in to your podcast so have fun with it thanks for tuning in guys on how to launch a podcast on a budget if you guys have any questions at all please sure to ask them below in the comments I'll make sure to answer those and be sure to check the description for a download link to our free podcast cheat sheet we'll have all the goodies you need to get your podcasts up and running and last thing but not least feel free to roast me for these ashy knuckles I just realized I did not put any lotion on today and sadly when you're a brown man and you forget that your hands look like you've been fighting a flower punching bag all morning so feel free to roast your boy love you guys stay blessed talk to you soon
Channel: Art Of Visuals
Views: 60,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, how-to, launch, how to podcast, start a podcast, podcasting guide, how to start a podcast
Id: cwl_SKm_PN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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