[Part 2]Nick Saban Moments at Alabama

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what's your breaking point everybody out here today got to a point at some point in practice most of them sometime during seven on seven i or one of the team periods all right where you got to where you lost your focus i couldn't stay poised enough to do what you had to do all right because you got to thinking about the wrong stuff external factors how hot it was oh this happened i got stepped on my toe all right my my hamstring hurts i'm getting a cramp whatever it was you couldn't finish all right this drill that we did here conditioned by position half the guys didn't do the drill right because you couldn't finish because you mentally gave in i'm hurt i'm tired you convince yourself i can't run anymore all right so this is the very thing that everybody needs to understand about what kind of what is your breaking point how much can you push yourself hi and look i'm glad it happened i expected it to happen all right but this was a good start all right and i think it was a good practice for the first practice but everybody's got to challenge themselves to push it to the next level all right so that we increase our mental toughness and our discipline to sustain and and everybody here knows when did i fall out today maybe not fall out of practice physically but when did you fall out of practice mentally i and that's the sign of your talk okay and how about the losing team coaches well i got some questions for you all right you got the player of the year in college football on your team you got the guy won the vlitnikov playing receiver all right we got more guys coming back on offense and probably any team in the country i mean what went wrong i mean this is kind of what you asked me all the time what went wrong so is that the player's fault or are you responsible for that as a coach or what i mean you got to take responsibility for what your team did you're not willing to do that he's just not willing to do it you know i'm only saying this i because you all have a tendency to make somebody a star all right and when you do that you create a problem for us as coaches do you understand that all right so can we just make sure we're just like it is what it is that makes sense to anybody besides me what are you talking about two uh two is great why wouldn't he have the strength in the velocity is there something wrong with them no there's nothing wrong with them i wish you all would quit trying to make something out of nothing because there's nothing to make out of it so why don't you go talk to dr kane i and all those people because you obviously don't believe me i thought he threw the ball with great philosophy just like he did before and i don't see any difference do you well you have an opinion i mean you're allowed to have an opinion we'll make you coach next year and i'll ask you questions at the press conference i mean i want to know what they told the crimson team at halftime i mean obviously they didn't do it damn bit of good i mean that's what you always ask me at a press conference every press conference what would you tell them at halftime well i want to know what did they tell them at halftime coach some pressure on night and here they come knight over the middle had to thread the needle looking for a flag in shepherd and he got one pass interference coming up it's a grab pass interference defense number 20. i think jared williams grabbed him when shepherd broke inside watch him reach out and grab him right there that's that's a penalty he did get the other hand in front but with his left hand he grabbed him as shepherd beat him to the inside so a huge first down by penalty and alabama takes its final timeout their third and final will be 30 seconds that's the last time they can stop it and an unhappy nick saban on the sideline letting the officials have it [Applause] defensive line going against them and then you know the secondary players for florida's offense like darius tony like how does alabama want to handle him especially when they go kyle pitts on one side of the field and tony like in the slot and the other one look at coach saban still fired up um about his defense on that third down but like how they handle those some of those players this is why they're that this is why they're alabama and he's new satan though from the 2010 game against south carolina and do you ever use that game as an example to other teams of you know staying on the process and well that season in general actually what year are we in now 2019 so most of our guys were in grade school you know when that happened but what i remember from it all right is we got the line and kicked out of our britches i don't know if you know what that means but that means you get your butt kicked so bad you got no seam in the back of your pants so yeah i remember that but i i'll ask the players today if when they were in sixth grade do they remember it was allison williams coach saban you said that devante i can't hear you you said that they were going to can you hear me now no you said that they would try and take away devante smith why have they not been able to do that 508 in the third quarter he's going to look down field loops the ball for watt but he was well covered too well covered as a flag comes in with sean d and hamilton the linebacker in coverage and bam was claiming it was a push-off offensive interference saban out on the field complete his case pass interference defense number 20 15-yard penalty nick didn't [Applause] he's upset he feels that watt was actually pushing pushing back they will not stop coaching on that alabama sideline that defense gave up the big run to the wide receiver passing the defense penalty setting up stavi's second touchdown pass [Applause] so kirby have to avoid the temptation to conclude too much from an opening day but as you said there's so few chances sometimes for top programs in the new england patriots threw the ball over 60 some percent of the time which is more than we threw it so where does that assumption come from or do you do what everybody else in the media does just create some oil on the wall and see what sticks which is what i see happening everywhere and the people who scream the loudest you know they kind of get the attention and we pass some rule height that everybody has to live with that or some law and the consequences mess up a lot of other things do it all the time we're doing it right now the ncaa is doing it we're going to change the way we can have summer camps we can't have high school coaches work in summer camps i mean it's the most ridiculous things that i've ever seen but it is what it is and whatever they do they do so we say we don't want third parties dealing with players so we're not going to let the high school coach bring a guy to camp but some third party guy can bring him to camp now makes no sense at all i mean but all the people who have common sense they won't say anything about it but the people who screamed the loudest will get the thing changed and it'll mess everything up the way it goes the way it goes in the world politics just where it goes same thing with you we're going to be more conservative now on ball control offense where'd that come from i never said that nobody in this building ever said that so where'd you come up with that just you know had a dream about it or what and i even got the the best one i got was i got a text from some players at the naval academy who had the largest battleship in the navy and says coach we got your back we'll come pick you up anytime you need us you know i you know i like playing golf you know i love the lake i swim in the lake and take a bath in the lake every day and everybody kills me over that you know people don't take bath in the lake you know i gotta have ivory soap so it floats you know so um well to be honest with you um um you know i hope we elect to kick ass is what i hope we do but it's called a lot see how he kind of gave up on the play he turned back so quickly and that time the officials did not buy it and nick was on the officials [Applause] field goal at the end and they wrote it by the fingernail into the national championship cody does it twice here's sabine [Applause] [Music] it would have been a first down too delay a game fire for the snap delay of the game offense five yard penalty remains four pounds they had it too sure did way back to the back end is the guy that's responsible for calling that play and he whistles it just as it's let's see if he comes and actually we focus in but it was the back judge and you know nick saban was not happy about that who would be now i'm going to make a statement about something because i thought you would surely ask so this will be the last time this ever gets talked about so no one needs to ever ask me because i'm going to tell you to pull it up on your little computer or facebook or whatever twitter or whatever you do right i just want everybody to know that i'm opposed to an unauthorized biography for anybody alright and i think that's you know some person that you don't even know trying to profit by your story and uh or someone else's story and um you know one of these days when i'm finished coaching in alabama i'll write an authorized book because you know there's really only one expert on my life and guess who that is me and there won't be any misinformation there won't be any false statements there won't be any hearsay you know there won't be any expert analysis from somebody else it'll be the real deal but i'm not really ready for that to happen and you know it's a little amazing to me that the timing of all this happening right when we're starting camp i just want everybody out there and all of our fans know it's not going to be a distraction to us and it's never going to get discussed again but since i'm not finished yet at alabama we're not writing any books yet but when we decide to write an authorized book it will have the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that's okay thank you jalen and tua but coach wasn't having it today what if what if this happens what if that happens and you're asking me a what if both quarterbacks play and i don't have an answer for that i don't have any what do you call those things what do we call that when we what if yeah hypotheticals i mean that's a hard word for me he's pretty much of a weapon here he is the star of the game so far in my mind kenyon drake up from another one picked up and returned it's fowler then the ball is loose again let's have a rugby scrum and fowler ended up with it holy cow this play was discombobulated from the start the quarterback runs into the running back it's going to be the quarterback keep he runs into him never handles the ball pressure inside on the play and then it goes from one guy to the next guy to the next guy and finally fowler yeah ended up with it ended up with it that's three loss fumbles for wow you just do not see this in an alabama team aj mccurran right now is saying i remember that speech now i was in here on monday and i was on a conference call today and i have yet to be an ask ask a question about the game not not one not one question about the game so if you don't have a question about the game do me a favor and don't ask because i don't want to get on national tv and embarrass myself anymore this week is that fair enough you don't even try to throw at them notre dame and everybody else he's in perfect position again and if he comes down and bounds it's an interception it's a bigger receiver it doesn't matter patrick head coach alabama 15 young penalty from the previous spot automatic first down his first unsportsmanlike condo dad can't believe it it's not out of character for nick to be a little agitated even with a big lead constantly coaching and teaching what was the explanation given to you for the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty at the end oh i i was just you know out on the field about two steps because i was yelling at one of our linebackers who didn't drop in the right direction which i i've done that pretty much all of my career and it wasn't during a live ball it wasn't so and i guess technically you're not supposed to do that um but i mean i'm not i i i look i'm not criticizing anybody i'm not complaining i'm just saying i've been a head coach for 20 some years and i've never been called for that so what good does it do what does it mean it means nothing i don't even know why we have it the only time means anything the only thing only reason we have it is for folks like you to talk about and write about that's all it is you've become infamous for your kind of a visible annoyance at certain questions at press conferences oh yeah i was nervous for this interview what is the thing that bothers you most what sets you off at those press conferences you know really i think sometimes i'm just trying to get a message across through the media to our team and when somebody asks me a question that gives me an opportunity to do that i do it and it's really to benefit our team it's not really to make anybody look bad um but i want our team to get the message and uh so that's kind of you know i think i think i think you guys use me sometimes to create a little news all right so i'm just going to use you to create a little news with our team we have to do things right as opposed to just thinking that's always going to just we're going to get a good bounce at the end somehow and doesn't always work out that way it's amazing to me how people respond better yeah when things go poorly than when things go well i mean i guess it's human nature you know it's no different than the salesman at the car dealership you know when he sells his 10 cars for the month he's not motivated to set the record he wants to go home and eat tostitos and drink beer you know and watch tv i mean because he made his quota for the month survival is more human nature than it is to be special good and to win a championship you got to have a whole bunch of people that want to be special good so yeah you've always said that i've learned i've learned that from you it's just it's hard to keep trying to achieve to the top level all the time it's easy when you're down to bounce back but it's hard to achieve it all the time jones play action get some pressure and they just lob this one away intentional grounding right there he was in the pocket i don't know if it crossed the line of scrimmage and i think he was saving a sack this one could cost him he might have a delayed flag we'll wait and see herring and arjun lowry were putting the pressure on him there's nobody home out there where he threw it i think that was intentional grounding takes a rounding offense number two the penalty will place the ball at the spot on the foul and includes nobody knows intentional grounding better than me that was a position to work with along with the plus 49 but the ball has fumbled his very first snap and sc recovers cameron smith recovers it and there is confusion they all think they have this illusion of choice like i can do whatever i want to do and we kind of have a younger generation now that doesn't always get told no they don't always get told this is exactly how you need to do it so they have this illusion that they have all these choices but the fact of the matter is if you want to be good you really don't have a lot of choices because it takes what it takes you have to do what you have to do to be successful coach what did you see from keller crist on those two drives that you could affect defensively in the second half well you know it's really i mean he's a good player we got a lot of respect for him but you know we messed up so he messed up on the fleet flicker we busted the coverage in the back end they got us in man-to-man and mack had to back and the guy ran a slugo on him so their player beat our player and he made a good throw to have 42 points on the board and two are playing the way he has do we see him go in the second half yeah why not i mean you know probably see jalen too but you know we like to play 60-minute games we're gonna look at the scoreboard so i don't answer scoreboard questions all right i want to ask them thanks thanks thanks jeremy smart's trying to make a play on the ball he's over here nick's right there he makes the catch gets his knee down for the interception that's a that's a linebacker yeah two-handed grab does get the knee and the elbow down as cook is picked up for the second time you see his eyes watching that ball it's we're going the other way and that secures the shutout almost a smile almost a smile from nick there a lot of smiles from from lee and his teammates [Music] [Applause] well first time i've been out on the boat and the fuel pump went out all right so we did not run out of gas now there has been some benefit from everybody thinking we ran out of gas i've got at least a hundred gas cans i got plenty of gas plants anybody needs one let me know because i can't use them you know we've always had a rule where you know players don't talk to the opposing team i tell our players you know if you want to talk to the other team to join a goddamn debate i mean i mean excuse my language but i'm really sorry for you know using the lord's name in vain but i just really get hot about what i see in sports that we promote this is the best this is the absolute best because i absolutely love this team i love all the adversity that they had to overcome and resiliency that they went through all right to be able to do this and i appreciate it [Applause] constant excellence bama bludgeons the buckeyes and sabin steps past paul bryant with his seventh national championship you know thank everybody here in the media for doing such a great job of covering our team our guys get a lot of positive self-gratification from what you do and even though you think i don't like you i really do appreciate what you do and i do like you so thank you this team was a lot of fun to watch i mean that offense it's not like your defense is shabby but that offense you almost scored every time you had the diamond ball is uh you know was that the best offense that you've had since you since you've been at alabama well i i tell you this was a fun team to coach i don't know if it was disruptions of this season um that brought everybody closer together and actually made us a better team had better team togetherness everybody buying into doing the things that they needed to do we had really good leadership you know on this team but the offense was very very dynamic i actually thought that um when we lost waddle about halfway through the season it would be the equivalent of losing an allen iverson a guy that could score a lot of points because you know he affected the defense in so many ways but it was interesting to see how other guys just stepped up and picked it up and smitty had a great year the quarterback had a great year we had good balance on offense and they were really fun to watch
Channel: izallgood37 _
Views: 43,158
Rating: 4.9273829 out of 5
Id: O9QEWV1ad_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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