Nick Saban - Preparing to Defend Passing Teams - Full Video

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[Music] you that I have about how to defend against a prepare for a passing team I'll be glad to send it to you alright I've got it you can have it and it's a pretty nice in fact I'll just show it to you if you if you want it I was going to talk about this in a little different way I think it presents itself a little bit better that way but these are just some of the things that we would go through and we still go through I that I think are important in preparing it and again this is attitude type stuff which I don't want to talk about anymore and that's why I'm what we're presented to you in a different way the part of this that you may be interested in more interested in is there are fundamentals that are important in secondary play and linebacker play and drills on this sheet that you may be interested in that I usually talk about that I'm not going to talk about I'm just showing you this so if you want it you can get it from me and there's an eye always coach the secondary for 20 years so I had a page like this that's that these were all the things that I thought it was a checklist I also have a daily and a weekly checklist the different areas of things that if you want a copy of this that's the only reason I'm showing it to you give me a card or something afterwards and I'll have some I'll send it out to you and you'll get it in a week or so but I'm not going to approach it this way for you I'm going to talk about hopefully I'll tie this together for you there's two real kind of coverages that I talked about that that I that we think there really are in football if you were coaching a quarterback what do you tell a quarterback there's a middle of the field safety of their hidden one right so to me yeah middle of the field coverages yes what safety cover all right so what I'm going to talk to you about is middle of the field coverage first because I think that applies most to play an eight-man Front's most to stopping the run and those types of things and the principles of it and I'm going to present it in a way that hopefully will help you present it so that your players understand that as well and and show you again why and this is how I present it to our players and I think they understand it that way and it's the same way I presented it to the players in Cleveland and you know you know they could understand it that way too and this is the first thing that I show them when we do a middle of the field we put in the middle of the field coverage now what our middle to field coverages to me you can play three deep zone with strong rotation which I call cover three right you can play sky support cloud support buzz support which to me is the background of the flatness safety down in the hole I cover sixes you can play week rotation in the secondary which is still what three deep tone with the middle of the field player but now the safety is down for the weak side or the corners down week or you buzz that side you play middle of the field coverage which is man-to-man man free cover one to me is man free rat in the hole which I think is the best coverage in ball it's absolutely the best coverage in ball they can't run the ball the quarterbacks got to throw the ball outside can't make any easy throws like when you play zone and it's a good coverage and I'll talk to you about the covers a little bit but all three of those coverages completely tie together because they're all what middle of the field middle safety you got a guy in the middle of the field so everything that you do is relative to the guy in the middle of the field that's how we coach it all right now this area right here that you see of course here's the ball all right this is the area that the free safety defense now this field is drawn up as a college field is today they didn't move the hash marks in high school did they did they move the hash marks in high school in the movement college so your fields a little bit different but the principles still the same the pro field is different in this too I had to adapt back to this but just to get give it to you it's seven yards to here it's nine yards to here okay these hash marks got moved a couple yards so this is your hash mark right here at 17 yards which is where that which is easier on your field to apply these principles that I'm going to give you than it is on ours all right but everything you teach a corner in terms of leverage as a deep third player should be because of the relative distance that he is from the middle of field safety so the seams don't get too large between the safety and the corner in other words the first thing that I'll give a corner as I say all right this is your divider right here one yard top of the numbers ten yards from the sidelines if the balls in the middle of the field what does that divider mean to that guy it means that the guys outside that divider you should be inside technique because what is it created it's created a big distance between you and safety so there's a seam in there correct if he's got a short split he's inside your divider what technique should you play against them play outside technique and play it outside relative to your divider what does that mean if he's five yards inside your divider line up two yards outside off how close is he to the safety he's real close to the safety right so if he runs deep and down the middle of the field who's gonna be there the safety where is he gonna beat you at outside correct so it all starts with that and that divider guys for your corner play to me runs all the way down the field what does that mean what if a guy stems let's say this this line right here is my divider I'm a receiver the ball is in there and I line up right smack dab on this divider this line it's running right down the middle floor and that corner plays me outside technique if I stem outside what should that corner be where should it be now inside technique right because I've now done what is the receiver extended the distance between me and the safety if I line up way out here where would the corner line up inside what if I stem off the ball like this where should the corner be outside that's what I mean by position relative to the divider now that sheet that I put up there before about how to get ready for a passing team there's a whole section on position maintenance technique which you got to teach a kid how to do what adjust horizontally and vertically high to play in the secondary you got to be able to do that now if you're if you all you guys still believe in teaching back pedal probably right I I don't very much but oh I did for 20 years before I learned better but anyway if you're going to back pedal I obviously you do it just like you run you keep your knee waitwait over the balls of your feet you want your knees Bend here and you're going to work your arms exactly like this but to me to adjust horizontally out of a back pedal is very very important now everybody can do what teach the guy to turn his butt like this I think when you adjust outside it's okay to turn your butt when you adjust outside when you adjust inside if you turn your butt you block your hips in the middle of the field and sometimes you put yourself in a bad position and tie yourself up in other words if the balls in here and and I want to stem outside I think it's okay to do this because I end up doing what playing in a half turn still ice here receiver here I could see everything see number two all right when I do this and turn my hips inside and get in a position like this I'm not in a very good position right I got my hips locked out to the inside I can't get open to the middle field I've really been better off rolling over and turning my back to the quarterback so how should I put the best way for me to adjust in there tack heel the toe like this and stay square does everybody see that and most kids will have a tough time doing it this is how I teach it real quick they got me with so many wires here all right it's just I'm gonna stand here like this and I say you slide slide here to there here to there here to there you need to go over here just start the other way right like this don't cross over just take heel-toe heel-toe almost like doing the waltz alright now we can talk about this theory but you packed pedal against Willie Gault reason that you can't defend anything he's too fast he runs by you no matter what cushion you keep you keep enough cushion to keep him from running by you can't run any patterns gets any balls short but he runs out there and stops and you're 15 yards away from now how can you play closer to a receiver playing like this in the half turn because I'm already half turn I don't have to have transition from back pedal to running I'm already in a half turn and I can adjust in here like this keep leverage on a guy and play and a half turn just as well as anything else except one thing that I always have to do is when I'm in a half turn and the guy disappears to my back what do I need to do can't always do this has to be able to roll over like this which is a faster turn right then out of a back pedal and we've all coached all of our life back pedal and I'm like it killed up here back pedal and Transplant a point knee over the toe and accelerate out of the back pedal and all that and I'm telling you you can do this like this and do this faster and because of the guy in the meantime what can you be close to the guy because you don't have to ever go into transition to turn but anyway let's get back to this but that's the position maintenance that I'm talking about horizontal and vertical positioning on the field but it all starts with the middle of a field safety for corner the distance relative to the safety how you keep leverage on the player all right now if we're gonna play three deep sown that doesn't change I don't care what the rotation is as long as the corners have the deep third I don't care who the deep third player is that relative position should be the same on that guy to use the middle of the field safety if we're playing man free what position do you think the corner should be on the guy if I'm a corner playing man free could you stand up a second we're gonna use this is a divider again the balls in there the balls in there he's the corner if I'm in here where should this guy be on me get turned to run okay alright that's a divider that's outside the divider this is inside the divider I'm closer to the safety now right so where do I want to be outside since I have a middle of the field safety helping me how can i play this guy what what should be my birdie position on a guy high shoulder low shoulder even shoulder that that's how I teach well if I got a safety right there why should I have to stay high on the guy all's I have to defend now is the seven and I'm outside of them so if I run to the seven you can jump back up and cut me off anyway because you're outside right all right now I got help in there so if you're inside a divider I'm gonna play or what outside and low okay you're the corner again now if I release out here with the safeties in there right and the balls in here I release out here what position you think this guy needs to keep on me now what would you say inside because the distance for the safety but and high why because you're gonna keep me cut off because there's no help over the top so when I say let me be the receiver of the defensive back okay all right you take off down the sidelines I'm gonna jam you it and I'm going to keep it cut off because I can control your speed now run I can control your speed I got you cut off I'm high shoulder I got no help here I also got to do is worry about the guy running or what come back right so for that corner that principle of how to play three deep zone to me is very important because it's all relative to what guy the middle of field safety so if I don't and and and and the principle is the same and all coverages for the corner if you're in phase I always tell guys if you're in phase with the receiver which to me back to the ball because if I'm high shoulder I'm in face alright set up again - if I'm we're running down the steel I'm in phase right now right if I'm even with the guy or hi I'm in phase so I become the receiver now I feel and squeeze the guy and look for the ball like this okay now if I can make a play on the ball I make it I use this hand most people don't teach this but I use this hand while I'm looking to do this and this and I'm always going to get the first rake with this hand on the throat and then do this if I can't get the ball all right now if I'm out of phase on the guy then I'm gonna play the ball through the man I got beat where I got no help I'm love shoulder on the guy right I'm not gonna look for the ball now like this I'm gonna play the ball eyes and hands through the guy look for the ball drop your eyes I'm gonna play where he goes with the ball alright that's out of phase and plan the ball for defensive backs or linebackers the first thing I ask them when they play the ball is were you in phase with the guy why'd you look that way you were out of phase so you didn't play the ball correctly alright so the principle for the corners everybody understand it now now let's just get into the bump-and-run here because this is how I teach stuff guys by principle alright I'll be the defensive back now right here hi he's the receiver balls in there on the left corner on defense all right that guy split right onto the divider what should my technique big full press if I'm gonna play bump and run on that guy why he's got he's got a normal split I don't know if he's going inside or out I'm not gonna uncover him to the inside because then he buys grass and gets on top of me outside I'm gonna protect myself there if he goes inside I'll run him off the plane I can play them low shoulder so I playing full pressed little wider split takes a wider split doesn't have as much room to run outside get on top he's not gonna run a nine so now I'm gonna take a slightly inside position on it right because the worst thing can happen is give them an inside release outside a divider safety can't make the play I can't make the play either all right now he moves in takes a short split where I'm gonna play him now slightly outside right the guys buying grass to run a nine so I'm gonna put myself in good position if he releases in here what's he got even if I don't hit him where does he guy he's into the safety right Safety's got to make the play from the numbers of the numbers in the middle field all right then I'm gonna offhand Jam him as he goes by watching his stand right here on the device I'm watching his hips he comes off the ball release around me one way or the other all right then I'm gonna offhand Jam them this way whatever way he turns his hips and gives up the angle I'm gonna take the off in now if he walks up on top of me like like he just did I'm gonna pop his ass before it ever happened all right but I'm just saying he's going to be as a receiver he's gonna he's going to look to not get hit so he's gonna move around me all right now and I'm thinking strong with the inside hand because he's probably gonna outside release now release this way all right and I'm right like this and I slide into the guy off hand Jam slide into them and you want to jam them from the tip to the in front of the shoulder all right then come off in faith with the guy relative to the safety so if we back up a step so I can do that right if he releases in here I Jam now when I come off this where don't want to be low right right here running in I'll play them like this this hands gonna hook them and hook here don't cover the shoulder all right if he runs back to the seven I'm gonna jump back up on them like this and play them here all right now on the seven to play the ball if there's horizontal distance now the other way you can be out of face is you may be in phase with the guy vertically but being out of phase horizontally and then you've got to play the ball through him - if this guy runs a seven and he goes away in there and we come out and this is a post corner and I'm running like this on I'm not in I'm in vertical phase with them I'm not in horizontal phase so if I play the ball like this he's gonna catch the ball cuz I can't get but I'll play the ball now like this because I'm not in horizontal phase not because of that vertical phase all right now the guy runs outside and we'll keep cut off right keep them cut off stay high on them keep cut off now what you read when you're playing coach close coverages you read the guy's hips you look for the guy to run down the field and when the guy goes like this which way am I gonna cut I'm gonna cut this way arm will fall down I can't hardly go that way now speed cuts are hard to read but they're all short right so you read the guy's lower body you try to get on the same foot that he's on and when that hip rolls through for him to plant where are you you're on the same foot running the pattern with him when he goes like that you go like that too and that's what you try to teach anyway I'm not really here to totally teach you bump and run just the principle of positioning how to use a safety and that's how use a safety and 3d or regular coverage now there's one other principle to 3d coverage that I think is important all right and that's the seams on the field when you plan 3d there's a place and everybody probably does this you all probably have a free safety run fish tail in the middle of the field run two guys down the field about right there outside two hash marks and throw the ball right break on the ball drill everybody do that I've done all my life all right now if they run double seam on that safety in the game and nobody keeps those guys from running in that spot it's a break on the ball drill for him all right now the three things in zone defense that we teach our players is number one you drop to an area you rewrite the receiver reroute the receiver number two you match the pattern now I'll talk to you about that with zone integrity if we're playing zone and the last thing you do is break on the ball now there's three kind of pass defense that you can play you can play man-to-man which we talked about a little bit you can play zone which I just gave you our principle zone and you can play pattern match which means you're going to match the pattern after the and distribution now you watch these basketball teams play I watched Bobby Knights team play they play man-to-man sometimes they play zone match man no - right and sometimes some teams play a three-two zone Michigan State won a national championship with Magic Johnson or they never played it down a man-to-man a whole basketball season or anything else they just played that one zone all right now but my point on this diagram is is you cannot let people when you're playing three deep zone run free in that part of the field those are the two seams so we will always have a player drop to the scene to reroute the seam if somebody's running in example all right let's put the ball right here I can't draw this totally - all right if this tight end runs like that down the field in the song stage three by four by four however you play him and he drops right there and that guy's running down the field what what should the Safety's got to reroute he's got to make him run out of that area before he goes any further and he's got to do it at ten yards because you heard me talk about and playing bump and run you keep the receivers cut off when you play zone pass defense and everyone in vertical you keep them cut off - and if you're an underneath defender you stay on top of them because if you reroute them early and jam them early what happened well I'm the strong safety here this man right here is a tight end all day all right now I'm lined up right here like this at four yards deep that guy takes an outside release and runs in the scene come on he runs in the seam I Jam his ass right here at three or four yards what happened as soon as he gets back on top of me work and he run wherever he wants to run right back in the seam right same thing when we get to cover - now if he takes that same deal and I drop back here - ten yards and I'm standing in the seam and I rewrite them out of the seam at ten yards then by the time the ball is thrown he'll never be back in the scene he'll either be into the safety or into the corner one of the right so you've got your underneath cover people and they're rerouting you have to keep the guys cut off to ten yards which means they stay on top oh they have the the receivers have to run through them to get where they want to go all right so in this coverage here we are not going to let anybody run the scene now you can usually tell your players they don't have to worry about the scene as soon as there's two backs in the backfield because there's no CC and if there's no double seen the safety can play because he should always read to to that side anyway to know if he's coming in the scene now what would I tell this safety right here all right if I was preparing for a passing team if the number two receiver runs vertical like that there's probably three patterns that it can be maybe it's different in high school but this is what I've been exposed to first of all you get this pattern right here which I call what that's a smash okay you can get the tight end coming up the seam and this guy running an out route which I call pull all right and you can get the tight end well let's just put the tight end in the seam and the outside guy running that and that's it what double seam right and the tighten might do that if it's a middle read you might hook it up or whatever but basically how many more different routes are you going to get other than these three basic ones with the guy running in the scene there's going to be a few but that's where it all starts double seam semen out smash right and most of all most of all the diploid so right now this has got it down to what three things you got to defend as soon as the guy runs in the scene and that's how that's how we teach pattern matching to based on what the second receiver does and all that type of it all right now let me just before I go in to cover to let me just talk about about this pattern matching I mentioned it a couple times let me just talk to you about what I mean by what I'm saying there all right now also everybody and and and I've been on staff with at least bill belichick Al Groh Jim Bates Rick venturi woody wouldn't offer five guys and George perlis was to six that all have been coordinators in pro football that I've coached with on staff and a lot and for those guys coached with me and Cleveland but it doesn't make any difference we had a flat player over here we got a hook player over here or a hook curl player we got a hook player over here oh we got a curl flat player over here okay cuz we're rushing for right now we got a deep one third player we talked about some of his players we got a middle field player we haven't talked about him yeah we got a deep one third player here all right now if those are the players and everybody thinks I'm crazy on this but this is the way I teach it and and you may not need to teach it this way all right but I put that on the board and we teach cover three and cover six I and buzz and everything else that goes with it right at the same time so how can you play all these coverages it's three deep zone guys however we put the parts in make no difference whether it's cloud Sky buzz whatever it is because here's the positions and here's what you relate to all right now these two guys that drop over here I don't care who they are whether it's a safety of will or whatever you're dropping through the seam you're dropping when the balls on the hash mark we make him the seam guy in college because it's too far for him the ball is never on the hash in pro you're relating to number one you're relating to number two after the pattern distribution you're relating to number three you're relating number two don't let one catch it outside and run with it all right that's what you're relating to hi here's your drop point alright this guy's got to reroute both these guys could have to reroute whether the balls on the hash there in the middle field it's impossible for the flat dropper to reroute when the balls on the hash it'll be impossible for you to so you give it to this guy but you don't have to worry about it unless this guy's up on line probably all right now what do I mean by you relate to one two and three and all that stuff after the pattern distribution after you drop and you're you two guys are tied to a strength on how you drop and expand but you're limited to how much you can expand what you can contract in that zone based on where the players are so we'll just take a very simple pattern here where he does that he does that he does that he does that and he does that now I have the pattern distribution who's one over here who's two who's three who's - who's one right so this safety drops to the seam is there anybody to rewrite the scene nobody to reroute your inside out on the outside receiver ten yards deep you hold on to for as long as you can all right this guy here drops to the hook and he's going to stack the hook at ten yards and he'll take it back to the ball he has to and that's number three which is that check down these two guys on here one to match this guy's going through the scene through number one he's expanding with one two goes out I go to the new - which is right here and that's how we would match that pattern on that side all right so everybody's gonna stack up on these receivers now who's the ball board here this guy right here what are we going to defend in this defense the middle of the field we're not gonna let them throw the ball vertical down the middle of field you're gonna throw the ball in the flat in the flat short in the flat outside that's really gonna throw it they're not gonna throw it in the middle so we're not gonna run out and defend this guy and let this guy catch the ball now eventually this guy will get stretched out of here but this corner plan may include technique keys number two no - in the seam what's he do squeeze one man-to-man so he's playing like cover 1 both corners would be squeezing these guys man-to-man you got to run through with the flat players when you play like that now what if we call 3 buzz and this guy here was a safety this guy here would be the backer this guy here would be a backer this guy here would be a backer right would it make any difference how they match the pattern different guys interchangeable parts if you're playing sky this guy's our safety what if we play cover six three deep zone with weak rotation who's the safety that guy does the same thing the we'll just do this guy now becomes the will which was the Mike and cover three the Mike now becomes the what who was the Sam who plays a front I'd hook and who is this guy dropping to the flat the Sam who's playing the flat just like he did in three busts same pattern match so you just teach them all and you can play whatever you want right now we've talked about how to play every position in three deep sown underneath both ways now does anybody have any questions and we play patterns guys I mean we play patterns just like I'm sure you see this pattern probably out of slot probably with the ball in the hash I like I'm gonna draw it up everybody see that in high school ball now how should that safety play those drops to the scene there's nobody in the scene he's got to start expanding how should he expand I call that a sail technique I don't see very many people teach it I don't see it played this way all right we played it this way in Cleveland I know a lot of people are doing pros but if that was a corner playing cover two how would you wanted to play that if I was a corner and cover two playing that I would play it right like this balls in there tight ends up here guy in the flats right there and then I would expand like this with my belly button pointed to the upfield part of the zone and then I would slow turn break to the short part of the zone right but we all teach the safety to do what division point back like this and start to expand like this and turn his back to the high part of the zone right so he has to play what a lot deeper because he can't see the guy so he gets a lot further away from the guy in the fly all right now and I'm a stupid hillbilly so you guys that don't you can laugh if you want but I found the strong safety and I back up and getting a vision point and go through the seam and all that stuff that I've been talking about and I see the tight end coming it's three out strong flood it's going to be the sail route I come out of here like this and as soon as I see that happening I take the safety and play in the same way as I play the corner flip them over and play a sail technique does everybody see what I'm talking about I can do it better over here I'm the safety I come out I come out this man right here is a tight end this guy's guy going on the flat I've coming out like this like a safety it's as I see that I can go like this and it start running or I can flip over like this and play just like the corner would and split the zone but from top down pointed top anytime you play top down which is how you always got to play you should always tell the guy to play facing the top right that's the way I tell another way okay but that's the principle then of three deep song with everybody but the middle field player yes I tell the free safety if you could line up right smack dab in the middle of where the wideouts are then that's where you line up if there's a wide out here and a wide out here and you could line up 10 to 12 yards deep 12 yards for most of them right in the middle of where those two guys are that's where you should be all right but then we redefine the field what I use for the safe a lot is this is the goalpost right when the balls on the hash over here I really tell the safety you're playing this this is the middle of the field for you all right because if the quarterback drops back it's hard for him and and I didn't go over this but if the balls on this hash this one yard from the numbers goes three yards so basically you just cut a couple yards of the field off because the quarterbacks got to throw it 50 yards to get it there okay so you defend a little less so everybody cheats all right and then this divider cheats and this divider actually pushes out a little bit too because it's how far the ball can go to get there all right now the middle of the field safety depending on where the ball is I don't think he should ever line up inside the hash okay and I we always tell them to line up in the tackle box even if it's slot formation and know with week I don't like to take the middle of field safety pass the front side tackle if it's a pro formation he should line up between the ball and the weak side tackle very seldom have we take them beyond the ball unless it would be too tight no width on one side does that answer your question okay well I've always read defensive backs through the line all right so he would read through the uncovered alignment to the ball but I think the linemen show you running past faster than anything else and you know we always teach the same principles that we get a primary support a secondary support which is a run pass guy to and a cutback down everything in an alley player and the safety in three deep song is usually the alley player both way now what I teach the safeties to do very quickly is you're going to shuffle I try to get to safety a shuffle back with their shoulders square because I think the safety should attack the line of scrimmage at the same angle the runner attacks at at in other words if I'm a tailback and we run the inside role play and it probably most of you guys in here coach the running backs right you're going to flight step and keep your shoulders Square and take that role step and take the ball on the inside hip of the tackle and be able to cut the ball back or your shoulders are square right you're going to be able to do that all right now if you can cut it back as a runner then I want the safety to attack the line the same way flight step and roll and come inside out on the ball like this with my shoulders square I see free safeties doing this get into the middle all right then it's the inside roll play and they turn their shoulders like this and come back at the ball and even though they're inside out their hips are pointing this way can the guy cut back on them yeah so you attack the line of scrimmage the same way that the runner does now if I'm the tailback and it's outside role play sprint play I take the ball like this am I gonna cut it back no that's the most stretch out right I might stop and cut it back but I'm not trying to bend it back this way so now as a safety I should take that my shoulders of the sea-ice shuffle and I flight step and I'm coming out the line of scrimmage the same where you are as a runner I tell your the tailback line 11 12 yards deep but we key the linemen the uncovered linemen for run pass as well as the ball and then what you really got to work hard the downside of that is is the running play pass you know the old Boomer Esiason you know giving it one of these shots where he fakes the ball hard and linemen come off hard and all that stuff and then he comes up and bombs it to you bombs boom okay kites anybody have any questions about you giving me the high sign for 10 minutes all right now what I wanted to talk to you guys about all right with a couple more principles about this stuff here is you've got the middle of the field principle right all right now here's what I like to play middle of the field coverage if they have two backs in the backfield alright you might as well play an eight-man front right I mean so you always ought to be playing the middle of the field covered if they're in Tripps formation and they're overloading you alright there's no sense and really planned split safety coverages doesn't do you any good it really doesn't I mean you got heavy sets all right now two by two is a time where when you split the safeties in the coverage it really helps you because when they get a told principle they're like this all right now this this to me is the pattern that kills three deep zone that's it double seam all right now you're gonna coach so hard to keep these guys out of the seam you always give up this pattern or at least we do we're gonna blame cover three alright so when they get two by two that's when you cover to the quarter quarter half stuff that people talk about quarter quarter on both sides you know those types of things to me should be what you try to apply all right but I mean this is just very general here now all right but the best coverage for all the way around is and and I don't know why more people don't play it and lower levels but cover one is the absolute and it's a simple simple simple coverage all right now in cover one you'd line up exactly like cover three you can play the coroner's bumper off you still have a middle of the field safety who is free in the middle of the field all right let's just line it up like we're gonna play a 4-3 or an over front eye to play it all right but basically the will and the Sam and the Mike is free these two guys have these two guys outside technique man-to-man this guy has the tight end a strong safety this guy's free in the middle of the field he's got him he's got him okay now any this guy's still playing skies support just like cover three all right if this guy runs across the field the Michael take them and the safety will become the free guy okay the other rule for the Mike is he always has a second back you don't have to play it this way but that's the way we play it in other words if they both went this way who has this guy that's the second back right so mike has him he becomes a wrap if they both went this way who's a free guy the Wills the free guy Mike takes the second back Sam takes the first back don't play it in and out just second back rule okay all right Safety's got too tight in but our safety would say sky right what does rat me rat means I got the tight end but I'm in a safety position on them I'm gonna run support and I'm gonna stay here he runs across the field I can't cover him free backer you got to cut me off of them and take him and I'll take your place that's what rat me all right so you got the whole formation leverage you got everything in good shape this guy runs across the field he takes them you become that guy right what if its flow pass on the same deal I say they're in this and they flow path who has these two guys who's the free guy who has a second man he's the free guy right now the tight end drags across who's got him Will's got the cut safety comes up in the hole when that guy runs that heat the corner gets double hell got milled the field safety and a whole play we got a hole player in the middle of field player all the time can't defend the middle of field any better than that right all right now how do you adjust the coverage out you can do it two ways on backfield breaks I told you everything you need to know about the coverage talk a little bit about playing bump-and-run all right now if we just call cover one period all right the will has to take split inside breaks split inside breaks not the wide outs backfield okay if you get a tight inside break the safety takes them and then the Sam takes the tight in there slides over takes the tight end then the Mike and we'll have the back and the hole whichever way the back goes the other guy has a hole and you cut the guy off and we call it funnel when our linebackers play three on two and if we got our one back set lined up I don't care how we're playing the rest of it and these three guys had these two in the hole we'd just call that funk and for this guy to get help on the slot on a cross or he has to call rat rat tells the linebackers that guys in the funnel so if he runs across the field you cut them the whole players cut take them off all right now what kind of technique would I play on that slot guy right there you got a middle of field safety right from what we talked about before I play that guy outside technique all the way be run across the field what would happen see that happen hit take him he's a free guy he hooks up he's got him who takes him he cuts them he comes back in the hole you end up with that double net right level of coverage off however you want to do it that's cover 1 now if we play one alert and you never want a linebacker you never want the linebacker to cover anybody but the tight end and the backside and one back set then we play one alert and the safeties do this so you're getting this like this safeties got this free safeties got this these three guys have what these two guys this guy goes in motion to here if we call one alert it means that the tight end and the remaining back are always taken by the backers and all breaks are taken by the safety the safeties would spin and this guy would now take this guy this guy would become the middle of the field player these guys would slide away from that and how those two guys in their hole that's just another way to do it if you don't want them to take any any breaks off of that alright now one other thing I wanted to talk to you about which I missed it was when we were in this pattern matching stuff now back to zone hi everybody flow pass you should have rules for in every coverage that you have okay now first of all I'm just going to go on flow pass hi if we're playing three deep zone and it's flow pass I we're going to match the pattern it flood to coverage Will's got number four in first crosser or first crossing hi this backside corner have anybody in the scene no can't he's man-to-man on that guy alright if this guy runs across the field who's got him Will's going to take them take a man-to-man alright once we get flow pass this guy's on one two and three we're playing like pattern match now okay this corner here is going to be man squeeze based on his divider and you still got to safety in the middle of the field all right so when all this happens right here all right when we get across her in three deep sown we're going to robot the weak hook player will takes the first crosser he robots we got one going back so these guys don't play one and two anymore they play two and three like they always would because one went back in flow path so we would actually robot this guy to the hole and he would look for the X or Z dig because we're in a one here three level vertical pattern of the offense so if we play regular levels on defense we can't win because they're going to high-low our players we've got two levels of players they got three levels of player we can't win so what do we do with it we squeeze this we got a middle of the field level player to take this we got a second level player to take that the Sam and the safety have the check downs and underneath the Z so when this guy stops here the Sam is going to take him and this guy comes out to safety is going to take him will end up man matching it all right now if we had a blonde if you had a boot and you ran the common boot with him and the flat him run and a go him coming across making it hard this way coming out here that all right now every zone coverage we have flat defender on the side of the boot has a guy in the flap to hook players have a Titan in the cross sandwich strong safety is underneath one and that's the underneath pattern don't get outflanked okay so how would we take this pattern if we're in cover three Mike's a hook player Sam's the hook player Safety's my play who's got the first of the fly side of the boot well takes it where this guy did he just run to get on that side of the tight end he runs to stay on this side of the tight end what's the safety do underneath the Z match the next guy checking down don't get outflanked corners got nobody in the seam he's man-to-man corner he got nobody in the seam he's man-to-man free Safety's in the middle of field take the pattern man-to-man boots waggles all that stuff we just run and take the power flow passes run and take the path we don't because we got the guys on the edge most of the time but if Bob is gonna second contain anybody on this it would probably be this guy but if they don't have a guard pulling you really shouldn't need second contain because you should teach your guys to relative contained to run to the fly okay all right now one other thing you're kicking me out yet getting ready to about ready to all right now let me just show you the simple principle of you know you got two by two now here's the ball you got two by two all right now as soon as you get two by two I talked about playing cover two I can't get into it we don't have time or you got the corner rolled up jamming the flight safety plan and a half this guy now when you play to deep zone your reroute guys to the seam you're defending the middle of the field so where you rerouted this guy running this pattern out of there you reroute them to there now because what's that do to you it gets the safety leverage on the middle Reed right at ten yards you want that guy in the scene inside out like that all right now you got cover two now if you play quarter quarter you back this guy off you play quarter quarter you read to you reroute him you've totally matched the pattern now I call that box right if you wanted to play cut then what we would do in cut is this guy would play like cover two he plays a half wide and you tell all the inside players you have your guy inside and across the field if he runs the flat cut the one so if they run this pattern here what happened you trap the flat with him he runs and walls that guy if this guy runs down the seam what's he do with them I'm sorry let's go back up here if you're gonna cut cut mean if your guy runs inside or up the field you take them if he runs the flat you cut the one they do this I mean you've got that guy now and you got a half guy over the top it's like playing cover 5 5 under man too deep except to take him after the pattern distribution all right now if this guy number 2 runs up the field what's the will do carries on right if he runs inside her up the field you carry corner jams and plays the flat there's no smash rule on this he has to take the 7 safeties on top he's got that but but if you just play cut box and cut to zone against to buy to play three deep principles and there's a little bit more to it than what I explained to you today against two backs and trips and trips we would always play like flood coverage if there's no four week and what call that Mabel in other words Mabel we're flooding the coverage over and matching just like I talked about flow paths all right hey guys I'm really sorry but these guys that have these clinics 50 minutes not enough time Thanks [Music] you
Channel: Coaches Choice
Views: 3,975
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: instructional coaching videos, videos, coaching, instructional football videos, NFL, American Football, Football, highlights, sports, clips
Id: IsC9CeexMYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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