Alabama Fall Camp 2018 episodio 1

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a TNT what does it take to break you over the next thirty days we're gonna have to make a decision am I gonna be comfortable or uncomfortable and the way I go about this and it's gonna be hard to make it comfortable for everybody this is not normal I think something that everybody's got to realize we've kind of raised the bar in college booking this is just straight freaks all across the board again position what does it take to break you adversity really gonna hit you gonna hit you hard everybody out there is your five stars four stars no best guy on the team best guy in the state everybody's chasing us at Alabama you was the best in high school but it's 40 guys that just like you the best thing that we can do is push each other people are hiring people from this organization to try to figure out what we do the energy everybody's ready to go they're trying to catch us they're trying to get what we got and we got to do it better well isn't that why y'all are here y'all trying to find out what this thing's all about the question is is what will we become when the next 30 days this is so different than some other Alabama camps in recent years because there are so many question marks especially on defense and that's been a big talking point all offseason all summer long is who's gonna fill the holes especially in the secondary and that's what everyone's talking about going into the camp that of course in too try to make up for fire to the end zone [Music] the national champs are back on the field and the storyline everyone's talking about since the moment the clock went zero and overtime and Bama hoisted the trophy was who's the quarterback gonna be next year is it Jalen or is it - uh do you think you know what the number one question is gonna be today I think the number one thing that you'll want to talk about is the quarterback controversy that you'd love to create that you've already created that you will continue to create and I was tell you the same thing exists there and I know what the number one answer tonight is here already research that the algebra Quebec situation something the lottery wanna talk about you kept this whole quarterback thing coming up and I'd ask you about the quarterbacks but exactly no effect how do you look at the quarterback position people are going to ask you about - uh and Jalen like four by three boys and somebody's got to win the team to win the team you got to win the team to me one of those two guys got to win the team no question the players got to win the team and somebody's got to win the team over does the number one answer keep getting repeated to be the tournament you know it's yet to be determined yet to be determined will be determined we're talking about a quarterback in Jalen Hertz that is 26 and 2 as a starting quarterback and we're talking about to a tongue of Aloha that comes in off the bench in the second half against one of the best defenses in college football last year and wins the national championship someone else's number was called and I can't help that that happen it's a situation and I kind of got myself in as far as not finishing the game but it's definition I can get myself out of it [Music] which we got a freshman quarterback dude I mean I was just like you know he shares an opportunity to to get a chance to play and so I really didn't think too much of it as as far as there's so much people out there this is national championship I mean it just felt like another game still to be determined as to who's gonna play quarterback for Alabama so you can ask all the questions about it but it's still to be determined right you know me it's small be serious scowl you guys gotta clean up your game and I had ESPN The Magazine in yesterday they had all these shots going on got have Hotel California playing in the background he was talking and asking questions the whole time I mean come on we are slipping as an organization so we have some very talented players here today who have had very productive careers for us Ross Perce Bakker the fifth year senior is actually gonna have a master's degree in December you know I think the team's kind of ready for camp I I think we get to a point this summer where like you can only do so much running and someone's lifting and everyone just kind of just like start button heads and you just want to put the pads on so I think tours a ninja lie you know people kind of get anxious and so yeah fall camps right around the corner and it's my last go around Anthony Jennings has been an outstanding outside linebacker good pass rush a really good playmaker Forrest actually got injured at the end of the Clemson game and missed the national championship game last year let's talk in one Damien Harris who were excited about having back who returns after two back-to-back thousand yard seasons how much fun is navy and a man ready for this questions now [Music] did you guys at that I mean they're trying to kill me and I won't die I don't need the first one you didn't give me any time I ate half the sandwich and a damn chocolate chip cookie and salt oatmeal raisin cookies blandly don't bend this plan so I can't get a loan I know what it feels like to have no one care about anything as you're doing but see I'm gonna go to the lake of mystery and cooking for my athlete I bet that I'm like having foresight here a convenience stores on the way you can pull over [Music] training days roll with the time is brought to you by AT&T and by the University of Alabama where legends are made [Music] ESPN the magazine college football preview available now thank you sir sweet you I was debating whether I should leave this because I just broke my bed last night I didn't even do anything that's the thing I was just laying on the bed and I heard a pop and I thought like something happened outside I said oh but I went to look and just that's lat on the side cuz I've broken through the slats in the middle of the bed where the mattress sits like plenty of times but the actual 2x8 on the side of the bed right in the middle on the ground so I don't know if I should eat this thank you so much it doesn't phenomenal though as he gets gravy as I get sausage fat and flour to put them away I got offered to play a line my sophomore year Cal's my first offer was 240 pounds and I thought it was gonna be a d end in college I was always what I thought and they came in and said we're offering you to play a line offensive tackle and so I looked at myself and I'm like I'm 65 240 I need to be bigger I can't play in college at 240 so I had to gain 60 pounds and that's difficult to do obviously you need to eat a lot and have a really fast metabolism and so it's kind of a running joke in my family that if I don't eat my third dinner they ought to be I wake up seven pounds lighter and it's just kind of this you know battle for me yeah it's been like a running joke especially when I first came in as a freshman because I needed to gain a lot of weight and Ross would always just eat the food the head of the facility you know so we'd have you know a little plate of fried rice or whatever and I would eat that did I come over to his place after going to Publix and I get a pound of fried chicken pound of potatoes and a half gallon chocolate milk I just sit as kitchen table just hunker down even though I'd still come in a lose weight the next days yeah you'd be so frustrated 20,000 calories a day can't gain weight you think Tuscaloosa would be like the biggest place you recognize I don't think I've been talked to you once it does Colusa have to be honest with you we roll I'm in the whole line probs align life yeah but we should be them like people don't look at us by oh those guys are students you know no those guys are engineering students you know what I mean you'd think we'd be recognized before they're not small guys the one time I did get recognized though is really weird it was there in spring ball like two years ago and I went in to get lunch at Mo's BBQ and I walked in and there's like literally sixty men between the ages of 42 and 47 that are all there I'm like what conventions going on right now like as soon as I walked in they're all like whipped around I'm like okay I figured they were running the high school coaches clinic so of all people to be tuned into Alabama football I guess they were pretty tuned in but it was the most surreal thing I was like what conference is happening right now I think every now and then you walk around and people you know that's your kind of hear a whisper something that's you know then whoever but you know we probably don't get it recognized as much as I thought people recognize that we're football players but I don't know who we are yeah yeah how are you gonna play this year like hopefully uh try it yeah I don't know if I'll see the field but it I hope I'm not doing thing tonight yeah I'm literally gonna pack I'm I do up to pack though you're trying to kind of everybody come back to the door so you got fall camp coming up obviously got a move in today as my last one so I'm excited it's kind of bittersweet I've had to watch the film underwear stop three four pairs of shorts charges and stuff in there and then I got a little in ten dose switch whenever I get bored and my computer case I want to watch Netflix or something I mean we're so focused on football of it I mean honestly just volume just you know had some fresh clothes on over the mat I wish it looked like and he's just trying to get it and trying to get it going I'm good to go [Music] it's a little bit different this time around but it's always fun when you get back into football you know yet you haven't played in a few months so it's kind of exciting to get back into it yeah so there's four to a room two on each side got a nice little living room set up TV you barely spend time in here so it's you get here at like 10 o'clock and then lights out or at like 10:30 11:00 so we'll get here around 10:00 we might play some cards like 30 minutes then we're going to sleep that's fun it's laid-back I think but it's kind of like the calm before the storm you know it's like today we're gonna pat your back here you guys have fun but then tomorrow you know I'm getting on you're getting on you so that's how I kind of took it was like have fun but it's not to be game over for you guys [Music] are they ready for us inside all right you guys are ready to eat guys ready Jerome sit over there with me you said over there some of your guys I don't ever get to talk to they got exam to walk you know what you two guys sit over at the me and I'll two of you up reason I always had the players over is I always try to create some opportunities where you're with the players but you're not in a football sort of a situation you know whether it's a meeting or talking to him about academics or whatever I found that this is one of the things they really enjoyed on [Music] just oh you're getting in my boat you got some swimming trunks on doll come on right there [Music] [Music] [Music] can I get my groove on here come on come on - rez and get my boat John Stowe save young how many we got two four six seven everybody doesn't need a lifejacket this long as we got enough in each boat big ones little one [Music] who's my first tubers we got to - what I want you to do is you gotta climb up the back and the guy that's that's still on the tube hold the front of the other tube down go ahead jump on there [Music] a lot of the guys I've been underwater before they've never been on a boat they never been on a jet ski and they actually all do it and have fun so it's it's almost like a long it's a learning experience for them and I really enjoy doing then we can't even get any strolling down there's a hole that you're all right through when you're on the inside man you got to get the outside guy to move just like keeping leverage no they get too much leverage on the inside so as soon as you go over the weak that's gonna tip off it's all about leverage he won't kill by number this brute when he get out down that boat even wanna throw him out this is gold for the day this is like no competition I like flipping along the tube I like seeing them all sort of laugh at each other when somebody loses their britches it's a lot of fun [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like a big fun part you know you get over there you got to bin just I like to call it the father's home it really here you know because you don't have a lot of fun and then the next day campus you [Music] you did great and you stayed on there like three times it's good for the for the players I think to have a chance to relax a little bit you know there's a lot of anxiety with some of these guys first practice coming up first meetings coming up even though they've been here all summer so this is this is something that I think is good for them all and it really plays relationships and positive partnerships not only between some of the coaches and the players but also between the players having fun today tomorrow's gonna be like you say you just asleep all day [Music] thank you just sleeping I don't understand I like that you watch the football though that's a good thing and here knocks out Matty receivers these days I got flies oh yeah fly traps all right time to get up first down Freddie I like that you just sitting around what she was talking about three take stuff away swim along to Dubai [Music] [Music] then the water ain't gonna get off no dogs online and they're jammed up way too good and he opened up his eyes he was up at 5:30 yeah they learned a lot he just will go to sleep with the game off you wanna borrow mine all right no I need that the same coconuts and pineapples enough coconuts and crying out [Music] [Music] two training days rolling with the tide presented by AT&T Alabama head football coach Nick Saban got another contract extension keeping him in Tuscaloosa through the 2025 season he's led the Crimson Tide to four national titles in the last seven years including a bonus he'll make eight point three million dollars this next season this is the annual next kid's luncheon that we always have it to stadium we could probably have I don't know exactly Miss Terry probably knows 100 or so groups kids groups that we sort of give over a half a million dollars away today to these various organizations a lot of them that we support on an annual basis [Music] thank you thank you doing buddy good to see you man how's everything you know this really is in honor of you know my father who really helped a lot of kids started off on a football every kid knew if you needed anything come to my dad's for the station he would help you or give you a job or take a spare tire in for five bucks so you could do what you had to do I mean it was no man stands as tall and he Stoops to help a child this is one of the days that I enjoy most this event is something that I enjoy most this day to have the opportunity to have our players here we really appreciate their reporting today we start camp today the challenge of the season is here you know my mom said when my father passed away I was probably 22 or 23 years old you know if you ever get in a position where you can sort of carry on your dad's legacy of how he liked to help young people I love you see you do it so we've had this ever since Michigan State but in the last 10 or 15 years it's growing to be pretty big we're always gonna be here to help the people in our community and try to give back to the community because I think it's something that maybe more of us should think about doing because it really does help other people and at the end of the day if you don't have great relationships with the people that you care about it really doesn't matter so god bless you all and thank you so much for coming and Rho Todd thank you very much and now my partner in crime seems really the head coach - hey guys how we doing today good I want to welcome all you guys not really back because we've been here all summer I also want to thank the players that came over to Nick's kids today that's always a really great event for me I really appreciate you guys that do that because this is that that's about my dad's legacy it's the one thing that I do that I think he'd be proud of so I certainly appreciate you guys you know sort of contributing to the success of that for all the kids that we try to help their quality of life and their chances of being successful in life so the question is is what will we become you know in the next 30 days it's always the goal when camp all right to get every player to be ready to compete at the highest level that he can with the most consistency over the entire season and there's a lot of factors that go into that but I think something that everybody's got to realize that's a little bit different now is we've kind of raised the bar in college football alright we've raised the bar and the SEC high in terms of what we've accomplished and what we do I and everybody's chasing us I mean just look at all the teams that we play that have coaches that have been here in leadership roles whether it's Georgia Tennessee Texas A&M Oregon Auburn's defensive coordinator all over the league everybody that we play all right people are hiring people from this organization to try to figure out what we do all right so what we do is important but how we do what we do becomes more and more important and that's for every guy here in terms of how we do what we do all right it's we got to do it better so our goal is to have the kind of team that nobody wants to play and that means that we have to impose will to dominate the competition all the time so what does that take all right the first thing you have to do is you have to have toughness all right you got to be tougher than everybody that we play all right but you know I've never stood up here and all the time that I've been here and never really defined toughness for you the way I'm gonna define toughness to you because I'm talking about mental toughness and I think everybody can relate to it is it's all about what does it take to break you and the reason I come to this is we had to put hurricane windows in our house in Florida on the beach all right so I asked a guy how do you how do you figure out that these windows are better than those windows what does it take to break them all right so if you really think about toughness and mental toughness what does it take to break you I don't care what circumstance you take face with what does it take to break your focus because you get frustrated about what happened on the last play what does it take to make you give in cause it's hot outside or you're tired or you don't feel like running to the ball or give an effort or finish them to play like you should because of how you feel whether you're a little bit hurt what does it take to break you I'm not saying it's our goal to try to break you it's just the way it is in football when you go through camp it's going to be difficult because you're getting yourself ready to play an entire season at a high level so everybody here has got to have a lot of mental toughness to be able to sustain what we do at a high level and this because you got beat on the last play that can't affect your next play I or that's breaking you your frustration is breaking you this because you miss a block or you get blocked or you miss a tackle or you fumble the ball what does it take to break you we broke Waddell last night on the tube you got a little bloody nose man he was getting out the water fast and you can damn run all right so there's no easy way and everybody here knows that I've always talked about discipline but I think having toughness what breaks you is what helps you be able to maintain the discipline that you need to have to do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it the way it's supposed to get done because you minimize the circumstances that can affect your ability to do that welcome to training days rolling with the tide presented by AT&T [Music] all right anybody having issues with the meetings team meeting all right message what we want to do today is I think everybody knows the schedule but all right we're gonna be on fields one in two are you all right with that and we start on the a and like we always do and we have the same walk through now one thing I didn't understand last night is we're not doing these half lawn drills and stuff today and walk through so we didn't show him the organization of that last night all right so the most important thing that we should have gotten done in terms of this morning's organization was that if we go out there today and it's four minutes of explaining how to do the drill rather than doing the drill then you know we kind of missed the target you know everything should get explained and showing to a player in the meeting then it should get walked through all right then we actually have practice whatever and then it eventually ends up in some kind of group period than a team period all right then we can go do it but you know it's about five different opportunities for them to learn how to do it but it starts with showing them in the meeting and most of the town pictures do a lot better than talking all right so these things need to be taught in the meetings all right so we don't go out there and everybody's looking around like what are you talking about everything gets taught in the meeting [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah so what we've done is we take the coke savings fourth-quarter program and we put in a lot of the character development the mental conditioning for success plus the strength and conditioning to make them unshakable bulletproof so to speak you know an indestructible mindset so that when they go play they're at their best post cocking he does a great job with that that is one of the best stretching tradition coach that I ever seen no he's all about his players too he's another coach they trust the process trust his process you know he coached Aachen performs your body up to be amazed that what you're doing he fires you up he's energetic he sets the tone for us guys but like the heart of soul of this team really I don't know how he does it to be honest with you that we all love him and respect him but he grinds us you know like I don't know how he balances that but he does a great job he brings to energy every day talk about toughness we broke it does it take toughness everybody's hanging what does it take to write you what does it what does it sum up training camp how to separate the men from the boys I think it's just their time they're just football it's only time where we finished finals and they have just football on their plate and just keep it as much fun as possible because it's gonna be hard and I want I want it to be hard nothing in this world that's worth achieving is this is easy to get you want it to have a little difficulty alright everything you're doing right now we're talking about toughness right everything you're doing right now is about how much can you handle so don't look for the easy way go after it we do it that means meant once you know where you guys get the means do not be late for meetings it's 8:35 you gotta be in there means make sure you get there on time do not be late don't play around [Music] okay finishing with the UM with the install okay so I know we already did this today but both room watching the Blitz pick up and all that slush boot we talked about okay any questions on that that's a true progression for us this isn't slush boot looks like Gotti right but again just shut out here and your progression tation to the deep cross to the 200k I know this is empty but we were in jail right we were in train we had a slush boot we got Eagle Blitz cover zero right and how they adjust it out in a three by one is this backers walk it comes the safety came out a week he was on the plumb line so we might Tim right so so the backs gonna take him likes him a lock slide for him and that Mike's got the backing man that he's gonna check the back and then he's gonna add in hot so it's a cover zero total blitz it's gonna end up being seven men right well I got six blockers okay everybody understand that now the one thing we will have to do is team run and force drill that's the one who you guys are gonna have to change you don't say Jalen so I think you'd have team run with the ones so you get your plays you and then tool and you'll start force drill you'll get your four then you won't run over Jalen I run over here you'll get your fourth drill plays okay and then Jalen you got to run back to face with the ones and team run cuz you got those three blue plays at the end so we do silver and then we do good okay guys good on that all right Jalen I think you get more of the calm cool collected type of guy and I think he shows that on the field as well that's how he plays even off the field he's but they're both very approachable in the same way and very humble guys you're not gonna you know they're not gonna talk down to you at all with even the success that both of them have had which is you know I've gained a lot of respect from them because of that and they just want to win you know they're truly great competitors both of them and they'll do whatever you know put the team ahead of them and so yeah I mean to is just that fun you know guy he's always got a smile on his face so you know so whether he's singing hawaiian songs or anything he's just great got to be around just kind of you know brightens up the room and when it comes to the you know being on the field both those guys like I said great competitors want to win Jalen's always the calm cool and collected guy and just know that everything's gonna be alright you know or Bri we got this and two is more than you know the fiery you know clapping his hands trying to get us motivated so pick or choose your Titan you know I mean they're too obviously great competitors great quarterbacks and even better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] roll with the tide is brought to you by AT&T and by the University of Alabama where legends are made I think sometimes the only way to develop you know the kind of mental toughness and discipline is you have to be able to overcome hard get up in football position not an easy way quit looking for an easy way we don't try to make it tough we don't try to make it hard I mean it's just hard don't be so casual let's go threes silver let's go well the guys know like yeah there's gonna be my second training camp here at Alabama and I know what it takes now so it's only hard if you make it hard it's the heat and just the intensity and competitiveness and all the players are fighting for a spot it's gonna be hard but you gonna have an opportunity to play for the University I'll about [Music] vey strong three AutoCheck dot Mon do it again Rita buzz Rita buzz Mabel Mabel go together in three three three strong wrong strong duty hit based on three AutoCheck dot mod let's go under o1 alert do it again let's go under o6 adjusted fist hold up do it again hi we got under o1 alert under o1 alert base strong three Otto it's got strong in it so what is it do it again in camp every period is you know working your fundamentals and learning that but you're going against you know one of the best D lineman of the country and that's just kind of what you get used to because it's like that for two hours a day every day so you really have to be on your game you can't slack at all he expects you know perfection he will restart you know periods if he doesn't like what he sees or he'll get on is pretty good so I think that's why we really have to you know elevate our game and make sure that we're doing the things right and up to a standard we're gonna get it blocked off the corner the guys putting the thing in there your split replace your feet so you know you're gonna get that biggest split no split we got no splits over here look seriously when I say I'm like this when I say replace your feet do this put this foot wear this foot was you're doing this now you got no split right we have 6 min coaches and I I think we pretty much hit the jackpot on every one of them because I'm really really pleased with the staff we have young energetic new enthusiasm new ideas good recruiters I that's worked out really really well now it's a work in progress because they have a new defensive coordinating the offensive coordinators and special teams guys so it's it's almost like we started a new program like we left Alabama and went someplace so internally I mean in terms of what's that so you're gonna drop you're gonna say sit I'm gonna drop you and then I'm gonna flip you and flip you when I clap you're not gonna run when I clap you're gonna get your feet set you're gonna throw me the ball we got new quarterback coach coach Dani noce Jalen I think that's new - Jalen because Jalen didn't really have a quarterback coach coach eNOS is different in the way where he's done up he taught me some things that I've never heard before so for me if you look at four to five bit approaches anything maybe a lack of consistency or something but you have to take it as a positive and look at it like well I have four to five coaches that I can grab something from each coach and take it anything making you better I think this is something really good you know we have someone who's just focused on the quarterbacks you know so every time we're out there he's following us you know he's correcting us and it's all about the little things - coach Dan to look outside first or not back inside Pam good Jalen move over one two three look outside Jalen back inside boom good same thing with you Jalen hop in front if you need raps sonic we got Seattle middle closed here okay so I want you to read this safety and they come back and drill at 18 to 22 right there okay look outside in first Jalen look outside now drill it there you great throw nice ball - I had a boy let's go walk through on both ends let's go ones and threes are here [Music] hey why can't you carry over like everybody else your what what about you put the do can't carry okay you can't play we got to put somebody else in there you can play linebacker but you can't Carioca all right let's go blow the horn everybody's up up periscope all right I think today I was a perfect example of what I talked to you about yesterday what's your breaking point everybody out here today got to a point at some point practice most of them sometimes during seven-on-seven I are one of the team periods all right where you got to where you lost your focus I couldn't stay poised enough to do what you had to do all right because you got to thinking about the wrong stuff external factors how hot it was oh this happened I got stepped on my toe all right my my hamstring hurts I'm getting a cramp whatever it was you couldn't finish all right this drill that we did here condition by position half the guys didn't do the drill right because you couldn't finish because you mentally gave in I'm hurt I'm tired you've convinced yourself I can't run anymore all right so this is the very thing that everybody needs to understand about what kind of tough what is your breaking point how much can you push yourself high in look I'm glad it happened I expected it to happen all right but this was a good start I and I think it was a good practice for the first practice but everybody's got to challenge themselves to push it to the next level all right so that we increase our mental toughness and our discipline to sustained and everybody here knows when did I fall out today maybe not fall out of practice physically but when did you fall out of practice mentally high and that's the sign of your toughness let's build on what we did today guys let's go come on team on three one two three 47 days so opening game you expect Jalen to be on the roster well I have no idea I expect him to be there actually wouldn't talk to him about his comments on if he didn't know if I'd be here for the first game and we had a conversation about that and I was kind of shocked that he said that but um I told him in June that I'd be here I mean it was never a decision that need to be made in regards to me leaving that was something that the kind of general media media placed on me this is a situation at his home controller coaches can't control the situation dictating plays but as far as the other you know variations to it they don't control it honestly it has always been the elephant in the room for me it's kind of late it's too late the merited bazaars it's already been curated pretty we give players the opportunity to talk to the crowd and everybody has the right to say what they feel all these things are going to get decided on the field both guys deserve a fair opportunity at the position to win the team it's yet to be determined we gotta win the team will be the time me one of those two guys gotta win the team you have to be determined no question is not a winner community still to be determined [Music] [Music] [Music] it's just one of those things that most of you guys down here look better with you
Channel: College Football Nation
Views: 95,374
Rating: 4.8975673 out of 5
Keywords: College, football, nation
Id: 8VxxHKOTkgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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