The Ultimate Mine Explore (part 1)

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laughs good morning good morning Julie hi good  morning mind Lovers Tom and Julie here   we're gearing up today with all of our ropes  we're going down a vertical shaft actually   an incline shaft but a fairly steep one  we have about 500 and some feeder row we're going down that little hole right there   hopefully we'll find some cool stuff today  I have a good feeling that this will be a   fun mine to explore so let's get on with it  and we will let you know what we find good anyway it's a tight fit but I think you got it there he goes you just don't know what  you're dropping into as well   okay I am on the ladder we have a partial shaft  plug just below me about 20 feet I'm on the Rope rope is here so that's good I think we can just  sneak past that plug I've already been down to it   and cleared a few of the loose rocks so they don't  fall on us which is probably the major concern for   today is loose debris falling on us which is never  good that's why we're on a rope you wouldn't have   to be on a rope on this ladder but if something  fell in hit you in the head and knocked you out   it would send you to the bottom if you weren't  roped him okay this is looking up at Julie   I'm just below this plug which is right  here this is what I was talking about a   lot of loose debris could fall on you I've  cleared most of the stuff that I could   so she's gonna come down now and  I'm gonna get out of her way come on that's looking back up the ladder as you  can see a little bit of daylight up there   I think a lot of loose debris I spent a lot of  time clearing rocks there's still a lot there   but you don't need to get so many we're at a  level it looks like this has been burned for   some reason you can see down the shaft too the uh  lining has been all charred some sort of fire has   occurred here I'm not sure what caused it this  level goes a little bit that way I see a barrel   and a large uh looks like it was the  bridge that went across this spot here   so you could run a car across it that looks like  a bridge behind me we'll go see what's on this   level right off the bat I see a carbide  can really good sized one Miner's lamp Union Carbide you tip it back a little bit Union Carbide for miners lamps pretty neat okay let's move down the track here a little bit so this is going to be a fairly short level   maybe they did not find what they were  looking for because there's the face   we can try to go across this the shaft  and see if the other side does anything check off the other side here yeah this is a bridge they would have  reached that Gap that you're standing   by power oh put it over there for some reason the heavy duty bridge and a barrel there's no folders can okay okay that's that could  the shaft this level goes a little bit this way   that looks for some kind of liquid maybe a  little water a little water tank probably   and this is just another very short level a  couple of cans down here looks like peaches and beefy ohs all right back on the  Rope further down the shaft we go okay let's go down further we are  at the end of our original rope   and I've tied a new rope onto a Cross Beam here in  the shaft we backed it up to the old rope just in   case this something lets loose we're still tied  up to the top we're at a plug sort of but we're   able to get through this I think without too much  trouble and we'll be on down to the next level its picking up again okay looks like there's  a cable guide roller right in front of me here   Julie switched over to our new rope and she's  coming down through this little plug area   and then I'm gonna go down below there's a  I see there's a level just below me not too   far so I'm going to go down so I don't get  busted in the teeth with some if it drops   from her okay we are on the 200 level we're on  the west side which is the 200 W I'm assuming   there is a signal switch here  that would have signaled the   Quest operator up top to raise the skip car up  the tracks that way let's go explore this level oh a few miscellaneous cans I'm guessing  Julie might have taken some pictures a couple of boxes of parts elbows and  nails here's another oh that's wood I think this was last work in the 1940s but there   is some plastic lining here but I don't  know what year they started using that here's a grease swab and this looks  like it was an because the tracks   do go out here very big stope down  below here one more Drop Like I said part of a dynamite box  what's it say high explosives got a couple pressure tanks or  no Barrel in a pressure tank mineral doesn't see anything on the top this looks like a mount for a maybe a Slusher  winch or something of the sort where they could   have mounted it on there and then slit it around  possibly even down the tracks if it it could   have had a set of axles and wheels on there as a  little um equipment cart to roll stuff around on okay let's keep going down the tracks it's in hot ere isn't it okay  there is a nice little orange   ore car looks like it was just painted  last week still have the wheels on it not much inside of it here's the dump handle those yeah how nice that works boy that could  that could still be put to work couldn't it yeah nice man that is nice look at how nice the tailgate was and then when you re-hook the tailgate that hook will activate look  how nice that works perfect moving past the ore car there's a large   valve on a water line I'm assuming  yes it does that's a big one yeah pretty cool mine so far I'm glad I found it I'm obviously not the first  one to be in here for a while now there's looks like there's a big piece of  ventilation line and some other stuff in here   it looks like another carbide can doesn't it same thing yep Miner's lamp there you go another nice chute fire by cam you were just in that little Alcove now we come  up to a big stope I have a big ladder going up   and I'm not a piece of  ventilation pipe going up there big stope and a bridge going across this  area yeah big stuff up here too a lot of large stulls that's cool and it goes down to quite a ways I want to rope into a stope what if there's a level down  there I don't see any track   there probably is though so  they can service this stope so this ladder looks like it goes up to a plank  which in turn probably works its way up to this   other bigger platform where  they were working in the stope that would be tough work wouldn't it  work on your stopper drill at a crazy   angle because this is a steep angle  on this stope okay let's cross this   bridge once again we find ourselves on a  bridge but this one doesn't look too scary pretty big Stope though isn't it another valve man that's almost straight up and down isn't it that's looking behind us on the bridge we just  crossed this is like a sleeping giant in here   it's so quiet and it's so big all right we're going this way looks like another Bridge a short cross cut here not very long okay yeah yeah be pretty hard to fall through this one Miner's headlamp Mike something here's a  guy's likeness I'm not sure what he's doing   his face it says two something oh yes there is a wheelbarrow does that a wheel   no wheel here's this wheelbarrow  wheelless wheelbarrow looks like some loads of backfill  so you didn't feel like hauling off I must get some moisture on it that's a strange looking doing yeah I see it gets  moisture in here look at the mud cakes over here yeah the rails are kind of rusty yes it does okay across them over that bridge coming up to another chute 314 up whatever that means just a small little alcove here yeah that's a big chunk of ground fall right  there that's slabbed off of somewhere obviously here's JH Jost from 4 11 21. here's  some more graffiti somebody has crossed   out Mike again or whatever that was  they crossed him out before 11 12 38 another one 38. Cosby and M something big  prick apparently he wasn't too popular looks like we're coming to the end of this drift that's a PIN to couple your ore cars together it's pretty neat yeah this is  the end of the drift right here all right we are gonna head back to  the shaft and go to the other side   and see what that part of the level looks like  this one has been pretty cool so far I think here we are back to the ore car beautiful little  car man that is in perfect shape too works just as   smooth as can be can we roll it at all you want to  roll it a little bit you want to go the other way ]don't put it down the shaft though all  right we better put that back where it was   there you go there my work is done  all right let's head back to the   shaft and we'll go on the other side  of this level other side of the shaft okay here we have some artifacts laying around  here's a Prince Albert can that jumps out at   you right away good color on it very nice yeah  that's a nice one there's a pie package Bradley   pies cherry up here is a tobacco pouch and some  cigarette papers to go with it a Sunny Brook   bottle that's broken the newspaper from 20 19 yeah  October 27th 1920. there's more of it up there   what's that little orange tag see Bull Durham tobacco oh that's  it that's the tobacco stamp she   just like that was probably on that purple oh yeah some more wheat straw Berry rolling papers Ridley's gum I wonder if that's an old one I  don't know it kind of looks like it doesn't it   yeah it does doesn't look like a new one   Sunshine Buster chocolates 15 cents  for 10 cakes wow it's pretty good yeah Mueller and Ross Company San Francisco r-a-a-s oh   the largest millinery house in the  west wow Market Street in San Francisco that's it here's some more graffiti from 1921 and 28 and 35 22. I don't know what people did in the old days  but the print on these newspapers is so small   I can't even tell if it's  upside down or right side up this one looks like a little oil pan   big heavy piece of hemp rope and a  heavy duty bucket with handles foreign that's pretty nice follow the tracks there's another carbide can that's enough right Copenhagen so it says something right here Brewton Colorado something I can't read the top there's a huge chute and a ladder I wonder where that goes well maybe on the way back I can take his little  stroll up the ladder look up into the stope here's back looking at that ladder there's  another chute here with a big collector above it let's continue down the line here another chute so close together because this vein is  so steep and narrow won't move sideways   it'll only only wants to go down and  instead of fighting it moving it sideways   they just build another chute  look at the thick mud cakes here that's really been wet hasn't it  there's another ladder in another chute oh boy that'd make for an exciting way to get to work part of a dynamite box in the sheet gate  there's a little gobbing wall a pile   small gobbing usually you  see bigger rocks than that Mitzi another chute another ladder just access this small stope  well that is a small stope in it   that's just one little area  it doesn't go left or right this is a gold mine from I  believe 1907 around that era Charles Schwab was one of the investors  after he moved out of Rhyolite looks like this one's coming to an end oh this is slabbed off hasn't it  yeah yeah that would be a toe breaker yeah it's really peeling off there  and then there's the face over there it's a very dusty mine so  you're not seeing a lot of   fresh looks at the minerals  except where it slabbed off here all right back to I think we skipped one didn't we   okay we're back to this area almost to the  shaft where all these cans and stuff where   I really like that this one here yeah I know  that's a big rope another valve laying there brass valve I like that can yeah yeah let's  go this way and see what happens looks like   the classifier here right away uh  there's another Prince Albert can   oh there's the top to this one over here here's your top Mr Albert looks like a classifier no way to get through but walk on it takes a hard left there's a stick of dynamite they're  part of one it's got a ribbon around it not enough to blow much  though just a couple fingers boy take the curve here  yeah oh to up to an ore dump wow It goes straight down there uh where does that come from over there I don't think we've been over there have we  don't think because there's a big tank over there hmm well I'm not going across that thing you  no no I'm either I've got my limits and nuts   that's one of them right there  I'm not Crossing that baby on to the next level all right  gang here we go wish us luck something dead right there on to the 300 okay all right here comes Julie we're staying kind of close together on the Rope  because if something does fall it doesn't have   too much time to accelerate because there's a  lot of loose debris in this line all right we   are at a level number three watch that piece of  ladder there Julie your next step is going to be   on a poorly fastened ladder you can use it a  little bit just make sure your knots working okay I would hang on to the rungs yeah that's a bad ladder  hang on to the rungs please yeah you don't want to fall down this one you go a little further this is looking on the shaft it gets a little  steeper and uh yeah everything's still going   though the ladders are still going and uh skip  track's still going so we'll try and see if we   can get down there later after we check out this  level it's looking back up a long ways up there
Channel: Abandoned Mine Exploring with Tom and Julie
Views: 23,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: underground mine exploring, abandoned mine exploring, mine, mine shaft, dynamite box, artifacts, skip car, nevada gold mine, colorful mineral vein, mine exploration and hiking with tom and julie, abandoned mine exploring with tom and julie, abandoned places, tom and julie, hiking, desert mine, mines, underground, mine tunnel, mining artifacts, interesting abandoned places, underground gold mine exploring, tom wigren, 1800s gold mine, rappel, ore car, timber car, inside gold mine
Id: T2JfknZSrNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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