DOES MAUI LIVE UP TO THE HYPE? (Top things to do in Maui)

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If you thought picking between the different Hawaiian islands is hard. Here's your next task? Trying to choose between all of the different things there is to do just here on Maui, don't be fooled by it's a small size. This Island has way more to do than you're going to be able to squeeze in your seven day trip. So we're here to take you along with us on some different experiences. That way you can decide for yourself what you'd like to do here in Maui. It would be a lot, but in one day you could enjoy 10,000 feet for sunrise, a top of volcano, and then head over to lush, mountainous rainforests, then go out on the ocean for whale-watching and finally down to a dried out Sandy beach for sunset, and then stick around to the end of the video to check out what not to do in Maui. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes we do have negative experiences while we travel and our channel wouldn't be the reality of travel, unless we shared both sides of the coin. That is exactly what we're doing here in this video today. So click the like button below, cause y'all know YouTube. Didn't send me here. And also I got to mention the road to HANA is probably the most quintessential can't miss thing to do here in Maui, which is why we have an entire video on just that. So subscribe for that next week or click in a link below our video last week was all about the testing requirements for Hawaii and Maui specifically. So you can find all of that in the link below as well. Now, set your alarm and get to bed. It's going to be an early morning. Hello and welcome to your gypsy guide to, if you can hear this, then we're off to a great start and we're going to have an excellent day cause trying to care our device to the car. So we can hear through the high quality car speakers. Sometimes we'll drive in and out of clouds as we move from the East or the West side of the slope and back again. Early morning in Maui for sunrise at Holly Aquila national park, which is the top of the volcano at 10,000 feet. We've been climbing since sea level. And the narrator on our tour has mentioned that we should have probably gone through a layer of clouds so far. And it has been absolutely so clear. We've been, I've been watching, watching sunrises. We can see it from our condo every single morning that we've been here, like a Hawk, the cloudy mornings, I'm saying, Oh gosh, look at those people up there. They can't see anything. And then, Oh wow. What an awesome sunrise and people had a great experience. So my fingers had been crossed. It's been clear that fast two days. And it was a clear sunset last night. So I have good feelings. I know, but I can. Okay. That's true. Okay. He made it to the summit and this is going to be. Amazing. They said it was going to be cold and they were right on the inside. It's as cold as that, it was really weird. Packing a jacket to go to Hawaii. We also packed the hotel. Do they regret it at all? Don't regret it. It's amazing. [inaudible] this is the one. And only time you'll be cold in Hawaii. I knew what the temp was right behind me is the big Island of Hawaii and another volcano taking a short break and heritable warm up and stopped working. It's really hard to use the camera set. Yeah, we have to warm up our fingers just to film. We should have been here a half hour earlier than we were. I thought to look up first light time, as opposed to even just sunrise. And we got here a half hour before the listed first light, but with the altitude factored in or not factored in, we probably should have been here an hour before first light time because there was light when we got up here a half hour before the lift. So just a tip. If you're coming up, sun rise was at six 30. We got here at six and you could have even gotten here at five. If you wanted to see some stars or so lucky to get here on a beautiful morning. Um, but you can come up here at any time of day, including sunset, which we hear is quite nice. Through. Came from somebody who's happy. She warmed up in the car. All right, packing to come up here. If you're coming from a cold you're cold home, you can just bring your winter coat. We were coming from Florida. Tim brought this just for the hike, this down coat, but I'm making do with, um, I wanted more room for cute clothes and I'm making, I'm making do with just hiking clothes. I have hiking boots and tall wool socks. I have leggings on under jeans, a raincoat, a hoodie sweatshirt, a long sleeve shirt, a t-shirt uh, in another I'm like a Cammy soul, like a, like a tank top. So somewhere where everything that you have and not moving around, it's really cold. And everybody around. Us up here was kind of like this. But even just little things in our experience make a big difference. Like having a buff down here and a buffer your ears and a hat. Like those are the little things that are small and that you can pack easily to make it all easy. And then if you need more space in your luggage, you can always use jet travel here, compression cubes. I thought I had, I thought I had one right here in the backpack to just whip out and show you, but I'm sure our editor rat will pop one on the screen here. All right, this is going to be a beautiful ride down the volcano because we came up in the dark and we haven't even seen it yet. I bet you can see. It's not exactly a clip, but that looks so cool. Well, I hope you've enjoyed visiting this spectacular place. It's a difficult place to explain to people who haven't seen it for themselves. So one of the big questions is whether Holly Arcola will ever erupt again. It's believed the last lava flows from Holly. Arcola occurred in 1790, but new evidence is suggesting it may have been 150 years earlier than that. Well, this is pretty cool. Having gypsy guides right here on our phone to just kind of turn our brains off and not have to constantly be looking down the phone or doing research and national parks frequently, you don't even have service. So this is just playing through the speakers and on the way down, it's different audio than on the way up. And it's letting us know that there's this great viewpoint right here. That gives a different perspective than what we saw at the summit. And nobody's here. So nobody had the insider information. [Inaudible] more facts. Yeah. Oh, Whoa, wait. We didn't see any of this. Look at those things. Do you think they're called cinder cones? I was picturing a cinder cone to be like some little kind of like rock structure, not a whole volcano looking thing. That is cool. Oh my gosh. This looks like Mars. Wow, welcome. So our new series tripped Mars. I think because it's specifically a volcano and we have the little tour guide going in the car. I feel very much like this is a elementary school trip and you're out here learning about geology and Kane. We've never really, I've never really been to volcano. It makes me want to see some magma. I really want to see some hot to glow in magma. Yeah. All right. Next trip. [Inaudible] you can. Here. There's a few big trails. One of them is about a 2.5 in and out. And then another is an 11 mile hike that goes all through the cinder cones. All right. Back down the. If you've been watching this morning, you're thinking these guys are babies. How cold could it be in Maui? This is how cold was it. It's called sleepy boy. Freebie. Driving down a volcano makes you tired. Sleepy, sleepy. He must trust me. Cause the last time I really did any driving was on the other side of the road. The merchandise I didn't drive. Much at home. Shoot. I scared him. That is the Hawaiian state bird, the Naynay it's a goose. Um, but it was probably good. I scared him cause he was walking on the road and somebody just came bombing up the Hill. So, um, okay. Hawaiian say bird check. [Inaudible]. Listening to an audio guide of some of the Hawaiian words. And while many of you watching probably know of Aloha, both. Hello and goodbye. It's interesting to hear the meaning because the English definitions are. So when [inaudible] I love language. I love language when we travel, but then we would love to show more of local culture. When we travel, we do experience more culture. Off-camera just because of the nature of how you're interacting with people. One thing that we've really struggled with on our channel is how to show that because we don't, unless you've figured out a better way that you can let us know, know how to respectfully film locals when, or if you were seeing that somewhere else on YouTube. I don't know if people are just sticking the camera in people's faces or like on a zoom lens and like in a distance without asking their permission. I honestly don't know. And then when you see something like that on a professional documentary or you know, on national geographic, that of course is all set up, right? There's filming permits and it's all it's set up. So, um, I'm providing some insight behind the scenes on how this works. We do actually get a lot of comments like, Oh, you guys should share more of that. And it's really hard to manufacture when you're just filming your vacation. Anyways. That's a little bit of insight on that. Um, we're so excited to be experiencing the Hawaiian culture and no we're not going to a tourist Lou hour or anything, but we're doing our best to see and experience what we can while we're here and showing you what we [inaudible]. This is ya'll Valley state monuments, the monument. And you'll see why the Spanish speaking is helping with the Hawaiian pronunciation. I'm doing my best, but it might not be perfect. Is that a lot of times where you could just get so much reward right in the parking lot, but look at how incredible this is from right here, man. I didn't do anything yet. Usually you have to hike at least like four miles, but this is insane Plant expert, who she is with the random facts. [Inaudible]. This is why we're here. [Inaudible]. I've tried really hard not to say just major Vietnam. [Inaudible]. We are now boarding for whale-watching in Maui and we've been here almost a week. Every single day. We've seen whales breaching off the coast just from standing on the shore. So this is my number one thing to do. I'm so excited to hopefully get up and close with some whales. It's incredibly windy today. And she said that sometimes that means more action. So fingers crossed let's go. A rain jacket is usually the number one thing to pack for a tour like this. It's a nice windbreaker. [Inaudible]. We definitely saw plenty of whales today. Be disappointed that you didn't see a full breach. Oh my gosh, there were so many. We got this awful breach on camera. Okay. I still didn't get a breach on camera, but everyone is pointing, shouting out whales. I saw the breach of them. The captain turned the boat and then started following it. And that happened in Monterey in California tomorrow doesn't count. And I was like breach. And then they were like, you're hired. And I was like, Whoa, I just feel like I care the most. And they said that on the boat. They're like, well, if you go out every day, you're like kind of looking. I was like, I'm going to see. And it was like so focused on the nights. And one of the reasons why we chose this company over other whale, watching tours, as you guys know, we don't typically like work with brands. We just kind of take you on our vacation. So we chose this company because this is a nonprofit and they give back to the whales as opposed to just some of the other whale-watching tourists here. And so this is Pacific coast foundation. Well, we don't give the money to the whales, but they do good stuff. What I said through education, through education and um, conservation conservation, a lot of adrenaline, so much whale excitement. All right, well, there's so much more to see on Maui. Let's do more go charge the camera battery and then go off and see Molly. Our YouTube channel was born five years ago just because I love making videos of art travels. And that was always just something I was passionate about. And so I was thinking about that on the whale-watching tour because I cared so much about getting the shot just because I w I like want this beautiful national geographic whale breaching moment. And I'm so fulfilled after that trip, because it was so windy. And at the very front of the boat, it was incredibly hard to stand there because of the wind and the waves. And, but it was the best viewpoint for this one wheel that we saw. So I saw the, I shouted it. The captain turned it, we started heading dead on towards this whale in the distance. There was no one around because of how hard it was to stand. I had both hands on the one on the long lens, cause it's so heavy. And the camera body I'm so tall that the railing was only up to my mid thigh. And so I was squatting down and this was for like over 10 minutes going through the wind and the waves with all Lou and I had both eyes. I had one looking through my right eye, one, looking through my left eye. And then after so long, my legs started to shake because I couldn't stand there any longer. But then that's finally, when we had Maui in the background, the sun at the right angle and the whale came up, showed its fluke, beautifully, went down to probably looks like the seamless easy shot, but that was 15 minutes of me shaking from standing there and trying to balance and hold on. But that's when I felt like I was a professional videographer to get, get the shot. Well, I haven't seen it either. Maybe it's no good. Um, but it felt good when I did it. I was like, and I was like, how rewarding? It's a little behind the scenes. My good friend, Jamie AKA the song for a Vietnamese karaoke said that if I didn't eat a blackened mahi, mahi burner every single day while I was here at this fish market, that I was a stupid idiot. I have not had, I have not had a black and my Hema burger yet. So we are going to fix that right now. And what is this place called? Uh, is it pie a year fish market? It's not the one in, Hey, uh, it's the South side. It's, it's a branch. We're doing it wrong. No matter what, it's the deal here. This is all fresh eat fresh. Jamie's right. For once. I'm kind of a stupid idiot. That's already video. That's really good. [inaudible]. She was gorgeous. I just love it. Okay. Ooh, grant it. Okay. No pressure for me since I picked up both Airbnb. You did so good. Um, I will be publishing a Hawaii on a budget video and how this place over the last place, $125 a night. This is a buck 50 in case we like it. This is more than my other place, which still good view, but not right on the water. Right. But look, it's got a wave storm. Okay. Ooh, King bed. This is great. Right? I'm going to be here. Right? This is awesome. But you'll have to say too for that episode. This is so funny. Tim was just checking out. Oh, you're here. Look at what's here. These have really been the best Airbnbs. There's so many towels. There's Oh, there's a cooler. And there's those chairs. I know. It's almost. Like they're set up to be used. It's almost. Like their vacation rentals. There's a candle holder. We just stay in so many Airbnbs and we're always blown away. I mean, we're always staying more on the budget side, so it's kind of like, you get what you pay for, but we just can't believe that people don't include some easy stuff. I mean, even the last place we stayed it for eight nights and there was only one beach towel, a person, which was fine. You know, we just like did laundry, but I mean, how much easier is it to just throw in two more shallow Wells? And then it's like, wow, blown away by the hospitality. So to just have extra things like extra pillows and blankets and stuff. Uh, it's so nice, I guess, but, uh, tips, if you own your own Airbnb, it's just those little tiny things that cost almost nothing that make a huge difference. Around the second story. I might have things as a visitor here. Wow. Making life easy. Amazing. [inaudible] mantas. We're on the hunt for Mathis today. We just want to go swim with them. If you go way back on the channel five years ago, we tried to go snorkeling with mantas and Bali. That didn't happen. We're hoping to turn our 4g throughout today, here in mountain. It's seriously insane. How many Epic things there are to do on just one Island? Unfortunately, there's something we would recommend not to do. If you're new here, we afford to travel through our Amazon FBA business and don't do much as sponsored travel that affords us the opportunity to share with you some negative experiences from our trips. This one in particular had a so frustrated and upset. We spent the rest of the day pouting in our Airbnb, swimming with manta rays is a bucket list experience. We've been seeking to find all over the world. We were out of season in Bali and in not cold enough water, really anywhere else. Anyways, we had one day to dedicate to diving in Maui diving. The Molokini crater is the thing to do and what we would recommend you do. If you just have one day, you can snorkel there too, because we've been looking for a manta dive. Every place we travel, we were elated to find just one dive shop on the Island who offered a manta dive, finding this dive was even one of the reasons we picked Maui over other islands. Anyways, you probably know where this is going. There were no mantas, but before you all think I'm a crazy person. Let me just say, I understand what a wild animal is, and I'm not just creating an entire YouTube segment on the fact that we didn't spot specific wildlife on a tour. You see this webpage is all about diving with mantas, similar to what we've seen when booking a whale, watching tour, seeing Grizzlies in Alaska or swimming with whale sharks. Typically when going out on a wildlife viewing trip guides, talk about how to interact with the animal, how to keep yourself and the animal safe and other educational information. When I say this tour had almost no discussion of mantas, we were talking with other divers on the boat. We shared dive stories and all of our excitement about the date. See these mantas then quickly talking with the crew in a very politically correct way. We started realizing that with the exception of maybe one or two on the boat, no one had ever seen a manta in Maui. We discussed various fish. We would see along the way, but there was nothing about the reason we spent this $400 and six hours of our trip at this dive site for another, with doing so many tours around the world and being scammed on some, for example, a Cambodian spear fishing tour with no spear before we even got in the water, Tim and I looked at each other, shaking our heads and said, Oh, it's one of those. Not only that, but the gear was inappropriate for the cold water temperatures. Our guide was shaking and lips were blue as well as me and other passengers on the boat. It was actually kind of scary. It was just a bad time. The staff was super fun and nice. And this company goes out to good dive sites, which I'm sure are great, but this whole false advertising thing had all of the divers on the boat. Pretty confused about what they just spent. $200 a person on anyways. I'm not trying to use my voice on here to bash anyone. And this doesn't happen very often, Tim and I just always go back after these experience lit up in frustration, we get to travel all the time, but what if this was your honeymoon or your big trip? You've been saving vacation days and money for two years to take. It's just so unfair. And that's why we couldn't even do anything the rest of the day. But to end on a positive note during whale season here in Maui, you can hear the whales from underwater. That's right. You can hear them. You can even do this from shore by sticking your head under water. Hearing this for the first time was absolutely what I'll be taking out of these two dives. For number two. Talk to me about that was really cool. The warehouse, we also wouldn't shut up. Wasn't a matter of, could we hear them? You're shaking to the camera shaking. I was so excited and just kept closing my eyes and picturing the humpbacks that we're all swimming in the distance, all this, and it's not even the top thing to do in Maui. So don't miss the next episode. When we tackle the road to HANA.
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 99,560
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Keywords: what to do in maui, top things to to in maui, travel maui, travel maui 2021, maui travel guide, best of maui, maui top things to do, maui what to do, maui travel, best hawaiian island, which island to visit hawaii, which hawaii island to visit, maui hawaii, maui hawaii vlog, maui hawaii vacation, top 10 things to do in maui, hawaii travel 2021, maui travel guide youtube, maui travel guide video, hawaii travel vlog, things to do in maui, maui tips, maui vacation vlog
Id: Kgrdxxd90Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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