The Ultimate Local’s Guide to New Orleans || Gatekeepers

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Wish he was on a full season of bb. Whoever cast for OTT deserves a raise

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/kylehassig 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dude was a character. I never laughed as hard as I did when he said that Neeley's other wig mad her look like Seal (the singer).

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/cardaderdention 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

🎼I’m going to eat some pizza. Gonna eat some pizza, yeah🎼

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

C’est la vie, baby!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jeeeeek 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Loved him.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/brianxhopkins 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Oh my god. - They can jump out the water too, so. - Well, yeah, that gator bites you, takes them about 30 days to digest human bone. It's called a Cajun divorce. - So, let me break it down for you. The past 10 years, I've been traveling the world, tour-managing artists and showing them the best spots. I know that anywhere you go, you need that solid connect. We've taken submissions from people claiming to have the keys to their city. Now, we're traveling the country to take them up on their word. I'm Justin Lizama and this is Gatekeepers. We just got here in New Orleans, nice and early. Here's my little sleeping trick. I get my beanie, pull it over my eyes, so that no one sees you sleeping so ugly. Now, today, we're going to meet Ashley Jonique. She is a private chef, which I'm super excited about because I love food. And I'm kinda curious to see what she can actually show me that I haven't done before. Welcome to Gatekeepers New Orleans. - It's part of the look. Ashley pin-dropped me the lakefront, one of my favorite areas to come and visit while here in New Orleans. As you can see, it's beautiful. And there's Ashley now. Let's go say hi. - Hi, my name is Chef Ashley Jonique. I'm a New Orleans native and I'm a private chef. We hug in New Orleans. - Yeah. Hug in New Orleans. - My favorite thing about being from New Orleans is the confidence that we have. I just love the spirit, the culture. It's always a good time. Even when it's a sad time, we have fun. - I always forget how beautiful it is here. - This is where we come to basically get our mind together. In a city full of beautiful chaos, the water kinda calms us down. - Well said. I've been here so many times, I can't even count. I've been down here for BUKU, I've been down here for Voodoo. First time I went to Voodoo, I saw Big Freedia. - Really? - Yeah. - My friend is actually traveling with Freedia right now. - Oh yeah? - Yeah. - I think Freedia's amazing, like proper, just booty trap. - We invented twerking. - Yeah. - The person who had - No, for sure. actually invented twerking goes to my church. - Oh really? - Yeah. - New Orleans, the home of twerking. - Yes. - For a person like me that's been here so much, are you sure - I got you. - that you got this unlocked? - I'm telling you, I got you. I know people. Oh, I'm stoked, I feel really confident about this. - No trip to New Orleans is complete without a stop at the French Market. - Oh yes, this is a must-have. This is basically where you would get some awesome food and then all your souvenirs to bring back. - Like this, got some - Hold up, we have time - sugar cane here. - for that, we have time for that. - All right. Oh man, that's making me hungry already. Is the muffuletta here good? - All of our food is good. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, what's your favorite thing to eat when you come down here? - My friend's char-broiled oysters. That's actually where I'm bringing you right now. This is my friend Justin's restaurant, J's Seafood Dock, and he's gonna be taking care of us. - Oh, crab claws? Oysters? - We've got to get into that. - Ooh! - Hi, welcome to J's Seafood Dock where rhyme must be the truth. - I know that you usually don't, but can we get these crab fingers sauteed? - Right on, whatever you want. - I'm down for all of this. Some oysters, some shrimp. - Char-broiled oysters. We have to get those, J-boo. - I got you. Y'all just go and relax, take it easy. - Yes. We need to get a drink. - Oh yes, we drink all day. - Is that pickled? - It's pickled green beans. - Oh. - Yeah, they're real popular around here. - Pickled everything. Look, if you come to New Orleans, if you can't have a good time, you're a (beep). And if you can't find good food here, you're a (beep). (beeping) - Sound bite. - If it's up to me, I'd be happy to keep it in. I decide-- - No, what I'm saying, even if you beeped it, even if you beeped it out, people will get it. - You in New Orleans, so it's like, it goes with-- - How do you say, goes with deep? But if you say (beeping), yeah, then that's a beep beep beep beep beep. - Yeah. - So just say you're a, you're a, you're an, you're an (beep) is probably the best that you'd beep it. - Nah, it needs to be (beeping). (beep) If you can't have fun here, you're a (beep) and. - Straight out that creole pot. - All right, thank you. - C'est la vie. - Got some soft-shell crab, you got some crab claws. - Definitely start with the oysters. - Char-broiled oyster? - You just take the bread and you kinda scoop it up, put all the cheese. - Get that sauce? - Yeah, get it. - Make sure you get that sauce. - Get all of that. So does this meet up to your standards? - This is above and beyond. I think I'm just relearning how good it's supposed to be. - I told you I got you. We not done yet, though. - How we do the soft-shell crab? Just fork it? - Just take a little piece and then just kinda dip it in the potatoes. Perfect. - That's a home run right there. - Hopefully, we can function after this. - Probably the best soft-shell crab I've ever had. That was unreal. I don't even know what to say. - You don't have to say nothin'. We can talk afterwards. - How long have you been coming to this spot? - About four years now. He's a really good friend of mine and he doesn't eat seafood, which is crazy. - You got a guy cooking seafood that doesn't even eat it? - Yeah, we used to kinda trade off. I give him chicken and he'll give me oysters. - So, Justin's the Beethoven of seafood. 'Cause this is insane. This soft-shell crab might be the best soft-shell crab - I think you should try it. - I've ever had. Yo, it's the best cold shrimp I've had. - Now, give it back. - Yo, baby, how everything? - My dude. - Indeed. - Amazing. - Everything was so good. - How you doin'? - Good, good. - I've never met anyone named Justin with a similar mustache. So, I mean, that was kinda freaky. How long have you been doing this? - We've been having this for about 8 1/2 years now. - I heard this crazy story, this rumor, that you don't even like seafood. - Oh man, yeah, you're right. - I told him we would do trade-offs. - I would give you chicken - Yeah. - and you would give me oysters - Oh, man. - or seafood. - And she wasn't kidding, she's like, oh, let's go to the French Market. I'm like, I've come to the French Market so many times. - I'm like, I got you. - So many times. - She never, she never lies. Her soul that good. - Yeah, this made my day, and it's still early. - Yeah. - Yeah, you gotta keep on going. Keep on going. You gotta eat and drink your way through New Orleans. You know, that what they say. - Where did you find these recipes or how'd you guys create these? - Well, you know, just growing up in New Orleans. - Yeah, it's futile. - Being around your grandma. Sitting up in the house, everybody smelling like gumbo. It's like, goddamn. - This experience I knew would be a great experience because of the food, the personality. - This definitely needs to be on Thrillist's just top food list, not even... No genre. - He's been here so many times, so he said. But I know that I wow him. - We still got a lot of time here, huh? I'm okay with that. So, we're... - At Studio Be. This is gonna blow your mind. The artist's name is Brandon. He's a visual artist. He tags buildings. I call him the indoor Banksy, but people actually know who that is. - Welcome to Studio B. How you doin'? - Nice to see you again. - Mm, good to see you. - Sup, man? Justin. - Brandon, Bmike. - How you doing? - This is a really dope spot. I think it needs recognition. - Hanging out with Brandan, having him actually explain the pieces, was absolutely fabulous. Everybody should come check this out. - We can use this art to impact people in a positive way. - I feel like, inherently, New Orleans is that. - Definitely. - You know, the inner beauty, soul, it'll always find a way to survive. - We're relentless, we're resilient. You cannot hold us back. - Yeah, we accept the authenticity of people. This is a space where you can't be fake. - Oh yeah, we not gonna allow it. - No matter where I go, every corner of the city, I still find inspiration and it still impresses me. - I created this room to talk about our relationship with water. There's a quote from the prophet known as Prince. "All I need is love and water." And I interpret that to mean you need both these things to survive but yet both these things could destroy you. There's this conversation around Hurricane Katrina, in the middle, with the clouds above and the homes submerged in water, with the rooftops emerging. - Oh wow. - For anybody in New Orleans, we don't just see this as a piece of art, but as a memory. There's a reminder of this idea right here that you are still here and what does it mean to survive. You made it through that experience. And this piece right here, this is like the idea of the waterline that was in the midst of the homes as the water hit. Everything below this line was completely gone. There was no redeeming it, there was no saving it, so it's almost as if it was erased. A friend of mine said, he said, "New Orleans is the new Atlantis. "We won't be here forever." So what do we leave behind? - This is new, it's cool, it's inspirational. Everybody should come check this out. He's done an amazing job creating and curating all the pieces here. - Thank you for coming by, yeah. Appreciate the conversation. - Nice seeing you. - Nice seeing you, as always. - Thank you. - Yes, ma'am. Appreciate y'all. - That your outro? - I'ma hover. Disappearing, woo! - You fading away? - You could do like an effect while I fade away. - This is Neyow's. I'm pretty sure that you'll enjoy it. It's like the number one soul food spot in New Orleans. - Let's go. - Let's do it. - Can I get you guys started with something to drink while you wait? - I think I'm gonna order him a Bow Wow. I think I wanna put a little more hair on his chest. - Okay. Are you ready for this? - Hey, we're in New Orleans. - 'Cause the Bow Wow is 80% alcohol. It comes in a to-go cup so you're welcome to take it out with you. If you finish it all by yourself, you get another one for half price. - Whew! - You think you can handle it? - I'll try. - Would you like a water with that? - I would love a water with that. - He'll need it. - What makes this restaurant uniquely New Orleans? - Well, really, the food. - Yup. - It's the best soul food restaurant that we have out here. Family-owned and it's family-oriented. - Red beans and rice? - That's me. - All righty. - Wow. - Whoa. - I have a Shrimp Creole and this is the bowl of gumbo there. - Ooh wee. - You think that we can tag team this? - I'm gonna do my best. - I'm a little lady, I don't know if I can handle it all. - All right, this is your Bow Wow. - Bow wow, bow wow. Bow wow, bow wow, bow wow. Bow wow. - You should tell him good luck too. - Yeah, good luck on this. - before you walk off. - Yeah, but we don't have no wheelbarrow. - Oh, man. - To get you out of here? - How are you gonna get me out of here then? - Cheers. - Bow wow This thing's got some pop to it. - 80% of pop. - I don't know 80% of what, but you can taste it. - It's really strong. Outta here. - Wow. - So tread light. - Tread light. This is great, and like, for me, personally, I love the way the French prepare soup stocks. You can tell this isn't made in one day. - Right. - This is a multiple-day-- - The food take time. - And we take our time. - Yeah. - But that's why I wanted to take you to this spot because, to feel the love. You can taste it. You can tell that they took their time with it. It wasn't something that they just put together right quick. - No, right? I can't wait just to bring people to these places just to show them, like, hey. - Right. Well, you had the full, well, I'm not gonna say the full New Orleans experience because we still have a little more to do. But don't forget about your drink. - Oh, yeah. - We see you trying to babysit it. - I'll get there. - This a lot of food, though. - This is a lot of food. I mean, this is really good and I'm hungry. This thing's strong. - It's really strong. Am I walking too fast? - Where are we now? - This is the Jazz Market. This is the place that I was telling you about with some good vibes and some live music. My friend is actually gonna sing here. Her name is Brandi. This is where jazz was born. And a lot of young people, they kinda don't dabble in jazz. But down here, we're very in tune with music. This is like the place to be on Wednesdays. - Literally, everywhere we've gone, she's known everybody. And if she didn't know them, she knew somebody that knew them. - I will order some wine, kinda get on my grown woman stuff, just trying to chill out, get a break, and just have a good time. - New Orleans Jazz Market is pretty dope. Like, I got some jazz roots, so I was happy to come back in. - Hi. - Hi, girl! - Thank you. - Team Nasty? - Brandi did an amazing job covering some Erykah Badu. - Brandi's performance was amazing. I knew that she would do a good job, but being with her early, I knew that she would wow y'all because y'all weren't expecting it. - A good ending to a good night. - What do you mean by that? - Oh, there's my wine. - I know for sure Justin had a good time tonight. He say he's been to New Orleans and did his thing, but I know that he haven't done his thing like this. I see y'all tomorrow. That's good, I don't want to get hit! This brunch spot is very dope and I feel like we should start off with a little food today. - Let's get it started. - Everything that you see on this menu is gonna have some kind of craziness to it. But I really want you to focus on this praline bacon. - It's even got a smiley face on there. - Yes, because it'll make you happy right after. - All right, if you say so. French Toast Burrito? - After last night, I think you can tackle it. - Well, this looks amazing. Don't tell anybody. - Tell everybody. - Tell the right people. - Hey guys, how are you? - Hey, how's it going? - Hey, how you doing? - Good. - I think we're just gonna get a bunch of stuff to try. - Sure. - Amazing Bloody Mary. I'm on a Bloody marathon. Whoa! - Hey guys. - Whoa. - Hey. - Wow. - Here's everything. - That's it? - Eggs Florentine, fried oysters over potatoes. French Toast Burrito. It's a French-toast-battered tortilla, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage inside, powdered sugar and syrup on top. Crispy fried Brussels sprouts with Korean sauce. - I'm a Brussels sprout connoisseur, so. - Patty melt with fries, and then we have Seafood Stuffed Mirliton. - Wow, welcome to New Orleans, the church of food. - Anything else for you guys? - Can we order a ambulance? - Let's do this. ♪ Ah Wow. - Oh, it's bacon and sausage? - Yup. - If I'm watching carbs... - It's not about carbs today. It's about all of this. Please try this. - I mean, you get a Brussels sprout to balance out the meats. - Brussels sprouts is one of the things where you were growing up watching TV, everybody hated them. - Yeah. - But once you grew up, you're like, this is what I was missing out on? - I always think that, actually. I can sauté them, I can fry them. I can put them in the oven. - I eat them a lot with smoked paprika because they taste like you put seasoned ham or turkey in it, but it's meatless, so it's good for like vegans and vegetarians also. - Meatloaf patty melt. Take one. - It's okay to say it. - Wow, that's amazing. Meatloaf patty melt. - It's like a party in your mouth, so you gotta. - This is my first fried oyster of the trip. - Make sure you eat it with a potato and a little bit of the egg. - I'm usually knee-deep in oyster po' boys by now, but... - This, here it is. - The Beer-BQ Oysters? Yeah? I mean, it's okay to say if it's not good. - No, it's good. I didn't know what to do because it was so good. - And then, that you've been pushing on me this whole time. - Just get it. Say something bad, I dare you. - I feel like I need this to eat during the holidays or something. - You need some to go, I'll ship you some. I'm cool with the owner. I don't think I can take any more. - Oh, really, that's it? - I definitely feel like we should hit a swamp tour. - Swamp tour? I mean, that's kinda typical, right? Is that a gatekeeper thing, swamp tours? - It's a gatekeeper thing. Trust me, I will take care of you. You trusted me this whole time. - Cool, I'm down. - Let's get it. - Let's check it out. - But what are we gonna do with all of this? - Hey guys, you want some? - So, this swamp tour is something that New Orleanians, Cajuns, Creole people do. It's one of our things. You may see some gators. It's very exciting. - I mean, I've been down here a million times and this is my first time out on the bayou. - I've heard a lot of firsts on this trip, - That's a lot of firsts. - to say you've been to New Orleans so many times. - You know it. And that's a good thing. Make money, go boating. Come at me, bro. - Let's get it. - All right, I'ma go a little bit faster. - Can you go fast? - I'm not gonna go crazy. - Oh! Whoa! - Just trying to get you down to a prettier place. Got some cool stuff down this way. I grew up around this kinda stuff. - Beautiful out here. - I was just about to say that, like, I am obsessed with this scenery. - I thought you'd like that. - Yes. - It's green. How long you been doing this? - This is my first day, how we doing? - Oh, amazing. - You're doing good. - So far, so good. - Have you been paying attention? 'Cause I don't know where the hell we're at right now. - Our tour guide was crazy, just like everybody else in the city, so he just fit right in with what he had going on. What do you look for, specifically, to be like, well, I know a gator may be over here or... - Some of 'em are real brazen, come right up to ya. - Yeah? - Oh, this little hideout. You don't know if there's one right there right now. - I would probably just die on the spot. Y'all ever seen somebody die on camera? - They can jump out the water too, so. - They jump? - Yeah. - Sweet. - A gator gets on this boat, I'm getting off. - Now I'm forced to do it. - Ain't none of that captain goes down with the ship. That ain't gonna happen. - Well, hopefully, we could get one. This is so cool. - Well, I was getting worried, 'cause I know a couple times I've gone out on whale boats to see whales, nothing happened. So I figured, okay, well, at least we tried, we'll head back into dock, but then, right as we were about to come back in... - Oh my god. Hey, come here. Marshmallows, are you really throwing? - This stuff here's like gator crack. - Oh, he coming, oh. - I did not know gators ate marshmallows, but s'mores is probably my favorite dessert, so, you know, it makes sense. Gators love mallows. - They do. - Next time I do a dinner party for gators, I'll keep that in mind. - It's like Pac-Man over there. - This insane. I was scared. I'm not gonna even front. - Those guys can jump in the boat. Gator's probably got about 2,000 pounds of downward pressure - Oh my god. - in his bite. Takes about 20 pounds to break bones in your hand. 80 teeth, 40 top, 40 bottom. So yeah, that gator bites you, ain't nothing I can do about it. Be good video, bites her hand, huh? - Their being so big, what do they feed on? - Big guys will eat other gators. They'll eat a turtle, crush 'em, eat it. - Jesus. - Armadillos, possums, fish, frogs, snakes, birds. Whatever makes a mistake. Takes them about 30 days to digest human bone. It's called a Cajun divorce. Come on. Get in there. All right, you want the little one or the big one? - The big one. - Marshmallows don't hurt 'em. Alligator doesn't have a pancreas. - Just eat it. Okay. - Some more then you can touch him. - Here you go, little man. - Throw it straight down, pop it hard. - Oh, hey! - She did my lizzie. - Geez! - I need these hands to cook. Oh my gosh. - That's why you got sous chefs. - Come on. - So, what does the extra... - They hear it. - Oh, okay. - Makes them crazy. - It likes-- - It's crazy how you see their eyes creeping out real quick. The difference between a log and a gator. The eyes. - Yeah, and this one has teeth. Biggest one we see out here is Winky. He's about 14 feet. - Geez. - 'Fraid I don't worry with this one. - Really? So you really will touch him? Oh, you will, geez. - Make sure you don't drop your phone. - Well, I'll probably die before the phone dies. - A lot of firsts for me on this trip. - So I impressed you? - 100, 110% impressed. - The next time I wanna cook for you, so - Oh yes. - let me know when you're back in town and I'll show you around. - I'm always ready to eat. I'm always ready to eat. - All right. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - Thanks a lot. - Safe travels. - Now, that's a real gatekeeper. - Oh, yeah, yeah, hell yeah, yeah. - I just do this while he's taking us over there. - If you can't find good food in New Orleans, you're a big jerk. I had an amazing visit to New Orleans. Ashley was a perfect gatekeeper. I had a lot of firsts on this trip. Can't wait for the next stop. See you there.
Channel: Thrillist
Views: 403,015
Rating: 4.8037829 out of 5
Keywords: new orleans, things to do in new orleans, best restaurants in new orleans, best bars in new orleans, new orleans bars, new orleans restaurants, new orleans guide, visiting new orleans, new orleans tour, city guides, local guides, gatekeepers, things to do, local bars, local restaurants, restaurants, bars, best food, things to see, places to visit, visit, tour, city tour, Thrillist, thrillist food, thrillist pizza, food, drink, travel, entertainment, foodie, show, review
Id: 198bPFw7uY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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