The Ultimate Herobrine Iceberg: Explained

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every game has its own campfire stories its own myths and legends its own creepy pastas sonic.exe ben drowned lavender town and minecraft is no different in august of 2010 one 4chan user set up to create minecraft's first very own creepypasta inadvertently creating one of the most well known legends to ever exist and he named his creation [Music] video fakes video fakes are exactly what you think they are they are the thousands millions of videos that are you know herobrine sightings um and most of them are fake now as i said a lot of these are obviously very fake and not just made to get views but that's not to say that there haven't been a couple that have just slipped through internet memes and machinimas this is just talking about the multitude of memes machinima has made about herobrine i want to talk in particular about the machinimas because although there are some very well made ones with like good voice acting and scripting or whatever um there's also other ones i'm talking about the youtube kids stuff the the weird stuff it's like kid herobrine or like herobrine joins monster school or or my favorite herobrine left monster school sad animation another fun fact is in this animation it's uh implied that hera brian got some girl pregnant i i worry i worry for the generation of kids who grew up watching youtube kids because oh my god investigations this ties in very closely with video fakes but instead of just being a one-off special video investigations are usually longer series which set out to try and prove herobrine's existence as i was researching this i came across a series of videos called minecraft alpha herobrine investigations or something along those lines and oh my god if you want to feel like you're back in 2010 2011 on that original like herobrine wave these are the videos to watch they've got the silent hill music they're using the papyrus font oh my god it is beautiful the first appearance the first appearance of herobrine happened all the way back in 2010 on 4chan an anonymous user posted an image to 4chan's v board along with a story this one image contains most if not all of the canon herobrine lore that we follow to this day several things such as the two by two tunnels and herobrine's supposed connection to notch's dead brother were in this original post that i didn't even realize was in there although nowadays this post is taken as canon and held in very high regard back in the day no one even noticed it let alone cared for it that was until a certain copaland came along but we'll talk about him in a bit wikis and forms this is just talking about the absolute amount of different wikis and forms that include or talk about herobrine often on my head you've got like the creepypasta wiki the herabrine wiki the villains wiki uh the minecraft wiki the actual minecraft wikipedia page even mentions herobrine and on top of that there's probably been billions of forum posts talking about him too many to even mention alpha versions i'm not exactly sure what this means but here's my best guess the original heroine post was made in minecraft alpha version 1.0 underscore zero two jesus this as well as copeland's stream which also took place in minecraft alpha are the only two canon sightings of herobrine so it can be implied that the only versions hairline has ever been seen in are alpha versions however despite this the wiki never outright says it and removed herobrine is still in every update so i don't know and with all those fun facts out of the way let's actually dive into the meat and potatoes of the iceberg let's start digging down into the tip removed herobrine i briefly touched on this like 10 seconds ago but if you didn't know at the end of every minecraft change log they add a little tag removed herobrine entity 303 oh boys entity 303 is perhaps the dumbest thing i've ever heard of it makes absolutely no sense and there's so much of it but you know what okay okay i don't want to overwrite you with my own biases and and prejudices against entity 303 let me tell you the story you can make your own opinions okay so notch himself at an undisclosed time sometime before 2014 fired a random mojang employee this employee furious at mojang vowed take down mojang and minecraft as a whole but right after saying this literally the next line it says that entity 303 isn't actually just one person but a group of people so aren't they all fired employees or do they all just random people who want revenge against motion and again why exactly three or three or his sorry his full title 303 moshang.com303 real creative there guys hacks worlds and does all the bad stuff and plans to end all of minecraft by the year 2014 [Music] and i mean the rest is history guys oops i guess minecraft's dead yep no more minecraft sorry guys video over after this there's a mountain of lore i mean the wiki page itself is huge um but my main problem with it is that it reads like a fan fiction like at one stage it talks about herobrine actually being good and how he was trying to help us now we need to help him in order to save minecraft it's just like come on okay no hate obviously to anyone who likes this or who made this it obviously has a bunch of work put into it and i respect that um what i just find so stupid though is that it's trying to like and this is their words not mine it's trying to be the new herobrine but it's losing literally everything that made herobrine what he is there's no mystery there's no questioning there's no like is he actually good or bad or there's no questioning anything everything about ng303 is a known fact and we have pages of evidence to back it up so i don't get it have you seen the herobrine [Music] this song is just well it's incredible but it's from 2012 and it's actually a parody of the old folk song have you seen the ghost of jon or in some places have you seen the ghost of tom now i couldn't find the original source of this minecraft parody but the oldest version i could find was a brazilian upload from august 31st 2012 and the most popular uploaded from a channel called bright glowstone from october of that same year anyone who has any interest in herobrine has likely heard this song and it's just i love it [Applause] it's so dumb to a certain extent i mean the lyrics don't even make sense have you seen the herobrine just weird way to say it but i love it you're gonna find that a lot when i'm going through this iceberg because as a child i used to do nothing but just watch hours and hours and hours of herobrine videos so a lot of this stuff i have a personal attachment to it's the reason i decided to do slice break in the first place like it's just oh i love it herabrine mod yeah small problem with this one uh which one there are literally thousands of herobrine mods so yeah i have no idea but there are some new ones that i found by a guy called troy toy t-o-i-u i'll leave his link up there beyond that i could talk about any herobrine mod whether it's for pocket edition playstation pc java it doesn't matter they're all the same they they all do the same thing there's a million different versions so just take your pick for whatever whichever one you want this entry to mean herobrine in minecraft pocket edition uh there are a couple entries like this on the chart where it's just like herobrine in and then name a version of minecraft so for most of these what i'm planning on doing is talking about one specific sighting which i personally have an attachment to because i probably watched it when i was young and for minecraft p edition that is no different this sighting comes all the way back from 2013 and since i first watched it i have not stopped thinking about it i'll be doing something it'll just pop into my head and i'll think about it again um and judging by the view count i'd say most of you are the same so it starts off and it's this kid he's crafting some diamond tools and then he goes to check his uh herobrine trap you know as you do and as he's going to check guess who he finds the man himself herobrine who proceeds to slowly walk after him and then chase him down through his weirdly laid out minds like this feels more like a giant maze than a mineshaft but whatever he's running he's running he's running it's looking like the end and then he ends up killing herobrine he's dead looking back at the video now it's obviously just two friends faking it but as a kid i was convinced this was real and you know even looking back now it's really cute and also it's incredible how many views this got which makes me think that a lot of other people also thought this was a realist when they were a kid herobrine lanes in the world this is talking about i think the different types of tunnels herobrine can make throughout your world the original post said 2x2 but since then i've seen many variations uh one by two is very popular also it depends how they're lit up sometimes there's no lights sometimes there's redstone torches parody videos although those could be talking about a lot of different things i think in particular it's referencing the different types of music videos that harebran appeared in you got herobrine's life uh take me down the herobrine cubeland wanted men and many many more alternatively this could also be talking about the like live action or minecraft in real life videos that all seem to be made by one guy or i guess one channel called blister cinema as for the entry it's one of those two seeds so nowadays we actually have the original seed from the original 4chan post which i'll talk about in a bit but before that there was so many videos which claimed to have the seeds that could spawn herobrine it was always stuff like herobrine or 666 or one of the more creative ones herobrine backwards which is uh anir bora of course none of these actually worked but the reason they were picked was usually because they had like strange uh world generation but no herobrine believe it or not totem baby this this is my area of expertise so along with there being seeds that could spawn herobrine there were also different structures that claim to do the same thing there were a bunch of variations in the design but the basic construction boiled down to gold blocks netherrack flint and steel sometimes redstone torches and the most important part the herobrine block you would then take this herobrine block place two gold blocks a hair blend block another right and then light the top this specific design became very popular because uh both the design and the hairline block were both featured in a mod that actually summoned herobrine a variation on this design was a more pyramid looking thing uh with redstone torches and sometimes mossy cobble replacing the harebran block this design was a lot more popular before the totem i think because this design existed before the mod was made which popularized the pillar design beta versions uh i'm not too sure i'm guessing this has the same relation to the alpha version theory we covered earlier but i can't think on the spot of any time we've had any canonical appearance of herobrine in beta minecraft i mean what doesn't help is that i've literally just written i don't know alpha versions part two oh yeah see these lights i think we should change them you know why we should change them because we are diving into shallow waters let's go with there we go a nice deep blue okay harold brian joined the game this is the message that would appear whenever herobrine or someone with the name herobrine would join your game this was also the point in the ice work where i noticed a little blemish at the bottom of the image yeah that a little blemish that said and why does well the literal holy grail of icebergs oh my god let me just gush about this website for a bit so not only can you a person create your own iceberg with a bunch of different template but you can also use it to link your your entries to exact videos or websites or you can just leave explanations directly on the entries oh my god it's so good whoever made this seriously thank you so much because this website is just incredible anyways while clicking on this entry it actually leads you to a planet minecraft page which shows you a command that you can use to fake the herobrine joined your game message that's pretty cool i'm still hyped that the iceberg char websites exist because oh my god it's so handy dark corners dark corners is a youtube channel started back in 2016 and is most well known for creepy gaming and more recently clickbait but back in the day he actually made a couple semi-serious herobrine investigations videos in particular i think this entry is referring to as finding herobrine in minecraft documentary this video is a compilation of five different sightings he had of herobrine while he was doing a let's play on an old minecraft vanilla world this series feels like oddly nostalgic to me even though i never watched it before and looking back now it's obviously faked but i still like it for that reason alone he did actually do a new herobrine documentary series but this one was two years later and has much more of that click-baity hyper youtuber energy that i just it's two hours long and i managed to stomach 10 minutes before clicking off so if you you want to go and check it out i recommend watching the original first and then you can try the new one but overall that's dark corners detective craft 53 this is another youtube channel but this time in portuguese because of that i've had to run most if not everything through a translator so take everything i say next with a grain of salt it seems he's doing a herobrine documentary series and so far there seemed to be two parts first one was 15 minutes long and the second one was i think an hour long now i would have actually watched these videos and seen what they're about but i don't speak portuguese so you know small problem herobrine controls mobs although this wasn't featured in the original 4chan post this has become a common staple of the modern harebrine mythos in dark corners herobrine documentary series for example herobrine would stop mob spawning every time he was near herobrine is not just dead brother here we go this is a theory that was mentioned in the original 4chan post op talks about how after he couldn't get a message through to the minecraft forums he was contacted by a group of people who've had similar experiences in this email chain they talk about different sightings and experiences they've had and try to figure out what the hell this herobrine entity really is some people in this group supposedly end up finding a link between the name herobrine and a swedish gamer who happens to be the brother of a certain marcus notch person hope he then goes on to email notch about this to which he responds i did but he is no longer with us this is one of the cornerstones of the original hair rhyme post and is set as evidence of what heroin really is not just dead brother that is somehow imbued or preserved inside the game however in january of 2011 after getting countless numbers of emails and tweets about it nash posted this on his twitter herobrine isn't real in any way no i have never had a brother well there's a half brother i never meet and he's not in the game all right i'm sorry but oh the jumper's coming off oh there we go it is roasting in this room and there's a lawnmower outside so i can't actually open the window so you're just gonna have to you're gonna have to do without the yellow hoodie herabrine on xbox 360. this is another one of those entries that is just saying that hair brine is on xbox 360 edition uh so like the last one i want to talk about a specific sighting that i loved as a tiny child before that however i want to acknowledge that it could also be referring to a little tool tip that would appear in older versions of minecraft's loading screen these would usually just be like oh you can craft a pickaxe or did you know ocelots like fish but one entry was we think 4j studios the guys who did the original minecraft console port have removed herobrine from the xbox 360 console game but we're not too sure also xbox 360 would just be replaced with like playstation 3 or nintendo switch or whatever uh for different versions of the game this is adorable and gives me the same vibes as like the removed herobrine that we covered earlier but now the sighting this sighting comes from a video all the way back in may of 2013 called herobrine sightings on minecraft xbox 360 edition it follows two friends tbr central and van q wisher as they document their experience playing on a super flat world while they started playing everything was normal but after a while they or should i say tbr begins noticing something strange randomly being poisoned trying to be trapped in bedrock out of thin air and even their base being burnt down strangely though his friend van ku wisher always seems to be gone whenever these things start happening you know what are the chances i love this video like it's so obviously fake and every time hair brian shows up he always goes like oh oh my god and even if you wanted to overlook that during a sped up montage section they literally show themselves changing into the exact herobrine skin like why didn't he cut this out and then there's the voice over oh my god the voice over obviously what this guy did was he filmed himself and his friend doing the whole stunt then he brought into windows movie maker sped up things where nothing happened and then click the add voiceover button and did the entire video's voice over in one take and oh my god it was definitely the first take and then of course the little cherry on top is the ending that is just beautifully over dramatic i believe that he exists and he's watching you he's watching everyone wow so good i i love this video or herobrine or herobrine is one of the weirdest places i've ever been it was created 10 years ago around august of 2011 but the first post wasn't made until september 23rd of 2013. two years later taking a look into the wayback machine it seemed that this place was originally meant to be a serious subreddit for herobrine discussion but over time just completely devolved into memes and shitposts i mean the description used to be serious but now it's i'm quoting here racism is alive in the galaxy black holes matter and like that the title tag thing is a bottle i ha what's weird though is that if you scroll all the way down to the bottom there's the first post made eight years ago then a three year time gap before the next post but going back on the way back machine there used to be posts there in that three year time gap so why was there a three year gap of deleted posts then after this three year time gap everything stays relatively serious there's still the odd [ __ ] posting in memes but it's staying relatively serious i saw a year ago when it just completely devolves it's not uncommon to hear of subreddits just not getting popular and just phasing out of existence but to have a subreddit not really be that popular to begin with but then to stay alive by just being [ __ ] posting in memes i it feels weird overall though there's just a lot of weird stuff besides that like what with the title and the description why was there a three-year time gap of posts like what what is going on here all right we're finally starting to reach the weirder stuff and now we're going to keep that going with the shaft copeland copper land is the only other canonical source of herobrine besides the original four champos his one stream as well as a few events afterwards pretty much solidified the modern herobrine mythos and made him as popular as he is today now you all probably know about coppolan but just one more time let me cover it on august 38 2010 copeland was streaming some solo minecraft playthroughs previous to this he'd been posting a couple of screenshots of his world and if you looked closely in several of these screenshots herobrine could be seen remember at this time very few people had actually heard of the original 4chan post copaland happened to be one of them so many people had never seen or even heard of a herobrine ever before the stream seemed to be going normal until at 20 minutes and 45 seconds exactly this famous interaction took place [Music] looking back now it may be obvious to point out how this is fake but back in the day with old video streaming quality and the fact that something like this had pretty much never happened in minecraft before it left a lot of people convinced this was real later on fellow bro craft streamer patty moss live streamed his own interaction with harold brown this time with him free standing over a lava pool patty was his stream went pretty much exactly the same as copeland's he interacted with herobrine died the stream crashed and then came back online a few minutes later to which herobrine disappeared during the second stream however paddy must was heard in the background talking to his wife about how he was faking the entire thing the chat was obviously furious and after a while paddy was just ended streaming later on copeland showed up in his chat and started posting strange links these links led to a site on which you could see steve's face with weirdly realistic eyes followed by a string of text decrypting these characters the script read it has been reported that some victims of torture during the act would retreat into a fantasy world from which they would not wake up in this catatonic state the victim lived in a world just like the normal one except they weren't being tortured the only way that they would realize they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world it would tell them about their condition and tell them to wake up even then it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please wake up this page helped to keep the legitimacy of herobrine alive and after padding was his disastrous stream copeland continued to support the idea that herobrine was in fact real to this day copeland still supports the idea that herobrine is real and he's credited with largely keeping the herring rumor alive and making it as popular as it is today since the original stream he's talked many times about how he actually faked the original sighting by using a painting the full interview is over on the minecraft wiki which i'll link up here now like i said many of you probably already know this so i quickly wanted to talk about the actual footage itself this clip which i'm sure many of you have already seen isn't actually the original stream at all it's actually a recreation we know this because in the version of alpha it claims to be there actually was no sprinting and yet the player character sprints the original copeland stream has been declared as lost media now we know it looks like because of these many many different screenshots but the actual video itself seems to be completely gone humanoid this is a common word used to describe herobrine it comes from an old cut minecraft mob called the human it was a sort of beta or like trial version of what the villager would become humans could not break or create blocks and merely walked in slightly uncomplete circles while jumping occasionally humans while being affected by solid blocks weren't affected by liquids they could walk throughs if they were just air the human would spawn from the player after pressing a certain key and even if the player changes their skin the human maw would always spawn with the steve's skin going off this description it's not too much of a jump to suggest that maybe herobrine is just a bugged or incomplete version of the human mob it also supports the idea that herobrine is only in beta and alpha versions of minecraft as by version 1.0 all code associated with the human had been deleted or reused strange things in 2011 minecraft trailer oh the 2011 minecraft trainer i have watched this thing and i'm not even joking like 50 to 100 times i was addicted to it as a kid i don't even know why however despite that something i and probably many of you haven't noticed is certain details that would kind of hint towards herobrine or at least hint at something creepier going on so one during the desert scene steve is actually standing on an upside down cross two during this cave sequence if you look closely steve's eyes actually turn white in part three during this zombie fight if you look between the trees there's this strange almost like creature head or something in the background overall these details were definitely strange and hinted something stranger going on in this trailer however i'm gonna ruin all the fun and debunk all three of these number one the whole desert thing if you look closely it's just random terrain generation it is sort of lucky that it got a cross but also this shape is seen in a bunch of minecraft range generation it just kind of happens number two in this cave sequence his eyes did not turn white he's just really really far away so it's hard to tell colors so yeah no and three this strange creature during the zombie fight now at first to me this was one of the most you know strongest points of evidence as to something we're going on this trailer but after like staring at it and thinking about it for a long long time i think what happened here is we're seeing a bunch of leaves like sort of like joining together or seeing through to sand so we are seeing weird shapes in the leaves and then the sand behind is what's bringing out the different like the eyes and the mouth and stuff hello so yesterday i stopped recording mid-tier so here we are day two that's why the lighting framing and a couple other things are probably a little bit different so i just thought i'll let you know the change isn't so just completely god awful canonical versus community as you've probably noticed there are many differences to the canon herobrine and the community version of hair of rhyme way too many to cover all in one section but i'll hop through a few interactions in the canon herobrine is only capable of breaking and placing block in the community harebran can break and place blocks but can also possess passive mobs as well as that he sometimes has access to blocks that you wouldn't normally be able to get in survival mode such as bedrock movement in the canon heroine is seen walking away from the player from this he can also imply that he can run he may also be capable of teleportation as seen in copeland's stream but this could also be explained away by saying he just used his tunnel network in the community he can teleport freely at will like an enderman as well as this many sources have him being able to just like float through blocks almost as if he's in spectator mode and finally intent in the canon herobrine is much more like a stalker he simply watches from afar not wanting to interact or interfere with the player at all in the communities version however he's much more vengeful he's usually quite angry wanting to trap or kill the player and is always trying to steal their items the original siding seed okay this one's really cool so recently this image the original one uh the seed for this world was found it was found well by a group of people but it was discovered by andrew underscore 55 or k minster there's a big long story to this that i don't have time to explain but if you do want to learn more i recommend checking out and venom's video up there okay and to finish out this tier we have herobrine x steve ship i will burn this planet down before i spend another minute living among these animals [Music] 1.16 removed herobrine absence as i've mentioned before the line removed herobrine has been in every minecraft update all the way back since beta 1.6.6 however recently in update 1.16 that line was completely absent from the changelog some fans thought this was just intentional to line up with the theme of the update that being the nether update but this line is still absent in the 1.17 change log so maybe they've just given up trying to remove herobrine herobrine in playstation 4 or playstation 3 edition this is just another one of those entries talking about hebrine being in a version of minecraft but unlike the previous two i haven't actually watched any videos of herobrine sightings in ps3 or 4 edition um so small problem there but while looking for like a new one to watch for this video i could only find a bunch of like spawner tutorial videos you know no actual sightings so i don't know i guess nothing for this entry lost versions minecraft has been through many many many updates throughout its 12 years of existence and while many of these versions are readily accessible there are quite a few that aren't all of these versions will be completely lost to time if it wasn't for a group of dedicated individuals trying their best to preserve it omni archive is a group of people dedicated to doing just that and wow are they dedicated what makes this even more impressive is that unlike other games minecraft had been released on like every platform imaginable and omni archive wants to archive all of them everything from all java like beta and alpha versions all the way up to like nintendo 3ds and fire tv versions they have two giant spreadsheets documenting every version of minecraft they know of and which ones they've been able to archive or not and i recommend you go check it out anyways what is this to do with herobrine well it should be fairly obvious many of these versions especially old java beta and alphas have just been completely lost to time so maybe these versions are where herobrine hides mhf herobrine mhf stands for mark's head format which are a series of created accounts made by senior mojang employee mark notch person that was all incorrect information but you wouldn't know that because you you can't read the script mph stands for mark's head format which is a catalog of accounts created by senior mojang employee mark watson these accounts were created with certain skins and were intended for map makers to use this way they could use these skins to add little details without having to worry about the skins changing over time recent changes to minecraft actually make it so you don't have to worry about skins changing anymore but the catalog still exists nonetheless each account starts with mhf underscore something so it's like a mhf pig mhf pumpkin and of course mhf herobrine patimus you already know this is i talked about them earlier but one interesting to note is like copeland's original stream patty most of the original stream is also completely gone and also there's no recreation no one even tried to recreate it at the time so we have no idea what this stream even looked like there's not even any screenshots of the stream so we have literally no idea what it looked like the only way we know what happened is from eyewitness accounts disc 11 spec program disc 11 is that one disc we were all scared of as kids while all the other discs are happy little melodies disc 11 is a weird story that sounds like someone's almost being chased the disc's meaning has been argued over for years and it's way too much to cover in this video but youtuber wifeys has made a great video which i will link right up there but what i do want to talk about is disc 11's spectrogram a spectrogram is essentially just a way of visualizing the strength or loudness of a sound over time at least according to google when you run disc 11 through a spectrogram you get this now what's immediately noticeable are the numbers 1 2 4 1 8 but what do they mean well 12 is the asc iii hexadecimal number for c so c418 the signature of composer daniel rosenfield who made this track as well as all the songs in minecraft which is called easter egg but what's more important to us is the face over on the left hand side it's been debated for ages what this is but the two likeliest candidates are either a creeper or herobrine this could mean that the events that take place on the disk are happening to or because of herobrine harebrine could possibly be the person breathing on the disc who eventually gets blown up by the end maybe that's what caused him to this ghostly entity that he is today alternatively maybe that explosion at the end is someone trying to escape herobrine after they learned too much or something like that and now we arrive at the very last bit of ice on the iceberg before we dive deeper the fossils all right you know what i think i think it's time for a color change and i think oh whoa whoa buddy think oh yeah i think we're bringing out the red okay there's a lot more led stuff but you can't actually see it because this camera can only see like a tiny bit and i'm always blocking it but there is a lot more leds dead minor bug this is not an official bug but a sort of joint experience joint experience essentially while exploring underground many players have claimed they've heard weird eerie noises not just the normal underground eerie noises it was as if someone was walking or even mining behind them some players have claimed to die randomly in caves even though there's no mobs around as if they were attacked by someone or something copeland testimony i already touched on this briefly it's just the email exchange copeland had with an admin at i think the minecraft wiki or something um he just goes through everything that he did to set up the herobrine stun and how he did it and like leading up to it um it's very interesting so if that does sound interesting again it's linked i think below i forget where i pointed to last time but it's linked somewhere um yeah herabrine nsfw do not research you bastard this entry is obviously fake i mean doesn't link to anything hovering over it just gives you the quote really um so it's it's it's fake but i love it nonetheless because not only is it just a do not research entry but they they threw in the you bastard like what herobrine in nintendo switch rage elixir rage elixir is a youtube channel that specializes in doing mostly minecraft content back in 2017 he did a survival minecraft series with him and fellow youtuber double a12 this theory starts out normal enough but then a horrible entity starts haunting their game that's right bad wifi yeah so halfway through the series they just start disconnecting and can't join the same world and then the last two videos are essentially just them going ah guys we can't we we can't connect damn i guess herobrine must be involved oh my god damn that sucks guys well series over so overall didn't really find anything i think the closest they came was in the intro to one video he like photoshopped an image of herobrine onto a certain thing but that was kind of it the rest were just wi-fi problems one thing i do want to talk about though is the sort of like episode zero or i guess the video that came before he started the series where he talked to people and asked would they want to see the series actually become a thing in this video rage elixir talks about how he thinks herobrine is in minecraft switch edition because of the tooltip we talked about which definitely isn't copy and pasted across every single version of minecraft console edition but you know whatever and then he asks viewers if they'd want to see it before ending the video now the way the video is structured right it's it almost sounds like there's meant to be a herobrine sighting in this video that he doesn't mention and then you scroll into the comments if you were like oh my god yeah at 4 minutes 22 seconds look in the background look it's over there you know it's meant to be if it feels like there should be a herald ryan siding in this video because he'd post this type of video people would like it'd be really obvious people would find the herobrine and then that would be his excuse to start the series and get people you know enthralled but no it's just a really weirdly structured six minute video for some reason at least as far as i can tell i've watched the video a couple times and i can't see anything any hair brands anywhere um maybe there is one just like really well hidden but since his content is mostly aimed at kids i thought he'd make it way easier here i'll leave a link below you guys can take your own shots at it maybe i couldn't see it but overall just a strange video so it types into your browser you're brought to a weird banner or ad in chinese running this to a translator and keep in mind this is going through a sort of sketchy translator i got on my phone so it might not be super accurate but it's the best i could do if anyone actually speaks chinese please translate it properly scan code to receive red envelope use alipay to receive payment every day dare to sweep and pay best 99 open alipay scan searching up alipay red envelope actually brings up many different sites talking about this apparently this is sort of like a marketing campaign that alipay launched outside of china in 2018. if a shop owner accepted alipay they could download this image and then stick it up in their shop this could then be scanned by alipay users for a discount in store alipay itself is essentially just like an e-wallet where you can store your money on your phone so my best guess for what this is is that when a shop owner would say all right i want to join alipay they'd be sent a link to this website where they could then print off the image and stick it up as for why it's i have no idea mojang lie that herobrine does not exist to gain popularity hovering over the entry itself it gives this explanation and i i didn't write it down so i'll just put it on screen right now and you can all read it there it is pretty cool so i don't know i kind of understand where the creator is coming from with this but back in 2012 minecraft was already exploding anyway just because it was a fun ass game and i'm sure herobrine helped some people get into it but overall i don't think it had a huge helping and definitely not enough to where mojang would even think about lying about his existence to try and boost the popularity of the game [Music] you know what i'm gonna do this gonna look sick herobrine power rangers so clicking on this one just links you to this skin page like it's called nova skin i've never used this website but it's just like a skin page and links directly to this rainbow herobrine skin i mean come on focus there you go which i mean that's cool i guess but checking in the reddit comments the seems the creator was actually trying to talk about the different types of herobrine in general so you know what let's take a trip over to skin decks and take a look at all these different versions of airline here we got suit tuxedo herobrine [Music] looking dashing as always we got demonic herobrine whoo look at that spooky boy we have gamer herobrine oh yeah look at them look at look at those gamer gloves oh my god n thurbrine and thurbrine i'm not sure how you'd say that it's a mix of two different hair brines it seems an ender version and then another version and of course i think it's only fair we finish out with a very festive christmas brian look at him santa brian what a beautiful boy the supposed first herobrine video this is very interesting it links to a video by channel yamuck and then in the intro it says the channel name is rhino73 either way this video is from the 25th of november 2010 one of the very earliest videos i think even exists online this video is really interesting so it actually documents several different harebran encounters obviously it has the first 4chan one it also touches on copeland's one but it also touches on many other different herring sightings which i don't actually know where he got these from also what's very interesting is in the description it reads hey guys in this video i explain who the legendary herobrine is legendary so even in the same year the original rumor was spread he'd already began to acclaim legendary status this is very interesting to go back and watch because i mean it raises so many questions um as to whether or not this is the first herobrine video ever made um and most of all where it came from really is this a reupload or did the guy just change his channel name over time i don't actually know translated post from copeland's website i think this is just talking about the copeland website again with the weird eyes and the translated text but i don't know why it brought her up for like a third time clicking on this doesn't lead you anywhere there's no hover over explanation so i have no idea what they're talking about besides that post we already i already talked about which is the you know wake up one herobrine.mp4 now according to the creator this is meant to reference several weird strange videos under this title that can be found on youtube he links a couple in the post which are playing on screen right now but these don't have a lot to them they seem strange and almost like part of a larger a org or something but as far as i can tell no searching this on youtube myself i could only find a handful of videos and the majority of these were just memes and [ __ ] posts what's even stranger is that i couldn't actually find that original video that the creator kept linking in the reddit post overall this one seems very mysterious but i couldn't find anything so instead here's a handful of my reactions to some of my favorites oh my god guys it's raining right now but i'm gonna go outside for no reason at all oh man this is so creepy i'm getting wet wait here ryan thank you so much for the diamond [Laughter] it's a freaking dark souls character [Music] [Music] dude and that's the harold brian iceberg oh my god my back is sore um thank you so much for watching i do hope you enjoyed uh this is a it's hopefully shorter iceberg than usual um i just thought it was fun and like i said way earlier on the video i've been researching herobrine since i was like two years old uh so when i first saw this iceberg which was like 30 minutes after it had been posted to reddit i was like i need i need to cover this um so here it is uh if you liked it please consider subscribing and liking and doing all that jazz uh if you really want to see more again go follow my twitch bigmarsh tv i stream wednesdays and saturdays at around 8 pm gmt if you don't want to watch live streams though you can join the discord my twitter or my instagram which are all linked below and with all that being said i hope you have a great day we're done boys back it up
Channel: Big Marsh
Views: 20,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, The Minecraft Iceberg Explained, The Roblox Iceberg Explained, Parallel Pipes, The Ultimate Minecraft Iceberg Explained, Herobrine, Herobrine Investigation, Herobrine is real, iceberg, iceberg explained, iceberg videos, iceberg chart, mish koz, creepy gaming, creepy minecraft, creepypasta, Big Marsh, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, beating minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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