The ultimate guide to WALL DECOR.

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wall decor what is it nobody knows and yet we spend a lot of time worrying about it I spend a lot of time stressing about wall decor it's the eighth wonder of the world I would say impossible to figure out what do I do with that giant wall what are shapes that are good why does this wall look so stupid why does wal deore matter ultimately it doesn't in the grand scheme of things it doesn't but I do spend a lot of time thinking about it and it's one of the most common design conundrums I hear people like write in about so we're going to talk about today and I think we're going to get some real good ideas that's going to help you problem solve like what might be off with a wall you're trying to fill some ideas of like different ways to think about wal Decor some hacks cuz wal Decor gets so expensive and then the second half of the video I'm going to share with you some really really cool really easy DIY ideas for home decor that I do all the time and then later on we're going to go thrifting and I'm going to show you some lowbudget thrifting hacks to get some really cool unique wall art it's going to be a great video and we're going to be doing one of these little crafts of turning a frame like this into this it is so easy I'm telling you I only do crafts that are idiot proof okay and this one is I'm so excited I am so excited okay here we go [Music] wal Decor is such a stumper and it has been for centuries such a stumper that that now people are just hanging these macra things on their walls and I'm sorry for this hot take but I hate this I hate this I don't hate you but I hate the Mac wall hanging it's a belligerent opinion that I stand by let's take it down let's take it down but the spirit behind the macra wall decor is is not a bad one it's actually good which is getting Beyond picture frames one of the biggest things people Overlook with their wall decor is how to add dimensionality something sculptural something more 3D than just frame frame frame frame frame frame frame the room starts falling flat if you don't so I like to look around my space and find things they don't even have to specifically be wall decor I have hung like a very pretty decorative wooden duster on my wall specifically because it adds dimensionality so thinking about the ways you can incorporate sculptural objects into your home is going to make such a difference you want that variety of depths another great way to bring in depth variation with your wall decor of course is are shelves but you don't have to just go with a basic shelf you can find a shelf that is like truly a piece of art a sculpture in itself you don't need a ton of these if you get like one really beautiful shelf it can be a piece of art in [Music] itself if you're really committed to your Mac I'm going to give you an alternative that I think can be really beautiful which is hanging some actual tapestries sometimes you see really like lovely handwoven rugs tapestries that are really works of art in themselves the reason why I think a tapestry or like a framed rug can be really fun is because they solve the problem of planes a lot of times when you look around a room all our artw works you know a bunch of frames are hung all the same height now you can you can hear advice from some people online saying like I heart should be hung at this you know 5 and 1 half feet off the floor la la to be at eyesight first of all you don't know how tall I am dog and all my guests actually come in different heights so I don't really get the point of that and also having art hung all at one height it just feels very flat to me again you know we want to work in depth and we also want to have variation in height if you're looking around your space and it's like artwork artwork artwork all at this level something that can break it up in a really great way is having a long piece and I will also say these things can get expensive so a hack that I love is just picking out a wallpaper that you love you can buy like one roll of wallpaper and that is going to be so much more affordable than saving up for the like giant giant artwork which I also love but yes they can be expensive so getting something like that framed with a mat around it can be a beautiful way to break up the monotony of all the all our art kind of hung at the same height something else that I will always be in love with speaking of heights is just hanging art so low to the ground that it makes people mad there are just no rules there are no rules and I really love to see some designers hanging a piece of artwork just in the randomst place so thinking outside the box like look around your space and see what box you've chosen for yourself what rule you're subconsciously abiding by that like art has to be this way and how can you break it that's going to bring a lot more depth and layering to your [Music] space it's very easy to get lost in just like wall decor wall decor buying more wall decor hang more wall decor and you might have overlooked actually considering how you want to treat the wall itself let me explain consider adding texture in some way it might not be that you need more wall decor up there if you just go and add like a grasscloth wallpaper or there's like peel and stick versions of bead board things like that something that adds a little texture to the wall is going to take care of it like 90% of the work and then you can hang like an artwork or two up there same goes for adding your wall moldings picture frame moldings things like that but of course that takes a little more work as soon as you get that up on the wall just a little bit of Interest a little bit of variation and texture that takes care of a lot of the heavy lifting for you in a bedroom something you can do behind like this large empty wall behind your bed easy simple lift that's going to be super impactful is just doing like a little picture Rail and painting The Rail and beneath it that adds color it adds Dimension it breaks it up into sections it's got you like 80% of the way there and you can hang up a little frame call it a day [Music] something that's really important to think about though that you might have overlooked with your wall decor is where are you giving the eye a break you need a palette cleanser otherwise it can be overwhelming and if there's too much clutter too much going on then everything that is on the wall loses a little bit of its potency so when you leave the negative space and leave room for the break for a break that break that negative space around your wall art actually becomes the frame think of that as the like macro frame for your art and the frame is important there's a reason framing is a thing because it draws attention and it draws like a center of gravity and an anchor to the [Music] [Applause] artwork okay what do we do with that giant empty wall probably one of the biggest questions I get on my channel and a stumper for me too like I listen I don't have all the answers there's plenty of art and wall decor hung up in my home that's like not very well done I'm not saying that I do it perfectly but these are some of the things I like to think about to try and mix it up and get closer to problem solving the big giant empty wall is one of the biggest stumpers of course you can always go with like a giant artwork that's kind of the way I went in my living room above my sofa giant empty wall and so I couldn't afford a giant piece of art to fill it so I made one I made something simple something that was ID proof I still kind of messed up the frame everyone on the channel hates it I don't care I'm never fixing it and it's also actually the thing that most people love when they walk into my space another really easy way to kind of hack your way to a more affordable giant artworks is doing sets like two large sets three large sets that can kind of uh span the length of your wall but they don't have to be one continuous thing I talked about framing a wallpaper sample that you love I've seen this done with like Gracie wall paper Gracie wallpaper is this exorbitantly absurdly expensive handp painted custom-made wallpaper but I've seen people like frame just two slices of it and then you have a set of two artworks you can do this with really any wallpaper any print that you love could be posters of course but I think on a large wall thinking about sets or trios make it a little triptic can be a really good way to fill that up alternatively the best thing you can do to fill up a big wall is break it into sections the thing that makes this big empty wall the most difficult is that there's literally nothing breaking it up there's no architectural detail like a wall popping out even if there was like a wall popping out and some inset that would be easier to fill and of course you don't have to go and add molding to your wall to break it up another thing you can do break it up using like taller pieces of furniture so maybe you've got like the wall flanked into two taller pieces of furniture and then it leaves a little bit kind of a a more manageable piece of wall in the middle that you could put like a frame or two in you might be able to divide the wall up with paint it depends basically thinking about any way you can break up the space into sections visually whatever way you can is going to make your job so much [Music] easier okay Gallery walls right we love a gallery wall Gallery walls are actually a trend in a way the way that we've been doing them the recent years that is a trend we haven't always done it that way and I think it's fair to expect that we'll eventually kind of Sidle away from that as well but there's a bunch of different ways you can do a gallery wall ways that will kind of break the trend one of the main ways to do a gallery wall is to have everything lined up at right angles all the corners matching up in different ways but one of the ways that I like to do it first of all it's like easier on you and on your measuring tape and can bring kind of a different offbeat energy energy is by doing what designer Rita kig calls cutting off the highways so the spaces the alleys the highways as she calls them in between your frames make sure they're always interrupted and it can have a really cool effect it's going to make it feel um a little more eclectic and a little less overly manicured what's great about that is things don't have to be precise but I think the key here when hanging that Gallery wall is to keep those highways even if you're breaking them up keep them moderately the same width so that like the streets themselves are the same width even though you're interrupting them with lots of turns people ask all the time about how to hang a gallery wall and there's so many um tools and services that help you and personally I don't like to use any of them I just like to hang it up there with my best guess measuring it by hand by measure I mean I'm using my finger I'm not using a measuring tape and if it's off I take it out and I move the nail a little bit yes this leaves more holes in my wall behind the frames you can cover them up in a hot second if you want to and usually you don't even see them they're behind the frame but to me that's very worth it so that the Endeavor of hanging a gallery wall doesn't make your back hurt like isn't migraine inducing it should be fun you should experiment and what's great about that is that you actually then have the opportunity to surprise yourself to hang something up in a wonky way that you then realize you actually really like I would say the biggest thing I would try and stay away from with Gallery walls is leaving the pieces too spaced out you lose the tension you lose the energy uh it just starts to feel a little scattered to me so I do prefer to keep them a little closer together that being said I have not done that correctly in plenty of my gallery walls here so it's not a make or break thing but it's just it's in general a preference let's mix it up how can we bring some variation into our space we've put up all the picture frames a person could ever put up we need to bring in some variations something that can help break up all the frames mixing in a mirror mixing in a weird color frame I feel like a pop of a weird color frame doesn't have to match your Decor can be a piece of art on its own I've seen a really fun Trend recently and this is a trend so it will probably feel like kind of lived out eventually but um this trend of like of like folded ribbon put up on the wall and you don't have to do the specific thing but what I do love about it is that it's like original it's Unique it can be free form organic shapes to break up all the rectangles of your frames and something that pops out of the wall you can do this also with you know items from nature that you've collected on trips of course with plants that's why plants are great on the wall because they bring a little bit of dimensionality and a little bit more of an organic shape okay a couple things I like to do to save money on wall decor and still have custom pieces number one framing postcards postcards are great this guy is a postcard in a thrifted frame I think a friend got this for me this postcard for me in a museum museum gift shops travel gift shops or wherever they going to have such beautiful designs you know this is probably five bucks and I promise you a print that was not a postcard of this thing the same size would have been like $4 $50 it's Mayhem and just putting it in a thrifted frame I really really love that I have postcards hung all over other thing I'm loving right now and I can't shut up about on my channel is pressing flowers these are all pressed flowers I wish you could smell them I don't know if it's a good smell it kind of smells like a hamster cage these are just flowers I have pressed I just press them in a book leave them forget about them come back to them and you have these beautiful pieces of artwork I like to frame them look at this cutie guy so pretty and you can arrange them all different ways and what I'm really loving right now is taking a little plant from trips so my boyfriend Justin and I recently went on a trip to Savannah Georgia and they have this plant there called star jasmine and I just love this little plant so I took one pressed it in a book and now I framed this in a custom frame that I did that I'm going to show you how to do and this is like a little momento from my trip doesn't cost you nothing dog speaking of this Frame this is the coolest thing I've ever seen this Frame started out like this and I didn't invent this craft I saw it first done by Shannon Claire who's a great designer I'm going to share her Instagram and I've seen other people do this on Pinterest so I'm going to show you how you can make this kind of custom frame with any print any wallpaper you can find it's super fun let's go thrift some items and do a couple little home decor wall decor [Music] crafts listen this is not a fashion Channel but I'm going to force everyone to look at my outfit I'm feeling kind of pan but I want Applause for this outfit immediately shoes everyone has asked Saison skirt Saison I'm a Saison ho now everlane let's kick it dog right now we are going to go to a stationary store in DC that I love and pick up some pretty little art prints we can frame it's a very beautiful day to be alive not going to stop making you look my outfit Hi how are you that's perfect thank you so much have a great day you love it says Gustav kot George hendrik brightner I love it and then I also got the dragon flies I love these instant instant art Here We Go part one complete now we are off to the thrift [Music] store quick pit stop for gas thank you to upside vide like this are made possible by sponsors like upside I use upside every time I get gas or groceries it's a cashback app that partners with over 30,000 businesses and 25,000 gas stations across 48 states plus DC it's real cash back it's not points it's not Loyalty Rewards I earn real literal dollars back every time I get groceries or gas it's a natural fit to the things I'm already doing and it's really easy to use you check in at the business pay as usual with a credit card or debit card you just can't use cash and you get paid the cash appears in your upside account and you can cash out at any time through a bank transfer PayPal Amazon Starbucks whatever top upside earners make as much as 300 bucks a month to find out how much you could earn click the link in the description to download upside and use code Caroline to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas or you can scan the QR code here and it's really easy to use that's it boom made it MEA [Music] wow what a high 16 frames a dollar each 16 bucks the key you want to look for some flat surfaces nothing that has too much detailing on it for what we're going to do and we got one more stop wow wow wow wow you made it people are staring at me in the parking lot yeah okay JK Michaels didn't have that many good options but I ended up going to the other Mecca Paper Source they really had the right paper for this so if you're going to do this craft I'd suggest Paper Source cuz they have like the individual prints of paper you can just get like individual wrapping papers I'm feeling good here we go okay babies I am home with all my frames and we are going to make something beautiful right now all right what we're going to do I think I'd like to take this guy and we're going to use this Frame but we're going to make it sexy cuz I don't like I will say this I don't usually like a black frame almost anywhere personal opinion come at me this Frame this postcard found this wallpaper which I love and I think I like how it pairs with the red actually I think that's going to be a real cool pop take apart the frame we're going to start with covering the frame so let's wa lay our wallpaper down it going to go face down let's cut this bad boy and we're working with beautiful Mod Podge turn it over to the front side and you can be pretty sloppy with it it okay we going to flip it over beautiful it dries relatively easily relatively fast probably also have to do this pulling it tight and you want to rub out the inevitable wrinkles that will form don't stress too much about the wrinkles but as much as you can rub it out pulling it tight tight tight we're keeping it tight we're rubbing it out we're keeping it tight we're rubbing it out in the words of Martha Stewart we're going to cut off this excess the only thing that's tricky about this is the corners sweet we're going to finish wrapping the rest around and you can get you can get the mod podge everywhere because it it's there is going to be Mod Podge everywhere pull it tight for Martha and we turn it over it's looking cute but it's not really looking like anything okay let's cut off this these excess corners and then we're going to go to the front I'm just going to slice this open this part's kind of fun I'm using just like an X-Acto blade and you want to leave a little extra like the frame ends right here but you want to leave a little extra so you can wrap it around and then on the corner I like to go diagonally into the corner and you'll see why don't cut my finger off wow we got some excess on the back so I actually want to take off the back excess so remember this side is the back so like it doesn't have to be perfectly done I never pass up an opportunity where I can be sloppy I'm just sloppy I'm sloppy and I'm lazy and that doesn't mean I can't do crafts sloppy lazy people can do crafts too okay so that's the back okay now we're just going to fold this excess in so I'm going to slop a lot on the sides this is the fun part now we tuck we tuck and we press we turn and we press we keep it tight it's tight it's tight we keep it tight okay okay and the way Mod Podge works is you also put a layer on top the layer on top is going to like seal it as well so you can just go through and seal it up and it kind of soaks through the paper to make it stay okay time to flip it over oh my God how pretty oh my freaking goodness how pretty Wow Let's Podge it out this is going to be the sealant so you do want to get all sides of it it's a sealant but it's also a glue it helps everything stick down I mean it's just like amazing Mod Podge God I love Mod Podge so yeah I'm just going to fold in the corners and just smooth them down it's pretty perfect we're going to let that dry and in the meantime we're going to do the matting so this is the matte it comes with you could either leave this white and do a matte do like the wallpaper on the inside or I'm going to I'm going to wallpaper this easy peasy y'all easy as hell out here G I think this is like my favorite crap such a satisfying result and it's not that hard it's going to be fine okay so I probably should have got two sheets of paper oh well okay so this is going to be cool but think about how much cooler it would have been if IID bought the correct amount of paper hm pop it out dog yeah so it's going to be like this he going to go there I'm just going to do the best I can what more could I ever do look at this look how stinking pretty that is are you absolutely kidding [Music] me wow wow wow I'm so stinking happy though are you kidding me are you kidding me I love this so much this is so cool okay that's amazing we're we artists now um I'm going to do a couple more just cuz I love to do a time lapse and show you some more options here we go [Music] [Music] wow okay I'm in love with all of these you guys have to try this at home you have to if you try it let me know how it goes I love it okay I probably wouldn't put these together in a gallery wall and this one really stands out as being intense I love putting a really like classical piece with some Modern pops and stuff I like the contrast this would have to find a special place for it to work though but I do really really love it let me tell you what I am feeling so proud of these crafts I love finding a craft especially for wal Decor that's like practical I will actually use it it actually looks good it doesn't look like a kindergartner made it and it didn't take that much effort or money tldr I think the most important thing you can do when trying to problem solve your wall decor is figure out what like subconscious rules and restrictions you're working within and how can you break out of them what feels unacceptable to do are you never allowed to hang art near the floor can it never be that tall are you not allowed to put a teapot somewhere it shouldn't be you know what's a color that wouldn't match the rest of your Decor those little surprises are what is going to breathe life and interest into your space it's nice to have things cohesive but when they get too cohesive too matchy matchy it actually falls flat and nothing feels that potent or interesting it's your home it should excite you it should feel interesting it's yours to experiment with don't let it be something that stresses you out put holes in that dang wall no one's going to die I promise you that yeah just get comfortable like experimenting trying some things and being okay with making be taking them down after a few weeks if you don't like them I do it all the time all the time I hope this is a helpful video sent to somebody who is struggling with their wall decor and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Caroline Winkler
Views: 189,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decor, interior design
Id: tVsQ4T9Zo3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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