Every Outfit I Wear in a Week (*as a coquettish little bb*)

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I don't know if this is just me I don't think it's just me but I have this constant internal monologue between me and my wardrobe all the time of what worked and what didn't work I'm in a fight with that sweater because I can't get it to work or like feeling really affectionate for that pair of socks for no discernable reason or trying to review what went well the other day or what look I'm trying to achieve better tomorrow and it's just like constant silent internal conversation between me and my clothes and I think that like everybody has that sometimes I felt like I'm falling short because I don't have a super solidified defined style that I'm so confident to share and like tell people about I definitely feel like my style is always changing but that's fun and I'm not a fashion person in any way but I really like hearing people's internal monologue with them and their clothes and so I've got a lot of requests to share clothes recently and I thought it would just be fun to vocalize the internal monologue between me and my clothes and I think we all kind of have that you know here's the [Music] video so I'm just going to show a bunch of outfits that I would wear in a week kind of like the I was watching the Vogue Seven Days Seven outfits video and they whatever it's going to be like that kind of I definitely used to get made fun of a lot for what I wear I felt like I never really wore the cool things when I was trying to like dress to feel confident in myself it often wasn't things that other people thought were cool I think I've received a lot of like comments about that in my life and recently I feel a little more confident just being like well why I don't care if this is cool like this is what I feel like myself in this is what I feel good in and that's a pretty new feeling I don't know if I'm like all the way in that but it is a newer feeling to be like okay maybe this skirt Isn't that cool but like I really like it I don't know it's weird how hard that is let's start with some outfits this is a skirt that I wear all all all the time I wear this all the time I think it's literally from American Eagle and I'll tell you what I feel like I'm too old to be seen shopping an American Eagle cuz when you go in there it's like 12 to 19 Max and then there I am at a hot 32 but I love this skirt the long length of the leg I don't know something about the mesh material just hangs away that I like and um I feel like I can dress this up or dress it down shirt is thrifted I'm a sucker for a peasanty cutie girl Flirty Girl situation this jacket is Levi's and it was my mom S I took it I don't I think she gave it to me I think she knows that I have it purse is a brand I found I really wanted a cream just like a cream or beige summer purse that was structured this is from frea New York and it's actually called the Caroline bag in oat the Caroline bag come on and the shoes are anthropology I'm obsessed with these shoes I probably need to clean them I wear them all the time I like that that they have a little bit of like a chunk heel to them and they're just sweet as pie they're just sweet as pie these are very TI to me these are very little child oh I also have this great bra that makes it look like I have boobs it's just a good bra boom boom cute and cute hello oh it is still really hard for me to spend money on clothes when I was younger i' never had money so I was always thrifting I was always buying cheap stuff and recently I think my growing Edge is to invest in nicer pieces that will just last to me that's much more sustainable but even thrifting feels like it can be really wasteful sometimes I've caught myself buying things that I won't actually end up using cuz I'm like ah it's not that big a deal it's cheap whatever buying extra things you don't need is still wasteful so I do like thrifting but I also actually like balancing it with buying like nice things that I have to take care of and I will put special attention towards cuz they were expensive and they're wellmade but like for example shoes from anthropology I mean they're not Jimmy chewes but even that is like a big purch like for shoes like $100 $200 that feels crazy to me still it feels really hard for me to make those purchases but I'm trying to do that more instead of buying as much disposable stuff whatever it's a balance it's a [Music] balance if you help don't smile it Tak just a while this is a dress I thrifted in Ohio the tag says Joe Fresh I don't know if I've ever shopped at Joe Fresh before but I love this dress I just love that it's like very little girly I wore this at like the 4th of July one year and I think that was like the peak of my life I feel so like myself in this I kind of do love a tent of a dress I was trying to think of like there's that idea I think it's Alison Bornstein says that you're supposed to have like three words to describe your style or to guide your style like guide your purchases and I think my words are probably like flirty there's like the flirty part classic which my sister likes to call Young Republican mom I think it's more classic maybe Ivy and then the third I think is Tike because I was trying to think of like one word that describes just like a small young boy or sometimes a small young girl but it's more often a small young boy like maybe a tot a TI a tot a lad I love whether it's like big sweatshirts or just something kind of from childhood I love this hat is from the gift shop of the Baltimore aquarium my friend Ashley has the same one this one of my favorite hats Fourth of July Fourth of July does this feel like 4th of July I also never really feel like I know how to tie the sweater excuse me I was literally like gawking at a grandma outside my window earlier who did it well I don't know this one's maybe this is too big is this too big to wear over your shoulder see I don't know I think this video is a good opportunity for you guys to give me feedback you guys give me put in the options the style advice that I need or the adjustments or Brands I should check out because that's one thing I definitely feel like I don't know like I don't think I have like amazing insightful brand recommendations what's the right way to what's what's the right thing to do H H okay okay honey how you been such a long time this is my like make them wonder if I play tennis look but I'll never tell up top we got a thrifted top thrifted bag and then I'm really into the trend of doing a sock with like an unexpected shoe I think it just makes it really cute socks are bombas and I'm partnering with them today on this video I have several friends who will only wear bomas socks because they actually last forever they don't wear out they're so comfortable they're designed to have no annoying toe seams um even their t-shirts are made without like itchy tags they have a 100% happiness guarantee they also have frill socks now which I need to get a pair of their frill socks I love a frill they have grip socks so they actually won't fall down if you're tired of the like ankle socks that always fall down on you but I'll tell you what else they are also the only socks that I'll wear camping Justin is a big camper and hiker which means I am now a big camper and hiker and um these are like the only socks that I won't sweat all the way through I have a sweating condition in my feet and uh they make these great Marino wool socks which are really the only thing I can tolerate wearing boom I'm talking boom boom boom boom boom but the best thing about bombas is that they're a super Purpose Driven brand for every item purchased they give an item donated bombas has donated over a 100 million essential clothing items they make the first second and third third most requested essential clothing items in homeless shelters which is socks underwear and t-shirts and they donate an item with every single purchase these by the way are My noow noow Little Secret so socks from bombas these sneakers are like really low cut scandalous and so these are the only socks I will wear with them with bombas socks you can feel good and do good knowing that your purchase goes to something that actually matters also they are just cute I think it's adorable how about that how about being adorable huh you ever think of that they're just actually a really great company I'm glad that they're in the world new customers can get 20% off their first purchase just go to bombas.com Caroline and use code Caroline to get 20% off your first order they don't wear out they do good for the world wait no let me do that again what do I want to do let me visualize what I want to do ow they have so many supremely cute looks and styles and they're good for your soul I really really recommend supporting this company thank you to bombas I don't know what poses to do I feel a little nervous and a little in my head making a clothes video is that good for you okay this is a skirt I wore recently on my trip to La it was very cute this is something that I don't often feel like I can wear in DC where I live where things are like conservative and it's just like culturally conservative like people don't wear very flashy stuff and it kind of bumps me out I think I should probably get Bolder and just like not care cuz I do think that when you are confidently rocking something like people just like it and if they don't that's their problem anyway like who cares actually if somebody likes it when I lived in New York I wore a lot like more fun flashy stuff and I kind of want to get back to that I feel like part of me has gotten scared of being really flashy in DC cuz I don't want someone to think I'm like like trying to get so much attention um mostly I'm just trying to have fun with clothes and I know that when I'm older I'm going to look back and be like why didn't I wear more crazy stuff you know like why didn't I do that who cares so I'm trying to get in touch with that okay so I do really like I like putting like if I'm wearing something really skin tight balancing it with something looser I really like that these don't like obviously go together this is kind of like Clubby which I'm never seen in a club so there's no reason I really need to wear like a straightup club outfit but with the sweater I feel like it's kind of strange and grandm but it does still go but it's like a mix up of textures and I don't know the other thing I've learned about Cardigans is that like this is so different from this I don't know why that makes like all the difference to me I just like I like that this is the only pose I can think of boom boom boom boom boom boom boom oh wait no I need to turn off the camera think about me every night oh is that I okay this is a skirt I got recently excuse me I need to steam this skirt it's from Reformation but I don't have time to steam it right now although I do know a style tidbit maybe it was like Chanel or I don't know who said that like style is just being like perfectly cleaned and pressed and it's like the details I'm trying to get better at that instead of being a slob andly whatever I am this is not the final outfit but also this sweatshirt I got in Jamaica if you can believe it we got TI on top we got flirty on bottom but let me complete the outfit for you I really like this as a date night outfit I also wore it when I was in LA doing things for my podcast it's like a lot of satin on satin but I like it I like the peekaboo back date night baby I thed this purse in a thrifting video a while ago and I've just been using it all the time I really love a bright red one thing I wish I had that I don't have is like a bright bright red shoe these are the shoes I was wearing in my coffee shop Vlog that were killing my feet but one of you said to put mole skin tape inside them and now they're great yeah I don't have anything to say about this but cute boom boom boom boom burning H it's what you do to me babe I can guarantee honey hone I got okay I felt like I had to share this dress because I wore it in my coffee shop Vlog and people like were Lov love loved it I love it too it is from Reformation I bought it for a graduation I wore this to a graduation and I thought it was like kind of perfect cuz anytime I've been to a graduation it is stinking hot and I just wanted something like flowy and easy and whatever so this is how I actually styled it for the graduation the shoes are a little matchy matchy but I love them so much who cares I do really like it styled this way but it's almost like a little too prissy matchy matchy for me I don't know sometimes I'm prissy but I've also worn this dress and made it very casual day-to-day yeah this dress is just really comfy to wear in the summer just like whatever this is a purse brand this is another like expensive purchase for me but this purse brand by far I found I like a lot I don't use this one that much cuz it's teeny tiny ridiculous but I'm trying to just like incorporate it incorporate more every day cuz we're going to die you know what I mean you know use the nice China use the fancy dishes use the stupid tiny [Music] purse sing do I look like I might beat you up but then afterwards I'll take you to a [Music] picnic my honey be come and get this poen back to B if you watch my channel you've seen me this is basically my uniform I call this my Hannibal Lecter outfit one time a few years ago I just realized that I'm always accidentally dressing like Hannibal Lecter just like white pants white shirt Justin calls these my institutionalsales I hate feeling crumbs on the floor on my feet so I always am wearing slippers everywhere all the time Garnet Hill I will link everything I'll link everything t-shirt is skims I love a white baby tea and I like sweat through all of them so I always have a ton of white baby teas sweatpants are cotton on get the tush I got a lot of compliments on my butt on my last bedroom makeover without buying anything new got a got a couple compliments on my butt which I appreciate and that is why I made that video this is another purchase that felt just like expensive and like was hard for me to do I think the skirt was maybe 80 bucks and reformation and even that feels like hard cuz I'm like well I could just get a cheap one for sure like 10 cheap ones elsewhere but I have learned that like I like like the way Reformation skirts like are cut it's a sustainable brand but it's also just like a bit better made and it hangs nicer and I'll wear it more and I'll keep it longer so I don't know that was like a shift I had to make in my head um and I've been wearing this summer skirt all the time I searched a long time for a white sneaker I ruined my last pair of white sneakers uh when I wore them into a septic tank uh which if you're not familiar is a um like large vat in the ground that collects uh human feal matter and other excretion so I walked into one of those by accident up to my knee and I got rid of those shoes so and then once again I never really know how to wear the sweater most likely like most realistically I just end up with the sweater on me like this like a school girl but maybe a school girl in France what school girl in France or just like a mom in France maybe yeah okay Mom in France no I don't think that's true maybe just a just a cute girl in France for some reason I feel like this is French I don't know why I feel like French women probably wouldn't wear a crop top at all but you know I feel like one of the like adult style things I have learned is how much your hairstyle changes the outfit maybe that's a no dub like okay let's compare I don't know what it is is I don't have like the articulation to explain but I don't know maybe it's like getting stuff off your shoulders or I think it looks fine and maybe I could be like a naughty school teacher you [Music] know this is one of my all-time favorite sweatshirts if you're new to the channel know I am not indeed a wife I bought this shirt when I was completely single I just thought it was like a hilarious sweatshirt I feel like myself in the sweatshirt the skirt this skirt is filthy there are stains on it I wear it all the time this is a cheap find and I got it in multiple colors it's like kind of a workout skirt but I wear it for freaking hinky dink whatever it's really flouncy but it does have shorts underneath and um it just has like a c cinched waist and I really I actually wear this skirt all the time shoes are Sam Edelman I think I got the from Nordstrom online and then a tote which came from Saison yeah I was literally wearing I think this exact outfit recently at like a lake I was Lakeside just feels very summery easy I almost always do wear a sweater or at least have a sweater or sweatshirt with me even in the summer cuz you know people are blasting the AC a lot of the times I've also been doing I don't ever really know what to do like makeup wise but I've been liking doing like a peach colored eyeshadow I don't know why I feel like it makes my eyes pop cuz I have green eyes what's the right way why I'm holding a microphone like you can hear my ey [Music] Shadow okay I'll tell you what right now I own probably more plaid skirts than really I'm comfortable admitting this skirt is admittedly very very school girl but I kind of like it because it's school girl but like a little weird it's got like some weirdo socks like my platform shoes which are actually the profile of them is very much like school girl Mary Jane but it's a weirdo one thinking about tomorrow it'll soon be here it'll be Yesterday's Gone Yesterday's Gone don't stop I just got these jeans tailored Iberian fit I'll have to link which actual pair these are I've always had trouble like finding jeans I like and I think I ordered like 25 pairs of jeans from abber cromie and tried them on at home in all different sizes it was the same Jean but I just tried on like regular short extra short like four different size ranges and I found this pair that I love they like fit fit me really nicely in the waist they fit the butt so so cute I think and they're the right length this is the extra extra short I just find it really hard to buy pants honestly I find it like very very stressful and then the zipper broke and so I went I just went to like a dry cleaner nearby and they did tailoring and she fixed the zipper and she also took the pant leg in just an inch like it was wider before and she just took it in a little bit and I like them more like I like the really like straight leg look platform sandals thrifted anthropology this sweater is one of my favorites I got it from depop I think it's a super chunky hand knitted sweater and it has these like little rose buds knitted onto it I really really love it it's like very thick very cozy oh and then the Hat of course is from my podcast not for everyone my hater hat this is very like everyday look [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you guys this was hard for me to film it is amazing how hard it is to like do things and put things on while talking I don't know this was hard but it's done and I'm going to say something real stupid right now which is like while I was thinking about putting together outfits I mean these are the outfits I wear but while I was thinking intentionally about outfits for this video it made me want to spend more time thinking about outfits so I I feel like I have inspired myself which is a crazy sentence to say but I'm saying it I don't know I wish I could spend all day long just thinking about what I wear cuz when I do it makes everything better it makes me feel so much more confident but we can't spend all our time think about clothes sometimes we have to like do taxes and stuff Abby come here oh it's a great outfit well you could just pop in my friend Abby is here if you just watched our room makeover in her house she's here doing work in the corner and she has a really cool like fashion blog on substack I'll link it thanks yeah you're wi here's your mic what do you want to say um the fashion blog is silly like it's just a fun way for me to express myself I think yeah I don't know what this video's been about I've had my headphones on oh yeah I made her not listen I was like too embarrassed so you weren't allowed to listen but you like against ired me with just like talking about your everyday outfits and stuff like I love getting into the mindset of like everyone how they think through their clothes so you really didn't inspire me sorry I get this back to you thank you yeah I started out by just posting outfits on Instagram and I would like critique it I'd be like H I could use a better neck line with this but I got to go I was always late but anyways I just wanted to expand it and talk a little bit more about how my upbringing has influenced fashion so there's a little teaser for you oh it's a mystery teaser I'm going to link her substack anyway you're you're an influencer you influenced me yeah that's it I think I'm tired okay bye [Music] guys think about me every my oh isn't that sweet I
Channel: Caroline Winkler
Views: 80,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decor, interior design
Id: W5TN43FukNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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