The ultimate guide to mastering homemade Polish sausage making

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added all the tender line pork tender line for my grinder and now I'm going to use the beef so basically how much of the beef I always do 75% of pork 15% of uh beef that's the recipe from my grandpa and grandma when they did the sausages so probably I'm going to need like that much of the I will see all right I don't need that fat from the beef cut that in a smaller pieces I'm going to cut that whole thing I have more of a the pork belly so I need more beef the pork belly so pork belly has a lot of fat and I need that fat so Polish sausage needs to have the nonfat meat and the fat meat the only difference is the fat meat I going to grind on the smaller eyes of the grind grinding plate so I'm going to grind the meat too because there's small pieces of the meat so it's doesn't make a difference have a bigger pieces of the like a nice and nonfat per pork belly I'm going to save that for grinding on a bigger ice let me start grinding it so those are the plates this one is with a smaller ice and this is the other one with a bigger eyes so I want you to see the difference and I just got the new machine because my other one was way too much abused I had the other one for almost over 15 years so it was a time to change it so let's see how this one is going to work I'm going to grind first the fatty parts of the meat here we [Music] go so all the pet is all grinded exchanged for the bigger [Music] [Music] ice [Music] all right okay I'm going to move this to a bigger bowl now we're going to grind all the nonfat meat all right guys so all that meat is grinded and I will link this grinding machine in the description because it's really good one the other one it took me some time to grind it was really overused and it was not sharp at all and I don't have a tools like we have a Tools in Poland that to Sharp that so I didn't have it so this is a really good one it goes like butter through the meat smoothly so it's going to be linked so now I just have to wait my sausage and then I'm going to show you step by step what I do I have over here almost 5 kg of a meat it's like $490 so let me start measuring the spices Al together I need a 64 G of a salt for that much of the meat so one more time for the amount of the meat you need need 13 G so you need 13 G of a salt for every one kilogram of the meat this is why the kitchen scale is crucial in smoking your uh meat or smoking your sausage okay so the only thing is there's few different schools for smoking um there are few different schools for adding the curing salt into the smoking meat and there is like half and half 1/3 unfortunate I mean I do not use half and half for me this is too much and every time I add to that kind of amount of meat like a hipping tablespoon and my scale went off [Music] So to that kind of amount of uh sausage I only add like around 15 G of the so I have a 16 G I'm going to leave the 16 G of a curing salt and I always use this curing salt I'm going to link that for you in the description and another thing is the I add regular salt so this is not iodine salt that's the important thing for if the salt for the smoking meat it has to be not iodine salt so let me add that to 46 I'm going to add that spice that was already for the white sausage you can add basically to the sausage any spice you want add to the sausage uh the red pepper the dry R red pepper a spice I did it with many things you can add even a spicy stuff so that's the sausage that's the spice I use and in here you you have a black pepper you have a nutmeg in it and also you have margarine so in that spice you have 57% of Margy and the rest it's half and half of in that 42 almost 43% you have black pepper and the nutmeg remember nutmeg don't use too much of a nutmeg it can give you the kind of like a bitter it can give you a bitter taste so let me tell you the recommendation for that spice but you know so for here is three four kilog so over here for 4 kg of a meat in that package they say that you need to add 20 G of that spice for me that's too much honestly because like my mom says the spices are only the like a perfumes to the meat and she is right to add so I'm sure I am going to add like really huge two three tablespoons of yeah huge three tablespoons of spices in here and now here's that salt with the curing salt it goes [Music] in have a smoked paprika I'm going to add just tiny bit I'm just going to play okay one teaspoon of it okay here you go smells good okay that's [Music] it all right and this is what we're going to have for that so now I'm going to mix that and also very important thing for this one I am for right now not going to add any liquid so like the previous sausage that if you want to see in the video I'm going to try to add it to description uh the the white sausage the Easter sausage but this one is since it's going to be smoked I'm going to add liquid to that mixture next day so I want this mixture overnight to get that all the spices and especially the curing salt go through it marinate everything and the next day I am going to to add the rest so I want at least 8 hours for that spices to marinate that meat and that curing salt to cure that meat so the smoking meat it's going to be red what I'm going to pull out from a smoker so let's mix it well the meat is all mixed very important part when you're mixing the then meat for sausage always mix it well when I'm not sure if you can see that that the meat when it's mixed well it's basically it's pulling me like has so much glue that it's pulling me and it's not allowing me to move my hand fre so this is what I'm looking for so let me make that equal now because that's very important part for not for the white sausage but for the sausage with the curing salt now we're going to cover it but we're not going to cover like that so you need to take your plastic foil and cover it by the meat so it goes like that here we go just like that by the meat so there's not too much of air [Music] [Music] in as much as you can there you go buy the meat [Music] right if I would leave that up that whole meat having the air would turn a little bit way too much darker I mean like a blackish but since it's covered like that by the meat it should hold it will still have some darker meat but it will not have that much difference when you're going to mix it again but as much as you can just cover it by the [Music] meat and now you can cover the rest like [Music] that right and this is going to go into the refrigerator for overnight and we'll work on the rest of that sausage tomorrow morning righty guys I have a good sleep now this meat left I have over here cold liquid so unfortunately I didn't had my own broth usually I add homemade chicken broth since I didn't have it I had some Veta vetta in my home and I mixed it with the water I left it soaked through and I added some ice this water needs to be cold and I mean it really cold so I'm going to add usually to that amount of a meat for smoking it I would say around 300 MLS but I'm going to feel how the meat feels it should be like semi loose not too loose not too tight it needs to have a perfect consistency because you do not want too loose of your sausage because then when you're going to be cutting it it's going to start breaking it's not going to be holding the texture of a sausage inside all right [Music] so let's mix that with the liquid I can tell you one thing like see how bright that that is not sure if you can see it well that sausage with the curing salt got much brighter it's like still too [Music] tight quit because I feel that this consistency of the sausage is really good so now I just have to really nicely mix it whole thing here we go it feels like I'm not sure if you can see it looks like like when you do this it feels better it is not that tight the other casing that I have for that bigger sausage so I bought that casing in my local uh butcher shop so just go to the butcher shops and see if they have any casings like this I'm going to try to find that on internet but this is the natural hog sausage casing and it's a pretty big container so I'm not sure they usually have a number how big they are and it doesn't say on that package over here so I'm sorry I cannot tell you you but I'll try to find some good one for you but I know that company already because I used it for many years your Chinese store or the Butcher Store if you don't have it in a butcher store ask them and maybe they can order for you put that meat in the stuffing oh my gosh that feels so good so that's going to be much much looser meat like it's bouncing nicely all right and and drop it in and pound it in [Music] okay here we go pound it in the less air the better use your picker and remove that air it doesn't cause too much troubles all right I'm not going to fill this up to the end okay so when I make my sausages I always make the little cabanos sausages or fingerlings you call that in English and actually that casing that I bought online from lamb for the cabanos is a really good casing so I soaked them for a long time and now we need to find the beginning and the end and of course they are all tied up really nicely okay I see one here okay I have a beginning and of course I do not have a end so we're going to work it out yay I have a beginning and I have at the end woohoo it is going to be messy but don't worry okay so before I do it again the mistake let's close this up all right I'm going to close that and we want that meat up to the edge and even small movement with the machine is going to cause that meat going quickly all right so again wet the nuzzle find the beginning of your casing and it's always a challenge [Music] all right here we go I have a beginning and put that in and we're going to slide that casing in but the only thing is remember do not break that casing do it slowly we have the end tied it up [Music] okay it is tied up let's pull it to the and okay and now we can start I always like to give this slack because when it's going it's going all right here we go [Music] and do not [Music] overtight you don't want to put too much so then you cannot close the casing there we [Music] go all right one is done few more to go the sausage is ready but very important part we need to do that sausage still has air in the casing I not sure if you can see that so every time when you make a sausage you need to use that picker I'm going to link this in the description below so just put that in wherever the air is or what I do usually I do this quick moves like that through all that sausage and this will help remove the air tip with this one I know you're making a h in the sausage casing it won't escape the juices it's just going to prevent the sausage from bursting during the cooking time or during the smoking time that's very important Now flip it to the other side and do the same thing with the Picker on that other side because so this one is [Music] done is on the side I'm going to start the bigger one all right guys so sausage is made the only thing I want to let you know whenever you finish with the either grinder or is it your casing St uh or is it your sausage stopper wash it right away because if that meat dries it will be really hard to remove it and you cannot put that into your dishwasher just a good point for that so now depending on how big the links you want to do then you can play with it so I'm going to do the links that length so to make them make a little bit of a space in between the links you want to play and try to make them equal and then gently twist them around so they won't break at any point you're casing here we go like that and see how nicely equal that is now I want to do the same for that one so it's going to be like that there we go so gently grab it and and twist it around if he doesn't want to go like the two ways okay grab it that way here we go here we go and we have kind of equal here and this one I made smaller but it's okay so why I am not using a peer in this situation because I want those sausag uh so because I want the sausages to have the length of a smaller the cabanos I'm going to make it little bit different they not going to be having the Twisted length that's why I made them right away with a picker all right now let's finish the rest of [Music] them okay here we go and again as big as you want the lengths this is how they going to be so twist there we go and now we are going far one thing when you're twisting it make sure you twisting them well so when you put them into your smoker they won't untwist because it happened to me a few times too because I didn't twist them enough of sausages from 5 kilg of meat all right now the Picker and here we go so I see the air over here this is the pole that my husband made for me for that smoker that I have outside is going to be extra video very soon coming I'm going to be talking about my smoker where I bought it and how I use it and why I use that one all right so let's put the sausage is all together on that rock see like I told you it likes to spin around and unspin so I like to put that first one in here so it doesn't unspin and then the other ones you can put them like that okay and make sure that last one it's spined again the only thing make sure they do not stick together too much on the rack to dry this is what going to go to the smoker right now and it's going to dry in the smoker one so this one it's totally different it has no lengths just straight so I want you to just kind of like pinch a little bit on That Elbow where I puted the finger and just put it that on your rock like that and then we're going to go and do the other ones this one is smaller doesn't matter okay here we go just [Music] pinch and put that on your rack so sausage is ready for smoking this is my smoker and let me turn it okay so I am going to turn it on 150 fenhe and I'm going to keep 150 for half an hour all righty guys it is ready not the sausage not the big sausage yet but the small ones the cabanos are ready so let me pull them out and leave them on a side there we go nice they're going to stay for a little bit longer the bigger one is ready so let me pull it out and let's see what we have all righty guys here we go sausage is ready ah oh wow it looks good little hot [Music] B oh [Music] wow [Music] poish sausage oh my God it is so good so now it needs to cool down and it's going to be even better so few days later I have those cabanos or dry link finger links I'm not sure how you call them exactly in English so I left them for 4 days in outside not in the fridge but outside hanging and they came out really good so actually it's more than 4 days later this is what's left from all of that cabanos we basically ate most of it but I want to show you how they look like let me so when you snap them they snap easily and to make sure you can dry them good when you make the sausages especially the dry cabanos you cannot add any fluid you just have to put a meat with the curing salt and all the spices that they were marinating overnight and then when you stuff the casing you have to smoke them and I smoked them for 3 hours in the smoker first half an hour was 150 fahit and the 2 and 1 half hours were 175 fah and then I pulled them out and I left them hanging in my house for 4 days and if you do not like the dry cabanos or the finger links you can stuff them and make them not dry you can just add fluid like to I did the rest of the sausage and that you can stuff with your casing with that meat and just smoke it for it would be better to smoke it for like 4 hours and then they are ready to eat it but they are not going to dry so here we go I just love them this is also my dad's favorite so when he came to visit me my mom and my dad I made those finger sausages for him cabanos and he loved [Music] it something like this is just perfect snack just make sure you don't have it too many of them next to you because you're going to eat them all at one time they are perfect perfect smokiness perfect texture and I love the spices that I gave it's not like overwhelming with the spices but it's just perfect amount of garlic you can taste and all the other spices and like I said spices for the sausage are very Universal you can add whatever you like the basic ones are margarine garlic salt and pepper the rest is up to you what you like you can add thyme you can add uh pepper uh you can add bell pepper you can add whatever you desire spiciness spicy not spicy so this is all you can control just when you get used to with them play with the spices because it's really good to do it sorry I cannot resist see behind me the bread I'm going to be doing a video about that bread so basically in my house I make two different kinds of bread it's a regular bread that I already posted few weeks ago the recipe but this one is totally different it's made with from that wheat uh it's made from that whole wheat flour so it's basically wheat flour fermented for 6 days and then all that fermented flour helps you to rise and the bread and it is so soft and so fluffy bread so the recipe for that is coming very soon all righty guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like the button and subscribe so you can see more amazing polish Cuisine okay and how is supposed to work [Music] h ah okay
Channel: What's up polish sister
Views: 4,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy sausage recipes, homemade kielbasa, homemade sausage, how to, how to make, how to make kielbasa, how to make sausage, how to smoke sausage, kielbasa, kielbasa recipe, kielbasa recipes, kielbasa sausage, kielbasa sausage recipes, polish kielbasa, polish sausage, polish sausage recipe, sausage recipe, smoked sausage
Id: Kr3MKLy5I9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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