The 5 BEST TIPS For New Players in Anno 1800

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what's going on guys no.18 hundred is a game that could be as complex or as simple as you want it to be from just building more and more production chains to meet demands to try to specialize those chains to decrease the numbers of buildings needed while boosting their output to sometimes insane levels with trade unions and items there's just a million different ways to play this game new players or even those of you have been playing for a while but still struggle often get overwhelmed by everything going on so in the first of a new series here on the channel every week we're gonna be taking a look at five tips that might help you improve your game play or just shed some light on mechanics you might be in the dark on so without further ado the let's get started for the first spot we'll take a look at the marketplace unlike earlier games the marketplace is not a distribution source for goods to your residents I see this mentioned at least once a week on reddit or somewhere where people are confused and think you need markets everywhere in order for your people to go out and buy goods this is totally not the case the marketplace is just a public building need like a school or university but only for farmers and workers artisans and above don't need it why well take a look at the buildings they have little shops on the ground floor we can see a couple of grocery stores here from these two buildings we can see a butcher in the back and if we spin around here we also can see little confectionary shops right here this one right here has it looks like bread cakes and cookies for sale so they do have little shops on the street level of the of the houses your people are going to the street levels to get all their shopping needs done you'll also notice things like little carriages and stuff riding around we can see a bakery right here a bakery carriage there's a another bakery carriage and that's a milk and cream carriage these little carriages are simulating goods being brought from the Trading Post or the warehouses to these shops but it's just a visual feedback it's not an actual gameplay mechanic it's just there to remind you that you have a living and breathing around you now this doesn't mean that the market is totally useless though you can view consumer goods at the marketplace and you can also sort it by tear from workers up to investors this gives you an overview of everything that that tier needs as well as seeing how much is in the warehouse and if you have it turned on or off for consumption it's just a nice quick way to check your current consumer goods stop for everyone and to be able to do that turn off and turn on thing if you need to do that so the marketplace does not totally lose its value after workers so you might want to keep one around in case you might want to take a look at things without having to go to the warehouse or to the storage tab in the statistics screen I still like the warehouse I mean the marketplace rather it is a nice-looking little building and I like to keep a few around just so I can keep a closer eye second on the list we'll take a look at royal taxes royal taxes are a point of concern for a lot of new players they look at their expenses up here at the balance and they see that there they look at their expenses and they panic when they suddenly see that a portion of their income is being eaten up by this unexplained figure questions start coming up why am i paying this how do I get rid of it well to put it simply royal taxes are what we are paying the crown as subjects of the Empire as much as we would like to think so we're not kings or Emperor's in the game we're a chartered company expanding building cities and building an economy for the greater Empire as a whole which is owned by the Queen we're basically the East India Trading Company the power powerful and semi autonomous merchant company associated with the British Empire in the 19th century the taxes of what we owe the crown based on how large our city is the tax rate scales per population tier so each residential tier has its own tax rate depending on many of them there are now you can look more closely at the Royal taxes by clicking on your balance right here or by hitting ctrl e to go to the finance tab you can look at royal taxes as a breakdown per island or on all Islands and see all of your royal taxes right here and how much you're paying in royal taxes it starts at a zero percent no tax paid up to a population of 999 for that particular tier after that it starts at a nine percent tax rate for your current income generated by that tier and increases every 125 residents by one percent and caps out at forty percent so if you have one thousand two hundred fifty farmers you would pay eleven percent of the income they generate in taxes if you have a worker population of a thousand you would pay nine percent of their income there are some good examples on the wiki page to help with this so I will link in the description down below if you need more information without me having to go into tons of detail and go through every single chart and all the difference figures and stuff related to werlla taxes the wiki has all that information there so you can get a good idea of what you can expect to be paying so how do you deal with it my best advice don't deal with it just ignore it there are a lot of strategies out there for dealing with rural taxes one of the most popular is to with splitting your population and never going over 999 residents on an island but the logistical challenge of doing that increases a lot as the game continues and you're gonna be spending a lot of money on influence a lot of money and influence on ships to maintain that it's just quite the headache instead learn to manage your economy correctly and if you need help with that be sure to check out the other videos on my channel about keeping a positive balance using the production screens and things like that the emphasis here is that while yes royal taxes do lower your balance but if you're maintaining your economy correctly then you won't going to the negative because of royal taxes if you think about it you basically have 60% or more of her total income from each tier to spend on factories farms ships that's more than enough money it's about maintaining your income not about trying to balance your population and once you hit engineers and that sweet sweet bank and then also move on to investors your money troubles should really start drifting away with that out of the way let's jump on to the third spot here speaking of that bank that's what I want to cover for number three after getting to 300 engineers you will unlock access to build the massive bank building it is one of my favorites in the game it not only looks cool and screams 19th century wealth and power but the income it generates for you is massive on normal difficulty settings it pays 50 coins per minute per engineer residents in range and 125 coins for investor residences this goes down slightly for advanced and expert difficulty but it's still a huge income boost it also has a fairly large fully supplied range of 64 tiles when placed on paved streets up to a maximum of a 131 although the income you get does go down the farther outside of that 64 tiles you go now here's where the bank really shines for me and it involves the use of a guy called mr. Garrick mr. Garrick the founder of the entrepreneur gentleman's club is an epic specialist you can commonly find at Elie bleak where's Harbor though you will likely need to reroll a few times or he can sometimes show up at the public mooring or be found on rescue missions Garrick has the ability would slotted into a town hall that any engineer or investor residents affected by him that is also within the range of a bank gets pocket watches and jewelry provided for free I cannot even begin to explain how huge that is those luxury goods provide a massive income at an investor residence pocket watches are 112 coins for being supplied and jewelry is a hundred and fifty-six it is so much income and it's more than enough from just a few minutes of having that those two luxury needs supplied to be able to pay for garrix costing Elie and even be able to re-roll and buy more he is considered one of the more overpowered specialists in the game the ability to cut down on or even entirely cut out a single production chain is insane even a single one of him covering a townhall's radius worth of investors and engineers will provide a massive boost to your income for basically nothing he is definitely one of my favorites when combined with the bank for our fourth tip let's get away from overpowered islands and talk about settling Islands for a moment expanding to new islands is a concept that goes back to the very first game in the franchise anno 1602 you take a ship you find an island you like and you stake a claim to it expansion is essential to your survival in a no 1,800 you're starting Island is likely only going to have a few fertility fertility Xand mineral deposits on it most likely potatoes grains some iron coal and then maybe one or two more depending on your difficulty settings scouting out your next island colony should be a very early priority you're going to need access to hops first red peppers all those early in the game and you're going to need a lot of zinc and copper plus grapes later on now the problem is going to be you need steel beams to build a new Trading Post so now you have a mission you need to get to 300 workers as fast as you can when you get to that milestone you unlock the ability to build a steelworks chain and start making steel beams for yourself but you don't have to do that just yet once you unlock the steelworks chain Sir Archibald our favorite gassy little friend will actually start selling steel beams at his warehouse for a hundred and forty six coins per ton he always starts with one and he does take a little time to accumulate some but have a ship parked and ready to buy up at least eight steel beams if not more and grab some islands as fast as you can you can build a small farming village if you want with maybe just some fish just apply it just to give a little extra income but you don't have to just grab the islands and sit on them you don't even have to do anything with them yet the faster you grab islands and the more you and the more you get the better because that is the fewer that AI can have plus there's an influencer bonus called expansion that gives free workforce on every island you have once you spend enough points in it you can check out the influence screen by left-clicking the influence counter right here in the top left and you can see where how much influence you have spent on expansion in the lower right hand expansion card and then you can go over here to the overview tab screen and you can see exactly how much you get for meeting different milestones starts at 50 100 and then 200 free workforce that you don't even have to provide any goods for it's just free on every single island so expansion and gaining islands is a huge deal make sure you're doing that as quick as you possibly can last but not least let's take a look at pirates those horrible snarky money-hungry lovely pirates who are obvious some of the best friends to have in the game that's right do not kill the Pirates make friends with them it's actually easy enough to get started as soon as you start the game you bring up the diplomacy menu and Harlow will be over here in the war section you pay her a sum of money usually 18 to 20,000 coins at first but as long as you maintain relatively okay relations with them the next time you sign a ceasefire that cost will go down you can also do the same exact thing for Jean Lafitte oon over in the new world when you get there you keep playing this game with them yeah maybe even throw a little gift you know just bribe them with some coins on occasion and it's every time you sign that ceasefire that cost keeps going down and you goes down if your relationship stays high so throwing money at them on occasion helps keep that relationship up so that ceasefire cost decreases once you get the ceasefire cost to basically zero at this point you can now sign a peace treaty that's gonna net you some really nice points with them and then open up the ability to get quests after a few quests you'll be able to get up to around 60 rep and you can sign a trade agreement the pirates pay a premium for beer 1040 coins per ton that you sell them and they also sell items like sails cannons and advanced weapons they also sell gold bars that you need from jewelry or pocket watches if you don't want to use the Garrick item I mentioned earlier or if trying to maintain all the gold mines is too much of a hassle you can just buy it from her another trick you can do is buy gold bars from her for 2770 and sell them to old mate if you have the something treasures DLC and you have gone to Cape Trelawney because he pays about 4,400 coins for those so you can actually make a profit by buying and selling gold between the AI the real prize though are the unique ships that they sell from a random selection of pirate themed ships to the highly sought after extravaganza steamer they have some very nice benefits I will have a link in the description down below of ship statistics where you can compare all of the different pirate ships and they also the Royal galleon that they have that the on occasion sale I've only seen it like twice but they do have a Royal I think it's called a royal ship of the line but you can see all the ships statistics in the link in the description down below so do yourself a favor and invest in relations with the Pirates it will definitely pay off in the long run and that's it folks those are my five tips for this week for no.18 hundred I hope you found something useful here or something you didn't know about do you have any tips you want to share with me leave a comment down below and I can maybe include those in future episodes check back next week for some more and be sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you always know when I upload until the next one guys take care
Channel: Taka
Views: 171,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 top tips, anno 1800 tips to make money, anno 1800 guide campaign, anno 1800 guide advanced, anno guide, anno sandbox, anno 1800 tips to succeed, anno 1800 tips for beginners, how to play anno 1800, anno 1800 pirates, anno 1800 bank, anno 1800 royal taxes, anno 1800 new player guide, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 beginning, tips, guide
Id: MFTknvwwVVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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