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what's going on everybody welcome into a new guide for no.18 hundred and this guide we're gonna be taking a look at trade routes passive and active trading taking a look at the trade post itself and some of the options available there and take a look at the trade statistics screen so to find your trade route information you're going to be clicking this button right here it's the third button to the right underneath the mini-map this has routes on it this is your trade routes overview if you have trade routes you're gonna see this screen right here that shows all of your routes the information here is pretty self-explanatory it shows the name of the route the game auto names any routes that you don't give it a unique name to it always gives it the name of the the first item or the first good on the route the and the three letters of the first station on the route and the three layers at the last station on the route shows you everything's being traded on that one how many ships are assigned to it and if any of those ships are currently paused and you can also delete a route your charter out show up at the top your mint your trade routes and your oil routes are all lumped in down here together over here you have the region screen where you can just take a look at who owns every island if you have trade rights with them and the location of all the different ships on the map so you can go through each region over here if you have not created any trade routes you're gonna see this screen right here asking you to create your first one there are trade routes charter routes and oil routes oil routes are a very simple route and everything where you need an oil tanker unfortunately I apparently I don't have one I thought I did but I don't have an oil tanker right now so if you have an oil tanker it's gonna show up right here you're going to assign it and then you have to use an island with an oil harbor as you can see I don't have one here but I've got one here so you're gonna tell it to go from one island to another island with an oil Harbor and pick up oil oil tankers can hold a maximum of 400 oil per tanker and that is it they cannot hold any more than that and you're going to tell it to unload and you can use as many islands as you want on the route the only thing about that is is if you decide to use multiple routes just be sure that you go in and adjust the amount of oil being unloaded at the at the locations other than the last one so you always have something left over at the last station that is being dropped off at you are this is something also always suggest doing is be sure that your final route unloads the maximum amounts of for the for that good and everything for that cargo slot that way you empty out anything that's left over or attempt to empty out you anything that's left over you hit accept and it adds that trade route to your list of active routes and the ships will get started on it the next type of route is a very niche little route and it is the charter routes charter routes can prove us take one good and one good only from one island to another island up to a maximum of 80 cannot have any more than 80 and it does cost 50 maintenance and 5 influence you do get three charter routes for free that don't cost any influence they still cost the 50 but they don't cost five influence for the first three after that they do cost five influence it is a modified schooner that is very very slow you cannot you have no control over that chartered ship you can't do anything with it you can't add items to it to make it faster or tell it to go anywhere else it is just an AI ship that goes back and forth for you compared to a regular schooner that's only 15 maintenance one influence you can add an item to it and it has a capacity of 100 I find the schooners a little more useful in that regard the main benefit of a charter route is that if it gets destroyed by the pirates or an enemy you're at war with the Charter route does get replaced instantly for free you don't have to build another ship so that are those are charter routes the last type of route is the your basic charter routes Oh routes trade routes sorry about that your actual trade routes so to create your own trade route you're going to want to add a ship you can add a name or let the game auto name it for you and you're gonna select a couple of you're gonna select one or more Islands you're gonna tell it what you want it to do let's say I need timber at la fart a from Bad Hannover and there you go you're gonna hit accept and that route is going to get started and you're good to go now let's say you also want to send over maybe some bricks Atilla for at a from bad Hannover ok we're still very good we're using two cargo slots that's what these icons right here are these are the actual cargo slots that are in your ship as you can see the schooner has two well let's say I need to do something else let's say I need to send I don't know zinc or copper over okay well now I have a problem now I can't do this because I cannot carry more than two items from bad Hanover Atilla Forte I'm gonna have to either upgrade to a clipper build a schooner or use a charter route to start taking more goods from bad Hanover to la Forte I cannot carry any more but let's say I want to take something from my forte too bad Hanover now I can do that you can't do it over here because again that's the third slot I can't use that third slot but you can use one of the first two let's say I want to bring over hops from love Forte to pad Hanover I can do this right here this work sort of it will work as long as that timber is always unloaded and frees up that cargo slot if it does not and it doesn't unload all that timber then it was never gonna pick up the hops and bad Hanover is never gonna get any hops so how do you fix this you gotta use these buttons over here there's a wait for goods to scar cargo or wait to unload the same thing right here the wait for goods option is you're gonna tell the ship to sit at the Trading Post or pier that it is currently docked at and wait for the full amount of goods that you want to be loaded up whether it's 50 or 15 it doesn't matter the ship is going to sit there and wait until it has all of those goods loaded up before it leaves the problem with doing that is that it will tie up the Trading Post or pier that it's sitting at until it has all of its goods loaded up slow loadings slow to produce things like zinc or copper could take a little while to load up or to produce enough to load everything up so your ship might be sitting there for a quite a while waiting for it so I really don't ever recommend using the wait for Goods option it's you're tying up you're tying up valuable resources and time that your ship could just be going back and forth getting stuff you're tying up peers and trading posts for other ships they can't dock so you're gonna have to have more peers which cost more money it's just you know it's a it's a compounding problem I don't like to use the wait for goods these two options over here though are not too bad especially the discard cargo because this is what's going to help you if you tell it to discard cargo if it can't drop off all 50 timber it's just gonna dump the rest of it overboard into the water free up that cargo slot so it can pick up the hops and bring them back to bad Hanover now bad Hanover you're gonna want to do the same thing because if it can't drop off all the hops you still need it you still need this cargo slot now for the timber so make sure you tell it to discard cargo and then it can free up that slot for the timber now the other option you have is the weight to unload you can't use both of these you have to use one or the other the way to unload is bait is the same as the weight for goods you're gonna tell the ship to sit where it's at wait to unload the entire amount again you're tying up the harbors and the piers where other ships can't use them and you're delaying the trade route you want your trade routes constantly moving you don't want them stopping so I don't like using these but if you want to use them you're more than welcome to I just don't like to use them that much just because I don't like tying up my peers and trading posts or the ship sitting there trying to load goods that might take forever for it to unload and you can do this as many times as you want for as many islands as you want to add it to and just make sure that you are balancing your cargo slots you're using these options over here you know you can upgrade trade upgrade to a different ship if you want I can get the emperor pedro ii here this would let me use every single slot okay come on just there yeah that would let me use all six slots right there and it's going to pick up and drop off all of that stuff right there and then you could do the same exact thing say I want to drop off a bunch of stuff then I'm gonna pick up a bunch of stuff and drop it all off up here it's all that will work just make sure you're using either wait to unload or discard cargo over there and you can use them in any combination you want to make this trade route work so that is it that is how a trade route works you can add as many islands as you want as many trade ships as you want to it and just keep going with it so those are trade routes that's how they work how that's how those buttons work and that's how you should be setting up your trade route goods allocation and everything and how everything's being managed just make sure using the buttons make sure you're using the load and unload properly over here it's pretty easy and it's pretty it's pretty comes second nature and not a thing you don't even think about once you figure out how that part works so the next thing let's talk about real quick is active and passive trading active trading is you loading up a ship with some random goods that you want to load it up with and taking it somewhere to sell that's active trading that's manual active trading if you have one thing that you must want to get a bit of a bunch of real quick load it all up take it over drop it off and be done there is also active trading using the trade route system as you can see right here I have an to trade route we're a cargo ship is going to Madame Katina picking up chocolate and cigars buying it from her and then dropping it all off a crowd falls then he goes back to matica Hina buys more and drops it off that is an active trade route between myself and a neutral MPC you can do that with all the neutral npcs including old Nate Sir Archibald Blake Eli the Pirates if you have trade agreements with them Madame Carina or Isabella Sorento or the Inoue trader in the passage DLC so you can set up active trade routes with all of them to either buy goods or sell stuff to them the active trade the neutral traders do pay some decent money for several things Archie likes coal and the he'll buy anything you have Coquina spaced 992 coins for fur coats and also buys anything else and Harlow pays a ton of money for beer and also schnapps and rum and also again buys anything you want all the neutral traders will buy anything you want anything you have extra but they have certain things that they'll pay a little bit more for like he has the soap and the potatoes so you can set up active trade routes to all the neutral NPCs I do not recommend ever setting up an active trade route with anyone that is an expansion competitive AI because as at the moment like Willy here is selling pocket watches glass penny farthings wallah blah blah blah he's gonna change that stock eventually you might be saying oh I can go over to him and buy rum really cheap for 24 coins each well eventually he's gonna run out of rum to sell you and he's not gonna restock it anytime soon or he may just randomly decide to stop selling it to you and then all the sudden your trade route doesn't work anymore never ever ever ever ever set up an active trade route to an expansion NPC such as the one star to star in three-star AIS don't do it you will eventually not have access to that good from them for some time and the trade route will not work what you want to do is if they're selling something you want send a few trade ships down manually buy it all manually and then take it back and unload it do it as a one-time purchase not an active trade route that you create so that is how you want to do that the other type of trading there is is the passive trading system the passive trading is done through the warehouse do the Trading Post and that is all you have to do is click on an item and you're gonna tell it to either buy or sell which this means you want it to you know make sure you maintain a stock this is just balances the stock say I want it to always have a stock of 160 so that it will sell anything over 160 or by up to 160 and then sell and buy are exactly what they sound like I'm telling it to sell anything above 160 or buy anything below 160 now there is a maximum amount of money that they will buy and that they do per trip so you're not going to make a boatload of money by like saying oh well I'm just gonna set all of my steam carriages to sell no one buys them because they're too much they're too expensive the AI is only buy and sell up to a certain amount of money I believe it's like maybe two or three thousand coins and that is it that's all they're gonna buy so and they're only gonna buy a certain amount of things and then that's it so passive trading is a very underwhelming system you're not gonna make a lot of money off of it so just be aware of that and you know you can sell you can set everything to sell or buy and sell it's that you want but it's some things may never get bought sold so just be aware of that let's see let's take a look at the Trading Post real quick well we already took a look at the trade options there is one more trade option right here and that is the set minimum stock this is for this has nothing to do with your with the passive trading because you manage that right here this is for internal trade routes so let's say I am I have a trade route that is picking up steel beams from stock Fisk and taking them over to a new island that I'm setting up a new city I'm building somewhere but I don't want - you take all of my steel beams away I want to leave some here I don't I don't want to take it all away you're gonna that's where it's minimum stock comes into play I want to tell the game that my trade routes can pick up anything they want for this particular good as long as they don't as long as I never go below 50 if I have 60 in stock the trade routes gonna come over and it's gonna pick up ten and then take it off if I only have 40 in stock the trade route won't pick up anything because I below the minimum stock so these are good for your internal trade routes and making sure that you do not ever go below a certain amount what it's really helpful for like good for consumer goods say that you have say all of your beer is being produced on one Island full of workers but you need to send some beer to another Island to awesome for also so for some workers set the minimum stock to whatever you want to just be set at and then your trade route will come and pick up beer to go to the other Island but it won't ever run you out of beer on that Island right on your main Island that's being produced on so that is what the minimum stock is for now there is one button right here on the Trading Post that you can click and that is the statistics button go to the statistics screen here and it's gonna take you to the storage tab which this is just these this is another overview of the storage tab that the storage information that you can see from the warehouse right there you can also see a little more information right here that is really nice you can see the purchase price so you can see how much it would cost if you set up a buy order for something so if I set up a buy order for gramophones it's gonna cost me twenty seven thousand per gramophone if I want to sell gramophones the a I will pay eleven thousand for gramophones now this does count for both this is for when sorry I lost my train of thought right there this is for when you do take stuff over and sell it directly to the AI but remember that some of the AI is pay a little extra you see soap right here only says 96 but eat but Eli pays like I think in my game is like 384 or 392 he pays a lot more for it so this is the average price that the AI will pay but then some of the AIS do pay a little extra for it like madam Coquina pays 992 for fur coats so that is what these figures right here mean over here under all goods was where you can see how much fat your trades are costing you and how much you're making so you can see I'm actually it's actually costing me quite a bit of money in passive trades I'm not making any money and it shows you the last I don't really even know how far back it goes like this right here goes back up a hundred and seventeen hundred thirteen minutes and you can get a look and see what all of your most recent trades have cost you Willy sold me some canned food a beer and 11 coal for nine thousand eight hundred and seventy eight he sold me some beer and coal for nine thousand nine hundred ninety so this right here shows you all of your passive trades and how much money you have either made or how much it has cost you and you can look at that for each Island right here if there is no passive trade happening then it's not available the other button right here is the trade routes button let's go back to our main one where you can see all of your trade routes and how much has been picked up and dropped off for all of your trade routes usually like the furs right here I have had all this is how much fur has been dropped off in the last 116 minutes almost what two hours so in the last two hours roughly I've had this much fur dropped off so that is the trade routes menu right there the other button right here is the stock over time this is just a graph that monitors how stock of an item has come in or have gone out here's a good one right here because you can see that we were good doing really good and then we dropped down and went up this is for you number crunchers up there that wants a man to monitor your stock and everything and see how you're doing it seems your that there's any major lumps or anything happening in there so that is it that is everything about trade everything you need to know about where you can find the information about trade passive trade there is one thing that is not available that several people have asked me about before and there is no way to see how much money you are making from active trades so for instance that trade route right here from Manovich ena where I'm buying all of this stuff there is nowhere that I can look and see just at a glance how much that is costing me I actually have to figure this up manually I have to go to Madame Katina see how much this costs total it up myself and figure out how much that trade route costs for me to be going to buying that stuff every time you cannot find that in the game I have been asked that several times and unfortunately there is not a way to see how much active trades are costing you when you're buying goods from the AI but that is it that is trade routes and trade in general and how all that works and goes together if you have questions if there's something I didn't quite cover too well ask me in the comments below and I will respond and we can clarify anything you have questions on or something I might not have covered that you're still have still have questions on your unclear to you so I will see you guys in the next episode take care
Channel: Taka
Views: 111,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 tips for beginners, anno 1800 new player guide, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 trade routes, anno 1800 trade routes vs charter, anno 1800 trading prices, anno 1800 trading post, anno 1800 setting up trade routes, trade route, charter route, anno 1800 trade routes tips, anno 1800 how to trade, anno 1800 trade, anno 1800 trading, anno 1800 tips and tricks, anno 1800 selling goods, trade guide
Id: EvnlCoDdVbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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