The Ultimate Guide to Beating Defenders 1v1 in Football

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some feelings in this world are unlike anything else sticking a last-ditch tackle playing a gorgeous grass cutter and scoring a game winner but this feels different those may come with a sense of euphoria or satisfaction but embarrassing your friend well that feels good and it can happen far more often [Music] [Applause] thank you in this video I'll give you tips and advice to become a better player at beating your Defender 1v1 welcome back to the channel or just welcome if you're new if you have any additional questions about something I don't cover just drop it in the comments I'll get back to you on it when we think of getting better at beating players 1v1 we often just think of a technical side like ooh maybe this is the secret move that beats Defenders every time unfortunately that doesn't exist and one thing you might be overlooking is the mental side to a 1v1 when you're going 1v1 you need to have confidence in yourself and I don't care if you're the worst dribbler in the world but if you don't believe you're gonna beat that Defender you're never going to winning a 1v1 battle is hard enough but if you don't commit to the moves you're using and do it with intensity it'll be easy for the defender to read and win the duel if you have belief in yourself you'll be shocked how much of a difference it'll make in your performance if you want to learn more about gaining confidence watch this video next it's an old one but it still has great points in it but don't go yet because we're just getting started now let's talk some about how you should approach 1v1s first off when you've received the ball and know you want to beat the defender you need to run at him quickly while keeping the ball close to you take lots of small quick touches while engaging the defender and here's why in Games The Defender wants to slow you down and keep you away from goal if you're running at him it makes it difficult for him to force you to one side in general he's gonna try to force you wide but since you're running straight you can easily cut him inside too so he has to defend honestly and this puts the duel in your control rather than his control you need to keep the ball close since that allows you to move it quickly that way if the defender tries to win the ball you can quickly touch the ball Beyond him and he'll probably catch you and value however if the ball gets away from you this makes the defender's job easy since he knows that he can win it without risking you getting around him so now you're engaging the defender the next step is to determine what your objective is and I put this now for a reason when you receive the ball I want your instinct to be to engage the defender and as you do that then make your decision do you try to beat him down the line and cross it or beat him inside and take a shot regardless of what it is just settle on something and commit to it this will result in you doing it without hesitation whenever you get caught in two minds you will always lose the ball so make this decision beforehand so that way you won't get caught not knowing what to do with the ball and don't worry if he defends well and forces you back that's totally fine you should always have support behind you if needed one pro tip which can help you make the best decisions is by analyzing the defender the first couple times you go at each other in the game take this opportunity to learn some about them are they Reckless and aggressive meaning that they are likely to bite on your fakes do they have good defensive shape or are they flat do they get tight to you or do they stand off allowing you more space to cut against them and get away if you can figure out their Tendencies and their strengths or weaknesses this can help you make a better more informed decision and win your 1v1s similarly to my point about deciding what your objective is with the ball you should also decide what move you're using before you need to use one this way there's one less thing for you to think about while you're in the heat of battle and since you know what you're going to do once you throw the move you can burst away one of the biggest disadvantage for Defenders and 1v1s is that they have to react to the attacker so if you haven't made a decision on the move you're using you're literally tossing away your advantage because now you have to react to yourself I hope that makes sense just make sure whatever move that you are going to use you sell that move by dropping a shoulder and doing a hard Step In One Direction before bursting away from the defender this fake is what creates the space between you and the defender and then you're bursting away in that acceleration is what maintains that space if you don't burst away from the defender he'll just catch up to you and win the ball back and if you've liked the video so far please leave a like it's free and easy to do but it helps me out a ton thank you now that you've beaten the defender you're done right well not quite you need to make sure you take him out of the game and one way to do this is to cut them off dribbling so that if he tries to win the ball back he has to go through the back of you and give up a free kick and this is where you need to assess your strengths are you fast and athletic or are you not as quick there's no problem either way but if you're fast and there's open space ahead take big touches and get the ball out of your feet using your pace to hurt the defense if you're a slower player then maybe get your pass off or shot off quicker before the defender has a chance to recover and put pressure on you again maybe you're not in position for either of those and that's fine but try to take the defender out of the game by either releasing the ball or cutting him off so he can't recover and win the ball back and how you do this is all down to you and your strengths as a player the last Pro tip I have for you guys has to do with decision making if you want to be more successful at beating Defenders 1v1 then you need to pick the right times and areas to take them on for example if you're out wide receiving a switch he's all alone and you're in the attacking third then yeah take them on be direct and dangerous but if he has two or three Defenders backing him up then play a pass instead even if you beat him then you'd still have to beat two more guys and while there is a small chance you score that crazy solo goal you've been dreaming of you'll probably just lose the ball and make your teammates defend in that example you picked the wrong time to take the defender 1v1 the other aspect is in the right areas sure you may be faced up with a Defender with space to run into if you beat him 1v1 but if it is around your own box then the risk isn't worth it that is a huge risk the reward for this is not much and the risk is that if you get it wrong the other team may be able to play one pass and score on you guys while everything else here says hey go for it this is the wrong area of the field to be trying to beat Defenders 1v1 find a pass and help your team progress up the field one thing I didn't talk about in this video was the best moves to beat Defenders and that's because I have another video that came out last week on it if you want to find out what those moves are and how to do them then watch this video it also has my favorite drills to use to master them thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Kreider Academy
Views: 9,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: football, soccer, 1v1, football skills, football goals, learn, skills, skill moves, skill moves soccer, footballer, soccer drills, soccer drills for kids, soccer drills for beginners, game realistic, dribbling, ball control, beat defenders in soccer, beat defenders in football, beat defenders 1v1, 1v1 moves, 1v1 skills, body feint, scissors, reverse elastico, elastico, snake, fake pass soccer, fake shot soccer, la croqueta, cruyff turn, soccer coaching, tips and tricks
Id: ap-zXU9aobo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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