The Ultimate Guide To Bannerlord: Steward Skill - How To Max Party Size & Lower Troop Wages!

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hello young man uh what's your name it's stewart hello and welcome back to another strat gaming video guide in this episode of the ultimate guide to band alert we're going to be taking an in-depth look at the stuart scale from how it works to how we gain xp and finally how we can efficiently level it and if you stick around at the end of the video i'll show you how you can convince your party to pay you their daily wages i'm your host strat and i make mountain blade 2 bannerlord guides for youtube so if you like that sort of content i highly recommend subscribing so you don't miss any future guides i've broken this video up into several chapters so if you're following along you'll be able to easily navigate through relevant segments check down on the description below for the time stamps with all that being said i hope you enjoy this guide and let's get started of the 18 skills in bannerlord stewart has to be in the top three of importance and probably even number one it's also the easiest to understand exactly what it does every party has a quartermaster and the quartermaster stewart skill determines what the max unit cap of that party will be each level of stewart gained adds 0.25 units to the max tail world doesn't round this number so we will only see an increase every four levels starting out at level four we see one bonus troop all the way up to level 328 increasing the extra troop number to 82. to put this into perspective you get plus 25 troops per clanter level increase or a total of plus 125 by the time you reach clan tier 4. most games end around either tier 4 or tier 5 so around 125 to 150 extra troops by leveling up stewart to max we can increase our party size by well over 50 which will give us a decisive edge in any battle let's take a look at how xp is earned for stuart there are two ways to earn xp for companions and only one for our main character both can earn xp as the quartermaster of a party with at least one troop and four different types of food companions can also earn xp by being the governor of a city or castle to start we will break down the quartermaster leveling data with a single troop in four different foods we will gain six xp per day earned at the time daily wages are paid out we can increase our xp gain by increasing the number of foods we have all the way up to 23 xp with all nine foods if we increase our troop count to 10 we increase our total xp gain to 36 with four foods and 128 with nine foods but notice that the xp per troop does decrease there's a diminishing return the more troops you have but it does level off fairly quickly at level 100 we get 336 and 1178 respectively and a per troop xp of 1 and 4. as we can see past 100 troops the per troop xp essentially does not drop anymore i also tested to see if more expensive troops or more expensive food would give more xp but it turns out that all troop tiers and foods are counted equally 100 tier 1 recruits will give the same xp as 100 fian champions having grain fish grapes and meat will give the same xp as having butter beer olives and dates we can also assign our companions to cover towns and castles that we own they will earn xp each day as the governor as well as a bonus when any project is completed i tested each of the continuous projects as well as different buildings and here are the results prosperity gained the most xp at 42.7 per day and all other projects gave 21 xp per day when constructing any building the xp game was between 15 and 18 xp project boosting had a tiny difference for prosperity gain xp but no difference anywhere else when a project is completed the governor is awarded with 1 000 bonus xp regardless of the construction cost of the building a 5 000 construction cost level 1 building will give you the same xp as a 16 000 construction costs level three wall when it comes to leveling stewart efficiently there is only one way be the quartermaster of a max size party with all nine foods prioritize having online foods over having more troops as food is generally very cheap and the xp difference from having four foods and nine foods with 100 troops is three and a half times more xp for example leading 200 troops with four different food types gives 670 xp per day but leading 100 troops with 9 food types gives 1178 xp half the troops but nearly double the xp now that you know the formula for success with the stuart skill let me show you how to screw it up or avoid screwing it up i suppose our xp gain is tied to the amount of food our troops consume there are several perks in the game that reduce daily food consumption which oddly enough reduces our xp gain by the same percent let's look at some examples to demonstrate the level 25 stuart perk spartan reduces food consumption by 10 if we normally earn 1000 xp per day without any perks we will only be earning 900 xp per day with of spartan perk the level 75 stuart perk stiff upper lip reduces food consumption by 10 while in an army so if we have both spartan and stiff upper lip and our original 1000 xp has now dropped to 800 xp per day i've listed all the food reduction perks in the game for you to stay away from now i know what some of you are thinking price of loyalty is too good not to pick up so you're an idiot and i'm unsubbing from your channel uninstalling bannerlord and i'm playing league of legends from now on well you're right i am an idiot but at least hear me out here let's keep your original example going we gain a thousand xp per day if we pick up the perk right at 275 we reduce our food consumption by 37.5 percent which instantly drops our xp from a thousand down to 625 per day on top of that every level we gain after that reduces it by half a percent so at level 300 the food reduction is 50 and we are only getting half of our steward xp let's not forget the highest xp multiplier in the game is 12 and a half x which starts to reduce by 0.125 x per level at level 241 so your level progression will already be slowing down significantly by the time you hit level 275 still not convinced and thinking about playing league of legends instead of banner lord at this point well let's go into a concrete example so you can see the difference for yourself we start with 10 attribute points into intelligence and 5 focus points into stewart giving us the max multiplier possible at level 275 we test with 300 troops all nine foods both with and without the final perk to compare without the perk we need to earn a base xp of 1.9 million every month we earn 3511 xp from 300 troops dividing that out we get a total of 566 days about 27 years needed to go from level 275 to 330. if we take the final perk right at 275 the base xp is the same but instead of getting 35 11 xp per day we only get 21.94 because the food reduction at level 300 that xp drops down even more to 1756. it would take us between 1400 and 14 30 days or about 66 years to reach level 330 which is almost three times as long well i don't think you should wait until level 330 to take the final perk i do think there's an argument to be made for not taking it at level 275. the max beneficial steward level is at 328 but i'm not sure it's worth giving up all that money from the wage reduction for an extra couple of troops so personally i would wait until at least level 300 this will give you an extra 6 troops in only 65 days whereas taking the perk at 275 would take you almost 120 days to do the exact same thing we are nearing the end of the video and as promised i'm going to show you how to get your army to pay you a monthly fee for the pleasure of serving under your magnificent stewardship to do this we will need to pick up a few perks all wage reduction perks are calculated additively meaning if we have a 5 reduction and a 10 percent reduction our total reduction is 15 total in order to get our troops to pay us we need to add up enough modifiers to get above 100 wage reduction giving us a negative monthly expense technically it's called an income now let's start off with the biggest ones and work our way down price of loyalty at level 330 gives 65 wage reduction efficient campaigner gives 25 percent while in an army which we can do for free with our own troops and one companion contractor gives another 25 for all mercenaries giving us a legitimate reason to actually use mercenaries finally yay frugal gives 5 regardless of the troop type and if we add all this up we get a total of 120 wage reduction an army of 300 tier 5 mercenaries would normally cost about 3 600 dinars per day with our god tier sales skills we convince our mercenaries to pay us 720 per day the level 50 rotary perk deep pockets gives an extra 20 wage reduction for bandits so you could do something similar with those troop types i want to thank you all for watching another strat gaming video guide if you like this video please give it a like and subscribe down below the likes really help the video out with youtube algorithm and a small channel like this one needs all the help it could get let me know in the comments section below what kind of guide you would like to see in the future thanks again for watching and as always i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 145,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, XP & Leveling, XP and Leveling, Skills, Exploit, Materials, Social, Social Skills, Denars, Money, Profit, Efficient Leveling, Perks, Max Party Size, Max Troops, Negative Wages, Mercenary, Bandit, Governor, Construction, Prosperity
Id: RV1kTfhXDfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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