The Ultimate Guide to Bannerlord: Riding & Athletics XP & Leveling

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do you know how much xp you get for traveling across the map ever wondered why your athletic skill increases do you want to learn this one weird trick that doctors hate to gain 186 writing in a single battle hello everyone and welcome back to another strat gaming video guide in today's video we're going to be looking at how xp and leveling work for athletics and writing by the end of this video you will have a firm grasp of how xp is earned on foot or horseback as well as how to quickly and efficiently level both and if you stick around to the end of the video i'll show you my top three ways to get a great start in the early game i've broken this video up into several chapters so if you're following along you'll be able to easily navigate through relevant segments check down in the description below for the time stamps with all that being said i hope you enjoy this guide and let's get started first let's look at how you gain xp with writing and athletics there are two ways moving on the campaign map and doing damage of any kind to an enemy when you move on the campaign map you gain xp based on how much distance you travel the type of xp you gain depends on if you are mounted or on foot if you're riding a horse you gain riding xp if you don't have a horse you gain athletics xp let's look at a few examples traveling from the vlandian town of ostaken in the northwest down to the azera town of hussein folk in the southeast gave 80 xp for athletics and 61.3 xp for writing traveling from austin to the landing town of sargo gave around 21 xp for athletics and 17 xp for writing traveling one full day on the map gave 12 xp for athletics and 8 xp for writing we can easily conclude two things here you gain more xp on foot than you do mounted on the campaign map and that xp gain on the campaign map travel is so small it's basically insignificant the real way to earn writing and athletics is through combat much like the previous two guides stated you gain xp from these skills by doing damage to an enemy i compiled the data from roughly 200 test runs and condensed everything down into a very brief summary doing melee damage on foot you get about 1 to 7 xp for each hit and 30 to 60 xp for each kill melee damage on horseback you get about one to five xp for each hit and 11 to 22 xp for each kill range damage on foot you get 3 to 12 xp for each hit and 24 to 66 xp for each kill range damage on a horse pack you get anywhere from three up to 1188 xp for each hit and 12 up to 34 44 xp for each kill for siege weapons and boulders you gain athletics xp for a boulder kill you get anywhere from 40 to 60 xp for ballista kills you get 40 to 103 xp and catapult gives about 100 xp per kill some interesting side information there's a weak correlation between damage done and xp gain there's a strong correlation between distance to your target and the xpu gain and xp gain is definitely bugged for writing it looks like they may have misplaced a decimal point somewhere in there when it comes to leveling writing and athletics the most efficient methods are the exact same that can be seen in my previous two guides if you have not already watched those click the link here or check the description below for that i don't want to recycle content just to make the video longer it would not be fair to you and it'd be a waste of your time so instead we will drop our character down to level one for every skill and use a few of the different efficient farming methods so we can see exactly what the level gain looks like let's do a quick recap of how to farm looters more efficiently grab any horse any bow three of any arrow type find a large loader group or get several smaller ones to chase you start the fight right out to 150 meters start shooting at them and retreat when they get into stone throwing range repeat this until they're all dead here's a cool tip if you have several small groups following you and they begin to retreat from morale loss you will have to chase down several small groups and fight many small battles instead of one large one to avoid this be sure to press tab and click that retreat button when the final loader group starts to run away if you do this quick enough you can reset the battle and continue your farming this strategy also works for siege defenses where the attacker begins to retreat but you want to wipe them out completely without having to chase them and fight an open pitched battle if you hear the end of battle music then it's already too late so be sure to hit that retreat button fast we were able to kill 55 looters for a total of 97 bow levels and 186 writing levels don't be surprised if this gets patched soon the great thing about offensive sieges is that you get to dictate the pace of the battle since our goal here is to gain xp for our main character we can put all of our troops into a single group and have them sit at the back of the map in a shield wall formation catapults can't reach them and bows practically do no damage at these distances we can take our time stay behind cover and get as many kills as we like we take three sets of bodkin arrows and our engineer has the level 75 perk military planner that gives 50 more ranged ammunition in offensive sieges bringing us to a total of 144 shots we ended up with 192 kills and lost less than 20 troops from level 1 we ended up gaining 138 bow levels and 77 athletic levels did i also mention we got a free castle out of it it's free real estate using a ballista or catapult during a siege defense is probably the best way to level up your athletics in the game we covered both of these in the previous guide so we will skip right to the end to see what a level 1 character would actually get in terms of leveling for the ballista we ended up with 77 kills resulting in 110 bow and 60 athletics levels for the catapult we ended up with 198 kills resulting in 170 throwing and 95 athletics levels while siege defenses are the best way to level up most skills in bannerlord they can be difficult to actually fight in since the ai tends to cancel sieges frequently i will be releasing a guide that shows you the best ways to get into siege defense battles so stay tuned we're nearing the end of the video and as promised i'll be sharing with you my top three methods for getting a great start in bannerlord all three methods will be done solo don't take any troops or recruit any prisoners because we want to keep our expenses at zero as well as our movement speed at max to demonstrate each method we will ask our friend chad to help us out the first method is solo farming looters from horseback check the time stamps in this video as well as the range xp guide to see how this is done efficiently there are four reasons i like to form looters in the early game from horseback you can level your bow and writing to near max level within a month or less you earn decent money and loot you earn enough renown to get clan tier 1 pretty quickly and it's very safe very low risk of being captured the second method is the solo smith to do this you will need to have access to towns with lots of hardwood i prefer the betania lands as they have hardwood in abundance our first stop is dunglinus buy all the hardwood you can and begin converting it to charcoal do this until you reach level 25 and make sure to take the efficient charcoal perk when you run out of hardwood sell all the charcoal you have made and continue to buy the rest of the town's hardwood stock when the town is depleted move on to the next town and repeat once we reach level 50 or so we can start buying cheap weapons and smelting them down and craft new weapons to sell back to the town within a few weeks you should easily hit level 100 smithing have tens of thousands of dinars in the bank some nice custom weapons to use and unlocked lots of parts the best part of all you didn't risk death or capture doing it the final method is the solo tournament champion we start off by going to the nearest town wait until daytime go to the arena and speak to the tournament master and ask which nearby towns have tournaments running in them proceed there and dominate the tournament you will get minimal xp from these fights as xp game from tournaments is reduced by 75 percent but you will get around 1 000 dinars from betting per win the value of the prize you won which is usually between 500 and 1500 in ours and you get 3 renown per win with no risk of being captured or a loss of hp this can be a great way to reach clincher 1 and set yourself up for a great early game i want to thank you all for watching another strat gaming video guide if you liked this video thrust and stab the like and subscribe buttons down below the likes really help out the video with a youtube algorithm let me know in the comment section below what kind of guide you would like to see next week we will have the full smithing guide and the continuation of the robin hood let's play series so feel free to check those out if you're interested thanks again for watching and i'll catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 78,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, XP & Leveling, XP and Leveling, Skills, Athletics, Riding, Endurance, Siege, Ballista, Catapult, Bow, Throwing
Id: n66bF0cR6Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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