Character Creation Guide - Complete Guide To Character Leveling & Creation for Bannerlord

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hello and welcome back to another strat gaming video guide in today's video we're going to be looking at character creation and leveling in its entirety by the end of the video you will have a complete understanding of how character levels work and how to plan and execute the perfect character based on the objectives and goals for your specific playthrough i put timestamps in the description for your convenience this is such an important topic and i'm really excited to cover it so let's jump in before we get into how to make a great character it helps to know exactly how the leveling system works for the main level of our character and companions so that we can be more diligent with attribute and focus point placement we start out with a fresh character at level one when we gain xp for any skill we get an equal amount of bass xp towards our character's level to clarify this bass xp is the amount of xp an action would give you if you had a learning rate of one for example if we smelt one unit of hardwood we will gain 15 base xp if our smithing learning rate is 10x then we would gain 150 xp for smithing but our main character level would still gain 15 xp these two xp mounts are rewarded separately so no matter what learning rate you have your main character will always get the same base xp if you reach the level cap at 330 for smithing you will no longer gain xp for smithing but you will still gain xp for your main character's level for each smithing action this is important to keep in mind as even when your level progression in a skill slows to a crawl or stops it's still important because it contributes to your main character once we gain enough bass xp our character's level will increase by one every level increase will give plus one focus point and every four levels will give plus one attribute point for us to assign each time we level up the following level requires more xp than the previous i've tested how much xp is required for each level up to level 40. and here are the results a couple interesting things to point out here early levels are easy to gain since the xp required is so low even though the percent increase from the previous level is so high as we get into the teens the percent increase for the next level narrows to about twenty percent to understand how difficult leveling to higher levels is we must console einstein compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world while we aren't paying money interest we do pay an xp interest to get to the next level every four levels we must earn more than double the xp we need 72 000 xp at level 15 but over 154 000 at level 19 which is more than double there is no actual level cap in the game but because of the steep increase with each level there are practical limits we will cover this in more detail later in the video let's now look at some of the best ways to level up our main character since we are exclusively looking at base xp we must find the activities that give the most xp in the shortest amount of time thankfully we have the ultimate guide to banner lord series to reference for all skills base xp in the game if we went over all skills this guide would be an hour long so instead let's just look at the top three smithing with the right weapon parts you can gain up to 5000 xp for a single weapon and be able to craft 10 weapons or more per day hands down this is the easiest high xp gain skill in the game writing when we are mounted and using a bow or crossbow we can get between 2000 and 3000 xp per shot if you're 100 meters or further away it's not unreasonable to gain tens of thousands of xp each day using this method stewart while it's not the fastest stuart is the easiest and most passive xp in the game the concept is simple have max party size and all nine different foods in your inventory and watch your levels skyrocket with 300 troops and all 9 foods we will gain 3 500 xp each day one thing to remember you earn xp for each of these regardless of your learning rate if your character has no points in distort you can still gain xp for your main level by keeping high troop count and nine foods how you build your character is completely subjective maybe you want to make a smithy who rides on horseback with high bow skill maybe you're considering a bandit playthrough so you max rotary and scouting what's best for you will depend on what you're trying to achieve because there's no perfect build however the process we use to build our character is critical if you haphazardly pick perks and allocate focus points based on your mood at the time then you'll end up like me in my early days stuck 30 hours into a playthrough with a character that just plain sucks like all great plans we start with the end up front and work our way backwards there are infinite possibilities for how we can build a character so i'm going to use a character i'm making for my upcoming play through the world conquest speed run in order to achieve this goal here is a list of what i need to be able to do have an impact on the battlefield through both melee and ranged have mobility on foot and horse reach the 30s for a main character level quickly have the largest party size possible have the most parties for our personal army and keep nobles off the battlefield after being captured next let's look at the possible starts and game settings we can pick from that will influence our decisions campaign or sandbox mode if we go the campaign route we start with extra family members for more companions 6 attribute points and 12 focus points at age 22. if we go the sandbox route our options open up significantly looking at the chart we can choose four different ages with more or less points to assign starting at 20 gives us the same stats as the campaign but going up to 50 years old gives us 9 attribute points and 18 focus points to start if you're planning on playing with death enabled i don't recommend a 50 year old start as the odds of you dying in the first 5 to 10 years is really high however if you disable death go for 50 years old 100 of the time and pick up those extra points this is especially great for newer players or those who just want to try a ton of different perk combinations for my playthrough i'm going to play without death and start at age 50. by the time i reach the end game i expect to be at level 32 or higher which means i'll have accumulated 32 more focus points and eight more attribute points if we add back in the starting points we get a total of 17 attribute and 50 focus points by going through this exercise we can now look through all the perks in the game and determine which will help us achieve our goal and know with 100 accuracy that we will be able to level up high enough to get it now for the fun part perk selection i love building my character out it's the same feeling i got when i was younger waiting for christmas morning to come up so i can unwrap presents there are nearly 700 perks in the game so going one by one and picking and choosing would be awful so i catalogued each one into a searchable database check the description for directions on how to get access to this let's look at how i use this hero builder to make all of my characters i always start with the no brainers perks that give attribute points i add a filter for benefit type and select attribute gain this will pull up all perks in bandwidth that give an attribute point level 175 athletics perk healthy citizen is the first so we click the check box on the left to signify we want to keep it next we have both perks at level 200 athletics one giving control and one giving vigor we can't have them both so we have to make a choice which in this case is vigor again click the check box and move on to the next smithing 150 we have another choice and again we will go with vigor i prefer faster swings to more bow damage but either would be a good pick and finally level 225 we pick up another endurance attribute by adding these four perks we take our total attribute points from 17 up to 21. incredible now let's go down the list of goals and find perks that will help us achieve them combat perks aren't critical for me so to save time we will skip them mobility both on campaign map and in battle is very important to me so let's look at each let's start with campaign movement speed we adjust our filter by replacing attribute gain to campaign movement speed and see what perks come up we will pick up level 75 riding perk mounted infantry level 100 writing sweeping wins level 200 athletics strong and going all the way down picking up the ones that are important next let's look at combat movement speed on foot switching the filter once again to movement speed increase we get a list of all perks in the game that change our movement speed and battle notice here we start to see some captain perks which are good but not what we're looking for we can easily add a filter to block them out click on the filter button add filter change the benefit type category over to applies to then click the middle button contains and change it to does not contain and finally in the third box select the tag captain now we have a list of only perks that pertain to use personally or the party leader we pick up five more perks from this list and move on to the next this video would turn into an hour or more if we went over everything so let's do one more group of perks and then move on to the implementation section we want to have the largest party size possible so let's check all perks that increase party size there are a ton of perks here picking almost all of them brings the total to eight perks without counting the final perk for leadership we increase our party size by 45 and with the final perk at level 300 leadership we can add an extra 50 more troops now that we know how many attribute and focus points we have and which perks we will be using we need to plan out what points go where the easiest way to do this is to go to our list of selection perks and find the highest level perk for each skill category we remove all filters except for one change the first box to our check box for selected perks and make sure the other two fields are is and checked off the perks are listed in order of skill and perk level making our task easy first up two-handed we will be going up to at least level 200 next bring up the chart we used earlier to find out what attribute and focus point combinations to use to achieve this we can see that it's possible to get level 200 with at least two focus points and 10 attribute points or five focus points and one attribute point looking at the total attribute points and focus points we have to play with it's easy to see we have more focus points than attribute points to use it's always wise to use your attribute points in categories that we plan on leveling up multiple skills in making sure we don't waste efficiency this is because each attribute point we use raises the level cap in all three categories where focus points only change one category so putting attribute points into two-handed would be a total waste hence we will put five focus points leaving us with 45 more to use we use the same logic with bow putting five more focus points there and taking our total down to 40. now for endurance we have perks in all three skills in this category with the highest one being 225 since we can utilize attributes efficiently here we will go with nine attribute points and two endurance and three focus points into each group remember earlier we picked up two perks that give us plus one endurance each which means we only need to have seven total we start the game with two attribute points into each category so we only need to put five more into endurance after picking these we have 16 attribute points left and 31 focus points we can do the same for social which will bring our total attribute count down to 8 left and focus points to 21. when we get to the end and have a bunch of points left we can either save them as flex points giving us the option to allocate them later in the game based on what we need at that time or we can search each attribute or skill tree and start picking until we use them all up my preference is to pick up only the necessary ones saving the rest for later we never know what our game will be like so having the flexibility is nice i like to use a cheat sheet that i have on me while i'm playing which says exactly how many attribute points and focus points go into each category you can easily write down on a paper or use a notepad spreadsheet or whatever i highly recommend having it handy for when you level up taking all the thinking out of the process which will allow you to focus on what needs to happen next all that's left is to start a new sandbox game and pick the options that fall within our guidelines for this playthrough i will be using the empire culture you'll have to watch the series yourself to see why it didn't go with betania our first pick for family gives us an attribute into social and a focus point for charm and trading each for early childhood we pick up another point in social and charm and our first point into leadership adolescence we gain our first endurance and writing point as well as one for stuart youth gives us our first point into bow and the second point into endurance and writing young adult is a tricky pick this is the only section that can award us with personality traits which will be extremely important if we want to hire clans into our kingdom one option gives three traits but it puts a second point into stewart which we didn't originally plan on taking we have enough flex points that it's not a big deal the traits are really good to have so we go with you treated people well giving us a fifth point into social third in a charm and second into stewart and as discussed before we will take 50 years old for the age and turn death off so we can enjoy all those lovely bonus attribute and focus points the world will be ours in a matter of time if you're interested in watching the world conquest be sure to stay tuned as i will be releasing at least one episode per week they will be highly edited taking about a year of in-game time down to about 10 to 15 minutes of video showing only high-level decisions highlights and key battles thank you so much for watching another strat gaming video guide if you found anything in this video useful or entertaining and want to help the channel out hit that like button to get the youtube algorithm working for us if you want to see more banner content and guides consider subscribing thank you again and i'll see you on the battlefield
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 129,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mount and Blade 2, Mount & Blade 2, Bannerlord, Bannerlord 2, Bannerlord II, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord, Ultimate Guide Bannerlord, Bannerlord Guide, XP & Leveling, XP and Leveling, Skills, Perks, Two Handed, Axe, Party Size, Companion, Wife, Family, Character Creation, Guide, Attribute Points, Focus Points, Learning Rate, Level Cap, Perk Combinations, Combo, Experience, Cheat Sheet, Hero Builder, Notion
Id: gtV6uf0mPz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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