The ULTIMATE "Girl Math" - The Biggest Savings On Extreme Couponing!

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my name is Jamie and I'm known as the diva for coupons I have dedicated 100% of what I do my time my talent to couponing this is my special stockpile shower in here I have 450 rolls of toilet paper and 250 rolls of paper towels no one needs to yell bring me a roll we've got you covered my 11th commandment is Thou shalt not pay retail it's not necessary with the use of coupons to live by this Golden Rule mother of three Jamie cero has to keep about a th000 coupon inserts valued at almost $40,000 on hand at all times every week when coupons are inserted into the newspapers there are leftovers that they would just ordinarily dump at the recycling plant instead they bring it to [Music] me in order to manage these massive stacks of coupons Jamie had to turn the family's wreck room into a coupon room I've taken over the entire room it started in the kitchen on a shelf and then it grew and I realized in order for our family of five to have everything that we needed I needed to get more newspapers and my coupon room is the equivalent of a man cave it is dedicated 100% to couponing her compulsive coupon collecting has allowed her to build a stockpile that includes 60 boxes of cereal 70 bottles of laundry detergent 100 containers of cleaning WIP and 200 soaps and I've got at least 100 individual rolls here of paper towels these are always absolutely free Jamie began her Extreme Couponing just one year ago when her husband Philip the family's primary bread winner lost his job I think I cried for two straight days it was really hard on me I was really scared that I couldn't shop the way that I was used to shopping that I wouldn't be able to go out with my girlfriends again because I wouldn't be able to afford it just saying hey let's get together let's go have a glass of wine I wouldn't be able to do that Jamie was determined to maintain the lifestyle she and her family had become accustomed to I had my aha moment so to speak that coupons were possible and all I had to do was clip one and give it a try these days she spends up to 6 hours preparing for just one of her four weekly shopping trips when I plan a shopping trip it's starts on the computer I evaluate the websites I print out the sales for that week I link them up with the Sal circulars that have come through my newspaper I then compile a list clip the coupons everything is ready for my shopping trip all in one location for Jamie leaving any aspect of her shopping to Chance is not an option down to knowing where every item is located at her favorite stores it's an alphabetical listing of every item that this store carries and the corresponding aisle I think it's important to be completely done and prepared before you go to the grocery store my image is very important to me and I think it's very important when I'm shopping I don't know if it's the way I look that says she has a lot of money but if that's the case that's totally fine because they're none the wiser J's Financial situ uation may have drastically changed her shopping style but the image conscious coupon diva will not let it show her list of over 1300 items could cost her nearly $2,000 so with only about 100 to spend her coupon plan needs to be Flawless we're going to have a big haul today I've invited my husband to come along today with me on this extreme shopping trip because I think I'm going to need his help our plan today is to use all of the coupons that I have here in this box so of this particular ular item we're going to be getting 27 27 well it looks like they only have 17 so we could use 10 more so if you take this item over to customer service you can ask him for a rain check rain checks are vouchers that extend the sale price on an item once you get the rain check then you can always come back the following week and get the item that you didn't have when you're shopping with four carts full and Philip heading off to work Jamie is ready to check out all right baby I'm glad I was able to help you I get to work okay Jane I'm ready okay and rising and rising and Rising I feel a little heart palpitation with only half of her item scanned wow Jamie realizes she has exceeded her all-time high of $11,000 and starts to feel the pressure like my stomach hurts oh my gosh oh almost $1,200 my heart is racing I've never felt like this at the register before I've never gotten to an amount this High what happened my register locked up won't let me scan anything it did at just over $1,200 the register Jabs I can't continue because Jim's purchases have exceeded the limit for a single transaction the cashier must manually enter enough coupons to bring the total down so the computer will unlock this allows the rest of the items to be scanned and after some quick map Jamie realizes just what her pre coupon total will be the total that I noted was over $1,800 any mistake in her planning could mean that she will have to spend more than the $100 limit she has set for herself okay now I've got to give all of these coupons even though my total is still going low my heart is is still racing my goal is to get under $200 that a it's looking like it's possible we're under 200 this is the last stack of coupons if we get under $100 that would be [Music] amazing it is going to be very very [Music] close oh you're at 10372 okay not bad 10372 I think we did awesome thank you woohoo wow totally ecstatic about the purchase that we just made four carts full I have never had you know such a successful shopping trip this has been fabulous after a grueling 2-hour check out Jamie walks away with a haul that includes 35 cans of soup 40 boxes of cereal 90 packages of cold cuts 100 cups of yogurt and 150 condiments that came to a grand total of $1,926 With Coupons she paid $13.73 a 94% savings I'm Joel and all I'm asking for Santa this Christmas is for some great deals these are all a $150 yeah I'm liking it I'm a junior in high school I have a full-time job as a Teenage coupon addict normally this super saving shopaholic hunts down deals for himself and his family at the grocery store but this holiday season Joel is hitting the mall for the unbeatable 50 to 90% off day after Christmas sales so the day after Christmas sales happened because the store wants to get rid of its winter inventory so they can bring in the new spring clothes cuz that's when people are willing to pay full price for their items so this year I'm going to be shopping the day after Christmas so I can donate to the Children's Hospital there's kids out there that don't really have the Christmas like I do so I figured I could help them celebrate Christmas by donating some gifts it's just after Dawn on the morning of December 26th and with his mom Irene behind the wheel oh my god let's go Joel heads to the mall with just $100 in his pocket to buy over 40 gifts most kids usually don't like to get up this early especially on vacation but I do I only slept for 2 hours last night cuz I was so excited I want to be there before 7:00 the store opens at 7:00 I can't be late come on despite the delays Joel makes it to the mall just in time and with a quick goodbye kiss from his mom he's off to his first door Joel knows that seasonal toys are one of the best things to buy in the day after Christmas because they're often discounted between 30 and 60% so he spends a third of his $100 bu budget checking several items off the kids wish lists but despite the impressive start Joel quickly realizes he's got a major problem he has no idea how he's going to carry all the stuff he's buying with time ticking away he begins frantically texting his friends hoping one of them will lend a helping hand I'm kind of freaking out because I don't know who's going to go shopping with me and not a lot of people are responding so after texting a lot of people my good friend Monica came through I already spent about onethird of the budget so I have to be careful cuz I can really do some damage at the store hey Joel oh hey Monica how you how are you good I wasn't expecting to go shopping after Christmas but Joel made me get up my bed and I met him up at the mall okay here's the Sal section in this door Joel needs to get 20 items for less than $50 but with most products retailing between $8 and $30 the pressure is beginning to SA in look at these oh no no $20 it's not that expensive that's not in my budget let's keep moving it's really funny cuz he always has to get a good deal so he would go straight to the clearance section and all the stores any Christmas things on clearance let's check this these look holiday related I've been looking around the store for the sale items and I found these that used to be $10 and now they're $249 so that's 75% savings and that's what I'm looking to get so I'm going to get a bunch of these and instead of a large item but just when Joel thinks he's hit the jackpot a fellow Shopper threatens to cut into his winnings how about these oh no no no after wrestling the goods away from the competition Joel is finally ready to check out all set yep oh excellent here we go $155 retail value and now you're spending only 4103 all right high five so the store had some great deals now I'm 70% into my budget after 2 hours in the toy store Joel has spent a huge chunk of his budget in time and is now running way behind schedule down there is no time for SE down my friend excuse me sorry excuse me Joel is looking for a children's clothing store that's having a special one-day sale but he and Monica are having difficulties finding their way through the crowded mall where is it where is it right here uh 1305 but where are we where are we you are here so it's um um that way somewhere go go Joel and Monica finally managed to find their way and rush into the next stop on their shopping spree I'm going to be stocking up on clothes for my cousin's child she just had a baby 5 months old and babies grow really quickly so you want to stock up on the next size and the size after that Joel only has $100 to spend on gifts for the children's hospital as well as the extra clothing for his cousin's baby in order to afford everything on his shopping list he must stick to a strict budget in this store this is going to sound a little crazy but my my budget is $10 $10 is it possible tell me the truth now is it possible to get an outfit for $10 actually since we're having our clearance at 30% off it might be possible we have pants that are $5.99 if we haven't run out of them and are they $5.99 then the 30% off on yeah oh but Joel's excitement is quickly dashed as he ends up empty-handed after a search of the clearance section actually it looks like we ran out of our of all our 599 pants so I mean I don't think you'll be able to find an outfit under $10 do you guys have any in the back let me go check for you okay okay I'm a little worried they're not going to have what I want or have it in my budget I just can't afford to make a mistake literally I this one I that for $5.99 $5.99 yeah and it's a size 3 to 6 months which is perfect yes thank you so much for Bring It On in Bring it on I also found you this one it's also $5.99 but this one's 6 to 12 months oh that's fine thank you so much there you go perfect H yeah yes voice cracked yes I got exactly what I needed and I think it's going to be in my budget and I'm ready to check out okay so the retail price was $29.90 your total came out to be $9.11 you saved 70% in total yes and a dollar all right that's perfect here you go thank you thank you have a good day you too thank you after 7 hours in four stores Joel still has six more gifts to get and only $15 of his $100 budget left to spend for an extreme couponer like Joel missing his goal will not be easy to swallow excuse me me all right um I have a quick question these are $16.99 but it's on the $5 rack would they be $5 $5 is going to be buy 1 get one free thank you you're welcome they're $5 and you buy one get one free so they're two each yes that's really good and we have $15 to spend here so 1 2 3 4 5 six yeah I think we're good perfect you already to check out yes so your retail value was $88 of spending 1544 with the savings of 83% yes that's what I wanted good good job all right thank you very welcome yes we're done we went to five stores $100 and we were on budget it's now 3:30 it's been 8 and 1/2 hours and I never want to spend that much time in the mall again with a hall that includes 15 pieces of clothing and jewelry as well as 25 toys Joel and Monica head to the Children's Hospital to hand over their donation welcome to Children's Hospital and your arms are so full of wonderful things can I help you by taking some of them look at these great things the retail value of all the coupons is approximately $2 million using coupons consumers save about $3 billion a year and with nearly 14,000 inserts on hand super extreme couponer Missy eie make sure she gets her share of the savings my name's Missy and I love shopping with coupons couponing is not just you know grocery shopping for me it's a way of life I just get up every day and just try and make the most out of what God gives me my latest find is cat treats that paid me 60 cents a bag funny thing is we don't own a cat getting paid to shop for this extreme couponer means she has to collect up to 5,000 newspaper coupon inserts every week Miss's inventory has grown so large that she knocked down a wall and created a coupon storage room I love my coupon room and I'm able to store thousands upon thousands of inserts in there the room is about 4T tall and it goes on forever and I'm often asked where I receive all of my inserts from and I simply have one answer and that's from God this gift from above has allowed Missy to build a stockpile worth about $75,000 nearly 10,000 food Health and Beauty and cleaning products from which Missy sustains her family of 10 this is my daughter-in-law's favorite spot in the house this is where I keep her favorite soda we have over 300 bottles Miss's inventory also includes 800 jars of baby food over 200 canisters of cleaning wipes and 1,200 packages of batteries we were able to purchase these noodles and they paid us 21 cents for every two we took home we brought home a thousand of them 600 went straight to a food bank and when Missy coupons to support our soldiers she treats it like she's shopping for her own family I have a son that's in the military and so it's very near and dear to our heart so my family and I have sponsored several young men that are currently serving overseas and I have a running total of what they like as far as the toothpaste they like and their favorite deodorants so they don't just have to settle for what I have I make sure that I get what they want we are going to see how much stuff we can fill up these buggies with and we're going to see how much we'll have to donate at the end of the day that's our goal we just literally get phone calls from all over the state and people ask you know hey I heard you're doing great things here's some coupons it's M's family that benefit most from her couponing and who can treat her stockpile like their own personal Supermarket things need some baby food shopping at my mother-in-law Missy's House is very awesome we don't have to to buy shampoo we haven't had to buy cereal baby food we haven't had to buy laundry detergent since last year since we have such a good stockpile here at our home do you want me to help you get started so you can put a shelf in your laundry room that would be great if we could start with laundry detergent that's a big need at the house supporting her family and Community is a way of life for Missy now but before she began couponing about a year ago saving money wasn't a priority before couponing we were spending money more than we had and we were also using credit cards daily my husband came to me and said we're going to run out of money and I said there's got to be a better way and that better way she found was couponing in just one year Missy saved her family over $60,000 I'd say I made a pretty good salary armed with an arsenal of coupons Florida's Missy eie is in the midst of one of her largest shopping spree yet she's tracking all her coupon savings and out of pocket cost and has already accured a $51 credit for the rest of her list I keep up with what it is before coupons and how much we're going to save and how much I need to spend next up it's the foundation for her daughter-in-law's new stockpile laundry detergent so we're going to need another buggy um yeah I'm going to go get that all right we're starting our train they're $649 but they're buy 1 get one free so for $649 we get two and we have our $3 off coupons and we can use a $3 off on each one so it's going to be 49 for two bottles of laundry detergent yay so we're going to get 54 bottles let's go get some [Music] diapers there is sales tax on this we need to account for it on our calculation so we don't have to pay it at the end why are we getting diapers the twins are out of diapers aren't they they're free and so my grandson will be using those I received in the mail a package that included a free coupon so make sure you're signing up for everything you can online because um you can get all kind of free coupons after picking up a few more items to even out her overage Missy is ready for checkout Hi how are you good how are you doing fabulous I'm very organized and methodical on how I do the checkout process I put all my like items together we've never seen anybody buy this many laundry detergents we're at 93 pre tax we're doing [Music] good but as the cashier begins ringing up the pain relievers the register suddenly stops scanning I can't scan any more of these items let me go talk to my manager and see what she wants me to do about it and I'll be right back it's not going to let me do over 100 okay well let's go ahead and try and see if I can override this then and that's going to be a big negative Houston we have a problem if Missy can't buy all 114 bottles of pain reliever there won't be enough overage to pay for the meat and other extra she picked up they have a limit on how many items that you can scan of one particular barcode so what we're going to do is we're going to move all of those the extra 14 over to a second transaction with her $1,000 total that she hopes to get under $10 Missy watches carefully to make sure that every coupon is scanned properly and that the right coupons are applied it can be quite costly if you don't watch coupons stick together and you're not counting what's actually scanned here's my savings [Music] card as you can see her balance here on the total is 884 we actually owe her money how do you do that because of all her coupons the balance comes out in Missy's favor but because the store can't actually give her cash back she can use the overage for non- couponed items like meat we're going to take care of the overage that we have here what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and pay for it with the meat you saved $1,644 today and the total is $262 but Miss's not done she still has 14 bottles of pain reliever which she will be paid to take out of the store $191 and with this order you save $968 thank thank you we spent $453 and we saved $1,161 122 please tell me you bow hey guys take a break for a second this is Miss Julie for today's life skill class we're going to do something we've never done before um she's going to teach you how to coupon what what wait why why my name is Julie and the only way I'm going to stop couponing is if you cut my arms off seriously and I probably would use my toes am I obsessed with couponing am I obsessed with couponing am I obsessed with couponing yeah yeah I might be I think I might be for me now couponing is like breathing if they took them away from me I don't know what I would do with myself I what I would do with myself so I'm looking for jobs and I come across an opportunity to interview for a boy sober home to do my dream job which is to coupon and stuck them up hi Hi how are you I'm Julie Julie the coupon lady it's great to have you here welcome to Fire Mountain I am the founder of fir Mountain sober home it is a residential rehab for teenagers ages 14 to 17 I put an ad out for an extreme couponer because as you can imagine with eight boys staff are our food bill is $3,000 a month it's too much I will pay them to coupon I will pay them to fill up my pantry any extreme couponers dream would be to get paid to coupon and go shop and I'm here today to prove that I'm the one for this job here's the challenge we only do organic food oh I'm not going to feed these boys crap we have a saying here crap in crap out it's a lot harder to find coupons for things that are organic so um that's going to be a massive challenge I've never attempted to do that but I will prove it to you that that can be done all right well this belongs to you oh boys emptied out the room for you to fill fill it up fill it up and there's not going to be one empty space in this entire room this whole room is going be not one empty space I'm finding this hard to believe but if you say you can do it I'm willing to give you a shot let me prove it if she can get me 2 weeks of food fill that pantry for 150 bucks she's got the job so the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to go hit the soap it's a boy's home you need soap let's go come on down check this out we can take one coupon and we can stack it with another one because this is from a manufacturer this is from the store I get it can we grab 80 of them put them in the cart no just no no stack like put them side over there no no you got to stack them you got to make them nice I thought we were going to get to like just go up to a shelf and just like and just like throw a bunch of stuff in the cart she is OCD like stacking everything in her like order you know the way Julie wants it don't get to no whoa no no no no not the $2.99 here over oh my God are you doing this to drive me completely out of my mind put him in the car put him in the car I have a very particular way of ordering things in the cart so that we know we can see what all is there these boys are already driving me nuts what are you doing I want these okay well then pull them out of the box you're driving me crazy just going to go outside and wait wait what why Caleb Caleb Caleb come on just a few more things left we can get through this day okay you're learning very valuable things um how much more do we have we only have one more product and then we are completely done you think we can do it yeah okay let's go all right how many of these are we getting we're getting 24 this brand of milk is normally retailed at $2.99 and I have a $50 off manufacturer coupon and I have a 75 cent off store coupon so when you put those together that's 225 off making them each. 74 but here's the best part when you buy a certain amount of these in this case case 12 is a is a is a case you get a 10% discount off okay you guys did amazing we got everything we needed finally finally how are you good thanks wow big order are you sure you're counting yeah all those did you seriously make sure everything is counted for 25 this is really important I I did that it's really important you nervous am I nervous yes I'm nervous why are you nervous because this is a lot of money all right your total retail is 73254 oh okay it makes me more nervous when it's not my money because you know my job would be on the line and I'm supposed to be saving their money not spending their money do you have any coupons yes we have coupons you have to talk to the coupons sometimes you have to talk to them in hey hey guys yeah come on I'm the one she has you can do it oh my gosh we're coming down to the wire this is it guys okay bye oh yay okay all right 10782 my total retail on today's trip came to $732 54 after coupons I paid $17.82 giving me a savings percentage of 85% I didn't even know that could be done $100 for all this you know coupons is a way to do it dude it's a lot of hard work but it's worth it yay we're out of the grocery store top come on come on show in the road Julie did it she had 85% savings I said 150 she did 107 this is the solution to so many problems we got here here oh yeah she's got the job hey guys hurry up we're almost done I really hope that I inspired these boys and that I've given them A Life Lesson that they can carry with them forever I'm very proud of my boys because when they take something like couponing seriously it means they're thinking about their future for maybe the first time all right guys excellent job thank you very much you're free to go 57% of Americans plan on taking advantage of the massive savings it stores on the day after Christmas and Florida mother and couponer Missy relies heavily on the deep discounts to stock up on an entire Year's worth of products my name is Missy and I have mastered the art of the day after Christmas shopping I've been doing it my entire life and I have probably purchased an excess of over 5,000 items saving in excess of over $150,000 when I shop the day after Christmas I am also shopping for for birthdays anniversaries graduations you name it anything that I know that's going to happen that year Miss's list for just one day of shopping includes $2,000 worth of products that she intends to get for less than a quarter of that refusing to miss out on a single sale she intends to spend her entire Christmas Day preparing for the big trip even enlisting her 15-year-old niece Kayla to help on every day after Christmas shopping trip I bring along at least one helper I'm like the CH and they're my foot soldiers if they follow my lead then the shopping trip usually goes off without a hitch It's Just Before Dawn on the day after Christmas and Missy and Kayla are the only people stirring in this house as they prepare their coupons and list for one of the biggest shopping trips of the [Music] Year we're leaving the house at 4:00 a.m. so that we can be in line and get in the doors when they open at 5: if we were to sleep in and go at 88 I don't think there would be anything left on the Shelf Missy anxiously heads into the Big Box store hoping the 50 items she's after didn't sell out during the last minute Christmas [Music] rush in just over an hour of shopping she exits the store with her first haul of the day got him yay just what we came for this is amazing these gift packs are only available during the holiday seasons and with it being the day after the holiday that's when they really flash the prices if I were to purchase this gift set all as separate products it would be about $15 retail since it's in a gift set they were $10 well today the day after the holiday they're $5 I had a $3 off coupon and so it made it $2 for each gift set along with the gift sets Missy also picked up half-price holiday themed blankets and pajamas in total she got more than $400 worth of products for a little over $100 this is an exciting start to our day but despite the impressive 75% savings Missy has already fallen behind schedule it's 6:15 Bell's open about 15 minutes ago so we need to go ahead and get over there [Music] now this jacket sells for $100 retail and um it's my son's favorite team sunell 25% off that makes it $75 the coupon is 20% off and then I also have a $10 off $25 purchase it'll make it $50 I'll be able to mark another one of the kids off my birthday list the quick jacket score helps ease Missy's concerns about falling further behind schedule but as she continues through the store she keeps getting sidetracked by deals she wasn't expecting 450 these will be great let's check these out they're awful cute they're $9 70% off that's going to make them 270 yeah we can get like 30 of these and still be within the budget after running late in her first store Missy needed to be in and out in a half hour to stay on track but her inability to leave a single sale item behind has thrown her way off course it's over 2 hours later when she and Kayla finally head to the register with four carts filled to the brim I'm going to be doing um four different transactions today and on the first transaction I have a 25% off any single item you saved $199 that is incredible and you Sav 11401 on this one with all of your transactions today your retail value was $844 78 you paid $381 oh that's exciting [Music] yay got it it's an impressive 72% savings but getting distracted by the great post Christmas deals has wreaked havoc on Missy's tight schedule and now the extreme Shopper is worried her next door will be picked clean some of these deals just don't come around again right you can't pass it up nope look at these these napkins will be perfect for the Christmas table the napkins are $3.99 so this going to make them $1 cuz they're 75% off so this is perfect these bags are $9.99 so that'll make them $2.50 this will be great for the family you know what we to look at it I think we just need to take the whole rack home the whole rack the whole rack okay sounds good to me okay let's load them up with an eye on the ticking clock Missy and Kayla pack up their baskets as fast as they can and make a dash for the registers your total today was 55959 after all your sales and discounts that came to$ 27870 you saved a total of $ 31689 today that is wonderful it's an impressive haul but Missy's got no time to celebrate she still needs to get a Year's worth of clothing for her twin boys and the store she's targeting has already been open for 3 hours if things don't go according to plan now it could blow the family's entire budget this is a nightmare it's taken us 2 and a half hours to go less than 45 minutes from home I wasn't expecting all of this traffic this is really kind of crazy I'm really worried about what's going to happen when we get in here if there's going to be anything left in the store after wasting another half hour negotiating a packed parking lot Missy and cayb make a beine for the aisles um I do this every year the day after Christmas because I know that I can buy the clothes a size or two larger than they are right now and then they can have it to grow into and I can give his gifts all year long Missy wastes no time grabbing as many pieces of discounted clothing as possible among the sales racks she finds shirts that were originally $38 but are marked down to $12.99 plus they are on sale for 20% off and Missy has an additional 20% off coupon making each one only $8.3 yeah that's 10 sets of clothes right here I bet we're going to do really well I got two sets of these and they're super cheap and then I also got these with the bear on them I thought those were super cute too oh that is so cool we're finding all kinds of great shirts here I'm gonna be able to stock up on matching shirts for the twins for the winter stuff great let's go check out and see how we did hi there I found quite a bit today the retail total was $535 and with all the savings and coupons came out be $123.9 and you saved today $410 wow that is fantastic fantastic with bags of clothes for her youngest children in hand Missy has finally done shopping after 17 hours she's managed a haul that includes furniture and Home Decor over 50 toys 70 items of clothing and enough gifts to keep her family happy for the whole year to be able to build her inventory in such a short time Amber studied Extreme Couponing websites for tips and remained diligent about collecting coupons and finding sales it was very intimidating when we started you have to have a good discipline because you're going to have to get your coupons organize your coupons find space for all of your products and plan out your sales and what stores you're going to go to a full-time nurse and the family's primary bread winner Amber was only able to achieve this level of extreme couponing with the help of her husband clayon you want to cut coupons with Daddy I coupons with Daddy all right he cut coupons for me and pick up coupons and do all that good stuff so it works out per perfect oh I'm a stay-at home Dad I do the chores around here whatever makes the family work you know so while Amber is at work during the day cayon hunts down deals and acquires the coupons they need we'll end up with around 2 to 300 coupon inserts a week and that's from a combination of dumpster diving friends saving them for me there's also coupons on items you buy so there's just coupons everywhere you look who wants to cut what today Amber and clayon have the whole family hard at work cutting and sorting coupons in preparation for their biggest shopping trip yet it's going to be a really good trip because our store will make all coupons a dollar right now so they're running a promotion so no matter what the denomination of the coupon is they'll all end up being a dollar since this mega sale event only happen six times a year Amber is stocking up on frozen food and other household items that her family needs with a the Box filled with 1,000 coupons that'll give her A1 off each of the 1500 items on her list Amber heads to the store with clayon and the kids in addition to upping the value of her coupons Amber store offers an added bonus it is an awesome sale at the end of your purchase you get $5 off of each set of 10 you get um plus you can use coupons with this deal which makes it even sweeter so it's a time when we really stock up the first item on Amber's list is hand soap since is running low on this product in her stockpile she plans on getting as many as she can well we're getting um 100 hand soaps because they're on sale for a dollar and we have coupons for 35 cents off and our fries will make all coupons a dollar right now making them free so why only get one when you can get 100 know that things that go on sale will go on sale again every 2 to 3 months make sure that you stock up enough to get you to that next sale you guys have no excuses for dirty hands mhm the next thing we need are some over-the-counter pain meds the pain relievers are on sale for $249 each and Amber has coupons that will give her $6 off the purchase of two resulting in a $1 overage that she can used towards another purchase with a $5 back deal she will make $10 for every 10 bottles of pain relievers she buys after 3 hours of shopping Amber has five carts full and a power loaded to the brim with pre-ordered items since this is the largest Hall Amber has ever attempted in her 3 months of extreme couponing she is worried about the checkout this is the biggest haul that we've ever done so I am feeling very nervous oh it's 87 oh wow oh my gosh it's up to 1046 already oh my gosh with less than half the order scann the pre coupon total quickly exceeds Amber's previous high of $600 oh my heart is just racing right now it's all like I feel like I'm going to just faint right now my gosh so we have a total of 1,700 almost 1,800 and we have one pallet left to go oh we're over $2,000 never seen anybody buy this much food your total is $2,756 194 without your prize card or coupons there's no way that the coupons Amber brought with her can cover this total so she's counting on her store loyalty card to bring it down by at least $1,000 see how far it'll gets big bucks no whammies no whammies keep moving wow keep going your total is $1,512 80 with your Club Card awesome and I'll take all your coupons hey Randy Randy with only one coupon swiped there is a problem at the register okay so right again no let's see what we're going to do here basically what happened is the quantity of items that we scan through locked up the register so we're going to try a couple different things and see if we can get it to where we can take the coupons up I broke the register with my coupons I broke it I single-handedly broke the machine my fault the register is so jammed that it stumps the two veteran Supermarket managers 22 years with I've been 18 never but finally they come up with a solution okay so we're going to take her to another register we're going to ring up all the coupons with the face value and get her total amount that she could have saved then we'll come back and we'll take it off of her register on this side so that way they balance I don't want to see it I'm nervous about getting it all merged together so here is the final stack of coupons I still have not looked so we're going to see what the damage is all of Amber's coupons have finally been scanned and it's now time for her to find out how much of the $2,800 Bill she'll have to pay we're going to subtract the total of coupons that you had okay your grand total after everything is 18769 that'll work for me that's what I'm talking about so we saved like $2,600 it was more than what I guessed but I'm still really excited Hammer managed a haul that included 170 cans of dog food 370 packages of noodles 500 sports drinks and 640 packages of candy a retail value of $2,756 94 her cost just $187.6 a 93% savings this was our hugest haul ever and with only doing it 3 months that amount of money for 3 months was ridiculous for us while women handle 62% of all grocery shopping trips Long Island New York radio producer Scott B wears the couponing pants when it comes to his family's purchases my name is Scott and I am the coupon King I don't consider myself a Shopaholic I consider myself a savah holic if I want $100 million in the lottery tomorrow I'd still be clipping coupons on Sunday morning be with a 24 karat gold scissor but I'm still going to do it dad you remember a lot of coupons I do in this house full price is the fword Scott's obsession with saving every penny possible has not only taken over his home life but even extends to his day job I am a producer for a syndicate at morning radio show in New York City one of the things I do there is a Blog on the morning Show's website about anything from Supermarket savings to online savings I get a ribbing from my co-workers all the time cuz I'm the cheap guy the other day I was at his house oh God it looks like you're prepared for some sort of nuclear Holocaust he has an entire grocery store in his basement it was free how could I not buy it to say that Scotty is obsessed with couponing is an understatement Scott will never buy anything with without a coupon it's blasphemy Scotty B our resident cheat bastard yes I am right in the last 3 years Scott has built a stockpile that could last him his wife Amy and their three-year-old daughter Ashley for up to one year this is my pride enjy I love my kids and my wife but I love my stockpile one of the most exciting days of my life was when I found out my wife was pregnant for the second time but even a little bit more exciting was the fact that I knew I could go buy diapers all these diapers should have cost an excess of $600 that paid maybe around 100 bucks for it with the birth of his second child just weeks away Scott has stockpiled over 2500 diapers and 6 months worth of baby formula his stash also includes 32 boxes of cereal 400 rolls of toilet paper and enough shampoo to last his family for up to 2 years today Scott is relying heavily on his couponing strategies as he prepares to stock up on everything he could need before his wife gives birth I am a little bit nervous about this one with one daughter already and another child on the way it's really important that I have everything I need for them because when baby number two comes along I'm not going to have a lot of time to go shopping the pressure of paying less for such a colossal Haul is even more intense because it store limits the maximum number of the same item bought with coupons to no more than four they restricted to four coupons they only double up to 99 so I cannot get a dollar coupon doubled they will not double internet coupons um so all these variables kind of come into play when I'm thinking about what I'm going to buy my wife is banned from coming shopping with me because she tends to put things in the cart that are not on sale and not on my list this certainly will be one of the largest shopping trips I've ever done so I will enlist my wife and daughter to come along on this trip only I'm going to need your help this time I can go you can push the cart that's it you will put nothing in I'm allowed to go shopping with him today and only today because he needs me to push a shopping cart 9 months pregnant and I have to push a shopping cart I'm excited liar with his wife and daughter in toe Scott heads to the supermarket if all goes according to plan today he'll Buy around $500 worth of groceries for less than [Music] $35 let's do the formula first four bottles of the baby formula cost $19.99 Scott has coupons totaling $12 in savings he will will cover the remainder of the cost with manufacturer discount checks which he received simply by emailing a request to the [Music] company actually look at these drinks it's strawberry milk and it's on sale for $2.99 and Daddy has a coupon for $2 off so this is only 9 and buying these gives me more points in the baby bucks program the baby Buck program here is every time you spend $100 on baby items they give you $10 off your next shop order with a majority of the shopping list taken care of Amy and Ashley take a little break while Scott gathers up the last remaining items so it's milk time this was a great deal last week here at the supermarket if you bought three boxes of cereal you got a free gallon of milk up to 379 so I've got two of them here for buying six boxes of [Music] [Applause] cereal with his wife and daughter back at his side two two cards full of merchandise and all his coupons Scott heads to the register how are you good how are you I was unbelievably overwhelmed with what I was about to encounter it was actually really frightening two three one more awesome thank you good job the more stuff I'm putting up the more nervous I'm getting we're at $150 right now at I can't believe we've already spent this [Music] much my heart was racing and you could tell my my face was red and my ears were red and I just wanted to make sure that I did it right right now we're just under $400 39315 I'm glad I don't come with you this is very stressful all right your total is 4296 that's the most I've ever seen at the supermarket do any coupons today of course I do thank you this is the biggest stack of coupons I've ever [Music] seen this is more stressful than being in the delivery [Music] room say an invalent coupon Scott's checkout comes to a halt when one of his high value coupons fails to scan at the register the coupon wasn't scanning and I got scared because that was a $3 plus coupon and it had to go otherwise my numbers would be off let me call manager service eight please service eight he has the item I really don't like when cashier scrutinize my coupons I'm a professional so I'm not going to give you something that's not valid or for an item that I didn't purchase how come sometimes they don't scan unfortunately sometimes the barcodes on here like when they have double barcoding some of them match and some of them don't it was a little nerve-wracking for a minute until it actually went through but Scott's relief is short lived I got a C over with multiple coupons not scanning properly the manager is called over several times every time another coupon doesn't scan my heart skips a beat a little bit so you just have to override it and I still can use it okay trying under 200 we're getting there your total after everything is $187 nice job today Chris's mission is to purchase another 700 items for charity the primary focus of of today's trip is to get a lot of perishable items that we're going to give to the City Mission and the troops overseas voice of Need for beef jerky for protein bers if everything works out we'll do a $1,000 order and we'll get it all for nothing when we go on a get like a large Hall it's it's always exciting you know cuz you realize that the things that you're getting aren't really for you you want that whole success factor and it'd be horrible to walk in put everything together and just botch it the particular store we're shopping at doesn't have some of the reward programs that the other places did so it's definitely takes more strategy to get some of the deals that we're going to be getting the philosophy is this find a product that's on sale or clearance stack it with a coupon um and if you can find a rebate attached with that and we call it a perfect storm it's basically every Avenue of approach to save is combined and you just you've absolutely maximize your savings you know it it's very doable and uh it's a lot of fun strategize strategize let no good deals get past your eyes Chris methodically formulates specific combinations of sales store rewards programs and manufacturers coupons to ensure maximum savings these cover all the sausages the water the formula and the health and beauty products all here plus $600 worth of coupons I do like a spreadsheet of some kind where I'll just kind of just map it out exactly what I'm going to be picking up um with the cost is what the coupons are and what the bottom line is do the math 3 and 3 is 33 um 99 so what 31 just comes naturally we'll be walking down the grocery say hey hun don't we got a coupon for this like equations are floating around my head and the bottom line just appears it's it's so crazy feeling the pressure of providing multiple Charities with a variety of goods Chris and as head to the supermarket heavily armed with their preferred method of payment instead of using $100 bills we're going to use pieces of paper with ink printed on them kind of the same thing but a whole lot better this is a great deal $1.99 everyday price it's on sale today 10 for 10 we have a 55 cent coupon that will double makes it all free we will give those all to the Washington City Mission who serves three different shifts of breakfast in the morning so they go through a lot of Bing okay so next on a trip we got to go get the sports drink we're getting 100 of those 30 31 32 33 the sports drink regularly costs $25 per bottle but an inore sale drops the price to a do a piece Chris has a coupon for an additional 50 cents off that he will combine with a store coupon that doubles the discount value making each bottle free 99 say eleth 100 like that huh little pumy TI hey you find the pop yeah all right this is a really great deal they're usually $179 a bottle and they went on sale 10 for 10 and we have a 50 Cent coupon the doubles once again free you know what instead of clearing your shelves let's go ahead and uh see if our order came in because he's buying in such large quantities Chris calls in a special pre-order request days before his shopping trip to guarantee that the store will have enough Goods on hand to fulfill his extensive needs that is our order pretty cool huh with the final products on his list in hand Chris double checks the exact number of items to make sure everything is in order before heading to the register because folks are depending on us so much uh it does create an element of anxiety in me if I have to say a little prayer at a check out I will Super doer okay we're ready to check out hello how are you today all righty hi it's a lot of groceries got to be fit you it got to be in shape coupon ain't easy it's free but it ain't [Music] easy we're at about $400 but halfway through our order and if it all went wrong yeah I might just fall [Music] apart the total today today is $885 64 any coupons sir uh Yes actually I have a whole [Music] lot we're looking at $637 you do your best and hopefully uh your mouth was right to complete his mission successfully without spending any money Chris's calculations need to be perfect the smallest mathematical mistake can jeopardize his entire donation uh we're a little over $550 and we're still moving along lots of coupons to [Music] give saying I must total the sale we see if I can uh fix that hold on when the register stopped ringing uh there were kind like a moment of silence uhoh I think we've reached a a line limit on the receipt each product and coupon scanned at the supermarket register creates a new line on the transaction receipt having reached its limit of 1,000 scans Chris's register locks and w accept the rest of his coupons I have to go upstairs make a few adjustments and hopefully everything will be back to normal the store manager needs to circumvent the system and force the computer to adjust the line limit on the register if he can't override the register limits Chris will be forced to rest strategize his entire purchase I've never done this before I don't know if it'll work I was like oh no are we going have to rring all this we're going to be in the store way too long [Music] drama there it is looks like it works we have our maximum line problem fixed so we're going to start scanning some more coupons I'm at $199 oh we're at $23 uh you get your order free today zero is your total are you sure I am totally sure I don't want to walk out not paying what I owe you're all right what's the screen show Z zero zero appreciate it family hug shopping trip was an absolute success so all these items you have to Total $885 64 and With Coupons applied $0 was the total amount that's pretty good I've never seen that in 20 years of experience that's incredible another day our dollar saved woo got heavier all the shopping wore me out Chris's shopping spree included 260 protein bars 200 Beverages and 178 packages of bacon for a total value of $885 64 there it is awesome now I can go and get my gelatin for free to acquire the massive amount of coupons they need to score great deals many extreme couponers spend thousands of dollars a year on newspapers North Car Carolina Homemaker Desiree Young has a cheaper solution if you want to save money dumpster dive my name's desire and I'm addicted to couponing I wish I had a coupon for everything in the world I spent absolutely nothing for every product in here it hurts me to pay for anything for Desiree to put together deals for free products she needs to collect massive amounts of coupons and there is one place in her town that has a NeverEnding supply all right so I'm going to step inside the dumpster and see what I can find OMG coupons to me are money and you wouldn't believe how much money people throw away in those dumpsters so this is an awesome awesome coupon these weekly coupon hunts have allowed Desiree to build a stockpile of over 2400 household and grocery items occupying her entire spare bedroom this collection includes 45 bottles of dish soap 105 deodorants 125 bottles of her and body wash and 480 razors the retail cost of all of these razors is close to $4,000 and I paid absolutely nothing for them how could you beat stipers for 23 cents a box I will be ever run out of deodorant and shampoo and body wash I'm never going to stink if I um ever am pressed for space that's when I will donate or tell my neighbor come over and Shop I need more room the ability to save an average of 90% on all of her groc did not always come naturally to Desiree I remember looking into coupons and I was very overwhelmed well then my son was born and that's when we started Living paycheck to paycheck we would buy groceries and then have like $20 to live off of and then when I started getting into coupons people on online forms showed me that if I kept to it and dedicated to it that I would start saving more and more money there is a negative side of course you're going to have to put a lot of time and effort into it I dedicate about about 60 hours to couponing each week with desire's couponing occupying more time than most jobs the busy Homemaker must keep a very tight daily schedule on Monday from 9:00 to 11:30 I will be doing my online prep I do check my website every hour just in case there's a new deal posted on Tuesday from 2: to 6:00 p.m. is when I'll hit the recycling bins at the local school Wednesday I'll be doing more online prepping and order on Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:30 a.m. is when I'll be doing my deal finding Friday from about 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. is when I'll be doing major shopping hting Saturday I'll be doing my binder cleanout and getting rid of then Sunday is when I'll be finding my papers that is a 60h hour coupon week that is jammed Pack full of prepping organization and shopping today Desiree is shopping at her local supermarket's biggest sale of the year and since her non-stop couponing means she rarely has time to socialize Desiree is bringing her friend Blair along so they can catch up and she can help with a hole I'm expecting my grocery bill to be over $1,000 and I would like to get it down to under $55 with six courts full North Carolina Homemaker Desiree Young is ready to check out on her biggest shopping trip ever but because of her store's coupon policy she will need to split her purchases into four separate transactions I'm doing separate transactions because at this grocery store you're only allowed to use 10 like coupons per order I have more than 10 so I need to split it up so that my coupons will double and the retail cost was $285 and I just spent $17.48 three down win G with the third transaction desire's total has exceeded $20 almost half of the $55 limit she set for herself with her largest transaction still to come her nerves start to take over I'm feeling a little stressed out this is my last transaction I don't want errors I want to double check every single thing all right so I am at right now $493 so only almost $500 there's no way there's no way I'm going to pay $500 my total right now is $647 let's see if I can get it down below $55 could I SK in your bonus card please sure here you [Music] go this is a very precious moment for me that's why I'm being calm and Collective I was at 6:47 and now I'm at 539 do you have keepons on these items let's start with this stack right here just as desire's total shrinks down to $364 the register locks [Applause] up what just happened no more items allowed now okay we're going to have to uh refer to our corporate office for just a second is going to call and see what we need to do I'm guess that I hit my limit of how many items can be scanned they're on the phone now trying to figure out what to do my total right now is at $364 and so yeah I was stressed out I thought it was my error here's probably going to be the easiest solution to this problem um is I'm going to cash out the total which is 36442 then we're going to have a clean slate I'm going to scan the remainder of your coupons which will give us a cash total we'll deduct that from your 364 and then that'll be your grand total totally good to come up with a final tally the manager will have to scan the coupons while the clerk keeps track of the total on an old-fashioned calculator any mistake in calculating the transaction could jeopardize the 60 hours of Labor Desiree has put into the shopping trip we're close you guys we're teetering we're on the Ed we're almost there I was stressed trying to figure out wow okay what is going to happen are we going to have to rring this whole order up am I going to have to separate my coupons what is going on your total is 55 cents for everything you bought 55 cents wow that's what your total is today Des 55 cent so that means today you would have spent a grand total of $1,776 but with all your coupons your grand total was $21 26 that's awesome she saved a whole lot of money I put my mission at 55 bucks so I beat that so I'm very proud of myself I'm very excited Desiree not only accomplished her Mission but scored a load of groceries that includes 20 boxes of toothpaste 28 boxes of tissue 45 boxes of cake and cookie mix 59 packages of candy and 96 bottled beverages a retail value of $1,776 her cost just $21 26 a 98% savings I'm addicted to couponing because the thrill that it gives me it's a job but I like doing it I'm Taran and I'm ty and we are the double saving Divas we are the most extreme couponers out there there is nothing that our hands touch that we don't try to save money on and it's a coupon inside of this so I I bet you get this couponing is definitely a lifestyle we eat it sleep it breathe it dream about it we really do these identical twins share more than DNA for more than a decade they've been combining their couponing skills to double their savings and build a massive home stockpile we don't look at it for pasta sauce we look at this as $5 $3 $2 money in the bank though kept entirely in TI basement the stockpile is the sister's shared collection there are nearly two dozen deodorants 40 cans of of soup and 52 bottles of body wash but the item the twins stock up on most diapers nearly 4,000 diapers in all enough to last a baby nearly a year and a half who has the most diapers in the stock P I do and who doesn't have children I don't one day I will and I'll be prepared Tyran stockpiles for her future family's Necessities something the twins didn't always have growing up in a family of five children our parents had to learn how to stretch their dog every Sunday evening our mother would get us together and we would cut coupons so we were caught at a very very early age how to coupon this was our mother's coupon box and she still has coupons in here oh my goodness we need to go through these I don't even think they even still sell this product mom taught them to save but the twins have made it their mission to absolutely never pay retail so they spend more than 20 hours each week matching Sal posted to online coupon databases with their sorted collection of newspaper inserts we keep our circulars in by date punch in the coupon that we're looking for up comes the date we can pull it right out cut it and we're done go our goal for today is to stay under $60 for the entire day celebrating our birthday we have about $54 left for our budget today the Twins start by stocking up on a deal that drops expensive ant acid to just penic the 15 will cost us if we did not have a manufacturers coupon definitely over 80 bucks we are paying around $7.50 about 49 cents per bottle even if you don't have heartburn who would pass that up the twins then head to the vitamin aisle where they combine a manufacturer's $5 coupon with the store's own weekly sale we love this particular brand of vitamins so we went to their website and printed up an internet coupon for $5 off any vitamin of our choice that's that's right so double saving Divas we scan and we like to come out of pocket that's right retail price for the vitamin is $749 and it is on bonus buy today for $51 so with our $5 coupon one p that's how we like to do it next the Divas hit the Travel section a specialty area where small sizes can offer some of the biggest savings oh wait a minute I love this section of the store if the manufacturer's coupon does not restrict sizes each coupon discount reduces a larger portion of the product's cost a lot of the manufactured coupons do not say exclude trial size items so that's where we're going to save the most bank for our buck baby wipes for 39 C toothpaste this would be 29 cents can't beat that Ty and Taran continue to shop in unison until they differ on a deal in the meat department the pork chops right now this store currently has has a special 10 for 10 so we're getting them for $1 she wants to get 20 pork chops but the plan was to get 10 pork chops we still should do the 20 I say no that was not the plan the plan is to do 10 but when you're getting this great of a deal you would pass it up we're getting it no we're not I hope we have some medication on here because you're really starting to give me a headache Taran reluctantly agrees so the Divas head to the butcher for just the 10 pork chops already on their list where here to pick up our pork chops got right right here five each five and each perfect though they've tracked every purchase down the aisles the twins will need both sets of eyes watching every detail during checkout hi are you great how are you good we're definitely overprotective we want to make sure that the price is coming up correctly that we are saving every penny okay wait it came up 375 these are on sale for 2 for S we need to do a price check on that please both twins are focused at the register but an unexpected extra coupon shakes their shared strategy just got an extra extra coupon so I need to run to go pick up another our bagger had given us a coupon for The Floss wait wait no just wait for me because I need to take a look at the screen too I can do the screen see you missed the other price I won't miss this just take your time go ahead hurry hurry as Taran runs back to find more floss time must make doubly sure not to let even a single coupon Slide by I think we took them all well with the floss we cleared the store out we took all them all we wiped the store clean we had a coupon for one more and the store is out of it because of us after every item has been scanned the register displays the total bill at nearly $400 more than six times the amount Tai and Taran have in their budget our retail cost right now is $ 3854 our goal for today was $60 we just spent $6 on tip so far so right now we have $54 more to span the Divas begin their discounts using a store loyalty card for immediate savings so we saved about $60 $670 so far just for using our stores curve woo we love that have these coupons as well too okay after exhausting 80 coupons the twins are still well over budget the rest of their savings will come from redeeming two gift cards they received for using the store's in-house [Music] Pharmacy did it we did it wow our retail value was $385 and4 and now we brought it down to $13.96 it was like a grand finale of this great birthday it was couldn't get any better double saing all right Ty and Darren Hall includes 10 pork chops 24 bottles of vitamins and medicines and three jumbo packs with 73 individual diapers the combined retail value of their entire day's meals and purchases totals $422.2 With Coupons the twins paid just $19.96 which includes $6 in tips which is still a 95% savings there is no other way that we would spend our birthday no other way we stuck to our plan even when I wanted to sway a little bit she wanted Twi pork chop she willed me in and I'm glad she did two heads are better than one
Channel: TLC Australia
Views: 274,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc australia, tlc, dr pimple popper, tlc australia youtube, tlc youtube, watch tlc, Discovery Plus, Extreme Couponing, Extreme Couponing Holiday Hauls, Extreme couponing one offs, Extreme Couponing Specials, Extreme Couponing Streaming, Extreme Couponing Full episodes, Christmas shopping, Extreme Couponing Christmas, Day After Christmas Shopping, Christmas Deals, Christmas savings, Big shopping deals, Extreme shoppers, Store discounts, American Shopping
Id: A9555NvN32g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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