FULL SERIES 1 | Curvy Brides' Boutique | Episodes 1-10

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[Music] every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gam it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plussize paradise oh wow we're best friends Joe Cook can Al law have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-sized lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hands we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any less [Applause] [Music] this time oh no no a self-conscious bride and her straight talking mom prove quite a challenge for Joe and Al like something out of quality string T it just looked not good one young woman is unhappy with her body shape I'm like a size B it's like come on Double D chicken Phillips in there too and really needs some expert advice what she needs to do is C CP of dresses on that fit so that she knows you know what I'm not abnormal and will Jo and Al deliver for a bride with very high expectations I know it sounds really awful but I want tears from [Music] him what makes us different from the other run-of-the-mill regular bridal shops is the fact that we've been there I used to be a lot bigger probably at my biggest B size 34 36 so we can empathize with our Brides I didn't get this whole special trying on lots of dresses because I never had it I really want my Brides to have it I don't ever want them to feel the way I felt when I couldn't choose a dress and I couldn't have that special time one bride who's after Jo and Al's expertise is Lauren she's brought along her mom Sandra and bridesmaid Katie for moral support I'm a size 28 um so kind of body conscious trying to find something that looks right fits right as well without bits kind of hanging out everywhere one thing I definitely want the dress to have is sleeves I don't really like my arms are probably my worst bit Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow previous dress shopping experiences have left Lauren feeling deflated and today she's hoping to find the one because in just 8 months time she ties the knot with Matt me and Matt got engaged when we went to Amsterdam not the most romantic thing but we were on a a boat that was or you can drink beer or you can eat pizza and he got the captain of the boat to bring my engagement ring on top of a tab of B and Jerry's and then he said will you put up with me forever didn't actually ask me to marry him but I hope that's what he means I think sleeves are quite important for me as well I do want sleeves yeah oh yeah that's nice and it's got pockets I love a dress with a pocket this would not be hard to add a little sleeve to that um so I only been dress shopping once it wasn't a shop that specialized in plus-size Brides so some of the dresses just didn't suit me at all literally like a Teletubby and a wedding dress or a slug as my mom said did you like this one yeah I'm going to try it really I don't think really it is pretty but I think it it might make you look bigger than you already are I think as mother of the bride it's it's a hard task for me because you know she is obviously very conscious of her body and her height and her weight so you have I have to be quite diplomatic on how I say things it could hide a multitude of sinso it could hide a multitude of sins yeah sometimes with memory can Clash on ideas but I know that she's honest and that she wouldn't let me wear something that didn't look right so I normally agree with her she can be quite persuasive if she doesn't like something so you picked out quite a few you got some fabulous dresses out I love them all you love them all I love them on the hanger I love them all okay step into my office and get some dresses on okay right after you so usually kind of going into a changing room with someone I don't know would be a bit scary for me something I don't like to do um but actually Allison made me feel really at ease with myself and she was just lovely and it just wasn't a big deal I have to say Lauren your body language is completely changed I don't like it I you know what I could tell straight away what is it that you're not liking about this one I don't like the the meshy bit I don't like like this isn't that right what about the arms yeah I just think now I've actually got the sleeves on and it I think it looks worse if you don't want to go out show you Mom we won't we'll just put something else on you can tell them yeah let's do that right we're not doing this one ladies we're doing another can I just see ma'am you can put your head in can I PE my head in I feel like a joint of gam oh no no Lauren is absolutely fixated on sleeves which is just not the right thing for her and it's trying to make Lauren look past that and look at the dress and and how the dress looks okay [Music] Mom not what you want it just didn't look nice didn't do anything for me the sleeves weren't great it was just tight on the arms and it just looked not good look like something out of quality string I'm hoping there is something in here for her there's a chance she might walk away with no dress could happen so Mariana we've got Lisa coming in today right but she's in a little bit of a panic cuz she hasn't had her dress on for 6 months so really today it's almost like she's putting it all on all over again and she's little bit worried maybe that make sure everything fits yeah just make sure everything's perfect Lisa is a size 20 and she's brought her mom Val this final fitting in just two weeks time she marries the love of her life Pete so I met Pete on an online dating website and 6 weeks after meeting he proposed I've never had the feeling that I do with Lisa you actually never said that before have I not no she remembers everything yeah she's got memory like an elephant can you not say that please please she got a memory like a dolphin it's a beautiful creature look at that ve though with the crystals on it I know it's so beautiful with Lisa she's not particularly very confident in the way she looks and I've always said to her how beautiful she is she just doesn't seem to realize that and hopefully today when she tries that dress again um I'm sure she'll realize then just how beautiful she is and how amazing she's going to be on the day I know so nervous I'm excited yeah that's it excited let's get you in your dress great I can't wait as it's been about 6 months I don't have a real strong memory of the dress and I haven't got any pictures of it cuz in the excitement of the day just wanted to buy the dress so I I really do just want to see it again now and try it on and just make sure it lives up to what I remembered it feeling like always a little bit nerve-wracking when they come back in after for such a long period of time and you just want them to love the dress as much as they did the first time is there anything you're particularly worried about Lisa now the time is imminent there is the actual saying of the um the vows in front of everyone that is actually one of my biggest worries right yeah so the pressure of that and making sure that I say what I should do at the right time and maybe get a few few family members together maybe on a Sunday night or something can just practice in front practice just read something in front of them that's a good idea a little article at the paper i' Go karaoke down the PB karaoke if you can sing on the karaoke in front of everybody the vows will be a dole yeah oh I can't wait for you to see this oh there we go right come over here Mom so you can look in the [Music] mirror is it how you remember yeah yeah oh she look amaz beautiful memories from the first time came flooding back so just remembering how pretty it looked all the the detail it is the perfect dress for me oh you must be so proud yes I am absolutely beautiful I love it I love it I really hope Pete is going to be wowed by the dress I know it sounds really awful but I want tears from [Music] him this is the the sleeve so obviously this is just a piece of lace so it doesn't match Brides can focus on one thing we call it the area Lauren is fixated on sleeves she really really feels like she wants to cover her arms we'll try and give her our expert advice and steer her in the right direction I think this has aged you 10 years putting an arm on this by slinging a white rose on a fat arm does not make it a thin arm no it doesn't it makes it a fat arm with a white rose on it adding sleeves to a dress can make you look wider what we need is to elongate your body it's what the eye wants to see you know you want sleeves this is what you look like in a dress with sleeves no no no not what you want so what we kind of need to do is strip that right back and take the sleeves off and you need to see the difference in shape no that start again then there we go there she is so much better much better and then the vi which does the job oh my God you look stunning it's beautiful isn't it yeah it's really beautiful you don't look sold mom no I'm getting emotional emotional please cry I do actually love that length I just want to ask you how you feel I want you to describe how you feel I feel beautiful that's it that's it oh don't cry when Joe asked me how I felt in it and I said I felt beautiful I just started crying because I don't feel like that very often I guess no I do love it good looks stunning so is this the one yeah [Music] oh that's the one that's the one [Music] bagot even though I'm bigger I still want to look like a princess for the day but not like a big tra swamp tra is it 24y Old Charlotte is on her way to the boutique with her mom and Auntie she's super critical of her size 20 figure the only thing I like is my teeth my fingers and my eyes I don't like my legs because they're quite like thunder FES and then skinny ankles I've got a big butter belly and butter breasts I'm like a size B A to B it's like come on one man who wouldn't change a thing is Charlotte's fiance Nick the other night I was stood in front of the mirror and I was just looking and I was like why do you love me I'm so fat I'm so ugly I've got spots have got a big bum and he literally just come up behind me he said I love you for you we're just a perfect match together he loves every bit of me 9 years ago Charlotte was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome and as a result she really struggles with her weight I'm feeling quite nervous because I don't know whether there is going to be something that suits my figure but if I found the perfect dress I wouldn't feel the need to lose weight tell me what it is that you think you want I I think I want quite like a high neck and quite fitted and then kind of flow out but not too ball I haven't got the bus to hold up one with no straps being big and then having no boobs Nothing fits because you go into the shop and say you pick up a size 18 top and it's all kind of loose and baggy yeah but then it's dead tight there whereas I know that if it was all right here itd stretch out a bit so this is not your princess dress it's more aine but can be more flattering that's lovely gorgeous I think what she need to do is cut a couple of dresses on that fit so that she knows you know what I'm not sort of abnormal I like the way that is Double D Chicken fets in there too come and pop a dressing gown on sweetie so excited you're going in first yeah I'm going to go in with this one first cuz this will be a nice fit I think have have you found the experience dress shopping it's been a bit awkward cuz I can't I don't feel like I can enjoy it as much cuz obviously they don't fit up did you go away feeling a little bit deflated it yeah but I make jokes about it so I don't really let anyone know that I'm a bit down I'm always the first one to put a fat joke out there because if it's going to if it's going to happen it's coming from me now close your eyes I'm super excited are we ready [Music] open oh my God I love it isn't this fantastic a Charlotte it's beautiful is it got like P is it got like no that's all Earth you didn't have any food would you like to do another Charlotte when she had the First dress on she was like oh my God I love it and all of that I thought is it because it's the First dress or is it because it's the dress you know we needed to move on to other dresses to see whether it was the one or not right I'm thinking this that one would fit just about right yeah but that's got the what she's asked for definitely think this is going to flatter Charlotte yeah that look lovely actually right it's coming in I just feel so comfortable I'm dead nervous to see this you by are you ready to come out I can't cope this is too much do eyes are shut up we come open [Music] a [Music] she I need it there you go show of mine Charlotte that is stunning nothing compares to this it's just so nice I never no it's like I never imagined that I'd find a wedding dress with my self-confidence that had give me that that that feeling I feel a bit tion she was crying mom was crying I was crying Joe was crying pass me a tissue please girls it was a really special moment I think this is just the one let's go get married come on for me to look in a minute and feel like oh my God this is amazing that's like a feeling that I've probably not had for years when I open my eyes it was like just too much it was just too overwhelmed that I loved it that much that I couldn't help but cry and I never cry ever I don't even know why I cried because I only got a glimpse of it but in that Glimpse it was like this is the dress for [Music] me it's the morning of Lisa's wedding and she's still worrying about what kind of reaction she's going to get from her fiance Pete's a crier Peter is a crier so I'm hoping for Tears I'm hoping for Tears cuz that means obviously that he's happy with how I look and he's just thinking he's a really lucky man so I hope I get some tears out of him today to guarantee she gets the seal of approval in the form of a blubbering Pete Joe and Al are here to make sure she looks perfect oh very nice hello beautiful you're looking lovely I love are you excited all right not too bad yeah beautiful not too bad nervous but okay you're nervous yeah yeah it's good to have nerves I know I know not yeah little tip have a drink in every corner yeah yeah where's this lovely dress so it's hanging up up there you can go as tight as you need to with your don't you worry about that if you need to break a couple of ribs that's fine that's fine listen I'm the corset Queen oh my God this is it Lisa I know you're actually doing it I am how was Pete this morning I don't actually know cuz I've not spoken to him you look great thanks I try me best I've got to Adit I am nervous I'm nervous what you expecting the dress to be like on Lisa yeah obviously I'll be honest I don't I have no idea I'm it's Lisa so I'm obviously expecting a little bit of glam and a bit of [Music] Sparkle this dress just gets Lovelier every time I see it hi Dad we are we in close your eyes okay right ready you can open B you look absolutely gorgeous D thank you so cute a oh areow thank you I'm so proud of the dress was more than I imagined it was absolutely beautiful I'm one very very happy father Yes I [Music] am I think every bride wants that recognition that look that approach for Lisa it's really important to her and I think that she will Harbor nasty thoughts forever if she doesn't get it from [Music] Pete as soon as I walked in I just saw my friends and my family and just a massive grin on their faces and then I just looked at Pete [Music] when I first saw her it was like a breath of fresh it was like just yeah [Music] amazing I really wasn't expecting the amount of Tears we [Music] got marrying my best friend you don't do that lightly do you Peter by your own choice freely enter into the union of marriage with Lisa I do and Lisa I do I have to ask a question and Lisa do you by your own choice freely enter into the union of married with Peter I do thank you both very much it does give me great pleasure to tell you are in fact legally husband and wife Mr Gil I suggest you give your beautiful wife a kiss didn't they do well [Music] everybody I thought she looked absolutely amazing I really lik the dress when she first tried it on at the shop but to see her in it today with everything the hair and everything is just absolutely beautiful couldn't have been [Music] better lovely oh it was really really lovely I do like it man who cries when he sees his lady looking lashes yeah me too yeah yeah just another day and we go back to the Fat Shack to prepare for the next one yeah make more dreams come true every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin oh want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow we're best friends Joe Cook and alw have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-size lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hand we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Applause] [Music] [Applause] less this time a young woman terrified of walking down the aisle be can Joe and Al help this bride overcome her deeply felt insecurity your best friends are always going to tell you how beautiful you are your mother's always going to tell you how beautiful you are but until you feel it yourself is really hard to believe and who's getting the final say on this dress the bride I love the color or her interfering Entourage this is a lovely one no no you know what you just got to go in there and put your foot down you you know how we say it our house [Music] arrows some of the challenges we face with plus-size brides are we don't all have the same shaped bodies it may be a bride that comes through the door that is so big they're worried there's dresses that don't fit them there hasn't been a lady yet that's come through the door that we haven't been able to dress thankfully one anxious bride hoping to find that dream size 28 dress is Emma she ties the knot in 11 months time and has brought along best friends David and Billy for moral support I can't wait to see those dresses on you as long as it flatters me yeah we'll tell you if it don't don't wor I know I'm really hoping to find a dress today that would cover my arms we don't want to show them off cuz they're so big being a big woman I know how difficult it is to try and find clothes to flatter my figure hello there come through come through all of you oh look at you Glam Squad you're very beautiful Emma you got love you really are stunning little bit gel right now that you're so pretty we could pick Emma's nerves up straight away as soon as she walked through the door she looked like a rabbit caught in headlights and it's at those moments where we just have to push the boat out a little bit more and take him by the hand and say do you know what it's all going to be all right I love it black for a weden what do you think right so I've left her and the besties having a little look a't she pretty she is very pretty but it's very hard to see actually her shape and true size it's got a bit of a got a bit of a thing haven't [Music] it I don't know why you're worried about your arms either I need to cover my arms no you don't so until we actually rip it Back to Basics can't even see what body shapes here so it's hard to say okay Emma how we doing okay we're a bit confused bit confused don't worry so if you want to come with me and pop a dressing gown on okay so Emma's chosen a black dress which unfortunately a sample size would be too small for her and it's her favorite so that's a bit of a problem [Music] sometimes the final fitting can be just as terrifying as the first for a curvy bride especially when you've already committed to the dress and your three bridesmaids have yet to see it I'm Lacy um I'm 25 I live on a farm with all my family so I'm a farmer Hogs farmer I'm Mar Murray I've been together since we were 15 it's just been the love of my life from one really we got engaged Disneyland Paris it was perfect actually cuz the castle there was all these fireworks all lit up and got down one asked to marry him yeah she is my princess I'd like to think that I was her prince charming um she tells me that I am we've been engaged for S years now she's everything I could ever ask for and I'm a lucky man so there's two weeks to go to the wedding and I am really nervous I want to walk down the aisle and fill a million dollars like any girl does and um you're looking at yourself in the mirror and you're thinking I don't like the way I look she is the woman of the hour hello how you doing God you look amazing we've lost lots of we you've lost weight thank you how much have you lost three and a half son lime me I can't even lose three and a half well done you what we're going to do ladies is we're going to send you out if that's all right while we get Lacy in her dress and then we'll bring you back in for the grand reveal so here with me today I've got um my mom my ma of Honor who's my cousin Charlotte my maton of Honor who's my Auntie Jane and my chief bries maid who's also my cousin KY all my all my bridal party is just all family it's been 12 months since Lacy's first appointment when Joe and Al gave her the confidence to go with the dress of her dreams la see she's very shy if she could be invisible I think she would which makes me feel quite sad but she wants to be the Disney princess and that she shall be you can tell lady that you have lost so much way oh my God what's that I can see oh yeah got oh she's gotone I've been doing that a lot proper Cinders you shall go to the bowl so Lacy how do you feel about your Maids I don't know I'm nervous why I am nervous I don't know I think they're expecting something really simple okay and it's a bit like w what you talk about this is as simple as it comes so I'm going to bring them in bank and close their eyes okay right okay so having a pink wedding dress has been sort of playing on my head a bit because like being a shy person I thinks oh no I'm not good enough to have a Bea F I'm not good enough for this I'm not good enough for that if you open your eyes I'll beat you with a stick I'm very nervous to what they're going to think about it for Lacy's sake she needs a lot of people to say wow and more than just me Joe and Allison saying you look beautiful you need other people to say it as well then I think she'll feel so much more comfortable so ready 3 two 1 wow oh so stunning so elegant so thin so beautiful oh you look gorgeous there you go lice see I told you it was beautiful can't wait for Vince to see you it's going to be lovely and it's going to be such a lovely day and it's all about your day lace I'm just really frightened frightened to what so my biggest concern is walking down the aisle I think it's just because it's going to be the time when everybody sees me for the first time in my dress and you're walking down this massive aisle and it's all eyes on you and you can't escape from it you can't run around the corner go oh no don't look at me Brides do come for our expertise it's not just about you know the pretty dresses it's about what's going to fit you in the right places and Emma had pulled out a dress but I knew that dress wouldn't fit her properly me and Joe felt like we kind of needed to intervene slightly do you think we should go in straight with a dress that fits her nicely we can gauge what size he's nodding at me do you agree do you think we should put dress yeah let's do that and we'll come back to that here we go because I quite fancy look the look at this one and I think this one will look right really nice and that will definitely definitely fit for us we wanted to put a dress on that fit her perfectly that was more important than anything else because if we don't that can sometimes tip them over the edge oh is so exciting right so this one Emma it's not one that you've pulled out okay this is our first pick for you excuse me we've only just met and I'm having a little [Music] Ramy tell me how you feeling Emma nervous why what's what's the nerves I just think I've struggled with my weight for so many years your best friends are always going to tell you how beautiful you are your mother's always going to tell you how beautiful you are but until you feel it yourself is really hard to believe you know sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't always like what I see and there's some days where I just feel like I don't even want to walk out the front door you're like me the makeup goes on and it's a mask yes you you hide you do hide and the thing is because we're bigger girls it's the makeup has to be perfect always I'm very good at doing my makeup right let's do this come on out just look at the floor don't the mirror I'll let you walk yourself but you can't look in the mirror this looks so amazing oh my God right ready all of you at the same time ready go oh my god oh I love it hi love you're very quiet boys is it shock I don't know what to say I got waste got waste amazing feel million dollars oh we've nailed it Joe let's go home yes job done pretty spot on if I'm honest yeah there's nothing there that needs hiding you she she's [Music] off want to jump in [Music] there just literally took my breath away straight away I just knew that was a dress for me it fitted perfect in every way possible I never thought that I could feel as beautiful as I did I just felt amazing and I never thought I'd ever get that feeling today is an important day for 31-year-old Christine having had confidence issues around her curvy figure for years she's never been brave enough to go wedding dress shopping before and she's banking on finding the one right here at Joe and Al's Boutique I am a size 26 it's very important for me to get the right dress today because it's the first time I'm taking a chance on wearing a dress so if I get it wrong the first time I might not be so encouraged to shop again so I need to get this right today in just 11 months time Christine ties the knot in her hometown of Nairobi in Kenya I am getting married to my Mr Bond he's name is Donald I was lost I was new in London and he directed me to what train to take basically he was my night in shining armor as this is her first time wedding dress shopping Christine's brought along her best friend Senna daughter Leola and big sister charity for support hello hello hello charity is a fashion designer so she definitely has a knife of fashion while we don't quite agree on her fashion in mine we have different different different looks in things you excited I'm nervous are you have you tried on any yet no I have never tried a dress on so I'm hoping that this is it I have never been wedding dress shopping specifically because well one there was no groom and secondly um I'd never thought I'd get to this point where I go into a shop and get something in my size this has a modesty panel in it this is one that's roed I don't know how you feel about sleeves I'm willing to explore at first all the dresses look the same and then you see some embellishment there and some shape there and then you see okay yeah I got variety I I can do this I love the shade you like the color I love the color uh Kristen that one no [Music] no I'm hearing signs of disapproval from the Entourage I like the bling on that no so you do like a bit of bling a little bit of okay but that's okay no Sena she look too big why is it a no without seeing it on her let's try the dress first then we see what we think what do you think okay so it's your day your dress my day my dress your day your dress your [Music] decision the face tells a thousand stories this face is I hope you got the patience of a saint today right okay what's going on the sister's in charge wants to be in charge everything she PS out no no no you know what you just got to go in there and put your foot down you you know how we say it our house ARS how we doing ladies I love this dress yes simple straightforward elegant yes this is drama yes this one this dress speaks chy chy chy so this is sister's choice this is sister's Choice okay right this is Christine's Choice okay right okay let's pop a dressing gown on my cuz it's all about you you're the bride obviously you got quite different ideas to Christine I I have this this dream of my sister looking wow if she really really like and you didn't would you not just swallow it and say you know what actually just trying it depends I love my figure I'm very confident in my skin it took me a while but I got there and I love myself I feel awesome do you I do considering it's my first ever yes so this is your first ever wedding dress youve You' put on yeah and how bizarre does that feel that's how it feels there's no word right are we ready are eyes closed and you charity right I want you to take a step up step step up okay that's it and the other one right okay ready you look nice now that's a good reaction that's so [Music] nice you look so beautiful sheet crying I love it I'm not wearing anything else look at look at you I saw that girl on the mirror I wasn't Christine it was the bride Christine is convinced but will sister charity feel the same charity what do you think cuz you know I I I like what you think it's wow is it wow it's wow wow I feel like I'm a size 18 this is thank you thank you so Christine is this your dress yes this is my wedding dress this is it this is it wow and I can dance in it usually we would put another dress on to compare it but Christine's reaction today there was no need to I have never seen anything like it in my life I felt sexy I felt trim I didn't even feel my arms you know the juggle and everything H didn't matter anymore I felt perfect like a perfect woman in my size [Music] 26 it's the day of Lacy's wedding to Childhood sweetheart Murray and she's asked Joe and Al along along to dress her and help her walk confidently down the aisle when we do a dressing on the day we bring the calm and Lacy's situation is that she's absolutely terrified of walking down the aisle so we're going to take her in hand and get that sorted h [Applause] la oh don't worry we're here [Music] now s Gods turned up what's the problem I'm scared of what what are you scared of this ginormous liph of carpet don't look at anyone yeah get just look in all the planning that's gone into this oh don't beine it's all right you'll be fine listen Jo's going to do a little run through with you listen if I can look look what heels she's made me put on right and I'm going to show you just how easy it is and it literally is Lacy 25 steps and you know what she last 25 steps as a single woman yeah as a Singleton on your wedding day is the most amount of time you're going to be looked at in my opinion because you've got all your family and friends looking at you and scrutinizing like the dress how you look and then you've got the phone photo the rest of your life looking at it thinking oh crap I looked horrible right okay the music starting right now Mo right there he is I'm scared now look look there he is right you ready let's do it ready right so and it's a a slow controlled walk right right so and you can smile at people if you want so there he is look we're about five steps away from your h SP my God and there we go job done so how easy was that yeah it's all right because you weren't concentrating on the fact that you were walking down the a don't forget we're going to be right behind you and you will be absolutely [Music] fine as the guests start to arrive behind the scenes Joe and Al are getting Lacy dressed and settling any last minute nerves look so amazing you do look absolutely oh my God I already feel you know I'm going to cry no we won't we won't we won't but there's still one very important person yet to see the dress Lacy's fianceé Murray I have a feeling that the dress is going so OB very out there I'm leaning towards a color I think I've got this down to a tea to be honest wager I think we should place a wager oh my God Lacy Swan amazing don't don't cry don't cry don't you go don't you look amazing you look beautiful Jo I'm not crying this ERS Nails me Lizzy 's Nails I just want to get married now will you please be upstanding to welcome the bride don't let me fall you're not falling [Music] anywhere we got [Music] [Applause] this I Lacy Swan do take the Mar Austin banister to be my lawful wedded husband you are now husband and wife [Applause] [Music] W the dress is more amazing than I can imagine and of course she looks more beautiful than I can imagine as well love you love you how did it go today Jo what do you think oh fabulous she looked amazing and she just worked it yes she did I think Lacy totally smashed it absolutely or as they say in ess6 you slay it really yeah did they say that so my 14-year-old says had this image of what I wanted but I never thought being plus siiz that I could carry it off whatever size you are just do it because you only got one chance to wear your dress of your [Applause] [Music] dreams every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow where best friends Joe Cook and Al lore have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you for in a plus-sized lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hand we're do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Music] [Applause] less this time a bride to be determined to show off her assets I'm not sure we're going to be able to get those girls in those caps despite Joe's advice oh I bought my strapless dress for a reason I'm not letting her go down the a with her and it's as simple as that a customer with a special connection to the curvy Brides Boutique you know Rebecca I really want to help you find your dress do you know what I mean cuz it's like it's a bit speci is it oh my God even though it was wow I wasn't able to imagine myself without the lump and the bride really burdened by her budget I hate it I don't want to think about it but I have to this is the Dilemma [Music] God so Rebecca 23 dress size 18 y you know Rebecca how many Rebecca McDonald Rebecca McDonald my God about 15 years she used to babysit for me new mom of two Rebecca is planning to walk down the aisle with boyfriend Stuart in 8 months time hi surprise you are so devious I only spoke to the other week and you never said a word give me some sug how you doing I'm good this is Amy my best friend are you oh I never really thought of myself as plus size it wasn't until half time with my children that I kind of realized that yeah I am plus-size you know swallow your pride a bit and ask for help I know you like bling little bit yeah just a little bit cuz you are at of coic scale well I like my bum Kim gay ain't got nothing on me I have thunder thighs you know I got a mum tum i' got c-section scar i' got you know a little pouch I got everything so span are my best friend I'm so glad you've come here I'm I really want to help you find your dress you know I mean cuz it's like it's a bit SP is it yeah just a little bit just a little bit I felt like I was never ever going to find a wedding dress I felt like 10 times bigger than I actually was I was 16 which is like the national average and I felt like I was a size 30 so Becky is really lacking in body confidence since having her last child so it's really really important for me that I find her something really special that she feels amazing in to give her that boost that she needs so are you still losing baby weight yeah probably so this is what you don't like I take it though obviously it's not emphasized in this dress but it's not hidden like in the merang shaped dresses but um you're not a fat girl do you know what I mean you're not a fat girl and I think that you need to believe that you're not it makes a whole load a difference you know what you're a mom and you know like your wrinkles and your stretch marks and everything that I've got for me they're not wrinkles and stretch marks they're the road map of my life so I think we should go and have a look at you actually in a dress that's totally done up yeah totally done up completely done up you got your eyes closed down oh oh close your eyes oh this is all ner for me this is like a bit weird right ready I don't want to look I'm frightened open come on Becky oh come on open oh my God you like I don't know it looks nice even though it was wow it wasn't cuz I could still see the tummy I wasn't able to imagine myself without the the lump but do you know what though it's what the first one on and it fits Rebecca is really too self-conscious about her shape so I need to find her something that makes her feel a million [Music] dollars we would never allow any of our Brides to walk down the aisle with her bust on display it's not very tasteful you know you want people to say her beautiful she looked in her dress not topic of conversation boobs with 3 weeks to go until her wedding day 27-year-old Rachel is returning to Joe and Alfa her final dress fitting with Chrissy and sister Haley her bridesmaids my fiance is called Colin and he is 20 actually I don't know how old he is how old is he 20 oh he's hting now he's a little bit short but that's not an issue if it comes to it I'll just Crouch down a little bit in the pictures I love her strong will she knows exactly what she wants and how she's going to get it she doesn't take any nonsense from anyone well I hope it fits I've started eating again at a size 18 Rachel isn't their largest bride but Joe and Al have their hands full it's the boobs she has got quite an impressive pair and she's a young girl and she wants to show them off they are all up in your face she wanted to show that she had a a nice pair of girls and um was happy for a bit of cleavage but I'm not sure we're going to be able to get those girls in those caps I'm not letting her go down the a with her and it's as simple as that if you've got to say that to a joke yeah that I will someone's going to hello ladies how are you how are you are you ready to put your dress on today y very excited just like me uh boobies stay in there we'll bind you up yeah right let's put you in your dress so obviously you need to lift the boobs up a bit Bo good right not that much you don't want that crease plus size got to worry about your boobs hanging out oh you love handles or like you rub a ring bit around the front oh your back fat oh when you chub rub you have ch rub pants you know them put those on so your legs don't get hot and sweaty when you're walk in like go in and part the ways like Moses and do that whatever possessed you to go for a bloody St this dress woman it's a bit she didn't look booby when I put the dress on although there was an issue with the cup still your bus looks really really good my only concern at the moment is this between her chest and the dress there was quite a big gap which needed sting out I could get me fist down there do you feel quite comfy in it yeah feel yeah fine it doesn't go under the arms or anything like that okay I am a little bit concerned about him jumping out um do you want to try dropping the dress a bit or do you want to try no I don't I don't want to drop the dress I want to ra I would rather do just a pretty strap for covering this the crease here which you really don't want on show that all day though cuz I don't want it you can detach I had in my head it was going to be of course your top so of like when they first said it I was like oh I brought a strapless dress for a reason it would almost be a dual purpose strap because one would be the girls wouldn't be coming out it would also cover this nice little crease that us ladies that have been blessed in that department get when your boobs are pressed like this this is looking really pretty you've still got the little bit of cleavage at the front that you like I was going to say but you don't have the unside Le here we'll find out when the honesty crew come in won't we close your eyes no peeping I'm not going to peep she falls over all the time let me take Haley like you're staying keep your eyes closed though right so just and are you ready mhm go for it y look at you that looks so much better would you put the straps in I like the straps a lot actually love it more with the sleeves on I really do oh that does look good with those straps didn't I yes give me five you happy with it I'm really happy with it you look happy with it you look really happy it is perfect yeah calling on the day he's probably going to blub his heart out I want him to look at me and go that is that's who I picked so it'd be really nice to dress Rachel on the day get them girls strapped in she won't be going anywhere no nip slip Rebecca is very well known to me she was my oldest daughter's best friend she was babysitter but she's really really conscious of her baby weight you just look so lovely so the First dress just really did didn't work so I'm determined to make her feel confident you got your eyes closed Al OH Close Your Eyes Mo all right ready go on then oh my God it looks nice like a princess yeah I think if you could like yeah that's better I love the top uh I didn't really like the bottom I think because I could just see the tummy I go through my belly after two dresses that didn't quite hit the mark this next dress is ultra sexy it's a little bit special it will make her feel amazing and I hope she loves it as much as I do I'm ready for this are you ready for this yeah I think oh I so hope you like this I'm so excited I could pee me fat girl pants right now forward come forward forward what isone ready I don't know go wow just a SP oh my God I feel so thin it's lovely it's beautiful look at how it twinkles in the light isn't [Music] it look at that booty oh wow you want to try it with a vow don't you might need a little bit F oh that's done it as soon as the veil went on that was it that was the cherry on the cake don't cry don't cry don't cry please don't I've known Joe for a long time and it kind of nice to have to share that feeling with them and to share that experience it felt more special to share it with them it's nothing that I wanted but it's everything that I want oh my God I felt tall I felt skinny I felt glamorous I felt like a million dollars I felt like I've never felt before I felt like I was going to the bafs or something so is this the one I really think it is yeah oh my god this is my wedding dress oh still to come a last minute wedding disaster for busty bride Rachel it's Madness it's chaotic it's like oh my God I think we're in trouble and a bride with the worst wedding dress dilemma imaginable I'm standing there with this beautiful pink dress on that is absolutely amazing that's over my budget [Music] God Alis lik to have a little cry at weddings I like a love story oh M cuz your Halo is poking you right up the eye oh shut up 39-year-old Karin is visiting the boutique with Mom Lynn and best friend jod in toe hello hello take a seat Karin has a son with fiance Andrew and they're marrying in 12 months time these are the ones that we've pulled out that we kind of think that's beautiful my figure well for starters on size 2224 some people say voluptuous I'd say cacious I have a little bit of Jello-O and it Jiggles nothing wrong with that at all Andrew my fiance loves that a little look through yeah whatever you um that's beautiful my wedding dress budget is between £800 to £1,000 I have a 2-year-old little boy so you have to think of these things you know you want to be W but you also have to consider budget this is pretty but I've I've never been one for sleeves not sure how you feel about that I'm not too sure about this but I will cut that off that looks like you're a race off waiting for your colors to go on it does I love this this is beautiful her eyes landed on a dress oh that's gorgeous I know I really that's is pretty the dress that Karin fell in love with was very traditional come and pop a dressing G on Karin sequins frof color the whole kitten Kaboodle it was beautiful but it was way over budget but she wanted to try it on anyway you're such a pretty bride stunning well I feel pretty in this dress good because it's always about how you feel and not about how you look it's that giving you butterflies a little bit there I could just tell from that little oh let's go and show your mom and see what she says okay we got close your eyes no there's no peeking Ling look she's breaking the rolls close them she don't like doing as she's told she do she right so come on then and then we'll frof you but I can't unguard your mom's eyes cuz I know she's going to open them can I look no when I say yes then you can God need to J you can I see look I even said you're so bad oh naughty girl oh my God that is absolutely amazing that is pretty oh my God you look so feminine I'm not saying you're like a Geer bird but I'm just saying no I'm but you just look so feminine and the that's what sens it I think it's it's lovely it gives her a waste but I just think it it compliments her color she's quite dark you look so pretty she's really crying don't stop cuz yeah stop karine's budget is £1,000 the pink dress is over budget by £200 it was a little bit difficult because I'm standing there with this beautiful pink dress on today that was stunning that's over my budget I hate it I don't want to think about it but I have to it does I know this is what this is the dilemma I think we're in trouble so beautiful makes my face light yeah that is I don't like saying it but I have to think of theget of course you do I have a child absolutely so me and Joe sort of went aside and had a discussion it's heart broking and I know that I am irrational and I do you know what I mean think with that and not that I know that I do it but I just I really like her mom as well do you want to take £1,000 for it take £1,000 for it oh I need a liqu to think about it Joe wanted to bring the dress into budget I was not going to crush her dreams one way or another she was having that gr so we can we can do the dress 995 within that budget thank you very much right [Music] choice it's overwhelming that someone would do that for you okay upset that would do that for you for your special day it just makes you feel even more special I can't believe I've got my dress that's good thank you so much this is it oh you're welcome thank you girl so [Music] much 3 weeks ago Joe and Al carried out some last minute alterations to Rachel's dress to accommodate her prized assets little bit nervous now I'm here but it's all going fine it will be calm but bachel is so laid back anyway I think we might have to periodically check her for a pulse cuz she's that laid back she's not phed by anything at the moment no stress no drama everything's calm everything's chilled but not for long I think how many center pieces right you need seven in total seven white and pink flowers white and Peach flowers stones and candles that you can't light so they Lighty candles oh dear my decorations lady and everything else lady um has got a mixed up on the date so she's not organized anything for today this is a bride's worst nightmare we got 2 hours to dress the wedding venue right you've got flowers on the table your cake and there's a red carpet but there's no petals so the ceremony room is fine that was P so then that thing we've got at least until after the fire which worst comes to worst once the ceremon is done the girls can off and we'll GOC decorate the room as best as we can and then we're out the way much do about is so just I will get this you're not having an undecorated room you are going to come with me and we're going to get that room done got it everyone's running around like crazy manic people and it's like it's itic it's like oh my God the regist has just turned up so we really need to get Rachel in her dress pretty soon because she needs a little bit of jein to get her into her dress wait a minute Haley's taking control of the situation but it's really down to me and Alison now to keep Rachel calm and get her in that dress do you feel like are you go have a little scream up just let it all out that's it no that needs to go down a bit it squished that's it yep The Lads that was at the wedding early all run around corner and just picked up what they could some flowers fish balls petals and diamonds literally just swiped everything off the shelf so they could find that said wedding on it as boob's looking Jo they're looking fine we have minutes to go until the ceremony so it's all hands on deck I'm trying to be chilled I'm trying to get Rachel in her dress Joe's doing decorations it's total Madness but we done it in the nicker time [Music] [Music] I knew I look good I felt confident I was like bam this is the dress she looked absolutely beautiful she was glowing as as she come through the aisle it's just great to see her walking towards me I promise to love you I promise to love you I will stand by you I will stand by you and be true to you always and be true to you always I will always love you it therefore gives me the greatest pleasure to declare that you are now officially married husband and wife [Applause] [Music] together the wedding day was perfect I wouldn't have changed it even with the the little mix up it weren't terrible which one of those things that happened but I wouldn't have changed that wedding day for anything at all stunned I think be how I felt um I see her cry no did I no no no tears but I had no idea what to expect yeah it's just beautiful so bloody beautiful bloody beautiful thank Youk enjoy day it's not just about getting a bride in the dress it's more than that we'll do whatever we're just muck in she looks stunning yeah look beautiful absolutely beautiful she is still a bit booby but you know what she's a young girl she can get away with it I couldn't every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow we're best friends Joe Cook and al la have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-size lady's shoes you will never never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hands we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Music] [Applause] less this time a bride with an unconventional dress she's gone for a CA and we're not talking a pastoral color either when I tell people they all sort of oh really worried about how it'll go down with her unsuspecting hubby to be she's made the right choice and I think we just have to make her believe it an apparently bubbly and confident bride just want to look Fierce you're you're going to wor that dress just who turns out to be anything but nine times out of 10 that can be a mask it can hide what they're actually feeling on the inside you're not looking at yourself no I know why not cuz I don't want to and how do you deal with a plus-size model I think I'm going to try a couple more think you need to try a couple more who wears wedding dresses for a living is that connection going to be there that she's actually choosing her own wedding dress today when I put the wedding dress on and feel like I'm just doing a job for someone or will I be able to tell the difference I'm not sure [Music] all Brides need a little bit of help to come in here and be at your most vulnerable all the lights are on you've got eyes on you it can be terrifying do you know how many people say to us is this a magic mirror well I suppose that's one way you could sell a dress yes you look a size 10 obviously you're going to get more Brides that are confident than others but on the whole I would say plus-sized Brides won't look at themselves at all I feel like disappointment size 24 Kate's getting married in 11 months time and she's brought her bridesmaids along to help her pick out the dress of her dreams I was always the single person forever and I never thought I'd get married and then I met Phil 2 and a half years ago he's funny and creative and sweet and just awesome he's got a good bum it's like don't tell his his family that oh hello Kate I'm Joe hello hello hello take a seat Brides mates first time in BR don't be don't be worried don't be Panic she's already had lunch she she won't buy it no she won't buy it so the like brief is you're kind of into I like lace but I think it can look a bit sort of confining sometimes yeah and um I just just want to look good just want to look Fierce you're you're going to wor it just yet Church appropriate while also being hot so perfect definitely not mermaid or anything that's going to hug this business here see that's my I would say have a good luck though and we'll give you 5 10 minutes come on and the glitzy bit here the that bit I I'm not I don't like it this one with the beading is amazing this is literally a dream this is just going to be you in a beautiful Dre don't fixate on beading and lace and stuff just put it on and see how you feel in it I think once you've had one or two on you're going to become more decisive a lot of the times Brides will come in and they're laughing and joking and they're really really confident and really bubbly but nine times out of 10 that can be a mask it can hide what they're actually feeling on the inside and they're the ones that need a bit more help I'm not sure about that I like the fact that this is Lac I'm not sure it's one just feel a bit Shell Shocked I think wow yeah we've all got one oh my God okay so what's your favorite Kate no pressure I'm going to pick this one I am petrified about buying my wedding dress so this is the first time you've been shopping time yeah first time I've ever tried on a wedding dress I would say 100% that I have an issue with the way that I view myself and my body image and growing up up I don't even think B calling myself an ugly duck CL would cover it I felt like a hideous monster people would say oh you could be pretty if only you were thin my instinct is always to not be the center of attention so this is just well out of my comfort zone you're not looking at yourself no I know why not cuz I want why what's the matter why won you look let me get waight let me get your T-shirt oh I'll be all right I'll calm down I think it's hard when you feel the way that I feel about myself being in that situation it's hard to hide when you're like you're out there listen we're all here for [Music] you I think every bride wants that look that approval from their husband when they're in the dress your mom's show when I married my husband I did wear a in dress and what he actually said to me was I thought you were wearing trousers and a shirt dress what's a dress I held it against him every day for 11 years one bride who can't wait for her fiance to see the dress she's chosen has come to the boutique for a final fitting I'm Tracy Chapman like the singer fast car right if you sit down I'll just hang this up here my friend Tina has come along today she's one of the only ones that hasn't seen my dress Tracy is not your traditional bride and she certainly hasn't gone for your traditional ivory dress she hasn't seen the dress oh she hasn't no I'm here for the big unveil okay she's gone for a color and we're not talking a pastel color either right let's get you in your dress okay when I tell people what the color is they all sort of oh really size 18 Tracy and fellow petrol head Malcolm are tying the knot in 4 weeks time my idea of wedding dress is sort of like a slightly off-white Ivory he's going to be shocked absolutely she's made the right choice and I think we just have to make her believe it again you got to trust me cuz you got to come in with your eyes closed it's like the blind leading the blind I think she will go by Tina's reaction to gauge what his reaction will be right I'm going to just turn you around there yeah and when you can't open them until we say right Tina open your eyes oh my God go oh you look amazing do you like it yes you think he will like it yes it is absolutely stunning did you think it was going to be red no I had a feeling it might have been black cuz she kept saying it's not white it's not cream it's completely different and Malcolm's going to be shocked but I don't think he's going to be shocked I think he's going to be stunned is just absolutely as you walk down the aisle because it's different you will actually be able to hear the people go yeah I've asked a friend to look at Malcolm only see what yeah that's really lovely I want him to be shocked and oh my God but well there's nothing like a surprise on the day Malcolm definitely has no idea that it's red I've got a lot of anxiety about walking down the island him seeing the dress but it's very me and I hope he likes [Music] it took a while to find way once Kate had the moment I got to the real Kate and found out she wasn't actually confident and she didn't like the way that she looked and actually she needed a little bit more help than we initially thought do you know what it is as women we're not used to looking at ourselves like that and the thing is we've got to look at ourselves in a dress half the time we just run out of the house and we don't even bother looking I never look in the mirror it's your day and it's all about you my it is so you have to feel as amazing as you look and I know you're nervous thank you I'll hold your hand we'll do it together yes so I'm not going to let her walk out on her own no it's a big thing that's it I can't handle it okay so you can open your eyes [Music] girls oh my goodness you look so good you should wear this every day hey do you it's hard to say love because it's the SC me out man I didn't feel great I thought the dress was beautiful but I just I could see myself and that's not a cool thing in my eyes now we're going to go for something else yes something that you haven't chosen this is my pick just because it's a different shape young fan dress I put it on looks in the mirror in the in the dressing room wasn't sure right let's sort this out a little bit here just yeah Jack it all up Jack do you know what girls we're creating a monster in here bride Zilla here we come are we ready yeah right right are you ready ladies go oh man that's good isn't it that is good I really like that that is really beautiful so I'm going to take this off you look amazing that you need putot on display who would have known that you had that lovely shaped face hiding oh my God I I I genuinely love it I don't know what clicked but suddenly I was just like I feel Wicked I feel like a bride it was just the dress I just knew I'm not doing B for work experience on the first day no I might take you one she just didn't know what she wanted she just needed a little bit of help and you know what I struck lucky the first one Kate you're looking all right yes give me five give me five I feel like I've turned a real sort of 180 degrees from how I was when I walked into that dressing room the first time I had no idea if it's going to feel this way I can't wait to get married anyway I can't wait to wear that dress it's just yet beautiful still to come Joe and Al have an unusual challenge with a plus-sized model who wears wedding dresses for a living I guess worst case scenario would be that I'd find on all the dresses and I just feel like I'm modeling again the thing is with Claire because she's a model is that connection going to be there that she's actually choosing her own wedding dress today and with less than an hour to go before Tracy's wedding go as tight as you like I don't care if I breathe did that just snap it did didn't there a potentially disastrous wardrobe malfunction oh my God we've usually got a needle in the dressing on the day bag in the dress bag all area is covered someone's only Nick tip when a bride's got the dress on do they know yeah they know it's a feeling that you can't explain and that's what it is it's more about how you feel as opposed to how you look one bride who's looking for that special connection is Plus model CLA she's brought her mom Tracy and best friend Emma along to help her choose the perfect wedding gown my name is Claire Hines uh 28 I live in Essex so size 18 I'm pretty confident about my body I'd say I love my boobs I love my bomb I just love my Cs and I want to show them off where you know wherever I can I haven't always been this way I literally hated the way I looked I hated my height hated my weight I was bullied every single day when I was at school up until well even in college I was still still being bullied Claire's confidence really began to grow 2 years ago when she defied the bullies to become a plus-sized model I don't know if it's because of the modeling but a switch just happened I thought you spent so long hating yourself let yourself be happy and I'm not going to let other people's opinion of me matched me so much and immediately my body confidence got so much better CLA then met James and the couple are getting married in 9 months time so she's really Keen to find a dress today my dream dress it would just look great on me and I want you know my husband to be to look at me and think I look sexy but also elegant but Claire's profession could present a problem for Joe and Al I'm not sure how I'm going to feel because you know when I put the wedding dress on and feel like I'm just doing a job for someone or will I be able to tell the difference I'm not sure oh my God I think the thing is with Claire because she's a model is that connection going to be there that she's actually choosing her own wedding dress today so in an ideal world what would your dream wedding dress I think something may be fitted and fish tow I'll give you a couple of minutes to have a look and me and Alison will be back in to start the magic I can't wait to try them on she can't anything we put on her is going to look amazing cuz she's just yeah she's small definitely smaller at the top than she is at the bottom right okay so she wants a little bit of the shape we want to look at first right okay pretty isn't it you're not sure are you Mom I think it's a bit too plain no no no no don't think I want that one how we doing CLA yeah I've pied loads of dresses out okay so what's your top three uh I think number one yep number two okay number three number four okay you got some lovely dresses out really really nice I love the curves it's all about the curves baby so let's see what you think right little step oh my God CLA your looks [Laughter] great fine go then open oh wow I couldn't believe how good I actually look I never imagined that if I wore a dress of that sort of shape that it would give me the the shape that it did and that that was that was really nice actually to know I could look that good in a wedding dress wow I just think it needs to be that little bit longer yes it doesn't touch the floor yeah there's something missing I don't want to take it off so you telling this ref F the dress with the First dress I think I'm going to try a couple more I think you need to try a couple more yeah when I try on the dresses I hope that it actually feels like it's my wedding dress I really hope that I can tell the difference and that's something I'm a little bit worried about I came here thinking I wouldn't want a dress like this but it's really nice okay come and have a little look clear [Music] oh I love both of them can I like where can I buy like 10 and then like change every hour throughout the day you know what you put your budget up the sky's the limit yeah I just love how tiny it makes me look here yeah yeah cuz my hips are massive compared to my waist the second dress that didn't really suit to CU the front was a bit pler the third one um I really wanted TR because it had the sleeves I think everyone has something on themselves that probably change for me it's my arms for whatever reason every time I put on weight always go straight to my arms you can open your eyes wow yeah yeah I think they look too tight the sleeves the shape of the dress is beautiful let's waste no more time in this one let's do mom's Choice do M's choice I picked one off the rails and it gave me goosebumps it was beautiful oh how you feeling about this one CLA it's really comfortable actually considering it's obviously so tight I was getting really shaky in the the changing room I really I just felt nervous you're shaking I know hold on right no to your left to your left to your left on my face right that's it I'm G clammy yes yes you are you're shaking are we ready people I think so go for it oh my God a mom was right we got what do you think I love it this is it that's it J down oh wow you crying as you look standing in it I can't stop shaking a come give Claire a hug thank you for being this restant a she knows her stuff a oh there beautiful love this there was a lovely special moment between mom and daughter for CLA the penny just dropped it was like I'm not doing a Runway I'm not coming out just looking at all of these dresses I am actually choosing my wedding dress today straight away I knew that I wasn't modeling it felt so different I'm just imagining myself walking down the aisle my partner looking at me and I'm just imagine everyone turning around and just gasping because of this dress it's so beautiful so glittery and they're just [Music] amazed in less than an hour Tracy will be marrying fellow car fanatic Malcolm hello she's asked Joe and Al to help her get into her red wedding dress Malcolm has no idea the color of the dress and when he sees her I think it's going to be a are you feeling Tracy yeah really good yeah really Cal actually take a minute to take it all in although there are a few Clues to the color of Tracy's dress Malcolm's still in the dark about it don't give the game away yet I got to clue what it looks like good I think it'll be a little bit shocked like um like um happy shocks though go as tight as you like I don't care if I breathe or that broke the cotton you Loop's just broken as I pulled it oh that's all right don't wor cotton right where are they at the bottom of the dress bag did you think that needles were in here Trace they were at the very bottom it's all right don't panic 20 to 5 20 to 5 in all the chaos yours have gone astray and so of ours oh sugar that's I don't I'm not in there no there was just oh just the back just the empty of it Cherry might have borrowed it okay you couldn't just go to reception ask for a needle could you please usually got a needle in the dressing on the day bag in the dress bag all area is covered someone's only nicked it thank you they had one did they yeah yeah they are thank God right hold on just one sec cuz I just want to secure this right so we're attached all right that feels comfy that feels really good shoes are on G is on you're good look how beautiful [Music] flow the scariest part of the wedding is walking down the aisle Malcolm expects me to be in a traditional white wedding dress I've got a lot of anxiety about him seeing the dress ladies and Gentlemen please stand to welcome our bride I am nervous that you might not like it I'm anxious but I can't wait for him to see it wow all right okay yeah there was a shock to the system but the red dress was perfect for her she just looked absolutely unbelievable try I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage I promise to be loving I promise to be loving faithful and loyal to you faithful and loyal to you throughout our married life together throughout our married life together I promise to be loving faithful and loyal to you faithful and loyal to you throughout our married life together throughout our married life together malcol and Tracy you are husband and wife and now can me kiss your new bride like the dress yeah you sure like the color enjoy your evening thank you so much thank youing really appreciate it you've done so much for me you look amazing and I'm really loved it loves the dress see you later bye a I do like a love story me hard very lucky to have this woman as my wife my wife a it's a strange thing this here is it thank you yeah a every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow we're best friends Jo cook and Al law have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-sized lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hand we'll do it together yes and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any less [Applause] [Music] this time it's a bit like a sausage skin Joe and Al face off against their toughest Entourage yet we're like the Kardashians of Kent with our big bums they look like a Pang she looked amazing in the dress but the reaction from mom and sister it was like all the wind went out of her sales a bride arrives for her final fitting worried she spent the last year overindulging kind of just been oh it's fine I found the dress so I'm sure it will fit I can just eat whatever I want girl I don't have any B fat it's all good I have to say I thought she'd put on a little bit of weight and they took you down into the basement so you did are you getting all teory about will Joe and Al be able to restore This Woman's faith in bridal shops put that beond you don't let that upset or tarnish your wedding dress buying [Music] experience should we do some yoga are you flagging Joe I just feel a bit want to do SN of angels you need a little bit of coffee or something oh I need a big fat energy drink or something a big fat something right let's hope our next ladies not too strenuous thing 37-year-old Nikki is tying the n in 17 months time and has come to the boutique with Mom Anne and younger sister Charlotte I'm about size 22 I think I've seen so many brides um look beautiful and they're always quite slim and you know lovely figures I sometimes think well I look really good being a plus-sized bride in a dress as well you just lose a bit of confidence that you're going to look amazing hello so who's the bride me hi have you tried on any dresses no I've never really yeah you're my first do you have a set style in mind not really I'm kind of open to trying on some different stuff where you go then ladies dig in I like this I like it seeing all of these dresses in all of these different sizes it was really amazing and fun and exciting and I really I loved it to help her navigate the endless rails of plus-sized dresses she's looking to her family for guidance we're not one of those families who Maybe Might skirt around it or sugar coat things if it looks horrendous or looks bad I'll get a flat out no you look awful everything you're trying comes out from here yeah and could make you just look like a toilet roll holder big bums are in now yes we're like the Kardashians of Kent we got big bumps how we doing Nikki good I like this one right the balloon I like it I like the other one the same style but that is further down yeah the fish Tow and then I quite like this one as well that's a little beauty that one right okay well let's get this show on the road I think sometimes I will buy something in a bigger size that than I am to maybe hide lumps and bumps but in a wedding dress there's kind of no hiding it so got to close your eyes right stop right there I'm a little bit excited it sounds big what did you just say it sounds big it sounds big puppy okay open your eyes wow I don't know oh well no that's a no then isn't it look at Charlotte's face they look like a bang if it was in red you'd look like the Emoji of the dancing woman I like it oh Nicola looks like one of those toilet roll Dolly things well I don't like it now too big my sister just her face was she was almost a bit horrified put me straight off it to be honest so Nikki when you came out in that dress you almost didn't look in the mirror first you looked at your family for their opinion first see you're laughing at me you know what I'm talking about do you value their opinion a lot yeah over your own choice no I would hope that if I love something they would love it as well but to be honest I think that when they don't like something and their reactions sort of that it instantly turns me off it as well so this you've now gone in to quite a figure hugging dress yeah do you feel a little bit sexy yeah yeah close [Music] eyes can open your [Music] eyes no no you say no because no I I don't think it suits your your figure actually I think no it's a bit like a sausage skin okay she looked amazing in the dress there's no two ways about it but the reaction from mom and sister it was almost like all the wind went out of her sales and she was like yeah I don't like it let's go for another one open do you like this one it really didn't flatter as much as it probably could have they like Elsa at of Frozen but she didn't even look that good no but I don't think Elsa looks that good anyway fro let's not waste any more time no no by this stage I'm thinking I've not really had like an overwhelming reaction to them so I'm I'm a bit worried that I'm not going to find a dress so who's next ranne is next do you remember ranne oh yes so she's come for her fitting it's nearly a year since the last time she was in God where's that time gone I know and it gone quick oh it'd be nice to see you today 31-year-old ranne has come for her final dress fitting with bridesmaids Kelly and Shelly in just two weeks time she marries Stuart who she met online he messaged me first and I looked at his profile and I saw that he had a cat and I love animals and I was like you know what he's got a cat so he must be a good guy but you is true you do have to kiss a lot of frogs cuz I had some weirdos messaging me weirdos so yes she was just lucky had a cat things I love about ran um how strong a person she is I'm a good cook as well aren't I yes you're a good C I think the same sense of humors yeah yeah yeah is that it I'm expecting more you should be able was just like yeah I should be able to size 28 ranne has struggled with her weight for most of her life and was relieved to have found a dress on her first visit I'm not really confident about my arms my back but I think if you find the right dress you forget all about those sort of Hang-Ups that you have 100% But A year later she's worried it might not fit when I first tried it on it looked so amazing I was like there's a dress out there for me and then since then I've kind of just been oh it's fine I found the dress so I'm sure it will fit I can just eat whatever I want and maybe have soup for lunch occasionally but kind I've just got a little bit too relaxed on the old diet since then hello hello how are you hello time are you excited yeah scared but scared why are you scared just cuz I haven't tried it on for a year so I'm a little bit is it going to fit but I'm sure it'll be fine it's just nerves nerves and if you weren't nervous it wouldn't be normal I'm nervous for every appointment and I'm not trying anyone when I first saw ranne I thought she'd put on a little bit of weight it's a really sensitive issue that we've kind of got to get around but we know the Integrity of the dresses we know how much we can pull them I'm going to go a little bit tighter is that all right yeah that's fine girl I don't have any back fat it's all good you won't have any I promise you I am hoping it will look as good as it did when I first tried it on I know I know it will but you're always going to be nervous because it's been so long are you ready no open your eyes oh my God it looks amazing I love it so much I feel like it gives me shape and definition all those worries about it not fitting and it's just like yeah looks great amazing it looks so beautiful or you look so beautiful yeah bit both bit both yeah you look beautiful girl kind of need to do a little dance looking in the mirror I kind of with my veil on and my shoes on I was sort of like yes I'm ready to get married now so I can't wait to have it on for the whole day in 2 weeks time it's scary now it's getting real like it's actually like happening Joe and Alice and are comeing to dress me on the day makes me feel a bit better about the fact that you know they'll be able to do it up and get the right shape for me and everything like that it kind of gives you that little bit more sort of a confidence boost knowing that they're going to be there sort of egging you on even maybe this one maybe this one snicky did try on uh quite a few few dresses her family were very tough crowd to please so that's where our expertise comes in this is the one I'm thinking do that one [Music] yeah how's it feeling you like it that's why we're putting a bit of Lippy on with this one you eyes closed stop right okay open your eyes [Music] oh my god wow oh my good do you like it oh absolutely love it gives you a beautiful shap beautiful yeah it really does really shows off your figure ra rather than hiding it what are you feeling I love it oh God I can see tears oh oh don't cry Anna you look beautiful tears are happiness of the best tears it really is quite a moment when you look at yourself in a wedding dress and you you feel good and you look amazing and you see everyone else's opinions people's opinions that you care about it's quite magical that you actually find something that you all really love and more importantly that I love it the most is this the one I think so you think oh congratulations congratulations oh I didn't think she would buy a dress I've got to be honest I really didn't today um but she did and she looks amazing it is a it is a place of magic and Magic happens here every day and when a bride comes in and sees the rails full of dresses and they can literally try anything on it's like nothing that you can experience I ever it's almost like you're opening a box of chocolates and what flavor am I going to have it's like o I'm going to go with strawberry I would say 90% of the brides that come through our doors have been to a regular shop and have become so disheartened a lot of them have even said if I don't get dressed today I'm not I'm just not going to get married that's it one bride who's close to giving up is Kelly she's tried 30 dresses on and still hasn't found the one for her size 22 figure what if you can't find the dress I'll cry I've tried and struggled so many times to to find all these different dresses to fit it's very disheartening a particular brid or shop told me that they would be only one dress in the whole shop that would fit me it made me feel like a a piece of dirt on the floor with her wedding coming up soon Kelly's desperate to see if Joe and Al can help her and has brought her mom Izzy and friend briany along for support today for Kelly to be treated as a human being and not just somebody who's a little bit weighty who's getting married it is really important hello Kelly hi hello so Kelly in an Ideal World right if this was your first time dress shopping forget all the others what would you think would be your ideal dress something Lacy and something fitted and flat I think that today for her is more about showing her that you know what you do deserve it you deserve a lovely experience like everybody else does I'm like a kid in a sweet shop right now this is one dress that Springs to mind I love that that's very pretty you're very good oh thanks I'm only the Saturday girl oh bless you oh my God I want to try on dresses so badly I can't wait I can't wait to feel the dresses touch the dresses and rub them against my face because I'm so excited how's this feeling Kelly already this one feels amazing in comparison to the other ones that I've tried on it fits it's great you know what wow wow everyone ready yes okay open your eyes I Kelly it is stunning I do love it but I don't I'm not in love with it yeah I do like that I feel like it needs to be a little bit more there's something or my booies need to be a bit bigger just something missing this is not the one no let's waste no more time in that then was there sort of one particular moment in any shop that you thought I'm not happy with this there was one bridal shop that wouldn't even show me the dresses that they had upstairs because they said nothing would fit me I'd have to go down into this little room and try this this awful dress on they took you down into the basement so you did are you getting all about it do you know what they don't deserve your custom anyway put that behind you don't let that upset or tarnish your wedding dress bying experience don't cry kale Kelly don't cry sweet cry do you know what it really upset ETS me when I see Brides upset by The Experience they've had cuz it should be a happy experience they deserve to feel special and worthy oh lordy look at this it is beautiful oh I feel all excited I've got butterflies and I can't even see this dress from the front right okay so you're looking down then Kelly oh I want to look I want to look yeah right open your eyes wow that is just [Music] look tear [Music] happiness I love it that doesn't even look like you how does that feel I don't want to take it off Kelly yes is this your dress it is my dress a we got a FR we have got a Fri oh my [Music] God I never thought that I could ever feel that special that I didn't think that I deserved to feel that special but finally I am I've had my Swan moment I'm over the moon for Kelly today you know she's gone away a very happy girl and she's got her dress but more than anything I'm over the moon that we delivered the experience she [Music] deserves after 2 years of planning and preparation rianne's wedding day has finally arrived Joe and Al have made a special trip out to the venue to make sure ranne looks her very best for her husband to be you know it's a wedding day it's a really intense time so we don't know what we're going to be walking into today but if she is stress will'll bring the C yeah good morning H give me some sugar oh and breakfast is here oh we made that girls how you feeling all right I've had a cry already but that's all right yeah but I think you're going start again is you I can see your eyes it's you Alison You' I'll go I'll go listen it's all very emotional and overwhelming to just get it out now and you'll be fine what are you going to be like when you walk down the aisle and see him you're just going to be like downstairs in the venue bar rianne's fiance Stewart is taking it all in his stride you you pretty relaxed yeah I'm yeah I'm all right yeah I'm I'm a little bit more relaxed than I thought I was going to be see uh the wedding dress or nothing no not yet she's being very very EXC very very excited about it is the tears just stress yeah I think so yeah it's just trying to get everything ready and you know yeah it is hugely intense it's a massive day yeah and it's a long day as well but do you know what it will fly by like that yeah and so have you got obviously you will want to spend time with him at your reception but you'll find it'll take you a half hour to walk across the room CU everyone wants to grab you and wants a bit of you on the day so what I will say is choose a couple of songs ask the DJ to play one of the songs on the hour each hour through the evening and that's your cue to meet him on the edge of the dance floor so you're just together for that one like you know 3 minutes four minutes and at least you get to spend a little bit of time with each other and if it's a song that you both like or whatever that's your queue and you know you going to move yes that's the cherry on the cake I need to look in the mirror at this oh god oh it looks amazing it's a was such a very proud moment this for us didn't it Go and smash it [Music] you wearing a wedding dress is like so out of my comfort zone I don't do dresses or really girly things [Music] you have all these nightmares all this buildup and then the Panic sets in cuz everyone's looking at you when I saw smile at me I was like yeah I'm okay now so would you now turn and face one another I take the Rian Chon to be my lawful wedded wife and Arianne I'll take these to be my lawful wedded husband I'm delighted to announce you are husband and wife you may now kiss your [Applause] [Music] briide it was really to see your reaction when I was crying so much and I never cried I was like oh Blobby like a baby I think I got the reaction I wanted I can see it through the tears mascara there's no way no way she could look any better not at all good answer a we do love a wedding she just looked amazing she did she rocked that frock it was lovely ad your beer is done every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gam it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus siiz Paradise oh wow where best friends Joe Cook and Al lore have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-size lady shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hand we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Music] less this time Joe and Al are under pressure so just to make you aware that it's it's not going to do up I was deflated when I realized that it wasn't going to zip up this body positive yet nervous Young Bride is getting married in Just 4 weeks she needs something off the peg that fits her perfectly the pressure is on a single-minded bride fixated on one dress want to try that on 100% Can Joe and Al persuade her to broaden her Horizons I think it will make her look 10 years older ho ho who are we we need to show her that actually what you think you want you might not necessarily want and an emotional first fitting my nan will be paying for my dress oh that is lovely but um unfortunately she passed away that gets off to the worst possible start she hates it it has to be the perfect [Music] dress in general Brides buy their dresses sort of 9 to 12 months before the wedding we do have some that leave it right to the last minute and that can make it quite stressful for the bride and we just have to hope that we have something in their size that's good to go what is it something old something new something Bor something blue so I need to borrow something so I'm borrowing your dog if you would like to walk down the a with my dog okay 25-year-old American Christine is getting married to her English fiance Jack in just 4 weeks time we met on Instagram almost 3 years ago at the time it was I very much didn't wasn't looking to get into a long-distance relationship so it was more just the case neither was I I just thought you were cute I mean it wasn't that deep I know I know I'm super cute we just got approve for a fiance visa about a month ago so we are under the gun we have to plan a whole wedding in under four weeks so it's been a bit stressful Christine's brought along Pal's Megan and Michelle to help her choose the perfect dress hello Christine come through hello ladies you're coming in take a little seat and I'm going to take care and explain the Dr I pop the kettle on Christina's got four weeks until her wedding day she needs something off the peg that fits her perfectly the pressure is on this to me is young fun and [Music] flirty right so this is a oneoff dress as well it's got a zip up back so that's the big princess so pretty version that's beautiful that is perfect Christine is a size 20 but is only recently become confident about her shape four years ago I was probably at my worst that I've ever been at I was feeling incredibly low about my body and someone commented on one of my photos on Instagram and hashtagged a body positive hashtag and I clicked on it and it was a whole community of people learning to love their bodies and I slowly started to feel more confident in taking pictures of myself and posting my own messages on Instagram right Christine I just wanted to tell you so this dress is your absolute favorite so just to make you aware that it's it's not going to do up okay is that are you all right with that or yeah okay I'm a tad concerned because the First dress that Christine wants to try on is the wrong size and it's the only one we've got but she wants to try it on anyway have you been to other shops trying on dresses not here no I only ever tried on dresses in America oh so we're the first UK shop you've been to yes was you a little bit nervous coming here today very nervous yeah it's particularly hard for me to find clothes here in general whereas in America we probably are a lot more fat friendly we got a feeling that you're quite body confident talk to me about that I don't think anyone's 100% okay with them even if you're body positive you still have those days where you get up and and you feel a little off about maybe your appearance that particular day um I have my bad days as well as my good days I don't really care about the size of my thighs I don't really care about the size of my arms just Society cares about the size of my thighs and my stomach and my arms and I'm tired of caring and I'm tired of hating myself I'm with you there sister five me love it if you come up on the platform right you can open your eyes now a it's gorgeous it's lovely this is what I always had envisioned in my head that I would get married in in the right size where is the waist going to fall it will be there will be there but this is the only dress I was pretty deflated when I came out and I realized that it wasn't going to zip up I detached from it pretty quickly as soon as I realized that it just wasn't going to work out I'm not going to put myself through some intense 4 we workouts so I fit into it fair yeah fair play some Brides can't come back from the disappointment of the dream dress not fitting but with Christine and only 4 weeks to go then options are limited for a plus-sized girl to be going into your regular bridal shop it's not a nice experience we've heard all the horror stories about it you know you're sort of ushered in the door it's almost like being in a cattle market it's horrible one bride who suffered at the hands of regular bridal shops is CLA who gets married to fiance Stewart in 10 months time today she's brought along mom Jackie sister-in-law Sadie and best friend christe wedding dress shopping so far has been a disaster and I have always come out feeling worse about myself I feel like I'm never going to find the dress in one shop they put on a dress that wasn't big enough for me and they forced it on it's just humiliating trying to get it off because I don't want to get cut out of a dress no wants to get stuck in your dress how you feeling nervous but have you been trying on dresses I have tried on some before right how did that go yeah you never had the moment no no not budget for your dress who's paying for the dress my nan will be paying for the dress I love but um unfortunately she passed away it has to be the perfect dress because she needed to be happy with it and even though she's not here I I need to know that it would be the one that she would sit and have a tear over because it was so lovely she loved an and my mom absolutely idolizes her idolized her um and to not have her there on the da it's going to be so difficult have you and not idea of the style you're after or are you open to anything um I am open to anything that's why like that we like that is it a church wedding or a venue or it's an old Asylum oh my god well Bridal strip jackets all around right you're right ladies jump in have a little look love the skirt on here I do love that oh that's got a glittery skirt as well when you've had a bride like cla's had a bad experienc wedding dress shopping you almost kind of need to wipe the Slate clean and and start again yes it's got pockets you're kind of reassuring her do you know what you're in the right place now and these dresses are for plus-size girls and we've got plenty in here that are going to fit you did you imagine there'd be this much choice no not at all I thought like it would be just a few dresses and it's amazing and now now I just have so many that I don't know what to do you can try on everything I know it's all so beautiful look CLA just humor me for a minute you won't Mom Pop That on the side mommy spoken so I'm hoping that she likes the one I've picked right get ready are you ready you got close your eyes can't pee let's come and stand you on this for the limp where you going oh I I like it you still like it I do like it she hates it can you tell by her face you can read her that well quite often mom and bride have different ideas the way I see buying a wedding dress is it's your day your dress your wedding have what you want this is going to blow it out the water now do we need hats I've got a hat so I'm going to do it to terara as well oh my God I'm so nervous cuz it looks amazing right so close your eyes again okay one two oh my God [Music] three oh look at Mom Mom just the Dr oh my God Claire Nana would be so proud would she absolutely oh what I would probably do is I would do something like maybe a little locket with a picture of Nan in it so n with you so and that way you got n if you going down there it's n stress this is the one [Music] y she's got a dress she has got her dress she looks amaz I literally have had the best experience here today I feel like this is how it should have been when I've tried before this was the big hurdle for me and now I found the one nothing can go wrong in the [Music] day four years ago American Christine was single and insecure about her shape today she's a body confident bride to be who marries her English fiance in less than a month's time Christine is limited to the dresses we've got on the rail let's hope we can find one that fits cuz we have no time to order open your eyes so cute oh my go do you feel comfortable in it I can't breathe that well it's overrated right you ready to do another yes right let's do it thank [Music] you I'm a little bit excited about this one yeah yes oh my God the shape you've got here the curves you're killing it girl killing it right are we ready I've got butterflies it's teasing us are you ready to open your eyes yeah yeah why you go wow wow magical it's beautiful and your boobs look cracking they better oh it's going the go perfect oh we tearing up we got few tears um oh I love that neckline yeah I love this I love it are you ready to commit though Christine yes again yes there was something special about this dress this just felt like my dress oh my God look at that this has been a massive Journey for Christine over the last four years let's hope her confidence continues and she carries that through when she walks down the aisle we're going to be there on the day to get Christine into her dress and we're going to give her a bit of a boost and we'll hold her hand and show her the way oh my God you look perfect 20-year-old bride to be Dana is a size 18 and she's on route to the bo Boutique with her maid of honor Kelly are you going to stay in your wedding dress all day yeah and then we're taking my dress C biking so it's going to get ruined you can't you can't I can I'm such a t boy I'm a typical country girl really tattoos bager racing horses but this is the one day that I can be be a princess and you know hopefully blow people away that I'm [Music] dress ideal dress would be full sleeves I think vneck but very Lacy bit princessy but not to over the top what with the sleeves and the v-neck that's very um modest I don't like my arms so I want sleeves don't be fixated about the sleeves you're a young girl yeah you don't want to be dressed up like you're a nan this one here is very much what you described isn't that the one that I saw online yeah I was on CS andure website and saw the dress that I wanted and I knew that that was that was going to be the one so I'm quite glad that they had it one wish one she'd already seen it on the website I think it will make her look 10 years older but hey ho who are we I feel a little bit mother hen here because she's quite a Young Bride same age as our daughters I definitely think we need to show her that actually what you think you want you might not necessarily want so I will try this on Purely how we doing ladies I've picked the ones out that I would like to try okay this one right really like this one yeah and then the one over there this okay that's interesting let's get this show on the road [Music] right okay I'm not going to make you close your eyes we not sure on this one do you know what I want to say get it off that's all I want to say it's definitely not you I don't like it no right let's not waste any more time in this one then if it was a really stunning dress but it just wasn't for me at all didn't like it so IA can just go for the one that she came in to try on cuz otherwise she'll just be fixated on this one we're doing the dress [Music] Diner how do you feel all I'm so excited to see it I'm really nervous to see it though yeah I've got butterflies in my stomach that's a good sign right big step big step that's it are we ready ladies Y open your eyes oh God a a give me some sugar oh my God you look absolutely stunning did she yeah yeah I got to take it back what I said that I thought it might make her look old cuzz I think it looks fabulous it's just perfect it's just everything that I wanted so are you thinking this is your dress yeah I want it bag it to go bag it take it I can't believe that a f would dress it's just my blowing and I'm overwhelmed with all of these different emotions even more nervous for the day now because know I going be wearing she knew what she wanted right from the off we don't often get it wrong but sometimes we do and today we got Dana wrong I think from the from the beginning there's just 2 hours to go until bodyc confident Christine walks down the aisle how you feeling I'm just freaking out yeah I'm just with Christine's family back home in America it's down to mother-in-law D and friend Clara to calm the nerves just we got everything to be happy about this is a very special day for you and you are marrying the most amazing boy cuz you raised him I did because her wedding has been such a fast turnaround Jo and Al are here to help put the final touches to the dress she only found four weeks ago hello lovely lady how are you good how are you I'm very well thank you you're so chilled oh I'm really not why are you not chilled I don't know I'm just nervous I'm just really nervous and JY so Bridal Chu rubs yeah do you have some I am a sufferer of that so we need these then so there we go very pretty with a bit of lace on and obviously this stops the chafing so this is a present for me and now thank you I did say do you need CH rubs and you know and in my sa do magic there was a pair of CHS there's nothing worse than being uncomfortable so yeah so there'll be no chafing down there later on all thanks for the TRS if you still got the confidence there to get down the aisle and it's one thing to be confident on Instagram and and everything cuz you don't see all the people that are looking at your stuff but then yeah to be the center of attention in real life and have all eyes on you it's it's just a little bit more pressure and I'm not used to it as soon as you've got that dress on you'll be like yeah I'm ready fiance Jack is eager to see his beautiful bride looking forward to seeing the dress you know it's to be able to say that she had a beautiful dress so uh yeah it's it's good to know that she's got something that she's really happy with and uh she's going to look Beau beautiful in oh sorry bit pulling about can you still breathe I can breathe good go A J now that I've got the dress on I'm freaking out I have to hold it together I'm trying not to shake but it all feels real now this is your moment but just relax don't mind just deep breaths here we [Music] go would all the guests be up standing for this moment no no no no no no no no no no deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths okay it's really really really overwhelm R it in R it in listen you got this you've got this remember 20 steps to your new life go for it walking it deep breaths yep deep breaths nice and slow she walked through those doors and there she was I'd never seen her look so beautiful it wasn't until that moment I realized my entire life focused down into loving one person I could tell she was terrified I took her hand and she sort of looked up at me I did know she sort of started to relax a little bit started to realize that this was you know this was our day and we got to enjoy it I give you this ring I give you this ring as a symbol as a symbol always wear it always wear it with happiness and pride with happiness and pride Jack I give you this ring may it always remind you may it always remind you of the lifelong promise of the lifelong promise I've made to you today I've made to you today it is now my duty to announce you are now husband and why [Applause] [Music] congrats I was shaking I like everything was a blur I was just nervous and I was just I just wanted to get up there and see him and just hold his hand cuz then I knew I'd be [Applause] okay she looked amazing she was a little bit stressed out a little bit panicked but when it came to it she nailed it she did dressed as beautiful dress suits her amazingly I'm glad she got to look like an absolute Queen on our day every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow we're best friends Joe Cook and Al L have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-sized lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hand we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Applause] [Music] less this time with just a few months until her wedding can Jo and Al Rectify this lady's online shopping disaster it came in a bag is it in there yeah shut the door it's not in there is it what how do you bring the bride's parents into the fitting room from the other side of the Atlantic it's really hard not having my parents here with me especially for big moments like wedding dress shopping oh my God it was at that moment then that we decided to Skype Mom and Dad hello Dad and I do like that one I don't know I don't know about the print and you won't know till you try it how to deal with an overbearing mom Jo and Al style moms sometimes think if they're paying for the dress that it's their wedding I don't know why what do you not like we've only ever chucked one mom [Music] out until you start looking for a wedding dress you don't really know that much about wedding dresses so when you see them priced at 200 300 P online think what a bargain got to have it but plus siiz dresses are designed to plus ISAC gills and they're the price they are for a reason because of the workmanship that's gone into them and I think if you're going to chance your arm and buy online what can I say you get what you pay for 38-year-old Jessica is getting married in 4 months time and the man she's dressing to impress is Ricky who popped the question in the Caribbean last year I'm an older bride so I've waited a long time for my prince and he's come and I can't wait to call some of my husband and to spend the rest of my life with Ricky he's he's amazing I love everything about Jessica even when she annoys me I still love her dearly which is more often than you can [Laughter] imagine 3 months ago Jessica found her dream dress at the boutique but wasn't ready to commit I felt I needed to go and have a look elsewhere just to satisfy my curiosity I needed to know that this was definitely the right dress I needed to have something to compare it to so I found a dress online it was significantly cheaper and very similar to the dress that I found here and when it arrived it just wasn't the quality that I'd hoped for now Jessica is hoping Joe and Al can help remedy the situation and she's brought her mom and Auntie for support how come you back 3 months later cuz I tried to buy a cheaper dress from China £300 it came in a bag is it in there yeah shut the door it's not in there is it normally they come in shoe boxes so I'm back for my original dress right okay which we may or may not have I don't break her heart I know her stop right feel right so you know we're going to get you to put that dress on right yeah cuz it might you can laugh at me no no we wouldn't laugh at you we laugh with you laugh at you I can't wait to see the dress that she bought online yeah that would be interesting yes come on oh I see right okay do you know what it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be really it's honestly Jessica makes your look great though oh my God I need one of them fabulous these are just they're like doilies yes they are they remind me of manan's plastic was pretending to be lace and it's just exactly and this it just makes me think of rabbit droppings on the bottom of your dress look but look what's that all about yeah oh I can see why you don't like it though I don't I I it doesn't maybe here look maybe she had some bones or something that's how you can tell their cheap dresses when they've got no structure no nothing and around the side it's got overhang look the yeah okay I'll take it off let's get a proper dress I'm hoping that the dress is here today and I'm hoping that I can walk away with it can't afford to be back to square one because my wedding is very [Music] soon 27-year-old Kirsty gets married in 17 months time and she's hoping Joe and Al can restore her faith in bridal shops so far I've absolutely hated wedding dress shopping they've just no choice for plus eyes and you're being told to imagine what they look like on you and who want to spend that amount of money when you're imagining something I want to feel pretty and I want to feel perfect kirsty's traveled down from Manchester today with her Nana Janet and mom Susan who's paying for the dress I suppose I've got to let her have the final say but it's nice coming looking for the dress and give him my opinion hi Kirsty hello hello how are you so come take a SE ladies so this is a print dress print is all the rage at the moment wow I do like that one I don't know I don't know about the print and you won't know till you try it moms sometimes think if they're paying for the dress that it's their wedding no no no so have you and your mom got sort of different ideas on your wedding dress Kirsty um I don't think we've got different ideas we have different taste in everyday dress s yeah I think as long as she sees me happy I think she'd be happy we come and just keep looking down open your eyes wow that that's beautiful that is absolutely gge I love the fact that the lace doesn't chop me in half it doesn't stop it it does go down gradually go down I get the impression cirst is liking it more than Mom yeah I'm not overly convinced now it made a stomach look really big it was satellite a pregnant toy and I know she's a big girl but she doesn't need to look pregnant no looking this time a well well right you ready to open where you go wow I do like it I do like it I don't know why what do you not like the flowers really yeah do you want to try it in the plain Ivory I think I do because the shape is gorgeous let's do it let's waste no more time with the flowers mom absolutely loved that second dress and felt a little bad say no but for me it just wasn't matching up to what I wanted really open your eyes wow oh that's nice it's gorgeous you like it it is nice I've got a waist it sits nicely I feel I feel pretty can you see yourself walking down the aisle in this Kirsty yeah I feel what do you think I can't see I know I do like it I do like it you like it yeah still prefer the flowery one but yeah is it just something that's not well for you no I love it you love it what a do for Flowery one 2,000 you're having trouble saying this is the one I think cuz I I don't know I need she want I need you I need you like yes you need just said it's nice I do like like it it got almost a little bit quite awkward in the room so me and Joe felt like we needed to step out of the appointment for a minute don't talk yourself out of it you look amazing I feel amazing I do feel amazing she want to the flowy one and that's it and she ain't badging and she will not give her her approval because it's not the one she wants you love her I really do we love the flower one mom's trying to talk grab it cuz Mom wants the gra ring you know what get married and wear at yourself I just makes me so wild I am nervous that she's not going to say yes we've only ever chucked one mom out no we're not having it you're not no no we're not having it you're not no you're lying to me I can tell by your face only CU you looked at her after looking at me you should have kept her face straight I can't I can't do you love it Mom I do cuz it's really important to her that you really like oh yeah of course it is yeah but no it's lovely it's not my day it's kirsty's day and she's got the dress of her dreams not my dreams not what I like to in but it's what she likes and that's the main thing I can just see you're Overjoyed in this dress this is the one she's well done she's got a [Applause] dress cry you're allow to cry I never thought I'd find a dress that I could feel good in I thought I'd have to settle I'd have to choose something that oh well this is a bit small but imagine it and it's I never wanted that the fact that I could see myself in that dress I did I felt amazing what I'd say to you is if the dress that you originally tried on is here it would be within this rail and I know that from the size get excited no I want to see my dress [Music] Jessica this is the dress lovely dress this is the dress that is gorgeous right are we going to do this try this one on y that's the one I'm so so so relieved the emotion that I felt when I saw my dress um was undescribable so what would you have done if we didn't have this dress today Jessica cried for a different reason not for Joy right okay I would have tried on other dresses um and beyond that I don't know what I would have done cuz we haven't got much time no you haven't got a lot of time at all right are you going to wear a veil on the day Jessica I probably not but I'll give it a try and see how it looks you look amazing thank you here comes the [Music] bride now that is beautiful oh the breasts it's got the support that I need you got structure in that dress which the other one was lacking oh look at my little Jessica so is this the dress Jessica this is the dress yay finally finally thank you Alison honestly you've been amazing can we do me up a bit please I feel falling out of there my current dress size is size 20 my dress is going to be in a size 18 I care about what people are going to think when I'm walking down the aisle I don't want them to be thinking oh she's got a bulge here she's got a bulge there or she's too fat for that dress it was a one-off dress we couldn't Order anymore so she really needs to get on it and lose some weight to get into the dress size 30 Bridget is originally from Atlanta Georgia but relocated to reading 2 years ago with her husband to be oh my God my fiance is Steve and he proposed um at my parents Country Club and he suggested that we get up and take a picture he handed my dad his phone and I sort of like turned around and like Steve was down on one knee and I just went straight into ugly cry like I don't remember what he said I don't remember what he did I'm not even sure I said yes and my mom cried and my dad cry it was really special as Bridget's folks are over 4,000 Mi away in Atlanta she's brought along her friend Jessica for moral support it's really hard like not having my parents you know like here with me especially like for big moments like wedding dress shopping you know normally they're sitting there like in the boutique with you which one is the most bling I'm All About The Bling let's be real I'm daddy's little girl through and through and so I have always wanted to look like a princess on my wedding day hello Bridget come through hello so you're in the mood for it then it's lovely of course it is it sounds lovely if you could describe to me what your ideal dress would be what would it be I want the do of the back of the church to open I just want people to be like like like Kate Middleton like Princess Diana like everyone was like and then the train that just like went on forever oh I just want to get in there and try on every single dress need therapy out already she's very excited then very into the Royals right okay any issues though no I can't see any how you doing Bridget so I love this dress yes this pink one cuz I am obsessed love love love but I'm not sure which one would look better on me that one okay because that's got the corsetry inside it that one doesn't Okay so with that one then might be fear that you might have a little nip slip that one none of that none of that so I big Catholic wedding and your nip loud no none of that so I would definitely go with that one then definitely that one come pop into my office it is exciting this is nice you come across very body confident Bridge thank you more so sort of like recently yeah I was very conscious like as a child and like growing up I mean I would wear Shapers and spanks and like underwear that went up to my and went to my knees just to suck it all in it was awful when I was younger I sort of was really nervous and really self-conscious you know I didn't like being a bigger girl I just felt like I was like an elephant compared to like a mouse it's a journey to like get to where you're comfortable with your body right okay open your eyes oh my God oh my God you finally silenced Bridget I know God we good getting good at this it's really pretty oh this is amazing it's probably really swirly but it doesn't look really pink does it look pink like it doesn't it looks really soft I was a little worried that like it would look like pink pink but this oh my God this is amazing it's sort of like that dress that every little girl like closes her eyes and dreams of it's sparkly and it's got a big skirt but there's also lace it just looks so Bridal yeah I definitely want my mom to see this do you oh Bridget's very close to her family and it's an emotional purchase so it was at that moment then that we decided to Skype Mom and Dad hello hi what do you guys think it's fantastic lovely that is beautiful see my mom likes my mom likes the classic she loves it Daddy what do you think I think it's gorgeous I think you're beautiful in I like you Dad are I mean Bridget is this it are you ready to go yeah I mean I don't know I just didn't think I was going to find it without you guys being here we're here we're here it's such a nice feeling to know that like what you love that they love no no crying no I'm I'm going to cry and that just kind of makes you like no like like that's it it was just really nice to have them be there as much as they could be for such a big moment okay yeah fantastic okay love you guys love you love you you bye it's the most important dress you're ever going to buy in your life and sometimes you just need that someone special there to tell you how amazing you are it's perfect [Music] it's the day of Jessica's wedding and she's hoping the dress she's chosen is going to wow her future husband I had a moment in the um hairdresses where I just pictured Ricky and I couldn't wait to see him I want him to look happy to see me and big smile on his face and and I think he'll like how I look so Rick how you feeling man every minute it gets closer I'm getting a bit more no yeah I'm starting to Fe a bit more but you see everyone yeah I'm not start shaking oh no no the Shak is coming yeah there you go with an hour to go until the ceremony Joe and Alive arrived to help get Jessica into her dress so the last time we saw Jessica she needed to lose some weight for that dress to fit a whole dress size in fact so I'm hoping that today we can actually get her in the dress Jessica Jessica we've come to take charge air air Bri's here fing around are we ready let's do this we are indeed I've worked hard to lose a bit of weight but I'm not sure if I've worked hard enough I join the gym um and I've just been eating well but dieting is not fun when you've spent the last couple of years eating whatever you want to eat just take a minute get all your sh [Music] I'm just hoping this dress fits like a glove because if it doesn't we don't have any time for alterations cut the front of the dress to keep the girls in place that's it right now we're [Music] cooking I was so full of relief that the zip went all the way up to the top and I wasn't squeezed into the dress I had space to breathe and it was comfortable it's never easy to lose weight take it from me I know but whatever it was that she did it worked because that zip well it just went up like a dream that is [Music] perfection I have absolutely no idea what the dress is going to look like I all I know is that she's going to take my breath away no regardless so as the barn doors opened I saw Ricky standing there and he had this big smile on his face and all of a sudden this overwhelming oh my gosh I'm getting married came over [Applause] [Music] me about time good afternoon and welcome to the wedding ceremony of Ricky and Jessica I take D Jessica Elizabeth to be my lawful wedded wife hold on to him I to take the Wicky de to be my lawful wedded husband to be my little foot wedding husband well done you are now husband husband and wife came out yeah I could I could not look at you gorgeous it's a perfect dress for you you look stunning in it I was looking at the dress you were looking at my bre I was looking at the dress I was looking at the dress it's perfect thank you wouldn't change your F every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gamon it's a bit like a sausage skin I want something that is actually going to support me now help is at hand deep in the Essex Countryside is Britain's most exclusive plus-size Boutique Welcome to our little bit of plus-size Paradise oh wow we're best friends Joe Cook and Al lore have all the attitude look at that booty The Experience unless you've walked in a plus-sized lady's shoes you will never know how they feel we have we know I'll hold your hands we'll do it together and the determination to get even the most body conscious bride walking blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any less this time right let's do this Joe and Al face the challenge of a bride who can't stop losing weight how much you lost just under two Stone I think but with 4 days until the wedding will her dress be too big definitely will be ready won't it um I am screaming inside screaming and after gastric band surgery this fiance wants a figure hugging dress you got a new body and you want to show it off yeah or does she Victoria what are you seeing when you look in the mirror are you seeing your problem area and the bride who says she wants VAV Voom come on girls but she's got to get it past her daughter [Music] first moms and daughters can be tricky combinations especially when Mom's the bride we always put the bride first but the bride puts her daughter first so we've got to try and find something that keeps them all happy how come do make your wies look Flawless and yet it's all it's all a lie Joe it's all a lie I know it's all fake when it comes off at night I'm about 90 years old who have we got in next we have got Cheryl in next Georgia who is Cheryl's daughter's 19 and it's been her and her mom forever so this is a quite a big deal Cheryl is a size 20 and getting married to Ry in just over a year look at you looking all floral and beautiful it's the Glam squads I'm here see if I can find my perfect dress being a plus-sized Lady it's not always being easy for me to find and try on dresses I don't want to get stuck in a dress listen I've got a pair of scissors that are that sharp one little snpp and we'd have you out there anyway but not that we would put you in a dress that you would get stucking but the perfect dress has to tick all the boxes for both mom and daughter I couldn't have not brought Georgia to to this experience I want her to be proud of me when I walk down the aisle I've been a single parent since she's been two and a half I have had relationships in between but um mainly Always Been Me In Georgia she's like my best friend as well as my daughter of course I'm proud of her I mean I don't I don't say it I'm not the type of person to gush all over but of course I'm proud of it the relationship between Cheryl and Georgia is key to choosing the right dress so in an ideal world what would your dress be like I want a bit of VAV Voom I want a great like a good mix between elegant and sexy so when we saying fish tail this one's a fish tail that's that one isn't it now so this is like a blank H I've already seen this one have you yeah this is one that I've got on my phone one dress sprung to mine straight away and it was the First dress that I pulled out for fishtail dress P huging you want to show the curves here you go here's your dress so I'm going to go and leave you now to have a little ramage through and we'll be back very shortly thank you very much thank you come on [Music] girls what you think George I'd have to see on I can't tell when you hold it off like I can't tell what it looks like I like that I like this skirt I'm not sure about this I feel like this with a play in a top like just a satiny top would look a lot nicer yeah today if she comes out on a dress and I don't like it she'll no straight away without me saying anything so it it won't be a case of me I going to tell her that's I will take it off because she'll know I'm thinking she doesn't look right in it that's the only one I don't like but no in my look that's probably the one she'll want to take home do you mean well someone remove her right Cheryl how are we doing well we've got a selection yes um I was I don't know whether you had any more straight ones out the back or anything straighter ones more fitted ones there is another one actually that you haven't seen yet that Joy is just going to pull out for you I think it should be a surprise wild card you shouldn't see it really before it's on I'll just whip it in oh I'm up for that should we do that one first yes I'm nervous because I don't want to go out and go oh I don't like it you know what I mean because it's it's been picked for me and that I think that's for me I want to please everybody and and I'm a bit nervous about going why why do you want to please everybody why can't you just please yourself I done something I've always done I always think of others before me all the time and that's how I've been but it's time to put you first it is it is let's go and do it I've got to be honest I felt a bit sick to tell you the truth I felt myself getting really flushed and anxious with [Music] it in the runup to a bride's wedding day you can put on weight or lose weight if a dress is too tight it's a disaster if the dress is too loose they're showing off more than they bargained for that is not ideal 27-year-old Lucy is marrying Jay they met at fresher week at University I've comeing today for my final dress fitting uh it's 4 days before the wedding so literally not long left so I'm hoping that it's all going to fit absolutely perfectly like a glove and I'll be taking it away today I am a bit of a control freaking the sense I'm very organized I'm a perfectionist basically so now I've turned into a little bit of a bridezilla Lucy's been dieting dropping from a size 20 to a 16 and she's still losing weight her dress has already been altered once so it's a nail-biting weight to see if it fits I don't like it I am feel completely out of control and that gives me a little bit of anxiety hi Lucy how are youell long time no see y slowes away you can tell yeah yeah how much you lost just under too Stone I think oh Lucy's been on a journey and she's been losing weight for her wedding we have left it so late because of that reason I think there's a lot of stress and anxiety bubbling under the surface right let's do this she's lost some weight which will be good hope she hasn't lost too much Lucy what did we do with the dress again um sort of tooking quite a bit down the sides I think we took 5 in actually shut the door 5 in honestly this is the first time it's ever been D tight putting the dress on Lucy it looks beautiful but I'm tightening the corset and there's a lot more room there right I'm going to lead you around to the mirror the dress does need to get taken in a bit more but it's how do I break that to Lucy she got four days and open oh wow it looks so different looks lovely I am being very calm with the situation that's what I do I'm a professional I'm thinking we've got 4 days till the wedding this dress needs to go back for more alterations that you need a little bit more taken in it definitely will be ready won't it um I am screaming inside screaming let's hope over to Marana good fingers crossed Mariana will work her magic work through the night and and get the dress done on time if not I don't know what I'm going to do the next time she'll be trying the dress on will be her wedding day so there can be no room for mistakes right are you ready Cheryl's been a single parent for so long and she puts everybody else first she has to find a dress that she wants and that she would wear not me not Joe and not Georgia open I can't I've got a figure I like that I'm not sure about this that's what I said and I'm not sure about this but I like this this can come like this but this can come off that's better isn't it so what do you think Georgie what you think about around here be honest I don't think it looks bad I don't at all I think it it's flattering I just like to see the other one there was maybe just a bit too much I couldn't imagine a walking down the aisle in that dress I knew she knew that wasn't the dress for me I imagine Georgia has this horrific image in her head of man with everything hanging out knock knock got one more fish tail to try on which was the first one I pulled out I think it's going to look amazing on Cheryl but we've got to try and get it past Georgia how long has it just been you and Georgia it's always been me and her and only me and her to worry about so to have her here today and have her all of georg's opinions it's really really important to you it is because I want her to be proud of me as well when I walk down the air I want to think oh come on Mom she looks great yeah oh that SM me a little bit I do love my mom and I want want her to be happy I mean I'm not an emotional person if she comes out I will be crying but I'll be sitting there and saying I do like this dress and you should get it I don't know a mother and daughter that are so as close as Georgia and Cheryl I really don't they are so close and Cheryl looks out for Georgia all the time and Georgia looks out for Cheryl she's been on her own for a while and it's been a very very very close gr mother and daughter thing I think there's that thing of protection sort of from Georgia for her mom and vice versa do you know what I think if Cheryl had a binbag on Georgia would be proud of her it's massively important for her today that that Georgia loves her dress right are you ready ladies open your eyes love it oh this is the one is I'm going to cry shut up I'm going to cry that is the dress what you crying oh there's tissues right behind you this is just gorgeous it's got the vom I've got a waist I've Got Boobs it fits me boobs it's absolutely lovely I love this how would you feel if I come down the A on this dress definitely yeah 100% I think it is it's lovely it's it's really lovely I definitely can see you in it wow what can I say wow I'm in that dress when when she came out in the dress today I was I could tell that she was happy in it and as long as she was really confident I thought well that that's the one you need it was just looking in the Mir I was like oh my God Jessica Rabbit ate your heart out and it was just stunning I loved it absolutely loved it love it got Victoria in today so she's a size 18 she was six Stone heavier and a size 24 well this is Joe's Department because she's lost lots of weight so she you will totally understand where Victoria's coming from today I'm fat I've always been fat I don't really change in my shape so this is your domain today to help her find the dress to show off her new Slimmer figure Victoria has brought her 9-year-old daughter poppy mom Caroline and sister Rachel through hello hello I had a gaset band done in 2010 I was a size 26 just felt really uncomfortable looked in a mirror out would cry and I just couldn't even run around the park with my daughter without getting out of breath it was awful really you are looking for a figure haging dress cuz you've lost six Stone than you oh my God it's fabulous thank you Victoria is now a size 18 but adjusting to her new body is an ongoing process I think Vicki feels insecure about her body still she's not 100% there so um I don't want her to feel like she doesn't suit any dresses when she tries them on she's gone through a journey losing her way and she's gone through hard times but I'm very proud of her I'm hoping today that Vicky finds her perfect dress she deserves it um I'm a bit anxious of going shopping because obviously I'm a little bit bigger um and just worried that I'm not going to get a dress that flatters my shape I like thisor yeah I really like that I really like this um I like I like the sleeves but like coming off like that try it you could try it yeah I don't think you should put it on there cuz it's going to fall I'm hoping that Mom gets the dress that she wants and she she looks wonderful and pretty on the day which one do you like I like this that one I'm not the pinky one for my gastric band I could never imagine getting married but when I met Wayne I knew from the minute that I met him that I wanted to marry him I think I told him on our third date I was like we're going to get married and we're going to have a baby together we're going to call him Teddy and then 5 years on we've getting married and we've had a baby and we called him Teddy so in an ideal world what would it be that you would go for a fish tail dress heard if you've got curves it is quite a good dress to wear and you got a new body and you want to show it off yeah lots of brides think to show off your curves your need a fish Tow and actually that's not necessarily true because other styles can show off you know a tiny waist and a curvy body sometimes these can show your figure off just as well as the fish Tow and this is really really pretty I've pulled out a couple of non mhm fish toils because just because I think she should try absolutely come pop into my office Victoria and let's pop a dressing gwn on okay and now you've got this beautiful new figure when you sort of do have a like quite a drastic weight loss you can sometimes still see yourself as a bigger girl so when you go out shopping do you still have your fat head on and go to the clothes that you would have worn like the baggy clothes what's your problem area problem area is the stomach area right okay so I want that sucked in right I need you to come out but you have to shut your eyes right and you're not allowed to open them either until I've jacked you up right you can all open your eyes oh my God W I love it as beautiful as she looked and everyone said she looked stunning I could see her eyes were drawn to her problem area for her Victoria what are you seeing when you look in the mirror are you seeing your problem area a little bit is that annoying you a bit mm yeah I can see you looking at it I think it showed off my belly too much it just made me feel too self-conscious I could tell in her face she wasn't confident enough to pull that [Music] off I think you look amazing I can't wait to see your face when you look at this one come on down oh my God I think you amazing in that one like a princess it's much more flattering that one absolutely gorgeous I feel like the first one is a bit sexier where this is a bit Yeah more for an older person yeah yeah I don't want I don't want to be MSY but I feel like I look slimmer in this one I'm being indecisive I don't know looked fabulous but made her look 10 years older so you know there's another one that is the princess version of the very first dress we put on oh really so it could be the Best of Both Worlds [Music] there I have to say this looks amazing from the back so far good stop ready peeps oh yeah open oh wow oh my God God I love it I love the spotlight the sparkly i' go because you've got the First dress but with' I think more flattering shape to it yeah I feel amazing this dress I don't even feel like I'm a plus- siiz I love it you look like a really pretty [Music] princess look amazing congratulations congratulations I come in thinking I wanted a fish tow dress but my wedding dress that I got I absolutely loved it the minute I saw it loved everything about it wasn't what I imagined but it's everything and more I loved [Music] it over the last 4 days Joe and Al have been making hurried alterations to Lucy's dress because of her rapid weight loss I'm nervous a little bit cuz obviously on Monday it was still a bit big so I'm hoping that Mariana's you know don't what she needed to do and that it's all going to fit perfect today if I think about it I'll just get [Music] nervous it's been a very stressful time I am a little bit anxious right now this dress has to be absolutely perfect I have trust in Mariana but it's not nice going in blind dad's got to come here well yeah does he know that or the wedding coordinator I wish I knew knowing Lucy like I do and watching her get ready in the morning for work she gets very stressed out very easily when things aren't going her way so I can only imagine what those girls are having to deal with how you feeling excited but getting a bit stressed cuz I just want to get my dress on let's do this relax rela just relax because otherwise it'll be done up as you're like that and as soon as you then relax it won't be done up to you you've lost more since you've had this done there's always that fear that we put it on and she's lost weight there really isn't a lot that we can do at all apart from pull the coet in but if the coets joining what can we do nothing perhaps we'll have to run down the aisle behind her holding the dressing so that they get the overall [Music] effect fits you like a glove loo yeah it looks lovely yes we're happy it looks so beautiful it was a bit of a nail biter but when i' done the course it up it was a perfect fit what a [Music] relief before I saw her there was a lot of nerves cuz you know like you know not not knowing then when I turned and I saw her and I just saw how absolutely gorgeous she is in that dress all the nerves just went away do you take me Jared Simeon Moses cir Mosley Redmond to be my lawful wedded husband to be my lawful wedded husband it gives me the Great of Pleasures to say you are now husband and wife you make this your bride Mr Mrs Mosley [Applause] Redmond couldn't believe it when I see her the dress dress was amazing absolutely lovely I know she's had like quite a few fittings she was a bit apprehensive just to make sure everything was right but eventually like when she put on it fit perfectly 4 days isn't ideal we like to have the wedding dress hanging at home with the bride a week before the wedding but you know what all's well that ends well the dress was as perfect as I wanted it to be I was nervous about his reaction and the fact that he sat there when we were having the register and told me how beautiful I looked it just don't feel even better about my dress every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gam I want something that is actually going to support me that's where best friends Joe Cook and Al lore come in we deal with plus-sized Brides curvy Brides fat Brides however you want to call it look at that booty dressing the most body conscious Brides I'll hold your hand we'll do it together and sending them blissfully down the aisle when you going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Music] less this time a wedding dress emergency take a seat Joe's going to go through the dresses with only four weeks to go before her big day this bride's dress still hasn't arrive from Australia it's down to Joe and Al to come up with a solution just got to put my trust and faith in them and hope they deliver a straight talking dad Ruffles Joe's feathers uh excuse me what happened to the custom's always right she's our customer but you know what it's still our our rules if Dad doesn't watch his step he will be leaving quite soon and this bride may have lost seven Stone but that's only made it harder to to choose the perfect dress you you don't no you hate it I haven't got that feeling I thought I'd feel when I lost way I didn't know what style I was listen I've been wearing two man tents for 40 [Music] years Joanna size 18 has been married before and is hoping that Joe and Al can give her a better shopping experience second time round 15 years ago going to try wedding dresses on you basically went into a bridal shop and you looked through a rack of size 10 dresses yet this is supposed to be the most important dress of your life so it's really lovely to think that not only there'll be dresses that fit me but potentially be dresses that are too big hello Joe come on thank you hello hello hello to make sure she picks the right dress she's invited her dad Graham along to the appointment I really trust my dad's opinion would have liked him to have been there last time but we did the traditional go with your mom your dad sees you on the day how can we brought Dad you're a daddy's girl yeah I am a daddy's girl dad's honest is he tell how it is honest Yorks are honest right well Dad I'm going to say to take the weight off your feet so tell me what does your perfect dress look like I'm thinking fish tail are mer so it's got to be a showstopper I take it without being yeah huge without being cocky cookie I like that come get stuck in Dad I'll show you what I'm imagining that but then going down yeah Joe wanted me to come because I had 30 years in retail in clothing and she's always valued my opinion and I've always said if she looks terrible in something I'll tell her and she won't wear it again it looks like some have a child's dressing at wardrobe how are we doing Joe I think we had this idea of a tube right and then maybe do something at the bottom yeah quite a figure hugging yeah sort of you know coming down trumpet or mermaid whatever you want to call it they are good we'll start with those incidentally DB thinks this is the one really that's going to go on last right Dad let me just say rules uh excuse me what happened to the customers always right you are she's our customer but you know what he still our rules daddy Graham needs to know his place here that dress is not going to look good on Joanna so it's not going on should we get some dresses on let's do [Music] it how's it feeling Joe all right yeah this is the sort of fish tail that you kind of thought you might want yeah let me lead you by the hand there's a song there there is a song there and take you through the streets of London but we'll go to essic instead what keep your eyes [Music] closed right okay you ready to open your eyes yeah do it no absolutely no I feel like no I can see she's incredibly uncomfortable in it it's what with thought we wanted but it's not doing her any favors does that mean that you don't want one that's tight right to and then goes out the bottom absolutely I was wrong but I I I've still got this this sort of idea of something a little bit that but maybe not as tight we have to find out from every bride that comes in what works and what doesn't work they say they want a particular dress nine times out of 10 it's not what they want but we have to do it it's a process that we have to go through how does this feel it feels very supportive good that's what I want you to hear you excited dad I expected to hear a scream of horror with that particular dress no have you got your eyes closed she has here you go how's that right looking down looking down open your eyes dad for a better look you can stand up and look in the mirror I don't need you see the funny thing is I thought I'd love this I just want to put you on a toilet roll at moment and I don't like those plates at the top J because if you get an impression that it's pulling I can't believe that hand on heart either of these ladies would say that's theone who should walk out and de with J no but you know what I'd say it looks bloody amazing actually and would say whether you agree or you don't she looks amazing she doesn't look like a big girl she doesn't she's not wearing a fat dress which is everything we try to avoid there's method in our Madness and we know what we're doing and there was a reason for putting that dress on and if Dad doesn't watch his step he will be leaving quite soon so who we got coming in today so we got Karen in Karen Panic bought a dress and there's no guarantee that it's going to be here in time so Karen is in a bit of a pickle then isn't she yes she's a pickled Karen a pickled Karen yes we've got a pickled Karen though yes she is and I think that probably she's at the her wit's end do you know what just got calmer down it's not the end of the world let's go over and have a little look at what we can pull out and let's make a happy bride 42-year-old Karen is a size 20 and has waited a long time to marry her fianceé James James and I have been together 18 years 15 years ago he proposed we didn't really want to rush it did we no plan these things R but actually the reason is we decided to concentrate on our first home and then concentrate on the second home no baby in between baby in between then I didn't want to be a fat bride so I thought I'll get the weight off that that didn't happen so I'm thinking I better get married before I'm bored so I'm already fat and old but with Just 4 weeks to go until the long awaited wedding Karen is rushing to the boutique with a problem I have already put a deposit down on a dress quite a large deposit um on a dress that's currently coming from Australia but hasn't landed in the country yet so it's a bit of a scary predicament to be in faced with the prospect of not having a dress for the biggest day of her life she's hoping Joe and Al can help and she's brought her auntie son Jay and her future mother-in-law for support I think the thing is with Karen she has to fall in love with a dress today and it has to come from the heart and not just from this crazy place oh my God I'm a stressed out bride you got a picture of the dress she has on her phone yeah there you go you can slide through have a little look okay oh this is like a closeup on the lace we can do better than that right take a seat um Joe's going to go through the dresses I think that a v-neck would be very flattering so this is a lace with a sleeve with a v-neck and V back when Ken come in you couldn't really tell what shape she was but I could see that below her Bast downwards to her waist is the smallest area and that's what you want to highlight this one gives a lovely shape because it is one that goes in here that's nice I wouldn't have chosen that but you think it works yeah because this is the Trump pler which is the trick of the eye every dress has one so your eye will automatically be drawn to this bit which is the slimmest part of your your body after 5 minutes I just could tell Joe and Allison just had brilliant Vision really so I've just got to put my trust and faith in them and hope they deliver I've got my eyes closed you got your eyes closed yes you step up and then once you're up close your eyes okay you can open your eyes oh n huh do you like it yeah oh no I don't the face isn't selling it to me no no me neither it's how funny it's too makes it too pale then let's not waste any more time in this this no this isn't are you quite confident no why are you not a confident happy bubbly girl I think probably because when James proposed to me yeah I was a lot Slimmer yeah I almost feel like I'm doing him a disservice he's now got to marry the fat version oh please seriously yeah yeah you're beautiful a thank you you are you can open your but looking down so you can step up right right I see open your eyes wow oh wow Karen that is lovely I like the veil actually yeah the veil suits that dress yeah beautiful Karen yeah you look really bridey see speak to us Karen let us know what's going on she doesn't need to look at the phone I no Take My Eyes Off the waist it's me to crazy got stunning fig it's so complimentary isn't it get your check was that a yes this is my dress yeah yes got three yeses got that's it then so now can we come she dressed yeah you can come there you can sleep tonight now now I've got my dress I'm really excited about walking down the aisle I think that Joanna's dad has an opinion he's not afraid to voice his opinion the dress that Joanna's trying on now I think perfect not sure what Dad will think I don't know do we need to give her flowers right put your hand down hold and Link dad's arm link his arm like he was walking your down the aisle okay are you both ready okay open your eyes [Music] well it's sorry I'm going to sit down again do you know what I can't find a fault with that do what just quickly do it that again I can't find a fault with that Dad says the dress is beautiful so hey guess what dad our skills from AIC we know us yeah that high mhm no higher when I open my eyes straight away I just thought that's me it is it's beautiful I really like it Jo I got a question for you is this your dress I think it is yay a congratulations you although it wasn't what I thought I was looking for it kind of found me oh well Joe found it for me I'm going to do an appointment in this go on then I'm going to I'll tell you I used to be a lot bigger than I am now my biggest probably a size 34 36 that 18 stone is what I've lost but because your body becomes a normal size in your mind you never kind of think of your myself as normal size I'm a fat girl up here even though I might not be a fat girl down here one bride who's lost seven Stone in the last 18 months is Molly she gets married in 15 months time and has come to the boutique with her mom and two bridesmaids when I was younger I was a size 32 decided I wasn't happy with myself one day just got up went to the gym started powerlifting um I'm now down to size 2022 the range is completely different here I wasn't expecting it to be so different and then have all these different options here now for Molly to come in here and look on the rails she can pick out any dress that she wants to try on it's almost like you've lifted the lid on a dressing up box I think I prefer this one over that one this one with all this one how we doing Molly so I like that one because of the top one yeah got the big princess one and then we've got the bit of color on the end bit of print I don't think Molly has a clue what she wants when I lost weight I didn't know what sty I was listen I've been wearing two man tents for 40 years you know sometimes it went up to a six-man tent but I think when she puts it on she'll know you've done incredible to lose Seven Stone Molly I have to say I would wear a size 32 you were never a 32 I can't in school I cannot in school did you just say oh my God that must have been so difficult what did you do for school uniform I couldn't wear school uniform so I had to get it specially made yeah it was horrible growing up absolutely V I've been in her shows I was known as the funny one at school the funny fat one maybe but I think at such a young age there's so many pressures and unless you are you know that skinny girl that can wear what you want it's really really difficult are we ready yeah yeah right hold on oh right okay open your eyes oh they've already done it oh w a look at that one I think it looks beautiful I love style I think the style is beautiful I haven't got that feeling where I thought I'd feel your mom never cried is my you as a wedding dress that's fine right let's waste no more time it would be nice to walk away with a dress and I know it's done dusted sorted I haven't got to think about it anymore oh yeah close your eyes sorry stop there right there go a still yeah you don't you don't know you hate it I just wanted to open my eyes and feel wow that's my dress and I didn't I didn't feel it unfortunately oh my God you could be on the cover of Vogue Don't you telling you right okay go wow oh you can we see it without the cape on I just don't know this is a nice one it's given me the shape that I've always wanted no you haven't got the feeling's [Music] no right okay open your eyes oh oh no you like don't know yeah it's not do you know what I'm kind of think you know thinking yeah you've lost lots of weight yeah and your body shape is changing and it takes the brain so much longer to catch up with the body yeah what I think you need to do is now start thinking of yourself as not that size 32 Gil you've got a while you've got over a year and I think using that time to get your brain to adapt to the fact you're not a size 32 anymore is probably the most important aspect of it so that you can think you know what I I can have what I want there advice I got from Jay was undeniable definitely what she said was right that I'm still in my head I'm still size 32 I think it's helped me and I just need to just have a rethink I think we always say that a bride will know when she's got a dress on and she didn't have the feeling that we always talk about so you can't ignore that bride to be Karen's big day has finally arrived she's moments away from wearing the dress she only found four weeks ago I'm getting excited I'm quite tired I haven't slept for a week and but I'm feeling special I'm feeling loved and everyone's turning up and I'm getting excited now about seeing everyone so hopefully it will all come together in the end and but I'm looking forward to getting the dress on now one man who's waited a long time to see Karen in a wedding dress is her fianceé of 15 years James there has been some stressful moments in the household over the dress I have no real real idea what it's going to look like you just have a picture of a wedding dress in your head everyone says she looks wonderful in it so I can't wait to see [Music] her Karen's not the most confident bride we've ever had in and I don't know why she's absolutely standing back she beautiful I'm hoping we're going to walk in there today and you know what she's just overflowing with confidence that would be fabulous that would be lovely that would be really really lovely knock knock where is she there she is welcome to my hello oh look at you in your C when we walked in and she was in that beautiful bright CF T it just made me want to smile and it was just like she was ready yeah she was absolutely she was ready you're going to own this today absolutely you got to believe that do you believe it I'm I'm getting there I've yeah I've had a lot of lovely compliments it's just been a crazy Full House and that's without them seing in the dress right let's do it [Music] yes stunning absolutely stunning oh I'm so excited for you thank you I'm getting there myself are you truthfully finally good eventually a can start me off in a minute as the um bus line look the girls looking mhm the girls looking mighty fine them up a bit Yeah Ken I'm done let me see amazing you are now a bride we'll see you at the church are you ready to get married yes yay we have a bright I've got like waist clinching boob lifting I've got Shimmer and Sparkle and glitter yeah I feel like a princess like a bride when our first turn around I was absolutely Gob smacked it really was wow an absolute beautiful stunning [Music] bride James said I look bleep amazing I had to remind him he was in church and if you'd like to turn towards each other I Karen take you James take you James to be my husband to be my husband Karen I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage as a sign of our marriage I therefore Proclaim that they are husband and [Applause] wife she look absolutely fantastic she's amazing she did look lovely and I was very proud very proud of her I think the dress was a winner I love the color the waist everything about it girls done me proud and you know feel amazing now what a transformation though from the moment we met her till seeing her up the aisle that was lovely yeah it was only a short Journey with us but to be able to be part of it to make a difference absolute privilege every bride dreams of the perfect wedding day but for women with a curvy figure finding the dress can be a nightmare I feel like a a joint of gam I want something that is actually going to support me that's where best friends Joe Cook and Al law come in we deal with plus-sized Brides curvy Brides fat Brides however want to call it look at that booty dressing the most body conscious Brides I'll hold your hands we'll do it together and sending them blissfully down the aisle when you're going to be a bride you deserve to be a princess because you're a big girl doesn't mean you deserve it any [Applause] less this time i' marry you looking like that Joe and Al face the challenge of a 38 Double J ride desperate to hide her assets what you feeling oh I'm just seeing boobs Caroline is so focused on not showing off her bus that she's really not thinking about the bigger picture and they use all their wits to help a teaching assistant with a tiny budget could we create like yes absolutely I will create but with limited options can they find the dress of her dreams there's loads riding on this I'm really really anxious and I can tell by looking at Marth she's anxious too with 3 weeks to her wedding this daughter is in a panic about mom doing up her dress we've tried lowering it we've tried pulling it up higher it just not felt the same can Joe and Al show her the ropes so when you get to this point here you need so this you've pulled right up yeah and avoid a wedding day [Music] disaster there's nothing that a bride can't say to us that we can't relate with or don't understand me and Joe have been there we've walked in their shoes oh my God what are you doing look Alison someone has offered it with me appy shoe I'm sure no one's off it with your show where is it I got two feet I always wear two shoes you talking about this show Cinders is your show put it on happy happy happy yeah now I'm happy happy shoes on just in time to welcome bride to be Mar hi Mar come through lady hi thank you how are you fine thank you my name is Mara I work as a teacher assistant in a special educational needs School Mar is marrying Juan Lise in 9 months time and has a starting budget of £500 to spend on a dress hopefully I'm going to be able to find something that I love within my budget in an Ideal World Mar what would be your perfect dress so it would be not a strapless dress cuz I would like my arms to be covered a little bit right okie dokie I always say that when I wave like I stop waving but my arm keeps waving so yeah I just think they're too fat and I don't really like them it's really really common for ladies to hate their arms we just do they wobble they don't look nice so Mar your budget so my budget would be something between £500 and 700 right our dresses start at around the 5600 Mark and they go up to about 2,000 22 Mar's budget is at the lower end of that so our options are limited step into my office okay take seat ladies thank you Mar's First dress is a dress that we can customize In A Million Ways it's on budget let's hope that we can find a way that she likes I said just step forward step forward step forward are we ready people open your eyes oh my God [Music] water okay it does not look like you're trying to cover up your arms that's the beauty of one of these okay so the cape looked lovely but Mar wasn't convinced but there's 101 ways to cover an arm a veil now that's a bride thank you cap sleeve could we create like yes absolutely I will create I will listen this genius needs a little time to warm up wider sleeves a halter neck to divert the arm we did them all this is pretty too not enough coverage for you yeah it was a nice dress but it's just it didn't really do it for me it wasn't I didn't feel it I didn't feel that like that was the dress we got one more dress that we can try we can add sleeves to it and it's within Mar's budget but if she doesn't like it I'm not sure what we can [Music] do Karen is a size 22 and marrying John in 3 weeks time it's the second time around for both um myself and my fiance John he's going to be really shocked by my dress cuz he's definitely not going to expect that that's what I'm going to be turning up in on the day at all so I think it's going to be good to see his reaction he'll be really surprised especially for such a long time you didn't even tell him you had to dress the the outfit the outfit that's that's what it was mom Anne is official dresser on the big day unfortunately my attempt at home wasn't very good and she didn't feel very comfortable about it hi hello hello how are you hello oh I'm a little bit surprised who's this what you bought your priz M with you she's our necklace necklace holder 9 months since Karen bought her dress she took it home with her um now obviously she's come back for the final fitting after realizing mom can't get her in the dress it just not felt the same we've tried lowering it we've tried pulling it up higher we've tried doing the laces tighter we've tried doing the laces not so tight I think moms kind of take it for granted actually that oh it's an easy job I've had a bit of a dress wobble because of this being at home that it hasn't felt the same maybe I made a mistake and it's not the right dress Karen's worried about the dress because she's had to overcome a particular insecurity to wear it for me it's kind of arms that was the one thing that I thought I would never wear a strapless dress but I do have a strapless dress problem is whoever puts you in the dress and if you go walking off down the aisle and suddenly oh no you don't want to fill you've got to fill no pressure or anything mom no actual lacing up of the corset there is a bit of an art to it cuz we all say it's the trba toothpaste effect if you squeeze it in the middle it's got to go up or down Down's okay up not good you don't know whether to step into it or put it over your head you you don't know how tight to lace it or should it be laced tighter or or not so tight just move that around a little bit mom appears to be a bit of a panickar Anica so I think a little lesson from Allison is in order so when you get to this point here you need to so this you've pulled right up yes cuz I think that's where I've gone wrong I wasn't quite sure how far to pull it up because there's no line you know you don't nobody draws you a little line on it or anything and it's at this this moment then I start to tighten so I draw it together do you want to have a little go of that okay I think she needs to pull a little bit tighter on the C it I think at the moment she's afraid she might break it oh gosh as easy as that then that does up Bob's your uncle Fanny's your arm that looks stunning we have a bra we have a bride right you ready to say yourself I'm ready yes I'm really nervous wait waiting to see what my Jess looks like I had butterflies open your eyes oh Karen it looks amazing better than when we tried it way at home does it's definitely my dress it I look a million dollars it's like the best I can look Karen looks so happy in her dress can her mom do it on the day I'm not so sure seeing how worried mom looked about doing Karen's dress I think Allison and myself both had the same thought at the same time you know if you are a little bit stressed out we can come and help on the day I think that would be amazing to have a professional be able to help that is that's just perfect done deal we'll see you in 3 weeks then we will [Music] yeso we've had our work cut out for us today just because Mark's got a tight budget so this dress was a bit of a wild card that I pulled out although the dress doesn't have a sleeve you could add a very delicate sleeve to the Dress okay are we ready ladies yes okay open your eyes I don't know what do you think m her face said everything she didn't like it I couldn't really be myself cuz I couldn't really move inside the dress so it didn't quite do it for me either Mar's tried on a couple of dresses I'm at the point where I'm not sure she's going to buy today might just need to borrow you for a second Joe please we do have a dress that's slightly over budget and has got no sleeves but in the right dress the eye isn't drawn to the arms and we want to show mar that that's better there's loads riding on this I'm really really anxious and I can tell by looking at Marth she's anxious too are they girls got their eyes closed girls got your eyes closed yeah open your eyes oh my gosh this is very nice that is just beautiful it looks so pretty I loved all the detail love the card oh my don't cry you're going to leave me cry stop [Music] it oh thank you so much oh God don't cry it's just a perfect dress and guess what bang on patet we've bought the dressing to budget for her it was slightly out she got lovely job she works with blind children that that you know does sound to me makes me a bit generous you know what I'm thinking though Joe What's Happening Now Mar did on her arms covered no and actually she quite likes them not covered yes my only condition was like I need to have my arms covers and then here I am getting a dress that actually exposes my arms I have a wedding dress [Music] yay still to come Karen's tying the knot I'm ready to get in that dress let's do this but can Mom tie the corset listen you're all right no you're doing fine don't worry and Joe and Al have to help a seven time bridesmaid find the confidence to be a bride you're beautiful you know you're getting married and you deserve to have a beautiful dress next lady is Caroline size I've got for her is a 20 okay the real issue is the boobs they're 38 Double J that's not an issue for us that might be an issue for her bride to be Caroline is searching for a dress that will flatter her curves I am quite self-conscious of my boobs so it's really important for me not to feel like they're on display on my Rend day size 20 Caroline is getting hitch to Simon in 12 months time we met just over a year ago and I I never thought I'd get married she's been a bridesmaid seven times and she never thought she would be a bride so that is partly why the dress is so important to it I'm nervous I'm really nervous are you yeah I've never been wedding dress shopping and I am quite petrified of the idea I haven't tried on any dresses at all yet I am conscious of my size um my boobs you don't want them on display obviously Sor we're going to be dictated to on the size yeah by the girls yeah so oh these I thought you meant them no them those girls this I is it Caroline doesn't like shopping but she will shop online she will spend hours and hours online I would just say be a little bit openminded and I can see that you're absolutely terrified I don't shop in like I just yeah one of the reasons I don't go in shopping with my friends or or for clothes shopping is it just depresses me I just can't buy fashion I can't pick up things I can't go with my friends who are size 12 and try on the same clothes these things that come under the boobs don't they make your boobs look bigger I'm feeling quite apprehensive and and nervous one of the reasons is not finding a dress that fits me um and also not finding a dress that I feel comfortable in that I think suits me and that's my worst fear cuz yeah I wouldn't want to get married in something that didn't look right so is this literally the first wedding dress you've had on yeah how does it feel it feels um bit surreal yeah I think I don't know what I'm going to look like come but you got to close your eyes as well and I shall take it on the hand and lead you right okay now you can [Music] open you're not a smiley happy Caroline she's what's tell me what's going on what you're feeling just seeing boobs I just didn't feel very confident I didn't like the look of it I didn't like the feel of it and just felt really uncomfortable Caroline is so focused on not showing off her bust that she's really not thinking about the bigger picture and how beautiful she's going to look in the right dress I kept thinking to himself oh that's beautiful but that's not quite you you're beautiful you know you'll getting married and you deserve to have a beautiful dress I like this yeah is that okay is that enough boob not too much well let's go another B yeah me and Alison we've both got married and not had good experiences buying the dresses and not getting that feeling and you know what it's a feeling that everyone deserves I'm like okay you can open your eyes all of [Music] you I like the way it fits and hugs what do you two think I think the caret it really works it pulls in your waist it's given you a shap the second dress I felt a little bit more confident in the fact that it's okay and I can wear a wedding dress and I just need to find my right one and I start to feel more confident certain dresses have detail on them that takes the eye where it wants to go so what we need is where it's averted from the chest to a different area so not looking in the mirror until we see yeah because I need to do okay open my eyes y y [Laughter] m oh my goodness this is I think it's amazing I look better than what I thought I would ever look you do look lovely you look gorgeous maybe it's a little bit more sophisticated than the other one and I don't go straight to the boobs I go I go sort right here and I just it was almost like I take the whole dress in i' marri you looking like like that when I came out in that I felt very sexy I felt like oh this is completely different I really liked my figure in it I couldn't believe that I could pull off a dress like that I was really shocked so is this your dress yes say getting in this dress it covers her bust it makes her waist look amazing so hopefully that will give her the confidence to walk down the aisle and rock it I started to feel like I'm not that big I'm not that fat I can wear these things I can be a [Music] bride in Canterbury it's the day of Karen and John's wedding he absolutely knows nothing about my dress for 6 months he thought it was an outfit and he was convinced I was going to be wearing a trouser to see I'm really excited they see yeah I know it doesn't sort of show on the inside I'm sort of screaming yeah no Cara's not told me a damn thing about the dress I know nothing of it I know what color it is just based on the theme that we have going here well I think it's purple honestly you look lovely you look really lovely I bet you can't wait there to get your dress on 3 weeks ago Karen and her mom Anne were panicking about lacing up her dress they had a little practice run uh before coming to see us and it didn't go too well so momm is very very nervous I think that Mom is up for doing the coet app um she I think we've got to let her give it a go because it is one of those important mother and daughter moments are you ready I'm ready to get in that dress let's do this lovely yes but before they can lace her up Joe spots a problem to be honest it could do with a little steam or a steam iron it's creas it's creased and it needs ironing obviously it's much safer to steam because you never burn a hole in a dress with a steamer I mean it was a scary moment cuz Joe was like we just iron the creases out and I was like iron the creases out every time I touch an iron and steam iron all I end up with is like water marks all over it and stuff and I was thinking oh my God I'm just live the I've just lived with the creases obviously we wouldn't advise Brides to do this but as we are professionals what not to do on your wedding day get ironed in your dress the wedding is due to start in 5 minutes just long enough for Mom to lace up the dress I don't know if Mom was nervous she was talking a lot I'm sorry I'm making you no than listen you're all right no you're doing fine don't worry she was under quite a bit of pressure because we were r a little bit late so to get Karen down to the registar it was a bit of a rush so although you've laced Karen into her dress do you want me to tighten oh if you if you would it was just something that we felt was quite important for that was so thoughtful because honestly it's it's just a little thing you're going to [Music] remember that looks so lovely it really does look gorgeous so it's been a really really special moment you look fabulous Karen absolutely [Music] fabulous oh darling Oh do take three do you take the John George Williamson John George Williamson to be my lawful worded husband to be my love forwarded husband you are now married would you like to kiss your bride yes [Applause] [Music] please as soon as she got there that was it I was just I was like putty in her hands I just look melted it is the reaction I was going for and that's the thing I was so emotional because then I knew that my job was done I had the perfect outcome it was the exactly reaction I wanted I was very nervous about putting the dress on and it was so lovely to have that professional help there I'll remember it always it was a lovely moment she looked amazing in her dress she just glowed yeah she didn't even look in the mirror no she didn't she never looked in the mirror before she left the room so she obviously felt really confident [Music] yeah [Music] w
Channel: TLC Australia
Views: 159,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc australia, tlc, dr pimple popper, tlc australia youtube, tlc youtube, watch tlc, curvy brides' boutique, curvy brides boutique full episodes, jo and al curvy brides boutique, curvy brides boutique uk, curvy brides boutique, curvy brides boutique full episodes season 1, full episodes, jo cooke, alison law, Wedding Dress shopping, plus size dress shoppng, plus size wedding dresses, curvy brides boutique full episode, jo and al curvy brides boutique full episodes
Id: 97djTPb82IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 57sec (13557 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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