Literally EVERYTHING You Missed On 1000-lb Sisters Series 1!

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we going race bottom of you're M bre I'm Amy and I'm py and we're the SL sisters you're supposed to do a whoop shout [Music] up it's always been me and Tammy me and Tammy me and Tammy we always knew that we only have each other we grew up very poor we grew up with fast food mostly but like if we didn't have fast food the church would give us food there was five kids so our mom worked three jobs we didn't really get much love and affection growing up it was actually quite the opposite we got told we were stupid we were lazy ugly fat who all was saying this to you I our mother our sisters brothers our grandma on the other hand she was basically our mom my grandma was so important to me she made me feel like I was no different from anybody else squish oh God my husband Michael he means the world to me and Michael's really supportive of me helping Tammy which one of you think is going to taste the best the ones I cooked really yep I'm do me like that yep every day I look at Tammy and I'm like if I don't change now I could possibly be her size Maybe by this time next year I've been overweight all my life kids in school are very mean they would push me call me names by 20 years old I weighed about 500 lb it's comforting to eat because I know food is not going to I was going to say harm me but it is I have no idea how much I weigh right now the SI as I am now I need help to do pretty much everything cooking cleaning baiting I can't stand in a shower so I have to sit on the commode Amy has to help me wash off Amy I feel like I'm a burden to her [Music] please I haven't been out of the house in about 6 years except to go to the hospital I'm afraid I might fall or have a heart attack I do dream of getting back my Independence I have to do something drastic cuz if I don't then I'm not going to be around much longer I can just feel my body giving [Music] [Applause] [Music] out girl I'm about tired of being fat we need to come up with some way to lose all this weight I almost got choked we've been on countless diets before we tried walking we tried pills we've tried sex the only thing we haven't tried was [Music] surgery what we going to do girl is he a [Music] specialist me and Tammy made a decision and it's a pretty big one we've been contemplating this for a while me and her decided that we're going to go ahead and get gastric bypass surgery I'm hoping if I lose this weight my dreams will come true and I'll have a baby at least one okay one more you really think you should have that I'll start the diet tomorrow it's really good possible if she don't get this surgery that she won't make it a [Music] year [Music] what you got man I do some DAV D Tammy never goes out so I thought I'd get her some equipment to work out at home the main reason is to get healthy of course and hopefully she'll get off that Walker one day I got you shequ cool how don't open and then I got you the Thigh Master that ain't going between my thighs yeah it is it's going or you can do your arm you chicken wine you we good that chicken wine and then I got you this pogo stick pogo stick wait the pogo's broken there's no Pogo in that hey where go go it broke broke come on chop chop man that arm's going to be really tall you got to shake it dude you sh it let you know it I don't know it it works wait it worked thought H you working yes but it looks NY here hold it like you know it hold it f got it you got you got a dirt my ey you're going to make me pee don't pee on my couch the shake we was very interesting did you see this way girl you nasty stop so with the thigh cruncher you put it right here and you go I'm grab a little I'm shorter you hit me with the you go like this you [Music] really come on come on wiow come on today we're having lunch with our mom to tell her that we're having weight loss surgery I know this is a big deal for Tammy because she hasn't been out of the house in 6 years for six years I've only left the house for medical reasons my biggest worry is that I might possibly like have a heart attack moving around more is a lot of stress on my heart I'm raising the seat up does it fold in that's what I'm trying to figure out in order to get her out of the house we're going to have to set her in the floor of the minivan because she can't F into a regular [Music] seat lay this down oh it can be dangerous having Tammy on the floor and all because we haven't figured out the seat belt situation but this is better than nothing when was the last time you went in an actual car seven or eight years ago are you scared yeah cuz I don't know how much pain I'm going to be in I don't know if there's a possibility I could fall or hurt myself or whatever the world is passing you by we need to go and join it I'm ready let's do it you stay here this is kind of a test to see if we can get Tammy out of the house get her moving get her back to the house safely without any incidents [Music] you did really good Tammy I'm proud of you yeah the hard part over was you just have to get in the van now okay I so you're almost in sh the doors good [Music] job I haven't eaten in a restaurant and in 6 or seven years but we're meeting with our mom today because I want to prove to her that things are about to change and this was the first [Music] step here I'll get this one thank you the first thing that I noticed when I walked into the restaurant where people are starting to look at me it feels like that eyes are sharing into your soul and judging you and just wondering why you're so big or why you're there maybe even how much you're going to eat I know when we came in in Tammy was having a hard time but it would have been nice for our mom to say are you okay do you need anything but really she was just sitting there being non Shalon about the whole ordeal growing up we didn't get very much attention didn't get very many hugs I'm not saying our mom didn't care I'm just saying she didn't know how to show it I'm thinking that her family didn't know how to show it you know you know it's been six years since you've been out of the house how's it feel being out really different because I'm not used to I guess the exercise walking and everything being out of breath cuz you know right there at the house it's just like 2 or 3 feet and nobody's there really to judge me out of the house is like everybody's looking at you judging you afraid somebody's going to start staring at me and start laughing I don't want to do it anymore I'm ready to change we're doing the bariatric surgery I don't think you make it I think you'll chicken out I got to do something like every diet I've been on a't working it's cuz you ain't got the willpower you got to have the willpower to to go for it like I have motivation right now if I don't make a change I'm not going to be around that much longer yeah cuz it runs in your family you've got a cousin that died with a massive heart attack at 33 my family has a lot of medical problems blood clots high blood pressure fat I need to take care of my own health before I end up like them and I know this is like the last chance I have if I don't do it now then I'm never going to do it yeah Tammy gives up a lot if she sees that she's doesn't think she's going to make it then she just gives up she don't take that after me I'm a fighter I've raised five kids so that's kind of her fault it's going to be hard yeah I'm not going to say it's not going to be hard days that you want to get a snack you can't but you can't whatever I got to do to get rid of the way they've always told me they wanted to lose weight but I've heard it so much that I guess I'm like you got to show me you're going to do it the jalapeno burger dress with breaded mushrooms double cheeseburger plain with corn nuggets here in my mom say that she didn't think we could go through with a surgery it's kind of heartbreaking not that she's not on our side but that makes me want to push harder to lose weight is this healthy no but a show is good since we decided to have the surgery we're going to have to eat better and quit eating a lot we got to learn some good recipes byebye sloa Jo I didn't know Joe was [Music] sloppy every time because of my weight I don't have cartilage in between my bones and my knee they pop out of place and they grind when I'm walking you need more milk that's osteoporosis do it I'm nervous about this 8 hour trip because me and Tammy tend to fight when we get in closed locations I'm hoping everybody makes it to a land alive but I can't make no [Music] promises you think you can make it to Atlanta I'm going TR on our way there you'll have time to stop in between stops like you can sit down and take a break are you crazy I'll be sitting the whole time but I'm sure you had to stop and use the bathroom no I'm going to go on the floor oh that would surprise me shut up how often do I do that I thought about getting diapers for Tammy I'm not really sure if they make any big enough I'm not sure if they make anything big enough for me or Michael tonight we just decid to eat some Country Buffet we're going to have one last [Music] supper get with you can't take you anywhere we going to start packing for atanta I'm excited it's like our second honeymoon we getting our own hotel room I don't want to hear the grill I want to be Three Doors Down you might still hear it oh great great twerk twerk twerk twerk you twerk I only do that when I play my little din store do the c patch never again last time I weigh myself it was at home on a scale and it said I was 350 but I think my scale at home was broken and I've been afraid to buy a new one this is the moment I've been [Music] dreading [Music] 406 seeing that number on the scale just made my heart drop this is the most I've ever wait in my head I see more zeros than it really really [Music] was makes me feel like I don't know just kind of like I know your frustration I'm going to put on weight too dude you know what I've been eating the mozzarella sticks to hanging out feel that belly is Ste that's your kid no it's a it's a barrel [Music] [Music] 605 this size I am right now didn't happen overnight it's my fault and I'm the [Music] S this what a [Music] part iy Elizabeth was me that was Weir nasty generally speaking the work that I do is connecting people to younger aspects of themselves what would you like to accomplish today to not eat too much to not eat as much meet Becky and she immediately started playing with this glass bow made a bowl thing kind of cool I'm wondering um when the pattern of over eating began how long have you been overeating all my life all your life yeah you're getting sleepy I Want You Close Your Eyes for me Tammy and take a nice deep breath you're doing a really good job I didn't fall completely asleep I don't think I wish she didn't make me cluck like a chicken so I see you're both sipping on something what are you drinking I'm drinking DED soda about how many soft drinks are you guys drinking in a day I can't k [Music] it's a lot what would you say is a lot six cans a day more than that probably 10 12 you drink a lot okay at least I'm honest no no I want you to be honest but those D sodas are going to make you gain weight see we were told the opposite growing up we were told if you eat something sweet and drink a diet soda it'll equal it out well that hasn't worked out has it yeah that's true we were told the diet soda will cancel out the sugar that's some they lied to us right now surgery is the only option for both of us we will make it sounds good ladies I look forward to seeing you down here road trip slay style come on me and my sister Tammy we are going to Atlanta for a couple of days I'm nervous about this 8 hour trip because me and Tammy tend to fight when we get in closed locations on our way there you'll have time to stop in between stops like you can sit down and take a break are you crazy I'll be sitting the whole time but I'm sure you have to stop and use the bathroom no I'm going to go on the floor oh that would surpris me shut up how often do I do that I thought about getting diapers for Tammy I'm not really sure if they make any big enough I'm not sure if they make anything big enough for me or Michael are you excited to go a bless I know we haven't been out of the Kentucky me and Tammy run a YouTube channel together do challenges or games makeup some cooking you can see it jiggly so it's perfectly [Music] cooked so we're making a YouTube video because we want to do a meet and greet I'm hoping at least 100 to 200 show up but I know a lot of my fans live overseas and I'm okay if they don't show up hey y'all it's it's Amy and Tammy and tomorrow we're going to geia so we're packing up getting things ready to leave this weekend we're going to be doing a meet and greet we'll be signing autographs giving out hugs signing anything y'all want like a book bag or something Mike will even be there yeah Micha will be there if you ever wanted to meet those L sisters now's your chance SL and sister hit in the road I'm hoping that a lot of people show up because we're going to need that support on this weight loss Journey bye YouTu subscribe before you go give me kiss bye love you dude you got those head shots yeah okay today's the day of the meet and greet with all our subscribers on social media so [Music] sad you a got to hit [Music] me it's a party up in here there's going to be lines around the [Music] block we set up the meeting at 3:00 but no one's here yet what if this is it like nobody showed up [Music] is there a line out [Music] there I'm hoping a lot of people show up to the meet and great we need their support because I don't have any friends in real life just don't want I don't think anybody's coming hey how are you guys how I made you guys presents Tammy I made you a sock monkey picture and then Mich when you still left out so I made you guys this together oh thank you so much welcome I feel so relieved to actually see somebody that cared about us enough to come how you guys liked your stay in Georgia pretty good y Drive y'all drive crazy around here yeah I know I was thinking the same thing on my way over here I was like maybe I'll just move to Kentucky with them uh we've been fans of the slate and sisters for probably about a year and a half now OMG this is like a dream come true thank you I like how funny they are like they're very I like their sense of humor bottom of the [Music] you're this thank you guys so much thank you for coming meeting them in person was more than we expected it to be we were so excited to meet them so we're going away happy campers our first two go sister meeting a fan in person was like meeting a friend that you never knew you had I like your makeup tutorial videos cuz I don't know how to do makeup so I don't either today I did this makeup look inspired by these beautiful nails it's very weird meeting people that know you from online it's weird because they know so much about you but you don't know anything about them man we met this one Super Fan her name was Kathy and she was awesome she was like family from another family I love your cooking videos love love Lov them the Chubby Bunny Challenge that one had me rolling Chubby Bunny I believe it's been a bit over 4 years that I've been watching them and when I watched the first video I was hooked and I've been here ever since well what's your son's name Fuller nice to meet you have you seen our videos before uh no I well no I have seen it my mom showed me I haven't um I'm I'm really more that's too girly for me he seriously it's Mother's Day and I told my family this is what I wanted to do for Mother's Day and anyone who wanted to come with me was welcome to come but this is where I was going to be thank you so much we're like the rocket that's right as much as I love the Slayton sisters I do worry about their weight constantly I'm so afraid that something's going to happen to one of them I really hope that they can find help and get their weight under control when you guys announce you for coming here I couldn't contain myself I have been so excited for days feeling the love from one fan like that made us all with wild I know right oh love it bye bye coming from a home that don't really show emotion to hear oh we love you we're your number one fan that's just really encouraging to us tomorrow we going to meet Dr Proctor I dream of having a normal life and getting back my Independence but I'm scared that Dr praon might say I'm too big and then just walk away then I've done all this for [Music] nothing all right we got to go okay bye I don't like to leave Tammy for a long period of time by herself cuz I feel if I'm not there she she cooked for and nobody's there to call the ambulance so we decided to put a baby monit in there so I can make sure she's okay and have peace of mind myself I think Timmy thinks it's a little creepy for me to watch her over the baby monor but honestly I know she's safe she all right yeah she's [Music] asleep right now we're going to meet with Dr Proctor for the first time and Lord I'm nervous being here it's just surreal like it means it's actually happening we're actually doing this I'm so nervous Hi how are you are you good you guys ready to come back yes ma'am all right you notice we do that a lot right we always F each other sandwiches or sandwich s s I'm very prepared to hear all the negative things that Dr practor might say but if Dr practor turns me down I don't know what I'm going to do [Music] next all right ladies ready to weigh who wants to go first want me to go first choose off for your choice okay when I was at the junkyard the scale said I weigh 406 I'm hoping this time I weigh less [Music] all right that's 400.2 I've always been the skinny sister so seeing that 400 lb I don't know what went wrong all [Music] right last time I weighed myself on a junkyard scale I weighed 605 but honestly I don't think that scale was [Music] right [Music] 68.2 I guess the junkyard scale was right plus I gained 3 [Music] lb hello hey how are you guys doing good how are you Tammy and Amy right sir hey I'm Dr Proctor ni you got right on the first time yeah Dr Proctor walked in my first impr of him was he had cold hands so tell me about your life nowadays you guys work I'm a social media social media influencers so you do a lot of Social Media stuff so you're you're at home a lot yeah oh yeah you get out of the house much no I have no cartilage in my right knee it feels like bones are grounding okay what kind of other medical issues do you have I have a back off water high blood pressure thyroid problems gout okay whole bucket list am about about you what kind of medical issues do you have I got asthma I got uh thyroid I got diabetes I want to have a baby and I think my weight is affected me not to have a baby so that's your motivation is you want to have a baby I just want to be healthy and not like her tell you truth I ain't going to lie to you what's wrong with me your fatness you ain't a priz there's a little bit of tension that was raised when the sisters began arguing about which one of them was the most unhealthy which is kind of an unusual argument to have the reality is they're both really unhealthy and they both really need to have weight loss surgery um we just listed off a whole list of medical problems both of you and most of those medical problems are caused by by being overweight and I don't think I have to tell you that if you guys don't lose the weight and a lot of weight you're not going to live very long we've got a long way to go with both of you guys I'm going to do everything I possibly can to make you guys healthier but I need some buyin from you guys I need to understand that you guys are all in and you're going to make the same kind of commitment okay so I'm going to see some weight loss from both of you by the time you come back Amy I need to see you lose 25 lb before I can approve your surgery Tammy your weight right now is at 608 I want to see you around 550 all right that's a tall order I gave Tammy a much higher weight loss goal because Tammy weighs about twice what Amy does at her weight she should be able to drop weight fairly quickly but if she's not really committed to this lifestyle change she's going to be a really risky candidate for surgery so before you go back to Kentucky I want you to meet with a dietitian both of you going to have to completely change what and how you've been eating I've been trying to get Hur to start eating the L or something in the mornings well me as we get home we're going to buy groceries shut up that's home I mean since I've been living with you going through this with a family member can always be a double-edged sword I'm a little nervous right now given their interaction they had in the office today but my hope is they're going to work things out and they're going to find a way to support each other going forward you can exercise the best thing for you guys if you have access to a pool is to go swimming because that's going to get that extra weight off your knees and your hips and your back and so forth that's probably the best thing for you I want you back here in a month to check on your progress we're ready to lose this weight I know we joke around too much but we're really look serious I want you to know that all right bye guys bye 60 lb is a lot of weight to lose but at least he didn't slam the door in my face and turn me away Dr Proctor told us you have to lose some weight before he can approve us I'm going to do everything in my power to do what he suggest I'm worried if I don't get the surgery there's a good possibility I'll never become a mother oh my life I've been bullied well she has too I got sent this a couple of days ago at first yes I cried and was like sad and depressed about it but now I'm like I'm going continue working harder to lose weight and continue getting better what would you like to say to the haters I'm going to take this fabric here and put it appear somehow for like a backdrop we don't really have any friends so about 6 years ago we decided to start making YouTube videos just to meet new people oh now life all this ugly will be gone away I'm just telling ju you ready yeah okay today we are going to tell the fans that we're going to have weight loss surgery hey y'all it's Amy and Tammy today we're just going to let y'all know something that we have been discussing highly so we decided to have weight loss surgery because I've been ill and I'm sick of being sick and I'm just sick of being fat and I don't want to end up like her I don't want honest I'm skinny than that don't mean nothing we may lose subscribers because I think there are a few that likes us to eat fattening food but most of them are support so hopefully they can help encourage us since we have each other I think we're going to succeed we're ready it only took 31 years but we're ready 32 three for you I want some H can you give me some H and pasta what kind of pasta the penny noodle pasta or little tly pasta when I'm out in public I feel so insecure I feel like everybody's watching me everybody's judging me pointing at me laughing at me they made me feel like I'm a freak [Music] Show I feel like everybody's watching me I'm not comfortable at all me too there like a lot of people in [Music] here me you really don't understand how I feel because you're not my size and you've never been my size being my size you still get looked at too not as much as you are me yeah but you act like sometimes that I don't know what you're going through but you don't cuz you're not me you don't but I'm having the same problem [Music] not really Amy just don't understand that I would love to be her size seriously she has no idea all right ladies ready to weigh who wants to go first you want me to go for choose off or your choice okay when I was at the junkyard the scale said I weigh 406 I'm hoping this time I weigh less [Music] all right that's 400.2 I've always been the skinny sister so seeing that 400 lb I don't know what went wrong all [Music] right last time I weighed myself on a junkyard scale I weighed 605 but honestly I don't think that scale was [Music] right [Music] 68.2 I guess the junkyard scale was right plus I gained 3 [Music] lbs hello hey how are you guys doing good how are you Tammy and Amy right sir hey I'm Dr Proctor you got right on the first half yeah Dr Proctor walked in my first impr of him was he had cold hands so tell me about your life nowadays you guys work I'm a social media social media influencers so you do a lot of Social Media stuff so you're you're at home a lot yeah oh yeah do you get out of the house much no I have no cartilage in my right knee it feels like bones are grinding okay what kind of other medical issues do you have I have a back o bladder high blood pressure thyroid problems gout okay a whole bucket list am me what about you what kind of medical issues do you have I got asthma I got uh thyroid I got diabetes I want to have a baby and I think my weight is affected me not to have a baby so that's your motivation is you want to have a baby you want I just want to be healthy not like her tell you truth I ain't going to lie to you what's wrong with me at your fatness generally speaking the work that I do is connecting people to younger aspects of themselves what would you like to accomplish today to not eat as much to not eat as much meet Becky and she immediately started playing with this glass bow made the ball thing kind of cool I'm wondering um when the pattern of overeating began how long have you been overeating all my life all your life yeah you're getting sleepy I didn't fall completely asleep I don't think hope she didn't make me cck like a chicken and as you imagine walking toward that lighter future self Tammy shrinking all the way down to the optimal size and weight for you Tammy three you're coming back further and four coming back further and five open your eyes welcome back ultimately I don't know if hpns will work or not but I feel like I'm on the Rock path you are free lighter and lighter brighter and brighter lighter I wish I had a mirror to hold in front of you so you could look in it cuz you do look lighter you're so much more Smiley because I'm not able to stand very long Dr Proctor suggested we go to a pool I'm excited to get in the pool because it's been 10 years since I've been in the actual pool can you guys swim are you a good swimmer am I'm a good Sinker oh I don't open so we go to the hotel pool and the stairs there's no way I can do that Michael can you roll me over there I lose balance when I put weight on my knees so I don't think I would have made it we're going to get in the pool you going to be all right yeah all right once again Amy and Mike are off doing our own thing and I'm stuck just sitting here feel like a bur in a baby oh look at me going you didn't me think he spped on his ball what you think you look like a whale call me Shambo baby I'm trying to get out more trying to be more active there's still going to be some hiccups in the road but finally I'm starting to take over my L again all right yeah but it sucks being stuck oh she can join us it kind of hurt me cuz I couldn't console her like Telly thinks I don't understand but I do but it was only a couple steps leading to the pool and she looked at him and said I can't do it without even trying as I kept swimming and stuff my back stopped hurting as much by the end of the session my back was pretty much normal I know that this was great exercise for me hopefully when we get back home we can find a pool that Tammy can actually swim with us in this will be really great for both of us to lose weight 6 months from now I hope then I'm I'm making into a pool what happens if you don't they W happen I will oh we're here today Michael's dropping me at the gym on the way to work and man is it [Music] early I'm kind of scared because this is the first time in my entire life I've walked into a gym hello hi Amy I'm Tanner it's nice to meet you I wanted Amy to go to the gym with me but she was like I can't do it we're going to start off just a really small warm up we're going to get on the bikee get a little cardio in a little warm up for our legs I'm going to help you get on here it's a little difficult I'm really really nervous I'm mostly worried about my back and feet hurting but it's time to sweat let's go P fast P fast there you go as hard as you can go there you go try to hit it a little faster [Music] okay we work with a lot of age right changes a lot of different physical fitness shapes but I haven't really worked with people Amy size try to speed it up just a little bit okay okay I feel in the booty 3 2 one all right great job good warm up now we're going to start the workout I thought that was a workout I gu sit down a second okay let's sit right here can yep [Music] are you ready give me one more minute okay okay I'm doing better than I thought I would yeah you're doing great so far you're doing [Music] great I wasn't able to get to a gym but some of the things things I have been doing right is giving up a lot of foods that I rather be eating and I'm trying to be more active for me clean the house is exercise because it's me actually moving yes I'm sitting down in a chair but it's more movement that I've done in a long [Applause] time what game a dancing game since Tammy can't get out to go to the gym like I can asked Michael to download us to dancing video game I thought it would be a neat way to move around a little bit more come on t t who I don't know that person shut do it just do it do it bit I will punch you in the butt talks that might hurt yeah this is worldwide exclusive here we go you day we walk on night and we ain't stopping till the morning I can't do this I'm having fun dancing and stuff and I see Tammy's already sitting down I feel like I'm trying to help Tammy but I can't do it for her that just I'm not drink I just at you you to mey get make it have a little fun a no it up up when I watch a dance it blw my mind W it [Music] it where [Music] home oh my butt those nice trip in Atlanta but I'm glad to be home on the ride home we didn't have have fast food so far right now I'm doing good and our mission is to lose weight so we can go back to see Dr Proctor in one month let's do this Dr proor said the way L begins in the kitchen we got a lot of work to do yep all of our food's going to the trash what are you you doing I'm throwing stuff away why in your mouth The dietitian wants us to throw out all the junk food and all the stuff we can't eat put drinking Sodis eating cookies it's like an omage to being healthy what about sloppy Joe it's sweet I mean it's 13 Gams of sugar exactly but we put it in turkey burger might still sweet all right you're like dang it food is a comfort it's like your friend so when you're on a diet it's like losing your best friend you mean I'm not your best friend not anymore cupcakes it's sweet oh yeah Tammy I seen you take that damn cupcake ketchup more peanut butter apples sace butter there ain't much in here left what about big daddy that has to go it's not ground turkey oh shoot byebye big daddy [Music] oh our poor little refrigerator looks better what about the soda honestly this is Michael's it's going to be extremely hard not to reach for one exactly you eat or drink anything else yes I do quit [Music] line I'm going to leave it in here for him and he needs to start drinking more water too so maybe he'll drink water here and take these to work any won't get rid of my sodas that bothers me because I live with them so that means I'm want to be around it too and I know they're not just for Michael it's just a cover up because she inside wants it to I need to make a grocery list of all healthy foods well salad we know that yeah light ranch dressing ground turkey burger I'm just worried I'm going to be hungry or well I ain't going to lie to you uh I mean there are days that you're going to be hungry I mean like until your body get used to eating it you're going to be hungry you have to promise me that you won't cheat on this diet behind my back and you can't be telling me to go get you some cake and ice cream all the damn time why you got to cuss oh I'm going to throw my back out give me a hernia oh my D try one more time I'm stronger than ever girl [Music] Mich look at my strong Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules I'm [Music] hungry so now that we threw away all our food all the pressure is on me I have to make all the choices I have to buy all the food Tammy can't get out of the house so I'm worried I'm going to make a couple mistakes most likely can't have that stuff I'm not even going to be tempted I think the sweets and call them my name ABY AB ABY me I got to be honest I never bought really healthy food in the past but this time I'm going to buy some tomato onion avocados cucumbers lettuces I'm get a h of [Music] lettuce I think that's cabbage probably that's the lettuce on this diet you're supposed to drink protein shakes twice a day and in the past I never went down the health food aisle so I thought it would be kind of hard to find protein shakes but here they are in our grocery store there you are most of the time when I go to the grocery store I'm kind of embarrassed about what I usually get find everything okay yes ma'am but this time I think I'm doing right I hope they look in my [Music] cart he y'all it's Amy and today we are trying these protein drinks the doctor said this is a good way to lose weight a lot of protein a lot of protein let's carps first up is Peaches and [Music] Cream like it was a rotten Peach here's the Caron [Music] one don't to look so that's nasty what going to race we going you drink that when I drink mine all right ready bottle of [Music] you're mess you B what I spit it came out so I went to go take a big old drink and she made me laugh so she loses by default tell me you're disqualified what I [Laughter] am I you got any eyebrow we got to drink two of these Nast day now that we're home from Atlanta I'm more determined to lose weight Dr parur suggested did Amy and I go swimming with the pool in Atlanta was a big fat L there's no way I can do that I really have my heart set on swimming so we C around and we finally found a place we could go and they have a water a robits class what you look like a babooka from the neck down I don't a lot of people don't know how it feels to have 600 lb on your body I'm not able to get out to go do other workout so I'm hoping this works out with the pool that's a big [Music] pool the biggest bear I have going to the pool is walking down the stairs I'm really scared that I might fall but I can't let it keep happening to [Music] me one step down come on you can do it who's it feel to being a pool whoa she did it come [Music] on it felt awesome to be able to get in the pool I sat down and my legs and butt lift up off the stairs and about drifted away it was funny I'm glad I was holding on to the rails down and bring the water up being in the pool felt like I was like weightless apparently fat float it's cuz you're full of hot air back and like snowing back and for go place thank the walk keep your heels on the floor put your feet on the floor put your feet on the floor I'm trying I'm a doph no I'm a SE Turtle who let out the air I didn't fart you did I farted it in the water like four times it feels good when you f the water the bubbles likeo you just sound like [Laughter] way thank you hope to see you again thank you come on come why' you call me gas cuz you're big and [Music] purple all right all right okay good job good it's one of the best days I've had in a long time now more motivated to exercise they watch me [Music] go I want to talk to you about something what is it I made good progress at my last doctor's appointment and I'm doing good I'm making good choices so when me and Tammy go back to Dr Proctor's I think I can get approv for surgery you know there's so many reasons why I want to lose this weight but I'm scared of having the surgery and that I might die I've never been put under anesthesia and I'm so scared that I might die on the operating table so I was thinking I kind of want a real wedding and I want to before my surgery I mean I know we're married already but it was just a courthouse wedding and not really anybody came yeah I might be having a gastric bypass soon and I wanted one big harra before I go under the knife I want a fancy dress and the whole Shang that's it h I'm excited to have a wedding but I've been thinking really hard about something that's been weighing on my mind since the beginning of this journey what if Tammy don't lose enough weight and I do am I supposed to go through the surgery or wait for her I know me and Tammy are supposed to do this thing together but I tell you something probably could to prove the Tam don't I want to do it regardless if she gets pissed or not I tell supp you in the way I'm not getting any younger you know yeah as the older you get the harder it isn't going to be having kids I know I mean Jimmy don't know yet but when the time's right I'm going through with it I'm doing my own things she don't have the Sur that's on [Music] her let's go for a walk you want to go for a walk with Mommy I think Tammy's kind of upset right now because if I get approved and she doesn't I'm still having the surgery but she's got to think I'm a married woman I got my own life now now I got to focus on myself you need a break in the past I could barely make it down the driveway and back I find now that I lost weight it is easier for me to walk we're going back to Dr Proctor in a month so I got to keep going I got to lose this weight I'm going to do everything in my power to get approv for surgery the other day Amy told me did she gets approved and I don't she was going to have surgery without me it really did hurt my feelings but we haven't really talked about it anymore because there's really no point Amy's going to do what she wants to do so I want to keep focusing on myself hurry up you're slower than masses on [Music] Christmas well how's your diet going girls honestly Mom it's hard I ain't going to lie I snuck a couple snack takes you ain't going to make it if you don't leave the snack cakes alone I know Mom my relationship with my mom was always a little rocky she doesn't think we're going to be successful but I'm trying to fix things with her and prove that we can do it and how many do you eat I don't bring them home for they so that means you and Michael Sit and eat a whole box in the car no we I want at the gas station to go about her business this is exactly what I was talking about eating the snack cakes you can't do that and stay on a diet I know her she starts she don't know when to stop yeah on a serious note I'm a little worried about you having the surgery but I just put you all in God's hands and go from there I ain't going to lie I'm scared I mean I never got put under I heard stor of people not waking up what about you Tammy yeah I'm scared about it a little bit but I'm just not trying to focus on the negative and keep focused on on the outcome of it speaking of something good to focus on me and Tammy are planning something real big like what well you know how you didn't get to go to my wedding we're planning on another wedding like a big one this time like get dresses Michael getting a tug me and Michael just got married at the courthouse and the fact that I didn't have a real wedding kind of bothers me a little bit if I get approved there's no telling what will happen during the surgery so I decided that I'm going to have another wedding and you think I'm coming in a dress no I didn't say you had to I just said you had to be there my hope is that my mom's actually at my wedding this time basically my whole family was at not there Tammy wasn't at my wedding I thought Tammy was faking being sick but then we found out she had gout why would I lie so who you going to get to throw you away I mean take you down the aisle you no I don't think so uh you can either get Frank or you can get your brother that's party well who should to have as my ring bear a little bit you put a pillow or hang it around her neck idea hey that's what I'm good for what you want to wear for a blind dress something black no you want to tell you're going to like it I kind of want a tiara you ain't fancy fancier than you well you know I still got my wedding dress oh God I don't think I can fit in your wedding dress it's called Odin the crepet is probably falling apart Ain that old I don't really have any plans to get married right now I rather f focus on getting healthy and losing weight focus on the surgery and then hopefully down the lines few years from now I'll be able to get married and whatever maybe have a baby one day heck no don't want no D kids you say that now I say that ever it almost blew in my mouth that's right party you should they want to go you just want to see some men and my b Bor at party we're going to do it right or we could go ghost hunting yeah what was this I done told you we can't go ghost hunting my big ass ain't running she'll be the first one to die every man for himself bye D do you think you could go wedy dress shopping with me no why not no you get bar to go with you and and it's a lot easier for her my mom I know but it's a lot easier for them to do it than me you know I don't like shopping I don't like going shopping my mom refused to go wedding dress shopping which kind of hurt me because that's something special for a mother and daughter but me and Michael's mom she's like my mom too so she'll go with me so where are we all going it's something we ain't never done before I basically stick to myself so kind of just wanted my bachelet party to be lowkey Angela is Michael's sister and she's one of my best friends oh Lord don't take me no skydiving oh no no no girl I'm too f for that fatness and gravity don't mix I'm so excited to be at this bat party for Amy I'm going to be Michael's eyes and ears and won't let this get out of hand although it might a little bit the heck kind of place is this VY wow that's great Vines I don't think I've ever had wine never had one yeah you did homemade wine oh well that don't care I'm kind of scared because this is too fancy for me do I to eat with my pinky hello ladies hello we put some uh food on the table for the past two months I've been eating really good I've been exercising and this ain't no time to slack off but we are going to let some slide and have a little fun this is our calamari also you have on the table already some resala Lomo dou and Buddha did you understand how the stuff he said no let me give you our a little bit of this wizling I'm put on in [Music] here I'm out of watering and I brought my I have no clue what was going through the waiter's Mind probably W us to leave you see you seriously drinking it out the STW we have a few wine so this one is going to even hotter it's going to be dry wine the Old Vine fendel there she goes chy the first one it was really strong the second one was nasty it needed lots of sugar and then the third one a just supposed to swirl it it was good we're at the bachelorette party this ain't all we got wait until we go home what are y'all doing now me do something never always I have a really big surprise coming for Amy and thankfully Michael Works nice so we got the house to [Music] ourself what do you think is going to happen next we're going to have cake and ice cream cakes tomorrow oh well yeah you know that nutritionist said we can't have a piece of cake all the time we can only have it on special occasions yeah well tomorrow's a special cake I'm eat me a piece of [Laughter] cake where's the surprise it that's part of it what the heck is that [Music] what do I need this for you'll see come in you don't look like Dr Proctor Dr Vince is here let exam table one two oh God get the music I told you you order anything off the internet I don't know what to do you want to [Music] give that's how big it was you looking R [Music] my oh well [Music] he has one move he just [Music] like pop your back we're going to teas his boy had Target for short notice for Dixon Kentucky that's all I could find Le see what our cousin thank you thank you that was awkward as hell honestly that poor boy need to learn some more moves
Channel: TLC Australia
Views: 819,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc australia, tlc, dr pimple popper, tlc australia youtube, tlc youtube, watch tlc, 1000-lb sisters, tlc shows, 1000lb sisters, tammy slaton, morbidly obese, slaton sisters, amy slaton, tlc full episodes, weight loss, reality tv series, amy and tammy slaton 1000-lb sisters, tlc amy and tammy, 1000-lb sisters funny moments, 1000-lb sisters rehab, amy slaton weight loss, tammy therapy, 1000 lb sisters season 4, little bit dog, season 4 episode 3, amy and tammy dog
Id: -KMrxJUrGxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 42sec (4542 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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