The Ultimate Epoxy Competition--Which Epoxy is the Best?

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if you're like me you always wonder what product is the best which product provides the most strength as far as glues are concerned and it can be pretty frustrating to take the time to glue something and usually have to wait for it to cure for a day or two and then after you've waited all that time it fails that's extremely frustrating and also you've spent money and so there's probably a waste of money that you've experienced tens of millions of dollars are being spent every year on different types of glues and epoxies well obviously I don't have the time to test every one of these but I did pick out some of the top brands out there and today we're going to find out once and for all which one of these glues are the best the products I'll be testing include JB weld's extreme heat the quick weld the original formula Devcon plastic steel Loctite in gorilla so if you're trying to figure out which epoxy is the best you might want to watch today's video one of the most critical steps anytime you're trying to use a glue or an epoxy is surface preparation if you don't prepare the surface proper properly it's not realistic to expect the epoxy to stick so the first thing I'm going to do is work with this old rusty piece of angle iron and knock all this rust off and have a really good clean surface for the [Music] test so I'm going to use some 4in bolts these are all brand new out of the box and to make sure the surface has something to stick to I'm going to go ahead and sand the end of this bolt every single one of them are going to get sanded before the test I'm not going to touch the area that's been sanded because I don't want any sort of oil residue to be on the [Music] [Music] bolt [Music] [Music] [Music] some have commented that JB quick weld is not as strong as the original formula so I'm very interested to find out which one of these is stronger [Music] I'll be accomplishing at least two maybe three different types of tests today I have three different opportunities to test the strength of these epoxies and I I've wanted to really just do two but I've made a third one just in case I make a mistake the first two that I want to run for sure includes first the down Force the gravitational force and I've got the 2 and 1 12 lb weight all the way up to 25 lb weight the second type of test is twisting motion and for that I have torque wrench this is an inch uses inch pounds this goes from zero up to 200 inch pounds I have a much larger torque wrench if we need to go to foot pounds we'll soon find out what we need to do so what we'll do first is use these sets of weights to determine which epoxy is the strongest for down Force so the first test I'll be running is the downward test as you can see I've got two nuts here that are um already on this Bolt the first nut is all the way to the inward uh position as far as it'll go the second one is about a/4 inch out and so what I'll be doing is applying the weight precisely between these two nuts to make sure on each of these bolts that the downward force is applied at the exact same distance from the base all the way out to the same point because when it comes to physics every little bit makes a huge difference as far as how much how much torque is applied to the end of this and it's just not a fair test if I'm off by even an eighth of an inch the second test I'll be running is the twisting force so you can see I've got two nuts on this bolt and as I twist this is going to break free at some point and the third bolt is just in case I mess up one of these two tests um I have another test in mind but I won't even use it if I don't get through these two first two um tests properly the first test I'll be running includes the using a 2 and2 lb and this chain probably weighs maybe a half a pound and I'll be uh applying the weight for approximately 10 seconds the first up is JB Weld the extreme heat go all right that didn't hold at all that's extremely weak I got right at 10 lb okay the JB quick weld just failed 122 lbs up first is the JB Weld original okay I'm up to 15 lbs now now 17 1/2 lb okay we're up to 20 lbs okay 22 and2 lb okay up next is 25 pound 272 lb so we're going to go through each one of these real quick and talk about what happened the first one's extreme heat all I can say is it doesn't appear that the extreme heat has very good adhesive properties this Stu very hard and brittle as you can see it just sort of breaks away it's almost like a concrete Mor of some sort it's just very very uh just a hard surface that doesn't seem to bond very well one thing I've noticed about these quick epoxies is that they are not bonding to the surface as you can see there's bare steel and this steel was ground really coarsely I mean this this stuff the epoxy should really Bond well with this but none of the quick epoxies did even very good job bonding with the material JB Weld won this competition and what's interesting about the JB Weld as you can see it stuck very well to the material to the surface that we were trying to we were trying to um have this bolt stick to and so that's the key the uh the epoxies such as Devcon and JB Weld because they they are slow to dry it seems as though they did a much better job of actually bonding to the steel compared to the quick epoxies I can't really tell much of a difference between Loctite and the JB quick weld both of them did the exact same thing they just didn't stick to the steel okay Devcon a lot like JB well did a terrific job of sticking to both the bolt as well as the steel in fact as you see there isn't very much steel exposed what you see is traces of epoxy everywhere and what that means is the epoxy is Breaking Free from itself and not breaking free from the steel this is exactly the best case scenario is that you want the epoxy to have the strength to bond to whatever two pieces of Steel you are trying to uh piece together so gorilla actually did a better job than I thought it would uh for a quick drying epoxy it did okay as you can see though it did not stick to the steel it broke free and just like the other two quick epoxies the problem is is it just doesn't have the sticking power to the steel I'm glad I went ahead and put three bolts in because I accidentally just bumped this JB Weld extreme heat and I barely bumped it and it broke free so I'll be using a torque wrench that's for inch pounds and I've got this set at right at 5 inbs of torque so it's a very low torque setting right now none of these epoxies should fail with 5 in lbs we'll see how this one does okay it just failed just broke I didn't even get 5 inbs of torque 100 inbs okay JB quick weld failed at 100 inbs and as you can see it just did not adhere to the metal these quick epoxies just seem to fail at sticking to whatever surface you're trying to make it stick to this was a very clean surface it did not have any oily substances the the uh regular 24-hour type epoxies are doing a very good job at bonding to this steel okay we're at 105 okay failed at 120 125 in lbs [Music] okay JB well just failed at 185 inch PBS 200 INB so what I find interesting is the way that JB Weld failed compared to Devcon Devcon proved to be a little bit stronger but in the twisting test if you'll notice the JB Weld it just did it just seemed as though it f around the bolt and that the JB Weld is just a little bit more pliable or a little bit more flexible Devcon on the other hand is just very very brittle it's a very hard plastic and this isn't necessarily bad it just depends on the application okay the next test we're only going to test the JB Weld original Loctite Devcon and gorilla unfortunately the JB quick weld snapped free the the bolt that I would have used to test this but to me it doesn't really matter CU JB quick weld has not proven itself to be as as competitive as the others that are left but what we're going to do is just measure the ability of these epoxies to absorb a pure shock the impact of me dropping a weight so it's just going to basically be about a 1 and a/4 in drop okay the JB well did not take the pressure you can see it broke up the uh the very edge well people are spending tens of millions of dollars on these epoxies every year and I hope the testing I did today will help inform you regarding which epoxy is best for your specific application and that's the key it's going to vary depending on what you're trying to do you may need something that dries quickly or you might need something that's super strong and or maybe even something that's a little more pliable and so it depends there's not one clear winner in this test in terms of you know it depends on what you're trying to use the epoxies for with all that being said is there a better epoxy that I could have tested I'd love to hear your comments on that finally if I've done a good job in this video I hope you'll consider giving me a thumbs up I work real hard at these and spend a lot of time editing video and a lot of expense putting these together I hope you think it's worth it I'd love to hear your comments on if there's something I can do better because you guys give me a lot of helpful feedback it helps me improve these videos so I'm open to constructive feedback also I hope you'll consider subscribing if you like the channel we have a lot of very interesting projects coming up and as usual just want to say thank you very much and look forward to seeing you next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 2,301,694
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Keywords: Seafoam, additive, oil, crankcase, lock up, sea foam, lucas, marvel mystery oil, marvels, marvel, mystery oil, engine, believe, seefoam, Sea foam, Seefoam, See Foam, seafome, noisy lifter, does seafoam work, engine rebuild, smoke, vibration, shake, knock, carbon, carbon buildup, oil consumption, compression, lifter, sea, compression test, test, prolong, zmax, amsoil, synthetic, jb weld, jb, weld, cracked cylinder, cracked cylinder head, glue, dura lube, duralube, devcon, gorilla, gorilla glue, loctite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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