Which Duct Tape Is Strongest? Let's find out! Gorilla, T-Rex, FiberFix, 3M Pro & Duck Max

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Dang if I didn't watch the whole dang thing. Thank you for the post.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DodoHead58 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah I ended up watching the entire thing, was actually very interesting

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/THEFLYINGSCOTSMAN415 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Project farm is the bomb. Lots of other useful comparisons on his channel as well. My favorite was how jb weld is basically magical.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thaxor 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

But which one won?!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/M1st3rYuk 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
since the previous video on duct tape a lot of new products have hit the market some of these products claim to be a hundred times stronger than other products are some of these products really just that good well we're about to find out and the first test will be applying the tape to this piece of metal and then applying an upward force to until it rips the tape in half the second test will be evaluating the rap strength of each product and the third test will be comparing the adhesive ability of each tape and a showdown event in a final test we're going to see if we can use the strongest tape as a toe strap to pull this very heavy tractor up a slight grade these duct tapes were tested in a previous video and then exposed to severe weather in this video we're going to do some very quick testing on these products to see which brand is the best costing six dollars and 59 cents we'll be testing the duct tape duct brand to see just how well it performs against other brands that have much more marketing height but apply the upward force we'll still it rips the tape in half duck brand took 44 pounds of pulling force to snap the tape on the first of five samples the second sample took 48 pounds the third stayed the same at 48 the fourth was only down one pound of 47 the fifth was down again slightly to 44 so very consistent results all between 44 and 48 pounds costing only five dollars and 12 cents the duck max drank foods a strength meter on the side of the packaging which shows this tape is all the way to the right as far as strength the first was 71 pounds [Music] ii was down slightly to 70 the third drop to 69 the fourth stayed the same at 69 the fifth was up slightly to 71 hunts again very consistent results between 69 and 71 pounds so what about the 3m brand costing seven dollars and 79 cents 3m claims that it makes a pro Strank professional industrial hvac duct tape on the side the 3m duct tape includes a chart which shows that it's four out of six regarding strength and four out of six regarding weather abilities so this product actually doesn't claim to be the strongest or the best the first was 62 [Music] the next was up slightly to 63 the third stayed the same at 63 the fourth was down slightly to 62 the final one was down slightly to 61 very consistent results again all between 61 and 63 pounds duck max is definitely a stronger tape however 3m seems to have more elasticity previously tested gorilla and it did a great job it's extra thick with extra stick it's supposed to have a double thick adhesive weather resistant tough reinforced backing grille is off to a great start at 106 pounds the second stayed the same at 106 the therm is up slightly to 108 the forth was back down to 106 the fifth and final was down slightly to 103 so very consistent results very impressive performance by gorilla beating both duck as well as 3m coming in at over 100 pounds to rip this piece of tape in half very few the price we're testing claim to provide a permanent solution but this one does it's supposed to be a permanent gorilla tape that's designed for all weather it's supposed to resist drying cracking and peeling caused by sunlight heat cold and moisture unfortunately the adhesive let go before the tape rips so we're gonna have to do is reinforce the tank around the edges to keep it from slipping guerrilla weather did great at 105 ii was down slightly to 101 the third was up slightly to 102 the four stayed the same at 102 the fifth was down again to a hundred and one the guerrilla weather tape doesn't seem to be quite as strong as the regular guerrilla but it's very close it also seems to have any lot more elasticity to it than the regular Gorilla Tape icing $6.99 t-rex claims to be a ferociously strong tape sure tape manufactures both the Duck brand tape as well as t-rex t-rex did very good on the first sample at 101 the second one is up a little to 105 the third was 106 the fourth was a hundred and one the fifth was up again to a hundred and six it looks like gorilla has a slight edge over t-rex as far as strength but this test seems really sticky I'm looking forward to testing just how sticky this tape is compared to the competition I've seen $14.99 more than twice as much as irregular of t-rex is this t-rex brute force actually better it claims to be ferociously strong tape the strongest it's a high-performance duct tape Wow very impressive 250 pounds and the tape broke free from the metal so we're gonna have to reinforce this and see if we can find a way to rip this tape in half this stuff is pretty strong I'll add a little bit more tape and secure both ends and we'll try this again Wow 278 pounds and the tape slipped very impressive Wow 442 pounds of the tape still didn't break that's more than four times as much as the other brands the term brute force is definitely not marketing hype this stuff is pretty strong at over 400 pounds very impressive if you're looking for a stronger duct tape should you consider fiberfix it claims to be ten times stronger than duct tape a hand fiber fix is off to a great start at 221 pounds very impressive performance by fiberfix putting up some pretty big numbers but definitely not as strong as the t-rex brute force ii was up slightly to 227 pounds since the testers proven to be incredibly reliable we're gonna stop at two samples since it's taking a lot of tape to secure both ends and the fiber fix to the tester I have them in a very impressive fiber fix over 220 pounds of force to split this in half and as you can see it's highly elastic so even once it starts to fail this weaving is very strong I put together a new test jig just to see if we could figure out just how ferociously strong this brute force tape is so let's give it a test Fayette breasted performance over 450 pounds to rip the brute force into two pieces there are several things to consider when selecting the right tape for a job if it's all about the tensile strength t-rex brute force totally dominated the competition delivering over 450 pounds of tensile strength fiberfix came to second place with a very respectable 224 pounds gorilla gorilla weather and t-rex were all in a virtual tie at just over 100 pounds and very well matched with a very good adhesive duct max 3m pro strength and duct didn't deliver an earless strength but those tapes aren't nearly as thick and might be a better choice for some applications where thickness is a factor at more than strength in order to test the wrap strength of each product when a quarter-inch plastic pipes were cut into four foot sections then marks were placed on each pipe beginning one foot from the end of the pipe the pipes were then cut into two pieces the pipes were cleaned with rubbing alcohol prior to the tape being applied pipes are wrapped three times directly on top of the cut then wrap three times to the left of the cut three times to the right of cut and finally three times directly over the set of the cut again for a total of 12 wraps the tapes were then tested 12 hours after they were repaired with tape costing 11 dollars at 46 cents we're also gonna be testing the fiber fix repair wrap now we can't use this on all tests just because it's not designed for the type of testing we'll be doing but we are going to be testing it on a rat pipe to see how much strength it provides compared to these other tapes fiber fix was placed into water for around 12 seconds then wrapped tightly around the pipe and allowed to fully cure before testing it the next day and the next test would be testing the wrap strength of each one of the tapes so what I'll do is insert the pipe into the pipe holder and use 25 pounds on top of the pipe beginning with where the crack is located all the way out to the very end of the pipe until each one of the pipes fails okay so we went eight inches out on the pipe with duck okay Dec max also failed at 8 inches okay three NFL at nine inches to prevent the steel chain from sliding down the pipe I add a little bit of tape to the chain to give it some grip even though gorilla is a really strong tape the sideways force caused the tape display as we saw in the previous test guerrilla weather is extremely flexible and because of that the tape hasn't ripped but it has stretched beyond providing structural support for this pipe t-rex actually held up but unfortunately the adhesive did not causing the failure took 9 inches out from the base in order to rip the tape okay with fiberfix it went out 11 inches before the adhesive slip so for a pipe wrap this product provides a lot of structural support the very end of the pipe that it didn't break we're gonna have to add going wait we'll come back and see if we can make this tape break okay I added a template for a total of 35 pounds we're going to start out at 12 inches since we know that it can handle at least this much way okay with the end of the pipe with 35 pounds is this thing going to take more weight well we're about to find out we're up to 45 pounds we're gonna see how far we can go [Music] 29 inches at 45 pounds very impressive totally destroying the competition this is what caused the failure it looks like a tear this product is extremely strong and the duct tapes we've tested t-rex brute force has by far the strongest tensile strength the fiber design within the tape just doesn't provide much strength all these duct tapes are designed to have tremendous tensile strength but when it comes to the strength that's designed from side to side they just do not have very much strength the next test we're gonna see just how well these duct tapes actually stick how good is their adhesive ability in order to do this we would take a 10 pound plate attached it to the tape we're gonna then take the tape and run up the length of this table and then tilt the table until each one of these 10 pound plates breaks free we'll be testing four tapes at a time after you test the first four tapes we'll move on to the second four tapes the winner of each round will advance and then we'll see which tape adds the best adhesive ability the table has been cleaned with brake parts cleaner so this is extremely clean there isn't any sort of oily residue on the table I'll be using a hard rubber roller worth thirty pounds on it to apply an equal amount of pressure to all the tapes we'll be testing to ensure we don't have any tapes that get an unfair advantage I'll run the hard rubber roller across the tape five times the first two events test the fiber design and strength of each of the tapes but this next event will compare the adhesive strength of each tape duct is on the left then 3m then t-rex and fiber fix is on the right the 10 pounds of weight is beginning to take its toll on Duck brand as it is beginning to slip 3m is the next to begin slipping then fiberfix t-rex isn't budget but it seems to be leaving a trail of adhesive on the table and his t-rex for the win t-rex will compete against the winner of the next round duck max is on the left then gorilla weather then gorilla and finally t-rex brute forces on the right the tape lineup is now set for the second round of competition both duck Pro and t-rex brute force are slipping at nearly the same time the gorilla tapes are taking advantage of their double thick double stick capability drill is the third to lose traction and guerrilla weather isn't budging the race is essentially over for both duck Max and t-rex brute force and it all comes down to which of the two gorillas tapes will face off against t-rex gorillas now really beginning to slip as gorilla whether demonstrates a very impressive adhesive ability and it's guerrilla weather for the win guerrilla weather is on the left and t-rex is on the right and the tensile strength test t-rex demonstrate is slightly more strength than the guerrilla weather in the pipe wrap test guerrilla weather demonstrated slightly more stretch with an extra 5 pounds for a total of 15 pounds in this next showdown which brand is going to stick the best guerrilla weather is the first to begin slipping but it's not giving up Wow t-rex is suddenly on the move oh no gorilla weather suddenly lost grip and his t-rex for the win what had applied the duct tape to some brand-new plexiglass I went in peel the plastic coating that's on the Plexiglas off so the surface was really clean and then I applied each one of the duct tapes now once these products are exposed to the Sun it's gonna have a huge impact on the adhesive material as well as the duct tape itself so we'll see how each of these products does just a quick look at the tape that's been exposed to the weather for around a year this is Harbor Freight this is poly King gaffers t-rex gorilla flex hurricane this is just duct this isn't the duct max - ah 357 as you can see hyper freight did not do too well there's not much left of this tape a little bit of the fabric underneath but it's just left a big mess we're gonna peel off this poly kin tape and see what's underneath as you can see this is pulling up very easily not a whole lot of strength left the weather tore this stuff up pretty bad how about t-rex ok there's a lot of force required to pull this tape up it's not coming up very easily ok this tape is still glued very well to the plexi all right let's see gorilla we really just did not hold as well after all the weather exposure the adhesive underneath has become extremely brittle and is crumbling alright flex is just not going to come up flex is definitely sealed up against this plexiglass and is not going to move okay how about the hurricane tape actually hurricane tape is doing pretty good it actually held up fairly well it's not as sticky as t-rex but it's still a decent tape we had a hard time getting this tape to stick when we first applied it but over time the adhesive has really began to bond with the Plexiglas obviously duct tape didn't do too well not a whole lot left of this but nacho 357 all right that's coming up without much force at all so this stuff did not hold up as well as gorilla definitely not as well as t-rex about the same as Pollock and gaffers tape okay we'll be using t-rex brute force to see if it can tow this tractor [Applause] [Applause] there are many ways to look at value in this perspective only takes into consideration tensile strength while t-rex brute force does cost more it delivers significantly more tensile strength than the competition so each foot of t-rex brute force delivers 23 pounds of tensile strength per penny a much better value than the rest of the brands t-rex came in second at 16 3m pro strength and ducks at 14 fiberfix and gorillas at 13 and gorillas whether at 8 which product won this showdown in which product is the best well that really depends on what you're looking for fiberfix rat did a great job regarding rap strength but it's also very expensive possibly more expensive than a lot of repairs I would have to make with it now regarding tensile strength it's hard to argue that t-rex brute force isn't the best we towed a tractor with the tape it's pretty impressive regarding the best all-around duct tape I would have to say that my favourite is t-rex it did extremely well after being exposed to the weather elements for a year did very good and the adhesive testing and had almost as much strength as gorilla so all together a great brand with that being said I like gorilla a lot and we haven't had a chance to see how gorilla weather does after you view every exposure to the element so do you think it's worth doing another video on duct tape this time seeing how the brands we just tested will hold up after a year of exposure to harsh elements if you'd like to see that video please leave a comment and let me know all my videos are viewer suggested so I really look forward to reading your comments and replying to as many of you as possible I'm also looking forward to your other video ideas until next time please take care and I look forward to seeing you then
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 1,900,627
Rating: 4.9207249 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, marvel mystery oil, wd-40, project farm, amazon basics oil, mobil 1 synthetic oil, gorilla, gorilla duct tape, gorilla tape, duct tape, duct tape project farm, duct tape showdown, strongest duct tape, trex, t-rex, fiberfix, fiber fix, flex tape, flex, duck tape, hurricane tape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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