Jb Weld Can Repair Steel - Aluminum - Anything

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you can see it right broke in a bad place it did right there so this is the impeller housing or portion on the outer housing and it's this is the drain plug had I just take in one minute and remove this plug wouldn't be making this video today would we but it cracked from here to here even into the threads that's not good but because this is only holding 60 pounds of pressure 65 whatever it's not a lot of pressure and this the way that this seals see this is this cap seals on here it's just plastic thread seals on this o on an o-ring here right so I believe that we can repair this we're going to try it before I spend 300 on a new one and this should press down there and make that seal so but this is a pretty bad crack here so is it so bad that it's it's going to damage that the we may have lost the integrity of the piece here I don't think so however because these these things vibrate and all small engines do this hairline crack right there what do you think that's going to do if we don't do something with it well it's going to continue to grow you know who knows we will probably go up and then the case of fall at 1/2 and probably at the worst moment so we're going to stop that crack as well as try to repair this why it couldn't be in a worse spot you can see it there from the inside right there were cracked rim here I can even see when I took the plug out the plug come out came out difficult you know not them it was a little bit soul it took a little bit of effort because the the threads have even shifted a little bit in there but again I still think it's repairable we're going to try it we're going to repair it and see if it works if not then we'll have no other option but to get a new piece so what do we need to fix this well right here six dollars would be $6 repair JB well if you're not familiar with it is an amazing product and I know there's going to always whenever use jb weld on anything your good is going to be people come in and say that's not the proper way to repair that and you're doing it you're doing it half way i disagree the reason why jb weld typically you know may not work is is usually because it's been has the piece hasn't been prepped properly this stuff's incredible if you don't think this works go talk to any farmer that's been working in the fields or with equipment for forty years and ask him if jb weld works because he probably has a tractor being held together by it my granddad and i repaired a crack block on a Ford a ten that was running well I know it ran for 25 years and I think it's still running a huge crack over a foot long with j-b weld I've seen it and used it to repair all sorts of things so it's worth it six dollars and and if it doesn't work you know then you can replace the piece but it's it's it's all about the prep and making sure that you have a good scuffed up every surface and it's clean super clean you know we're going to strip everything off of paint thinner really get it done but we got a lot of a gross corrosion in there we got to get all of that stuff out of there so I'll show you a quick and easy way to do that so let's put this in the nice easy way to hold this we'll put this in the vise so doesn't jump around on us we don't want to this is one of those pieces you can it's it's cast aluminum which it can be strong but but brittle you know you drop something like that it'll easily crack worse and break I go I'll talk about this all the time because it's such a wonderful tool this is in my top top 10 favorites of all tools little pneumatic die grinder so I've got some coarse scotch brite pad discs on the roll lock and if you don't whew restore tools or do stuff if you don't have one of these get one they're not that expensive but this is perfect I can get in here let's clean this crack up so obviously the angle grinder has its limitations and tight spaces hard to get that in there so how to augment that is okay sty grinder now this is a pretty aggressive tool we're going to be careful here but we're going to see if we can't clean up and those tight to get to get areas a little bit get all that corrosion out of there take a look at what we got here so that just cleaned up nice you can see in there as good as I can get it plenty of edge around the outside for the our epoxy did here too so let's go ahead and drill it's finally into that crack and drill that out so it broke from the inside and so when I followed that out I can see it actually goes a little bit further inside than it does on the outside here so it's right off that Ridge so what we'll do is I'll just estimate that which is about right there the little center punch right there I think that will do it I got a little tiny really small about 8 inch drill bit or so that will drilled it it's the smallest one I have we could do a smaller one but we're going to drill that now this will work to stop a crack in any type of metal or sheet metal or aluminum to drill that little hole in there and said so what it does is basically just hits that and stops it won't continue to grow so let's drill that out I don't know why manufacturers charge so much for their replacement parts but actually I do I remember a quote from Henry Ford said if I if everyone would agree to buy Ford Motor Company parts replacement parts full moko parts for I give every man in the country a Model T because he apparently he made so much money off the replacement parts and I have no doubt that manufacturers do cut a fat hog off of selling their replacement parts but I'll tell you what it's it rankles and it diminishes your my loyalty to the company and what a brand-new pump costs six hundred and fifty dollars with all its pieces and the engine everything and then when you want to try to gouge someone three hundred dollars for a replacement cover if it goes beyond what I would consider to be fair of course get a sliver there so there's a little hole bigger than needs to be but it would be ok now we can see it on the inside there that crack okay let's get it cleaned up and let's fix this thing so we're going to clean this up a little bit of thinner on a rag get that grease off of there blue shop towel any type of repair like this is always in the prep whether it be paint any type of a coating that needs to adhere man it's got to be clean clean it twice clean it three times little so very very of insurance okay so we'll mix up our jb weld jb weld I don't know what it is it's a some sort of a super hard two-part epoxy remember a funny story with it I had this old neighbor who is uh Henry know some of you who follow the Wrangler start Wrangler barn channel you remember him he was in some of the videos he was a diesel mechanic or excellent mechanic for a wildcat logging company so you know a man like that like a guy like that can fix anything you know what he was one of the he was an absolutely mechanical genius he never learned to read couldn't read but could build and fix anything he's one of those guys all right so jb weld is a two-part a pot you want you want to do equal parts right so the black and the gray now they have a fast setup and they have a slow set this is the slow set which is their tougher stuff I think this stuff is rated for almost like almost 4,000 psi it's just it's incredible it's an absolutely incredible product you get that there and we'll have to mix these together and they turn gray but the reason why I was telling you about Henry so at the parts store well just the one that was in the video the other day they used to have jb weld had a little demo they had their packaging you know how they do it right there at the at the counter and they had taken two valves like from a v8 engine valves and they had jb welded them together and of course you know they were sitting there so all of these guys it would come in you know and of course you'd grab that thing and you try to break it and it would be it would demonstrate just you know how amazingly tough jb weld was that they could you know but - but butt end epoxy these things together in a way you couldn't break them and I mean everybody would truck pry them you know you'd have your buddy help yet everybody laughed it was there for years no one could ever break them it was a pretty good advertisement but Henry so he goes in there and he sees it of course and he was and he was one of he was the original prankster I mean talk about prank channels and he pranks some of the pranks he came up with I can't even tell you the Family Channel but what he did so he ordered his parts and one the guy with the counter went by to the back and he knew Henry well to get the parts Henry grabbed those two valves and ran out to his service truck and you know the big service trucks they have to keep a big vise a Wilton vise mounted on the on the rear bumper he clamped that thing up in the vise and put a piece of pipe on it and snap that off and Henry I mean he was a powerful guy he'd grab a 200 pound anvil by the horn one hand and carried across a shop try doing that and he he broke those two things ran back in before the guy came back out with his parts and he held up those two valves that were either separate it's like you see that stuff's no good this is blinking looking at him I don't know how many years has it been there of course Henry he had to be able to break it they never did tell him how he did it okay here we go so it this stuff sets up you've got plenty of time you got several minutes to work with this stuff I I recommend against the fast set unless you have it's an emergency and I don't believe we have any clearance issues you know that might be something that someone might say and if there are clearance issues meaning that they actually the impeller housing it runs inside a cast-iron housing this is just a cover so if there is a clearance issue for so if we put this on there and like it bumps into something no problem we'll just take our die grinder and we can just grind it down until it fits but might as well put it on thick dough all right put it on thick looks like we mix just enough so we got to cover that hole there of course you know we got got a little bit of you want to we want to push it into that hole that we drilled I'll keep pushing that in there till it works through so it's coming out the other side that will have no problem fill in that little hole this stuff is really amazing you can fix just about anything with it and the reason why I'm not putting on the outside is because the pressure is coming from within so it probably would hold just fine on the outside but it will hold better on the inside and they'll be able it will look a lot nicer you won't see this repair okay we got it squeeze it out the other end we've got a nice thick coat in there I'm not worried about the threads there so much because we keep it off the threads because we got that oh ring right what I think that looks pretty good I think that looks real good okay I like it so we want to use gravity to our advantage you know a little little this stuff will flow a little bit so we'll just support it right here at the kind of at that angle that we want and so it can kind of just spread out there and seal up nice well that looks good okay well we've got 15 hours is what it takes 15 hours for this to properly set up according the instructions will let this sit overnight tomorrow we'll reinstall it fill up of water and see if the see if it holds but I I suspect it will all right not a bad repair for $7.49 I may be a bit premature but I think it'll work we'll see you guys in the next video good morning another beautiful Tuesday morning on the homestead and man fall is back i noticed mrs. w came downstairs this is the first time i've seen her this year with her slippers on so you know you know it's getting cold I think it got down to 37 last night which is a nice reprieve from the heat so what do you think you think this is going to work well today's video or will be tomorrow for you is going to be where I'm going to put it back together and we'll bring it up the pressure and spray a little water and see what happens hopefully it's not going to break so speaking of fires so I want to address something that came up in many of the comments of that I shared with you on though the wildland fire that I was on in the comments are something to the effect of you're an idiot you shooters you're supposed to be putting out fire not be filming all of this stuff for your edification and I want to speak to that a little bit so as you know I volunteer so there isn't any paycheck involved with this and I certainly am very very careful when I choose to video when I choose to film it's not the priority that the work is the priority this the crew is the priority the safety of the community members and their property is a priority but the thing I guess that I would have to explain is the people are making those comments they're ignorant and they don't know the situation they weren't there it is a very foolish thing to comment on something when you're seeing nothing more than a tidbit or a snapshot from from a video you have no idea what was going on you have no idea the situation I will take out my little camera that I keep in my pocket on if I have a little brief moment I'm stopping for a sandwich or two drink of water or there just is is not nothing impending or nothing dangerous and try to share that with you and the reason why I do it is not for my edification but it's because there is such a need for people to step up and volunteer or local fire departments that I want to showcase that I want to showcase that and make these show them what it's like that it can be exciting it's something it's fun said that some of the wonderful people that are involved the men and women in this to try to inspire young men and women to get involved and volunteer and to help out and to shine a light on this this is the reason why I share this I have a great love and for wildland firefighting I have a great love for the service and the people that make it up and that that's why I do it so I'm not putting anyone at risk by doing this you don't know the situation you don't know anything about it and to comment on on something you've seen in a video like that is is foolish you know do you have a concern you know you know that's fine you know come in the comments you know express your concern I'll be happy to answer and give you some more information but but if not then you will be blocked many were blocked so I just don't have the patience for it maybe I'm getting hard and little jaded from all of the negativity that comes along but I just don't have time for it I try to focus on I do focus on the positive side of it I know the truth I know you know what took place there and that's good enough for me just don't have time for it all right well I gotta get back to the shop we'll put the pump back together and thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 428,378
Rating: 4.7751002 out of 5
Keywords: weld, jb, repair, fix, radiator, glue, leak, epoxy, plastic, automotive, jbweld, steel, boat repair, coolant, aluminum boat, fuel, auto show, how to, block, rust, aluminum, diy, pump, water pump, honda, replacement, replace, belt, welding, welding aluminum, aluminum welding, tig welding, welder, tig welding aluminum, how to tig weld aluminum, aluminium (chemical element), weld.com, tig, resin, metallic epoxy, duct tape challenge, challenge, duck tape, tape, funny, 100 layers challenge
Id: Z23bXglptE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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