The Ultimate Drinking Guide (with LEMMY KILMISTER)

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I don't recommend to drink anything on the first date because you'll get too drunk trying to impress er and then being able to get it up so uh you should be very careful on the first day the first day is very big news for a guy you know you should be able to perform if it comes that you get lucky you know if you drink too much you won't be able to so there you go and don't give out too much so she'll pass out and you'll just be like driving out and her father will kill it and then tie bottle of Jack Daniels I suppose whatever it depends if you like them or not if you didn't like it you should you should drink as much as possible and get really rowdy and like ruin the entire funeral but if you did like him you should have like other than half a bottle of white wine something like that you know I won't be sad you know you sure you gonna go I don't know really drink whatever they're drinking is a good good idea I never had any in law's you see I was never married so the problem didn't arise but if you're gonna make your girlfriend's parents same sort of thing I suppose then you shouldn't drink too much I'll still think you're a drunk but not good her father drinks and drink that's pretty good anything plenty of it the Bolivian are my heart was gone now she's left me oh you know the world is at an end don't create your risk though because it's really it takes a long time to die it's terrible you know she's like blow your head off it's possible but you should like drink enough so as you miss because you probably won't feel that bad about it in two weeks [Music] it doesn't matter anything you like no a pint of water pint of whiskey pantomimes juice who cares feel great anyway [Music]
Channel: Uli Sailor
Views: 215,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lemmy, kilmister, motörhead, interview, mtv, kuttner., sarah kuttner, alkohol, trinken, ratgeber, UltimateDrinkingGuide, How to drink, drinking with Lemmy
Id: sbAcC1WpduE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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