The ULTIMATE Disney Sims 4 Save File | Full Tour

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[Music] hello everybody it's Tommy and welcome back to another tour video for the Disney save we are going to be touring my Sims 4 save file called the Disney save today it's recently gone under a major renovation and I am calling this the Disney save 2.0 if you're familiar with my save file I have been doing it for quite a few years now so some of you probably are this is a completely revamped version of my original Disney save save file and what that means really is just that I have gone through and done a lot of updating to the previous download versions that were available for my save file but I've also gone through every single household and build and house and revamped pretty much everything just checked it over maybe updated some of them per new packs arriving and new things being implemented into the game so if you you have an older version of the Disney save this is completely completely changed and brand new today I'll be touring my entire save file I have never done this before it is going to be a really really long video so hopefully you guys enjoy it definitely let me know down below what you thought normally I would break this up in two parts but a lot of people really wanted to see the massive tour video of basically everything new for the Disney save but just in general if you're a first-time viewer and you have never heard of my Sims 4 save file hi my name is Tommy I've been working on the Disney save for several years now and it is a completely top to bottom disneyfied Sims 4 save so if you're not familiar what a save file is it's basically like a file that you can drop into your Sims 4 game and you'll get everything that you're viewing in today's video imagine if you like played your own game and you create your own houses and your own worlds you can actually take that literal file that has all of your data and give it to someone else and they can play all of the same things so that's essentially what I'm going to be showing you today this is available to the public it is now available down in my description box down below you'll have to click on my link to my patreon now you do not have to be a patron in order to download the save file make let me make that super super clear this is a completely free save file it always will be however my patrons for the Disney save help me plan everything they get access to my private Disney save Discord we do all of the planning and all of like the choosing and deciding and brainstorming over there I also post a lot of Works in progress some Early Access like my patrons have already had access to the Disney save for a week or so now I run a lot of polls deciding what movies to do what worlds to do my patrons actually most recently chose the next World for the Disney Save which will be taroa the one that comes with the Sims 4 wedding stories so if you want to download the Disney save it is already available go ahead again click my link to my patreon you do not have to be a patreon but if you'd like to become one we'd love to have you a part of the process and I do offer various perks on different levels for people to enjoy as a part of the planning process and helping for my time and everything that goes into the save file it's very much appreciated now for today's video we will be touring all seven worlds that I currently have available for the Disney save this includes Willow Creek Evergreen Harbor forgotten Hollow Mount Combi henford on sulani and moonwood Mill so that means I've completely redone all of those worlds including any bonus Lots or special secret lots that those worlds have as Disney all households get replaced with Disney households all of the townies or I add extra tannies in I also replace all of the roles so if any of the worlds such as for example werewolves that world comes with specified roles like you have Greg from that world I replace those characters with Disney characters so so I really really try to kind of immerse you in the experience of having a completely revamped Disney save file this is a custom content and modree save file so it's available for literally anybody I do use the tool mod when building but you do not need to have the tool mod installed it's a very computer intensive save file so this is your warning right now a lot of my builds are very big and extensive and I'm not shy about using objects so if you do not have a stronger computer I don't really recommend the save file for you just use it at your own risk I'm really excited to be showing you guys everything today but I do want to go over just a couple of things because these are going to be very common questions and I'm going to be using some verbiage throughout the video so hopefully this will make the most sense if I explain it this way so again this is a custom content free mod free but all packs save files so I use every Sims 4 pack that is available including the kits all of them if you do not have all of them and you try to install the safe file I'm not quite sure what's going to happen again do that kind of at your own risk if you are a console player or maybe somebody who wants some of the builds some of the households but you don't want everything or your computer really can't handle everything then everything you'll be seeing in today's video is also available on my gallery for download my gallery ID is Tommy Lin YT search me up on the gallery you will find everything all builds everything including some bonus items and some special additional things so as well as having all of the households and the builds and the secret Lots replaced for the Disney save I also offer a couple of additional things one of them is called replacement Lots so what I'm referring to if I mentioned that this lot has a replacement lot all it means is that a lot has another option for that same exact lot so maybe you don't like the froggy byou or you want something different there is some sometimes an additional option on my gallery for that exact same spot so you can replace it with something else they do not all have Replacements not all worlds have Replacements I'll do my best to kind of Point them out as we go but you'll find those on my gallery as well in addition to that another thing I'll be referencing is bonus Sims bonus Sims for me are sims that are not included with the save download and they are just additional characters that didn't make the cut into the Disney save your game is actually only really supposed to have a certain amount of Sims so it's better to not include literally every character ever and I still feel like people would want them or want to play with them so some of them are not available in the save but you could add them on your own for example Frank and weenie here who goes along with my moonwood Mill World he's not included in the save file download Sparky and Victor but you can add them on your own so I do have quite a few of those on my gallery they're actually labeled as bonus Sims so you'll see this is a bonus Sim available for the Disney save that's how you know that it's not in the save file already and then lastly I have one more thing that I call replacement Sims and these are sims that you can switch out in place of something that's already in the game so for example we have zero here and he is in a ghost form but the one that lives in my moon with Mill that we'll be checking out later in the video he is not in the ghost form in my save file download so if you wanted ghost zero you can download and use this one as a replacement for the one that I already made available or Stitch which was a big controversy amongst me and my patrons trying to figure out if we should do animal stitch for the C file or alien human Stitch and so I wanted to make it an option that was available for either person no matter what you decide this is an optional replacement so the one that comes with my save file is a pet but you can replace it with an alien and I've already created that for you and you can go ahead and switch switch those out that's pretty much everything we need to explain regarding the save file if you have any questions go ahead and ask them down below I'll try my best to answer literally everything and without further Ado let's get started so today we'll be doing all seven of my worlds I did most recently put out tour videos for both sulani and moonwood Mill which are my most recent additions to the Disney save I won't be probably going into as much depth with those two worlds as a result but we will start out with Willow Creek which was my very first world for the Disney save it has seen quite the transition since the early days of my creation of it it's changed a lot cuz we got some new worlds and some of the characters moved in things so if you saw my original tour video way back when the kind of went viral this is different in a lot of ways and I'm going to be going over all of it today so Willow Creek is based after Princess and the Frog Dumbo Beauty and the Beast The Rescuers and a little bit of Disneyland let's start out with the first household the main household of this world Tiana and navine I definitely mentioned this in my other tour videos but just as an FYI if this is your first one that you are checking out there is going to be a light buzzing throughout the entire video because it's the fan on my computer I do not normally have the fans on when I record but the game needs them so I don't normally play the game live when I'm recording and you might hear them I do apologize for that but there's really no way of getting around it now Tiana Mansion okay so this Mansion is it's been completely revamped very recently I completely redid the exterior I made it green I simplified it a lot there was used to be a third floor to this Mansion it was based more on the lauff Mansion but I toned it back quite a bit the only two sims that live here are Tiana and naven they are married Tiana owns her own restaurant Tiana's Palace from the movie which we will be visiting later on in the video and she is also a just like a Master Chef in general aspiration and a celebrity chef so she's everything with like the foodie side of the game navine is I I had a hard time placing his job because he could be like a performer but we have a lot of those in the save so I felt like if this was post princess in the Frog maybe he could be like a food critic and that way he has reason to be like in the Louisiana restaurants but um not something that's like directly the same thing as her job as Tiana's job and they can kind of work together in the restaurant as well so they live in this absolutely massive mansion that is way too big for two sims but that's okay they like to throw lots of parties and get togethers and have people and friends over naveen's parents live in Willow Creek and so does Tiana's mom and there's a lot of townies from Princess and the Frog that I'll show a little bit of them later on so there's definitely lots of space here to have many Sims over this is their bedroom over here I believe naven is just relaxing some cool things about their home that makes it unique I'll try to point out as many of these as possible as we go throughout the video the uniqueness of everything in the save as I do really try my hardest to think about like what can make this different than other things and provide like a different experience in each household they have a terrarium which is obviously a little out of place for like an older style New Orleans home but I just felt like it was so cool for their characters and being able to like if the Sims ever implemented a system of like tropical animaling or frog keeping or anything like that they could totally live in there the house is also obviously very decked out in like natural um nature Vibes and has lots of green pops here and there a lot of additional space if you really wanted to play this family and have them explore maybe making a family of their own there's lots of bedrooms for other sims to move into they also have this gorgeous outdoor balcony area that I absolutely love off of their bedroom and basically if you remember the old version of their home this entire Upper Floor the floor plan is completely different I think their bedroom used to be here or maybe it was on the third floor but I've now moved it over here and used an array of green things for um the decor of the home tried to keep the kitchen nice and open and really pretty and beautiful just so that Tiana has lots of room for experimenting with different um food and recipes and cooking and Tiana so one thing you'll notice right over here something I Implement with the Disney save is definitely friendships so even though a lot of her friends don't live here she has friendships already going with other townies and other characters that she should know from the film so Lawrence for example is kind of one of the antagonists from Princess and the Frog he was navin's Butler he is in the game as awy he should function as a butler too if you see him or you call a butler he might be one of the options um he's kind of programmed as an NPC role that way and then we have Mama Odie whose house we will be visiting later Ry and lwis are both townies and friends of hers now she does know Ariel but the only reason for that is because she is in the Disney Princesses Club she is the leader of it right now because she was the very first Disney princess that was added to the safe file so I've been slowly adding these ladies in as I go throughout different movies and this kind of gives you glimpse of some of the other films and other worlds that we're going to be visiting later on in the video I'm very excited to show off my princesses but whenever you add Sims to the same Club they automatically get some kind of a friendship so that's why um a lot of Sims that maybe they don't know each other in per movie they do end up knowing each other because of that and I also try to put in some extra traits whether that be bonus traits or just unlockable traits that maybe fit the character really well to give them a lot more personality that fits them from the film um all Disney princesses are famous so they always have pristine reputations with five stars and they're like a big deal when you see them walking around town so you'll get like a lot of reaction from people I don't always love that to be honest with you but if we're going to use the fame system which I really try to use pretty much everything in The Sims 4 then we would want these ladies and some princess the princes also have a club too to be um some of the most famous Sims in the save so we have the Disney princes underway here we don't have as many cuz some of them don't have like a prince like Merida for example but we do have Shang Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast and Eric again we'll be visiting a lot of their households and their um different things they got going on later on in the video Tiana cosmetically looks a bit different she's had some changes made to her maybe we'll enter cast real quick when I originally made Tiana she did not we did not have makeup Sliders in the game so her makeup originally maybe just didn't fit her skin tone as well as more recently has been made available to do so so I've changed and updated a lot of her makeup and her clothing for some of the new packs that we've gotten her blue dress is one of my new favorite looks so this dress is new this is from wedding stories and having her be able to have like a proper green dress from the wedding scene was super cool but she a lot of them have different clothing options they'll have a couple different choices depending on if how many outfits are actually shown for the character in the film but she also has she should have maybe it's party look the blue dress look from her party that she goes to at Charlotte La Buff's house and this is an older dress for the game but the hair is the new update being able to get her a properly textured hair and it just fits so perfectly with the dress I just love how she looks now like her old bun hair that I used to have to give her just like did not suit her at all but it was all had at the time so a lot of characters especially my princesses will get a lot of outfits something else I have for all Disney Princess Characters they have their Wreck-It Ralph casual wear outfits which were highly highly requested to add in So based after the scenes in Wreck-It Ral where they're all sitting together and having like the slumber party even though it's a slumber party they're kind of wearing more like daily wear it's not always pajamas is what I noticed like especially hers just in feel like pajamas so I put all of them in like their last slot of the everyday wear and that's where that will be whatever is the first outfit is the one that I feel like you'll see and you'll want to see the character in most often which isn't always the dress cuz I felt like it would be odd to have all the Disney Princesses running around in just dresses all the time so they usually have something that's a bit more casual and then hot weather and cold weather which can be annoying sometimes cuz it seems like it's always hot or C in the save and so they end up wearing those outfits a lot more than um the ones that you really want them to wear the daily wear he doesn't have quite as many outfit choices I also try to think about the time period that they're from and really stick to clothing that makes sense for that but I can't always like the athletic wear is really tough and um sometimes the swim wear is really tough but I do try my best with what we have that is Tiana and naven their cute little New Orleans Mansion let's go ahead and check out the next household from Willow Creek which is lah labuff and Big Daddy lauff also from Princess and the Frog AKA Tiana's best friend from the film so here we have lahi lauff this is her best friend from the film Tiana's best friend and we have her dad Big Daddy labuff I had to change his name on The Gallery upload if you ever see a name change or like an odd name that doesn't make sense for the gallery version of a character just know that I Tred 10 million times to actually get the character to upload with the correct name but certain words and names for reasons we do not know and could never guess are blocked on the gallery most recently apparently being um for some reason Big Daddy so we can't put him on the gallery the way he's supposed to be named however I can keep it in the save however I would like to they also have two pets Stella and Percy that are both shown in the film they are l two babies one of them is sick apparently I'm not going to be worried about stuff like that too much today their mansion is this overly pink almost Gody extremely massive Mansion like 10 times the size of Tiana's mansion and totally lah lauff style something that I feel like when Big Daddy is gone she would really really live in and like get make a huge like Bridgerton household family seven children type of vibe and really grow into her room is upstairs here it is based completely after her version from the film so it looks a little bit different than just like the general Mansion uh Decor of the rest of the home it's more based off of like what you can actually see in the film she has her own bathroom she has her own closet that has been updated from some of the more recent additions to the Sims 4 uh we've gotten quite a few like I would say fashion leaning packs and like the home decorator pack that kind of a Vibe so she's got so this mansion's been updated somewhat recently but just hasn't been changed as much as as much as Tiana's Mansion we also have the two balconies this is one of the ones that you would have seen Tiana on in the film in her blue dress from the party they've got this absolutely massive space back here for any type of parties or social Gatherings fountains tons of flowers you might need a gardener for this law you might need a butler or two especially cuz a lot of these characters don't cook uh a lot of the times I will not put in any type of skills that I don't feel like a character really has they will naturally gain these on their own obviously but for lah for example I don't think she's ever cooked anything in her life she doesn't have any cooking skill and things like that little details I don't remember exactly what branch of career he's in those who are really familiar with the Sims 4 um branches of careers would be able to tell you in the comments this might be business something like that and then yeah he's got to go to work so we'll send him and Charlotte is a um she's trying to become an actress I felt like that really fit well with her character a lot of the characters if I can give them a job that I feel like fits their character or is literally the one from the film I will and so I try my best to match them some of them I give them custom careers and we'll be going over that later on in the video when we go to a household that has a lot of those yeah this is their mansion not like even though it's massive not too much to see this is Eli's room across the way from Charlotte's very gold very like this place is overwhelming um in a lot of ways it's got the full like three stories there's even more bedrooms up here and a little like patio area out here there's a lot going on so moving on there are just as many Community Lots in Willow Creek as there are residentials I'm not going to literally go to every single law there has to be some magic some things for people to discover when they download the save file um for example the froggy Bayou this has been here since the original version of the safe file it's a wedding venue so it used to be like a park I believe but now it's a wedding venue it's based after Princess and the Frog and the scene where Tiana and naen get married specifically it's just this very Louisiana Bayou uh Willow Tree Park Garden that you could do multiple things here but getting married would definitely be one of them I won't be visiting that one today as it's been featured in the past instead we can check out Tiana's Palace as well as the Crown Jewel this these are two restaurants that sit by side by side all three of these actually sit right together they're all restaurants Duke's Cafe is based after the original location that Princess Tiana used to work at when she like when the movie first starts out she works at a place called Dukes Cafe um we we can go here first so here we have Dukes it is in the film it's just this small Diner very Hometown small local Vibes and it's attached to a larger building that's a part of like it looks like something straight from Louisiana I decided to build both buildings even though this left part of the building is like empty it's really meant to if in one of my dreams for The Sims 4 is that we could eventually make like dual lot type locations so I could like mark off half of this as being an apartment and then this half could be um the restaurant so that's like my hopes and dreams for The Sims 4 maybe that's going to be the case now that we have 4 Ren it's kind of leaning in that direction but I wanted to keep it empty just for like object count and things like that the bulk of the restaurant is over here on the right if you've ever been to a local Small Town Diner this is exactly the vibe with the mismatch furniture and maybe some of the smaller like it's just physically smaller inside it's a little bit awkwardly laid out and then there's always outdoor seating because it ends up getting really good and popular and everybody wants to eat here um so you end up having to put a lot of the seating outside little Garden area in the back and general patio area to help it feel like more a part of the town the menus and the the what the staff will wear for each restaurant are also customized for the Disney save so this is like what you'll get for chefs and waiters and hostesses based after Tiana's outfit of course and then the menu is always catered For whatever is going on so for this place it's going to be a lot of breakfast food maybe some things that are leaning more towards lunch or like the classics like a hamburger um and then anything Princess and the Frog inspired like we do not have Beignet on the Sims 4 menu but we do have powdered dut which is the next closest thing I would say so you can get all of that good stuff here next door we can already kind of see it here Tana's Palace if we take a quick look over there this is the main restaurant from the film that she opens this is Tiana's she does own this in the save file so it's a restaurant that like you as the player can go ahead and own and run and every inch of it is based after the one from the film so it's meant to be like an identical replica you always have to change and like add things depending on if the game will allow you to do certain things or like maybe they don't show the left side of the building so I kind of have to come up with that portion on my own but we got a lot of great shots from the film of this place so you can kind of get a Vibe for how it's supposed to be and they do like Southern Cuisine there is live performances here there's a stage where you could hire a Pianist or some kind of a singer for the evening and they usually do you could have lwis here he definitely likes to play instruments um and whatnot so that was kind of my thought process behind that and it's big cuz it would be super popular it's gold it's really nice you've got the frogs hidden here and there in the decor not in like an overwhelming way not like too much green the kitchen's upstairs which is like not ideal but sometimes I have to figure out the best way to fit everything into a shape that Disney has already given me and there is a private dining room back here so if you go around like this back side of the building up the stairs there is an opportunity to do maybe some cool gameplay and have this door um I have it set requires three star access for like VIP and have like a private dining experience back here there's a piano again you could hire somebody it's an option for sure like you could request this table when you come to the lot their own host waiters chefs little bit more fancy than Duke's Cafe and then the menu It's supposed to be lightly inspired by Seafood Southern Cuisine things that we have in the game that you might find in like Louisiana authentic experience and always a couple of good desserts across the way we have a build this build has been a part of the save file since the beginning but I recently renamed it to the Crown Jewel so my idea behind this uh restaurant was always that it's supposed to be Tiana's restaurant but it's the version that Dr facilier the villain from the film shows her cuz there's like a this flashback scene in the film where he or Flash Forward where he shows her what her dreams could look like and what her restaurant could look like like and he's trying to like convince her to make a deal with him and he shows her a version of her restaurant but it's different than the one that ultimately becomes what she ends up with so this is a recreation of what is shown in that like dream sequence it is this like almost it's very similar to Tiana's but it's got this less authentic feel it feels more um stuffy and it has it's not just like it's just not done quite as well it's a little bit more fancy it doesn't have the live music the gold and red tones in here a little bit overwhelming and this is supposed to be like I think the the traits here yeah like hottest spot in town so it's an upand cominging restaurant that's competing with Tiana's Palace across the street and there's similar enough that it kind of creates some Conflict for you if you wanted you could almost say that it's a nicer version of Tiana's Palace but to me it doesn't quite feel like as authentic as it could be it's like fine dining and then we've got the hosts and the waiters again a little bit more formal wear and the menu is just different it's more mixed drinks it's more like a crazy mix of foods and we've got some pasta dishes like some things that just don't quite make sense I have it like canonly in my head that Dr facilier owns and runs this restaurant or he's an investor here although he doesn't physically own it in the game cuz he's got other things going on so that is the Crown Jewel and that's what he calls it in the film so I changed the name recently it used to be a little bit confusing I may in the future of the save file replace that restaurant I've had the idea to do the Blue Bayou from Disneyland for a while I have some shout outs to the Blue Bayou if you're a Disneyland goer over here in my New Orleans square that I'll be showing um we we could actually go over here now that would probably make the most sense we'll check out New Orleans square and and I've wanted to put the Blue Bayou into the saves so I might do a lot replacement for that lot if you'd like something different that's based after Disneyland however that is currently not available but could be in the future let me know if it's something you'd like to see just for the record there are no lot Replacements or bonus Sims or Sim replacements for Willow Creek at all it just is how it is um as being shown today now New Orleans square is a newer build for the Disney save it used to be Gaston's Tavern which was moved over to hempford on baggley that we'll be checking out later this is based after Disneyland in California I have not been but including this piece of Disneyland that's literally right from New Orleans made a ton of sense here and it gives that same like Vibe as the rest of the buildings for like a community space what is cool about this lot is it's set up to be multiple things so I have this set to be a bar and the primary building that this is attached to and like where the bar is actually located is this blue this building right here this like green door building with the blue balcony up top this is ma majorly the bar um and it's based after Club 33 that was really the idea I wanted to do a Club 33 however you can change the lot type here and have it be multiple things this building over here is based after momentto Mori also in Disneyland which is I think is my Disneyland purus are going to hate me if I get this wrong but I think it is the shop that you would go to after the Haunted Mansion ride however here it's almost as if it is a real like fortune teller spellcaster store and you could run it as such so let me just change the lot type for you guys if you wanted to make this a retail um I'll switch it you'll notice that all of the lot requirements are already fulfilled so you can run this as a retail you can can have your sim own it you would pick and choose what everything you want to be sold and what you do not want to be sold you can also if you don't want to run a spellcaster shop you could run a candy store that's over here you would have to change it just a little bit cuz there's currently no way to get behind the counter um I was having some pathing issues so you could maybe like remove this end counter here but you could do a little candy store and run that out of this area or if you wanted this to run as a restaurant you can switch it again and all of the lot requirements are fulfilled and this building over here is meant to be a very small nod to the Blue Bayou it is a tiny version of it it is not quite like the one from Disneyland however there's definitely some nods here and you can see that because it's a loic and switch I wasn't able to set like the waiters in the host in the menu so you would have to do all of that yourself it's really up to you there's lots of options here I like it as a bar cuz I don't have another bar for Willow Creek so it's just something different for the world and really what ends up happening is your Sims can use like they end up using this area but it goes upstairs there is this area up here with a piano we've got the bathroom on the lot and then there's a door over here if you go through this way to even more space for the bar there is an upstairs walk area even more space for the bar some games to play the whole thing is basically connected and then you can use the other pieces um as you would and just use them for General gameplay depending on however you have the lot set up it looks really pretty at night also got lots of string Ls going on tried to give that whole like what would you call it like curb appeal it's a cute one it's brand new for the Disney save i Brand newish this is so hard because I don't even know like I'm like I don't want to go to Every lot but so many of you are going to kill me if I don't like pick every lot so we'll visit the one directly next door this is a nightclub for Willow Creek called other side it is based on Dr facilier I don't think this building is shown in Princess and the Frog I think this is something of my own design or maybe I picked um some general like buildings from Louisiana architecture I don't know though I I could be wrong it's been a long time since I've seen the film and definitely a long time since I built this this is one of my very first builds for the save file so that might be wrong but it's supposed to be a spellcaster nightclub Factory converted also Dr vilar lives here he lives in a different lot let me make this clear he lives somewhere else in the save I'll show you his home later but if there was a way for Sims to own multiple properties he also owns a place here so that is what this little room room is this side part of the building this front piece here is actually a window to stop Sims from being able to enter here and only Dr facilier in the whole save can go through this side door so he's able to go into this apartment and you could just have him live here if you were going to play for all intents and purposes he can stay here and be here 24/7 this is the upstairs area he's a little bit of like a collector as you can see he's got his tiny little bathroom room um but the majority of this lot is supposed to be the nightclub that's only blocked off the door like that just to stop Sims from going over there cuz it gets kind of annoying they want to like interact with some of the pieces and it's supposed to be this like deep purple glowy Moody spellcaster nightclub there are some back rooms where you could get your fortune R and if you're a spellcaster you could get someone to come and sell you some various spellcaster goodies there's also like just the general nightclub upstairs and it's very heavily themed after like magic Louisiana and Dr facilier it's his whole vibe like wrapped up into a building three floors lots of stuff to do got some darts up here some games try to give a lot of variety no matter what the lot type is so you can have lots to do anywhere you go I will skip What's Next Door this is Southern dreams it's a museum it's based after like local Louisiana things um New Orleans Vibes it's got like shout outs to the local environment the frogs the Bayou and jazz music uh Southern Cuisine that kind of a Vibe but it's ultimately it's a museum so it's not the biggest like most important thing in the save file I'll skip it there's a whole speed build video for it if you want to check it out next door to that we'll check this out cuz it has been updated recently this is called chapter 3 it's a retail for Willow Creek and it is owned by the enchanter she is currently the only resident from Beauty and the Beast she lives over here in a little cave home that I'll be showing off later she lives here by herself far from the rest of the Beauty and the Beast characters cuz I felt like it was kind of you know the vibe to have her be a little bit more secluded by herself and away from the rest of the villagers and away from like the general area of the rest of the Beauty and the Beast although a lot of Beauty in the Beast builds used to be in this world and she was one of the original ones but she was one of the only ones that like made sense to maybe not move over to the new world so that's why she still lives here this is chapter three based on the song and the line from Beauty and the Beast Belle opened this little cafe retail location overloaded with red flowers and roses and so many pretty places to sit and read a book that she would just love so much and it's meant to be a playable retail location for you as the player to own and sell your own books at a bookstore you can also hire a barista to come sell pastries here although I don't believe you make any profit off of things like that but you can have that as an option and then in general Sims can come here and just read if not to buy anything just to read cuz Belle would like that it's very lightly based after Beauty and the Beast and like has that pink Bell dress vibe to it it's one of the first retail things that I did for the save file and I don't know it's something that I designed on my own the safe file is a mix of like straight up Recreations from the films things from Disney parks that I'm trying to replicate combinations of like various ideas like combining two buildings into one and then things that I just totally straight up make up on my own but they're Disney themed all righty so we have two neighborhoods left we have Foundry Cove and Courtyard Lane so Courtyard Lane is a combination of two shotgun house neighborhoods you'll recognize that Tiana's family is originally from shotgun houses and those were shown in the film which is why I created this little neighborhood over here for Tiana's mom to live in and then across the way because shotgun homes are built typically in this fashion where they sort of like face each other um I wanted to put another one here facing the opposite way and this is where Dr facilier lives and he currently lives with USA from The Rescuers which is also a film that takes place in New Orleans her little boat house is over here I'll kind of like explain how that came to be uh they do live together just because I can't split up households but for rent has recently made that a possibility I just haven't implemented for rent into the save file yet so if you don't own for rent that is okay cuz I haven't used it in the save yet but I probably in the future and in future updates for the save will be breaking up some of those households especially ones like that that the two movies living together does not make any sense I think that's one of the very few cases in the save that I have two characters from two different films living together okay here we have it udora is actually in her summer wear and a lot of the characters that you'll be seeing in the video today are probably summerwear so just keep that in mind as like the general primary outfits for them they live in well it used to be they cuz if you remember the old version of the Disney save I used to have Tiana's dad living here however he's not canonly alive in the film and I've been sort of cutting some of these characters recently so you'll see he's now ghostified and he does exist in the save but only as a ghost and really only udora knows him this is her primary everyday wear um so she lives in there's three houses here and again if you have for rent you could like break this up which would be really cool but we live in this house here based after the one from the film you get to see a lot of the inside of this house so it's a pretty much one for one Recreation udora is a knitting and like seamstress she is in the fashion career so she's got a lot of that stuff here to be able to uh partake in that her daughter is famous so she's got like some stuff from her daughter and her um son-in-law and this is like a small little home it's got some things that give you a hint as to who lived here for example her husband used to be in the military and so he's got like different military memorabilia stuff like that the other homes are decorated but they are empty and the doors are locked so that you don't like mess with too much of what's going on here and that would be a really cool thing to use for rent for for rent but for now I'm just kind of leaving it maybe you as the player could move in if if you're somebody who like uses a Sim self and wants to like play with the Disney characters and she's so pretty all of the characters are always based on each other's genetics so like when I made her I used her to make Tiana or I used Tiana to make her and I really tried to like stick to same genetics so that they really truly look similar across the way we have Dr facilier and Medusa they are in a similar Vibe you can see like truly for what it is the two sets of shock on H here and so the way that this works in this one is that this house all the way over on the right is Dr facilier's Primary Home what I like to do is have him basically stay at other side 99% of the time so that one is way more heavily furnished to be like to his taste it's got all of his stuff and his spellcaster gear he's got some stuff here but it's like definitely not his primary residence I wish that there was a way for Sims to own multiple locations but there isn't and I don't think that was even added in for rent and then this house over here this shabby rundown dirty mess is Medusa's she is shown in The Rescuers just not keeping any care whatsoever of her like her house um she lives in like a boat home and the way I did this in the save is that her boat was actually taken over you can see it across the way and they have refurbished it into a celebrity nightclub so it was repossessed by the bank and now it's being used as a really nice nightclub old style steambow that is docked for Life maybe not good enough to be out on the water but good enough to be a nightclub and now she lives here with her two crocodiles that are shown in the film and they're obviously pugs but I saw this little crocodile costume in Crea a pet recently and was like I have to add these guys it's just so necessary so she lives here he lives here they don't like each other very very much and Dr facilier does not take care of her pets there's an additional home if you wanted you know move in characters as you please kind of the same way that we had across the way um and I won't be visiting this lot here but I'll give you a glimpse of it this is called Little Kingdom Playground it's a generic lot just so it doesn't require any type of objects on the lot but it's supposed to be a playground something that's themed in the more fantasy Vibes it's got Little Dragons all over the place on the various um playground equipment and it is literally just because there's one child actually there's two now living in Willow Creek and so I wanted like a place for them to go and play facilier is a spellcaster he's actually pretty good with his spellcasting he's got like decent enough Talent he can use a wand um some of the other ones cannot so it just depends on like what they were and he's like an evil spellcaster that you could to play with he does have a job I promise you he actually has a custom job but for some reason the game is not letting it show up it's a really weird glitch it only happened to me one other time but I can't get it to show up if anybody knows how to fix that please let me know but he does have a job and then Medusa is a nasty criminal she's awful I don't have any other Rescuers characters in the save right now because she's the one who like lives here so um it's just her and her two nasty crocodiles and she is a hor horrible horrible Sim but we have to have some of those it really makes it fun in like game play not too much to say about their household we'll go ahead and check out uh one other in this neighborhood here across from them we have the maldonia royal family these are Prince naveen's parents and his little brother Ralphie I really just needed more family and like more things to fill up the space Willow Creek is such a big world and they were kind of last minute idea for the save um it could come a time where maybe they're not included but for now they're here and basically this is like their geta away home they usually live in a castle somewhere far far away but now that navine lives in New Orleans with Tiana they needed somewhere to come and be able to stay and hang out and be close to their son so this is their estate it's a very very nice clean castle like aesthetic Louisiana Mansion they are not given names in the film so I had to come up with their names except for ralie I think he does actually uh have his own name so I named them Nadia and Rohan they're both politicians which is something I do for some Royal Sims but not others and they're the only Sims in all of Willow Creek to have a pool because it's just so high-end and just something that like of course oh she's going to work that's why she's wearing that outfit I promise it's not her swimwear um but it's just something that's it's like so over the top especially for the time period so only the most Royal Sims would end up with something like that and their home is like this very clean white Louisiana Castle I completely came up with this build on my own it's obviously a combination of a few different ideas the interior very expansive they've got this huge master bedroom closet bathroom Ralphie's got um this the layout of this actually changed recently because I used to have a really hard time figuring out where to put Ralphie's room cuz he's a little young and I didn't want him to have a balcony I felt like it was inappropriate for a child that young to have a balcony not a safe thing so it was so hard to figure out how to do the layout up here to get this to fit where he didn't have one considering how many balconies are on the bill but I did rework it so now he's got this bedroom over here that's very heavily themed and kidfriendly and we have an additional bedroom here for maybe Tiana and navine to stay from time to time as well as the general living area downstairs it's supposed to be very highend and maybe a little bit modern compared to some of the other things that are going on in this world but not so much so that it doesn't fit with the aesthetic of everything else in the world and a little room for a butler or a maid or whatever you'd like to hire definitely this is the type of household to have something like that I'm going to take Nadia real quick and travel next door to to our next lot called The Devil's byou this is the location from The Rescuers where Medusa actually lives in the film she lives on this boat I already gave you the lore of why she no longer lives on the boat but in the film it's like this crusty Dusty old abandoned Steamboat ship in the middle of the Louisiana bayou and I have fixed it and made it a nice fancy celebrity nightclub Nadia happens to have some Fame cuz she's a royal so I figured we'd go ahead and take her here and I wanted to be able to show you guys this in live mode as there's a lot going on with it like The Fountains and the uh General effect of attempting to make it look as though is actually in water really cool it's a boat it's a nightclub it's for celebrities only which is kind of cool I don't do a ton of that in the save so we'll have her go here and just check it out a little bit I tried to think about like the time period period that this would be from if it's like Princess and the Frog is time and like a classic black and white interior very classy some place small some place that's meant to like only get together with other Sims that are famous and it would be a place that's just really like for celebrities to mix together and you can see she has no issues going in but other Sims will show up here and they can't get in it's kind of funny here's the upstairs portion this whole thing's built on a diagonal so it was a little bit tricky to get like everything to fit in here hence the ladders but I still think it really works gives the party Vibes and there's one more additional floor up here that has the bathrooms and like an outdoor patio area maybe we can check out some of the other Sims that are showing up here I think this is Ursula it is Ursula so we'll be visiting her later so I'm not going to show her off too much you actually come in from like this dock on the back that is the devil's Bayou I used the tool mod around this location to really add a lot of these deep Bou looking trees to kind of camouflage the area a bit and make it look more like uh the Lagoon isn't so out of place in just this General neighborhood area for the end of Willow Creek our last neighborhood we'll be a little bit quicker about some of the locations here this is a vacation rental called 21 Royal it's based on a Disneyland location by the same name it used to be I think an apartment for Walt Disney and now that it's now that he no longer needs an apartment it's a very exclusive dining experience that you can do at Disneyland that costs a ton of money and it's just really unique um so it's something that's in the same area I believe is New Orleans square and I like to have one rental per world so this was the one for this world it's a two-bedroom two B nothing super major we're going to be skipping that today we will not be skipping Mama od's treeh house it has a new name recently it's called blue skies and sunshine a lyric from one of her songs and here we have it this is a little bit hard to see but this in the film Mama ODI lives in like a an abandoned boat that's stuck in some trees so this is a tree free house as much as it is the swamps in the bayou as much as it is an abandoned ship house there's a lot going on here it is a really really fantastically different sort of home uh you can also check out my little 21 Royal over here if you are really familiar with Disney World this building you will recognize it as the one that's near or in front of or on top of I cannot remember which Pirates of the Caribbean so that is a Disneyland Recreation Mama Odie is a spellcaster she has a custom career called voodoo priestess the reason I Implement custom careers is because if you do not give a Sim a job what'll happen is if I was to take another household like let's say I'm playing with Tiana and naven and I go out to the bar you might get Mama ODI spawning as the bartender if she has the skills to fill the role this should for the most part stop that from happening and that's why we do that so so every Sim that I create should have a job for the most part she's a spellcaster um she's obviously friends with all the other people that we've kind of already visited in the safe file and she has been to silven Glade which is the special before we go into her home this is a bonus secret lot for this world and I have redone this lot as well so if you're familiar with silven Glade it's normally this like it's another world you can travel to in The Sims and it is very pink there uh there's really nothing there I think maybe there is some minerals or something you can collect maybe there's Collectibles of some kind but I don't really know what the purpose of the world otherwise is you can take her there cuz she has already discovered silven Glade if you want to visit this lot that I have turned into and themed after Pirates of the Caribbean this is called Voodoo Shack and and it is tiad Delma Shack again it gives vou Vibes which is why it ended up in this world and why it was such a perfect fit they are similar characters they're both like voodoo priestess SE characters uh they're both spellcasters tiad Delma is in the save she is a Towny I'll show her off in the household manager in a little bit but this is from Pirates of the Caribbean it's just something fun that you can discover I've never shown this off before in live mode and in general I've only showed it um in build so there's also around the back here a little ouse you could totally stay here for a while there is a livable area there's a kitchen I wish there was a way to like truly make this a residential and just have Tia Dalma live here but she can't so you can come visit and just something fun to discover that fits in with the theme of all the other stuff that we've got going on there are other Pirates of the Caribbean characters in the save and we'll be showing off some of them later on in the video they live in a different world back to Mama od's home something I really love about her house are all of these bottles hanging from the trees it's shown that way in the film there's like bottles hanging from all the trees all over the place and her house is primarily this floor I wanted to make this a tiny home but it's like just a couple tiles too big so I'm working on trying to see if I can get this into like an official tiny home but for all intents and purposes it really is just a super super tiny spellcaster home and it's also a boat so you got to think about like the dimensions of a ship and trying to keep everything looking like a boat and still making the space usable for like a livable area but it does mean we can get away with ladders which really help with the space and it's totally her vibe it's really really fun colorful and kind of newer to the save file this was not originally here in the first version of the Disney SA save now we're done with Princess and the Frog for the last few things here I will show you in the household manager these are when you download the save and it comes up and it should say the Disney save 2.0 by the way that's how you know that it downloaded correctly the households are by the world so all of the Willow Creek Sims and the townies that go with these characters are all kept in the same space so if you scroll all the way to the bottom because it's the first world we have Tiana naen the laba family Tiana's mother um and then we also have tiad dma who I just mentioned previously she's kind she's cool she's got some special traits that make her like prone to cool things with water uh LS and Ray and Lawrence and that would be moving on to Evergreen Harbor so we're not going to go much further than that the enchantress is a spellcaster as well she lives with her cats she's a cat lady and they're all based all the cats are named after the actors that that played the Beauty and the Beast characters in the live action kind of a fun shout out there um I don't do too many live action references but I will pop in little things like that here and there our La I'm not going to be going there because it's just an underground cave home and I've shown it in another videos before but for the last two these are newer to Willow Creek so we'll be going here we have Dumbo this is such a fun household and I recently redid this household and a lot as well Dumbo is a toddler that was like the best way I could kind of like move him over rather than making him like a weird dog or something and his mother and then we've got the medi Brothers um I I cannot remember his name off the top of my head but we'll go to this household Timothy the is he a mouse from the film it's been a long time since I've seen Duo and it's not one of my favorites but like the theme of circus we can do in the save file okay so this is a circus this is my chance to make it so you can live on a circus lot so different from anything else we have in the save you could obviously kick this family out and run this as like a business in so many ways if you wanted to maybe change it to a restaurant whatever you want to do but this is meant to be like they live here so basically the idea is that this used to be the mic Brothers traveling circus and now they are more inclined to just stay here in Willow Creek they do really well here so they live here now and it's kind of a permanent fixture inside of Willow Creek we have what we would call what I would call like a Midway which is where you would get lots of food be able to sit down and enjoy the food you might find some games here some of these are more functional than others this is supposed to be a dunk tank obviously it doesn't work but the idea of it is there and you could definitely play with the water balloons if you wanted to darts that you can totally use this is a bathroom just so you have a quick bathroom option these extra tents over here let me go into build mode just so the lighting is a little bit better especially if we check it out at night look how fun and colorful this is these tents over here are the circus staff tent so these are where everybody sleeps and lives everybody's got their own bedroom we have the ring Master's room we have Tim's room Timothy's room he has a little rat um just a nod to like what he is from the film and then this bigger tent over here is for Dumbo and jumbo his mother it's not the best living but it's like we're making do with what we have it's very outdoorsy and then we have the general like the actual circus tent so if you put the walls all the way up in here you can see it's got the full it's got everything okay it's got an area down here this is really the kitchen of the lot but this is where you would buy snacks and and that kind of kind of a thing when you come to the circus all of these seats work so you can come up here and actually sit down everywhere balloons literally everywhere the animals that stack on top of one another it's an entertainment space it's also here to train some animals it's also kind of serves as like their living room and it's just really fun this is something I always wanted to have in the safe so to be able to put Dumbo in and have this be like the livable LW is really cool now what I do want to talk about over here really really important I have some exotic pets cuz if not like this is a circus okay so if we're going to put exotic pets anywhere this is definitely one of the places that we can put them so this household includes an otter he's got a little Pond we have a I think over here is this a a cheetah we have a cheetah we have a lion everybody's asleep right now and then a zebra most recently added to this household now now I did not make these pets these pets are by an absolutely fabulous Creator called um and I'm hopefully I'm not butchering this the kaano it is the colano or kilano they make absolutely incredible pet Recreations I literally do not possess this Talent like I I'm a good Builder and I'm an okay person at Crea a Sim but this is incredible work in Crea a pet that I am simply just not capable of so I decided to make an exception cuz everything in the Disney save is made by me but I had to make an exception for this because you just cannot possibly pass this up they make all kinds of different pets this is the lion I've used and you can download lots and lots of really cool stuff here they also make custom content that's related to and mods that are related to pets and animals on their website their website and their Tumblr will be linked down below total credit to them and big shout out because I couldn't make these creatures and actually have them be a part of this household and have them be so cool if not for them so if you see you go to like creative if you go to Just households and like look at the pets there's so many really fun cool options here we've got the pride cats um there's lot there's a hyena there are foxes there is little Simba here a polar bear it was really hard to actually pick like what animals am I going to include I tried to think about like the enclosures and the spaces and everything this was hard to pass up um but I just wanted to point that out because I definitely want them to get credit where it's due it's so it's such good work and I wouldn't be able to do something half as good so the animals that come with this lot when you play this household and you've got your lion cheetah otter and zebra created by them I revamped this side of the Dumbo circus lot it originally had more tents and things but now it's meant as an exotic animal enclosure kind of like a mini Zoo all of these Gates have settings on them to keep the animals inside of their enclosures but if you wanted them to be able to roam you definitely could it's just meant to be like the more realistic version and obviously like we've got our cheetah and our lion and stuff here it's not the biggest place for them but we've got a lot going on with the lot here so if we were going to have animals this was the best way to do it and I absolutely love how it turned out that is our last house hold for Willow Creek but it's not our last lot we'll check out one final one before we move on to the next World which will be Evergreen Harbor our final dumble lot we have the Casey Jr train based on the ride from Disneyland based on the one that is shown in the Dumbo film in the film this is the train that carries all of the circus animals so it's right across the way from the Dumbo circus it is now permanently stationed here as is the circus It's Like A Train That's sort of alive it looks like a literally a person so on the front end of it it moves in a way that like a human would too it's it's alive so we've got a face going on and then each of the carts carried animals originally so all of the carts are animal themed and the idea is that it's a lounge actually so it's one of the only ones that I have currently in the safe file you can come here and get a drink you can listen to music you can play instruments and it's supposed to be basically like an extension of the circus but mostly a place for your Sims to come and relax so if you come into the main house back here this is a giraffe house which is also shown in the film with some giraffe toys that are sized up and placed in a way that it makes it seem as though your Sims are interacting with and being able to play and have a drink with uh the giraffes and if you go over each of the different train carts is based after a different animal this is like the tiger one they've all got like music music theming inside as well this one's the bathroom but it is lightly based on elephants then we have the zebra train cart with the new piano I used to have like a makeshift upright piano in here but now I don't have to anymore cuz we did get one added I think with one of the newer packs and then the last car a cheetah themed cart there's some other little animals in here as well it is supposed to be like it's an animal house it's a giraffe house it's also the train really cool build also an excuse for me to build a train let's be honest love to have lots that are like themed after something or are shaped after something like having the circus lot the train lot having a boat lot having a treehouse things that are out of the ordinary and that is it for Willow Creek now we will be moving on to my second world for the Disney save this is Evergreen Harbor definitely very different we're going more Pixar with this world this world is based after after Toy Story 1 through 4 cuz we have some various characters from the films living here I also did Wall-E in this world a little bit of Big Hero 6 up and a little bit more Disney World and Disneyland and then most recently I added a lot here that was themed after cars so let's go ahead and get started with this one we will be starting off over here in this neighborhood on the top left in the Grims query District this is the Davis Family otherwise known as the first uh Toy Story rendition of the family now what I mean by that is obviously there's been quite a few Toy Story movies so the characters get older and I've actually addressed that in the form of a lot replacement for this particular lot so the first home you see in the very first Toy Story movie one of the plots of the film is that they are moving so I did recreate the second home that they end up moving into and I believe stay in for the majority of the movies moving forward that is a lot replacement for for this lot so this first lot is called Andy's home one I believe or just Andy's home and then Andy's home 2 is on the gallery as a lot replacement for this it's a little bit bigger it gives Molly her own bedroom if you recall from the first film Molly and Andy originally share a space this is their home by the way very cute has a little outdoor area for the kids to play lots and lots of toys this is definitely a household filled with toys for obvious reasons Andy recently I don't ask why Molly's laying on the sidewalk but Andy recently got an update officially to get his cowboy hat up until this point he had only had a snow cap cuz we didn't have a cowboy hat believe it or not for children's Sims to wear so if we could just get Jennifer to go pick up her child that would be great their house is it's like a family home it's definitely very lived in they also have a puppy Buster they adopt at the end of the film but he's already here in this very first house you recall from the film it is Andy's birthday during the events of Toy Story So I designed this space to be decorated for his birthday really cool unique opportunity for me to use some of the decorations that I don't get to use super often and like I said Andy and Molly used to share a bedroom which is one of the points that I think makes them want to move so they don't have to do that anymore but this is their original like space together and then as they get older if you wanted to play them like true Parenthood style have them age up then the other home for them has a little bit more space and it's listed right after one another on the gallery all of the replacement lots are so they're really easy to find if you know that it's a replacement lot for this house you can just go find this house on the gallery and then it would be the one right after that for download they also have a garage space like to do this from time to time it's kind of a space filler but it's still really realistic to real life Jennifer is a teacher which I don't think is ever really said one way or the other in the movie but she definitely gives the Vibes of like teacher or something very involved with children and then Molly is recently changed she used to be a toddler because that was really the only choice we had to make her but she's now an infant and she's one of very few if if not the only one in the safe file right now so if you wanted to play with a household that has an infant then there you go across the way is the Phillips family this is Sid's household also from Toy Story this was a tough one to do cuz you really only get to see Sid and his sister and scud their awful dog you don't get to see the parents which if I didn't have to create this household to like if I didn't have to have parents living with them I would have just not done the parents but I had to create them cuz every uh children only household has to have parents so I had to make these completely from scratch they're the only ones that are like this I do not like just completely make up Sims for the Disney save this is a rare circumstance this is their home if you recall it from the film this is pretty spoton to how it actually looks in the movie had to make up a little bit of the backyard and things like that that um we don't get to see we do get to see a little bit of the backyard but just not like the full way round Sid's room is probably the coolest space in here I spent a lot of time looking at the background kind of putting some things in here that are maybe a little inappropriate for his age but we know because of his character that it's just like so his Vibe and also getting the glowy darkness in here the neon sort of es glow of his bedroom very messy got like tools and all sorts of things listed around he's also failing school very in line with Sid Molly on the other hand not Molly what is her name Hannah is complete opposite of him in every single way and it's designed to be one of those households where the mom and the dad are just they have so much of a handful with Sid that they just don't get to spend a lot of time with Hannah and she's just naturally very well behaved on her own but she just doesn't get a lot of attention so it's a little bit of A Dysfunctional Family a lot of the living space I had to come up with on my own I tried to make it like kind of nice like their mother Kira I think her name is yes Cara Phillips she takes really good care of the home and the dad is like he doesn't take great care of the home he has a construction job or like part-time job and he sits in front of the TV a lot and he likes to bowl and play video games and isn't very helpful in regards to the family now again Little Things like Andy and Sid already know one another they do not have a great relationship this isn't shown in Toy Story but we can obviously imply if they're neighbors that that would be the case he loves his dog though and he's not a big fan of his sister he's okay with his mom he's even better with his dad and he knows all of the other Toy Story characters that will be coming up soon that I'll be showing because he's in one of the very few I have a few Toy Story clubs in the save file I have a Toy Story Club a Toy Story 2 club and that was really just to break up the characters cuz there are so many Toy Story characters in the save and then I also have one called Andy's toys that are very specifically the tight-knit core group of toy characters that you would think of when you think of like the first Toy Story movie they have their own club that's run by Woody this one's run by Andy and it's got like your Toy Story characters it is a movie club meant to be able to start a gathering between like Canon Toy Story characters that's their house not tooo much else to say about that one I have of course filled out and redone the apartments for Evergreen Harbor the first two I call these the Andy's Toy Box Apartments these are where the actual toys from Toy Story live and Andy excuse me Woody and Buzz live in Andy's Toy Box 95 95 is the year that Toy Story came out 1995 and then 96 for the second one I did that's not the year The Toy Story 2 came out it was just like the the next one that fell on the line of numbers and I really really heavily themed these apartments towards the characters that live in them another really cool thing about this household is that they are both get to work careers so Woody is in the policing investigation Sheriff career and buz is an astronaut so he's in the space career might be science might be something like that but basically you can follow both of them to work and play the get to work careers with them this is their cute little little apartment it's supposed to be like you'll notice when we go to the other apartment the general living quarters are themed the same in both locations they're also themed on Andy's room and Andy's toy box from the movie he has this like Western inspired green and sunset colored toy box so I film I did the rest of the space like the general living space on that and then their rooms are like their private spaces I thought of them as like Pokéballs like if you go if you put a Pokémon in the ball what would it look like for them and it would be just so heavily themed after the things that they like so we've got obviously Woody's room very much recently updated per the horses pack and then Buzz's room I love so much it's very sleek and modern and the floor is literally made to replicate like him as a toy I can't put him in the real space suit in fact Buzz looks quite a bit different in the game here than he would like in his costume cuz you're used to seeing him basically you can't see his um head and neck and everything so I really had to change kind of how he looks but this is Buzz and then Woody got a update for the horses pack so I changed his boots things like that tried to give him more outfits from that pack and like I mentioned before again we've got a few clubs he is in the Toy Story club which is run by Andy and then or no this is his Club I believe yes this is his club and then Andy's toys which are just like the main core toys Buzz Slinky cam Rex and Jesse she lives in a different apartment we'll be visiting later basically like the main characters from the movie and that's these guys they have to live right next to their buddies the other Andy's toy box toys kind of tried to keep it towards the first Toy Story movie cuz again there's just so much you can do do with it and I don't think this will be the last for Toy Story in the save file I actually would like to make some changes to this world specifically this is probably going to be the next world that gets a really big revamp now that we have the Western pack it makes a lot of sense to maybe move some of these characters out of this world and then replace what we have so I will probably be doing that in the future I'm not going to say when but I am probably leaning that direction Andy's toy box number 96 like you can see here that I'm mentioned the general living space that's shared from the friends is the same theme wise color-wise same objects things like that and Rex H and Slinky so in the old version of the save they used to be in University that was kind of their design as like roommates in University that didn't live on campus so you could play that out if you wanted to but I found that when I was testing the save it was really hard to keep them enrolled in their academics and have them not fail out so I removed them because in this in the testing process it just wasn't working out but I would suggest re-enrolling them just because that's what they're really meant to be doing for now I've given them different careers like I think they all have part-time or like starter careers just so that they have something to do and they're leaning towards like gaming or video game related considering that they're toy characters this is ham he shares his room with Slinky they're very much like it's divided right down the middle even with like a little curtain slinky's got some light dog references here they've got gaming consoles all over the place any Pig references I could find for Slinky or for uh ham and then Rex gets this big room over here he gets his own arcade machine he loves video games and I wanted him to be like an archaeologist or something leaning towards that we don't have that as a career in the save but anything science related or video game related I feel like would fit him really well so they each have their own space in there like that and all of these guys are really close friends I think the two of them each have different like keys to each other's Apartments I'll take a break from Toy Story although there is more Toy Story to see in this world to show off the first and only cars lot that is in the safe file this is called tomaters Towing and Salvage based on the ride from Disneyland and just generally bars when I originally designed Evergreen Harbor it did not have a community space which is the lot type that comes with this pack and I always kicked myself for doing that but I had a really difficult time coming up with what I could actually put here as a community space or like where it would go so this used to be a completely different residential that I have removed and replaced with this cars themed lot the idea of this is that it's a junkyard and a car Salvage basically where people would come and dump cars and then the community will change it and update it per their needs kind of clean it up a lot of the boards and the wood and all of the things that you'll see in this original version I literally just moved them out of the way and like organized them almost as if the Sims were actually cleaning up the space so for the community what what do we call these Lots yes community garden you can kind of see what I mean they basically they took what they had and they just clean it up and make it what they need it to be which is really the point of the community Lots it's cars themed you can see it very lightly especially these little like lights that I did on the windshield I thought that was a light nod to uh the cars and the way that they look in the film also if you're familiar with the Cars ride from Disneyland it is based on tractors I think so that's why these are here the next one a Marketplace and and this is a part of the pack system when your Sims vote on the different Community spaces this is the transition that you get so this is a place where you could come and buy things you've got some little food stalls they kind of gated off the areas that they don't want you near uh anything that has trash and some stalls where you could come you and your sim could come and actually sell things but the game will spawn other characters here selling certain things it usually tends to be things like candles and maybe a little crafting Corner why not things that you can craft and then sell at the tables lastly the maker space I think you get the idea by this point there's certain objects that are needed for the maker space this is the juice fizzer and the these might be the fabrication or cube uh the ones that make the cubes Cube compactors I don't know I don't know for sure I don't use this pack very much fabrication um and a lot of like these high tech objects that you need to make things wood crafting tables things like that I'm really glad that this world now has a community space so I'm happy to see that and this is very much like my Pixar world so it fits well in Evergreen Harbor this District down here Port promise is based almost entirely off of WALL-E with the exception of this law over here we'll go visit Miss Eve first and foremost she's actually over at her boyfriend's house so um we'll go back to her home and then we'll go over to Wally's later Eve is Eve is an alien Sim this was the closest idea I could come up with since she's a robot in the movie I felt like having her be from space made a ton of sense and she lives in a rocket ship this is based after the rocket that she comes down in in the film it comes off of the Axiom ship and it's like a smaller rocket ship that's made just for her to get to Earth and check in and see how things are going so this is obviously very unique I don't have another rocket house in the save although I've tried there's been other ideas and things that almost made it in and probably will in the future but this is currently the only standing one it's very sleek and modern and minimalistic she's designed to be I think the role is called ecomaster she is one of the roles that you need for this world there are three and she fits one of those roles it's kind of the one that shows up at your door and asks you if you want to learn about how to be more eco-friendly and make the neighborhood look nicer because that is entirely her goal in the film It just fits so perfectly with her character I love her house I love playing her as a single Sim with her little boyfriend Wall-E she's obviously very tense right now because the because Evergreen Harbor's disgusting and she hates it also this is her work wear so let's just change her and see what she normally looks like she normally wears this fancy costume actually from the get famous pack but it fits her really well and then she has a human disguise as well I won't check that out we're going to go see her boyfriend Wall-E this is Wall's home he lives in an abandoned transport vehicle this is like the vehicle that brings all the little Wall-E robots around Earth for the cleanup initiative on Earth and it's literally what he lives in in the film he just lives in one of these broken down versions that he's kind of converted and made his own personal style we even have the cubes all the little cubes of trash made into walls and I do eventually want to place more of these around the world almost like he was building and taking care of the place even before all the other Sims got here I just haven't gotten around to it yet it's going to be a lot of tool workor the inside is decorated to be like more personal to him there's movie posters around there is things to play music on there is his massive rotating Collectibles of all kinds things that he pairs together in groups and then can move around and rotate Hal also lives here he's a whippet and he's based on the cricket from the film he's got the little e the Wall-E e symbol tattooed on his side just so you know if you see him running around who he's supposed to be and I just love Wally he is also one of the roles for this world I don't know it's it's the master crafter is the role so he's going to help you I believe learn and use materials from the world to be able to make new things out of them there's a whole crafting system with this pack so he's a part of that look at how with his ball I love this household I'm I'm a big fan of like the single Sim households I find them the most relaxing to play with okay let's go to the next LW we have for Wall-E here we have a restaurant called evees terrarium Eve the Sim does not own this restaurant it's not something that she like physically runs as a business you could have her if you wanted to I thought of this more as like one of her initiatives to make the Evergreen Harbor space A Greener more eco-friendly modern cleaner sleeker space so she opened up this very Sleek very modern looking restaurant that's based on her obviously how she looks physically it's very small and it's also a vegetarian restaurant it's got a weird menu it's vegetarian only and it also has like space food but anything that was considered vegetarian like space food when I was picking these like weird foods the volcano pasta the honeycomb garden vegetable cups anything that looked strange like it could come from space I picked that for here but also more importantly somewhere you could go as like a vegetarian Sim cute love it this lot if you've made it this far in the video I'll give you a spoiler I'm probably planning a lot replacement for this space it might be a restaurant it might be based on Toy Story just as an optional lot replacement in case you're not a big fan of EES terrarium which is my own design and that'll also be coming in the Evergreen Harbor revamp that I'm secretly planning in the background I actually want to take one of our Sims so we'll just do Wall-E cuz he's a lot of fun to the last Wall-E themed law in this world you might have seen it in the corner here it's a rather large build and it's called the Leo deck it is a pool it might be the only pool in the save file but I have so many pool plans coming down the line I was hoping it would be a little bit nicer out when we came here that was my attempt to kill time this is based on the Leo deck which is like the main deck that you Might Recall all of the floating chair characters from Wall-E like zooming around and they look around and they've got all of like the advertising and the TVs and everybody's got a TV in front of them it's based on that but I've made it a pool and you can come here and get absolutely overwhelmed and like there's so many different decks and things and like places you can go so obviously you can come and swim that's the primary function but there's also little areas to eat you can hire a vendor to come up here and serve food if you wanted to there's also places that are kind of overlooking the whole thing where you can come and sit privately all of the seats here have TVs plastered right in front of them to make a little shout out to the movie there's also a TV in the background everywhere you look you can turn on a TV you can watch something so even though you're at a pool you're literally just completely absorbed in advertising and lights and TVs in front of your face it's kind of like the entire theme of the movie and I absolutely love this space it's so unique it's something that I just came up with on a whim this little back area with the tower this would be in the film The Tower that leads up to the Captain's Quarters of the ship and in here it's just what you need to have like the bathrooms the changing spaces and showers for this lot type these pools like when you zoom out you might see here they kind of like glitch a little bit but these are totally functional this this is a trick I learned from another Creator I cannot recall it's been a very long time at this point off the top of my head but all of these round pools are functional this used to be the only way you could truly do a round pool it might still be the only way I don't really remember I don't know if you can do round pools even with round walls now I feel like you can't so you can come swim at any of these you can also hire no we don't want to tend the bar you can hire a mix olist and they'll come here and work the bar so you can get drinks this area up top is meant to be like a lazy river apparently the Sims love it lots to do here it's a big lot I don't know let me know what you think of it that's it for Wall-E in this world to round out the neighborhood we'll be focusing on the only Big Hero 6 lot in this world microbot it ised supposed to be it's a nightclub I think is the lot type but it's it's supposed to be more like a teenage hangout like the lore of it is basically that it's an abandoned Factory building and you might come here if you know someone who knows someone that knows that this place is actually turned into a nightclub every night it's not like welln super popular it's like a teen hangout spot I think that's even one of the yeah University student hangout so little older College space that they have turned this into a Big Hero 6 Factory nightclub again that idea of like using what's already here so there's already storage containers and lights and things and just making them into a more usable space for the bar for the nightclub scene there is a secret in the basement of this place we'll go visit it shortly but I just wanted you guys to be able to check out everything regarding the decor here it has a DJ too instead of like a DJ has been spawning when I have loaded this lot I don't know if you have to hire one but they usually just spawn for me this is the basement floor you can get here through secret Vents and tubes in some of the rooms if you look around and if your sim has the ability to do so these are what do you call them like duplicating cloning machines to make thousands and millions of microbots if you will I like to hide things like this in the save I don't think I've ever shown this before I might be wrong probably in the speed build actually so that's it for Big herol 6 for now but I have so many plans for that in the future we just haven't gotten to a world where most of the characters are going to be living and I might even move that lot again I'm like reworking Evergreen Harbor in my head so it could be moved to a different place for our last neighborhood here Conifer station we've got a couple of residentials some apartments and one more community space I'll go in we'll do Toy Story first cuz we've got two more Toy Story themed Apartments here Al from Toy Story 2 he literally lives in an apartment in his film so I had to do it it's called Tri County apartments and he is like a villain I guess you could say okay so on the left side of this building we have Al's apartment it's kind of a nicer apartment it's one of the ones that's been more recently renovated in Evergreen Harbor when we go over to the next apartment you'll see that that one is supposed to be like very old very very old but it fits the characters that live there and Al is I was hesitant to do this but he has a little bit of Celebrity Status cuz he's kind of like a local celebrity but in like the commercial kind of way like the way you see the same guy on commercials and everybody in town kind of knows who he is he's one of those and he's annoying and he has an awful reputation he's annoying he's always on his phone he's the O he's literally always on his phone he's the owner of the business and the commercial lot that we'll be visiting in this area cuz he owns Al's Toy Barn which is a retail location that you could run if for some reason you wanted to play as Al and he's also a collector so I recently redid this space for him to showcase the Western Collection supposed to be a nod again to Woody Roundup and all of the toys and collectibles that he has from that not much else to show or say about his apartment like I said it's kind of more modern it's a little clean he doesn't spend a ton of time here he works and has a business he's got an office this is the chicken suit the closest that we had in game for him to wear and use if he wants to go do a commercial in front of Al Toy Barn to the next one this is Andy's Toy Box 99 which is the year that Toy Story 2 came out 1999 Jesse prospector and Bullseye currently live here they Bullseye had to be a dog this was way before we even had horses in the save I made him a dog and added him into this household now fun fact about horses they cannot walk upstairs so you this completely changed everything when we added horses I'm going to have to redo and rethink this household but they fit here for now and their house is themed the same way that all of the others Andy's Toy Box apartments are but this is old like old western Vibes it's a little small it's not the nicest like not the most high-end place they're both actually actors because again like wood he's round up it was supposed to be like them starring in the show so they're both in the entertainment space and they don't know it but they're sort of like Rivals of one another well I guess they do relationship wise between these characters or I should say like genetics wise Jesse and Woody are in the same file cousins and prospector Pete is their uncle and that is like literally how the genetics are set up in the game if you get them into Crea a Sim you'll see it this is what Jesse is supposed to look like I'll get her out here so you can actually see her outfit cuz I absolutely love her she's such a Vibe and Bullseye I'm like kind of ignoring him but I'm going to be redoing him if we're honest at some point later on so I'm just like I'm not a big fan of how he turned out it is what it is this is Pete's room he's got some little Collectibles he's a prospector you get the idea and then this is Jesse's based on her colors also based on Emily's room I think was her original owner I looked at like the background of Emily's room and pulled out some of the colors and the decor and brought it into the space but she's also recently had some more horses stuff added to her space as as well the whole apartment has a very Western Vibe which doesn't really fit Evergreen Harbor but very much fits them I wasn't going to come over to Al's Toy Barn but I don't know if I ever have in my previous tour video for Evergreen Harbor so I thought we would stop here and just check it out it is smack dab in the middle of this neighborhood to be as annoying as possible as is Al and the whole place is a toy store retail so there's like Barbie things in here there's lunch boxes there's anything that kid could ever want or need there's whole display set up for whatever is for sale and lots and lots of cameras cuz you know someone like Al would never allow any thievery in his locations not all of these individual toys are for sale if you actually play this lot and use it to try to make some money because it just creates an overwhelming mess like too many Sims trying to do too many different things and I already find retail locations to be buggy as they are so how it is currently set up when you play the save some of them are for sale and I wouldn't recommend making too many more of them for sale but it's completely up to you I just had some issues in the play testing process so I toned it back a bit there's an office over here for Al crammed cluttered dark exactly what you would imagine for a space like this and some bathrooms some really bad employees that don't really do their jobs I find that across the board with all retail locations in The Sims 4 here it is this household has I always forget these guys' names I don't know why Carl Russell and dog and Kevin so Russell is an adopted character into this household they do not live together in the movie and I don't think Carl doesn't adopt Russell but to have them living together and have him be like an adoptive faux parent made a lot of sense Ellie always wanted a baby there's like that aspect of the film but also we never get to see what Russell's parent looks like so we don't get to have that and so I wasn't able to like create it so having him be a part of this household simplifies things in that regard Carl is a balloon salesman he has one of those custom careers one of the changes that I made recently to this household Ellie actually used to be a part of this house but she is not alive in the film so I removed her from the safe file I've decided that you know like things like that if the character isn't really living with the the characters cuz they're not living in their film I might just remove them and I made the decision for Ellie I made the decision for Tiana's father has been removed from the safe file I tried to replicate the interior of this place the best I could there's a lot of nods to like I don't know if you know this but like shapes are a big deal in this household because Ellie and Carl are based on like a square and a circle Ellie is like the round Lively one Carl is like boxed in a square he physically looks more like a square Ellie has more round features and then a lot of like where they sit in their pieces of the home like this is Ellie's chair on the right here is more round Carl's is more Square that's just like a fun fact about the film that they thought about when they were creating the spaces that both of them share they thought about them in like the representative form of shapes so I tried to carry some of that into the save let's clean that up I don't know why that's there and okay kit which I don't think you get to see very much of in the film if at all so it might be almost entirely my design their bedroom you do get to see again with the square there's a square lamp on Carl's side of the bed there is a round one on Ellie's side of the bed I slowly update their home as we get more packs there are so many things that could go into this space to make it feel more like Ellie has you know like decorated things here and there she's seen as very crafty and artsy so she's like painted everything in the home and created a lot of things herself so I try to put a lot of the homemade touches into the space because Russell lives here he has to have his own bedroom so I just designed something for him it's very bright and yellow and if I'm correct they also paint a mural in the film for the baby that they lost or were going to have like they originally had built like a nursery and they were building a mural for it so this might be based on that space don't quote me on that but I think that was my original intention Kevin recently got revamped Kevin used to look much different but I found this cat costume with the big bug eyes and it just reminds me so much of what Kevin looks like so I gave him this instead and did some repainting on the features and the parts of the cat that are actually showing so you get this nonsense 24/7 in this really really bright colorful cat that I absolutely adore so he looks quite she she Kevin is a girl looks quite a bit different than the previous versions in the save file for the final lot today this one is based on Disneyland I do want to just mention that it is currently summer in the save fil so when we enter a lot and you see The Sims for the first time what they're wearing is probably their summer or hot wear outfit hot climate outfit not their primary everyday wear so if it looks like they're wearing something and you're like why did she put them in that that's not what their character normally looks like it's because they're changing their clothes so for example Walt Disney usually looks like this a little bit more iconic to probably what you really would think of for him just as an FYI throughout the rest of the video when you see the other characters now this is called Walt's Firehouse it's an apartment but it's not it's a residential where these two characters live this is none other than Walt Disney his wife Lilian Disney and they actually used to have a dog called Pluto so I added him in here the lore behind this both in real life and in the safe file I decided we were going to add a firehouse into this world because this is the pack that added firefighters and there's literally no better firefighter Disney idea than to do Walt's Firehouse it is an apartment that he had built on Disneyland on Main Street in Disneyland that he used to have guests over to but also would stay at it was on Main Street so he could kind of like keep an eye on the park and basically the bottom floor is a fire station the above floor is where he would primarily live you can now go on tours of this location and see where he used to host guests SL live so I was able to get like some actual clear-cut footage and shots from Vlogs of people who have been on this tour of how this space was laid out the other thing that is a really like important fact about this is that there's a lamp in the window facing Main Street that the staff always keep on as like a light and um a nod to Disney always being there and watching over the parks so this lamp does never turns off is the what they say so that's there the rest of the space I tried my best from like footage of people's Vlogs to match up a lot of it these used to be like pull out couches where they would sleep but we didn't have one that really fit the space so I just put couches here and then on one side is an actual bed for playability purposes the kitchen and the bathroom were obviously not shown very much in the footage either so I put those in and made them up a little bit when I showed this off and did the build people who have actually been on the tour gave me comments letting me know that it's pretty close so I'm happy with that I suppose the downstairs is like the firehouse there's an office over here I added another bedroom just for playability um in case your Sims need more places to rest or you want them to have like a space to sleep in together and this used to have this was changed recently a custom made lots of objects mushed together to be as close as possible to what I called a fire truck we don't have one in the debug catalog weirdly enough I guess cuz you don't really see them when you do call a firefighter but I found this one recently which is clearly a double decker bus I think from the hordon baggley cottage living pack but it's red and I thought if I could throw some decor and some things on it that are clearly firetruck inspired then maybe I can make it look a little bit better than what I had originally put in the space so I like this better I hope nobody misses the other version of the fire truck that used to be in here and there's some light updated things in here as well some more Decor in like some of the hallways I did a little I just did a little bit of things here and there you know what I mean the background got a slight revamp more places for Pluto to play lilan Disney is a painter that's how they met at Disney Studio and then Walt Disney he is the entrepreneur which is the third and final role for Evergreen Harbor that's needed for this world in this pack and he's also like super highly skilled and has tons and tons and tons of traits he's very well-liked he's very famous he's got a lot going on for obvious reasons and then they're dog Pluto which we will probably get like a different version of Pluto but they do literally or did literally have a dog so they have that here and that's it for my Pixar themed Evergreen Harbor the second world for the Disney save we'll be moving on to the third world now a much smaller one this will be a lot quicker here and this is forgotten Hollow completely based on what you would probably assume Disney villains there's a lot going on here actually we only had five Lots but I was able to to cram a lot of ideas into the space so let's get into this world actually not to go backwards too much but I do want to mention before we completely leave Evergreen Harbor I didn't show you guys the townies that are included as a part of that world we have the Axiom more characters from Wall-E specifically John and Mary and the captain this is also Mo from the he's one of the robots on the ship I have more Toy Story toys some of them are from different movies I think Trixie here is from the third if not the fourth Toy Story we have RC from the very first one and then Zerg Buzz's dad Charles munts the villain from up his dogs then Robert Callahan he is the villain character from Big Hero 6 he is kind of the owner of like microbot and that warehouse and he has a lot to do with that specific Warehouse in the film so I added him in for now also tour guide Barbie she is a part of an entire Barbie system that's in the safe file I'll explain that when we get to hfor on baggley cuz I think that's going to help it make the most sense but she is also a Toy Story Towny now for forgotten Hollow like I said villains themed but there's a lot of different films and ideas here the first one that we'll be visiting is1 Dalmations uh we also have Haunted Mansion here the Black Cauldron Sleeping Beauty and Hades from Hercules all live here visiting Miss Cruella she lives in her Manor the abandoned manner shown in the film well it's abandoned but I mean that in the way that like she doesn't take care of it in the movie it's not totally abandoned cuz I do think she lives there or her two henchmen Horus and Jasper seem to live there so it's abandoned cuz it's like dirty and filthy and cobwebs everywhere but it's her family manner she inherited it's absolutely huge there's so much like there's a lot of layers to this space I tried to make it so many things it's her layer it's also a work from home station for her because she is in the fashion career and she's kind of like a she would commute to the city however she probably spends a lot of time working on things like that from home it's heavily themed and decorated to be her colors bright purples and reds and little shoutouts here and there to Dalmation for in whatever form we had them in the save available you believe it or not we don't have a ton of like polka dot puppy dog spotted rugs for me to be laying all over the place but we have a few believe it or not very Gothic there's like dirt and Grime on the walls and like I said cobwebs but you can still still tell that somebody lives here she also has a library in the corner here her bedroom is located sorry I feel like I'm not showing this off very well I apologize guys her bedroom is located on the second floor over here this is her space she's got her own private bathroom and she's got lots of you know you could tell it was her space cuz this is all of her clothes and all of her designer things she's got a private Tower over here and it goes all the way up to like even another floor so all of the space basically like the left side of the Mansion per the second floor this area over here is all completely hers Horus and Jasper live in this Dusty cold room on the other side of the mansion that is literally mattresses on the floor and a really crummy TV and just not decorated at all they are both criminals they're in the criminal career so they're just like low life Sims she has a couple of like entertainment spaces or it it's like a manner it's nice it it's probably been in the family for Generations so it probably used to house a lot more get togethers and parties than she does but they're there depending on your gameplay all the way in the basement is her Studio her mini fashion studio you could come down here and use like some of the actual I think this is what is this called This is used for something it might be interior decoration I don't remember or it might be fashion related I know that I put it in here for one reason or another as well as the mannequins lots of red any like red I wanted to dress all of these mannequins up in outfits that I felt like she would actually wear but then like also we've got the red and the black and the white the theme over and over and over again the only thing that she's missing with like a little bit of custom content would be the half white hair we don't have any hairs like that actually there's one in the catalog but it was too long for me to actually use for the Sim so these guys are kind of nasty there if I haven't mentioned this already there is a Disney villains Club in the save file and she is a part of it she's also in 100 one Dalmations but the Disney villains Club has all of the current villains in the St we'll be visiting some of them very shortly here others in future worlds Maleficent Queen of the Disney villains who does live in this world Hades as well and then Ursula James is Captain Hook and Esther is Mother gothal they are currently the only villains in the save um with the exception of Gaston from Beauty the Beast he is in the save and he's obviously a villain but he's a little bit low brow so I didn't add him into that you could if you wanted to next door is the Haunted Mansion and some ghost Sims this is based on the Disneyland version of The Haunted Mansion but if you are a Disney World queen or King like I am then you'll also be happy to know that the Disney World version of The Haunted Mansion is also in this world and we'll be visiting in a little bit it's just not a residential this one is here we have it the Disneyland version of this building of this ride so the thing about the Haunted Mansion is that the characters are technically made up but they're made up by Disney people there's like little nods to them on the ride there's people who are Fanatics about the Haunted Mansion that have come up with a lot of the lore and then it sort of has become Canon amongst the community because of how popular everything related to The Haunted Mansion is it's a very popular ride at both Disney parks and people are obsessed with it and the characters so I've based them after those things we have Master Gracie he is the technical owner of this mansion in this location constant hatchway she's the one that everybody in the household hates because technically she is like everyone's killer um she is like a Serial romantic she marries and then her husband's pass mysteriously very weird and so basically now that everyone's ghost they kind of what happened and what she's up to so they all dislike her very much but some of them still have romance with her like her most previous her latest husband Edward Gracie Madame Leota is a spellcaster ghost she also lives in this household she doesn't have anything to do with the storyline Randall hatbox he's the hatbox ghost that you would see at the end of the ride turned into like an actual Sim he is also one of constant's ex-husbands this is a haunted mansion residential which means that the rooms only lay up when you go into each space so I apologize that it's a little bit dark in here but maybe we can get one of these Sims to go around with us so you can see the spaces lit up a little better if you're a big haunted mansion fan like I am then you'll recognize a lot of the details in this build this is based on the ballroom where everybody dances there would be a dining table in this space that would kind of get moved in and out depending on if you needed it for dinner so this you could clear out to actually make it the ballroom but it's also the main dining area there's an organ in here there's things that you wouldn't see in the Ride Like the kitchen over here again I apologize for the darkness but it's like sort of because of the bill another thing that is a huge nod to the ride at least in Disney World cuz I've never been on the Disneyland version but I know that this is a part of the Disney World version there's a spot that you you go past where there is a giant window with a coffin in front of it and I really like it's something that very iconic and I remembered about the ride I wanted to make sure it was included here for I don't know it's just something that was like personal to me that I really recalled from going on so that's in here there's also like lots of statues lots of things that you would think need to be in a space like this it's super functional it's got like lots of little libraries Madame Leota has a space over here to do spellcaster and medium activities if you want to get your fortune told by a spellcaster Madam Leota is based on the character that is in the crystal ball that you see in on the ride if I didn't mention that by the way all of the characters are based on characters that you see on the ride Master Gracie is seen in a painting constant is the bride at the end the hatbox ghost is also shown at the end of the ride and then Madame Leota is the woman in the crystal ball upstairs on the top floor is most of their bedrooms they're already assigned like you can see this one's Madam leota's room this one is constant's room I try my best to always assign beds to bedrooms and things like that or Sims to beds so that you can already tell where everybody's supposed to go um especially in a place like this where a lot of their rooms are very similar but then there is slight nods to whose room it actually is so this should be Randall's room yes it is the hatbox ghost he was formerly a pirate is like some of the lore that people have come up with for him so there's like little things in his room to give the idea that that might be the case for his character for Madame leota's room she's got some little paranormal things in here some medium and spellcaster Decor Constance is a lady in society she is upper class she's got like nicer necklaces there are some hidden weap weapons in this room as well and then this other one might just be an extra bedroom yes it is an extra bedroom the bottom bottom bottom floor all the way in the basement because I felt like Master Gracie just needed like a master bedroom is down here I guess this is where everybody's hanging out and there's also nods in this build to like their death types so Constance is the reason that these two men are dead however I can't put things like that into their lore so what I can do because if you didn't know this about ghost Sims they the different death types affect like different things that they can do as ghosts so he has death by flowers um so she I guess constant gave him some poisonous flowers there's a poisonous flower next to his bedside Randall might be from anger that was like kind of a the closest I could say that I could get to constants being responsible if you catch my drift and then Madame Leota is from spellcaster overload whether she was trying to help I think that she is like also not a fan of constants and she was trying to help some other people regarding her maybe bring somebody back to life get her finally caught for her misdeeds but she died in the process and then constants got to live a long and happy life and now here she is torturing everyone still to this day at the Haunted Mansion now this law is a two for one type of situation it is called House of Villains and it's a nightclub I wanted a villains nightclub for this world and I wanted one lot to be a commercial lot something for everybody in this world to go and do also at the time this was going to be like we did not have any worlds that were spooky and occult related like I didn't have the werewolves world so I thought this was going to be the one and only villains themed or darker spookier world so this is where like the big villains nightclub had to go and and I wanted it to be based on if you're familiar with like Disney Channel there used to be a show called House of Mouse and they once did a spin-off episode or two called House of Villains it was the same idea of House of Mouse but instead it was like a bunch of villains episodes and the place was villains themed so we called This House of Villains and then the actual exterior of it is a giant mansion that is as close as I could possibly be to recreating the Disneyland version of The Haunted Mansion so the shell is the Disney sorry the shell is the Disney World version of The Haunted Mansion and then the inside is not going to be so much based on the Haunted Mansion but more on a villains themed nightclub this is like the big Meetup location for them like the club headquarters is also here you could also use this as a residential if you wanted everybody to live together there's a ton of bedrooms upstairs that we'll be seeing in a minute this is the main like nightclub with the dance FL FL the bar we've got some Star Wars spooky juices and things lots of candles lots of colors and moodiness themed on villains and I I did want this to be able to be used as a residential so everything that you can or would need for a residential like a dining room a fully functional kitchen a space to do potions crafting for my my villains characters a library study everything Conservatory over here Garden potions ingredients room this is where the villains are at this is what they this is everything they need is here the upper floors are bedrooms themed on various Disney villains so this one is the evil queen from Snow White there's some little apple nods in here it's obviously very very purple for her character there's the box with the heart and the knife and everything thing she has her own bathroom I felt like she was like one of the big villains you know she's a big bad as well as Maleficent Maleficent does not have a bedroom in this household in this house because she lives in this world and we'll be visiting her Mansion as well her castle so I just did not pick her as one of the choices the one next door is Jafar he's not in the safe file yet he's planned for a future world none of the Aladdin characters are quite yet this is Captain Hook who is in the save and will be visiting his actual home way later in the save pile Ursula also in the save file as you saw earlier and they're supposed to be bedrooms but they're like mansion esque and then heavily themed after whatever character goes in each space and then Hades with the blue glowi and the fire and the skulls there's a library here there's also a bell tower felt like like that was really appropriate but also a part of the Haunted Mansion build like you can see it in the Disney World version of The Haunted Mansion this is probably my favorite build in this world and I just like I said the Haunted Mansion I'm personally a big fan but I'm only a fan of the Disney World one cuz it's the only one I've been on so I was really happy to bring that into the save file and have both versions moving on this household is a very big mixed Bunch this is an example of characters from different movies living together again something I don't normally do and this might be the only other case where this is true in the whole sa file but it was an attempt to fit a lot of characters together that might not have anywhere else to go so basically what this is is this guy on the left is chernabog from Fantasia he's the big villain in that film Hades from Hercules pain and panic are his two servants and then the three-headed dog from the same film and then horn King from the Black Cauldron this is is actually his castle horn King's Castle based on that specifically so the build is called Bald Mountain because that is the mountain that chernabog stands on in Fantasia and does like his bit of the movie on top of and I made this Castle very medieval and spooky and it's designed on horn Kings Castle but it's also supposed to make it look like it's built into the mountain side a little bit so the mountain range and all the Rocks behind the build are the mountain range from Fantasia hence the name Bald Mountain the actual castle shell and a lot of the Interior I watched The Haunted The Black Cauldron 4 it was the first time I ever got to check out the Black Cauldron and it will be the last it was not my favorite Disney movie but this was one of those builds that like my patrons were very they wanted this in this world and I was not excited about doing this I to be so honest with you guys I didn't want to build this it's just like it's a medieval castle and it just like wasn't what I wanted to do at the time but this is why I'm so glad I have patrons and I have other voices and other people contributing because this is something that wouldn't have come to be in the save but it ended up being one of my favorite things I've ever done here and it's exactly what this world needed so they were right they were so so right this build is massive we're going to start from some of the bottom floors because the bottom two levels are actually designed to be the underworld from Hercules they are completely done up as Hades bedroom and he lives down here in his little underworld Oasis lots and lots of nods to Hercules and to like what his area looks like in the Underworld there is the spirit pool that Hercules pulls Meg out of later on the bottom bottom floor is his actual bedroom with like his throne his Globe where he can look over the entire world his bed the things that you would essentially need for the character this is also supposed to be this pool here is the river sticks there's little ghosts and um hands and all sorts of things like in it and there's Flames bottom two floors are based on him this is the dungeon sitting just above the underworld and pain and panic live here in a really crappy little bedroom in the corner just to look after the dungeon the dungeon area is shown in the Black Cauldron so so it is based on that film and then the other layers are let's go to the main entrance so this one here Black Cauldron again I don't know how many people are going to be like I remember details from the Black Cauldron so I'm like not going to point them out too much but there is a throne room that's shown in that film where horn King sits and this is his throne I'll have him come up here but that shown in the film and this is based on that the whole rest of the castle is it's kind of simple but you can see there's a lot of rock work done and most of the decor is done in the form of like candles and lighting there's bedrooms for the characters this one is chernabog's room with the spooky goblins overlooking and he's got like a map of the entire world that he can keep track and plot and all sorts of good stuff the one over here is horn King's room there he is so this is his castle they obviously would like very much compete over who's in charge here they're all nasty occults too the upper floors are more for chernabog he is from Fantasia which is like a musical based movie so we wanted him to be like musically inclined and I put a organ in the top Tower so he could come up here and play music he has like music interests which is really funny cuz he's super evil and like really like has needs no one trait like doesn't want to ever socialize or be around anybody but he can come up to the top of the tower and sing and do music and the rest of them hate music in the household by the way which makes it extra funny to just go through the characters chernabog is a vampire he is a absolute like master vampire in every way he's top tier he has everything unlocked he's like your big bad vampire head vampire for the safe file there's other vampires but none are as powerful as him none have as much things unlocked and none probably ever will horn King is a spellcaster he's kind of a lower grade spellcaster if I remember yeah he's like middle tier he doesn't know a whole ton I do think about like what spells should they have unlocked what should they know what should they not know when I do the spellcaster characters I do go through and like figure out what I should have unlocked for them so he has more of like the Untamed magic unlocked hey Hades is also a spellcaster but he has a lot of special traits that make him more interesting he has let's get to traits here the he's got like Immortal ancient bloodline Mastermind steel bladder forever full heat prooof Brave never weary ice proof this was an attempt to basically make an immortal Sim that is never bothered by anything that can't die in pretty much any way aging is turned off in the Disney save so he also can't really die by age as far as I'm where that's also what immortal does stop from happening as well so he's like a Sim that doesn't need to be taken care of in any regard other than apparently hunger and then he's like a high highgrade spellcaster that knows pretty much all magic actually it looks like I made him know all magic in the old version of the Disney save he used to duplicate himself endlessly and send little clones all over the save file to terrorize everyone and as fun as that was it was annoying also and I didn't want that so I have removed the ability for him to duplicate himself aware of that old Disney save bug lastly pain and panic who are always down here swimming they are aliens I wanted them to have two forms and really have one form that made them able to be like really colorful and look as close as I could do to something like that from Hercules but they also have human forms in Hercules that they take on when they're trying to do tasks for for Hades so it really worked out to have them be aliens and give them a human form and a form that's a little bit more scary demonic Hercules related we also have the three dogs this is supposed to be like the three-headed dog I think it's called Cerberus instead of being able to do an actual three-headed dog we can do three identical dogs that look the same as the one in the film and they're like Protectors of the underworld they're one of the monsters that kind of keeps look over the Underworld for Hades as well one little detail for this household before we move on to our final one for forgotten Hollow you'll notice that he does have a little bit of romance with Maleficent this is obviously not the most Canon thing I've ever put in the save file but he is it's a nod to The Descendants and in the film one of the main characters her name is Mal and she is the daughter of Hades and Maleficent so seemingly those two get along and have some kind of romance it's also hinted at in one of the House of Villains episodes and that's why I decided it was okay to put that into the save file I don't have any descendants things in the save and I probably never will however descendants was really highly requested by comments and patrons and things so I did do if I can get to the gallery here a bonus SIM for forgotten Hollow of Mal from The Descendants you would find her on my gallery in like the Forgotten Hollow section you can see some of the other builds and characters and things that I've been showing off for this world she's in this section as a bonus character as labeled bonus Sim based on The Descendants and Dove Cameron she was a really fun Sim to make cuz she's more modern and she's got like this Punky aesthetic to her which I don't get to do very often so she was fun to add in she's actually also based on the genetics of my Maleficent from my safe pile who is the last one that we're going to be checking out in today's video she lives in this really creepy Castle Mountain build that's glowing in her two colors green and purple I spent a lot of time making this look a very particular way so we had like the glowing effect and it's creepy and it's very overwhelming this is built as like her she lives here by herself she does have a familiar her Raven that you also would see from the film sorry for the jumping around as a cauldron all of this is shown in her castle in Sleeping Beauty there's lots of towers and like the way that I decided to do this because the way this Castle's designed is there's just so many towers that are seemingly not connected I basically made these back Towers really just for Aesthetics like there's some things here you could come and do she could come and use this broom she could come and light this fireplace and cauldron but it's not necessary most of the actual home is underneath the mountain and we'll be going down there momentarily but she could also teleport she is a spellcaster so she has that ability even without cheats to just teleport to her various towers and maybe light a fire this was also a way for me to include more bedrooms maybe hold someone captive whatever you want to do with your villains characters bedrooms Galore now the majority of the home like I mentioned is actually located through this Tower over here this one that's on the ground floor to the down downstairs area most of her home if all of her home like the livable area is down here and this is really like her bedroom I absolutely love the giant platform bed she also has a little bassinet kind of a shout out to the liveaction versions very mildly it's supposed to feel like a dungeon it's supposed to feel like something that only she would want to live in like just so dark and dreary massive kitchen but also very simple like there's not a lot of Decor all over the place feel like she'd be very Vain and kind of obsessed with herself so it's just a space that's designed really around her I also have a custom painting of her in here this is not CC there's a trick that you can do to make custom paintings and I've done that here and there throughout the sa file and this is one of the places she has a portrait of herself on the wall above her living room and her fireplace area a big giant dining space that's only set up for one just like this idea that she she lives in solitude and likes it that way pretty much she is a spellcaster she is a more of like a she's not as powerful as all of the other ones or maybe I'm wrong I'm wrong no she is very powerful but she doesn't have literally everything unlocked there's some things that you could still do with her but there's like some growth here if you wanted to explore that although she's definitely very powerful and she has her familiar and everything that is it for Maleficent before we close out forgotten Hollow again I'll show you the townies there aren't as many for this world cuz it's just a lot smaller but there are a couple I've done some more ghosts for the Haunted Mansion these are The Hitchhikers the three hitchhiking ghosts that you see at the end of the Disney ride there's some lore there if you want to pause to read the fates are characters that work alongside Hades and Hercules they kind of control uh the lives and the like lifelines physically to everyone in the living room World there characters that are seen as like more of his companion so I added them in here although there's more Hercules to come that's actually one of the films we will be doing in taroa the newest world for the Disney saves so there's much more Hercules to be done in that space and I think that's it there's oh there's one more I had to edit him recently so he's up at the top he's the Mansion caretaker Silas crumb again he's based on like lore inside of the Haunted Mansion but there is somebody who does take care of the exterior of it despite the fact that it's in quotes abandoned so he makes the outside look really nice and that's why the exterior is very clean and tidy and he's also a gardener so he's kind of like a haunted mansion character now to the fourth world for the Disney save the last one that I made publicly available before today's Disney save 2.0 drop Mount komi this is the world that was added with snowy escape and my theming for this world is Frozen one and to Mulan a little bit of Monsters Inc a little tiny bit of Tinkerbell and then there is like one lot here that I've created myself that's based on Disney Princesses we'll go ahead and start out at the northern part of Mount Combi here with the big build of the world Arendelle Castle and the Frozen household this household includes Anna and Elsa Kristoff Sven he recently got updated to finally be a horse rather than what he previously was which was a dog and Olaf also lives here he's kind of like a child of magic sort of idea he's adopted quote unquote by Elsa additionally because this is such a large lot I wanted to create some Castle staff members to live here and be able to kind of take care of the daytoday of just living on a lot this large whether it be just generally taking care of horses or maybe you know just general cleaning this is a really really massive build so I just just don't foresee too many Royals caring about and worrying about those types of things so I like to add some Castle staff if the household allows some room and these guys are actually shown in the Frozen films and given names in some of the books that are available my plan is to eventually maybe move them into their own household with the four rent pack and then expand this household a little bit more maybe give Elsa a water horse or do some more characters but for now they all live together and function in a castle staff kind of way now this place is absolutely massive it has a perimeter wall and some Towers going all the way around this is completely functional we'll be checking out some of it obviously very shortly here but this wall does go all the way around and it also goes down into the bottom levels of the castle which might be the best way to start this out actually so you can go down from the stairs on the out of the courtyard to these there's also ladders in every single one of the Towers to go up and down and it's like a protection thing it's obviously like based on a little bit of the lore and the seclusion of this castle and cutting off the rest of the village but this is also how it's very much designed so had to make sure this is like one of my most honest replications of any Castle from any Disney film because there was so much to go off of and it's such a popular film and it was one of the easiest it doesn't have anything like too crazy about it structurally that makes it almost impossible to build like Maleficent Castle was really really tough to translate over you kind of have to make some changes to make it feel and look like what's in the Disney movie but it can never be 100% whereas this one kind of can now this bottom floor is completely for Castle staff also just for me to add extra bedrooms you might want them in your gameplay I don't know but these are really each one is assigned to a different Castle staff member already put in there for you so that you know but they are identical rooms there's also a private kitchen down here kind of like the castle staff's kitchen you wouldn't see Anna and Elsa come down here literally at all but and moving on to like the ground floor and the courtyard here I recently added a stable for Sven he's living his best horse life in this little place there is room to add another so I'd like to break up this household maybe add another horse is my thought or Anna also has a horse so I would like to update that eventually Elsa has her coronation in the first film and there is a chapel of sorts on property on in their Courtyard area this is located in this exact spot so I recreated where she is coronated these are kind of supposed to be the two items that she holds in her hand but they obviously they're not um exactly correct and then for the main part of the castle a lot of this the layout I had to do what I could do to fit this in the space so the layout of it is not going to be perfect for the movie but I tried to re make sure that everything that's shown is like put in here somewhere so the main ballroom with the throne that's in the main part like where you first walk in through the front door this space a dining room definitely have to have but the gallery is shown Anna is singing in here this space in the living room is shown in the second film some of the characters are playing some kind of house game charades or something like that in their living room so you get to see what that looks like these paintings on the back wall are supposed to be paintings of the former king and queen I will eventually be replacing those but it just requires a lot of work so I haven't gotten around to updating that quite yet kitchen and general bathrooms I wanted to make sure multiple bathrooms for any parties any upstairs there is a library there's also a built-in office this is really supposed to be for Elsa but it's also really for whoever is the ruling Queen at the time and depending on how you play play the story line it could be either of them this is where Olaf's bedroom is it's supposed to be like a snowy Oasis maybe made of ice if you will some light nods to a snowman in the space and he has his own bedroom it's not like the most child oriented because he's really not a child character that was just one of the best ways to represent him physically in the game upstairs and the stairs are always on the left here this is like kind of the stair Tower is Kristoff's room he does have his own bedroom I think that for the time period that might be appropriate until Anna and uh Kristoff are married however you can do whatever you like I just wanted an excuse to maybe make a Christof themed bedroom he's got his own bathroom and then down here is actually the former King and queen's previous bedroom no one goes in here I think I might have the game doors defaulted to be like locked basically they just hold on to it and like keep it this way in memory of their parents moving on to the next floor up Anna and Elsa's rooms they do originally grow up in the same bedroom but they split off later and they basically have identical bedrooms one is purple and that would be Miss Elsa's here and then the other one is Anna's they have very unique fireplaces and again I went like pretty much replicated what I could see from the film with the exception of like any items that we just don't have have in the game also trying to keep it personalized to the character but also like minimal like Castle aesthetic is not super cluttered this isn't a castle that's full of candal labras that sort of vibe maybe for a future castle like Beauty and the Beast we'll be checking out later in the video I don't think yeah that is the final floor of the castle there's so much to explore here there's lots of like you can see this Tower over here in the back has a couple of different levels and this one this one Tower in particular is disconnected from the rest of the build I do a lot to try to layer builds like this to make them really feel like they're properly they have the proper Heights all the way around even though we're only limited to four levels and Foundation pieces can't touch one another at different heights that kind of a thing I really try my best to do the best that I can to give the appearance that maybe something is a little bit bigger than it actually is for our characters here a lot of them are royalty so they don't have to worry about having normal jobs you could enroll them in whatever career you would personally like but this is the system in the Disney save Anna and Elsa and Kristoff are all Royals Olaf is a child so he goes to school Elsa is a spellcaster however because she is based on a character that doesn't do like a lot of magic just more magic that's based on one specific thing like she has ice powers but she doesn't really have like a whole lot else besides that I try to limit what they can actually do do regarding their spells maybe if there's ones I can pick that are leaning more towards actually using ice powers of some kind she's not super prolific in potion making if at all so things like that she's like a lower level basic spellcaster catch a cute Glimpse over here of Kristoff and Sven interacting he is basically the M main caretaker for him obviously and like I said with a little bit of CC antlers these two would be truly like perfect I think it's as close as you're ever going to get to a true reindeer in the save file or just in general in The Sims Anna and Kristoff are engaged so you could totally plan a wedding for the two of them I kind of based this after the events of the first film is the idea of where this is currently at and I do sort of mentally pick in my head like where is the storyline because that will change some of their characteristics maybe their motives their skills and stuff like that so really Canon Le these guys are based after being after the events of Frozen 1 and Elsa both received some outfit updates recently just to add some extra Formal Wear I did try to play with some of the wedding stories clothing we don't have anything absolutely perfect for either of them so I'm still waiting for hopefully the Sims team to add something a little bit more appropriate to match their iconic formal dresses but I did give them some new ones that I think are just a step up from what I had previously I think that's everything we need to say about this household we'll be moving on there's other Frozen things right in the area so we'll check those out this is a lot that comes with the world it's called the onson bath house and it's basically like a locked lot it's required for the world you need it for the mountain Excursion and when designing this world this was an immediate idea to make it into oaken's Trading Post it's the place you have to visit before you go up the mountain for supplies it makes a a ton of sense it's also a place where your sim can kind of freshen up it's like a spa idea so turning it into oakin literally it's just a perfect thing that absolutely works out flawlessly and so I've recreated it to look like the store you won't run it as a store it's not a retail location it is a special lot type called onson bath house but it basically functions as like a small Spa if you've never played with the onson bath house before however mine has been redesigned to be based on what you would see in the film yet again so it is a retail location where you could buy some supplies some of them are sold out like they're having their big summer blowout sale or they were supposed to have been and there's other things you can't run this as a retail but it's the decoration it's the little things what you can come here and do is actually use the spa and there is also a spa sauna in the back so you could sit out in the snow which would personally be one of my favorite things to do is get in like a hot body of water and sit out and look at like the snow in the mountains that's my goal in life always so cute little place the Oaken family is in the save as townies the whole family Oaken and his husband and I think they have four or five children next door is latte go this is a cafe based on it it's a creation of my own but it is the idea that Elsa created something in honor of Olaf the whole place on the inside is snow inspired and Ice inspired almost like it's completely made of snow and ice it has nods to Olaf's songs to his like of Summer and this is a place where you could come get hot coffee or hot chocolate but also ice cream and it has the best of both worlds in that way so the entire shell very much based on like the Aesthetics of the film trying to kind of match the village over there while still making it look somewhat different different and then the interior is this icy white very clean sort of minimalistic but lots of cozy places to like sit by the fire wrap up with a blanket without literally being able to make everything made of ice this is the best way to give the idea and the appeal of like everything just being made very icy white very bright and clean looking sit by the fire and you could primarily come in here and get like Cafe items little snacks and desserts but if you go upstairs there's a few more things to do there is an ice cream machine up here you can get and make ice cream you can also come here and sing something that Olaf loves to do a little bit of karaoke there are fountains to fill with chocolate as per AA and some places to hire musicians or practice and play on your own very pretty at night especially with all the twinkling lights and the snow I have added some trees and things to to this area with tul as you'll see here I haven't done too many so I do plan a future update to the save file where I will be doing a more extensive tool overhaul and that will include doing things not on lot so adding extra trees here and there covering up some cars in henford on baggley that you don't want seeing like next to Snow White's house trying to make it feel more immersive yet again like another layer to being able to do that however the SIM currently has a pretty big bug that I'm experiencing and this is not just my save file this is one that I've seen on The Sims forums and lots of builders in particular talking about I was literally just about to explain the bug to you guys and I just had it happen right before my eyes let's load into Arendelle Village this is the rental for Mount Combi and I will tell you a little bit about what I was talking about so basically the bug that occurs is related to the think at least through testing and people being able to replicate the bug is people having maybe too many objects on the lot maybe it's certain objects or using tool could possibly be the cause of it as well and it causes when you leave this lot like say I hit exit and go to manage worlds right now it causes an endless loading screen and I have had that occur on a few occasions inside the save but like I said it is not the save file it's just something that is occurring after the last patch so if you do experience that when you're playing at all just know that that is really the reason I'm hoping to God that they patch it out I don't foresee them actually making it a priority to patch out if I'm completely honest it's really only affecting people like me that make really large builds but I literally just had it happen next door at latteo that doesn't have a huge count of items and I've never had that problem before so it could literally occur anywhere they don't really know exactly what the culprit is and and I've been like extensively looking at the Sims forums trying to hopefully find a solution along with everybody else otherwise The Sims just has to patch it and fix it but fingers crossed you know I'm not going to hold my breath on that one Arendelle Village however like I said this is the vacation rental I mentioned that I do try to do at least one or I should have mentioned that I like to do one rental per world if the size of the world allows Willow Creek did oh Willow Creek actually does have a rental now it didn't originally and and forgotten Hollow does not have one due to its size Evergreen Harbor also did not receive one but this world does this is meant to be Village Vibes you come here you pick a town home you can stay in an authentic Village experience there are lots of Frozen related shorts on Disney plus some that get to actually show more of the traditional Arendelle style houses and the colors and the way that they're laid out and the furniture and all that so each one is very heavily themed based on that I have gone ahead and matched all of the colors with the exterior of each little house you could use this very easily for for rent each one of the buildings is set up with its own bedroom bathroom kitchen and dining space so each one does function as its own home if you wanted to turn it into Apartments this first one is really meant to be like where you come and check in almost like an Airbnb type of vibe there's like a desk here where would come and check in with the host of the whole place or the tavern keeper this lot is also a replacement lot there is another option here if you'd like another residential for Mount Combi if we go over to the manage household section and check out some of the mount comabi households like I mentioned Oaken and family here and you'll see them running around as townies but there is also if I can find them the north thra so they are running around as townies currently because I have the Village Rental down but I did make a residential for them it is a village based on the second film you can move these guys in there and it's already set up to be their space with enough living quarters for the three of them that's a lot replacement for that location and then you would have one more household to play in this world cuz as you can see there are only four households for this world so it's not my biggest world as far as like playable households go and I wanted to give that option there just in case done to our other District right here below there is another Frozen themed lot we're going to be moving out of the Frozen stuff very shortly however this was an idea I Believe by one of my mods that I just couldn't pass up I loved it so much it is called troll F wedded it's a wedding venue and it's based on the scene in the first film where they do the fake troll wedding between Anna and Kristoff you could come here and actually get married they like get into a little hole in the ground and do the like fake wedding and everything there's a song that goes with it it's a very magical part of like a forest and there's lots of trees and crystals and all sorts of stuff around these are supposed to these little spheres here are supposed to represent the trolls it's a fun wedding venue it's very small you would come here and do like a very private ceremony it's also kind of built into like the lore of this world that it is not good luck to steal or take any of the crystals from this lot just something a little small and aesthetic to round out the Frozen builds one thing I will mention I thought maybe I would go visit it in this build in this video today but it's going to be a little bit too difficult to do so there are three bonus Lots with this world when you do the mountain Excursion you will end up on three lots that you can add it with a cheat so I have gone ahead and added some extra stuff to do those lots this is for you really to discover on the mountain Excursion it's supposed to be a little bit of a treat but I'll spoil it if you're this far into the video the first one is an ice Cottage the gallery photos are not going to do this justice anyway so it's better to really see it in person this is based on Perry Winkle's ice cottage from one of the Tinkerbell films she is Tinkerbell's sister and she is like a snow and ice fairy and she has her own Cottage so this is supposed to be her residential even though we can't exactly make it that way and I have added her into this world as a Towny Additionally the next one is the yeti cave the yeti is from Monsters Inc also known as The Abominable Snowman and if you go here it's just a very small Rock cave with some light nods to the film there is a handmade sled in there there are also lemon ice creams that you can take on your way up the mountain and then lastly if you get to the very tippy top you will get to Queen Elsa's ice castle an absolutely spectacular like the these gallery photos I promise you cannot even possibly do this Justice I will insert a photo here if I have one on hand of how this looks cuz it's truly one of my favorite things I've ever done it's completely crystal and glass and snow and it gives that whole vibe that I was trying to describe for latte go but truly like what it's supposed to be very simple you couldn't live here there isn't a kitchen or bathroom it's something that's supposed to to be a treat when you get to the top of the mountain and you wouldn't stay there a super long time the North aldra Village this is the lot replacement that I mentioned for you to be able to move in those characters honey Marin Ryder and Y Elena okay moving on to a new film and the only other mention of Monsters Inc in this world I really wanted to do a restaurant here restaurants are one of my favorite lots to build if you couldn't tell I'm trying to tone back back on them a little bit cuz people used to make fun of me and say that I did too many of them and I really didn't even realize I was doing that until someone pointed it out however Harry hen's being a sushi restaurant and a famous highend sushi restaurant that gets mentioned in that film it just made the most sense to make sure that it was a part of this world considering the culture and the aesthetic of this place and being based on Asian culture I really wanted some kind of an Asian restaurant here and now we can have Harry Howen this is shown in Monsters Inc it's also supposed to be a what would you call this like a very exclusive again hottest spot in town limited seating hard to get a table in here kind of Vibes you could come sit back here and have the chef make your food right in front of you you can't actually but that is shown in the film so I wanted to have this half round Star Wars bar in here and the idea of that being here kind of like Habachi which we don't really have like anything close to that in The Sims it would have been nice if they had used this pack to add it there is only six tables in here as you can see it's a little bit small every Booth is tucked away could be romantic Vibes the menu and the staff you can see here waiters and waitresses wearing some more traditional style clothing and the menu is based on things that are appropriate for the culture like any food that was added with the combie pack but also anything that I felt like was more Monsters Inc inspired or kind of reminded me of Monsters Inc so as much as there is Asian food we also have like cheese eyeballs that made me think of Mike and then I know like down at the bottom here we've got some of the stranger like Al alien food I think when I add some of the monsters and characters they're very likely going to end up being aliens I haven't really dabbled that far yet but when they do get added that's probably the idea and then for example this ice cream which just screamed Sully to me or this alien fruit tart so it's kind of a weird mix of food but it's so fun and very unique and popular in town Apparently that is it for Monsters Inc in this world we'll be moving on to the final film of the world but first I'm going I'm going to skip the last movie which is Mulan and just check out this oneoff lot that is related again to Tinkerbell before we go to the final one I was really set on the idea that mount kbbi needed a garden of some kind it just it's a world that really calls for it and one of my patrons had the idea to make a water garden based on silver mist from the Tinkerbell franchise considering we did add Periwinkle here and I've been kind of slowly adding some Tinkerbell Vibes across the worlds this was an idea that I absolutely love so I made this like fairy Water Garden there's lots and lots of fountains and glowing blue lights and blue flowers and plants you could technically come here to swim this is a pool I added it in before we had the pond tool but I don't want to change it at this point cuz I just love how it looks I don't want to move everything around and this is also supposed to be like kind of a companion lot to this lot that you see next door it is the Emperor's Palace from mulon and I just felt like it needed this beautiful Serene Garden right near it so they kind of go hand inand even though they are from different films silver mist is not in the save file I made the decision to wait on her I think that some of the other pixie Holo fairies will make appearances together as a group probably at a later location and probably living together rather than being townies so I opted to not put her in versus perrywinkle being a tow and living here makes a lot more sense with the snowy environment here we have the Emperor's Palace this was just recently renovated a little bit from the wedding stories pack however I did not own The Sims 4 for rent until recently so although there is many decor items in that pack that I will be using in the future to update mulon build specifically I haven't gotten around to doing so yet for this version of the safe file download so if you're like well why didn't you use that lamp I probably just didn't have it quite yet this is an Arts Center now again the idea of making this a residential was a really easy one but I just loved the idea that the palace was kind of open to everybody and the emperor and his daughters are not like major characters in Mulan they're important but they're not like main characters so instead this was added in as an art center which is kind of like a place where you can come and do a lot of art leaning activities like painting music making Woodworking and I felt like that really fit the vibe of this place completely there's also a bar requirement in here so it's really just like an open Community Center sort of thing for lots of Sims to come together as a community that's also like a general idea of this world Mount com Ruby gives a lot of community Vibes so having a lot that is dedicated to that idea makes a lot of sense here I will however in the future be adding the ability to turn this into a residential so as you can see we have a basement floor and my intention is to eventually build like an entire house down there that's an extension of this lot so that you could move the emperor and his daughters in here as a residential option cuz they are currently townies in the save so I already have the characters created it just makes the most sense to give the ability to use this space in a different sort of way and it's very highly requested I didn't get around to it this time it was on my list but it was something I had to cut for time but I have it as like high priority on the next update potentially lots of murals and things like you can see the floor mural in here and then downstairs on the wall we've got the wall mural that somebody has already started there's a place to come and do tea there's little Spirit houses painting lots and lots of red and Royal Golds absolutely love this place I hope you do too let me know what you think of it lastly for this neighborhood is honor to West Hall as named by my husband it is based after the Matchmaker location her house from mulang now the idea of this LW again is the same as the New Orleans Square LW I wanted this to have some diversity to it because there's a couple of different concepts of what this place is supposed to be you come here to get tea and speak to the Matchmaker but she also gives you like a spa experience bathing makeup and then she gives you a new dress and dresses the ladies up and there's like a whole process that happens here so you could have chosen this to have been a few different different things I really wanted this to be a tea house and it could have been a cafe for that reason but you can't pick the menu for cafes and I wanted to just make sure like specific teas were sold here very very limited menu of like food so when I want to design the menu I do tend to pick it to be a restaurant just because that is something that you can't do with a cafe so if we take a look at it it really is primarily tea and super healthy food very minimal food but still like a couple of options for some food some grilled fruit overnight oats chicken stir fry fruit and Parfait super limited menu like mostly a place to come and sit and have some tea with the Matchmaker but you could also run this potentially as some other things or use it in a different way like have it be a whole different experience it could be a retail I have some mannequins in here that are sporting some of the more formal wear that like Mulan and some of the other characters from the film do wear there's also across the way a small bath house where you could come and freshen up and do some Spa Vibes there's a makeup stand a makeup table in this other one here so you could come and get your makeup done so you really could recreate the entire experience and then at the end of it come down the main hall to have tea with the Matchmaker these tables were added the kotatsu tables with Mount Combi they do not function in a restaurant space like you can't request this as a part of one of the tables in here it has to be one of these three so that's why I didn't just straight up use the kotatsu tables cuz they don't work with the pack however they're still in here to be able to play with and use a new really cool item that's kind of exclusive to this pack and then the downstairs area just the essentials of the restaurant the bathroom the Matchmaker herself is also in the safe file as a Towny my plan eventually is to make her the NPC roll of I think it's called Love Guru if you own City living you'll know that there is a love Festival that happens and you can go and speak to the Love Guru and she kind of is the closest thing we have to a Matchmaker in The Sims 4 so I will eventually be when I probably when I do the city Living World replacing that role with my matchmaker towy let's take a look at some of the Mulan residentials the first up is the fa family the main household from Mulan this includes Mulan Mushu who has he is a spellcaster but he's been transformed into a human Sim her father and mother and grandmother this household also has little brother their dog on the farm and then cricky the cricket from the film has been turned into a cat this place primarily is a farm so there's lots of farm activities that you could do here we have the chickens and a chicken area there's a couple of chicken coops around here there's definitely lots to do and regards to actually like taking care of animals there's also some very minimal farming related or housekeeping related things over here there's some gardening some plants some of the bee boxes and the insect boxes to take care of so that was definitely something I really wanted to make sure was a part of this space her horse will eventually get added I'm hoping to maybe break this household up potentially with the four rent pack we will see but right now there wasn't enough space to do so and I'm going to have to rework the layout of the farm as you can see when I add more space for the horses there's really two sides to this location there's like the main space down here where everybody lives the main Courtyard I did a lot of research on or not a lot but I did some research on Ancient Chinese architecture to get the layout of this and how this would have actually worked you do get to see it in the film but you don't get to see like every single individual space however I kind of figured a few things out just based on that so they would have like a main big dining room in the back to be able to eat together these tables they also would have a smaller kitchen right off the bat right off the side maybe a fireplace in there one shared bathroom really only going to have a bathtub obviously no showers when it comes to showers I will occasionally add them here and there for builds that it doesn't make sense for the time period just for ease of use and playability but I do try to stick to that rule pretty bad so if you're a a person that doesn't like playing with bathtubs and you really like the quickness of a shower unfortunately a lot of my builds that are less modern are going to be missing a shower you might want to add that on your own this is the grandmother's bedroom and mulan's room is across the way this is shown in the first film but it's also shown a little bit more in Sequel films so I did have some great reference to go off before this parents room is across the the way here Mom and Dad live in this little space and then there is like a training gym sort of room that features the dad's armor and if we had any kind of like sword workking or being able to practice with a sword or any like real like Weaponry you could come in here and potentially do some of that I do have the decor for it but you can't actually come in here and practice it all but this is uh Mulan does steal her dad's armor and and uses that in the film so I wanted to have that available in there beyond the main wall the backside of this build features the garden there's a rather extensive Pond and Garden and mini river that runs through most of this Farm there's also this tree with the cherry blossoms that the dad sits under and has his little talk with Mulan just iconic moments from the movie trying to add as many of them as poss possible so that people can recreate scenes if they want to there is also I I don't know what the proper terminology for this is going to be but this is shown in the film and it's where Mulan and her family will come and speak to and worship the ancestors we have all of the little plaques from the different ancestors up above and you can come and sit in here and basically meditate also below we want to actually before she leaves if she hasn't she probably left already Mulan is in the military career so she wears like her dad's armor like I mentioned to work um but what I was saying was below all of that is mushu's room he lives below that prayer area and once he goes down this long hallway over here this is his space since he is an actual Sim and he has to have room of his own but it didn't make sense to have his space be inside of the main house he gets his own really brightly red and gold themed area down below this little statue is also shown in the film it breaks one way or another it might be Mushu who breaks it and I will be changing this Farm in the future to add a little bit more space for a horse or two like I mentioned maybe some more farm animals sheep and goats but I wanted to just start out with the chickens keep it a little bit simple there is a ton to do here with all the different types of Sims like you can play this Elders Sim she is retired Mulan has a lot going on she does help out with the farm but like I mentioned she's in the military career she has a few clubs that she's a part of she's in the Mulan movie club she's also in the Disney Princesses and she is a part of shang's soldiers the main crew from the movie we'll be going to visit them very shortly I love this household they came out really really great I did want to take you into Cass and show off some of mulan's Crea ofm looks and outfits she has a lot of a lot of her outfits are going to include Star Wars related items these were some things that I felt like fit closely enough I personally think Star Wars is fantasy related but non-descript enough that you can get away with using it in certain circumstances so you'll be surprised but there's a lot of Star Wars on Miss Mulan here but also a mix of some City living items we do have some however they're a little modern so they're kind of hard to pair with some of the more like ancient Chinese Vibes we've got the wet look for Mulan really really cool more City living stuff her formal wear she's got a lot of options lots of colors I love this dress I do not believe that this dress is technically Chinese but I still feel like it was one of the best options and it's absolutely stunning on her to give her her more formal look I also more recently added this dress that is from wedding stories for her but again I'll be able to take a look at her one more time once I get for Ren and be able to update her she has her ping look for her athletic wear also what she wears to work but she what she would wear on the battlefield a copy of her father's armor sleep wear which we do get to see party wear again more color iterations of that same dress and also this really stunning one that's a little more modern leaning definitely not something you would see from the film but is definitely inspired by her culture so I wanted to use it here and that I think that's all I wanted to show you some of her outfit are also inspired by other versions of what she wears on there's a second Mulan film maybe even a third one and they show more outfits for her so I do mix some of those in when I have good reference for it Mushu is a spellcaster he is also in a new club called the princess Pals these are your Sidekick princess characters that have been humanized some of them have been pet made into pets and some of them have been humanized ized and Mushu is one of them along with Sebastian and Flounder from The Little Mermaid so they're slowly starting their own like Sidekicks kind of Club Mushu is not the most talented spellcaster I think that's a part of his characters you know like just not being absolutely perfect but he knows the basics he can use fire related spells and transportation but not a lot of potion making once again so lower level spellcaster let's go check out another Mulan household this is shang's soldiers Jang and Ling Yao and Cheno I also recently updated this household to add their horse or I should say shang's horse if I couldn't do mulan's horse I figured I'd go ahead and give Shang his for now this horse is not named so I named it way mix of Star Wars and some of the tropical wear from the island living pack works out really well send everybody off while I show you guys the camp this is based on the ACT ual Camp from the film the training camp some nods that I have to the film here are going to be things such as the post that Mulan climbs up on top of to get the arrow out everybody basically has their own tent which is really nice I don't think it's actually that way in the film but I know that Mulan had her own tent so I figured we would sort of structure it that way this is going to be a somewhat similar build to the other residential that we'll be visiting way over here in the back which is the Huns the villains from Mulan but the camps are structured differently there's a lot more privacy and respect and cleanliness at this Camp it's still an outdoor environment it's an off- thee grid lot so you have to shower quickly limited water limited electricity not a ton to do but still like a happier environment overall everybody's got maybe some private activities here and there inside of their given tent you can guess who is who based on the colors the main tent includes shang's sleeping arrangements as well as a planning table and mat for war related activities and training privately they also have one that's just dedicated to being able to use as a kitchen and then just one t to have something to do give them some activities on the slot I always try to like make sure there is a couple things to do even if you're trying to do a more basic lot like we've got chess over here and then there is obviously the horse and the fire pit really what you're going to want to for the most part is go I literally think this chicken is all the way over from the fa household really what you're going to want to do is go next door to the gym this location that's a little bit more difficult to see but I'm going to zoom in on some of the details here is a completely outdoor gym called Raging Fire gym it is based on the training sequences from the Mulan film and something my husband implemented Ed in the save this was his idea from early creation days of Mount Combi he wanted the Huns and the Shang Camp to be living near one another and have like this battlefield training ground in between they both have clubs associated with each group of people and they both have their Club headquarters being this location the gym they both obviously despise one another in their Club preferences and so makes for some conflict and some appropriate gameplay per the movie basically everybody wants to be here all the time but they also hate each other and fight about it there is so much to do here I had to try my best to hide all of the modern technology that comes with using gym equipment in a space that's outdoors and in a movie that doesn't really call for using modern technology like these rock climbing walls trying to like kind of hide them and cover them up with some awnings and some plants and things it works it works you kind of get the vibe also needed to protect those from the rain cuz they do break outside meditation space there is some water here with the stilts you cannot run across these as they do in the film but you can swim you can dive you also can go and take a shower there are places to do boxing the fire I highly recommend especially on the colder days to warm up by some of the general gym equipment hidden in some little huts and we also have this sauna over here lovingly placed by the tool mod in such a way that it's risen out of the ground but I promise you it still functions it looks really it was meant to like be built into the wall over here as you can kind of see there is some terrain manipulation there is a scene where they put sticks over their backs with buckets of water and they run up the mountain and up a hill and up some stairs so that whole vibe is here you can't do all all of those things but it's little details like that to help it make make it feel like more of like a Disney build and rather just like any outdoor gym space now as was mentioned we'll go over to the Huns Camp the Huns Campground also outdoor Off the Grid more Camp Vibes but these guys and as is like I did again a little bit of research on what we would be looking at for their sort of Camp structure here they tended to be more nomadic and build into the landscape so they would find holes that were tucked in the ground and just things to back their tents up to so they had some protection hence this sort of rock wall to towards the back here they also instead of doing like single tents they would have these round spaces that are a little bit more jam-packed have a couple of Sims living together so I've featured the bunk beds in here we have a bathroom but we also have one that's just for shenu he is the the main villain from Mulan also scared of his job apparently sending him off to work everybody's in the military career everybody hates it he has the big tent in the back here he also has his own military strategy planning board and place for everyone to come and coordinate the battle his own bedroom his own bathroom kind of high-end considering the circumstances one of these tents is for cooking and then this other one like I mentioned is just the the bedroom with not a ton going on there this is supposed to be mean Vibes not as nice of a camp in regards of like not having as much to do these guys are not really friends with one another they are like tolerant but not like the best of friends here's kind of an example since we don't have a ton of them home right now of what I've designed the Hunts to basically look like shenu the main big baddy from Mulan he is in the Mulan Club he's also in the Huns Club so if you start a club Gathering just for the Mulan characters you're going to get all of these guys together apparently he likes Mushu a little bit I don't think I meant to do that but hates everybody else obviously cuz he's the big baddy and they have the Huns club which one of their things is that they do not like shang's soldiers we have one more build for Mount comby it is not Mulan related so say goodbye to that this last law is something I created after one of my very favorite things in all of Disney the Disney Princesses they're my pride and joy of the save and in general they tend to be like what I gravitate towards little mermaid and Ariel is my absolute favorite character so anything related to her or an excuse to use her and do things relating to Disney Princesses I will add in where there's space but also having a karaoke bar in this world just makes the app absolute most sense so what better to do than base it after the Disney Princesses themselves the queens of singing and the shell of this building is based on the princess meet and greet Hall that you would experience at either of the Disney parks although this one is a little bit more heavily based on the Disneyland version you can come here and meet a princess basically and there are some pretty famous portraits inside but I think the portraits come from the Disney World ones of the princesses I have copied some of those files over into themed rooms here again with these CC free paintings I promise I know you can see already over here Tiana's Palace these are custom content free there is a way to make custom paintings in the game function but the idea is that you could basically come in here and get a karaoke room and each one of the rooms is themed on a different princess so our first one is Tiana princess and the frog each one features their like quote unquote Palace which Tiana doesn't really have but she has her Palace in another form and the princess Hall portrait that you would find in real life when you go to this location the next room is Snow White the furniture is going to be themed and the curtains and everything after each of the characters to be different there are seven little dwarf gnomes hidden in the space and each one also has a stage that you can like come and perform in front of the castle across the way there is Rapunzel with her floating lanterns and her sons more based on her castle than her Tower which I have not added to the save yet she is in the save but her castle is not it is to come down the line Miss Mulan a picture of her home from the back with the Cherry blossom tree she's got more cozy Vibes in here also very traditional based on her home and then if you go upstairs we have even more rooms over here is Miss Aurora Sleeping Beauty with the blue and pink and the tiling from her castle that you you do get to see in the film Jasmine based on her castle I'm excited to be bringing her and these characters to the save as well I'm not quite there yet but another world has planned to include her and then these two I picked and added they're not these portraits that you can see in the space are not from the real life Princess meet and greet I made these to have more rooms to have this be even and because like I said if I can include Ariel then I will so this is Ariel's room and then Cinderella which I think is so weird that they don't have a portrait for Cinderella in that space but they just don't even though you can go there and meet Cinderella I have so I know little elegant kind of very different from the rest of Mount kbbi but totally the vibe with the karaoke bar before I close out this world I do want to mention some more townies and some more households that we have going on there is also Hans and the Duke westleton weaselton from Frozen you have your proper villain character from the first film General Matas is actually from the second Frozen movie so he is here General Lee is a ghost Sim this is shang's Dad who passes in the film you do get to see him briefly at the beginning of Mulan so I added him in just so he has like some genetics and some family tree but also it was an excuse to add a gum that I kind of knew the Matchmaker that was mentioned earlier our future Love Guru the emperor and his daughters a really really fun household that again I want to make it a residential as well so that you can use them and play with them Periwinkle she is a spellcaster she's Tinkerbell sister also mentioned and then the Abominable Snowman from Monsters Inc this is a Sim wearing a costume but all of the outfits are this look so you should never run into him outside of looking like this okay next World we have for on baggley this is the cottage living world the movies for the space are going to be Beauty and the Beast Snow White Tangled and brave probably won't be going to see every single one of these Lots like I have for the past few worlds we're going to jump around here in there again there is speed builds and creative Sims for literally everything in the video today so if you really wanted to check out something in more detail including like the castle which I will be showing but I have not only a speed build of the de Beauty in the Beast Castle but I also did a tour video which I tend to do for some of these bigger spaces so there's definitely more it's linked Down Below in the Disney save playlist and also will be linked at the end of the video I said I wasn't going to go everywhere here but I don't even know what is going to skip I truly love every single build in this world I originally had a lot of these Beauty and the Beast characters in Willow Creek at the time we just did not have a world like this and I didn't ever forese us really getting one either so one of the Lots I was thinking about skipping was actually Gaston's Tavern but I have joined Maurice he is Belle's father lives alone on Belle's cottage which I do want to show you guys and since he's already here we'll take a quick look at Gaston's Tavern I have had this since the early days of the save file and I just feel like people have seen it at this at this point but there will be somebody who's never ever seen one of my videos that checks this out for the first time so just very quickly I'll show this off obviously based after the one from the film there is even one of those custom paintings on the wall yet again of dear Gaston over the fireplace in his honor something we have in this world that was a bit of a complication when designing it was a lot of NPC roles there was the pub owner there are stall owners maybe some of them are here right now there is the grocery stall owner there's also people who deliver for the grocery shop these are all roles that unfortunately you cannot have Sims that you play with be any of these roles because as soon as you activate the household the game will automatically replace whoever runs the stall or whoever runs the pub they just can't be Sims that you actively play with in households so I had to make the decision of who we were going to replace these with and sometimes it's a really easy switch like I'll show you later on there's one called the creature keeper and she is kind of an animal caretaker that lives in the middle of the woods that was a really easy switch this was another easy switch for me this is the Huntsman from Snow White he is now the pub owner I kind of have it as like he's the pub owner of gastons but it's a little bit of a failing business and so he is for hire for other Deeds do with that as you will but then we also had these stall owners there's also a m role for this world and something I decided a long time ago that I really liked the idea of to fill these r R was the thought of using Barbies Barbie is from Toy Story 2 she is shown along with her millions of sisters and Barbie's great cuz she comes in a variety of forms and roles and jobs and you can really repurpose her to be whatever you need her to be so way back when I showed you Evergreen Harbor there was one sim there called tour guide Barbie she is an aspiring actress and like one of those people that would drive on the celebrity bus tours as like the idea of what I had for her but here are her sisters and they live in henford on baggley this is Barbie shopkeep or shopk whatever you want to call it running the grocery star stall in hempford on baggley here we have running by the mayor and this is Barbie mayor to fill that role and then we also have the crumple bottom sisters Agatha and oh I do not remember the other one but I wanted to replace them as well so now they're Barbie crumple bottom and her sister Stacy crumple bottom that run this stall instead these have all been working in place of what you would normally get so if you're a big fan of Agatha crumple bottom and you know her then you know that she's not supposed to look anything like this but now she's replaced with Barbie this is the version you will get in my version of the game you will not get Agatha as far as I have seen so far she has yet to spawn herself back in my rep placement Sims seem to be working that's kind of a quick explanation of these characters basically my rule of thumb is in the household manager and I will show you when we leave this lot there are Barbies that you'll see I would not touch them edit them play with them in any regard it's going to screw up the systems that I have in place and that I've already been testing so I would just leave the Barbies alone is my recommendation if you don't like them you could replace them with Sims that make more sense for the rules for you so again my recommendation if you see the Barbies don't add them to your household don't play with them don't manipulate them in any way that'll keep everything running super smooth but if you're familiar with NPC rules and replacing characters and things like that then you're good to go you do as you do but if you don't know how to do any of those things I would just kind of leave them be Maurice has his own little farm lots of sheep running around we also have a cow I don't think they have a cow in the movie but because originally I didn't have horses or the ability to add sheep to the slot I gave him a cow in place of some of those and I just wanted him to be able to keep them the cow's name or excuse me the horse's name is Philip he is Belle's horse but lives here with Maurice and you can basically play here as like a single Elder Sim there's gardening to do there is General upkeep on here's another one of our Barbies pause here's another one of our Barbies see what I mean this is Barbie deliver she's a grocery deliverer so fun to look at but leave them alone you could do gardening here you can do everything cottage living related horses related pretty much here with Maurice there's also a little area for Philipe to practice some speed barrels Maurice is like a slightly crazy innovative technology guy I think he's an engineer it's a it's a career that doesn't match the time period but it would match him the way that the shell of this place is designed is really only going to fit him in the household so I'm glad I had somewhere else to put Belle cuz I'm telling you she just wouldn't have the space in here but in the movie like there's stairs that lead upstairs but there isn't an upstairs according to the Shell so instead he just has this really confined living quarters very cluttered it's got that class Cottage Vibe though and lots of the decor from this world in here he also has a basement that has a lot of the things relating to his skills like woodworking clock making that's something that's shown in the live action you can't be a clock maker but we can kind of represent it that way painting woodworking archaeology things like that creations of some kind like really he should have like a fabricator in a lot of those things that you get from the Evergreen Harbor pack but it's too modern looking to put on a lot like this so I have skipped it one of my absolute favorite Lots in the game and oldie buy goodie updates to it giving the ability to have the horse and everything we will now be going over to Gaston and lfu and the Bim bets they used to have separate households when they all lived in Willow Creek they lived in that like neighborhood where the Dumbo builds now are but I've moved them here and they are living on a larger Farm together in like a Community sort of vibe not in a weird way Gaston and lefu actually live in one space and then the bimb bets have their own home on the same property and it's all in this big stretch here on the side with Maurice's Cottage the general Village area which we'll be going to visit and Gaston and the bimbettes they live on the lot that's called a quiet Village which is supposed to be like an extension of the same sort of Circle of things here this is their Village with the two houses the one on the left here being Gaston and lfo's home these are both old builds they basically had to be like combined into one I had to recreate this household back here in order to do so and this one is the B BET's house they have like farming things that you could do but because all of these characters are seen as like poorer not poorer but like meaner Village characters I don't foresee them being like the best animal owners and like great crop Keepers and kitchen uh chicken owners but you could if you wanted to there's like a chicken ceop off of Gaston's house so you could fill it with chickens it's like an optional lot idea for this household Gaston is just about to go to work I do want to show you guys him real quick well he was about to leave for work I told him to go catch a little glimpse of him here before he takes off wearing one of the get famous costumes that just works out super well for some of these older movies that I have tried my best to match up clothing that we have available in the cast catalog for there he goes all right lefu actually just received a bit of a look change I originally based him more after Josh Gad who plays him in the liveaction version I think I was a little apprehensive to try to make like a version that even resembled the one from the animated form because he's just very specific looking I didn't think I could pull it off but I changed him more recently to look like the animated version and I think there is definitely a resemblance there he's a comedian one of the few that we have in the save that is why he has a over in his bedroom here a microphone a little bit more of a modern object that you wouldn't necessarily recommend for a build like this but he needs it for his career as well as the typewriter computer that I love to use since it looks a little older but it is in fact a computer this room over here is gas stop don't ask me why the characters constantly love not being in their bedrooms and Gaston's home is designed to be like a nicer Cottage home I think he would have more money he is exmilitary he is somebody that the village really adors I think they would like help him build a really nice home or he he might just have a little bit more money was like what my thought process was lefu is like the caretaker of the home primarily and then the bimbettes live over here they have optional gardening plots I've already started some of them for you they have optional chicken CPS it just depends on how much you personally want to get into it or maybe focus more on playing the Beauty and the Beast story lines this is their home it's a village like it's based off of like a Christmas Village like little village pieces that you could potentially buy cuz you never get to see their home in the film and they all have separated bedrooms I think this is Claudette the red one as I would say it they each have like a color that coordinates with them poette and then upstairs lorett gets the one that's in the space in the main center of the home there's is smaller it definitely has some nicer things to it I also made it a point not to do like too many books like a lot of the villagers can't and don't read especially these ones they have a bookshelf over here but you can't access it cuz it's blocked off way back here there is this candle making station now this design here the way that it's like kind of covered up in all these really cool pieces to make it look medieval is by stie Sims she is a really really fabulously talented tool Creator specifically but just a really talented Creator across the board I'll be linking her YouTube channel and it's also linked in like the credits of my save file I do occasionally use some of her tools pieces she like painstakingly puts every single one of these little pieces over the top of another object so that it doesn't look like it's out of place specifically this one is themed to be like more medieval the candle making station is a very modern equipment piece and it would look really out of place in My Beauty and the Beast build so I'm really grateful to her she gave me permission to use her items in the save so I do occasionally these guys have a few Club situations going on they have the Beauty and the Beast club that is run by Belle as a movie club this includes just Gaston and lafu from this household some more of like the main characters I would say the bbets are not really main characters Gaston's Fang girl Society are people that are just obsessed with Gaston and hanging out at Gaston's Tavern and drinking party drinks and things like that it is literally just the bimbettes and lafu you could put others in there I'm sure from the villagers and then we have have the villagers Club these are an extension of even more Beauty and the Beast characters including some townies that I'll show later on in the video Maurice claudet bimbettes Gaston and lefu basically anybody that doesn't live in the castle but is a Beauty and the Beast character in The sa file that's it for their home we'll go ahead and go next door just to the left there is more of like a Village Center for Beauty and the Beast this was formerly called Belle's V Village very obviously supposed to be a replication of the village shown in Beauty and the Beast each one of these buildings is themed after a trade or something from the time that you might expect and there's kind of a lot to explain with this lot I'll try not to drag it on too long it did recently receive a name change it's now called a poor provincial town after the song So if you are familiar with the bells Village lot it's kind of an older lot of mine from Willow Creek it's the same lot however this right now sits as a generic lot type because it is supposed to function as a community space that is the lot that transforms into four different forms and is voted on by your Sims in the Evergreen Harbor system however I've found in testing that that causes because of how many items are here and the houses and all of the there's a lot going on here it is one of the lots that causes a lot of freezing with that new glitch that the Sims is having since the last patch so I took out the ability temporarily to make this the proper community space that it's supposed to be and just made it a generic lot I don't like this as much and it is a temporary thing I do plan to change it back to the community space hopefully when the Sims fixes its game but for now this is something that I just had to do it was breaking a lot in the testing process it's a big loss so I kind of understand but it did work previously so it's most definitely the patch that is the issue this little house over here is the bakery you can come in here and make cupcakes I have the cupcake machine in here the big bulky one I kind of thought that this was something that Maurice might make like it looks just a little bit wacky and there's also like a full kitchen in here you could come and cook eat anything that you'd like but you could run it as your own little Bakery if you would like there is not a market stall here this is all just kind of for decoration to give that Village vibe but you could definitely make some changes and just run every single one of these buildings as whatever you want it to be this one is a grocery store there is a really cool item in here again by sad Sims and it's this huge grocery display with lots and lots of fruit and vegetables so excited to be able to use this in here the obviously the idea that you could potentially run this as a retail have the little register over here so that you could do so but a lot of this is really just for show and gameplay there is so much to do here but it's kind of like it's whatever you want to make it there's gardening areas in the back so you could grow and refill the station if you wanted to the next building over to the right is a little Library where Belle would have gone in the movie there's not a ton of books here it's not a super big Library enough so that you know Belle kind of explains that she's taking out the same books over and over again she's read all of the library so I didn't want it to be overwhelming but there are definitely a good few reads here can come and sit and read a book the next building over to the right of that one this one's much bigger and it's a lot more diverse there's a lot going on here I did have to make yet again some more changes to this building specifically to tone down the item count recently so it's not running at the full capacity that it you once was but I do plan on repairing it like I said the building on the right right is supposed to be a florist you could come in here and make flower arrangements with the flower arranging tables on the left the bottom floor is supposed to be the seamstress there's lots of things in here relating to fashion and knitting you could come in here and do some knitting of your own as well as selling any clothing items or knitting related items with the market stall here the upstairs you can come get some food light food like little kitchen food there used to be a really nice medieval cooking station in here by sad Sims but I had to remove it so now it's mainly just to come in and have a quick little snack and then for the last two over here this other house I just wanted to make sure that there was a bathroom on the law but still have it be looking aesthetically like the rest of the build so this house is just a public bathroom there is also a bathtub in here if you needed it there's a clothing um there's a place to do your laundry oh I spoke too soon I literally said it was the last and it wasn't there's two more this is just a clock tower meant for Aesthetics of course like a village like this would have to have a clock tower it's also primarily where you would enter in and out this Archway on this side and it's right in the middle of our two major Beauty and the Beast builds I don't know if you can see but way in the back over here we have Maurice's house with the Red Roof and then Gaston and the bimbettes live over to the right so it's it's meant to fill like a really cohesive space and then lastly the blacksmith is this final building there's an outdoor area that the blacksmith might be working in making various weapons and whatnot and then there's also the indoor shop that you would go into and speak to the blacksmith to order things got some various Decor regarding that again I had formerly a tool item in here by Sadi Sims but I had to remove it so I have instead put in place this grill that kind of reminds me of blacksmithing for some reason but it is just a grill you could also cook here just as a side note because I know people are people have always asked me about this and I want to just mention there is barns here there's an animal shed that you could have put like a cow in and there's chicken coops but for some reason you can't have chickens or cows or anything I've even tried sheep and goats just to see if it would work on community Lots they're always tied to your sim as objects I guess that kind of makes sense so they're really just for Aesthetics there's no way to get goats actually running around here or sheep rather in the movie as scen I tried many many different ways and I cannot get it to actually work other than just having your sim bring them themselves and have it be their sheep running around to give that same sort of vibe if anybody knows how to fix that or maybe that's a mod issue then so be it but fortunately you can't get the full effect but you still get pretty much everything else I think this is a really lovely lot it is one of my very first Big Lots and one that I revisit very regularly for updating to try to make it even better and have more skills and things now that we've covered pretty much all of Beauty and the Beast over here Gaston's Tavern that we did visit in the beginning due to Maurice that is in this Central like town area we will be visiting the castle but I did want to just show you guys the Barbies in the household manager you'll notice that they're in the other household section because they are unplayed household and here you can see my most recent Sims that I I have edited some of these but these are my Barbies this is delivery Barbie May Barbie grocery stall Barbie the witch and the Huntsman they are also roles that work for NPC roles in this world Aloha Animal Vet is not for this world it's for sulani but these are your Barbies and this is what I mentioned like it's as simple as just don't tick this box in the corner don't make it a plate household don't favorite them just to keep the system working as intended unless you want to replace them and you can certainly do that it's just something that you need to kind of know how to do I've also replaced father winter in the save I'll just mention this right now since I am probably going to forget it later and he's based after The Nightmare Before Christmas version of Santa Claus that's shown they lovingly refer to him as Sandy Claus so I kind of redesigned him just a little bit to look like that instead of Father winter instead of the blue he's got the classic red and I changed his face shape and generally like some of the colors and makeup and things to look more like Nightmare Before Christmas instead we might as well go visit the big family for this world the Beauty and the Beast household this includes Belle and the Beast Prince Adam he is a werewolf and I'll show you guys his second form as well cuz I think it's a really really close match to the Beast as far as you can get in this game the rest of the members are Castle staff members Mrs Potts cogsworth and plumier plumet and Chip and the dog luckily for me all of their human forms are shown at the end of the film when the curse is broken so I had some really great reference to go off of of what they're actually supposed to be like outside of their inanimate object forms this is the Enchanted Castle from Beauty and the Beast an absolutely massive build of mine a huge undertaking I have been intimidated to this Castle from very very early on of creating the Disney save and just knowing that the day would come that I would have to do so I wanted this to be really high up looking over the rest of hempford on baggley and kind of secluded with all the trees the idea that it's in the secret forest or Hidden Forest it also has a lot of layers to it structurally and it's just hard sometimes when you're working on all these different foundations making sure that everything functions really well there's a ton to see here I won't lie I'm not going to to go over every single room I have an entire tour video dedicated just for that so definitely check that out in the Disney safe playlist if you want to see more of this place I do want to show some things that I'm really proud of in particular this lovely Garden I felt like even if they were this high up in the forest and the mountains they should still have a place to garden and definitely a place where maybe Maurice would have found the rose and all that good stuff this is the bottom floor the ballroom not as big as I would have liked it to have ended up but sometimes like I've mentioned before that's just one of the issues of trying to fit a lot of details into a shell that's already been designed Belle's library is also something that I'm super happy with the result of the only thing this place needs is maybe like some custom paintings which I may go the extra mile to do at a later point in time it has a second floor that you can look down into it's really Grand like everything in here is very Grand it's one of my most favorite castles that I've done by far all of the towers as you go up have like more things to do like as you go up into this one there is a place where you can paint there's a lot of like looking out areas balconies things like that this building this side of the castle over here on the right this Tower is pretty much all of the castle staff bedrooms hogw Worth's room and then we also have Lumiere and Plum mat lastly just to show a couple more quick things for the castle this is Bel and BEAST's room I based it after Beast room from the film sorry about the jumping it is really just the way that this Castle is platformed they now share a space and this is it they also have their own private bathroom over here this entire side side of the castle is basically theirs and way way way up in a tower by itself would be what the film considered the west wing with the rose and the balcony and I wanted it to be really secluded it's hard to get to you you have to go up some ladders to get here at night time when it's dark out it's just like it's got this glow to it where the only thing you can see is the Rose in here it's really nice these characters were some of my most favorite to make I love how all of them turned out Mrs pots is obviously she's like a a lot of the castle staff members will get a special job called Castle staff just to keep them from spawning in like weird roles again outside of the castle but also so that they I I don't feel like there's any jobs that you can give them like you could make them a maid you can do that but like it it doesn't make sense to me because they're supposed to be here they're specifically working inside of and for this Castle so I like to give them Castle staff roles and then they just stay here cogsworth is the major Domo so he is a castle staff member but he's kind of like the right-hand man to the king in this case being Prince Adam all of the members of this household are either Castle staff major Domo if it is cogsworth royalty basically they all have custom career so there's not a ton to show there they're meant to obviously just stay in this household and be very close-knit let's instead focus on how they look in Create a Sim get a little bit of some up close action with Lumiere I did look a lot at their objects that they're based off of it's not just a 100% Recreation from the movie I tried to put my own spin on it a little bit Miss is pots she's kind of like the head made there's usually the same repetitive sort of Castle staff ideas in all of the households she would be the headid whereas Lumiere would probably be in charge of cooking dining celebrations partying things like that there might be a term for that chip is her son Mrs potts's son get a really good excuse to use this costume for vampires in the nice blue color that it very conveniently comes in for me he's got chipped teeth he's very cute as you can see it's the little details Plum met is the next one she is known as Fifi some times she's also sometimes known as pluma I think that's her technical name in the anime the live action version whereas she's known as Fifi in the animated and she is she has romance with Lumiere I wouldn't say that they're dating you can go with that in any direction that you would like Belle I'm so excited to show off she just turned out so pretty she looks even better with some CC eyelashes that's how I definitely play and recommend you do so pop on some CC eyelashes is but she's got a lot of clothing looks so I just wanted to show them off from her various films like there's there's been the liveaction there's been the animated there have been I think a few sequels or like those straight to DVD short films Disney spin-offs things like that Disney Plus shows so I've got a lot of outfits to show for her this is her Wreck-It Ralph look like I mentioned before all of the princesses in their everyday wear will get a Wreck-It Ralph look usually in the last slot the classic gold dress I wish we had a slightly better one for her and I have given a second option as recommended from patrons a lot of them liked this dress from vampires and I understand why I think it's more technically accurate especially for the time I just think because it doesn't have the volume of the first one that's what throws me but yeah I like both of them I gave both of them as a choice she has a red dress look I really wanted to do something that could kind of represent her pink dress dress look that's like her winter wear with the hood on there isn't really anything exactly like that but I hopefully have given the idea from all the other versions and then went with pink for her winter wear and some Little Flower tights she's got lots of colors I love that like she just had so many options to wear colors it's not just like you have to put her in blue or gold she has a good variety Prince Adam he is the Beast he is a werewolf one of of the first ones that I've added to the save I'll show a little bit of both of his like versions but he's wearing basically the same clothing for both forms so it just completely depends on what you want to play with he has to have like some of the tattered werewolves clothing of course and he has his more formal looks this costume from get famous that just works absolutely spot-on for his character it looks just like the one that they have the actor wear in the liveaction so I wouldn't be surprised if that was literally based on on that and here is his werewolf form I spent a lot of time trying my best to match colors and get good symmetry here and just make it look the best that I could do the ears as the horns instead you cannot color in this little section inside the ears I wish that you could but for some reason werewolves doesn't allow it and he has both the like tattered clothing options as well as some of the nicer looks so you could totally play through the entire story line Belle and Beast are already married in the safe file so it is supposed to be post the events of the first Beauty in the Beast film but that doesn't mean that you need to keep it that way and then we have Sultan he is chips dog I cannot pronounce this for the life of me I'm so sorry but I did Google it and I believe that is a correct breed if not I probably mixed a few together so that I could get something that even resembles that that dog and then lastly cogsworth I loved the colors paired together for this character I think that it just screams cogsworth with the hair and the way that it sort of like frames the face and the curls and everything the little mustache being the hands on the clock I'm really happy with all of them I hope you guys like them too I know the Beauty and the Beast is a really important film for a lot of people it's a big one inside of Disney so I hope that I did everything Justice in the you guys like how it turned out that is it for Beauty and the Beast these four Lots over here and again Gaston's Tavern I'm trying to decide what else is important to see here cuz we're just not going to have time to visit everything I would say let's go over to the brave castle and the brave household they live in a very medieval style Scottish Castle Merida is a teen princess which is a little unique her parents as well as the three triplets they're are the only Royal household and like Castle household that has children living in it let alone toddler triplets and then Mia is like their caretaker basically she serves as the primary caretaker for the little ones they also have a dog this is their Castle quite a bit different than the Beauty and the Beast one for obvious reasons it has a lot of layers it's more built like Arendelle Castle with the layering of the walls for protection there is a perimeter wall and some Towers looking out this was created before we had round walls which is why we I didn't use them in this space but honestly I'm kind of glad that it doesn't use them round walls can be kind of tricky and I think that this functions a lot better considering that it doesn't have perfectly round spaces I'll show you the characters first cuz Miss Merida really should be going off to school I do want to mention that with teen Sims like this you could have them quit school or leave high school so you don't have to deal with that aspect especially for characters that really shouldn't be going like there's no reason that Merida canonly and the save should be going to school but I have had issues with like trying to cheat them out of school and then they end up rejoining as soon as I leave the lot so unfortunately it is still implemented in the save there are cheat codes to get rid of it and they just don't seem to be working for me any of the Teen princesses the other one I think being Moana just to have them like always available there is a brave Club with the main members of this household as well as the big villain from Brave mue mody over here like I mentioned our primary caretaker for the triplets that doesn't seem to be doing her job right now and Merida's mother Elanor Eleanor and Merida do not get along super great I specifically designed them to have like poish compatibility it says awful compatibility I really wanted to be able to recreate that aspect of the story to make make it like kind of a difficult relationship between mother and daughter it's very important to the film I do plan on making Merida's horse but I'm trying to figure out what to do with the household and how to break them up I think it would have to be at the cost of their dog and just getting rid of the dog from the house but I really really love the dog so I have opted to keep them for now apparently she's scared of chickens and that's kind of why she doesn't have a horse right now I'd also have to update the castle and make some room for that include a stable that's on the ground level because no foundations or stairs for horses so it's in the future plans of the save just is not currently in here the castle I won't spend too much time here honestly there's a lot of like minimalistic Decor it's medieval there's not a lot of stuff to look at because of the time period that this is based on but the kitchen's a lot of fun it's really messy and cluttered and literally the chickens run in and out of here places to like bake and cook I like the confinement and the cluttered Ness of this it feels like very appropriate motty lives right above the kitchen this is her bedroom so she can always be right there readily available to start cooking then she can also come over here to the main household and be available for the toddlers they have this room over here the three of them share kind of a smaller space but it's right off of the parents' bedroom which is why it's designed that way so it's like readily available to them for such little ones up above them the floor highest on the castle is Merida's room it's designed to be as close to the film as possible you do get to see quite a bit of her space she's got lots of like wooden platforms and things around in her room she has a lot of archery equipment and like buckets with arrows and things in it but obviously I can't or we don't have anything like that yet I put some things that were supposed to be like as close as I could possibly think of in the decor hopefully archery is something that they add later on in the Sims 4 lifetime I'm hoping for a medieval pack fingers crossed forever and always but I don't personally foresee it happening and then one of the last things I want to show in here that I think is really cool is the downstairs area this would be like the main dining space the entertainment space the ballroom it's also the throne room there's a scene where all of them sit on their different Thrones and you can see that each of the thrones is different from one another and kind of themed towards the character so this one the biggest one here is supposed to be the fathers and then you've got Merida and her mother each having ones that are sort of closer together and then one chair for the triplets to sit on big dining table to be able to have lots and lots of guess over there are quite a few Brave townies in the save and then my thought process behind having this space was that I would be able to add some kind of arery in here if we ever got an object that allowed me to do so I'm kind of blocking out the space for it and if not there's a kitchen and a bathroom down here so that you can have everything you need to fully entertain inside that space on that level I have two other Brave themed Lots in the save and like I mentioned quite a few townies we'll check out the townies and stuff at the end and I am going to be skipping one of the Brave Lots this one down here it's a bakery the translation for this would be like Three Brothers Bakery and it's themed like exactly like mera's Castle it's supposed to be M's castle that was repurposed because he kind of destroyed his kingdom in his castle and there is a ruin that is shown in the film that's kind of where he lives they've repurposed it into a cafe now Three Brothers Three Bears kind of a deal I'll be skipping that one today there is a create a there is a speed build for it if you'd like to check it out but I'll go to the other one this one is the witch's Cottage the witch is a character that Merida meets in the film and it has the same problem currently unfortunately that Belle's Village is currently going through which is that it is meant to be a community space that transforms into four different forms this one was very unique because not only is this the witch's Cottage on the outside in like the first form but some of the other forms of it look like other locations from Brave in particular one of them is the stones the circle of stones that Merida ends up at that is one of the optional lot types that can change into so I had to completely remove that for now it is an empty residential you could choose to move a Sim in here but I've kind of just kept it as a residential cuz I didn't know how else to place this for now I don't do empty residentials in the save if there is a residential it has a SIM living in it so this is a very odd thing for me to have in the save file but I wanted it to still be here as a placeholder until I can put the full version of the build back in So when you have the full version of the community space this is actually the third form I think so there's one scene where the witch keeps opening and closing the door and it switches to different things one of them is like an abandoned Cottage one of them is her actual home there's also a woodke keeper shop and it changes in between those three forms in my version of the save and then the fourth form that it changes into is the ring of stones so this is just her act ual house that she lives in cauldron spellcaster items all over the place books I don't have her living here because she does serve as an NPC role for the world she is the creature keeper a Sim that you can discover sort of in this area actually she keeps track of and tends to the animals of this world and she has her own private Hut somewhere over here I think it is it's in this area if you were to move her into into that household it would break her role and then the game will automatically replace that role with a new sim and I don't know who it would choose so I just choose not to mess with it at all that would be her right here she is a spellcaster she does know a lot of potions very imperative to the film and she's also friends with Merida she does like they kind of know each other you can get her to come around if you uh want to they already know one another so again hopefully going to be able to put this back into the form that it's supposed to be which is a community space that transforms between Brave Lots but for now I have to leave it like this until the Sims gets fixed the last two movies for the world are Snow White there are two lots I have Snow White and the Seven Dwarves their Cottage there is also a garden generic lot down here based on Snow White I guess we'll go to both here is the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Cottage not not too shabby kind of big too had to fit a lot of beds in here and I'm working off of a very iconic shell that kind of has a lot of detail even considering the time that the movie was made so there's a lot of things I wanted to make sure you got as a part of this including like the general shape the terrain the bridge the river that goes all the way around it came out really cute there's tons of birds and butterflies and rabbits all over the place I did a lot of the rabbit holes that spawn rabbits there's lots of the trunks that have the birds from this pack Snow White is also Friends With Birds here's her little flock of wild birds some of the wild rabbits that run around here she's supposed to be very in touch with nature so wanted to be able to represent it that way and this place is supposed to just be like a cottage I have the canal making station that's featured here again all of the chairs around the fireplace each one coordinated with a color of a different dwarf it's simple but it's still like there's quite a bit of stuff in here I guess considering how many Sims live here you sort of have to the dwarves all enjoy music so we have to have the piano she has her own bedroom down here Miss Snow White themed after her with a little bit more Greenery and things in her space and then the upstairs is really just this part on the left hand side where each one of them has their own color coordinated bed but like I've mentioned before they're already labeled for you so you know how I intended things to go and Dopey has the purple one that is by itself in the lofted space in the corner he likes it that way though the dwarves all have what did I end up giving them I did a custom career I could not think of where to place these guys I wish that there was something like you could do like manual labor but it doesn't fit have them be miners they don't have a ton of money as a household I do wish you could kind of like do individual household incomes but I guess uh Snow White ran away from her royal life and probably wouldn't have that much money to her name anyway snow is kind of pretty highly skilled she's got a lot of household skills and household traits like Speed Cleaner NE animal Whisperer She's the caretaker of the home and all of her friends here are less so in regards to skills they're more like Garner tours music making construction handiness and a little bit of dancing this snow white themed Park and community garden down here it is technically a generic lot and it's called Apple ever after I think when you do think about Snow White you tend to think of community gardening animals her well and then also the scene at the end of the film when she's in the glass coffin I wanted to represent that in some kind of a lot form all of that like the all of the ideas that Encompass her as a character in this like community garden space so you could come here and garden and plant things you can also just come here to have a picnic or maybe partake in the well here there are lots of these stumps again that will create the flocks of birds lots of roaming free rabbits and a recreation of her glass coffin without fully like encasing it in it looked a little bit funny when I did it that way maybe just stacking some tables and giving the idea of the glass it's like a preservation of History sort of thing I also am a big fan of using something that once was and then turning it into something else so kind of like this is Snow White's garden and she took this Monument that they had created for her and made it into this Garden space I have the same idea done in Willow Creek where Belle opens her own Library there's something similar in sulani with Ariel opening a museum filled with her collections I really really like to do stuff like that and a lot of the princesses have gotten that kind of treatment so far and then this is an apple orchard for obvious reasons finally let's take a look at this residential up at the northernmost part of henford on Bagley all by its Lonesome this is the Tangled household with mother gothal and Rapunzel and it is Rapunzel's tower I currently have Rapunzel living here with Mother Gothel because her castle does not exist in the safe file however I would like to do her castle and I might move her out into that castle with her family and Flynn and some of the other characters and then just have mother goth living in the tower all by herself it's one of those things that depends on where you are in the film but since I didn't have the castle as an option they are together currently I'll jump into build mode for this I wanted you guys to see it in live mode with like the water fountain and just like how high this is up and looking over the rest of hord on baggley truly by itself and and secluded as Mother Gothel would like it but I think it just looks best during the daytime it's unfortunate that it's night time right now in the save I wanted you guys to see like how truly beautiful and Magnificent the colors are here and all of the greenery and the Landscaping work I did on the bottom to kind of mesh the ground into the tower it took a lot for me to be happy with this and get like behind the shape of it cuz it's very complicated to get something so thin on the bottom and then like a larger stru on top that doesn't look crazy the actual home is meant to be covered in Head To Toe with Rapunzel's paintings and artwork so everything is supposed to be like a mural or something that she has painted over there's little lanterns in here there's little like there's so much that's just like shout outs to pieces from the movie obviously you get to see a lot of this Tower so it was really easy to replicate the space it was wasn't so easy to get it to be functional we'll go into live mode Rapunzel is locked in here she actually can't access the store it is what's keeping her from leaving you'll you saw when I spawned in that mother gothal was at the bottom of the lot I also don't know why that happens by the way if anybody could tell me I always have Sims spawning outside of their house when I first start up their household it's really annoying this is supposed to be a hidden door it's a bookshelf but it's also a door so Rapunzel doesn't really know that you could technically get out of the Tower and go down the ladder she's also locked in here so you really get the full effect mother gothel's room is over here on the left is Rapunzel's room much smaller some paintings and things around maybe some pictures I also gave her a balcony that she can come out here and paint I know that's not something that she has in the movie but I wanted her to have it cuz I'm nice some dyes just lots of little things for her to do like all sorts of hobbies and activ activities that I could fit inside this space there are obviously so many more but you have to think about like how small this space is it kind of functions as like a tiny home and then things still need to work and I think Miss Rapunzel here she might be nope she's royalty I think the idea was to make her a painter and then she could probably work from home or if she was like a freelance painter she could work from home but she also doesn't really make money in the movie so having her be royalty is like not a horrible thing and then I found out from the Tangled TV show that Mother Gothel used to be an actress that's what Disney Wiki said so I enrolled her in that it's the only thing I could possibly come up with for her I couldn't even come up with a custom career for that woman I didn't know what to do with her she could be a singer I guess but again that would be same Vibes that's the last build that I'll be looking at in henford on baggley there is one more Tangled build in this world it's gothal Cottage it is the vacation rental that I try to do for every single World a one-bedroom one bathroom it is supposed to be a super traditional Cottage experience that you're able to come to this world and have it's based after the Tangled TV show mother gothal is seen having a second home and she has her own Cottage and her own daughter and everything that is the house that that is based on it's a little creepy it's based after again mother gothal so it's it's a clean Cottage home but it's got like traits that make it sort of creepy and then for our household manager here I think I showed off most of these we've got some extra Beauty in the Beast hoties and who else oh most definitely the Lords and young Lads of dun Brock all of these characters are shown in the film they're potential suitors and their fathers trying to get it in with the royal family a lot of them are Lords in their own right and Friends of the King and then we have moru who is the villain from Brave and and that's going to round out our townies and all of our characters from hempford on baggley so the last two worlds are sulani and moonwood Mill and I like I mentioned I very very recently did a full tour video for both of these worlds so my review of these last two are not going to be nearly as extensive as the other worlds they also have not received as many recent changes because they are completely brand new to the new Disney save file download so if you want to see these worlds more extensively I highly recommend those videos instead I'll be going to just a few maybe three-ish choices per world even less for moonwood Mill due to the size let's go ahead and get started with sulani sulani is based on The Little Mermaid Pirates of the Caribbean Moana Peter Pan and Lilo and Stitch primarily these three houses down here these three builds are the big Lelo and Stitch builds these two over here in the same neighborhood are my two Pirates of the Caribbean builds these ones up here on the top right are my Peter Pan builds also including some more over here the basically the ones to the northern most part of sulani are Peter Pan and then the larger builds right through here the big castles are The Little Mermaid as well as this freaky little purple glowy one in the lagoon it's literally so hard to pick what to visit and what to do here but I'll just go with the main few households probably a little bit of Little Mermaid and Lilo and Stitch the first one being Prince Eric's Castle this tropical castle that goes straight into the water with the docks and the ship right in the harbor of the castle it's massive and was really really complicated to build including having I wanted to make sure this was on a water lot I did mention that in the other tour but it was a really big deal to me because it's just something that's very iconic to this particular type of Castle and I think what makes it so much different than other ones that I've done and it has some rooms that you will most definitely recall from the film the dining space is something that always was very memorable to me that they have their first meal in here this is a pretty identical one for one replica even trying to get these windows to fit on a round wall and have it face the water and everything so that it matched what you see in the film also the bathroom over here that Carla gives Ariel her bath in that's massive and has this really strange seashell shaped bathtub Ariel has her own bedroom in here she doesn't live in the same bedroom as Prince Eric they're currently engaged in the save I believe so I think it's supposed to be like kind of in the middle of the story of The Little Mermaid this is her bedroom lots of pink you know this is her room because she's shown on this balcony looking down on Eric on the beach in the movie so you can figure out that this is her bedroom the tower over here on the right is mostly Prince Eric's quarters he's got this absolutely massive round space on the second floor with the blue colors and lots of ship references he likes to explore if there was like some kind of an exploring career I definitely would have put him into that he likes fish maybe not in like the fishing sort of way and then he has lots of library and desk and working space up top I also imagine that he has like lots of guests over I was reading a book at the time called Prince of song and c and they have lots of suitors for Prince Eric coming over at that time ignore the weird platforms coming out over here it's a glitch that happens sometimes with round walls again the round walls are really really really tricky to use I tend to lean away from using them uh as of late so the household is Ariel and Eric and Max and then we have their Castle staff being Chef Louie Carla she is kind of like the head made and then Grimsby is the major Domo for I absolutely love Ariel I love her outfits I love how she turned out I love her hair she was a total win in my book cuz she's such a big character to me she is my favorite Disney character so it was just intimidating to make her and I love how she turned out all of her sisters are in the save file including literally everybody all of her sisters are in the sa file she has a Daughters of Triton club that is dedicated to music making and swimming and singing and you can see all of her other sisters here they live at the other castle that I will go into very briefly in build mode but probably not in live mode I did go into live mode in the other video this Ballroom is shown in the second film Melody has a whole scene in here when it's her 13th birthday I think I enjoyed testing this household one thing about the Disney Princesses though is because they're so famous they do attract Paparazzi and I'm not a big fan of that but one thing that I thought was kind of funny is like whenever you go anywhere you just you get paparazzi so even just going outside swimming there were people taking pictures of her and Eric swimming and I thought that was funny the giant castle water lot across the way as I mentioned the Atlantic household this is King Triton's household with his six other daughters and his major Domo Sebastian who I have turned into a human but he is a mermaid all of these ladies are mermaids they all have different colors coordinating with the characters colors that they're supposed to have and this would be their home this is King Triton's C Castle I designed this to be make it feel like if you could put something underwater in this game and it was fully submerged than it would be so it's got lots of shells and sea life growing up it and kind of like how it would be if it was built completely under water there's also bubble machines and all of the rooms and lots of deep dark blue lamps and things to try to make the space look very underwater especially in live mode I should just mention on the side here there is like a walkway and some stairs I think they're a little awkwardly placed and to be honest with you originally this was not a part of the design I found out in the testing process that for some reason mermaids cannot use the water ladders so unfortunately the way that this was designed did not work for The Sims that live in this household and I had to build a way for them to get up to the back part of the castle in particular because this back part is all of the girls bedrooms and they basically couldn't get here as mermaids for some reason the Sims didn't just animate the ability for them to turn back into humans before they climbed the ladder that would be silly so instead they just can't use them and it made this place really dysfunctional to them so I had to add the stairs I hope it doesn't ruin it too much it's not my original plan but you kind of have to work with what you got in this game sometimes each of them does have their own themed bedroom based on their given character colors Ariel has her own room in here as well in case you wanted to move her back in you would have to move maybe Sebastian out of the household making matw if that were the case cuz the household's a little bit too big but she did once live here and have her own space although the idea is generally that mermaids have like a sense of community there is like a lot of like Grotto areas and spaces in here for the girls in particular to sit together do their makeup chat about their day this is like their living room bubble blowing stations music and singing everything that would make them really super happy I don't think I showed this in the other video at all and it's one of my favorite rooms in here the other thing that I didn't mention way up at the top of the central tower here is a treasury this is King Triton's like treasury with his Pearls of the Seven Seas each one based on his daughters and it's above his room like he's he's keeping protection of it basically so it's hard to get to but that was the idea behind that room it's not just for decoration it is it does have a purpose King Triton also has his bedroom the master bedroom and the main tower of the castle what else do I want to show in here there's so much like I said really check out that other tour video because it's going to go into it a lot more extensively I love this dining space with the table I think it's really creative and then the throne room room and sitting high above everyone else in this space I love how this turned out it's not the most functional thing but sometimes you got to make sacrifices for the beauty of it all that's a fun household to play but a lot to manage with eight Sims I will say I will be going to this wedding venue over here on the left that's Little Mermaid themed I did not in the other video This is called kiss the girl Lagoon and it's based on the scene from The Little Mermaid by the name this same song it's meant so that your Sims could get married but of course you could do so much more here if you wanted this is definitely great for gardening or a picnic just a general outing you could come here and look for frogs in the pond I really should show this in live mode because all of these little stickers animate like glowing and mosquitoes and doves and swans and things so it really is like full of life here it's absolutely gorgeous at the end of the dock is where you are intended to get married facing out towards the boat and you can see the castle in the background it's a smaller wedding ven you have a couple guests here watch you go out to the end of the dock and get married there it's really pretty it's supposed to be secluded it's specifically like when the boat is going under one of the willow trees they push the willow tree branches to the side and they like go into this tucked in little Cove by themselves for a minute it's the big moment in the film with the almost kiss where they get tilted into the water so that that is one of my patrons ideas absolutely loved it and I knew immediately that this was coming right into the save file this is a replacement lot like I've been mentioning there is another version of this lot that can go here and it's a museum that's based on the little mermaid called thingamabob Grotto this is supposed to be like Ariel's collections all culminated into one space in her own little Grotto that she can show off and now has like as a piece of the community that other people can come and see and enjoy like a small water garden and lots of the similar sort of mermaid Aesthetics so you can also put that here if you're like I don't need another wedding venue or garden we want something else you can do that and while I'm in the same neighborhood I will bounce into this back lot here it is the Jolly Roger from Peter Pan it's a fully pirate ship Recreation that you can live on the whole crew lives here Mr shme and some of the various pirates that you would see in the film here it is it's one of my absolute favorites from this world I just think that it came out so spot-on and it almost didn't like I spent a lot of time here especially with my husband over my shoulder trying to get the shape of this right layering how many levels should this be where do the bump outs go how can I fit these get famous pieces in here correctly this was a lot of work reshaping this place over and over until it really felt like something very authentic and look like the Jolly Roger also even though it's just like a a plain brown pirate ship I wanted it to be recognizable with this like gold framing on the back that I had remembered from the Peter Pan film there's a massive Captain's Quarters back here for Captain Hook he's got so many trinkets from all over the world he also kind of likes painting and like Fine Arts and Things Music a little bit so he's got some activities to do in here and the door is locked just for him and Mr shme so the rest of the crew doesn't come in here and touch all of his stuff and then most of the crew lives down here in this like more confined quarters with bunk beds Mr shme has one that is like lofted by himself um but they are really like crammed in this space the way you would on like a boat like this a crew like this would definitely be set up just like this it's not meant to be like the most fine living you've ever had a brri there is a kitchen and I wanted it to be like right in the water like off of the dock on a little Beach area there isn't currently a oh never mind I did put Captain Hook's crew in here as a pirate club and the Lost Boys is also its own club they are a club where when you meet them right away you hate them they have like a horrible reputation all of these guys are in the criminal career but they are on like somewhat varying levels like the captain is the boss and then the other guys are Petty thieves like much smaller so you can make money that way and they can all be like kind of nasty and stealing from people's homes they all have horrible traits like kleptomaniac and mean and hotheaded and erratic and they're just a whole mess but it would be kind of fun something very different and chaotic to play with in the save that's it for Little Mermaid builds and I won't be going to maybe maybe I should stop at one more because I didn't do this in the other video I was going to say maybe I'll do um maybe that'll be the last Peter Pan build I have two more over here the main Peter Pan household with the lost boys and Tinkerbell and Peter Peter is actually a vampire so that he's Immortal and he has like a secondary form that looks like his shadow whereas Tinkerbell is a spellcaster they are both teens and then they are kind of like the faux parents not really but you get the vibe for all of these children that live in the house with them Skull Rock is the other big Peter Pan build for this world it is a underground pirate nightclub underneath the Lagoon here and I showed that off in the other video so I do recommend again checking that out the Skull Rock lot has one lot replacement that is The Little Mermaid themed yet again and it's also a nightclub but it's a mermaid nightclub it's called the catfish club and it is based on The Little Mermaid 3 there is a lot of like secrecy in that film like the characters are not allowed to listen to music or play music and they need a hidden place to go and do so that is in the Kingdom but just maybe more run down and abandoned looking like you wouldn't suspect it to actually be a place where a nightclub is and it's this really massive mermaid build that goes on the same exact lot if you want a different vibe for a nightclub there in this same neighborhood is Moana and her household it is just her parents and her grandmother and Pua hey a is also on the law in the form of one chicken I did go there in the other video if you want to see more of that and I'll be checking out the last Peter Pan lot this is Mermaid Lagoon since I didn't visit it in the other video sulani has to have a beach lot it doesn't have to actually you can make salani without it but why would you it's one of of the lot types that's exclusive to this world and I knew from the beginning that I was going to be saving room to do the Mermaid Lagoon from Peter Pan it's so iconic to me I love the mermaids in that scene and it's like a core memory of mine seeing that scene for the first time so I wanted to recreate it as this hidden colorful tucked in Oasis with the stones that the mermaids lay on and pour water through their hair and sit under the waterfalls and swim around so you can come here and recreate all of the magic of that sometimes or if you wanted to like you can swim outside of this area and Sims do in the play testing process but it's nice for mermaids to have somewhere to come and be that's like very specific to them it's also got views of King Triton's Castle right near Atlantica there and then in the distance Prince Eric's Castle it glows at night as well with all the little colorful orbs these lights that are from the wedding stories pack kind of simple you get the idea I did almost forget to mention that I did add Ursula to this world she is called the sea witch and in her everyday form she looks like Vanessa that's her human version that she can walk around on land in when she turns into a mermaid which is what her occult form is she looks like her Ursula form the true one the purple skin and all that you would recognize and her house was also featured in the other video I'll let you go over there and see that for all of the specialness that is at home it's very very unique instead let's check out a Lilo and Stitch I almost said a Little Mermaid let's check out a Lilo and Stitch the Lilo and Stitch house where non and Lilo and Pleakley and jumbo live and my version of pet Stitch but since we're here you can check out like in the distance this is Ursula's home so you can kind of get a Vibe for the madness that's going on over there and a Pirates of the Caribbean Pirate Bar in the harbor that I will not be visiting today so you can get little glimpses of things in the background the Lilo and Stitch house this is Iconic classic my husband's favorite movie Lilo and Stitch so I really had to do this Justice I tried to base it after the form of this home that is at the end of the first Lilo and Stitch film the house gets exploded part of it blows up and they have to recreate pieces of it they add a tower that is space themed that is a new bedroom for Lilo and Stitch to live in so now they have their own space in this like little space tower now my version is a pet but I have a version of him that is an alien Sim I think I mentioned that at the beginning of the recording so if you wanted that to be the case he could sleep up here and I kind of just like provided the bed in case you wanted it there's also a playroom down here she has her own TV and her own dollhouse and everything Lilo doesn't have a ton of friends um for obvious reasons so it's nice for her to be able to have her own space and then the floor plan of this place is like created off of tons of research of the floor plans that were available from the film Nani is almost like a teen that had to grow up a little bit too fast so she has a lot of clutter and teen related clutter in her room it's not the most nice kept she also used to be a prized Surfer and so she's got lots of trophies around and athletic sort of things and a whole Shrine in the corner showcasing her former life as a pretty much professional Surfer eagley and Jumba are alien Sims they share this little space over here this was formerly lilo's room it is now the two of their bedroom and it's set up based around their various interests jumba's being being a scientist and being able to do science related activities computer things like that and Pleakley is more leaning into he is in the wildlife conservationist career but he also loves fashion and has lots of outfits relating to Fashion also another thing that he really likes to do is steal Nani's clothes so he has some similar outfits to Nani that are almost like him having stolen her clothes and then he's got the ability to sit and do some embroidery some knitting that is their household I wanted to show the hammock on the back there is the iconic scene from the first film with Nani and Lilo sitting in the hammock it is not a functional piece because this piece the hammock comes from debug but hopefully we will eventually get a functional hammock and then I can add it in here but for now we can represent it that way I think it looks really cool also I don't think I mentioned this in the other video but down here there is two cars this is Nani's car but this little one this tiny red one is supposed to be the one that Jumba makes for Lilo and Stitch that is like a I think it's actually a little spaceship that they ride around town and I believe that is shown in the first film if not in some of the other Lilo and Stitch films I think there's two other Lilo and Stitch movies believe it or not that's going to be it for sulani I will explain the rest of the Lots this is a loha animal rescue it's a vet clinic it's the location that Stitch is adopted from and the interior is a vet clinic that you can go to but it is also based on the idea of adopting a pet so there is like adoption centers and like a pet pound in the back the other one is a restaurant based on Lilo and Stitch called the fiki luau it's supposed to be a tourist trap restaurant the one in particular that David and Nani work at David is a dancer there and Nani is a waitress so you could have her be that there if you would like to it doesn't of a great menu it is not authentic to like local Cuisine and it's just like one of those tourist experiences less so than actual good cultural experience and then like I mentioned the last two lots are Pirates of the Caribbean this is Port Royale Mansion it is the vacation rental for the world and it's based after Governor Swan's mansion from the first Pirates of the Caribbean home so this would be Elizabeth Swan and her father's original house and then the bar across the way is Tortuga Tavern based on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride from Disney World and also very heavily based on the restaurant by the same name right across the way in Disney World are quite a few townies for this world a lot of them are Lelo and Stitch but I have some other ones in here like flounder he is a friend and also a mermaid Sim that is a companion for Ariel Gabriella is from and I don't usually do this but I made an exception for this char character the animated Little Mermaid TV show I never do the TV show spin-offs and I almost never take any reference from them cuz it just would be too much lore for any one person to handle but she was an exciting character to add in if you know about her CRA Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch I originally wanted him to be like the character that can come and take your child away from you but I found in testing that maybe that NPC rule has been removed somebody please let me know if that's the case this used to be a role in the previous Sims games that your sim children could get taken from you if you did not take care of them and basically CPS would show up to your door or like an adoption officer would show up to your door and take your children away and I thought that that was still the case with the Sims for but I found that they just disappear off of the law if you neglect them long enough so the original design was to have him fulfill that NPC role but since he can't he's more leaning towards I think the policing career maybe a detective it does say he's former CIA he has some relations to strangerville and the activity that's going on there and I think the strangerville aspiration because he is formerly um familiar with like alien life in the film David Nani's boyfriend really cute he doesn't live with the main household just because I thought it would be fun to like have a boyfriend that can come pick up Nani and go on little dates you could eventually move them in together gantu one of the villains in Lilo and Stitch also roaming around as a annoying villain character for the Lilo and Stitch characters and alien and then myrtl and Friends absolutely horrible brats that are mean and nasty and already justlike Lilo I did do Pirates of the Caribbean here we have Jack and Elizabeth and William Turner Elizabeth and William are engaged and I just want of course I had to add these guys in come on they're really iconic and short of being able to move them in here which you could move them into that Mansion if you make it a residential they had to be tonies in this world and then the only other one the only other townies are the Mermaid Lagoon mermaids from the Peter Pan film they are teens and it was really just an excuse for me to add in some mermaid teens to the Save which I don't have any others of our final world and closing out the video not going to spend too much time here because I literally went to every single one of these Lots in my other tour video for moonwood Mill it's very small but this is my version of moonwood Mill and it is based on Nightmare Before Christmas predominantly that's what all five of these lots are based on and there is also a little bit of Brother Bear in this world in the form of one of the werewolf Pack Leaders Kenai Koda who I have made just a little bit older so that he could also be a werewolf they are werewolves but they're bears and it was like my way of putting them in and having a movie that isn't I won't say like Brother Bear isn't super popular but it probably wasn't going to get a lot of time in the save file so now they're kind of important as rolls inside of the save the other werewolf pack is by the other Halloween Town villagers one of them this one right here in the center is the original wolf man supposed to be like the main werewolf character that you would think of like I think of him as like original day one where wolf and he is in Nightmare Before Christmas and also the pack leader of the opposite pack the main characters that live here are Jack Skellington and zero he lives in the first home Sally and Dr finlin live in the second home Jack is a vampire and his secondary form is him in the Santa Claus outfit but a little bit spookified he's got like lots of Darker makeup and he's not quite wearing like what father winter wears he's got his own version of it Sally is also a vampire but she doesn't have a second form and Dr finlin is a human Sim even all crazy as he looks he is human but he's a mad scientist and he fits in really well with the other characters that live in this world these guys the trick-or-treaters are lock shock and barrel they are each children's Sims so they can't really take on the occults but they are each of the occults one is a spellcaster the middle one here is a vampire and the one in the purple is a werewolf they are each children of that ult which means they have some little quirks and some little things that you'll notice when you play with them or around them but they can't actually use any of the powers or things relating to the ult yet cuz it doesn't allow it for children there is a role in this world called Greg it comes with the pack as something a part of the pack lore and he is a werewolf that will show up and cause chaos and everybody hates him and he immediately starts fights and he's just very disliked inside of moonwood Mill he causes a lot of problems and I replaced him in my version of the save with Oogie Boogie so he's still a werewolf but he's like this green glowing werewolf there's a whole creatis video for him if you'd like to see more and have me explain a little bit more about that process actually before I show you this first build in my library and this is available on my gallery for download but it doesn't quite work out exactly the same as having him in the save file I do have where is he my version of Oogie Boogie he is a Greg replacement and this is what he looks like in his werewolf form this is what he would look like as a human but like I said because he replaces Greg in this pack you will see him 99% of the time as a werewolf which is really cool he causes a lot of Chaos in the save and him and Jack already know and greatly dislike one another which is always cool for the lore this is Jack's home it is called spiral Hill it's based on his house as well as the iconic spiral Hill with the pumpkin graveyard and everything kind of combined a couple of ideas into one and I will say The Nightmare Before Christmas rooms and houses and everything were a little bit tough to build cuz they're very strangely designed and like they don't really make sense to architecture at all it's just a tough thing to make working so I originally was trying to make this Tower up here connected with stairs or ladders and trying to make it as functional as possible but because Jack is actually a vampire he can fly around and doesn't need it to be anything other than a location to teleport to here is his main bedroom it's got some Decor in it that is relating to Christmas as well as Halloween to show both sides of his interests and his personality it's also a recreation of the models that are created for The Nightmare Before Christmas film a lot of them still exist to this day so you can get some really great reference when you try to replicate these spaces in particular for the exterior I love the glowing I really love this orb on top of spiral Hill kind of mimicking the moon behind in that one scene and this is A Haunted House residential a lot of the Sims that live in this world are brave and Friends of werewolves and just kind of obsessed with anything dark and spooky related so for the most part they're fine with in this world but you still get some Sims that are a little bit I don't know anxious about being in the werewolf World which is unfortunate I wish there was a way to like totally opt out of that I will play this next household with Sally and Dr frin because we'll be going over to Halloweentown the big build for the world just so you can see it in live mode which is something I did not Showcase in the tour video this is Dr finklestein's lab and the home home of these two characters based on the models and a replica from the film kind of confined in here it looks really big but it's just not because of the round walls and the way that you have to sort of space everything out in here lot of Star Wars stuff being used in these builds The Nightmare Before Christmas builds but I think it really helps add to like the non-descript nature of everything here industrial Vibes is definitely the feel Gothic as well Sally's room has min things in it she doesn't have a lot of stuff and a lot of things to do unfortunately she is kind of a prisoner of her own circumstance they also have a cow plant here I haven't touched this very much like I haven't had Sally try to interact with it too much because I'm afraid it'll kill her but it's there we will have her go over to the recreation center which is the Halloween Town Center the main town from the film track centers are supposed to be locations where lots of Sims can come and do various activities there is so much to do here and a lot that I could point out there's lots and lots of like hobbies and skill related items here but most of them are in particular pertaining to ones that I felt like were appropriate for these characters like I didn't want to just put every skill here I definitely could have done that but it's not just not necessary like there are certain skills that these characters wouldn't know I love the goopy Pond over here I have some Halloween Town villagers and one of them is a mermaid so she would absolutely love that there is pumpkin carving here candle making there is a Halloween themed playground in the back for lock shock and barrel there is a library in the main building this town square one there is woodworking nectar making what one is this this might be the candl making and then there's also the ability to give speeches play some music because this building down here is based on the idea of like a town hall it's also shown in the film as where Jack gives his speech trying to convince everyone to do Christmas instead of Halloween for the year and a lot of these buildings are based on like little Miniatures that they used in the making of the film some of them I had to change depending on what was available to me like being a builder and being able to do like for example here these stairs are not functional cuz we don't have spiral stairs or round stairs in The Sims 4 currently but I still wanted to make something that kind of resembled it I figured this would be the place to kind of go to town for it there's lots to explore here I definitely recommend coming and checking it out I wish a few more Sims would spawn I thought maybe a couple more people would come here and hang out which I was excited to show off some of the villagers for but it doesn't look like anybody's coming the fountain is super super cool in live mode green and glowy and nasty and a little bit broken there's like two that are just not quite the same as the others I think that's an error on my part but we're going to keep it it fits the vibe the last two lots in the world I won't be visiting cuz they're in the tour video and they're kind of small I would say this one to the back here is the bigger deal it's Snake Eyes casino and it's a double type of lot so it is a nightclub it's based on oie Lair and it's a casino gambling themed brightly colored like neon nightclub on the basement levels it's his layer where he's I think he's being held captive or by the town or lock shock and barrel lock shock and barrel live in this treehouse above and if you wanted to you could potentially turn this into a residential and have them live there however the Treehouse is currently not the most functional thing I've ever built so you would have to play with it a little bit which is why I I haven't really added that in as I don't recommend it at this time but I'm just saying that you could if you are good with building and then lastly the holiday trees this is a lot that is supposed to be very aesthetic and it's based on the scene where Jack finds all of the trees that go to the various Realms relating to each of the holidays every single one of the trees in this big circle is themed after the various holidays it's mostly decor and Story related but I wanted it here as a smaller lot to be able to use in playing out The Nightmare Before Christmas film there are no lot Replacements or bonus Sims for moonwood Mill oh there is actually one bonus SIM for moonwood Mill there is Frank and weeny I brought him up at the beginning Victor Frankenstein and his dog Sparky from the film by the same name and these villager characters I sort of already pointed them out but they are The Nightmare Before Christmas villagers that you see around in the film including the mayor and the clown with the tear away face and the Harley Quinn demon and this one is called undersea gal and she's like a creepy little mermaid that is it for today's video again if you have any questions about what you saw today relating to the save file please leave your question down below I'll do my very best to answer the Disney save 2.0 is free and available for anyone to download right now the link is down below it will bring you to my patreon on but you do not need to be a patron to download it download the file it includes a read me that tells you how to install a save if you have never done that before there are more Disney save worlds to come I plan to do all of the worlds for The Sims 4 I'm slowly working my way through them and the next one will be taroa it's going to be based after a little bit of Hercules and some other worlds and some other things I'm not going to spoil it too much but I'm excited to get started on a lot of that pretty much immediately here so make sure you subscribe if you'd like to see the building and the creative Sims that go along with the rest of the save and future tour videos huge shout out to my current patrons without whom this all would not be possible and I definitely would have given up by now just because it's such a labor and creative intensive process and it's been a really cool journey to do all of this with all of y'all so thank you so much let me know in the comments what your favorite thing you saw today was down below and if you enjoyed this very very long tour video thank you all so much for watching and I will talk to you all in the next one
Channel: Tomi Lyn
Views: 80,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 disney, sims 4 disney save file, the ultimate sims 4 disney save file, sims 4 save file tour, touring your builds sims 4, touring save file sims 4, sims 4 save file, sims 4 save file 2023, sims 4 save file 2024, the disney save, disney themed save file, sims 4 disney sims, sims 4 disney cc, sims 4 disney mods, sims 4 disneyworld, sims 4 disneyland, sims 4 disney princesses, sims 4 disney villains, tomi lyn, tomi lyn the disney save, full movie, sims 4 full movie
Id: WLL_7Jst1G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 272min 34sec (16354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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