Amazing Sims 4 Save File Heavily based on Sims 2 and Sims 3 Lore + Full of backstories! ✨✨✨

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hi loves it's Savvy that's Zimmer and I'm so excited to go over this save file with you guys it is very unique and I've been searching for different save files that have not been really been talked about before on Tumblr Tumblr is a really good resource to find save files if you're not aware already um I find really good ones through other people sharing them on Twitter and a lot of times I mostly find them on Tumblr so I found this one which is called The Love Letter save by Prince and I just want to say one I love the name of this save file because it's a love letter to his childhood for The Sims so he's basically like putting all his love and compassion in for The Sims into the save file by creating a inspired say file that is based on Sims 2 Sims 3 and a little bit of Sims 4 lore into the Sims 4. so basically he takes Sims 2 Sims 3 and puts it into the Sims 4. he adds all of the characters all of their lore all their backstories everything like that and then puts it into the Sims 4 and I just love that and I'm so excited if you know anything about me you know that I love the Sims 2. um The Sims 2 was my baby and that's where I started playing The Sims I played The Sims one but I really started playing The Sims 2 when it came out and I just haven't stopped since it's always been my happy place let's go ahead and get into the save file information overview and then we'll actually jump into the save file so this is the site right here where you would download the save file it is the prince Tumblr website so this is it right here it says the Love Letter saved by Prince and he gives you just like a little overview right here of everything that he's done so just an FYI Prince does say that this is volume one so just keep that in mind so he took long eight months to create this I just want to say I really appreciate all of his hard work and dedication and all the passion that he put into this save file because it really really shows so just a little heads up he does give you some information right here which is really really helpful and really nice especially when you're trying to get safe all information really quickly before you download it so just a heads up you download it right over here at the very bottom he has a little road map section so all the worlds that are 100 complete are Willow Creek Oasis Springs new Crest semi shuno strangerville tartosa and moonwind Mill the ones that are 75 complete are windenburg brittleton Bay Evergreen Harbor Hanford on Bagley Mount cabarabi and also copperdale and then 50 complete is Dolce Valley which is fine it's a small world anyways and then these are the worlds that need some TLC which I mean I'm not really in them anyways so it doesn't really bother me but if you are you can just go in and add some stuff while he's still working on version two so just a heads up too there's no CC in the save file so this is basically his love letter to the Sims franchise which I'll go ahead and read this to you it says if you are a long time simmer you know the Sims 4 lacks a lot of depth and personality yes it does guys yes it does I found myself wanting Sims 2 and Sims 3 in my game often so I met in the middle and combined the story lines Sims 2 through 4 and the save it is still an alternative timeline if you know you know but a timeline that is more similar to the ones from the previous games Bella goth is missing the Caliente sisters are still up to no good and the Pleasant Family should still seek family counseling again thank you so much Prince for this amazing save file that you created and you can definitely tell this was a passion project that Prince did and I'm not even gonna say fail yet and I already can tell that he worked really hard on this so anyways um all you have to do is Click right here to download so you're going to click that button and all you're going to have to do is right here so it says Love Letter saved by Prince and all you have to do is Click download and I'll show up right here in your downloads folder so all you have to do once that is done you're gonna go into your downloads folder I'm gonna go ahead and copy this right here then you're going to go into Electronic Arts go to The Sims 4 go to your saves folder it's not a mod make sure you go to your saves file and then you're just going to hit paste I already have this in my folder so I don't need to do that but just make sure you follow those steps and hit paste if you want to watch a more in-depth video which is about like five minutes long on how to download and install a save file just go to my linked video down below other than that let's go ahead and jump into the same so once you're in your game and it's fully loaded it's gonna pop up right here the Love Letter saved by Prince you're gonna go ahead and hit play and it'll go ahead and put you into the game so like I mentioned earlier the base game worlds are completely renovated and they're completely done so they look so good and so filled up and it's just really exciting to see everything just completely filled and don't mind Nina she's apparently missing some clothes it's okay so the Caliente sisters bio reads who are they what do they want the Caliente sisters want your dads and their bank accounts Dina has been quite outspoken in willingness to marry into wealth however their arrival caused quite the commotion for those who cared for Bella so here's Dina and she still has the um she has a soulmate aspiration so that's pretty surprising and then he does give them um some likes and dislikes which is nice to see she's active materialistic and also romantic and Nina her sister is neat which I believe she actually is in Sims 2 and then she's apparently proper and socially awkward which I don't see that for her but I mean that's so cool to see too so also I like the way their house looks it looks very um similar to Sims 2 but we'll check out the houses later on and two doors down which is Don lothario of course it says the most famous bachelor in the world Donny boy's only love is his loyal Chihuahua Don Jr of course he's non-committal he's active and romantic and he is a Serial romantic that is perfect for Dawn and I love his little makeover um I probably made his shirt purple um but I think he looks so good and so close to his original look so and he has a dog now named DJ that's so cute okay so here's some Sims 3 lore which I love to see it so this right here is the original like Nancy land grab look so she looks very similar to how she originally looked in Sims 3 so I think he did a really good job on that and then we have Jeffrey land grab so I really like how he took the land grabs and made them look like their Sims 3 version so their bios is Elaine grabs her own money Nancy's family more or less funded many towns so it was no surprise when she married Jeffrey Jeffrey who changed his last name not Nancy well team Malcolm be a mild manner doctor like his father or a verocious business tycoon like his mother I guess we'll have to find out also had this family right here which is from The Sims 2 and they come from veronaville in Sims 2. so this is the dad right here he never forgot consorts caps broken promise but now his grandson Romeo has fallen for the caps heiress will the elders live to see the two families United Okay so this right here is the father of these two guys right here and they're both teenagers and then this is the mother Isabella Monty and then right here are the two sons and Romeo right here is the main um tea really honestly here and that's why I want to focus on him he is in love with Julia Capp which is right here she is the daughter of consort cap and it's basically like Romeo and Juliet if you haven't figured that out yet but yeah so Romeo and Juliet are in love and these two dads basically are enemies but fun fact in Sims 2 I believe in Sims 2 Contessa cap the mother of these um children she's actually passed away so it's just the dad in Sims 2 raising these three children so just a little fun fact for you I love Sims 2 lore if you haven't noticed but anyways I love love the fact that this entire world is completely renovated it's filled up like look at this park Desert Bloom looks so cool and then we have a spa in here we have a bar we have a gem and everything looks so modern and so clean and I love that like that's how I Envision Oasis Springs like I think of it like as Arizona in my mind or like part of California maybe we also have the Oasis Springs trailers and I like how it's kind of like off to the side um I probably wouldn't put it right beside the land grabs but honestly it's fine it doesn't matter but yeah I think Oasis Springs looks so good and I love all the builds in here I definitely will check out a few for you guys so going back to Willow Creek which would probably be Pleasant View so here's another SIMS 3 family which is some language rock family so Caitlyn lingerock was actually a maid in Sims 2 and she created a lot of drama she was basically having an affair with Daniel Pleasant um which he's married and has two kids that are twins so um yeah it's the whole thing but basically in the Sims 3 it's a a child and she basically is living with her family so I'm not sure if you guys know but with Sims The Sims franchise each game is supposed to be on a different timeline so just heads up with that so Ileana linger act this is her mom her dad is Dustin her aunt Zelda which I love her makeover this is definitely how I would Envision her and she's a musician she was the same way in Sims 3 so I love that he integrated their aspirations to match that yeah she's a party animal which I believe she was very similar to that with um The Sims 3 so that's really nice to see and then Parker lingerock which I always set up all of my Sims 3 um chicks to have him as a boyfriend because he's just so cute or even a boyfriend too I love what he did with this family and they look really awesome they look very true to the original versions as well look at these Community Lots again they look so modern and they look so good this pool looks like a lot of fun I love the lore here for the land grab um the land grab name they own so many businesses and I like how he leave that in and throughout all the business names and Bella is missing as you guys can see our wonderful beautiful Bella goth our icon Our Queen our love let me stop being dramatic but anyways but again I love their makeovers Morty looks very handsome I love this like salt and pepper look with his hair moving over we have a lovers Chapel so we have a wedding venue and that looks super cool I love it and we also have a cemetery too I definitely want to visit that in um this video because I want to see if there's any lore with the graves here is the infamous Alto Family the Altos are new money their business practices have gotten them far in this town unofficially they own most of the local shops but how did their daughter become such a goodie two shoes Vida looks very very close to her Sims 3 look great job Prince so good and then also Nick Alto looking like a snack he looks very handsome he's a bad guy though very bad bad guy and then we have Holly Alto right here um and she yep she has all of her similar trade she's an art lover in Sims 3 and she's also a vegetarian in Sims 3 as well so I love seeing that thank you so much for integrating all that lore and keeping the characters true to themselves we also have a little park over here in the corner I like how he split up in neighborhoods and there's um stuff to do here in this world but yeah I'm gonna leave a few other of the families for you guys to check out on your own but I did want to show you guys that so moving on to new Crest we do have four Community actually I'm sorry we have five Community Lots right here we have a llama land Library we have a new Crest strip so it looks like it's three Community Lots in one which you know if you know me you know I love when there's um multiple Lots in one because it gives more things for your Sims to do and then we have a restaurant here which looks humongous and then we have a karaoke bar which is also Again by the land grabs it's called the land grab motherlode karaoke bar that looks like a lot of fun and then we have a small little Park which looks really adorable and then we have a little neighborhood section over here which is just residential homes and then we have another residential area too where it looks like two homes and then we have a park and another restaurant as well so throwing it back to Sims 2 lore we have Reagan cap and she lives in the corner over here um everyone insists that Reagan get married and continue the family Legacy but this workaholic has no desire to follow in the footsteps of her family with much love for them of course So Reagan yeah this is like basically her since 2 bio and and yeah it's perfect and she looks so much like the original version and I love that and I think she would be a lot of fun to play with on your own um so she's a loner she is ambitious and she's also she also hates children so that's kind of sad so we also have some other families over here and immediately my eye goes to the Pleasant Family like hello iconic my favorite the best family ever just getting they're actually not the best family but they're really great so um when it comes to their lore and their drama so I used to play The Sims 2 constantly and I would play the Pleasant so much I love playing with them and I love creating drama I love making Daniel Pleasant cheat I love making him have like a million babies with so many women in The Sims 2 like don't even let me get started you guys we could be here forever so um Angela's missing some pants again it's probably just a pack that I don't have but let's go ahead and read their bio on the surface Daniel and Mary Sue Pleasant seem to have the perfect life but is their love a flimsy fiscade and can Angela and Lilith make the right choices when it comes to love so that is their exact Sims 2 bio and I love seeing that so Daniel Pleasant is a cereal romantic he is non-comitto which is totally him romantic and he is outgoing yeah that sounds like him and Mary Sue Pleasant oh she looks so good I love her makeover she is a good she's it has the good treat she is a perfectionist and also romantic and oh also I forgot to mention she has a leader of the pack so with her um Sims 2 aspiration she had the personality I think it was like friends like she wanted to make friends and all that kind of stuff I'll put the little image on the screen um and then Angela Pleasant she's clean and she's a foodie again going back to Sims 2. I love that there's a uh kleptomaniac and she's also a loner so I feel like that fits really well with her and she's a chief of Mischief so again it fits really really well so there's also some other families in here that I do not recognize but again I'm just gonna let you guys check those out on your own and just kind of have some fun but I'll just hover over them so y'all can see their names but they look like you know they look like a lot of fun and especially like this big family right here so I love this bio so much obviously there's a lot of tea here so let's go ahead and read it it says Janine was an accidental mother right out of high school with a no good father for her children she raised a Lulu Maxine and cash on her own before Maxine moved back and with Janine she was an empty nester who realized her her children gave her purpose and she was intending on raising them again in the form of cats oh my God kind of awkward now that one of her kids are back oh my God that's so cute so basically this mom was like enjoying her life like being an empty nester and our kids were like all grown and out of the house and she was like enjoying her cats like as her children and now her daughter um who is a young adult move back in so I think that's super cute and she's also non-committal so it kind of makes me think like maybe she's not gonna want to like move out for a while like commit to someone and like move out so this seems like a really good one to play out oh they're actually both non-committal so I really like how they both have that tree um it makes me think that Prince thought about integrating parents traits for their children so that's really cool oh my God look it's Bob it says now with two failed marriages under his resume Bob camp but wonder is he the problem I love that angle because everyone always says that Eliza is the problem so that's so cool I love that so now that we're in sand machine now let's go ahead and check out all the new families and yeah so all the community lots are the same but all the families are different so that's super freaking cool so we have more of the Monte cat family which again it goes back to the Sims 2 lore from veronaville so this bio is a little hard to read but I think from what they're saying is Bianca Monty was happy to be out on her own and she wanted a soul mate and she's found a soulmate now with a cap but now she's worried about her family not wanting to be a part of her life since she's in love with the cap so this is Bianca Monty and she's from The Sims 2 and her lore is and her traits on everything are matching up really well and then this is Kent cap um who she's in love with and they're again their families are feuding so I'm not sure if this family is Sims 2 or Sims 3 lore or they're just another family added into the game I don't recognize them but if you guys do let me know so it says Jeremiah and Emerson worked hard to give their kids the perfect life they never used the word no never raised their voices and gave them everything they asked for so when their daughter Ali came home from prom with a positive pregnancy test of course they said they would help raise the baby ever since baby Rosa joined the family Ally is almost never home and Bennett stays locked in his room playing video games could Emerson and Jeremiah possibly have been too lenient oh gosh I love the story you guys that is a really good backstory so we have a Bert Alto accounting had never been Bert's true passion but now that he's had a sudden and some say suspicious influx of wealth he can live out his dream in style there may be trouble in Paradise however but it seems that he might be hiding from someone or something whether it's his brother Nick or his past clients it's anyone's guess ooh I love that you guys and look at his apartment oh my gosh that's a huge apartment so Bert Alto is Nick alto's brother I think this guy is from The Sims 3. correct me if I'm wrong again um I didn't really play too much Sims 3 I played a little bit but I wasn't like super heavy into it like Sims 2 but I think Matthew Heming comes from um Bridgeport The Sims 3 nightlife so his name is Matthew hemming Matthew Heming is no stranger to the Limelight topping a list of the world's most eligible bachelors in a permanent picture on the Silver Screen is there anything more Matthew could ask for if tabloids are to be believed he's still searching for that exclusive special lady the paparazzi has a hard time keeping up with his trail of leading ladies and broken hearts oh I love that that's such a steamy hot bio sip on that to you guys so we have outgoing we have perfectionist and we also have non-committal so oh he wants a leading lady like he wants a lady in his life but he's also non-committal so I feel like that's very conflicting for him and it sounds like he's probably gonna have a lot of trouble in his life when it comes to his love life this one is the Huntington family James Huntington and also Pearl Huntington it says the family everybody wants to be the huntingtons have kept the perfect image for decades how perfect can they really be behind closed doors so we're definitely gonna have to check out the relationship panel and I want to see what's going on with that family it sounds like there's some tea as well I love this one so much marrying a rich man older than your parents can raise some eyebrows dispute the rumors Paisley swears that Darren is the love of her life and if that's true why don't their own children believe her hmm that sounds pretty sauce y'all pretty sus but he's evil so I don't know we also have Mr and Mrs Jones which come from The Sims 3 and they come in Bridgeport the again City living basically of Sims 3. the Jones really are the couple to keep up with with both Johnny and Diana at the peak of their careers and no kids life is pretty perfect for the moment well unforeseen wishes and desires introduce some bumps along the way she is not one children um but he does I do remember that from The Sims 3 and oh cute they have a little puppy this time now I can't remember if he is the one that didn't like children originally and didn't want children or if it was her um but in a Sims 4 in his version she doesn't want children so I find that very interesting so also we have the bird family oh I love seeing them they look so good um I love this family so much they're iconic in The Sims too John Jennifer and young Lucy decide to trade the fast-paced city light for some fresh air it didn't take too long for this family to get bored of Suburbia in a blink of an eye moved back to the city so basically in The Sims 2 their bio is very similar to this but they wanted to move to the suburbs but with this one they're back in the city so I like how he changed that he did a really good job I love that level of detail so they also have very similar um aspirations and traits too um Jen is gorgeous she looks so beautiful and Johnny he's barely he's family oriented again and then we have Lucy bird so I went ahead and went into the Huntington family's um relationship panel and it does look like these two actually have a higher romance level than their actual friendship level so I feel like that's very very interesting and then they have a daughter named Katie she doesn't even live with them so we're definitely gonna check that out later on I think I might already know the reason why to why that is but we'll find out a little bit later so I'm moving forward for the last worlds that are 100 completed is going to be strangerville partosa and also moonwood Mill and then we'll go over the ones that are 75 completed so we have nine families in this world we have the broke family right here Brittany was left to raise three boys alone following her husband's suspicious full ladder accident but Dustin acting out can Brandy teach young Bae and now Robbie to make the right choices in life so here's Brandy broke they come from The Sims 2 if you're familiar with them which hopefully you are this is Dustin broke he's a teen and he's very rebellious um we have Bae broke and he is a child and then in The Sims 2. Brandy um you actually started off with Brandy with the broke family and then you have these two sons right here and then if you play them I think it's like a day or two later Brandi actually ends up being pregnant and I love that he put that she loves pink right here because she actually lives in a um pink trailer in The Sims 2 so I love that we also have the Newbie family which is supposed to be the mother and the father of Brandy broke so Bob and Betty finally feel like they're starting to understand the way of the world they never stop learning recently their only daughter Brandy was widowed and that is a lesson no parenting book can guide them through what can they do so they obviously are really sad about Brandi's husband passing away so this is their cute little dog buddy and then we have Betty newbie and we have Bob newbie and again they have the original traits they're actually from Sims one so little um fun tip for you and I love that I think they look really awesome and they definitely look true to the original characters Kendra and Andrea are soon to be wet Kendra is out of five kids and feels as though her Spotlight was taken from her by her younger siblings she wants to take a slow but Andrea has been ready to start their family since the day they met once the wheels start rolling will there be a way to get them to stop so it kind of seems like Kendra is having cold feet um so that's pretty cool to see um also the fact that you know this person here is a spellcaster might be fun to play with them so that's definitely some tea hopefully she can tell her fiance like hey uh can we like slow down a little bit so remember earlier how I said that the teen daughter of the huntingtons so she's right here this Creator is literally so smart he went ahead and put a smogworth prep school so if you guys are familiar with Sims 3 and generations pack they had the option where your kids could be said to um boarding school so here it is welcome to the smunk worst prep school where Headmaster Kyo is hard at work sharpening the minds of students with the highest potential David takes pride in sucking the dreams out of his students and sending them into the world with real skills like Logic the students however are hoping for an administrative change oh no that's so sad okay so he hates children he's evil he's evil and he's hot-headed oh my God I feel so bad for these Sims so we have a few um Sims here they're probably um connected to families yeah okay so it looks like so here's Katie Huntington again this is the daughter of that couple that we saw earlier in um City living so they sent her to um a boarding school we just have several teams here living at the sporting school which I love that I think that's such a creative idea especially like to add in some lore and just to have fun with the game in like a different way that's not something like most people would think of like okay yeah let's put a one adult you know Sim in here with a bunch of teens to basically be like a Headmaster so I love that also we have a lost Gardens of healing National Park that sounds really beautiful and like a really nice location to go to we also have an enchanted Springs pool over here in this neighborhood um that also looks really awesome we also have another boarding school which is the young and gifted school this one says welcome to the lindenberg boarding school for the young and gifted head mistress Isabella is eager to have your special little one master their unique crafts and build on their strengths the locals aren't as pleased with the house they hear from their grounds so try to keep it down on full moons oh wow okay so we have a spellcaster here um we have another spellcaster another one okay here we go we have a wolf here a vampire another a vampire and a wolf and a small Caster so that is a lot y'all I honestly I'm getting like Harry Potter Vibes up in here but I don't know if you all know but like with the vampires and the small casters I'm pretty sure with um the lore that they did in the Sims 4. oh wait look it's Lou Lou is from um moonwood Mill vampires and spellcasters aren't supposed to get along so I feel like that's gonna create a lot of drama for them okay so moving on to Evergreen Harbor we do have some new families in here that he added to the Sims 4 that are not um Sims 2 or you know just all the previous franchises what we do have here we have a couple of New Lots as well and this is one of the worlds that are 75 completed so we have a docked in Drive-In which looks really cool and then we have the cat family again they are um from Sims 2. her husband Albany went to the big family and he got it will their offspring carry on the cap Traditions or smash the establishment to Smithereens okay so again I think that's pretty much the same as the um Sims 2 version of them but these guys right here I think I remember like their difficulty in The Sims 2 like they actually have levels of like what families difficulties were like based on like a level system like from like one to five or something like that and I think there's just like in the harder level because like the family was so big and they were like difficult to deal with but anyways it's nice to see them in The Sims 4. so there is a lot of new families in Evergreen Harbor which I love seeing it again I don't want to go over all of them because I want you guys to have a little bit of like surprise I normally do that with all of my save files but he added a lot of new families just in general to here in The Sims 4 that are not actually since two and Sims 3 lore so he did a really good mix um so yeah um this one's a cute little story though it says um Kiara and Reese have been to Helen Back they're only 10 months apart and are in our as close as two siblings can be they spent their entire childhood in and out of foster homes they may not know about the family they come from but they know that they feel at home with each other oh my God you guys oh my God he is so cute too they're adorable I love this little family they seem like a really sweet family I honestly I think on my own time I would have fun playing with them her name is Alice and her and her husband and Miss Universe have split up so her ex-husband and her daughter live in Burlington Bay so another little fun fact for you all right so let's move on to our next World y'all I had to show you this this is super funny look what he added the Kardashian Jenner family and he wrote the icons right there look there's Chris oh my God that looks just like her some version then we have Kim this is like totally Kim like 2012 version with her like icy blonde hair Chloe oh my God that's so funny oh look Kendall Kylie's missing pants she would be the one missing pants and we also have another Monty family member which says recently widowed Antonio must either give up his job at the family restaurant and use his savings to raise his twins Beatrice and help and keep the job he loves what will be his role in the Family Feud that may have cost him his wife so we have a new family over here which is bad dads that's funny um we also have another family over here which is the Sherwood family and we have the Ashton family over here as well and they have their own backstory and we have a wedding chapel up here which looks super cool and we also looks like he changed the Onsen bath house maybe he renovated it and yeah so moving on to one of my most favorite worlds which is Hanford on Bagley this board has been 75 renovated we do have part of the Baroque family here so I'm assuming they're probably with the broke family um we also have a veterinarian clinic um we also have a spell Caster family right here um which that might be really fun to play out as well and then we have this little family right here called the doe family the dough family encouraged their son to follow his dreams John and Jane always wanted to get out and see the world but they were too scared to leave behind hemford now that their son has returned home they're glad they stuck with what's comfortable who needs a higher education when you can make just as much of milking cows and selling eggs honestly you know you guys I would love to have that lifestyle I still need to have my gaming equipment but if I could have like a little farm that would be so much fun so this little family is super cute and I definitely would love to play with them okay and then we have this family called the Farnsworth family which is super cute not many Sims can grasp at how much motherhood chains Eliza Iggy opened her eyes to a love greater than money and now with her new husband Ezra oh my God you guys that's some hot tea she hopes to spend the rest of her life on their Cottage and maybe welcome in in a little girl to finish off her family well that was until her parents showed up oh my God okay look so here's um here's cottage living Eliza version which is so funny and then anyways so these are Eliza's parents and um this is Eliza which is so cute and then here's Iggy pancakes and here's the love of her life Ezra he is so handsome and they also own a UM Vet Clinic which is really cool it's called the crumple bottom vet practice so I love that for her we also have Jane John and Jane Doe um this is John consummate long line of henford residence he went to college to study science and after marrying Lane Jane her name is Jane not lean it's so hard to read sometimes with this um shade that I have on it's hard to see and plus my font is like so small anyways so he returned to his hometown to be near his family John is one of the few residents who seeked a higher education with his career he's hoping he can bring Hanford from a quiet little cottage town to the largest eco-friendly city on the map his wife thinks he's in over his head and I agree too John because this is not a city sir this is a quiet little quaint town that does not need to be gentrified bye okay so then over here we have the Forbes sisters flood to a family plot to escape the drama that came with their superficial family what the Forbes sisters didn't realize was that this drama was hereditary and came again with children with their children out in the world can they live out the rest of their days at peace well I hope so because we don't want any drama but it also looks like this one is a spellcaster so that might come with some drama but this Grandma looks pretty cool not gonna lie we also have a broke family over here buck broke never thought he'd be a single father things get a little messy but as long as he can take a walk in the woods now and then he's happy well his little ones continue the Legacy the family Legacy or will they be drowning in riches I hope they're going to be drowning in riches one day so that'll be a fun challenge maybe you guys could play out this family and see how much money you guys can potentially earn for this family so that's it for Hanford on Bagley let's move on to our next world so last but not least we are in copperdale now so again this is a 75 renovated World okay so we have three new families that have been added to this world um the other ones are all the original but we have the ray family over here and we have Paige and Owens and we also have the detent the other ones like I said are all the same in all the Lots as well Zachary grew up in an all-boys house his twin Xander found the love of his life long ago making Zachary feel like he's falling behind so after many filled pickup line Zachary met his now wife Ryan a hopeless romantic and one who was quick to Say Yes to the Dress can a marriage loss if you've only known each other a mere three months oh my God so they got married in three months which honestly it's kind of you know not unrealistic for The Sims but I love that story it's super good so yeah that might be fun to play out and you know just kind of see how this family works together and he's actually non-committal too so Annie's jealous and she's erratic and romantic and childish which I mean her traits aren't that bad but his kind of are so that again would be fun to play out so now that we've done all of the families and all the worlds that are 100 done and 75 done I do want to go ahead and just check out a few builds um and showcase them and then we'll go ahead and wrap up the video so this is the Caliente sisters home so again um it's supposed to be very similar to the original home um I could definitely see it like with these windows and stuff but obviously this is the Sims 4 not the Sims 2 if we were to build their Sims 2 house it would just look um probably a little um weird but anyways this is a very small home and honestly I think it's very cozy and very cute and they look like they do share a bedroom so I don't know if they like you know just moved in here or whatever but yeah um they're sharing a bedroom so I kind of like that angle it's like they only had enough money for like you know a one bedroom um and they're just sharing a bedroom I like that so anyways this is their home I think it looks so cute and again so similar to The Sims 2 just a little modernized for The Sims 4. I cannot not go over this with you guys so here is all of Dina caliente's um history her family history here and Naga is actually supposed to be her mother and Polynesian technician I believe is her grandfather so also look she's having an affair with Jeffrey I don't know if this relationship level is like their current state but either way they have a crush on each other I guess and she also has a thing with Nick Alto and he also is still married and also apparently more to more they're in love with each other and then also we have Dawn here too and Cassandra hates her and Vida hates her and Holly does sovita and Holly definitely must know about Nick and Dina's relationship y'all what is this look he's right there I didn't even plan that you guys so again Prince really took his time with us so here's Nestor Caliente which is her which is her grandfather Polynesian technician seven which was an alien I know it's weird y'all but that's just a Sims 2 lore um he basically impregnated her grandfather and then which had her dad and then this is her mother and then yeah so that is their family tree right there Prince even took the time to add Dina and Nina's parents right here so I love that I think that's awesome I honestly love the detail that he's done here and then we do have flat broke and Mary Lou broke and those are um Brandy broke's family members so we have some more Caliente family members that have passed away and then moving on over here we do have the Newbie family which is from Sims one and they're part of the lore2 and then we also have some family members from the Monty family as well but I did want to mention to you guys this um Cemetery reminds me of the Sims 3. do you guys see it too because I definitely do I definitely am seeing Sims 3 in this we also have some land grab family members over here and what I think is so funny about this is look there's like money bags out here like what like the land grab family had to be buried with their money that is hilarious and then again we have some um Monty family members here too so again I love it it's such good detail and you know this is what we're looking for when it comes to save files lots of good lore and detail added in so I just want to check out these land grab shops really quick with you guys so over here we have like a cute little restaurant and again you guys know how much I love two in one um Community lot and this is cool over here um this is kind of like a like little maybe like painting Studio or maybe like some type of like Craft Center up here I really like that a lot super cute and then the third one over we have like a little library and then moving over to the very last store we do have a clothing store it looks like a thrift store and just a clothing store in general so yeah I love this a lot it almost reminds me of like Sims 2 in a way like the historics like specifically like with the clothing racks out here but yeah it's so cute I love this a lot this is a langerac family home right here and this is the cute little neighborhood that they live in so this is the Pleasant Family Home and as you can see it's very close to the original from Sims 2. so this home isn't um verbatim by The Sims 2 home but it's very similar in the way that it looks and um yeah I think it looks awesome and he did a really good job trying to like follow through with the original especially like with the bedrooms and the way they look um so yeah I look super super good and he even put a pool in the backyard which they have in the original game as well so I just wanted to say I absolutely loved this save file so so so so so much and Prince if you are watching this video or if you end up watching this video I just wanted to give you a huge big thank you and a big virtual hug for making such a wonderful save file and basically capturing the love of The Sims for us for Sims 2 Sims 3 and you know a little bit of since one and just you know putting that in Sims 4 I really love and appreciate all of your hard work and thank you so much again and I hope everyone enjoys this save file and let me know what you all think about it I hope you all have an amazing day or evening whenever you guys are watching this and again thank you so much for watching I love and appreciate every single one of you and I'll see y'all in the next one [Music] clear [Music]
Channel: Savythatsimmer
Views: 36,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: save file, sims 4 save file, sims 3, sims 2, sims 4 base game
Id: R6B1f4QUuZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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